On behalf of the Arts Council of York County, welcome to the 2023 Underexposed Film Festival yc. Over the next four days, we will celebrate a decade of bringing independent short film to our community. This year, we screen films spanning five continents and 23 countries as well as films shot right here in York County.

In marriage, the tenth anniversary gift is traditionally the color of silver and made of metal. Metal symbolizes the durability and flexibility needed to sustain the union. The union between the Arts Council and our filmmakers remains strong. As we celebrate this milestone, it is very gratifying to have films in this year’s lineup from directors that have screened with us since year one. As the festival grew, we attracted filmmakers from across the country and around the world. With any long-term relationship, trust is key. We thank all the filmmakers who entrusted their films to our care. We welcome many of you here.
I will not pretend that UFFyc has not had its struggles over the years. Loss of our permanent screening facility, budgetary concerns, and covid were a true test to our durability and flexibility. As I sit here looking at this year’s trophies, silver in color and made of steel, I feel that ten years is just the beginning. This year, we screen more blocks of film than previously, and in three different locations. New filmmakers from new countries have joined our union. Most importantly, our audience continues to grow. If it were not for the support of the community both as audience members and sponsors this festival would not have endured.
As the festival moves into its second decade, I am confident that the relationships between the festival, filmmakers and audience will grow. As I step down from my role as festival director, I wish to thank the Arts Council for supporting and sustaining such an ambitious program. To the filmmakers who have supported us over the years, you have my gratitude, continued support and friendship. It is with great appreciation that I thank our audience for 10 years of support and continued interest in independent short film. Finally, I wish to thank Melanie Cooper for all the hard work, sweat, and care that has lead us to this ten year celebration. I could not have asked for a better partner and collaborator as we grew this festival together. The festival would not have endured without her.
Thank you to everyone for ten wonderful years of film. This festival will always have a special place in my heart and it will continue to have my support. To the Arts Council I wish you much success as you move into the next decade and please, save me a seat on the aisle.
Karen Collins

Block A: Hopes & Dreams 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place
Block B: Duets 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place
Block C: Bold & Beautiful 8 - 10 PM | The Mercantile HQ
Block D: Emerging 3 - 5 PM | Dina’s Place
Block F: Teen Watch Party 7 - 8:30 PM | York County Library
Block E: Kids' Watch Party 4 - 5:30 PM | York County Library
Block G: Homecoming 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place
Block H: Double Feature Jeopardy! & Family Ties 2 - 4 PM | Dina’s Place
Block I: Last Looks & Awards Ceremony 7 - 9:30 PM | Dina’s Place
Snacks and drinks available to purchase. Concessions closes after intermission. THE
Burro Alley
153 East White Street, Rock Hill, SC 29730
Food and drinks available to purchase from Jackass Cafe & Wine Bar. Please note, this is an outdoor screening. Dress for the weather.
Rock Hill Branch | Moore Room
138 East Black St. Rock Hill, SC 29730
Doors open 30 minutes before each block.
All ratings are suggested by the UFFyc. They do not reflect the opinion of the Motion Picture Association of America.
TBA Pre-screening Event | Details available on underexposedfilmfestivalyc.org


Cinema Carolina (Eligible)
Woman to Watch (Eligible)
Collegiate Student Film
Q&A Participant
Puppetry | 2022 | 13:53 min. | G

Country United States
Language English
Producer Daniel Joseph Silverman
Director Daniel Joseph Silverman
Writer Daniel Joseph Silverman
Key Cast Daniel Joseph Silverman, Jack Capellini
A new neighbor moves into Tyler and Andy's neighborhood. However he looks quite similar to a known criminal on the loose. The duo then goes on to investigate themselves.
Block F: Teen Watch Party
Friday, March 24 | 7 - 8:30 PM | York County Library
Animation | 2021 | 20:00 min.
Country Canada
Language English, Inuktitut
Executive Zacharias Kunuk, Monica Ittusardjuat, Producers Daniel Christopher, Louise Flaherty
Producers Zacharias Kunuk, Jonathan Frantz, Neil Christopher, Nadia Mike
Director Zacharias Kunuk
Writers Zacharias Kunuk and Jonathan Frantz
Key Cast Madeline Ivalu, Lucy Tulugarjuk, Jacky Qrunnut
A young shaman must face her first test—a trip underground to visit Kannaaluk, The One Below, who holds the answers to why a community member has become ill. Facing dark spirits and physical challenges, she must trust her mentor's teachings and learn to control her fear.

Narrative | 2021 | 19:15 min. | PG-13
Country Spain
Language Catalan
Producer Josep Pi
Director Sergi Marti Maltas
Writer Sergi Marti Maltas
Key Cast Abel Folk, Paula Jornet Ramon
Riera is taking a well-deserved bath when his cell phone suddenly rings. On the other side of the line is Clara, a girl who insistently tries to sell him a life insurance.

