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8. Ke een m aan vis -o zan d, deh- o-rost aa guzashtey hend! Hamaa Fravash-i asho-aan ay o-k arda hya a, ez Gay o-ma rd and aa Saoshyos, aedar yaad baad !

8. May All the Fravashis of the Saintly be remembered here collectively ! - of those that have departed from this Family, from this locality, from this City, from this Village, or from this Country ! 9. May All the F ravashis o f the foll owing Categories be collectively remembered here, from Gayomard to Saoshyos ! -those of (a) the Sai ntly, (b) the heroic, (c) t he very Virtuous, (d) the Triumphant, (e) the Prime Adherents of the Faith, and (f) the Members of the close-knit Fraternity of the Faith! 10. May the souls of (a) Fathers, (b) Mothers, (c) Grand-parents, (d) ancestors, (e) Children, (f) Persons with diverse Relationships, (g) and the Fravashis or the Realised Perfect Saintly Souls of the pious personalities of the close -knit Fraternity of Faith - may all these be remembered here collectively, - from Gayomard to Saoshyos !

9. Asho-aan Fravash, chiraan Fravash, awarvizhaan Fravash, Pirooz-garaan Fravash, paoiryo-tkaeshaan Fravash, nabaanaz-dishtaan Fravash, -i Fravashayo hamaa ayo kardahyaa ez Gayo - mard andaa Saoshyos, aedar yaad baad ! 10.Ravaan-i pedaraan maadaraan, jadegaan, ny aag aan, fraza nda an, paevan daa n, parastaaraan, nabaa - nazdish - taan. Fravash asho-aan, ayo-kardahyaa, ez Gayo-mard andaa Saoshyos, aedar yaad baad!



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