Y2 2020 Annual Report

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From the Founders


2020 Chronicle


The Social Impact Talent Development Program


Accessible Montessori


Three-phase event for “Montessori Education in Public Schools”


MGI – Montessori for Global Impact Alliance Partnership


Featured story: The path into the unknown – Montessori teacher training


Diverse advocacy platforms


Featured story: Have you heard the Y2 Podcast?



From the Founders


The year 2020 has left a unique and indelible mark

on all of us, no matter where in the world we are.

For the sake of their children, parents should boldly explore the unknown

upended countless lives. Children all around the world

Quality education should not be a privilege available to only

The COVID-19 pandemic has redefined “normal” and

have suffered setbacks in education, as schools are shut down and remote learning is instituted.

In this restless year, we have continued to grapple

with difficult questions: What is the true essence of

a few. For the good of the next generation, Y2 believes we should and must persevere to support education diversity within the public school system, providing children and parents choice in education.

education? What should we, or what can we, provide

For over two years, the Foundation has endeavored to

has offered us many opportunities to reflect upon how

Education in Public Schools initiative. To advance the

parents, if we could only give our children one thing,

parents, schools, and government agencies. This year, for

our children? As we search for answers, this journey

make Montessori accessible to all through our Montessori

we grew up and upon the meaning of own our lives. As

initiative, we met with numerous education experts,

what would it be? Our answer is: Happiness.

the first time, we have reached out to teachers within the

Learning begins with education, extending beyond school From birth, human beings are imbued with incredible curiosity and motivation to learn about their world. Death provides an impetus for us to explore all that life has to offer and a desire to live a life with meaning. Cosmic Education is a cornerstone of Dr. Montessori’s philosophy, in which each person discovers his/her cosmic task, or life’s work. With an understanding of their role in the world, individuals can still live purposefully despite endless changes in the external environment. We believe that ultimate happiness can be achieved when we are pursuing and carrying out our life’s work. The journey may not always be smooth, but we can all learn and gain from the experience. Shouldn’t the essence of education, therefore, be to enable children to find their place in the universe and their cosmic task, and not merely focus on the transmission of knowledge?

traditional school system via a three-phase event, seeking to identify and support those keen to apply the Montessori method in public schools. During the process, we are again reminded of the challenges ahead. Our dream of making Montessori accessible for all requires the right people, timing, and a bit of luck. It is not enough to just have government officials implement top-down policies. It is not enough to just have grassroot movements to shake the existing system. To move closer toward our goal requires the joint effort of all stakeholders, and the Foundation must keep learning, trying, and adapting in the process. In the pursuit of education diversity and choice without passing judgment on right or wrong…perhaps the cosmic task of all humanity is described in a passage from the Doctrine of the Mean: “To assist the transforming and nourishing powers of Heaven and Earth, to support the nature of all living beings.” As we are grateful to our children for introducing us to this life-long labor of love, it is our hope that our efforts may encourage fellow parents and friends to join us in bettering education for the next generation.

Since the establishment of Y2 Foundation for Future Education, we have attempted to advocate for these fundamental concepts - education should not be just about studying information from textbooks, but empowering people to seek out and fulfill their life’s work. According to Confucius, “Learning without thought is lost; thought

Founders of Y2 Foundation for Future Education Andy Chen Cynthia Hang

without learning is perilous.” At Y2, it is our life’s work to refocus education, as knowledge is useless without the will to put it to action.

The Analects: Wei Zheng


2020 Chronicle

Preparing for “normal” in times of turmoil At the start of the year, uncertainty brought about by the pandemic led the Foundation to cancel or postpone a number of planned initiatives. Furthermore, staff would take turns working alternate days in the office. Although we were not able to conduct


Research & Development

Information platform More than Education – Montessori from age 0 to 100 is launched Written and edited by TMEC, the articles cover real-life case studies and introduces practical applications of Montessori methods for life-long learning.


