Chinatown Looks

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The best camera is the one you have with you, and Chinatown Looks, dare I say, embodies the magic of this well-loved maxim. Inspired by Megaphone’s Hope in Shadows, we gave 21 senior and youth artists disposable cameras to document their lives in Vancouver’s Chinatown and beyond. The result is a glimpse into the possibilities of intergenerational and inter-neighbour creative expression.

「最好的相機就是你手中的那一部。」我敢說,這句廣受喜愛的格言, 其魔力在「相望 唐人街」上充分體現。受到擴音器雜誌「陰影中的希望」的啟發,我們將即棄式相機交 給二十一位長者與青年藝術家,讓他們記錄在溫哥華唐人街與周邊的生活,其結果讓 我們瞥見跨世代、跨鄰里創意表達的可能性。

In the photography workshops leading up to the Chinatown Looks exhibition, Strathcona-based documentary photographer and flmmaker Soloman Chiniquay said that, ultimately, he wants the participants to “see differently”. Free from the burdens of photographic convention, the senior and youth artists have shown us how Chinatown looks to them now and perhaps, the Chinatown they’d like to see.

在舉辦「相望唐人街」展覽之前為計劃參與者舉行的攝影工作坊,士達孔拿的攝影師、 影片創作者索羅門.祈理魁說,他希望參加者能用不同的角度看待事物。身上沒有攝影 傳統的重擔,長者與青年藝術家向我們展示他們眼中的唐人街,並也許透露了唐人街 在他們心中的可能。

Thoughtfully arranged by Sunny Chiu, the photographs in the following pages reveal a community grappling with gentrifcation, the quiet joy of the quotidian, the blurring of supposed boundaries between Chinatown and the Downtown Eastside, and the occasional charming fnger tip in frame.

在邱刀魚的細心編排下,以下頁面中的照片呈現出一個與「仕紳化」搏鬥的社區、日常 生活的寧靜美好、唐人街與市中心東端邊界的模糊,以及偶爾在照片邊際出現的可愛 指尖。

I extend my gratitude to the people of past and present who, in the face of legislated discrimination and scarcity, have stewarded Chinatown and the stolen lands our community resides on. I hope Sol and I have selected photographs that embody the beauty, struggle, and history of this ever-changing place called Chinatown.

我感謝那些過去與現在的人們,儘管面對立法導致的歧視與匱乏,仍持續守護唐人街 以及我們腳下由殖民者從原住民偷來的土地。我希望我和索羅門挑選的照片,展現了 唐人街這個不斷變遷之地所擁有的美好、掙扎和歷史。

Rachel Lau

Yarrow Intergenerational Society for Justice Programs Manager 2021 –February 2023


世代同行會項目經理 2021年至今

Rosy Wang 王曌
Li Ju Gen 李菊根
Betty Ling
Muhan Zhang 張慕含
Amy Nofech-Yang 楊以珍
cecilia wang 阿兆
Liang Xue Mei 梁雪梅
Ming Wai Chung 鍾鳴慧
Addie Chen 陳舒倩
Ada Yim 嚴詠詩
Lee Shung Lung 李盛隆
Katherine Cheng
Andrew Ha 何錦富
Wu Man 武曼
Yu Hui Yan 余惠燕
Sunny Ho 何小明
Mandy Pui 貝旻熹
Lorraine Wong 黃樂昕 & Wyatt Leung 梁 彦 浠
Chanel Huang
Wang Su Qiong 王素瓊

Artist Biographies 藝術家簡介

Betty Ling My name is Betty Ling. I have been living in Chinatown for about 20 years. I have a strong emotional attachment to Chinatown, and I hope that there could be more multicultural events and activities. I am reall y interested in Indigenous cultures. My hobbies include music, swimming, crafts, and origami. I recently learned photography from Yarrow, and I am really interested in it. I put a lot of thought into my photos this time – I even went to Richmond and Metrotown to take photos. Betty Ling 我是 Betty Ling,住在唐人街20年

左右。我對唐人街有好多感情,希望未來搞多點 多元文化的色彩。我對原住民的文化很有興趣。



以珍是 一位小學教師,剛搬到溫哥華不久。作為 一個台灣母親和猶太父親的女兒,她一直對流散 社群與社會正義的相關議題抱持興趣。這個興趣 在她 年少的時期

形成,並透過參與文化活動與 社區 營造 而持續受到滋養。作為一個終身學習 者,她將持之以恆地結合這些經驗,打造一個有 社會意識與文化回應的課堂。

trends in Vancouver’s disadvantaged communities, especially in the Downtown Eastside area. She has been learning a lot about the history of Chinatown from the stories told by our Chinese elders. The most rewarding part of being a volunteer at Yarrow is being able to connect with fellow volunteers and the seniors living in Chinatown.