Block B: Duets
Thursday, March 23 | 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place
Animation | 2021 | 13:00 min. | PG

Country Australia
Language English
Producer Richard Chataway
Director Michael Cusack
Writer Michael Cusack
Key Cast Samuel Lau
A young soldier trying to escape the horrors of war, finds an abandoned house and within its walls the stories of what might have been.
Block G: Homecoming
Friday, March 24 | 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place
Documentary | 2023 | 05:35 min. | G
Country United States
Language English
Director Rachel S. Roff
Key Cast Whitney Alvarez, Eric Alvarez
Learn about this family of 5 as they do life through the seasons in the mountains of North Carolina in a school bus they converted to a tiny home.

Block H: Double Feature - Jeopardy! & Family Ties
Saturday, March 25 | 2 - 4 PM | Dina’s Place
Experimental | 2022 | 07:20 min. | PG-13

Country United States
Language English
Producer Vladyslav Svyrydenko
Director Vladyslav Svyrydenko
Writer Drake Woodall
Key Cast Vladyslav Svyrydenko, Roshelle Sumner, Marqus Bobesich
A brutal display of a life in isolation.
Block H: Double Feature - Jeopardy! & Family Ties
Saturday, March 25 | 2 - 4 PM | Dina’s Place
Narrative | 2022 | 09:31 min. | PG-13
Country United States
Language English
Director Andrew Huggins
Writer Andrew Huggins
Key Cast Russ A Bryan, David Garrett, Chantey Colet, Mike Payne, Dustin Vanhoose
"Cabarrus" offers a glimpse in to the life of a struggling family in North Carolina.

Block H: Double Feature - Jeopardy! & Family Ties
Saturday, March 25 | 2 - 4 PM | Dina’s Place
Narrative | 2022 | 08:12 min. | PG
Country United States
Language English
Producers Matt Keil, Brian James Crewe
Director Brian James Crewe
Writer Brian James Crewe
Key Cast Jennifer Berry, Claudio Predieri, Ella, Rebecca Bartlett, Blythe Kala
A passionate Argentine Tango dance fantasy featuring a woman exploring the sensual and dangerous possibilities presented by a potential new lover.

Block A: Hopes & Dreams
Wednesday, March 22 | 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place

Narrative | 2021 | 19:00 min. | PG-13
Country United States
Language English
David M. Night Maire, Brian Plain, Tim Preston
Director Kaya Tone
Writer Kaya Tone
Key Cast Trinity Simpson, Emily Bollman, Sawyer Wright, Eric Palmer, Rebecca Hamner, Tamara Jakos, Haiden Davis
Flung into the astral-plane, Nadia must face ancient forces in order to realize her responsibility to her homeland.
Block C: Bold & Beautiful
Thursday, March 23 | 8 - 10 PM | The Mercantile HQ
Experimental | 2022 | 03:30 min. | G
Country United States
Language English
John Williams
Director John Williams
“Can’t Nobody Hide” is the second film in a two-film series set to American Gospel Blues from the 1930s. Each film features ENinja and Joyntz from the dance crew Turf Feinz in Oakland, California. The films include, “Black Train is Coming” and “Can’t Nobody Hide.” Music by Blind Willie Johnson, "Can't Nobody Hide from God."

Block G: Homecoming
Friday, March 24 | 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place
Narrative | 2021 | 16:10 min. | R
Country United States
Language English
Producers Katie Schiller, Patrick Murray, Russell Kahn
Director Sam Max
Writer Sam Max
Key Cast Zachary Quinto, Russell Kahn
An unnamed figure picks up a young man in his car. As the two drive together, and settle into an austere rental house in the country, the details of their arrangement become guttingly clear.
Block B: Duets
Thursday, March 23 | 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place
Narrative | 2022 | 14:10 min. | PG-13

Country United States
Language English
Producers Nate Walker, Letia Solomon
Carly Rogers
Director Letia Solomon
Writer Nate Walker
Key Cast Nate Walker, Charrell Mack

An off-key couple finds out they're in over their heads after participating in a new cloning experiment to relieve their student loans.
Block B: Duets
Thursday, March 23 | 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place
Experimental | 2022 | 06:24 min. | PG
Country United States
Language English
Producers Anahita von Andrian-Werburg, Maya Marzuki Peters
Directors Anahita von Andrian-Werburg, Maya Marzuki Peters
Writers Anahita von Andrian-Werburg, Maya Marzuki Peters
Key Cast Sean Pfeiffer, Anya Susan
Breaking a long slumber, a mysterious rope leads a soul through a decaying world as he attempts to connect with another.
Block H: Double Feature - Jeopardy! & Family Ties
Saturday, March 25 | 2 - 4 PM | Dina’s Place
Narrative | 2022 | 15:13 min. | PG-13

Country United States
Language English
Marie Zeniter, Drew Ann Rosenberg, John K Anderson, Byron Werner, Susannah Blinkoff
Director Drew Ann Rosenberg
Writer John K Anderson
Key Cast Susannah B, India Carney, Cassius Willis, P. L. Brown, Paulina Nguyen, Willam Belli
In this haunting tale of hope and despair, a mother and her daughter, separated for over twenty years by race, fame, and heroin addiction, struggle to find each other before it’s too late. This modern Greek tragedy examines the sacrifices that must be made to make it to the top of the music world.

