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Yathaa Ahoo Vairyo (2) Yesnem-cha, vahmemcha, aaojas-cha zavarey-cha aa-frinaami, -Ahurahey M azda o rae- vato kh varena ngh- vat o, Am esh a-n aam Spenta -na am, ash aau -na am Fravashi-naam, ughra-naam aiwi-thoora-naam, paoiryo-tkaesha-naam Fravashi-naam, nabaanazdishta-naam Fravashi-naam! Ashem Vohoo (1). (To be recited in an undertone :) Hamaa-zor hamaa-asho bed!* (recite audibly:) Atha-jamyaat yatha-aafrinaami! Humata-naam hookhta-naam hv ars hta -naa m, yad a-c haa any ada -ch aa verezyamna-naam-chaa vaa-verezana-naamchaa, - mahee aibee-jarey taaro, nae-naestaaro, yathanaa vohoo-naam mahee!

All the Good Thoughts, Benevolent, All the Words - kind, useful & true, All the Deeds wise & helpful, - done in the past, or to be done henceforth, here or anywhere else, (in the wide world). - do we assimilate these into our Being, and transmit them to others, with added strength of Goodness, - So that we may belong to the Fraternity of the Virtuous!

* GREET THE PERSON NEXT TO YOU WHEN RECITING “HAMAA ZOR HAMAA - ASHO BED” May we be together in strength, May we be righteous.



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