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WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 2017 | WWW.x254.Co







Reprieve for 2017 poll aspirants with cases

AG Muigai says those not yet convicted are free to run but agencies vow to Story on Page 2 block candidates with fake academic papers

Public Service Commission CEO Alice Atieno (Left) with IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati, Attorney general Githu Muigai and Ethics and Anti-Corruption chairman Eliud Wabukhala during a meeting on the requirements of Chpater Six of the Constitution on Leadership and Integrity at Lillian Towers in Nairobi today. PHOTO: GITOBU IKUNDA/ X NEWS



Reprieve: Aspirants with cases free to run WEDNESDAY MARCH 22, 2017

Politicians with pending cases in court have been handed a reprieve today following a declaration that they are free to vie in the coming general election. There have been reports that the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) are working together with the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) to enforce Chapter Six of the constitution in the coming polls. Among the requirements they mulled were barring those with cases pending in court from running for public offices. But Attorney general Githu Muigai today said such people are free to contest provided they have not been convicted. “On the issue of 2013 court ruling, any person who has not been convicted is free to contest,” Prof Muigai told a meeting of IEBC, EACC, State Law Office and that of the Office of Director of Public Prosecutions on requirements of leadership and integrity for aspirants at Lillian Towers in Nairobi today. He was referring to the 2013 ruling which allowed President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto to run despite facing charges of crimes against humanity at The Hague then. But the stakeholders agreed to tighten the nose on all other requirements especially on academic credentials on which they agreed to block all aspirants with fake academic papers. The agencies under the auspices of chapter six working group on the

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IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati (left) follow proceedings at the meeting on enforcing Chapter Six alongside Attorney General Githu Muigai and EACC Chairman Eliud Wabukala at Lillian Towers in Nairobi today. PHOTO: G IKUNDA/ X NEWS

election preparedness vowed to put more emphasis on fake academic papers as part of the integrity tests for political aspirants. Others in the working group are the Public Service Commission (PSC), Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), Higher Education Loans Board

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(HELB), Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), Judiciary and the Registrar of Political Parties. Githu Muigai said they will not only go for candidates with fake academic papers but even those with criminal records. “We have persons carrying academic

papers they did not even earn. We will go for them,” Muigai said at a press briefing after the group’s inaugural meeting. He said the net will be wider this time round as agencies seek to fully implement the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.

Details of all persons who have been convicted of criminal cases will be shared among the ten institutions for full implementation of the integrity chapter, he added. He said their collaboration will continue until the clearance of all candidates is completed. IEBC Chairperson Wafula Chebukati said in as much as it is the duty of the commission to deliver credible polls, the commission cannot do everything on its own. He said they will publish the guidelines of Chapter Six for all candidates tomorrow in dailies. “The guidelines are usual ones that we all know but we will publish them tomorrow,” Chebukati said. EACC chairman Eliud Wabukala said full implementation of chapter six will enable the country to have leaders who will help take it forward. The institutions encouraged all political parties to only nominate candidates who meet the leadership and integrity threshold set out in the law. Political parties are set to hold their nominations next month. The move by the institutions is seen as a commitment to tighten the noose on rogue politicians and bar them from seeking elective positions in the forthcoming general elections. This comes just days after the Director of Public Prosecutions Keriako Tobiko proposed an amendment of the law in order to bar anyone with a case in court touching on leadership and integrity. @sam_x254


Kenyan doctors now seek to delay deployment of Tanzanian colleagues Kenyan doctors have asked their colleagues in Tanzania to delay the deployment of some 500 medics to local hospitals by at least two months. Through their union, the Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU), the doctors wrote to their counterparts in the neighbouring country asking that they stop their members from reporting to work in Kenya until two crucial documents that ended a 100-day strike by local medics is signed. In the letter written to the Medical Association of Tanzania (MAT), Kenyans doctors argue that the Return to Work Formula and the Collective Bargaining Agreement they agreed on with the government a week ago must first be signed as they will address concerns in the health sector. As such, they said “it would be appropriate” for their colleagues in Tanzania to wait. KMPDU Secretary-General Ouma Oluga also warned MAT President Obadia Nyongole that doctors in Kenya have not had it easy for the past two years. “The Kenyan doctors have struggled to be employed by the Kenyan government, forcing a number to be rejected due to what the Kenyan government and the ministry of health termed as budget constraints,” he says. “This formed part of the CBA dispute

KMPDU Secretary General Ouma Oluga (right) with the union’s chairman Samuel Oroko. KMPDU wants Tanzania doctors delayed from coming to Kenya.

that led to the strike concluded a week ago,” he added. He also cautioned that some Kenyan professional doctors are yet to be employed as a result of the ‘constraints’ with the “number of Kenyan doctors yet to be employed in the public service of Kenya expected to reach 1,400 by May 2017.” Earlier this week, Health Cabinet Secretary Cleopa Mailu rubbished that claim saying Kenyan doctors are employed while they are still interns and that those not in public service chose to venture into private practice and not because they were never employed. He said on Monday that the Tanzania doctors are expected to report to work in Kenya at the beginning of April. However, Dr OLuga also warned the

association of Tanzania doctors that some 500 professionals leaving to work in Kenya will further drain their services. “We have equally noted that even though both Kenya and Tanzania have wanting doctor: patient ratio, Tanzania trails Kenya and this it is unusual that Kenya would further drain Tanzania of 500 more doctors,” Dr Oluga stated in his letter. He asked their counterparts to question why their government had agreed to ‘export’ the services of their doctors when they too needed them even more. Local reports in Tanzania indicate Mat has sided with their Kenyan counterparts with Dr Nyongole already demanding that the Tanzanian government scrap its plan to send 500 doctors to Kenya, local newspaper The Citizen reported.