Wang Zhao/Rosy Wang My name is Wang Zhao, and I used to be a doctor in China. After retirement, I immigrated to Vancouver, which is such a beautiful city. Now, I live in a senior apartment in Chinatown. I am grateful for all the people who have helped me, so I like to volunteer as a way to give back. I enjoy photography; it records the fond memories of life.

I also love traveling, seeing mountains and rivers, realizing that there are always mountains beyond mountains. I also enjoy visiting scenic spots and historical sites. I hope that everyday is different and interesting.

王曌 我的名字叫王曌,在國內是一名醫生,退休

後移民來到美麗的溫哥華。現在住在唐人街老年 公寓。我得到很多幫助,感恩所有人,所以我喜歡 做義工回報美好的生活。我喜歡攝影,讓生活留 下美好的回憶。我還喜歡旅遊,看山川看河流,看

山外有山,看名勝古跡。希望每天都是豐富多彩 的生活。

Li Ju Gen My name is Li Ju Gen. I am almost 78 years old. I am from Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, China. I moved to Canada in 2003. It has been almost 20 years since I moved here. In general, I enjoy going outside, taking pictures, photography, singing, and attending cultural and recreational community events 李菊根 我是李菊根,我快78歲。我來自中國江西 省景德鎮。我2003年來到加拿大,差不多20年

會剛學攝影,很有興趣。這次拍的照花了很多心 思,我去了列治文和 Metrotown 那裡取景。

Muhan Zhang Muhan (she/her) is the eldest of three. Born in Nanjing, she immigrated to the unceded territories of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh Nations with her parents when she was four. She works as an arts administrator and lives in East Van. You can fnd her chaotic book reviews and other writing on

張慕含 慕含是家中三位小孩中年紀最大的。她 在南京出生,四歲時與父母移民到瑪斯昆、史戈 米殊、斯裡沃特原住民從未同意割讓的領土。她 是一位藝術總監,居住於溫哥華東區。你可以在 找到她紛雜的書評與其他文 字作品。

Amy Nofech-Yang Amy is an elementary school teacher who recently relocated to Vancouver. As a daughter to a Taiwanese mother and a Jewish father, she has always been interested in learning about diasporic communities and social justice. Naturally, this interest was formed during her teenage years and continues to be cultivated as she looks for opportunities to participate in cultural events as well as community-building opportunities. As a life-long learner, she intends to continue to incorporate these experiences into creating a socially conscious and culturally responsive

cecilia wang cecilia is a queer settler on the unceded homelands of the xʷməθkʷəy əm people. she was born in beijing, grew up in singapore, and has also lived in london (england) and kelowna (the okanagan). she speaks mandarin at home and feels a sense of belonging among the sinophone diaspora, considering herself a third culture kid. she advocates for causes related to science-based sustainability and social-ecological resilience, and leads the mindfulness meditation community at ubc. she dabbles in music and visual arts, wherein lies the power of healing and bringing people together. she is learning cantonese.

阿兆 阿兆是一位在瑪斯昆原住民的家園上生活 的酷兒移居者。她在北京出生,於新加坡成長, 並曾居住於英國倫敦與奥肯那根的基洛纳。她在 家裡說中文,同時在華語語系的離散族群中感到 歸屬,認為自己是個第三文化小孩。她提倡以科 學為基礎的永續以及社會生態韌性,同時是卑詩 大學靜觀冥想社群的領導者。她徜徉於有療癒以 及聚融的力量的音樂與視覺藝術的世界中 。

Liang Xue Mei My name is Liang Xue Mei. I was born in Kaiping, China. I moved to Vancouver on January 13, 2004. I love chatting with friends and caring for others. Previously, I had a customer service job in a hotel.

