Beh 225 complete class

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BEH 225 Complete Class All DQs ,Checkpoints and Assignments Introduction to Behavioral Science Click This Link to Get Complete Class:

BEH 225 Week 1-Appendix B - Research Methods Resources: pp. 24–35 in Ch. 1 of Understanding Psychology; Appendix B Complete Appendix B. See Materials Forum Chp 1-3 must be read to complete this. Post as an attachment. BEH 225 Week 2-Appendix C - Brain Response of Behavior Resources: Appendix C; pp. 51-67 in Ch. 2 of Understanding Psychology Complete Appendix C. Note. There are three pages in Appendix C. Complete Parts I–III to fulfill the assignment. Post as an attachment. Note. There are three pages in Appendix C. Complete Parts I–III to fulfill the assignment BEH 225 Week 2-CheckPoint - Heredity and Hormones Resource: Ch. 2 of Understanding Psychology Write a 350- to 700-word essay in which you compare and contrast the influence of heredity and hormones on human behavior. Include in your essay a discussion on the endocrine system, identification of hormones and the glands responsible for secreting them, and genetics, behavior genetics, and evolutionary psychology. Format the essay consistent with APA guidelines. Post your essay as an attachment. BEH 225 Week 3-CheckPoint - Human Intelligence Resources: Ch. 7 of Understanding Psychology Consider the following scenario: Since you are a successful college student, you have been asked by a former high school teacher to address his/her class on the topic of human intelligence. Create a presentation in Microsoft® PowerPoint® that consists of 7 to 10 slides and detailed speaker notes to addresses the following:

· What is intelligence? · Compare the early and contemporary theories of intelligence. · How do we measure intelligence? · What are the characteristics of a good intelligence test? Format citations of original works within the presentation consistent with APA guidelines. Post as an Attachment: BEH 225 Week 4-Assignment - Problem Solving Simulation Resources: pp. 273–286 in Ch. 7 of Psychology: An Introduction; Web site: Review the section in your text on problem-solving. As you review, consider the following question: Do you use a problem-solving process? Complete the activity at Answer the following questions in 100 to 200 words each: o How did you interpret the problem? o What strategy did you use and how did you evaluate your progress? o Did you encounter any obstacles while solving the problem? o Were you aware of this thought process as you worked through the problem? Write in your own words. Do not simply copy the text. Always include citations and references. Post as an attachment to the Assignments link. BEH 225 Week 4-CheckPoint - Skinner Article Resource: Ch. 5 of Understanding Psychology Write a 200- to 300-word editorial for your local newspaper summarizing Skinner’s research and contributions to psychology. You should focus on the following: · Operant conditioning · Punishment · Reinforcement Superstitious behavior BEH 225 Week 5-CheckPoint - Motivating Employees Consider the following question: Is it possible for a manager to motivate an employee? Write a 350- to 700-word paper explaining your answer in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Be sure to include an introduction, a Conclusion It is essential in this submission that you support your view with theory. Note: Not APA style. BEH 225 Week 6-Appendix D - TV Character Evaluation Resources: pp. 419–424 & 431–434 in Ch. 11 of Psychology: An Introduction; Appendix D