NEWS 3 Government denies abolishing mass action after polls

The government has today denied reports that it has criminalised mass action in the run up to and after the coming August 8, 2017 general elections following the release of instructions to security agencies to arrest anyone who refuses to accept results. Government spokesperson Eric Kiraithe instead clarified that the directive aims at forestalling possible violence after the election as he warned individuals who plan to commit crime in the name of mass action would be apprehended. “The statement on banning mass action was misinterpreted. There is a difference between demonstrating, picketing & mass action,” Kiraithe told his weekly press briefing today at the KICC. He noted that the government strategy that leaked over the week was not intended at inhibiting the public’s freedom to dispute questionable electoral results. “Any demonstrations after the elections should not interfere with other people’s rights to exist peacefully. Criminals who will masquerade under the guise of mass action will be dealt with accordingly,” he added. He was responding to a media report that warned that the government aimed at criminalising incitement, zoning of areas exclusively as belonging to particular candidates or parties, engaging organised criminal gangs to intimidate opponents among other offences.


Parties waive fees for women At least 24 political parties have agreed to waive nomination fees for women aspirants eyeing various seats in the August 8, 2017 general elections as they seek to achieve the contentious two thirds gender rule in the next parliament. In a stakeholders meeting under the auspices of the Centre for Multiparty Democracy (CMD), the parties said they will reduce nomination fees for all female aspirants and provide financial support to counter their disadvantaged socioeconomic conditions. “We will accord political good will to increase women representation in elective and non-elective positions,” the parties said in statement read on their behalf by the chairman of Centre for Multiparty Democracy (CMD) Omingo Magara. “The parties will adopt the zebra model, alternating the genders in our party lists, ensuring that women top the list,” he added. The political parties which include ODM, Jubilee, Wiper and Narc Kenya said they determined to implement to in word and deed, the gender mainstreaming provisions in their various party constitution rules and regulations. Magara, who is the party leader of People’s Democratic Party (PDP) said they will identify, front and support strong women

Center for MultiParty Democracy chairman Omingo Magara. The coalition has agreed with political parties to waive nomination fees for women aspirants.

candidates for top decision making party positions to carry and articulate gender agenda in the party ranks. “Therefore, we will initiate intra party member

recruitment and mentorship programs targeting young women with intent of building their capacities to participate in political party process,” he explained. However, the parties resolved to eliminate violence in upcoming party elections and party nominations exercises by strictly enforcing party rules and taking concerted actions against violators of rules. “We call upon our elections boards and dispute resolution structures within our parties to ensure that disputes arising out of the forthcoming nominations are resolved in a free, fair and credible manner,” the parties committed. The parties who subsequently signed a communiqué with the Centre For Multi-Party Democracy (CMD) to that effect, urged IEBC, office of Registrar of Political Parties and Director Of Public Prosecutions to ensure that violations enumerated in the elections offences act are readdressed, including those that are meted at women. The development coming at a time the ODM party is warning aspirants engaging in violence that they will not be cleared. However, Magara urged the women aspirants to decamp from crowded political parties in order to stand a fair chance in the coming party nominations. @hillary_x254



IEBC now cancels crucial election tender

The Independent and Electoral Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has dealt itself a huge blow in its preparation for the coming August 8, 2017 general elections after it cancelled a tender for a system that seeks to avoid over-voting in polling stations. The commission cancelled the Sh3 billion tender for the Kenya Integrated Election Management System (KIEMS) citing an insufficient budget to pull off the proposal and time constraints as stumbling blocks in the process. This is the second time this year that the electoral body has cancelled the multi-billion shilling tender after it did so in February following an appeal to the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) by a firm in the tender process. IEBC CEO Ezra Chiloba was however tightlipped on divulging details on the matter when he attended a meeting on enforcing Leadership and Integrity Chapter in the coming polls today that brought together his commission, the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), Attorney General Githu Muigai and the Registrar of Political Parties. “We haven’t released any formal communication on the matter but we will do so in due time,” Chiloba said. In a letter written yesterday to French firm Gemalto SA, the only one that had remained in the tender process, Chiloba said their bid was significantly above the budgetary provision. “Your financial bid was significantly above the budgetary provision,” he wrote.

IEBC Chief Executive Ezra Chiloba speaks at the consultative meeting on enforcing Leadership and Integrity requirements in Nairobi today. PHOTO: G. IKUNDA/X NEWS

He also cited litigation as another reason for cancellation pointing out that the commission had lost valuable time in preparing for the polls. But IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati has

moved to quell any fears. “We are within the timelines and we assure Kenyans that we will deliver free and credible elections come August,” IEBC Chairman Wafula

Chebukati said as he moved to allay fears of a possible delay. He added that the electoral body would not allow any individual or firm with questionable intentions to sabotage the mandate that has been given to the commission. The electoral agency had floated the tender in December last year in line with requirements of the Elections Laws (Amendment) Act 2016. A French firm, Gemalto SA, had been in line to receive the tender after a technical team from the IEBC had knocked out all other bidders leaving it as the sole company that would proceed to the financial evaluation stage despite qualms from the Opposition that it quoted a higher figure than its fellow bidders. KIEMS was to play a critical role in integrating the biometric voter registration, electronic voter identification and results transmission systems. “This is for verification of votes cast i.e. Votes cast should not be more that the registered voters of a polling stations,” the IEBC said at the time. It now remains to be seen whether the commission will be able to deliver the system ahead of May 10, the deadline it had set for its installation in anticipation of the voter register verification. The Act requires IEBC to establish the electoral system four months to the August 8 polls. It also requires that the system is tested at least 60 days before the polls. @harrison_x254