Education Platform

My experience with Montessori in Taiwan sharing event This is the first phase of Montessori Education in Public Schools. Teachers

from experimental Montessori elementary schools and public schools share

their experiences of integrating the Montessori philosophy in their own education environments.

any in-person events during this period, we pushed on as best we can to provide educational information, better internet search results and reading experience to the public. To this end, we worked jointly with the National Chengchi University — Taiwan Montessori Education Center (TMEC) to publish a series of articles under the title “More than Education – Montessori from age 0 to 100” on the Medium online publishing platform. For busy parents who wish to learn more through diverse media channels, we launched Y2’s very own podcast Chat2Heal.


As the pandemic was gradually brought under control in Taiwan, we

Online workshop for mathematical education in Montessori elementary and middle schools

ramped up our educational efforts in

Michael Waski discusses the Montessori method and the mathematical mind,

mid-year to host online courses led by international speakers. We also

Research & Development

a natural tendency innate in all humans. He offers insight on Montessori’s prepared environment and its application in elementary and middle schools.

held the first ever three-phase event for Montessori Education in Public Schools for teachers in the public


education system and launched

Montessori Education in Public Schools workshop

the Montessori Social Impact Talent Development Program at year’s end. Despite the many disruptions resulting from the pandemic, Y2 tried to minimize interruptions to children’s education and growth by being an accessible source of practical knowledge and positive energy during these trying times.


Education Platform

This is the second phase of Montessori Education in Public Schools. The workshop focuses on public school teachers and aims to provide practical ways to integrate more Montessori concepts into the curriculum.

September to Decembe

Education Platform

Public School Transition Project funding application and selection This is the third phase of Montessori Education in Public Schools. Proposals from schools hoping to transition to Montessori education system are evaluated, where the selected schools are eligible to receive funding and support during their transition.


Public Advocacy

Online math courses with Michael Waski Michael Waski recorded a series of 15

math educational videos especially for Taiwan. Y2 obtained exclusive rights to

October to December

Training & Orientation

2021 Montessori Social Impact Talent Development Program As an extension of the teacher sponsorship program, Y2 supports enthusiasts

wishing to contribute to society to undergo Montessori training, apply what they learn, and create a lasting social impact!

offers these videos online for free, with translation and subtitling by TMEC.

09.06 / 10.17

Public Advocacy

Montessori promotional lectures Y2 worked with the Children and Family

Care Association and the Taishan/Wugu/ Linkou District Childcare Services Center to introduce and share Montessori for nannies.


Research & Development

Expanding Montessori from education to dementia and elderly care Y2 Foundation for Future Education, Taipei Medical University, and AMI formally entered a collaborative partnership, with an online

signing ceremony on October 6, to establish training in Taiwan for nursing professionals to administer Montessori-based care and support for dementia and elderly patients.


Public Advocacy

Y2 Podcast Chat2Heal is launched This podcast focuses on parenting, education, relationships, and more!

By sharing real-life experiences and useful content, its aim is to provide listeners a space for healing in a hectic world.

10.17-18 / 10.24-25

Research & Developmen

Self-expression in Montessori Education – A developmental force in adolescence Laurie Ewert-Krocker, Course Director for the AMI-NAMTA Orientation to Adolescent Studies, presents various course

content and activities to aid adolescents construct their own way of self-expression.


The Social Impact Talent Development Program

Since opening her first Casa dei Bambini, or Children’s House,


in 1907, till her death at the age of 82 in 1952, Dr. Maria

Montessori dedicated her working life to the advancement of education. Tireless and committed, she spread her lectures

to Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, drawing public attention wherever she went. Dr. Montessori’s impact on global education has been truly revolutionary. But what exactly is Montessori education?

Montessori education allows humans to naturally develop

according to innate tendencies in a prepared environment,

The Social Impact Talent Development Program

leading to the realization of personal independence. The

unique individuality of people and their interconnectedness with

the world lies at the core of Montessori’s concept for cosmic

education and forms the basis for harmonious coexistence. Dr.

Montessori stated that humanity can achieve world peace not through the elimination of war, but by turning its attention to the development of the great potentialities of each human being. Blind men and the elephant: What is Montessori education? by

Professor Tong-Liao Cheng

Photo Directions (Left) Jing-Yi hopes to spread the Montessori spirit to all corners of the community, assist families and children in need explore their untapped potential, and transform their lives. (Middle) Ting-Ju plans to develop a holistic nutrition education course that guides children in elementary and middle school to develop a better understanding of the earth, culture, and life. (Right) Having spent the first half of his life in the military, Hsiu-Yi now looks forward to spending the rest of his life guiding students in their learning.