鍾鳴慧 鳴慧是卑詩大學社區與區域規劃學系的 研究生。鳴慧認為在世代同行會的志工經驗 能 讓她更加深入了解 溫哥華弱勢社區(尤其是市 中心東端)的複雜社經情勢。她一直從華人長者 的故事中學到許多關於唐人街的歷史。在世代同 行會當志工最有價值 事情是 與其他志工及 唐人 街 長者建立關係。

Addie Chen Addie Chen is a new immigrant from China, living in Vancouver. She is an accountant and a nature lover.

陳舒倩 舒倩是來自中國的新移民,在溫哥華居 住。她是一名會計師與大自然愛好者。

Ada Yim Born in Hong Kong, Ada Yim (he/ she/they) grew up in the east coast before settling on the traditional and unceded territories of the xʷməθkʷəy əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx wú7mesh (Squamish), and səl ílwətaʔɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) peoples for the past 5 years. Their photography, flm, and literary work document observations and stories of intersectional complexity in hopes to connect our worldly experience to our inner worlds of spirituality and philosophy. Ada is also an Acupuncture student and astrologer.

嚴詠詩 詠詩出生於香港,在加拿大東岸長大,五 年前移居到瑪斯昆、史戈米殊、斯裡沃特原住民 傳統和從未同意割讓的領土上。詠詩以其 攝影、 影片、和文學作品 記錄自身對世界的觀察及以多 元交織性的故事,期望能將我們的外在生活經驗 連結到我們的內在的精神世界與哲學。詠詩同時 是一名針灸學徒和占星師。

Ming Wai Chung Ming Wai is a graduate student at UBC’s School of Community and Regional Planning. Ming fnds that her volunteer work at Yarrow has helped her develop an understanding of complex socioeconomic

Lee Shung Lung My name is Lee Shung Lung. I am from Taiwan. I really appreciate Yarrow’s workin helping lonely seniors and supporting elderly folks. I came to Canada in 1994, and have lived in Chinatown for almost 4 years. I

了。我平常喜歡出去玩,拍拍照,攝影,唱歌,和參 與社區文娛活動。.
梁雪梅 我叫梁雪梅。我在中國開平出生。我 2004年1月13日來到溫哥華。我喜歡跟朋友溝通, 關心別人。我之前是做服務工作,幫人開房。

love listening to music, running by the ocean, and visiting Nanaimo and Victoria.

李盛隆 我的名字是李盛隆。我來自台灣。我很感 謝世代同行會,幫忙孤單的老人,為長者服務。我 1994來到加拿大,在唐人街住了快四年了。我喜 歡聽音樂,到海邊慢跑,去納奈莫和維多利亞玩。

Katherine Cheng Katherine was born and raised in Taiwan, currently residing on the unceded territories of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh First Nations. She is a PhD student in Philosophy at UBC, and enjoys community-building, hiking, and animation.

鄭婕淩 婕淩在台灣出生長大,現居於瑪斯昆、史 戈米殊、斯裡沃特原住民從未同意割讓的領土 上。她是卑詩大學的哲學博士生,喜歡助長社區 爬山健行及 動畫。

Andrew Ha Andrew is a second-generation Chinese immigrant born and raised on the unceded territories of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh Nations. After graduating from UBC in 2022 with a degree in political science, he began working in food security and tenant advocacy. In their free time, Andrew loves to watch movies, take long walks, and try new food.

何錦富 錦富是第二代中國移民,在瑪斯昆、史戈 米殊、斯裡沃特原住民從未同意割讓的領土上出 生與長大。他在2022年從卑詩大學畢業,取到政 治學的學位。於此之後,他開始從事食品安全的 相關工作,並進行租客倡護服務。閒暇之餘,錦 富喜歡看電影、散步漫 步,並嘗試新食物。

Wu Man My name is Wu Man. I am 73 years old. I have lived in Vancouver for more than 10 years. For the past two years, I have been participating in various events organized by Yarrow. It has been great. I really appreciate Yarrow providing such a great platform for me to document beautiful moments in life. Thank you.


Yu Hui Yan/Mrs. Chan I am Mrs. Chan. I have been in Canada for 21 years. I was an elementary school teacher when I was younger. I love playing volleyball, badminton, and ping pong.