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Cameroon accused of forcing back Nigerian refugees The UN refugee agency has criticised Cameroon for the forced return of hundreds of refugees to northeast Nigeria after they had fled from the Islamist Boko Haram insurgency. The UNHCR said forced returns had “continued unabated” despite an agreement earlier this month. Under the deal, any returns would be voluntary and only “when conditions were conducive”. Cameroon has rejected the accusation and said people returned willingly. According to the UNHCR, more than 2,600 refugees have been forcibly returned to Nigeria from Cameroon this year. Many are unable to go back to their villages in Borno state for security reasons and have ended up in camps for displaced people. In some cases, the UNHCR said, people had been returned “without allowing them time to collect their belongings”. UNHCR spokesman Babar Baloch spoke of “chaos” in the returns process and said “some women were forced to leave their young children behind in Cameroon, including a child less than three years old”. UNHCR staff also recorded about 17 people who claimed to be Cameroonian nationals, who it said had been deported by mistake. It is common in the region to find people who have no documentary proof of their nationality. Cameroonian Communications Minister Issa Tchiroma told the BBC’s Focus on Africa programme: “I strongly deny this accusation” of forced returns.

US laptop flight ban ‘sparked by intelligence terror threat’ An aircraft cabin ban on large electronic devices was prompted by intelligence suggesting a terror threat to US-bound flights, says US media. The US and UK have announced new carryon restrictions banning laptops on certain passenger flights. The so-called Islamic State group (IS) has been working on ways to smuggle explosives on to planes by hiding them in electronics, US sources tell ABC. The tip-off was judged by the US to be “substantiated” and “credible”. Inbound flights on nine airlines operating out of 10 airports in eight countries are subject to the US Department of Homeland Security ban. Phones and medical devices are not affected. US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is hosting a two-day meeting of ministers and senior officials from 68 nations to discuss the threat from IS. The Washington talks will be the first full meeting of the coalition since December 2014. Eric Swalwell, a Democratic member of the House Intelligence Committee, told ABC News there was “a new aviation threat”. “We know that our adversaries, terrorist groups in the United States and outside the United States, seek to bring down a US-bound airliner. That’s one of their highest value targets. And we’re doing everything we can right now to prevent that from happening.” Another member of that committee,

Republican Peter King, told the New York Times he was forewarned about the ban. “It was based on intelligence reports that are fairly recent. Intelligence of something possibly planned.” The restriction is based, we are told, on “evaluated intelligence”, BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner writes. That means that US intelligence has either intercepted discussion of a possible extremist plot or has been passed word of one by a human informant. The nine airlines covered by the US ban are Royal Jordanian, EgyptAir, Turkish Airlines, Saudi Arabian Airlines, Kuwait Airways, Royal Air Maroc, Qatar Airways, Emirates and Etihad Airways.

The British ban, announced hours after the American measure, is similar but applies to different airlines, including British Airways and EasyJet. It covers direct passenger flights to the UK from Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia. The airlines included in the US decision have been given a deadline of 10am on Saturday to impose the ban, officials said, adding that the restriction had no end date. However, an Emirates spokeswoman told Reuters news agency the airline understood that the US directive would come into effect on 25 March and remain valid until 14 October 2017.




US President Donald Trump walks to a meeting with House Republicans to encourage a deal on the American Health Care Act in the US Capitol in Washington, DC, USA, yesterday. The long-awaited House vote to repeal Obamacare is expected tomorrow. PHOTO: SHAWN THEW/EPA


Relatives and colleagues participate in a funeral ceremony for three Guatemalan policemen killed in several armed attacks by alleged gang members in Guatemala City, Guatemala, yesterday. According to media reports, three policemen were killed and seven others injured in nine attacks by alleged Barrio 18, or Marra 18, gang members on March 21, 2017. The attacks came after policemen stormed a state prison for minors, where a group of juvenile gang members staged a riot since March 19, 2017 and held four guards hostage. PHOTO: ESTEBAN BIBA/EPA


An Indian man transports drinking water in Bhopal, India, yesterday. The world is commemorating the World Water Day today. PHOTO: SANJEEV GUPTA/EPA


Imenti Central MP Gitobi Imanyara speaks at the Maendeleo Chap Chap party headquarters in Nairobi where he was officially received by party leader Alfred Mtua (on his right). Mr Imanyara is seeking to regain the seat which he occupied between 1997 and 2002 and again between 2007 and 2013 when he ran for the Meru senate seat. “I have decided, the people of Central of Imenti are with me in this,” he said.

