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Casa San Pablo Clay Storytellers


At Casa San Pablo, we create terracotta clay storytellers because we belive in and celebrate the power of storytelling. Stories Can be funny, poignant, touching, disturbing, long, short, and even boring. But all stories bring us together. Connect us, bind us, and give our lives meaning. Our Clay Storytellers are inspired by Cochiti Pueblo Clay Storytellers, Oaxacan and Peruvian clay figures but given a decidedly Filipino flavor because Filipinos are wonderful storytellers and we have great stories to tell.- An Mercado- Alcantara An Mecado- Alcantara is a clay artisan, writer and innkeeper. She sends off every piece with a few words on little cards


CSP Storyteller Catalogue

September 19, 2015

CSP Tablet Catalogue

September 19, 2015

CSP Santita Catalogue

September 18, 2015

CSP Vases Catalogue

September 15, 2015