Creating a Painting Estimate: A 5-Step Failsafe Process

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Creating a Painting Estimate: A 5-Step Failsafe Process One of the biggest challenges facing a painting company in Vancouver is starting with a prospect on the right foot. With so many painting contractors available, it is crucial to keep your leads interested till you close the deal with them. The first step to winning your potential customers is providing them with a thorough painting estimate. Now, you must think that you can right away share your rate list with the client and call it a day. However, that is not the winning approach. Let us walk you through the detailed process of creating a complete painting estimate:

1) First Conversation - Answering The Questions As one of the most experienced painting contractors in Vancouver, we suggest you do not start the first official conversation via texts or DMs. Your first detailed conversation must be in-person. You can schedule a phone call or an in-person meeting with the prospect. However, don’t be pushy with your options. If the leads are not ready to meet in person, ask to schedule a phone call. Now, for the first phone call, keep some pointers ready. Your prospect will ask some basic questions like: ● How many years have you been in business? ● What clients have you worked for before? ● What type of experts do you have in your team? ● What is your hiring process for painting experts? ● What paints do you use? ● Can you show some previous work samples? Make it a note that you should stay prepared with some precise yet impressive answers. Also, talk friendly and welcoming on the phone call. Avoid bragging about your work and feed them some pictures of your previous work. During the call, they will ask for your price, which is the most crucial factor to discuss here. Of course, your rate list comes in handy here but keep room for discussion to look deeper into their requirements. Tell them that prices vary from client to client based on certain factors. You shall reveal the final price after having a tour of their house or commercial space.

2) First Conversation - Asking the Questions

Once your prospects ask the questions, start with your list of questions. Keep some primitive questions ready to learn about your clients’ requirements closely. Your questions should cover: ● ● ● ●

The specific needs of the client The areas they want to paint - size and type The type of painting job they expect Their doubts about hiring you

If you cannot directly ask the questions, you can ask them indirectly. For example, if they seem reluctant to hire you, explain why you are the best choice. Show why your painting company in Vancouver is the best fit for their requirements. End the first conversation on a positive note. Offer a discount. You can tell your leads about any seasonal, festive, or special discounts you are offering at the moment. Before hanging up, make sure you schedule a visit to their house or commercial to have a tour.

Work the visit around their schedule. 3) Visit the Property On the scheduled day, visit the property and have a tour. Ask about the areas they want to cover and look closely at the walls. By visiting the space personally, you can find out if the walls have any problem areas like damp patches, peeling paint, mold, etc. Accordingly, you can tell them the work that will go into the walls besides painting. It will also help you learn what material, tools, equipment, and labor you will have to deploy for the work. It is a deciding factor for the final price.

4) Pre-close the Deal Pre-close the deal by revisiting your discussion and adding new points noticed after walking around the property. It will give your client a clear picture of the entire situation. Clarify the points the client does not seem to agree with and emphasize why they are crucial and shall be a part of the estimate. Share the information of your previous clients and work done so far. And give them time to consider your offers. 5) Close the Deal Once you complete all the discussions, work towards closing the deal. Give the client some time and then follow up. Ask them if they have any more questions for you. If they do, have a detailed conversation. Discuss your plan of action, labor requirements, material requirements, etc. If there are any additions or subtractions from the rough draft of the estimate, edit it accordingly. Finalize it and share it with the client. Agree on a date to start the work and sign them. If the prospect says no, tick them off your books and move on to your next leads. With these five simple steps, you can provide the perfect painting estimate as a painting company in Vancouver. For more such tips and tricks, follow XYZ Construction and Renovation Group. We are a team of experienced professionals who provide painting, construction, renovation, and drywall services. Contact us today!

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