Sunny Ho My last name is Ho. My family calls me Brother Ming, because I am the eldest child in the family. My mom calls me Ming Ming, and my name is Xiao Ming. I came to Canada in 1984 as a refugee; my dad applied for it on my behalf. While living in Canada, I spent half of my time in Toronto, and half of my time in Vancouver. I love singing, and I have been volunteering to sing in a nursing home for ten years. I moved back to Vancouver in 2009. Last year, I came to know about Yarrow through my friend Peter. I felt the happiest when Yarrow staff and volunteers organized a karaoke and took us to the farmers market this past summer. We also had a Mid-Autumn Festival celebration.

何小明 我本身姓何,家里人都叫我明哥,因為 我最大。我媽叫我明明,我的名字是小明。我在 1984年當難民來加拿大,是我爸爸幫我申請的。 我住在加拿大的時候一半在多倫多,一半在溫哥 華。我的愛好是唱歌,我在養老院做義工唱歌長 達十年。我2009年的時候搬回來溫哥華,去年 從我朋友Peter 認識世代同行會。最開心就是去 年夏天的時候,同行會帶我們去唱K,到農民市 場買菜,也有舉行中秋節目。

Mandy Pui Mandy immigrated from Hong Kong in 1993, with ancestral lineages in Panyu and Ningbo, and currently lives as a settler on the unceded lands of the Musqueam, Skwxwú7mesh, and Tsleil-Waututh peoples. She supports the endowment fund needs of hundreds of charitable organizations across BC at Vancouver Foundation, and hopes to advocate for the rights, access, and well-being of all marginalized peoples. When Mandy’s not working or volunteering, you’ll fnd her running around with her daughter at a playground, traveling the world, or eating some tofu pudding.

貝旻熹 在1993年從香港移民到加拿大,其祖系 可追溯至中國番禺市與寧波市。旻熹現在以一個 移居者的身份,生活於瑪斯昆、史戈米殊、斯裡 沃特原住民從未同意割讓的領土上。她在溫哥華 基金會支持卑詩省數百個慈善組織的捐贈基金 需求,並且希望能為受到邊緣化的人們爭取權利、 機會及福祉。在工作與志工活動之外的閒暇時光, 你會看到旻熹與女兒在遊戲場奔跑、在世界各地 旅遊,或享用豆花甜品。

Lorraine Wong & Wyatt Leung Lorraine is an immigrant settler from Hong Kong, living on the unceded territories of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh Nations. She is a small business owner and works in business technology. Lorraine likes playing dodgeball and spending time outdoors. Wyatt, also an immigrant settler from Hong Kong, is Lorraine’s elder child. He is currently a Grade 4 student. Wyatt loves reading, talking about current events, and eating almost all kinds of food.

黃樂昕 & 梁 彦 浠 樂昕是來自香港的移民定居 者,居住於瑪斯昆、史戈米殊、斯裡沃特原住民 從未同意割讓的領土上。她是一位小型企業主, 工作領域為商業科技。樂昕喜歡躲避球與戶外休 閒活動。彦 浠也是來自香港的移民定居者,是樂 昕的長子。彦 浠現在是四年級的學生,喜歡閱讀、 講述當下發生的事情及 吃各種不同的食物。

Chanel Huang My English name is Chanel. I worked in the feld of Chinese medicine in China for more than thirty years. Because of my family–my father, mother, and sister have been living in Canada (my mother has lived in Vancouver for more than 20 years)–I had the opportunity to come to Vancouver Chinatown, which is a place full of warmth and love. At frst, my life here was very diffcult and disoriented. I didn’t speak English and there was a language barrier. Later, I came to know the social workers at Yarrow and received help from them. Because of their help, I was able to move on from the life of loss and confusion. Now, my life is full of confdence and happiness. Social workers took me to attend events to understand indigenous cultures and norms,

as well as the history of Chinese people in Canada. They also helped a lot of non-English-speaking seniors overcome challenges in life. Every week, there are two morning exercise activities. There are also outdoor activities suitable for seniors, as well as short excursions to visit museums and parks in different neighborhoods. The Christmas celebration every year, New Year Lanterns, food, dragon boating, crafts, art performances, and outdoor photography have enriched my life. Through outdoor photography, I was able to keep fond memories from a rich and splendid life. Yarrow is wonderful!