Block A: Hopes & Dreams
Wednesday, March 22 | 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place
Narrative | 2022 | 15:00 min. | PG
Country Finland
Language Finnish
Producer Nora Kuusisto
Director Elisa Kujala
Writer Tanja Lebedeff
Key Cast Tuulia Eloranta, Aamu Milonoff
Two young women decide to defy the dancing prohibition set by the Finnish government by organising a secret graduation dance in a war-torn Helsinki in 1944. Before best friends Elvi and Irja take their biggest step yet into adulthood, they must find the courage to say goodbye to one another.

Block D: Emerging
Friday, March 24 | 3 - 5 PM | Dina’s Place
Narrative | 2022 | 16:30 min. | PG-13
Country United States
Language English
Sammie Cassell, Michael Sailors, Dave Harlequin, Darren W. Conrad, John Sexton, Jerry Keys, Jeffrey Cochran, Kimberly Huffstetler, Angela DuBois
Director Robert W. Filion

Writer Brad Hord
Key Cast Ella Grace Misenheimer, Jay Cohen, Michael Sailors, Donnelle Lipsey, Amie Henry, Dana McBride, Sammie Cassell, Dustin Walker
Abby Carlson is AB Negative and immune from a deadly virus that is sweeping the globe. She is on the run from The Devils, a band of AB Negative thugs that will take anything and anyone they want.
Block G: Homecoming
Friday, March 24 | 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place
Experimental | 2021 | 02:28 min. | PG
Country United States
Language English
Producer Gwendolyn Audrey Foster
Director Gwendolyn Audrey Foster
Writer Gwendolyn Audrey Foster
"Dreaming in Aspect Ratio" is a hand-made diary film and experiment in disrupted stereoscopy; an adopted "found" home movie. A playful queer self-portrait in found dream memories; an experimental documentary and Surrealist détournement, bright colors collaged with black and white imagery of the joy of female friendships evoke dreaming and reverie; a lost queer childhood regained through the magic of cinema, disrupting typical self-portraiture and auto-ethnography.

Block C: Bold & Beautiful
Thursday, March 23 | 8 - 10 PM | The Mercantile HQ
Narrative | 11:19 min. | G
Country United States
Language English
Producers Xingyi Jiang, Yan Hua
Director Hsiao Hsia Huang
Writer Lucy Choi
Mr. Ren is an introvert and traditional Chinese father. After his American-born son decided to donate his heart out to others after he died, Mr. Ren leaves his home and temporarily stays in a motel. One day, he meets this young boy who claims he got heart transplant from this Chinese guy.

Block D: Emerging
Friday, March 24 | 3 - 5 PM | Dina’s Place
Narrative | 2022 | 15:00 min. | G
Country United States
Language English
Producer Anil Dhokai
Director Rodney Stringfellow

Writer Rodney Stringfellow
Key Cast Karen Abercrombie, Amahri Snipes
At a large family gathering after a funeral, an older woman confronts an awkward young man she doesn’t recognize. In order to reveal his identity, she forces him to use a haunted typewriter that will only type the truth.
Block H: Double Feature - Jeopardy! & Family Ties
Saturday, March 25 | 2 - 4 PM | Dina’s Place

Experimental | 2021 | 06:15 min. | R
Countries Republic of Korea, Germany, United States
Language No Dialogue
Producer Fabian Driehorst, Chaerin Im
Director Chaerin Im
Writer Chaerin Im
Exploration of masculinity begins with the Minotaur, a mythical creature Picasso used to portray himself in his etching print series. The Minotaur goes through a violent struggle between being male and female. Finally, lines blur and boundaries of sexes disappear.
Block C: Bold & Beautiful
Thursday, March 23 | 8 - 10 PM | The Mercantile HQ
Narrative | 2022 | 12:27 min. | PG
Country United States
Language English
Kristine Scruggs, Jim McQuaid

Director Jim McQuaid
Writer Kristine Scruggs
Key Cast Heather Shore, Berklee Axford, David Henderson, Jessenia Mills, Andrew Farmer, Ollie Mann, Brilyn Johnston, Sunny Read
A mom wakes up and makes a decision - whether or not to look at her phone. What follows is two versions of the same day, exploring how this small difference affects her interactions with her teenage daughter, Lina, and sets off a cascade of events.
Block H: Double Feature - Jeopardy! & Family Ties
Saturday, March 25 | 2 - 4 PM | Dina’s Place
Narrative | 2022 | 14:06 min. | PG-13
Country United States
Language English
Diana Jacobsen
Director Emily McDougall
Writer Emily Baker
Key Cast Kyra Wisely, Payton Hubert