Unemployed Tunisians shout slogans during a protest demanding job opportunities near of the Government Palace in the Kasbah, Tunis, Tunisia, yesterday. Reports state a group of unemployed university degree holders gathered to protest accusing the government of banning them from getting recruited in the public sector due to their political orientation. PHOTO: MOHAMED MESSARA/EPA


Rescue and airport workers attend a commemorative event on the first anniversary of the Brussels terrorist attacks, in Brussels, Belgium, today. On the same day in 2016, 32 people were killed and hundreds others injured in terrorist attacks on the Brussel Airport and on the Maalbeek Metro station for which the so-called ‘Islamic State’ (IS) later claimed responsibility. PHOTO: OLIVIER HOSLET/EPA

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 2017 | www.x254.co



Digitisation strategy is a runaway success, says Equity Bank boss Equity Group has announced that its strategy of going digital is paying off as both the volume and value of transactions have shot up since the launch of the lender’s digital banking strategy in late 2016. Equity Group, which released its end-of-year results announced that EazzyBiz, the bank’s online cash and liquidity management solution for corporates, had recorded 126,431 transactions as at the end of January this year up from 3,036 transactions that were posted in July 2016, representing a 41-fold growth. The value of transactions on the other hand grew by 86 times to stand at Sh25.9 billion up from Sh0.3 billion over the same period. “We believe that digitisation is a game changer,” said Equity Group’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr. James Mwangi, while releasing the company’s 2016 full year financial results. The lender added that the digitisation strategy continues to bear fruits for the Bank as the Group rolled out tools that deepened financial inclusion and broadened access, which resulted in an enhanced savings culture. The Group’s deposits grew by 11 per cent from Sh303 billion to Sh337 billion as at 31st December 2016 supported by growth in number of customers who increased by 11 per cent from 10,039,620 to 11,129,016. The increased adoption of new delivery channels of mobile banking under

Equity Group CEO, Dr. James Mwangi addressing guests during the investor briefing and release of Equity Group’s 2016 Full Year financial results. Equitel and the lender’s Eazzy Banking App as well as Agency Banking saw the number of transactions grow from 200 million to 335 million transactions, which is a 67 per cent growth. The uptake of Equitel in the period under review increased from 1.6 million customers to 2.7 million while downloads of the Eazzy Banking App

rolled out late last year was at 130,266 downloads as at 31st December 2016. The number of Equity Agents increased from 23,885 to 29, 561 in the same period. The lender states that these new self-service channels that enable customers to do banking on their own devices have revolutionized money

Mobisol nominated for Ashden awards, moves to power rural homes

Germany-based solar solutions company Mobisol has been nominated for the 2017 Ashden Awards which will take place at the Royal Geographical Society in the United Kingdom on June 15, 2017. The nomination comes after the group confirmed plans to connect kenya’s rural homes to offgrid sources of power. The Ashden awards recognise efforts by enterprises which provide clean energy efficiency in provision of goods and services through business activities and will be graced by former United States Vice-President, Al Gore. Henrik Axelsson, Mobisol East Africa’s CEO noted that the company has invested heavily in innovation and research to enable customers access high-quality products and a comprehensive user experience of solar energy. Mobisol customers enjoy a three-year flexible payment plan via mobile money as well as extended warranties, free installation and free maintenance for three years.

“Through Mobisol’s top-notch technology, off-grid households in Kenya can finally afford home and business solar systems, and enjoy a modern and comfortable lifestyle, improve their economic well-being and also set new standards for worldwide sustainability. We are honoured to have been nominated for the award, as we hope to add more value to our customers,” said Axelsson. Rural communities in Kenya continue to use unreliable fossil fuels like kerosene, which are not only harmful to the environment and people’s health but are also costly to maintain, yet solar energy is in abundance. Mobisol’s large solar home systems come complete with several LED light sets, a portable lantern, a mobile phone charger kit, large high-performance flat-screen LED TVs, a portable radio and balance-of-system components including wiring and switches. The Ashden Awards reward sustainable energy pioneers in the UK and the developing world. @enock_x254

transfer and payments with customers having greater control and freedom to manage their bank accounts. This also confirms that customers want a banking service that is integrated into their everyday lives. Overall, the Group’s profit before tax grew to Sh24.9 billion from Sh24.0 @enock_x254 billion.

MEAN 103.1117 127.3433 110.9369 8.1465 34.8652 21.6756

BUY SELL 103.0117 103.2117 127.2067 127.4800 110.8178 111.0561 8.1347 8.1583 34.7829 34.9475 21.6061 21.7451

CEOs call for greater representation of women in leadership positions African CEOs have called for greater representation of women in leadership positions, a survey of more than 1,000 active executives across the continent has revealed. It has emerged that 93 per cent of respondents said they are prepared to commit to ensuring greater representation of women in leadership positions. The executives plan to share the vision of a drive dubbed the Women in Business Initiative launched at last year’s Africa CEO forum and which is geared towards the promotion of the role women play in business. The developments came to light during the fifth edition of the Africa CEO Forum, a Jeune Afrique Group initiative, organized in partnership with the African Development Bank on March 20, 2017. In a speech read on his behalf by AfDB Vice President in charge of the private sector, infrastructure and industrialization Pierre Guislain, President Akinwumi Adesina challenged Governments to fully embrace, incentivize and unleash the potential of the private sector in order to boost Africa’s economic growth and lift millions out of poverty. “Like a bird flies with two wings, so must economies: public and private sectors must be in a synchronous balance,” he said. Over 1,100 participants from 42 countries, including 40 ministers and two heads of state, participated in this year’s edition of the Africa CEO Forum. @Dennis_x254

Sanlam assumes majority stake in PineBridge as firm eyes regional expansion The Sanlam Group, through its subsidiary Sanlam Emerging Markets (SEM), has reached an agreement with PineBridge Investments, a leading global multiasset class asset manager, to acquire PineBridge’s majority stake in PineBridge Investments East Africa Limited in Kenya (PIEAL). The transaction is subject to regulatory approval, following which PIEAL will be rebranded to Sanlam Investments East Africa Limited (SIEAL). PIEAL is a leading asset management company in East Africa with operations in Kenya and Uganda, where it is licensed by the Capital Markets Authority and the Retirement Benefits Authority in Kenya and the Ugandan Capital Markets Authority and the Uganda Retirement Benefits Regulatory Authority. Sanlam Emerging Markets Chief Executive Officer, Mr Junior Ngulube, says the acquisition will increase Sanlam’s asset management presence and capability in the region and enable the Group to build a leading position in institutional, affluent and retail investment management across East Africa. Mr Anthony King, Regional CEO, EMEA at PineBridge Investments, said the group was looking for a partner in Africa who could best continue to work with their clients on the continent.

