'Breath'_Ying + Xuan, The Bartlett, March GAD _ RC7

Page 45


S Player


Step 3 _ Place a structural component

Step 1 _ Configure the board

Step 5

_ Place all of your Structural Components. The first player that achieves it finish the game.

or network components




Step 2 _ Choose your mode of

Game Play

Step 6 _ Count your points

Step 4 _ Take 2 network components

The scoring system varies according to the two different gameplays. n the fist gameplay each player tries to form a network and gather the ma imum of points. way to do so is by blocking his opponent s network. n that case the score is individual since the game is highly competitive. n the second gameplay the two players cooperate in order to form their networks. Their goal is to achieve the best common score by avoiding the board tiles with the minimum value. n that gameplay the players compete each time their previous selves and try to improve their efficiency as a team by overpassing their last score.

Game Play

Figure B.11

Gameplay instruction B./// board game workshop


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