PDF Reactor

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RealObjects PDFreactor Manual

If the replaced element is applied to an HTML link, the reference URL (resolved against the base URI) is used as the content of the QR code, e.g.: <a href="http://www.realobjects.com" class="qrcode"></a>

In any other case the text content of the element is used, e.g.: <span class="qrcode"> BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:Doe FN:John TEL:+1-555-123-456 TEL;FAX:+1-555-123-457 EMAIL:johndoe@johndoe.com URL:http://www.johndoe.com END:VCARD </span>

QR Codes can be tweaked using the following CSS properties: -ro-qrcode-errorcorrectionlevel: Sets the error correction level of the QR code. Possible values are "L"(default), "M", "Q" and "H". -ro-qrcode-quietzonesize: Sets the size of the quiet (empty) zone around the QR code in modules (QR code "square" widths). The default value is 1. Possible values are 0 (no quiet zone) and positive integers. -ro-qrcode-forcedcolors: By default QR codes ar black on white. When setting this property to "none", the CSS properties "color" and "background-color" are used instead. -ro-qrcode-quality: By default The QR code is built from multiple squares. This method is fast and looks correct in print. However, in PDF viewers on screen the edges of neighboring squares may be visible. When setting this property to "high" the squares are combined into one object, ensuring a seamless look, at the cost of performance.

3.3.6 Object and Embed PDFreactor supports the "object" and "embed" elements of XHTML. You can use either element or a combination of both to embed any type of data such as for example a flash animation. The most simple code to do so is: <embed src="myflash.swf" width="256" height="256" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/>

Note: Besides flash you can also embed various other formats, e.g. movies. The data is automatically embedded in the PDF, but whether or not it is displayed depends on the formats supported by your PDF viewer.

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