Yardley Cattle Company 38th Annual Bull Sale

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3/4 Simm 1/4 An X342


BD: 3/4/10 YW: 1286

BW: 96 TG: 3.16

WW: 780 WDA: 3.55

HTP SVF New Era Rita 807 CF402 RBS Hot Shot by Meyer 734 Miss Yardley P122 Miss Yardley K146 3 VWLOO VWDQGV DV RQH RI P\ IDYRULWH ROG JLUOV 6KH PDNHV WKHP JRRG year after year. She has the same strip through her nose as X342 and VKH VWDPSV LW RQ DOO KHU SURJHQ\ :H KDG WKH FKDQFH WR YLVLW $YLODÂśV WKLV past year. They buy stout made, performance bulls and they own two VRQÂśV 7KDW VD\V D ZRUOG DERXW WKLV FRZ IDPLO\ 3RZHU LQ WKH SHGLJUHH

SVF HTP Pressure Point


BW: .35

WW: 28.45


YW: 58.7

MK: .15

1/4 Sm 1/4 an


BD: 3/10/10 YW: 1137

BW: 88 TG: 2.56

X375 WW: 727 WDA: 3.05

OCC Jet Stream Miss Arnold DCC Union Power Miss Yardley T151 Miss Yardley P150 by Yardley Juniper OCC Jet Fleck, the bulls are rugged in thier design, the females are EUHDWKWDNLQJ 2XU ¿UVW -HW )OHFN GDXJKWHUV DUH MXVW WXUQLQJ WKUHH WKLV year. You couldn’t mold any prettier cows. Big bodied, easy doing, and these beautiful typey little udders with nice small teats. We lost the old bull this last year. Don’t miss out on a chance to own his progeny.

OCC Jet Fleck




BD: 3/1/10 YW: 1425

1/4 Simm 1/2 An X385 BW: 88 TG: 4.32

WW: 734 WDA: 3.77

HTP SVF New Era by Meyer 734 CF402 OCC Hunter (Angus) Miss Yardley S35 Miss Yardley P85 by Dinero If you want to sculpt a beautiful cow, you’d use S35 to pose while you created your masterpiece. If you went back one more generation you’d ¿QG + RQ WKH ERWWRP VLGH RI WKLV EXOO VKH ZDV DV HDV\ GRLQJ FRZ DV ZH KDYH HYHU RZQHG DQG KHU GDXJKWHUV KDYH OHIW WKHLU PDUN 7KLV ELJ bodied, functional made bull, is the right type and kind no matter what facet of the industry your in.

SVF/HTP Pressure Point




BD: 3/4/10 YW: 1098

1/4 SM 1/2 AN BW: 72 TG: 2.88

X341 WW: 637 WDA: 3.01

Meyer 734 69) 6KDG\IRUHYHUODG\ GCC Miss Sharpie 4254 GCC Sharpie by the Witch Dr GCC Angus 7KLV EXOOÂśV SLFWXUH LV WKH SURGXFW RI P\ KRQH\PRRQ -RKQ DQG , JRW married and took a day off and went to picturing bulls so we could head WR 'HQYHU :H KDG D ORW RI IXQ ZLWK WKLV RQH KHÂśV RXW RI D *&& 6KDUSLH cow, (John says he looks a lot like the old bull Sharpie did as a calf) X341 was born to pose for the camera. If your needing an extra shot of look and style, super sound and cooler than heck this is one that your JRLQJ WR /29(

Conclusion 437


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