We believe that the Montessori method, with its focus on

the land is surprisingly similar to the Montessori term “erdkinder”

internalization of learning as a life-long ability, can be of great

nutrition education course that guides children in elementary

human tendencies, guidance leading to self-discovery, and the help not only to schoolchildren, but to people of all ages and

backgrounds. Thus, we have expanded our funding for teacher training into the Social Impact Talent Development Program,

aiming to reach a wider audience. It is our hope that those who

undergo the training will apply what they’ve learned to their various fields of interest and bring about positive social change!

The first ever Social Impact Talent Development Program

attracted a total of 41 applications. The six finalists, hailing from diverse professions, such as community service, food and

beverage, and education, will receive Montessori training in 2021. Let’s get to know some of the finalists!

Jing-Yi Feng is a homeschooling parent and the wife of the church pastor, who encounters many families in community service. In her experience, parents have varying degrees of access to parenting information, and this gap is exacerbated

(children of the earth). Ting-Ju plans to develop a holistic

and middle school to develop a better understanding of the

earth, culture, and life. This will uplift them into being better citizens and cultivate their sense of social responsibility.

Hsiu-Yi Liao, once a career soldier, threw himself into the field of experimental education for the sake of his own child upon

being discharged. Now a middle school teacher, he envisions the ideal education environment through Montessori principles,

wherein teachers, children, and parents can all participate with

joy. Having spent the first half of his life in the military, he now

looks forward to spending the rest of his life guiding students in their learning. In the future, he hopes to establish a Montessori farm school for students of all ages within neighborhoods with aging populations, allowing children, adolescents, and the

elderly to assist, learn from, and interact with each other within this shared community.

especially in single-parent or cross-generational rearing families. Jing-Yi hopes to spread the Montessori spirit to all

corners of her community. By hosting parenting workshops and school counseling, she can help families and children in need to explore their untapped potential and transform their lives.

Ting-Ju Cheng is an eco-chef who uses her experiences with farm-to-table to balance sustainable food source and cuisine.

Her keen awareness of the relationship between humans and

Extended reading Blind men and the elephant:

My Montessori –

What is Montessori education?

A social impact story

by Professor Tong-Liao Cheng


Accessible Montessori

Why It All Started: Accessible Montessori With an assortment of educational tools and

Program timetable

pedagogies at their disposal, how do educators

and parents make the best choice for children? The

2018-2020 • Visit local government authorities, schools, educators, and parents to understand their needs and requirements. • Visited a total of 9 county/city governments and more than 20 kindergartens, elementary, and middle schools within and outside the

Explore issues and needs

Montessori method stands out from other education

approaches in that it provides a prepared environment

for children based on their developmental needs, allowing children to learn at their own pace, both in

terms of pursuing knowledge and developing empathy and interpersonal skills. This approach echoes the

2019 objectives set forth in the Curriculum Guidelines

of the 12-year compulsory education system: selfmotivation, interaction, and common good. The

traditional education system.

Montessori mixed-age classrooms, which have been

implemented for over 100 years, may be just the solution for Taiwan’s current education crisis.

2019-2020 Y2 and TMEC study the feasibility and method of conducting Montessori education in public schools.

Study feasibility

While appreciating Montessori’s ability to ignite each

person’s innate qualities, Y2 co-founders Andy and Cynthia are inspired to start Y2 after witnessing the

transformation of their own children in Montessori schools. They first established the teacher scholarship program to provide financial support for teachers to

undergo Montessori training abroad and to apply

2019-2020 • Develop program details. • Establish implementation methods.

Assess methods

what they have learned in Taiwan’s educational

environment. However, we strongly believe that

quality education should be accessible to more

people, and out of this desire, the program Montessori Education in Public Schools began in 2018. The aim

is to promote Accessible Montessori through public

schools, optimizing school resources to provide

2020 Select participants through the threephase event Montessori Education in Public

Select participants


Montessori education to more children, and assist them in their learning and development.

During the three years of this program, Y2 has

explored various methods such as supporting public schools to transition to the Montessori method,

2021 • Confirm first group of participating schools. • Provide assistance and guidance. • Conduct review of the program and make necessary adjustments.

