Yoga & Spa Magazine July/Aug 2018 Anti-Aging Issue

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Top 3 Anti-Aging Benefits from Floatation Therapy Floatation therapy, or Floating, is a fabulous way to relax, to detox, and just to look and FEEL better. Simply floating effortlessly on the surface of highly salinated water for an hour can have numerous health benefits, but today, we are going to focus on the top three benefits specifically for defying the aging process! 1.) Reduction of Aches and Pains: Being suspended in the salt water solution allows the body to experience absolutely NO pressure from the pull of gravity, which is something we cannot normally escape living on this planet! Also, the Magnesium Sulfates in the body temperature salt water allows the muscles to relax and joints to loosen, giving your body a much needed break from tension, aches, and pains.

2.) Detoxification of the Body: Floating brings the body out of the “fight or flight” state and into the state of “rest and digest.” We can only get to this restorative neurological state by getting the body fully relaxed. The magnesium

allows for this relaxation and the sulfates in the Epsom Salt increase the liver’s ability to produce bile, which transports toxins from the liver to the intestines, where they are eventually removed from the body. The more bile we have flowing, the more effectively we will flush those harmful toxins out of our livers and bodies! Healthy livers = Healthy bodies.

3.) Stress Reduction: The magnesium in the epsom salt does more than just relax muscles: It is often referred to as the “stress elixir,” known to be the most powerful relaxation mineral that exists. With our fast food lifestyle diets, excess alcohol, salt, coffee, sugar, and phosphoric acid (found in soda), the majority of people are deficient in this mineral. We are not getting enough of it in our food and stress burns up this valuable nutrient, necessary for over 300 different functions in our bodies! Magnesium helps us to reduce our stress levels. Without it, we become more anxious, irritable, depressed, restless, and even experience headaches, which adds even more stress. Get more of this “feel good mineral” through the relaxing indulgence of floating!

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One last added bonus is that the salt water also conditions your hair and skin, leaving them feeling silky smooth after your float! Floating is a whole body therapy that helps the body in numerous ways. By relieving aches, pains, toxins, and stress, we give the body the space it needs to naturally begin its own healing process, which in turn, turns back the hands of time and improves how we look and feel. Book a float today at Serenity Now Float Spa and experience the natural and unique anti-aging benefits that only floatation therapy can offer. Come on in to get your “Serenity Now”! Call or go online: 636-165-0104

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