4000 essential english words 3

Page 158

alter [6:M v. To alter som ething means to make a small change to it. -* I altered the color o f my nails to match my hair. a s i d e [asaid]


If someone stands aside, they are on or to one side. -» The man stood aside and opened the door fo r me.


[o;tam] n.

Autumn is the season of the year between summer and winter. -♦ I love when the leaves fa ll in autum n because I can play in them.




To blend is to mix two or more things together so that they become one thing - » My wife blended together all o f the ingredients to make a delicious stew.




To collapse is to fall down suddenly. -* The tree collapsed rig h t in fro n t o f our house.

crush [krAj] v. To crush som ething is to press it together so its shape is destroyed. - » Selena’s new car was crushed when som ething fell on top o f it. C U r v e [ka:/-v] v.

To curve is to move in a line that bends and does not go straight. - * The road curves to the left and to the right.




If som ething is disgusting, it is very unpleasant. -* After running a ll day, Greg’s feet had a disgusting odor.




A drain is a pipe that carries away water from a building, such as in a kitchen. -* The water in the sink goes down the drain as you wash your hands.




To embrace is to hug. -* When they saw each other again, the happy couple embraced.

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