Review and adjust

researching public policies, and providing assistance in implementation. We have learned that, only with the coordinated efforts of the public sector, schools,

and families working toward a common goal, can we

provide the ideal education environment in which students can learn with peace of mind. Each of the three elements is indispensable, as each has its own share of obstacles to confront and overcome.


Y2 Promoting Montessori education in public schools : Discoveries and challenges

● Long teacher training puts pressure on work-life balance.

● Differences in class scheduling in Montessori environment

Different planning objectives for experimental

and current school systems.

education from each county/city.

● Lack of consensus and willingness to transition from parents,

educators, and administrators.

● Challenge with the need to communicate unfamiliar

Montessori concepts prior to training.

● Difficulty in communicating unfamiliar concepts and methods. ● Uncertainty due lack of precedence


● Varying degrees of understanding

Public sector


regarding experimental or Montessori education.

● Concerns for the child’s transition

to the next stage of education.

● Lack of precedence for public

Montessori schooling.

The first group of Montessori experimental schools will be selected in 2021 for Y2’s Public School Transition Project. This is but the first of many steps. We are well aware that even greater challenge lies ahead – the next phase of entering the classroom. As we move forward, we grapple with issues that have confronted us since the very beginning. Should schools gradually adopt Montessori concepts, or transition into a Montessori environment all at once? How to develop a Montessori program that harmoniously blends into public schools in Taiwan, while preserving the unique culture of each place? How do we define and represent the essence of Montessori? These are a few of the many unpredictable unknowns we face, as we embark on this brave new adventure. They will continue to be challenges for us to always ponder and explore. Going back to Y2’s mission, the goal of making Montessori more accessible still remains the focus of our work. In our effort to provide diverse education choice for Taiwan’s children and parents, we do hope to hear from you and to take your ideas into consideration.

Do you wish there are public Montessori elementary and middle schools? Are you a parent or teacher worried about children’s education or simply a concerned citizen? Please share with us any suggestions, opinions, or thoughts you may have may regarding our Discoveries & Challenges. Encouragements are always welcome! Reach us via email: tmec@y2edu.org or message us at our Facebook: search @y2edu

Join us and together, we can Be the CHANGE for Future Education!


Accessible Montessori

Three-phase event for “Montessori Education in Public Schools” Empowering teachers to help you become who you want to be

In class, you closely watch each student’s learning progression, and prepare activities suitable for them; after class, you continue to mull over how to use the resources available to you to provide a more diverse learning experience… In fact, your teaching method IS the Montessori method! Co-hosted by Y2 and TMEC, the three-phase event for “Montessori Education in Public Schools” builds on teachers’ existing abilities and assists them in implementing the Montessori method and transitioning classrooms. The three phases start with gradually leading teachers in developing a better understanding of the Montessori approach, and ultimately supports interested schools to transition into a Montessori environment. Select participants may be sponsored by Y2 in their transition.

Phase 1: Promote public awareness

2020.07.04 – “My experience with Montessori in Taiwan” sharing session

Teachers from experimental Montessori elementary schools and teachers from the traditional education system share their experiences in different Montessori educational environments. Speakers include Associate Professor TungLiao Cheng, principal at TMEC; President Jessica Fang of AMI Montessori Chinese Taipei; Henry Wang, founder of Inspiring Montessori Education; Chia-Ling Chang, a teacher within the current education system; and Cynthia Hang, executive director of the Y2 Foundation for Future Education. The event was held both in person (with a limited number of participants) and streamed live online; 32 individuals participated in person, and the online event was viewed over 5,000 times.


(top) (middle) After 2 days of seminars and visits, participants in Phase 3 discuss ways to implement Montessori concepts in their own educational environment. (bottom) The speaker answers questions from the audience about the implementation of the Montessori method in the Phase 1 sharing session.