“At the forefront of our negotiations was the need to secure a buyer with a strong local heritage in order to maximise future business growth and honour fiduciary, client and employee agreements,” he explained. Mr Ngulube added that the transaction is expected to unlock synergies that reach beyond asset management given that Sanlam is “a respected brand that will offer financial strength and further access to local investment opportunities.” Sanlam’s investment management businesses currently have approximately $60 billion (Sh6.2 trillion) in assets. Sanlam offers local and offshore investment products to end-investors, financial planners and institutions. Its investment options include passively and actively managed unit trusts, hedge funds, and segregated and pooled retirement funds. “Becoming part of the Sanlam Group offers our clients and staff new opportunities. We look forward to working with Sanlam to create value for our clients and continue building the East African business,” Mr Jonathan Stichbury, Chief Executive Officer of PIEAL added. @enock_x254



Kenya set to benefit from Sh5.7 trillion World Bank kitty WEDNESDAY MARCH 22, 2017

Kenya is among a list of countries set to benefit from a Sh5.7 trillion World Bank development fund for Sub-Saharan Africa. This comes after a meeting between G20 finance ministers, Central Bank governors and the World Bank Group. World Bank Group President, Jim Yong Kim who is on a trip to Rwanda and Tanzania to emphasize the lender’s support for the poorest countries said the cash would last for the next three years. He said Sh4.5 trillion of the said amount will come from the International Development Association (IDA), the World Bank Group’s fund for the poorest countries. The support would be directed towards developing the region’s health, infrastructure, education, water and electricity sectors. “This represents an unprecedented opportunity to change the development trajectory of the countries in the region,” World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim said. “With this commitment, we will work with our clients to substantially expand programs in education, basic health services, clean water and sanitation, agriculture, business climate, infrastructure, and institutional reform,” he added. In December, development partners agreed to a record Sh7.5 trillion ($75 billion) for IDA, a dramatic increase based on an innovative move to blend donor contributions to IDA with World Bank Group internal resources, and with funds raised through capital markets. An estimated 60 per cent of the IDA financing is expected to go to Sub-Saharan Africa, home to more than half of the countries eligible for IDA financing. This funding is available for the period known as IDA18, which runs from July 1, 2017, to June 30, 2020. The IDA financing for operations in Africa will be critical to addressing roadblocks that prevent the region from reaching its potential. To support countries’ development priorities, the Bank stated that scaled-up investments will focus on tackling conflict, fragility, and violence; building resilience to crises including forced displacement, climate change, and pandemics;

United Nations (UN) Secretary General Ban Ki-moon (L) delivers a speech during a joint press conference with President Uhuru Kenyatta (not pictured) as World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim (R) looks on after a high level meeting at the Statehouse in Nairobi, Kenya, October 29, 2014. EPA/DANIEL IRUNGU and reducing gender inequality. Efforts will also promote governance and institution building, as well as jobs and economic transformation. “This financing will help African countries continue to grow, create opportunities for their citizens, and build resilience to shocks and crises,” Kim said. While much of the estimated $45 billion (Sh4.6 trillion) in IDA financing will be dedicated to country-specific programs, significant amounts will be available through special “windows” to finance regional initiatives and transformative projects, support refugees and their host communities, and help countries in the aftermath of crises. This will be complemented by a newly established Private Sector Window (PSW) especially important in Africa, where many sound investments go untapped due to lack of capital and perceived risks. The Private Sector Window will supplement existing instruments of IFC and the Multilateral

Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) - the Bank Group’s arm that offers political risk insurance and credit enhancement – to spur sound investments through de-risking, blended finance, and local currency lending. The priorities for the private sector investment will include infrastructure, financial markets, and agribusiness. IFC also will deepen its engagement in fragile and conflict-affected states and increase climate-related investments. Expected IDA outcomes include essential health and nutrition services for up to 400 million people, access to improved water sources for up to 45 million, and 5 gigawatts (GW) of additional generation capacity for renewable energy. The scaled-up IDA financing will build on a portfolio of 448 ongoing projects in Africa totaling about $50 billion (Sh5.2 trillion). Of this, a $1.6 billion (Sh165 billion) financing package is being developed to tackle the impending threat of famine in parts of Sub-Saharan Africa and other regions. @enock_x254

