Understanding Optical Technology Better

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Understanding Optical Technology Better When it comes to technology it is safe to say that we have accomplished so much in such a little time frame. If we look at the beginning the first technological invention was a wooden chopping device, now look how far we have come since then. We now have a device in our hands that can almost do every vital thing we need. All the technological breakthroughs were not made in a day, it took time and tries after tries to achieve the improved outcome. We have all kind of devices that is only improving to be better than the previous one and we are getting greatly benefitted by this. No, when it comes to optical technology it is not different from others. Fiber optic cables or optical technology is also a part of evolution. Because before fiber optic technology there we only copper or metal wires that were used to transmit the data. But it was not up to the mark when it comes to security, productivity and fast speed.

Optical Advantages- Currently, there are many ways fiber optic cables is helping us for a better life. The following are the field of the usage of optical technology- military and space applications, computer networking, medical field, cable TV and internet connection. These fields are only getting better performance and are able to be more productive and advance because of optical technology only.

Fast Service- Optical technology is mainly known for its fast services. For example, the mouse of your computer is part of fiber optic technology. So, when you are right clicking your mouse, the cable is able to send the signal to operate the computer. From this, you can only guess how fast they work. Fiber optic cables are almost as fast as the speed of light, only a mere 31 percent slower than light and now the transmitting speed has now reached 10G speed.

Further- Not only faster but the data can also travel a big parameter of distance. Because of optical fiber, you are able to use the internet and see all your favorite shows on your TV. It is amazing to see that a thing cable can do so more in such a little time.

Safe- As said before fiber optic cables are a more secure way to transmit any data. Security is very important when it comes to information transfer because then anyone can steal any vital data and that is not a good situation. These cables do not pick on electromagnetic signals and that is why these cannot be manipulated easily. Also, the fiber optic cables are hard to splice, no one can tap the cable to steal data.

Multitasking- These cables can do all the things at once, fiber optic cables can be used to share multiple data at the same time. So, one cable is enough to share video call, audio call and other important data for you. That means there is no need to install every other wire to fulfill a different need, so the installation process also gets simplified because of this. Optical fibers are made out of a very thin layer of glass stands. The main factor of these cables is the medium and that is light. Light beams transmit the data by traveling inside the core of the cables, the core is the bit of the path for the light to travel through. There is another layer of glass outside of the core and that is called cladding. Cladding helps the light signals to stay inside so that the signal does not get lost in transmitting. The fiber optic cable mainly has two types of modes, single-mode and multimode. The mode is the way light passes through the cables. Single mode fiber has room for the light to pass through the core in a straight line. Single-mode fibers are mainly used in small devices because these cables cannot transmit data far away. And when the light passes through the multi-mode fiber, the light beam bounces on the wall to travel to the other end. These cables are the one that is used

to do a task that covers long-distance range. Your cable TV, telephone, internet connection and other important data transferring is done by multi-mode cables.

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