Phase 2: Teacher training

better understanding of the Montessori method

Schools” workshop

short, it highlighted the possibilities of school transitions and

2020.08.16-08.18 – “Montessori Education in Public

Participants and Montessori educators came together in this 3-day, 2-night workshop to exchange experiences in person, understand what it takes to implement the Montessori method, and learn about the risks involved, as well as how this educational paradigm can benefit both students and educators. The social welfare event was attended by 62 educators from 14 elementary and middle schools across 9 counties/cities. DAY 01 → Understanding Montessori educational concepts and applications

DAY 02 → Visiting Montessori elementary and middle schools

“Theory, practice, and sharing. Although the workshop was wiped away our fear of the unknown!” ● Feedback about transitioning to the Montessori method:

If your school transitioned to Montessori experimental education, what do you think are the biggest challenges and areas that require support? 1. Parent Communication 2. Teacher training, preparation, and curriculum integration 3. Building consensus and the right mentality (between administrators and educators) 4. Funding (preparing the environment)

DAY 03 → Review of Montessori method of learning and

possible ways to bring Montessori to their own

school for transition of public schools. Participating teachers learned more about Montessori

Media Report: Montessori in public schools? Teachers on the front lines of Montessori classrooms. CommonWealth Parenting, August 27, 2020.

concepts through their three days of activities and courses. During the final day, the teachers submitted their proposals for the transition of public schools, pouring all their hopes and concerns for students into their work. Although the proposal is just a part of the workshop, many schools and teachers were inspired to take it to the next step. Y2 executive director Cynthia Hang said, “Promoting Montessori education in public schools in Taiwan, especially in this day and age, requires a huge leap of faith as well as constant adjustments. The path toward transition is a lonely one for a single individual, but the efforts of many can bring the impossible within reach.” Special thanks go to Xin Yu Montessori School, Green Shepard Montessori Elementary School, Inspiring Montessori Education, and Utopia Montessori School for their assistance on the visits on day 2 of the workshop.

● Feedback from participants:

The most impressive part was visiting with students on day 2! “The students’ own testimony made me truly understand that, through Montessori, they know the kind of individual they want to become.” “The students possess such self-assurance and self-discipline, and the teachers have so much patience and confidence in their students.”

Phase 3: Guided transition

September to December 2020 – “Public School

Transition Project” funding application and selection A total of three schools submitted proposals for transition, and following evaluation are considered candidates for the program. From September to December, TMEC and Y2 maintained close contact with the candidates, hosting online hearings regarding the transition and evaluation process and visiting the candidate schools to better understand their environment, plan, and vision for the project. Furthermore, TMEC and Y2 invited education experts to help the schools better understand the Montessori method, provided guidance during the planning process, and assisted the candidates in preparation. The final evaluation, which determines which candidates will receive funding, will be based on the feasibility of the project and is expected to take place in early 2021.

“The teachers, parents, and students alike share a wonderful understanding, trust, and passion of the Montessori approach and vision.” The workshop provided an opportunity for learning and a



MGI – Montessori for Global Impact Alliance Partnership In 2018, Y2 proposed the MGI Project – Montessori for Global Impact, dedicated to the application and promotion of Montessori pedagogy. The project functions under three pillars: pedagogical research and development, professional teachers’ training & orientation, and education platform. By partnering with colleges and universities, Y2 seeks to contextualize Montessori within Asia’s cultural backdrop and Taiwan’s existing educational system, develop feasible plans to further Montessori education in Taiwan, and promote accessible and quality education for all. At the same time, the MGI Project will apply Montessori concepts to other fields such as aged care and lifelong learning, expanding the humanistic philosophy of Montessori to education and beyond to create social impact in Taiwan.

Research findings enhance educators'skills

Refine course content

Apply learning to practice



Provide feedback

Opportunities for observation & apprenticeship

Relevant data for training and R&D



Taipei Medical University College of Nursing AMI —The Program Fund for Development of Building Nursing Care for the Elderly in the Community R&D Training & Orientation

The program began in 2020 with the collaboration between Y2, Taipei Medical University College of Nursing, and Association Montessori Internationale to introduce and apply Montessori concepts to nursing care for dementia patients and the elderly in Taiwan. Through workshops, international forums, and certification programs, the program provides training for Taiwanese nursing professionals.