Business leaders urge KRA, Treasury to enforce stable tax policies as country faces possibility of massive job losses Business leaders have urged the government to embrace a predictable tax regime in national budgeting that will help the business community make sustainable plans to fuel Kenya’s economy in future. A cross-section of stakeholders representing various sectors petitioned policy makers to consider international best practices in countries with fiscal policies that support sustainable longterm growth or risk losing local and foreign direct investments and, in turn, jobs. Speakers at a Tax Predictability public forum hosted at the Strathmore Business School, implored the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) and the Treasury to fast-track efforts geared at stabilising the local tax regime. Christine Kanana and Flora Ikabu from Tharaka Nithi recounted the devastating experience of a negative tax in sorghum farming saying erratic remission rates have denied over 30,000 small-

scale farmers guarantees from East African Breweries Limited (EABL). The company is the largest commercial buyer of the crop, used to make Senator, a value beer aimed for price-sensitive, lower end of the market. “We started off as a group of farmers seeking a better source of income from sorghum farming but our efforts have continued to suffer unnecessary disruptions’ due to falling market prices,” Ms Ikabu explained. Even for small-holder farmers seeking to diversify their incomes, Ms Ikabu said the stability of the tax regime would continue fostering the adoption of such non-traditional cash crops such as sorghum, sunflower and stevia. Meanwhile, the global tax agenda is increasingly moving towards an environment that facilitates a conducive, coherent and predictable tax regime. On her part, Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) CEO Ms. Phyllis Wakiaga said that local

manufacturers are fast losing their competitive edge to other regional firms due to the unpredictable nature of the local tax regime. To foster national growth, Wakiaga noted that taxation policies will need to be aligned to long-term national development plans such as Vision 2030. “The ongoing culture of tax regimes that are far removed from the national development agenda is regrettable,” she added. “Taxation should be predictable and broad-based, enabling economic agents to plan accordingly, therefore securing a strong future of both our businesses and the economy at large,” said Ms Wakiaga. Phillip Muema, from financial services group, Nexus Business Advisory said unpredictable tax regimes founded on short-term plans end up providing a fertile breeding ground for trade in contraband among other economic ills. Dennis_x254

Africa Climate Change Fund scales up operations with Sh746 million donation from Italy and Belgium The African Development Bank (AfDB) has approved the conversion of a facility dubbed the Africa Climate Change Fund (ACCF) established in 2014 with €4.725 million (Sh526.1 million) from the Government of Germany to a multidonor trust fund. This conversion brings two new partners to the Fund, the governments of Italy and Belgium who are contributing €4.7 million (Sh523.31 million) and €2 million (Sh222.69 million), respectively. It further opens the door to new partnerships with other donors interested in supporting African countries in their transition to low-carbon, climate resilient and green growth. An ACCF report states that despite its limited contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions, the African continent is highly vulnerable to the negative impacts of climate change. Progress is being made globally towards mobilising and scaling up climate finance – notably with the recent establishment of the Green Climate Fund (GCF). In October 2016, the ACCF collaborated with the World Resources Institute, the Kenyan National Environmental Management Authority, and a number of other actors to convene an event in Nairobi for African institutions to exchange lessons and experiences on direct access and project development for the GCF. “This project will provide a strong pipeline of projects to potential financiers, thereby bolstering the realization of our aspirations of sustainable development as set out in Kenya’s Vision, 2030,” said Catherine Ndegwa, CEO of Kenya’s National Environment Trust Fund in an earlier statement. The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), which is also the founding donor of the ACCF, expressed pride that the Fund, which was established with the vision of eventually attracting other donors, has achieved this milestone, demonstrating the success of the initiative. Anthony Nyong, Director of AfDB’s Climate Change and Green Growth Department, said ACCF plays an important role in supporting African countries in scaling up their access to climate finance to advance the ambitious targets they have set in their intended contributions. “The partnership with our donors will be instrumental in scaling up the bank’s climate finance to advance climate resilient, low carbon development across the continent,” Nyong explained. According to a recent study by the climate policy initiative, only 3 per cent of the global climate finance currently flows to Sub-Saharan Africa despite the fact that the region is the most vulnerable to climate change. @enock_x254


State to solve drought crisis as Kenya marks World Water Day


For over six months now, Nairobi residents have faced hard times, as water rationing in most parts of the city has been the order of the day. This shortage that prompted the scheduling of a water rationing time table arose from the fact that water levels at the Ndakaini Dam - which has been the main supply - have continued to drop as the drought and delayed rains continue to cause havoc in most parts of Kenya. Currently, the city requires 700 million litres of water to serve residents every day but the Nairobi water and Sewerage Company is only able to supply between 400 and 500 million litres. Water has always played a central role in societies with the vital commodity tagged as a key driver of sustainable growth and poverty reduction as it is an input to almost all production in agriculture, industry, energy and transport and also useful for healthy ecosystems. The drop in water levels that has so far gone below the 41 per cent mark has worried the government with the Ministry of Water through Cabinet Secretary, Eugene Wamalwa saying the state is putting up massive infrastructural development to deal with the challenge of drought in the future. It is because of the detail that water is literally life that every year, World Water Day highlights a specific aspect of freshwater. Today, under the theme ‘Water and Wastewater’, the world over has the opportunity to consolidate and build upon the previous World Water Days themes to highlight the symbiosis between water and wastewater in the quest for sustainable development. Established in 1993 by the United Nations General Assembly, the day serves as an occasion for the global community to come together and focus attention on importance of access to clean water and the need for sustainable management of freshwater resources. As the world celebrates the United Nations-coordinated event, the focus shifts to wastewater, which is perceived as a valuable resource in the circular economy and its safe management as

