Ways to Improve Immunity in Kids

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WAYS TO IMPROVE IMMUNITY IN KIDS Breastfeed your baby Colostrum present in the mother’s milk is really essential for building the baby’s immunity. Many researchers have proved that babies who breastfed for six months have a better immune system and less infected to cold, cough, and allergies

Stick to Vaccination Schedule Make sure that vaccination schedule advised by the paediatrician is seamless and the child gets the required dosage on time. This is important for all children, especially those with asthma and other chronic health issues.

Serve a Balanced Diet Motivate your child to eat the rainbow, include vegetables and fruits of all the season. Include apple, banana, cauliflower, brinjal, pepper, fruits, and vegetables are rich in antioxidants. Citrus fruits like orange, pineapple are rich n Vitamin C and helps in boosting immunity.

Maintain a healthy digestives system About 70% of immunity lies in the intestine hence taking care of the intestine is the most important thing to build immunity. Apart from eating a well-balanced diet, one must include Probiotics in their diet. Probiotics are living organism that helps in increasing good bacteria and decreasing bad bacteria thus keeping your digestion better.

Get adequate sleep Make sure that your child gets 10–14 hours without any interruption. An active and well-rested child can fight infections and have better immunity.

Motivate them to stay active Exercise plays a huge role in overall fitness. Make sure that your child involves in physical activity which further boost the immunity of kids.

Make hygiene a habit Good hygiene helps you in fighting infection and germs. Adopt simple habits like washing hands in short intervals. Motivate your child for regular hand washing and sanitizing.

Avoid antibiotics Antibiotics not only kill bad bacteria it also kills good bacteria. Hence, give your child whenever necessary as it may hamper its immune system. Consult your pediatrician before giving them any medicine.

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