YMAC Annual Report 2013

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Chief Executive Officer’s Report (Cont...) Yamatji Connection Project

Preservation Evidence

Following the completion of the Pilbara

Preservation evidence is the holding of early

Connection Project in 2012, the Yamatji

evidence of elderly or ill native title claimants.

Connection Project is progressing strongly after

Unfortunately, with the claims process getting

an intensive research phase. YMAC is starting to

longer and more complex, it is becoming urgent

present connection and research to native title

for some native title groups to participate in such

Consumer Protection for Traditional Owners

groups in the Yamatji region and we expect this

hearings. During the reporting period, YMAC

progress to continue in the year ahead.

During the reporting period, YMAC has needed

facilitated preservation evidence hearings for

to dedicate considerable time and resources to

In the Pilbara Region, considerable work is still

Badimia and Kariyarra native title claim groups.

minimise the damage done to native title claim

being undertaken for unclaimed areas and to

This process takes a lot of time and can be stressful

groups by private agents seeking to represent

resolve overlap issues. For further detail please

for some participants. YMAC acknowledges the

individual members of the group, without the

refer to the Research and Heritage Update.

great effort of all those involved.

wider support of the community. This has caused

Geraldton Alternative Settlement Agreement (ASA)


a great deal of distress to community members

Over the last 12 months significant progress

reached with the State, it is sometimes necessary

was made in the Geraldton ASA negotiations

to resort to litigation. The State Government has

despite a lack of cooperation from the WA

warned that they expect to litigate more claims

State Government.

in the future which will be more expensive, time

YMAC has worked closely with the National

consuming and will put considerable strain on

Native Title Council to push for regulatory

Elders and other key witnesses.

changes to support consumer protection

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the three groups represented by YMAC, plus

Where a consent determination cannot be

locations out on country and in Perth. YMAC also acknowledges the Elders who have passed away since the Badimia and Banjima claims were lodged in 1998.

and threatened to undermine the hard work done over many years to achieve recognition of native title. In some cases, it has also risked breaching native title agreements.

for Traditional Owners. This issue will be

the separately represented Widi and Mullewa

The Banjima and Badimia native title groups

Wajarri groups, to commit to working together

experienced these challenges with their claims

to settle these claims with the State. The native

going to trial during the reporting period.

title groups have reached agreement on a

I would like to acknowledge the hard work

heritage protocol and for the preparation of a

and dedication of the Traditional Owners who

Raising YMAC’s International Profile

comprehensive agreement that draws upon

contributed to and participated in these trials,

This year YMAC was fortunate to have an

work done in Victoria for similar matters.

which ranged over many months and several

opportunity to meet with Indigenous peoples

Yamatji Marlpa ANNUAL REPORT 2013 I 16

addressed by the Review of Native Title Representative Bodies and we look forward to the Commonwealth Government’s response.

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