AMI, North American Montessori Teachers Association (NAMTA), Great Work Inc., American Montessori Society (AMS) — International exchange and resource networking R&D Training & Orientation

National Chengchi University —Taiwan Montessori Education Center (TMEC) R&D Training & Orientation Education Platform

TMEC consolidates global and domestic resources to study Montessori education in the local context. The Center organizes a number of various

Since 2017, Y2 has worked with these associations to support 14 educators from Taiwan to receive internationally accredited Montessori training in the U.S. Furthermore, with their assistance, Y2 participated in the AMI Annual Global Meeting in Amsterdam, established channels of cooperation with numerous global agencies, gained access to international literature and resources for research purposes, and invited speakers to deliver online and in-person workshops for Taiwan.

workshops and skill-building courses, hosting over 15 international forums, seminars, and online and inperson workshops and publishing over 100 research articles between 2017 and 2020. Together with Y2, an initiative was launched to provide accessible Montessori through public schools.

National Taiwan Normal University — Montessori Translation Talent Development Program (MTTDP) R&D

MTTDP integrates global resources for the translation of Montessori-related texts and research, as well as builds a talent pool of experienced translators. From 2019 to present day, 23 Montessori lectures and AMI Journal articles have been translated for research purposes, some of which have been posted online on the Y2 and TMEC websites.


Featured Story

The path into the unknown: Montessori teacher training What in the world would drive Fangyun Hsu, Chief Development

the greatest threat.” “Even with fear, you can still go on.” At first,

Officer of Y2 Foundation for Future Education, to apply for leave

she was only trying to survive; however, after a while, these

without pay and travel to Italy on her own dime to undergo

mantras opened the door to more than surviving. She learned

Montessori teacher training? Having spent more than 10 years

to accept, to reset, to surrender, to believe. Little by little, she

working in the arts, Fangyun recalled how she felt three years

changed and began to thrive.

ago upon deciding to join Y2: “I asked myself, what kind of job would I be willingly do without pay? My instinctive answer was

“When children are confronting with challenges, does it feel as

‘education.’” Without the paradigm shift through education,

sudden and overwhelming as facing the pandemic?” Fangyun

children are disconnected with real life learning, let alone the

muses, firm in her belief that every individual possesses the

appreciation for the arts and culture.

courage and inherent ability to overcome unfamiliar situations. “We cannot be fully prepared for everything life throws at us. All

Fangyun jokes that, although she works in education, she only

we can do is to try our best!” This faith has stood her in good

started learning about education fairly recently. “I didn’t even

stead as she mastered nine subjects, hundreds of teaching

know about Dr. Montessori, or that she had run an elementary

materials, and thousands of presentations!

and middle school.” To further understand what it means to be a “learner”, Fangyun applied for leave without pay in August 2019

Ignite the passion within each person

and boldly set out for Bergamo, Italy to study at the International

Unfortunately, the coronavirus pandemic played havoc with

Centre for Montessori Studies Foundation (CISM - AMI

Fangyun’s teacher training by disrupting the Montessori

Fondazione Centro Internazionale Studi Montessoriani). Under

method’s focus on the sense of place and learning by doing.

the immersive tutelage of Baiba Krumins Grazzini herself,

Of the 14 international students, 10 fled Italy before it went

Fangyun undertook the training for the AMI 6-12 Diploma. She

into lockdown. High-risk, senior trainer began teaching classes

recalls that “I followed Baiba’s training and immersed myself in the Montessori educational environment. In contrast to how I learned before, which was to only retain knowledge, learning by “doing” is a completely different experience. The lessons she taught by example and through her lectures had an extra weight and depth.”

Face your fears, reset, then boldly set out and explore Fangyun explains that, even with her determination, she was extremely ill at ease in the beginning. The fear of being out of her comfort zone, her anxiety and unease, mixed with her demands of being a perfectionist all added to her stress. What’s more, the uncertainty of a sudden pandemic made her life as a teacher-in-training all the more difficult. At this point, Fangyun sought to comfort herself with a number of mantras: “Growth comes from thrusting yourself into the unknown.” “Treat life like an experiment.” “Refusing to change is


on Zoom. She and her remaining classmates faced a chaotic,

the whole picture of knowledge. These lessons open the door

unpredictable life, but they became each other’s anchor in the

to understanding the universe, ignite children’s curiosity, and

three hours of online classes each afternoon.

guide them to further explore and learn of their own volition. Fangyun explains, “When we were in school, we would go from

This experience not only taught Fangyun to cherish her

one class to another, learning this puzzle piece of information

freedom, it also gave her immense respect for her Montessori

or that piece, but never taking in the whole of the puzzle. We

trainer for her willingness to try new things. “This is what

were not active learners, and the bits of information that we

Montessori calls ‘Adaptability’. I can see how thoroughly my

did learn remained disjointed from our life and environment.”

trainer embodies this quality, especially when dealing with so

She muses that perhaps this is why students lose their sense

much uncertainty.”

of curiosity or motivation for learning.