When her teenage sister starts showing interest in a much older, more dangerous man, Rowan must decide between getting involved, or keeping her sisters secret.
Block D: Emerging
Friday, March 24 | 3 - 5 PM | Dina’s Place
Narrative | 2022 | 10:20 min. | PG
Country United States
Language English
Producers Brian James Crewe, Matt Keil
Director Brian James Crewe
Writers Brian James Crewe, Matt Keil, Joe Holt, Amy Sloan, Mario Rivas
Key Cast Joe Holt, Amy Sloan
Martin and Cassandra’s promising second date takes an unexpected turn when their conversation challenges personal beliefs and their assumptions about each other. By the end of the night both will find they are living in a world much different than what they believed it to be.

Block G: Homecoming
Friday, March 24 | 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place
Narrative | 2022 | 22:00 min. | PG
Country United States
Language English
Edwin FrankO
Director Edwin FrankO
Writer Edwin FrankO
Key Cast Edwin FrankO, Serena Khan Cuevas, Marc Reign, Martin Chan, Rhys Green
Passion and purpose collide as Gio tries to find himself within complicated family dynamics.
Block C: Bold & Beautiful
Thursday, March 23 | 8 - 10 PM | The Mercantile HQ
Animation | 2022 | 11:50 min. | G

Country Portugal
Language Portuguese
Producer Rodrigo Areias
Director Laura Gonçalves
Writer Laura Gonçalves
On a hot August afternoon, the family gathered at the table remembers uncle Botão: the Colonial War, emigration to France, where he lived and worked thirty years as a garbage man. Memories of each are crossed to tell the story of a man who lived a hard life through humor and fantasy, like when he returned to Belmonte, in a van full of trash, turned into a real treasure.
Block I: Last Looks
Saturday, March 25 | 7 - 9:30 PM | Dina’s Place
Animation | 2022 | 14:08 min. | PG

Country Portugal
Language Portuguese
Producers Agnė Adomėnė, Rodrigo Areias, David Doutel, Vasco Sá
Directors Vasco Sá, David Doutel
Writers David Doutel, Vasco Sá
A Garrano horse is forced to pull a heavy load under a blazing sun. Young boy Joel discovers a man who is about to set a forest on fire.
Block H: Double Feature - Jeopardy! & Family Ties
Saturday, March 25 | 2 - 4 PM | Dina’s Place
Documentary | 2022 | 10:37 min. | G
Country United States
Language English
Director Elizabeth Love
Key Cast Hannah Donelan, Renee Fletcher, Faith Fosco, Mary Fosco, Elizabeth Johnson, Anya Lei Koza, Elizabeth Love, Caroline Puchek, Maddie Puchek, Allison Quinn
"The Gift" shares the perspectives of 10 young Chinese American women, who were adopted from China from 1998 to 2001 during China’s one-child policy, which was implemented in 1979 and discontinued in 2016.

Block D: Emerging
Friday, March 24 | 3 - 5 PM | Dina’s Place
Narrative | 2021 | 17:50 min. | PG
Country United States
Language English
Producer Darce Cruea
Director Mitch Hudson
Writers Mitch Hudson, Stephen Dean
Key Cast Nico Ford, Tyler Cain, Joe Geracie, Peyton Whetstone, Cameron Eubanks, Michael Thomas, Connor Powers, Luke Dampier
In the 1960s, a group of high school buddies decide to climb their local water tower... Based on a true memoir, and produced in loving memory of Steve Cruea and Jim "Turd" Swanson.

Block H: Double Feature - Jeopardy! & Family Ties
Saturday, March 25 | 2 - 4 PM | Dina’s Place
Narrative | 2022 | 15:28 min. | G
Country United States
Language English
Producer Strawhouse Pictures
Director Anil Dhokai
Writer Anil Dhokai
Key Cast Sarah Villalobos, Stephanie Lindsay, Dianne Paukstelis, Annette Saunders, Joyce Kernodle, Arthur Lightbody
A granddaughter sorts through a hat collection left behind by her recently deceased grandmother. Upon trying them on, she discovers that the hats give her the ability to peer into her grandmother's memories.

Block G: Homecoming
Friday, March 24 | 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place
Animation | 2022 | 07:02 min. | G
Countries Norway, Germany
Language German, Norwegian
Producers Fabian Driehorst, Lillian Løvseth
Director Marita Mayer
Writer Marita Mayer
Key Cast Frede Mayer-Gulliksen, Katharina Welzl, Justus Raphael Velte, Jens Jonathan Gulliksen
During a game of hide and seek Vanja leaves the bright living room and enters a dimly lit courtyard, which has far too many dark corners, weird shadows and strange noises. To overcome the fear, Vanja turns into a dangerous tiger!