黃春蘭 我的英文名字是 Chanel,在中國是從事 中醫藥工作三十年。因為我的家庭,爸爸、媽媽 和姐姐在加拿大,媽媽住在溫哥華二十幾年,所 以我有機會來到這個充滿溫暖和愛心的溫哥華 唐人街。剛剛來到的時候,不會英文、語言不通, 生活無所適從,生活各方面很艱難,後來認識世 代同行會的社工幫助,讓我走出這個迷茫的生活, 社工的幫助讓我的生活充滿信心和快樂,經常帶 我去參加了解當地原住民的文化和禮儀,了解更 多的華人在加拿大生活歷史。社工們幫助很多不 會英語的長者在生活當中渡過難關。每個星期 兩次早操鍛鍊,經常組織一些適合長者的戶外活 動,參觀不同地區博物館和公園。每年的聖誕節、 新年的花燈、美食、划船、手工藝、藝術表演和戶 外拍照攝影,讓生活充實。通過戶外拍照攝影豐 富多彩的人生留下美好的回憶。有你們這個世代 同行會真好!

Wang Su Qiong My name is Wang Su Qiong and I am from Sichuan. I moved to Canada in 2007, and have lived in Chinatown for about 8 years. I love exercising, especially Tai Chi; I know all the 24 movements in Tai Chi. I also love Yarrow; this organization is great. They help seniors and also organize exercise activities.

王素瓊 我叫王素瓊,來自四川。我2007年來到

加拿大,在唐人街住了大概八年左右。我很喜歡 運動,喜歡打太極。我二十四式都會打。我也喜 歡世代同行會。這個組織很好,幫助老人,組織 做操。

武曼 我叫武曼,73歲,在溫哥華生活了十幾年。
同行會給我提供了這麼好的平台,記錄了美好的 瞬間。謝謝。
余惠燕 我是陳太,來了加拿大21年。我年輕的時

Reclaiming the Narrative Through the Act of Looking: A Conversation with Soloman Chiniquay and Rachel Lau

Interview by Rafael Zen

To celebrate Chinatown Looks, Rafael Zen interviews Soloman Chiniquay and Rachel Lau for Massy Arts, investigating what the process of documenting (one’s own life) may reveal, and how art can empower marginalized communities.

Rafael Zen: How could you explain Chinatown Looks? What is this project’s purpose? What can viewers expect from this show?

Rachel Lau: Chinatown Looks is an intergenerational disposable camera project that centres intergenerational knowledge exchange through creative expression. With the support of our lead artist and fellow neighbour Sol, the Yarrow youth and seniors were given the tools to document their lives through photography.

Chinatown and the Downtown Eastside (DTES) is often subjected to voyeurism by members outside of our community, so this project was an opportunity for us to reclaim the narrative through the act of looking. I’m excited for the community to see the neighbourhood through the creative and contemplative perspectives of our youth and seniors.

RZ: For this upcoming exhibition, Yarrow invited 10 seniors living in the DTES/ Chinatown and 11 youth connected to the neighbourhood to photograph their everyday experiences using disposable cameras. After analyzing this particular group of images, what do they tell? Is there a sense of cohesion? What did the images reveal about the experience?

Soloman Chiniquay: A lot of the images were really playful, so I think everyone had fun. There was crossover in the images between people and places at different times – the participants were all photographing each other. My observation is that the sense of cohesion across the photos was similar by design, since everyone focused on the same theme with the same cameras and flm.

Even though the seniors and youth said that they didn’t have much experience with photography, I could tell that everyone had an “eye” for photography. It was pleasantly surprising to see their beautiful slice-of-life captures, without photography technique being the main focus of the images.

RL: To me, the photos show the rapid changes that are happening in Chinatown and the impact of gentrifcation on the lives of our seniors and youth. Amidst this changing landscape, the images also tell stories of joy, intimacy, and interconnectedness. I especially enjoyed seeing the artists capture quiet everyday moments from their lives.

RZ: This project is driven by the democratization of photography that disposable cameras provide and the act of empowering marginalized peoples to

document their own lives. In that sense, how do you think art and photography can be devices of empowerment? What does this process (of documenting one's own life) reveal?

SC: Giving cameras to people who don’t normally have cameras is a good thing. The analog cameras are straightforward and participants haven’t edited the images. I think it was especially important for the artists to have cameras that weren’t phone cameras, because things get lost in digital photography much more so than analog. There is also an archival aspect to the project supported by the longer lifespan and tangibility that analog photography provides. Photographing Chinatown and the DTES might not seem like a big deal now, but it will prove to be an important window into the history of a rapidly changing neighbourhood.

