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As a chair frame is a symmetrical object, you should draw half of it and then make a mirror copy. 1. Use command LAYERS (la) to create new layers AXIS, CURVE, SURFACE and SURFACE2. Set layer AXIS current. 2. Draw contour of the chair frame side perimeter using commands LINE and ARC.

3. Rotate drawn perimeter in space. Command: rotate3d Select objects: select all elements of drawn perimeter Select objects: ↓ Specify first point on axis: select point 1 (end) Specify second point on axis: select point 2 (end) Specify rotation angle or [Reference]: 90

4. Draw the underneath part of a chair frame. Command: LINE Specify first point: pick any point Specify next point or [Undo]: @0,-15 Specify next point or [Undo]: ↓ Command: ARC Specify start point of arc or[CEnter]:pick last endpoint of drawn line Specify second point of arc or [CEnter/ENd]: en Specify end point of arc: @10,-10 Specify center point of arc or [Angle/Direction/Radius]: r Specify radius of arc: 10


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