Block E: Kids' Watch Party
Friday, March 24 | 4 - 5:30 PM | York County Library
Experimental | 2022 | 12:10 min. | PG
Country United States
Language English
Producers Ben Glickstein, Dean Taucher, Gabrielle Lansner
Director Gabrielle Lansner
Writer Tiffiney Davis
Key Cast Pat Hall, Dahsir Hausif, Tiffiney Davis
A mother and son respond to the unending killings of Black Americans amidst the backdrop of the protests that followed the death of George Floyd. Dance and archival photographs are woven together to evoke fear, outrage, and anger and the need for communities to come together and find solutions.

Block G: Homecoming
Friday, March 24 | 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place
Animation | 2022 | 14:00 min. | PG

Country Portugal
Language No Dialogue
Producers Bruno Caetano, Michaël Proença
Director João Gonzalez
Writer João Gonzalez
NOMINEE | 95th Academy Awards
Every day, a father and his son jump with a parachute from their vertiginous cold house, attached to a cliff, to go to the village on the ground, far away where they sell the ice they produce daily.
Block B: Duets
Thursday, March 23 | 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place
Documentary | 2021 | 31:15 min. | PG

Country United States
Language English
Producers Cheryl Bookout, Cheri Gaulke, America Young, Stacy Sweeting
Directors Cheryl Bookout, Cheri Gaulke
Writers Cheryl Bookout, Cheri Gaulke
Key Cast Jeff G. Hafler
Enter a pastel dreamland of 3,000 vintage beauty artifacts in the desert community of Joshua Tree, California and meet "America's hairstorian" Jeff Hafler as he struggles to keep his roadside attraction afloat during a remarkable year that changes his life and the lives of his husband and son.

Block A: Hopes & Dreams
Wednesday, March 22 | 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place
Documentary | 06:00 min. | PG
Director Jim Carson
Language English
Writer Jim Carson
Key Cast Annette Saunders, Jonathan Stephens, Paul Gibson
The food police crash a party.
Block H: Double Feature - Jeopardy! & Family Ties
Saturday, March 25 | 2 - 4 PM | Dina’s Place
Experimental | 2022 | 05:00 min. | G

Country United States
Language Spanish
Director Hart Ginsburg
Recently, we visited in Tokyo and Kanagawa, Japan. Years have passed since living there, so naturally memories revisited us - the everyday movements: the trains, local markets, homemade tofu, and seemingly ubiquitous interactions with others. Without deliberate intention to film, only traveling with a cell phone and notepad, a dangerous thought emerged: Why not visit the infamous Shibuya intersection? We traveled there to take stills, then footage. Thoughts of intersections were an impetus with related associations to themes of “intersectionality” - in how we hold various identities depending upon contextual, environmental and other variables. But then we might ask, where do these identities or intersections of our lives lead us to next?
Block C: Bold & Beautiful
Thursday, March 23 | 8 - 10 PM | The Mercantile HQ
Documentary | 2021 | 09:20 min. | G
Country Kenya
Language English
Producer Wanzilū Maingi
Director Ng'endo Mukii
Writer Njeri Mereka

Key Cast Njeri Mereka
Kesho Pia Ni Siku is a story of rebirth. It means “Tomorrow is Another Day.” Njeri Mereka is a smooth-talking, hymnsinging, 67 year old grandmother who runs her small boutique, Kanyoko Fabrics and Designs in Nairobi. She retells how she unintentionally started her business from the boot of her 1990 Toyota Corolla, survived a market fire, the social alienation of divorce, and the economic calamities of Kenya, to become independent as a business woman, and face another day.
Block C: Bold & Beautiful
Thursday, March 23 | 8 - 10 PM | The Mercantile HQ
Puppetry | 2022 | 04:20 min. | PG-13

Country United States
Language No Dialogue
Director Cole Frederick
Writer Cole Frederick
In a place forgotten by man, before the primordial forces that bind the universe settled, time stood still. Hidden in endless sacrifices, a god spoke back. Dreams became plagued by The Yellow Sign and within these maddening dreams, they slowly found order, they found a purpose. They need their King.
Block H: Double Feature - Jeopardy! & Family Ties
Saturday, March 25 | 2 - 4 PM | Dina’s Place
Narrative | 03:34 min. | G
Director Jim Carson
Language English
Writer Jim Carson
Key Cast Jim Carson, Annette Saunders
Technology is scarier than Kubrick envisioned.
Block B: Duets
Thursday, March 23 | 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place
Animation | 2022 | 03:43 min. | PG-13