Fangyun explains that “Undergoing teacher training is the best

“Even though I don’t work on the front lines of education, my

decision of my life. I feel as if I have been through a delicate

passion can still be reignited. If an educator can reignite their

yet seismic shift.” She describes that, prior to teacher training,

passion for learning, for life, and for all beings in the cosmos,

it’s like she had gone through life wearing thick, coke-bottle

imagine how that passion can infect those around her and

glasses. Now that she has taken them off, she can see the

fire up children’s motivation for learning!” Fangyun knows

world clearly with her own eyes and discover how exciting and

that there is still a long way to go to promote the Montessori

fun learning can be. Unlike the traditional disjointed education

method in Taiwan, but she is undaunted and full of confidence!

system, Montessori’s Cosmic Education provides students with an integrated learning experience through the Five Great Lessons: Coming of the Universe and the Earth, Coming of Life, Coming of Human Beings, Communication in Signs, and The

Written by Yu-Hsiu Su, Photo credit: Fu-Sheng Li Images provided by Fangyun Hsu

Story of Numbers. What unfolds before the children’s eyes is


Diverse advocacy platforms

Y2 Diverse advocacy platforms

Information platform More than Education – Montessori from age 0 to 100 is launched Montessori is not just limited to education principles. It is a philosophy and provides concepts for learning with widespread applications across all aspects of everyday life. To provide the public with applications of Montessori concepts to all walks of life and a more enjoyable online reading experience, the More than Education – Montessori from age 0 to 100 was finally launched in mid-2020. Written and edited by the National Chengchi University — Taiwan Montessori Education Center (TMEC), articles include a diverse range of topics, including Montessori adolescent education, Montessori schools and learning programs in Taiwan and abroad, care for the elderly and dementia patients, and recommended readings to name a few. With over a hundred articles published through this platform, we welcome friends and those interested in learning more about Montessori to like and follow us!

More than Education – Montessori from age 0 to 100 :


Y2 Podcast Chat2Heal is on air!

Chat2Heal is about parenting, education, careers, relationships…it’s a lifestyle podcast! Hosted by two mothers working in non-profit education, Y2’s executive director Cynthia and COO Diane discuss their own trials and tribulations in life and as a parent, and their journey to self-improvement and self-discovery. We want this podcast to not only provides friendly chats but also a sense of healing. We think of it more as a platform to

Listen to Chat2Heal :

About the hosts :

create a community for listeners to support one another in the ever surprising and astonishing journey of life.


Featured Story

Have you heard the Y2 Podcast ?

Have you heard the latest Y2 Podcast? Due to the disruption of scheduled programs and inability to host inperson events during the pandemic, Y2 decided to turn the crisis into an opportunity and launched the podcast Chat2Heal in 2020. The podcast introduces a series of topics dear to the hearts of parents and teachers and discusses them in depth. What is the podcast about? Chat2Heal is hosted by two mothers, Cynthia Hang, co-founder and executive director of Y2, and Diane Teng, Y2’s COO. Together, they decided to share their personal experiences, Montessori concepts and practices, and other related issues in a podcast that speaks directly to the audience, creates a space for healing, and occasionally wanders down memory lane before motherhood.


Many listeners are shocked to learn that the Montessori method doesn’t apply only to education settings, but can be utilized in all kinds of interpersonal relationships, such as parent-child relations and marriages. Cynthia believes that “We don’t need to wait until we’re successful and famous to start changing the world. Taking a small step for yourself or your family is already a big step for humanity. We hope that people can be less harsh and more kind to themselves.” This is the main message of the Y2 podcast.