Women washing clothes as others fetch water from a water vendor whose source of water is reportedly considered polluted and unsafe compared to ATM-style dispensers (not pictured) installed in Mathare slum, Nairobi, Kenya, June, 24 2015. The system, which was launched in 2015 and uses a smart card which are being issued to the locals, aims to provide cleaner and cheaper water to resident of the slum. EPA/DANIEL IRUNGU an efficient investment in the health of humans and ecosystems. Kenya and specifically the cities and urban areas of Kenya have not made strides in the recycling of waste water which could effectively cater for a huge percentage of water needed for other uses other than consumption. World Water Day 2017, marked today, March 22, 2017 at Mecheo Secondary School in Nyamira County, sets the agenda to effectively curb the recurring water shortage crisis and the drought menace in Kenya. The Ministry of Water and irrigation is currently engaging stakeholders, enhancing collaborations and promoting coordination and creation of partnerships in an effort to support Kenya to secure enhanced access to clean water, in adequate quality and quantity to all at an affordable price for the present and future generations. The Government’s efforts to manage the water resources, provide sustainable access to safe water, sewerage systems, and basic sanitation for the population

have often hit a dead end due to limited resources, however the government is making headway as it seeks to provide the important commodity. Kenya’s Vision 2030 blueprint provides that the country needs to push to achieve the universal access to water and sanitation threshold as envisaged under Sustainable Development Goal Number 6. Kenya’s water coverage is currently 58% while sewerage is at 68 per cent in urban areas and 50 per cent in rural areas. With the completion of water projects in Narok, Masinga Kitui, Maua Phase I, Kisumu, Mombasa Lot I, Nyahururu, Othaya Mukrweini, Lamu Island and continued implementation in Baricho Lot II and III to serve Malindi, Kilifi and Mombasa, Northern Collector Tunnel I to bring 140,000 m3/day of water to Nairobi, Iten Sabor, Ruiru/Juja, Ongata Rongai, Muranga Community Water Projects, Eldoret, Chemususu, Siyoi/ Muruny, Maua, Isiolo, Siaya/ Bondo, Kericho, Keroka, and Taveta, an additional over 1 million Kenyans are

expected to get access to water. This financial year, the government through the ministry of water and irrigation plans to kick off the Vihiga cluster, Kisii, Nyamira, Litein, Kirandich dam Phase II, Mwingi Kiambere II, Marsabit, Mandera, Chuka, Meru Sewerage, Machakos, Moi’s Bridge, Malaba, Bomet, Kilgoris and Matunda projects to further reach more Kenyans. In response to the drought, measures have been taken with the implementation of the Drought Mitigation Programmes. The Ministry of water received an allocation of Sh221 million for the month of November 2016 to late January 2017 which was utilised to ensure that water reach affected counties. With these efforts and a clear road map on water conservation and waste water management, it is expected that Kenya will be able to achieve the internationally accepted standards on water provision to its citizens. @kevin_x254

DPO, Visa to launch e-commerce initiative at Strathmore University The Direct Pay Online Group, (DPO Group), an online payments service provider in East and Southern Africa, in partnership with Visa, have signed a partnership with the Faculty of Information Technology at Strathmore University to provide an e-commerce educational series to help support a 21st century workforce in the continent. The workshops are designed to increase the development and awareness of e-commerce and online payments integration The initiative dubbed, ‘10x10’, provides a series of workshops which will provide free skills development in

e-commerce and online payments, enabling innovation and development in this arena. The workshops are designed to provide the students with the skills to build an e-shop and connect it to the online payments solution, for successful e-commerce environments. The DPO Group and Visa will provide support and a rewards programme for the developers where they will share 10 per cent from all payments transactions from a website built by the developers and connected to the DPO payments solution for the first ten months. “The DPO Group sees effective, high level e-commerce education as a key

to the economic vitality in Africa. Through access to education, our knowledge and support, we will enable vital skills development,” said Eran Feinstein, DPO Group CEO. “We want to support the professionalisation of the online payments industry, which in turn will yield better service to online merchants and better uptake of e-commerce services,” Feinstein added. “Those who sign up for the programme will get access to free technical support and access to a simple payments service platform which is safe and secure.” “Strathmore University is committed to establishing collaborations that

challenge the way students think and help better prepare them for the job market—while at the same time enabling them to deliver cutting-edge solutions,” said Dr. Joseph Orero, Dean, Faculty of Information Technology, Strathmore University. The 10x10 programme aims to equip young developers with sought after e-commerce skills over the next two years and the partnership with Strathmore University is the launching platform. This will enable the expansion of the imitative across the continent. @kevin_x254

Increased lending helps I&M Bank post Sh9 billion pre-tax profit

Financial services group, I&M Bank Limited has announced a 9 per cent after tax profit growth for its 2016 full year trading results. Speaking after the release of the results, I&M Bank Kenya Chief Executive officer, Mr. Kihara Maina noted the performance was largely satisfactory given the severe operating environment the industry as a whole was facing. He further pointed out that the core banking business of intermediation involving the pricing of risk was considerably impacted by the interest rate corridor which makes it a challenging environment for both customers and the bank. While the group’s assets registered a growth of 10.3 per cent to close at Sh182.1 billion up from Sh165 billion, the firm’s pre-tax profit recorded a marginal rise of 3 per cent growth to close at Sh9 billion up from Sh8.7 billion posted the previous year. Increased customer lending accelerated the firm’s loan and advances book to Sh120.7 billion up from Sh114.9 billion representing a 5 per cent growth. The Group’s interest income generated from customer loans and advances including placements on government securities increased by an 11 per cent margin to close at Sh21.7 billion up from Sh19.6 billion posted the previous year. Speaking with regard to the strategic direction of the Bank, Mr Maina pointed out that the lemder was in the middle of undertaking comprehensive structural re-alignments to position the Group for future growth. He further added that I&M Bank would take a cautious, informed approach in the way it reacts to the recent changes in laws affecting its business. “We are pursuing several strategic initiatives that we believe will place the Bank in a better position to counter the various challenges arising from the current operating environment whilst taking advantage of existing opportunities as we endeavour to increase our shareholders’ value”, Maina said. On the recent acquisition of former Giro Commercial Bank Limited (GCBL), the CEO added that the integration process of the two businesses is progressing well and plans have been finalised to ensure a smooth customer transition. GCBL will add on a proforma basis net advances of approximately Kshs 9.1 billion and deposits of Kshs 12.6 billion. I&M Bank has also acquired Giro Bank’s branch network, effectively pushing its footprint to 43 branches in Kenya. @Dennis_x254