Country France
Language No Dialogue
Directors Lucy Mazars, Aurélien Pascal, Clara Roussel, Thomas Kinowski
Carla Borscia, Amish Jain, Joris Bourgouin
In Sète, in a small restaurant, Viviane the cook prepares a Tielle contest. In the stress of the preparation, she has to deal with the betrayal of her delivery man Jacquie and the rebellion of her main ingredient. A chase starts in the kitchen.
Block C: Bold & Beautiful
Thursday, March 23 | 8 - 10 PM | The Mercantile HQ
Animation | 2022 | 12:59 min. | G
Country Belgium
Language English
Director Britt Raes
One day, out of nowhere, a giant Rock lays in the middle of the peaceful little village where Luce lives. The villagers can’t even open the door to their houses anymore! Luce is angry: go away Rock, you don’t belong here! And why are you here anyway?
Block E: Kids' Watch Party
Friday, March 24 | 4 - 5:30 PM | York County Library
Experimental | 2020 | 08:00 min. | PG-13
Countries Austria, Hungary
Language German
Daniel Moshel, Eugen Klim
Daniel Moshel
Daniel Moshel, Eugen Klim
Key Cast August Schram, Elfie Wunsch, Sira Topic, Thomas Weinhappel, Michael Schertenleib, Alessandro Bressanello, Selina Ströbele, Emem Augendopler
The third part of the internationally award-winning MeTube short film series. This time the intergalactic music nerds August and Elfi conquer the opera stage and orchestrate their final adventure in an opulent manner.

Block C: Bold & Beautiful
Thursday, March 23 | 8 - 10 PM | The Mercantile HQ
Puppetry | 2022 | 09:07 min. | G
Country United States
Language No Dialogue
Linda Wingerter, Alex Griffin, Jessica Simon
Director Linda Wingerter
Writer Linda Wingerter
A quiet bus ride turns into an aural nightmare for a book-reading commuter. With every stop the bus fills with people and sounds, becoming a chaotic cacophony joyful to everyone but her. Only when the bus reaches her seaside destination do we discover she is not the average commuter.
Block I: Last Looks
Saturday, March 25 | 7 - 9:30 PM | Dina’s Place

Documentary | 2022 | 29:00 min. | PG-13
Country Netherlands
Language Dutch
Producer Richard Valk
Director Douwe Dijkstra
Writer Douwe Dijkstra, Abdiwahab Ali
How can you understand a violent past? Somali-born Abdi is furniture designer and support worker. He reenacts his life, marked by war and criminality, with the help of his neighbour and filmmaker Douwe. Through playful reconstructions in a special effects studio, Abdi and Douwe embark on a candid and investigative journey through a painful history, focusing on the creative process throughout.

Block B: Duets
Thursday, March 23 | 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place
Documentary | 2021 | 03:17 min. | G
Country United States
Language English
Producer Kim Brattain
Director Chelsea Engle
Writer Corey Stewart
The Nest Academy of Charlotte, N.C., provides immigrant children with the emotional and academic security they need to grow and thrive as scholars and citizens. The goal of Kim Brattain Media was to convey the compelling story of these children, the trauma they have overcome, the obstacles they face daily, and the small, privately-funded school that strives to replace heartbreak with hope.

Block F: Teen Watch Party
Friday, March 24 | 7 - 8:30 PM | York County Library
Puppetry | 2021 | 15:57 min. | PG-13
Countries State of Palestine, Germany, Jordan, Qatar
Language Arabic
Producers Fabian Driehorst, Jessica Neubauer, Saleh Saleh
Director Ahmad Saleh
Writer Ahmad Saleh
Key Cast Hiam Abbass, Salma Saleh, Rafia H. Oraidi
The dust of war keeps the eyes sleepless. Night brings peace and sleep to all the people in the broken town. Only the eyes of the mother of the missing child stay resilient. Night has to trick her into sleeping to save her soul.

Block H: Double Feature - Jeopardy! & Family Ties
Saturday, March 25 | 2 - 4 PM | Dina’s Place
Animation | 2022 | 08:20 min. | G
Countries Portugal, France
Language Portuguese
Vanessa Ventura, Nuno Amorim, Fabrice Dugast, Jean-François Le Corre, Pedro Medeiros, Humberto Rocha
Director Mónica Santos
Writer Mónica Santos
Key Cast Gilberto Oliveira
A political musical film about a Pink Jacket that always has something up his sleeve. In the comfort of his home, Casaco Rosa uses couture and torture to stitch up the opponents of the system.

Block A: Hopes & Dreams
Wednesday, March 22 | 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place
Animation | 2022 | 04:05 min. | G
Countries Bosnia, Herzegovina
Language No Dialogue
Producer Mladen Đukić
Director Sandra Marić
Writer Sandra Marić
Key Cast Sandra Marić
Rainboy and his raining cloud annoy passers-by from the very beginning of the story - nobody wants to be wet. He starts a journey and finds his purpose - he and his cloud will travel and do good. Unselfishly giving help to others has its price - his cloud dries out. Fortunately, he meets a girl with a similar cloud and when he shows her how to do good, a rainbow-like bond emerges and his power to do good returns.