RL: Historically, photography has been used to bolster colonialism and orientalism, so the reclamation of this specifc medium by our artists was deliberate. The participants of this project are not often considered artists, so it was important to show that art and photography is for everyone. For a community that is often looked at, it was time for us to do the looking.

RZ: Is it important that these images are being showcased at a gallery in Chinatown? If so, why? What dialogues do you expect to achieve between this show and its community?

SC: People who aren’t typically artists being in an art gallery is refreshing. Their voices bring new perspectives to the space.

RL: Artists and art spaces are often at the forefront of gentrifcation. The whole purpose of this project is to reclaim space in Chinatown that our seniors are often excluded from. We have no intention of replicating white-box gallery spaces though, so this showcase is all about bringing warmth and community into an art space.

My hope is that this exhibition sparks conversations about how art can be a force of connection or displacement and how more intention is needed to avoid the latter. If nothing, I hope these images inspire more care and curiosity between neighbours, so we can ask each other “what do you need to thrive?”

透過觀看的行動,奪回論述權: 與索羅門.祈理魁以及劉可莉對談

撰稿: 拉斐爾.澤恩

攝影: 劉可莉

為了慶祝「相望唐人街」的展出,馬士藝術館的拉斐爾. 澤恩訪問索羅門.祈理魁與劉可莉,探討在記錄(個人 生活)的過程中能有何揭示,以及藝術如何能為被邊 緣化的社區帶來力量。


街」?這個計畫的目的是什麼?觀眾對這 個展覽可以有何期待?

劉可莉:「相望唐人街」是一個跨世代、即 棄式相機攝影計畫,這個計畫的主旨在於 透過創意表達進行跨世代知識交流。因為 有首席藝術家、社區鄰居索羅門.祈理魁 的支持,世代同行會的青年與長者習得如 何透過攝影記錄他們的生活。 唐人街與市中心東端常常遭受社區外 的人的窺視,這個計畫讓我們有機會透過 觀看這一行動,奪回論述權。我很高興可 以讓社區有機會透過我們的青年與長者 具有創意、值得深考的視角重新看待鄰里 街坊。

拉斐爾.澤恩:為了這個即將到來的展 覽,世代同行會邀請了十位住在唐人街/市 中心東端的長者,以及十一位與社區有深 厚連結的青年,使用即棄式相機記錄他們 的日常生活體驗。在分析過他們的攝影作 品後,(你們能否分享)這些攝影作品傳

達了什麼?是否展現出某種聚合性?呈現 了什麼樣的經驗?

索羅門.祈理魁:許多影像都很俏皮有 趣,所以我覺得大家玩得很開心。不同作 品,儘管都是在不同的時間點拍攝,在人 物或地點上仍有所交集––參與者都會互 相拍照。以我的觀察,不同作品間呈現的 聚合性是活動設計的結果,因為每個人都 使用同樣的相機、同樣的底片,拍攝同樣


雖然長者與青年說他們沒有太多攝影 經驗,但我能感受到每個人都有「攝影 眼」。看到他們對於生活片段的美麗捕 捉,不以攝影技巧作為影像的焦點,令人 感到十分驚喜。



對我們的長者與青年所造成的影響。在不 斷變化的景觀中,這些影像同時訴說了各 種關於喜悅、親密、相互連結的故事。我 尤其喜歡看到藝術家們捕捉日常生活中 的寧靜片刻。


機所提供的攝影工具民主化,以及其賦予 被社會邊緣化的群眾自主記錄生活的權 力。在此意義下,你們認為藝術與攝影如 何能成為賦權的媒介?記錄自身生活的 過程又展現了什麼?