Strive to be a better human being, not a “perfect” parent In recording Chat2Heal, Diane and Cynthia both realized that there is no such thing as a perfect mother; even so, the parenting process made them strive to become better people. Full-time mothers who feel devalued may find strength in growing to become better human beings. Cynthia even joked that recording the podcast is very therapeutic for herself and that she feels somewhat incomplete whenever recording takes a long break. D i a n e h o p e s t o b e c o m e a g r a c e f u l m o m m y. O n h e r Montessori journey of learning, she realized that the most important lesson is not about Montessori’s methods or

No lecturing, just empathy and support With over 10 years of expertise in family relationships, Diane cheerfully explains, “Our show’s premise is: we’re not here to lecture anyone.” As a mother, she commiserates with other parents. “The process of children’s education can be very frustrating. It’s impossible to see results right away, and it’s natural for parents to doubt themselves . We simply want to share this process with everyone. We are all doing our best, and there is no one ‘right’ way to parent.” Through candid chats about these issues, podcast listeners will discover that they aren’t alone and that many others are going through the same challenges. In fact, the podcast creates an environment of “empathy and support.” Cynthia often communicates with educators in her capacity as the executive director of Y2; however, she hopes to reach parents and anyone in need with this podcast, which features a more sensible and practical content. Holding an AMI Montessori 0-3 Diploma, Cynthia naturally incorporates

concepts, but in how to view children. She believes that what is in her heart can be observed in her actions, just as the ancient Chinese classic Great Learning states: “Inner sincerity will surely be expressed outward.” Diane adds, “Because I trust my child, I’ve learned to take things slow and live life with grace.” “What we’re sharing is not the solution to all of life’s problems. What we offer is empathy, which empowers people to deal with issues head on. In parenting, we seek to overcome, not be overwhelmed. We need to learn to give ourselves a break, not give up on ourselves,” explains Cynthia. Many of us only start to learn how to accept and understand ourselves and others after becoming parents. Through the podcast Chat2Heal, Y2 seeks to empathize with, give comfort to, and support individuals in this community. By learning to apply Montessori principles to everyday life, we can all take steps to create a better version of ourselves.

Montessori theories and practical applications in the easy conversation with her co-host. The podcast is full of interesting content for adults, such as fatherhood beliefs and

Written by: Yu-Hsiu Su, Photo credit: Fu-Sheng Li

maternal gatekeeping. Moms aren’t the only ones that can benefit from learning how to apply Montessori methods in everyday life, even singles, DINK (double income, no kids) couples, and dads have found this podcast useful!



A Sincere Thank You.

Baiba Krumins Grazzini David Khan Erin Breen Impact Hub Taipei Laurie Ewert Krocker Lynne Lawrence Michael Waski Nico Vasseur Oscar Lin Philip D. O’Brien Steve Lin Tim Chen Tung-Liao Cheng

AMI Taipei Centro Internazionale Studi Montessoriani (CISM) Department of Education, Hsinchu County Government Department of Education, Keelung City Government Department of Education, Miaoli County Government Department of Education, New Taipei City Government Department of Education, Pingtung County Government Education Bureau, Taichung City Government Great Work, Inc International Montessori Training Institute Math Institute of Geat Work,Inc National Chengchi University Social Enterprise Insights Taiwan Cognitive Enhancement Association Taiwan International Montessori Experimental School Yilan Country Experimental Education Innovation Incubation Center 20


Contact us

Y2 FOUNDATION FOR FUTURE EDUCATION Founder & Chairman: Andy Chen Founder & Executive Director: Cynthia Hang Chief Development Officer : Fangyun Hsu Chief Operating Officer: Diane Teng Project Manager: Halley Liao MARCOM: Pei-Yi Lee Executive Specialist: Janie Liu Accountant: Jennifer Hsu Legal Counsel: Primordial Law Firm Financial Auditing: Ernst & Young Global Limited ADD: Unit 703, 7 Fl., No. 3, Al. 30, Ln. 358, Ruiguang Rd., Taipei, Taiwan 11492 TEL: +886-2-7722-0155 EMAIL: contact@y2edu.org WEBSITE: www.y2edu.org

2020 Annual Report Editors: Yu-Hsiu Su Art Editor: Hui-Yu Tseng COPYRIGHT © 2020-2021 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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