Block E: Kids' Watch Party
Friday, March 24 | 4 - 5:30 PM | York County Library
Documentary | 2022 | 09:18 min. | G
Country United States
Language English
Director John Akre
Ordella Walker and Amy Stolee, schoolteachers from rural Minnesota, took a trip by train in 1933 that expanded their picture of the world around them. Ordella documented that trip in a scrapbook and Amy's grandson John made this movie about that scrapbook.

Block A: Hopes & Dreams
Wednesday, March 22 | 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place
Animation | 2022 | 08:38 min. | PG

Country Switzerland
Language French
Producer Sophie Laskar-Haller
Director Jonathan Laskar
Writer Jonathan Laskar
Key Cast Robert Bogdan Hatisi, Emmanuel Laskar, Samuel Müller
An antique music instrument dealer recieves a magical vinyl record from a traveller: “It reads your mind and plays your lost memories.” Obsessed by this endless record, the antique dealer listens to it again and again, and the memories reemerge until one last and most painful memory is revealed: how he got separated from his mother on the Swiss border during World War II.
Block F: Teen Watch Party
Friday, March 24 | 7 - 8:30 PM | York County Library
Experimental | 2022 | 09:20 min. | PG
Country United States
Language English
Producer Shannon Silva
Director André Silva
Writer André Silva
Fragments of a collective post-human dream construct a world that straddles hyper-technological, mythological, and ecological dimensions.
Block G: Homecoming
Friday, March 24 | 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place
Experimental | 2021 | 04:54 min. | PG

Country United States
Language No Dialogue
Producers Caitlin Gray, Allan James Paug
Director Caitlin Gray
Writer Caitlin Gray
Key Cast Hailey Rose Walsh, Darvensky Louis
A woman is haunted by the memory of her lost love.

Block B: Duets
Thursday, March 23 | 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place
Animation | 2023 | 07:43 min. | PG
Country United States
Language English
Director Forest Rain
Key Cast Aiste Vaiciunaite, Anthony Strangeweather
Spearheading the search for sentient life on other worlds is the job of Odyssey 1, solo space pilot and explorer. His boots-on-the-ground mission takes him to a barren land inhabited by the ruins of an ancient civilization. As the night approaches, melodic tones illuminate the forsaken dunes, welcoming their guest with visions of a mysterious feminine presence, one whose existence is seemingly tied to the planet’s past. The line between dream and reality is blurred as Odyssey 1 is drawn into her caverns below the surface like a moth to a light. He soon discovers that he’s been selected to be part of something greater.
Block H: Double Feature - Jeopardy! & Family Ties
Saturday, March 25 | 2 - 4 PM | Dina’s Place
Narrative | 2022 | 29:56 min. | PG-13
Country France
Languages French, Spanish
Producer Adeline Le Dantec
Director Elvira Barboza
Writer Elvira Barboza
Key Cast Alicia Debruyne, Soledad Romero, Rafael Bianciotto, Daniel Tabet
1986, in a village in France. Natalia, of Argentinean origin, is 11 years old when she discovers strange scars on her father's body. From then on, the shadow of the past hangs over the daily life of the little girl, whose childish gaze questions exile and the adult world.

Block D: Emerging
Friday, March 24 | 3 - 5 PM | Dina’s Place
Experimental | 2020 | 05:37 min. | G
Language English
Producer Phyllis Bulkin Lehrer
Director Phyllis Bulkin Lehrer
Writer Phyllis Bulkin Lehrer
"The Shape of the Land" is an animated illustrated poetic text that uses words and image as well as voice to convey a personal/political/environmental philosophy. It is a longer form work that relates to a series of short animations I have been recently posting on Instagram. The 2D animation is drawn frame by frame on a digital screen but is done in the spirit of the direct drawing on film technique that was used by many animation pioneers. It is meant to be a visual work that functions as a painting in motion.

Block F: Teen Watch Party
Friday, March 24 | 7 - 8:30 PM | York County Library
Animation | 2022 | 15:00 min. | PG

Country Estonia Language No Dialogue
Producers Erik Heinsalu, Aurelia Aasa
Director Sander Joon
Writer Sander Joon
Father and his son are losing the folkrace. In order to win, a boy turns himself into a car tire. Loosely inspired by the director's childhood, Sierra pulls us into the surreal car racing world.
Block C: Bold & Beautiful
Thursday, March 23 | 8 - 10 PM | The Mercantile HQ
Animation | 2022 | 04:30 min. | PG

