A Thought is a Thought

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A Thought is a Thought

(...and here's what it's not)

What is a thought? I thought to myself. I'm thinking about thinking, now that's something else.
They happen at home, at school, and at play. Sometimes they're good thoughts, like winning a game.


sometimes they're bad thoughts that make us feel shame. Most people have some scary thoughts too.

And these thoughts just seem to come out of the blue. Some thoughts are hard to hold on to, slippery and elusive.


Some stick around too long and are really intrusive. We sit and think on those intrusive thoughts.

They can make us all worried, tie our stomach in knots. We don't want to tell anyone, not even family and friends.


I mean, what would we tell them; where to begin? We're not sure where they came from; we can't send them back.

But with all of this worry, we can't help but act! Actions take aim at reducing our worry.

We want them done right; so there's no need to hurry. We repeat these actions. They make us feel good.

But these actions to others are not understood. We call these 'compulsions'; these actions we take.

To continue to do them, well that's a mistake! We all make mistakes you just want to feel better.


Who doesn't when they're feeling all under the weather. But I'll tell you a secret, a secret to share.


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