索羅門.祈理魁:將相機交給平時不太使 用相機的人們,是件好事。底片相機操作 簡易,且參與者不曾對照片進行編輯修 飾。我認為,讓藝術家們使用手機相機以 外的攝影器材這一點尤其重要,因爲底 片攝影相較之下,數碼攝影會失去更多細 節。同時,底片攝影有較長的壽命,並是 有形實體,可賦予這個計畫一個歷史記 錄的面向。拍攝唐人街與市中心東端這件 事,現在看起來可能沒什麼大不了,但是 它為人們提供一扇窗口,讓人們了解這個


劉可莉:根據歷史記錄,攝影一直被用以 支持殖民主義與東方主義,所以我們的藝 術家奪回此ㄧ媒介是有意為之的。此計畫 的參與者通常不被視為藝術家,所以展現 藝術與攝影是屬於所有人的這件事非常 重要。是時候輪到一個經常被觀看的社區 反客為主。

拉斐爾.澤恩:在唐人街展覽這些影像, 是否是件重要的事?如果是的話,為什 麼?你們期待這個展覽與其社區之間將 會激盪出什麼對話?

索羅門.祈理魁:通常不被視為藝術家的 人們在藝術館[展出作品],令人耳目一 新。他們的聲音能為這個空間帶來新的 觀點。

劉可莉:藝術家與藝術空間常常位處「仕 紳化」的前線。唐人街的某些空間經常將 我們的長者屏除於外,而這個計畫的目的 則在於奪回這些空間。然而,我們並不打 算複製藝術館常見的「白盒子空間」,而是 希望將溫暖與社區帶進藝術空間之中。 我希望這場展覽能激盪出更多對話:藝 術可使人連結的同時亦可成為迫使人流 離失所的力量,以及我們需要更用心地 去避免後者。最少,我希望這些影像能在 社區鄰居之間啟發更多關懷與好奇,所以 我們能向對方探問:「什麼能讓你活得幸 福?」

Publication design by Sunny Chiu

Translation by Katherine Cheng

Curation by Rachel Lau and Soloman Chiniquay

Photography workshops facilitated by Soloman Chiniquay

Film development and scans by Soloman Chiniquay and Nic Latulippe

Chinatown Looks was exhibited from January 17 through March 16, 2023 at Massy Arts Society in Vancouver’s Chinatown.

Chinatown Looks was funded with the generous support of the City of Vancouver’s Communities and Artists Shifting Culture Grant, 221A, the UBC Arts Amplifer Fund, and our community of donors. Exhibition space and promotional support for Chinatown Looks was kindly provided by Massy Arts Society.


「相望唐人街」此一計畫由,得到以下機構的慷慨支持:溫哥華市政府的「社區與藝術家 帶動文化獎助金」、221A協會、卑詩大學「人文藝術推廣獎助金」,以及來自我們的社 區的捐贈者。展覽空間與宣傳支持由馬士藝術館友善提供。

Special thanks to the Yarrow board and staff team: Anita Lau, Avril Hwang, Beverly Ho, Carven Li, Celyne Asnani, Eleanor Yang, Lydia Tang, Melody Wise, Minnie Ng, Rain Chan, Sean Cao, Suki Lam, and Todd Huang; and thank you to Katherine Cheng, Tao Fei, Romila Barryman, and Rafael Zen for your faith and support in this project.

特別感謝世代同行會董事會與員工團隊:劉佩明、范加其、何盈欣、李卓峰、祁皓而、楊 倩茹、鄧婉盈、梁茵韻、伍可名、子鈴、曹碩、翠屏、黄承陶。同時感謝鄭婕淩、費濤、拉 斐爾.澤恩、羅米拉·巴瑞曼對這個計畫的信任與支持。

策展人:劉可莉、索羅門 祈理魁 攝影工作坊指導:索羅門·祈理魁

底片沖印與掃描:索羅門.祈理魁、 尼克 拉圖利培

Edition of 250

March 2023

Printed by East Van Graphics

This publication and featured photographs were produced on the unceded territories of the xʷməθkʷəy əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish) & səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) First Nations between 2022–2023. As we continue our work to uplift Chinese seniors and youth at Yarrow, we recognize that our struggle for justice is intertwined with Indigenous resistance for the return of the land.

本出版品以及其中包含的攝影作品,於2022年至2023年之間,在瑪斯昆、史戈米殊、 斯裡沃特族從未同意割讓的領土上製作。當我們在世代同行會工作、,持續支持華人 長者與青年的同時,我們亦體認到原住民的抗爭、,對土地歸還的訴求,與世代同行會 爭取的正義之路息息相關。

Copyright 2023 Yarrow Intergenerational Society for Justice and individual contributors

首刷250本 2023年3月 溫東圖像印刷

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