Country France
Language No Dialogue
Director TEAM SNAX
Three domestic lizards will have to survive against a cute but ravenous salamander.
Block D: Emerging
Friday, March 24 | 3 - 5 PM | Dina’s Place
Narrative | 2022 | 19:40 min. | PG-13
Country United States
Language English
Producer Kristin Loudis
Director Kristen Wolf
Writer Kristen Wolf
Key Cast Ethan Fletcher Daly, Eli Weadley, Burke Brown, Ilasiea Gray, Joseph Tabano
A non-binary child struggles to find the perfect Father's Day gift for their disapproving dad.
Block I: Last Looks
Saturday, March 25 | 7 - 9:30 PM | Dina’s Place
Animation | 2022 | 06:40 min. | G
Country France
Language No Dialogue
Marie Bordessoule, Adriana Bouissie, Nadine De Boer, Elisa Drique, Chloé Lauzu, Vincent Levrero, Solenne Moreau
Living in the forest, little spider Temi dreams of catching the Moon. For that, she will do anything.

Block A: Hopes & Dreams
Wednesday, March 22 | 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place
Block E: Kids' Watch Party
Friday, March 24 | 4 - 5:30 PM | York County Library
Narrative | 2022 | 16:53 min. | PG-13
Country United States, France
Language French
Producer Melissa Jo Peltier
Director John Gray
Writer John Gray
Key Cast Margot Luciarte, Lassana Lestin, Dee Lay Cherod, Cédric Weber
What seems like a simple assignment for a spy to keep tabs on an Iranian defector becomes a more complicated game of cat and mouse in the streets of Paris.

Block I: Last Looks
Saturday, March 25 | 7 - 9:30 PM | Dina’s Place
Animation | 2022 | 03:53 min. | PG-13
Country France
Language No Dialogue
Directors Emmanuel Kurukulasuriya, Lucile Mangenot, Raphaël Jolivet, Ilowna Lust, Alexandre Canivet, Mélodie Tanier, Diane Nuty, Dimitri Besnard
Near the Omo river in Ethiopia, a boy’s coming of age ceremony is about to be ruined by an armed group thus taking away his innocence.

Block D: Emerging
Friday, March 24 | 3 - 5 PM | Dina’s Place
Animation | 2021 | 10:00 min. | G
Country Norway
Language No Dialogue
Producer Ulvenfilm AS
Director Natalia Malykhina
Writer Natalia Malykhina
A little polar bear Ursa is alone in the cold dark Arctic and looking for his mum. He walks through a blizzard, through icy cold tundra and sharp ice hummocks, towards the northern lights and the magic song in hope to find his mother. After many challenges he comes to the edge of the earth. In front of him is only the sea and the northern lights. And there in the distance, in the northern lights he sees his mum!

Block E: Kids' Watch Party
Friday, March 24 | 4 - 5:30 PM | York County Library

Animation | 2022 | 10:05 min. | PG-13
Countries United States, Kenya, United Republic of Tanzania
Language Swahili
Producers Tran Diem Ma, Alex Alvarez, Miguel Ortega
Director Miguel Ortega
Writer MIguel Ortega, Tran Ma
Key Cast Janeth Makungu, Rosallea Kinyl, Goodluck Gabriel
An African fable of sisterhood, envy and ancient evil.
Block G: Homecoming
Friday, March 24 | 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place
Narrative | 2021 | 15:00 min. | PG-13
Country France, Lebanon
Language Arabic
Producer Coralie Dias
Director Dania Bdeir
Writer Dania Bdeir
Key Cast Khansa
A Syrian migrant working as a crane operator in Beirut volunteers to cover a shift on one of the most dangerous cranes, where he is able to find his freedom.

Block A: Hopes & Dreams
Wednesday, March 22 | 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place
Narrative | 2021 | 09:22 min. | PG-13
Country United States
Language English
Melissa Jo Peltier, PGA, John Gray
Director John Gray
Writer John Gray
Key Cast Alicia Hannah, Sebastian Roché, Jack Lonergan
The brilliant designer of smart houses leaves a posthumous surprise for his widow.

Block G: Homecoming
Friday, March 24 | 7 - 9 PM | Dina’s Place
Animation | 2022 | 06:49 min. | PG
Countries United States, China
Language Mandarin Chinese
Director Xingyu Gu
Writer Xingyu Gu
Several years after her grandfathers had passed away, a young woman recollects her memories of them.
Block D: Emerging
Friday, March 24 | 3 - 5 PM | Dina’s Place
Narrative | 2022 | 14:05 min. | G

Country United States
Language English
Producers Eden Lee, Gavin Harwell, Johanna Riley
Director Trey Riley
Writer Trey Riley
Key Cast Lacey Caroline, Camila Escobar
It's a Friday night in the summer of 98'. For two teen girls, tonight is everything. Because tomorrow, it all changes.
Block F: Teen Watch Party
Friday, March 24 | 7 - 8:30 PM | York County Library