Complete Appendix D. Post as an attachment to the Assignments link. BEH 225 Week 6-CheckPoint - Interview Outline Submit the following (Note: Do not complete the interview only create an outline). Description of interviewee o Why did you select this interviewee? (Do not identify by name your interviewee). o List of interview questions (see sample) o Permission of interviewee for the interview-just a statement by you that the interviewee agrees to this o NOT APA style. BEH 225 Week 6-CheckPoint - Personality Tests Questionnaire Resource: pp. 441-449 in Ch. 11 of Psychology: An Introduction. Complete the following test located at Write a 350- to 700-word summary of the personality assessment methods discussed in Ch. 11 of Psychology: An Introduction. You must include the following: o A discussion of how personality assessments and personality theories correspond. In other words, identify which theories relate to which assessments o Identification of the online test as either an objective or projective test. Discuss your opinion regarding the accuracy of this objective or projective type of test, and the test’s accuracy regarding your personality. Write in your own words. Do not simply copy the text. Always include citations and references. Post as an attachment to the Assignments link. BEH 225 Week 7-CheckPoint - Evaluation and Judgment Resource: pp. 561–596 in Ch. 15 of Psychology: An Introduction Review pp. 561–596 in the text. Answer the following questions in 100 to 200 words each: o What are the different ways in which we evaluate people? o How do these factors play a role in our expectations of other people? o What are the disadvantages of these expectations? Write in your own words. Do not simply copy the text. Always include citations and references. Post as an attachment to the Assignments link. BEH 225 Week 8-CheckPoint - Psychological Disorders Presentation Resource: Ch. 13 of Psychology: An Introduction

Consider the following scenario: The local community college that you work for is planning a seminar on common psychological disorders and has asked you to organize a presentation. Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation in Microsoft® PowerPoint® in which you address the following: o The various types of disorders o At least one example of each disorder o A brief explanation of the symptoms, causes, and treatment for each of your examples Format citations of original works within the presentation using APA standards. Include detailed speaker notes. Put citations in your speaker notes. Include a slide of references at the end. Post as an attachment to the Assignments link. BEH 225 Week 8-Assignment - Diagnosis and Treatment Resources: Ch. 13–14 of Psychology: An Introduction. Choose one of the psychological disorders discussed in Ch. 13. Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper in which you briefly describing the disorder and detail the current trends in diagnosis and treatment for the disorder you have chosen. Format the essay according to APA standards. Write in your own words. Do not simply copy the text. Always include citations and references. Post as an attachment to the Assignments link. BEH 225 Week 9-Capstone DQ Do you think it is necessary for a person in your field of study to learn psychology and neuroscience? Explain your answer BEH 225 Week 9-Final Project - Interview Profile Resource: pp. 213–219 in Ch. 5; pp. 225–238 in Ch. 6; pp. 330–339 in Ch. 9; pp. 441–446 in Ch. 11; and pp. 571–580 in Ch. 15 of Psychology: An Introduction; Appendix A o Interview a person you feel comfortable asking about their personality and attitudes. o Submit your Interview Profile. You must choose a person who is close to your own age, and interview that person to learn more about them. In addition to the interview, compare and contrast the responses from your interview with your own responses to the same question. You must report your findings in an informative 1,400- to 1,750-word paper, and include the following elements: o Does the interviewee remember information more accurately if he or she observes the behavior being performed or does he or she prefer to read how the behavior is performed? o Does the interviewee prefer studying in a library, or at home where there are background noises and some distractions? o Has the person you are interviewing taken the Myers Briggs test? Report the results. o Does the interviewee think these results are accurate? Why or why not? o Which experiences does this person think contributed most in the development of his or her personality? o Does this person feel that he or she is self-monitoring in regards to his or her attitudes?

How or how not? o What does the interviewee feel was the strongest influence on his or her attitudes? o What role does your interviewee think a person’s race, gender, or ethnicity play when forming that person’s personality and attitudes? o Does this person feel he or she is better at tasks when intrinsically motivated or extrinsically motivated? o Note: For the final project students should write a paper that has a narrative, not just a list of questions and answers. The narrative should compare and contrast responses to the questions and highlight relevant concepts from the text. The interview and answers to the questions are just the starting point for the paper. The point of the paper is to demonstrate your understanding of how to apply the course concepts. So you should be using and citing terminology and concepts you learned in the class. For example: the fact that your friend had an interesting childhood is only a start. How do you interpret the effect of those childhood experiences in terms of Jung, Freud or Rogers? Format your paper according to APA standards. Support your analysis by referencing concepts from the text and other sources. Post as an attachment to the Assignments link.

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