4000 essential english words 2

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r found

[faund] v.

To found a company or organization means to start it. -» The pilgrims founded one of the first colonies in the United States.

r invest

[invest] v.

To invest means to use money in a way that will bring a profit later. -* I invested money in a new building that should bring me a profit.

r loan

[loun] n.

A loan is the act of lending something, usually money. -»I got a loan from the bank.

r practical

[prsektikal] adj.

If something is practical, it is useful in normal life. — Learning English is practical; you can use it in many places.

r quarter [kwo:rter] n. A quarter is 25 cents. -*■He paid a quarter for the candy.

r salary [sseleri] n. A salary is how much money a person makes at his or her job. -»He got a new job with a better salary.

r scholarship

[skaleirjlp] n.

A scholarship is money given to one so they can go to school. -»I got a scholarship to help me pay for university.

r temporary

[tempered] adj.

If something is temporary, it exists for a short time. -*■This car is only temporary; I’ll get a new one soon. C


[tre3e:r] n.

A treasure is a collection of valuable things, especially jewels or gold. -* They became very rich when they found the buried treasure.

r urge

[e:/-d3] v.

To urge someone is to try very hard to get them to do something. -»■He urged them to believe his story.

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