Motoring Deals

Car dealers to report purchases over Sh1M as state launches tax evasion crackdown WEDNESDAY MARCH 22, 2017

Car dealers should be added to a list of institutions that must report transactions above a certain threshold to the Financial Reporting Centre (FRC), the National Assembly’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has said The government is setting up new measures to counter the laundering of stolen public funds Car dealers could soon be required to report customers buying vehicles worth more than $10,000 (Sh1 million) to the state’s financial intelligence unit The PAC recommendation came after an investigation discovered that part of the stolen cash from the recent National Youth Service (NYS) scandal was used to buy motor vehicles and houses. The committee wants Parliament to immediately review and subsequently amend the Banking Act and other financial laws and regulations with a view to effecting the proposal. If enacted, the recommendation could see car dealers report tens of thousands of transactions each year in a move that is expected to cause unease among some customers. A majority of vehicles in the country are currently retailing at more Sh1 million. The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA)

and the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) plan to use this information to pursue tax evaders and individuals living on proceeds of theft. Used car dealers said the proposed amendment is unnecessary because transfers of sums above Ksh1 million are already captured through the banking system under the reporting obligations of local lenders. Kenya has become a strong used car market with the main supply source being Japan and the Middle East. The government, however, has made recent moves to support the country’s local manufacturing sector by helping set up vehicle assembly plants in the country. In early February this year, President Uhuru Kenyatta announced the resumption of the assembly of passenger vehicles by French manufacturer, Peugeot Group. At the time, the President said he was pleased by the momentum that Kenya is creating in the motor vehicle sector. President Kenyatta was speaking on February 7, 2017 at State House, Nairobi, where an assembly licence agreement between Peugeot Group and Urysia Limited, the local Peugeot agent,

was signed. During the occasion, the President also witnessed the signing of an agreement which will see France finance the construction of Ruiru II Dam that will boost water supply to Nairobi and its environs. The Head of State expressed optimism that the resumption of vehicle assembling in the country by Peugeot would create jobs for young people, teach them new skills and hasten the growth of associated industries which will encourage even more investment

in other sectors. “For our part, my Government will continue to enforce the Buy Kenya Build Kenya policy, to support companies and businesses that produce in Kenya,” Kenyatta said. Kenya’s vehicle market started the year on a low note registering a 28.72 per cent decline in units sold in January. Total Industry sales for January 2017 was at 752 units compared to 1,062 units sold over the same period in 2016. The sector has been registering drops in sales in a tight liquidity environment.

In 2016, the domestic Industry sold 15,535 units a 30.6 per cent decline compared to 19,523 units in 2015. The January report indicates that almost all classes of vehicles indicated a drop in sales apart from medium trucks, 3 ton S Cab and mini buses. Light trucks were the most sold though at 223 units though a decline by 33.6 per cent compared January 2016 followed by Sports Utility vehicles with 141 units. @Dennis_x254

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When will Kenyan

EVENT PROMOTERS get their act together?


here’s been some stirrings in the entertainment industry. Events are essentially the hallmark of the entertainment world and it seems Kenya simply cannot get its act together. A lot goes into staging even a small event. A ton of precision and other logistical details are involved. With all the events that have been put on in the country you would think that by now these things would have some sort of order. Naiboi were all set for a show in Eldoret on Saturday March 4th 2017 at Club 411. Posters were printed and the event was hyped up in the town and on show night, the artistes got conned by a cunning promoter. Kelvin Mukoma, the man in question slighted the musicians by being cheap with accommodation and of the money is reportedly Sh.64, 000 that Everlast’s lawyer had instructed the promoter to pay. A quote from the letter reads, “By an artiste performance agreement dated 15th/02/2017 that


provided our client was to perform at your event and where you were to pay for the said services, bearing in mind the same, you have neglected to pay our client the balance of said performance fees, despite numerous reminders to do so.” Strangely enough just last week Khaligraph faced the same fate in the same town, at the very same club but he was prudent enough not to go along with the performance. In an apology video posted Instagram he says, “kulikua na ka-misunderstanding and you know how the industry is, you gotta be wise out here when you sense that there are people out there that wanna take you for a ride.” Writing in the caption, “the organisers of the Show have the full information as to why it couldnt happen.” Apparently our ineptitude has encroached successful Dobba Fest that went down on 18th March was an absolute blow out, so why are there murmurings that all the headlining acts were scammed out of their money? A mysterious post by blogger Fredrick Mirikau, although hard to verify artists Richie Spice, Luciano and Etana

were shortchanged by the managers on the Saturday Reggae Concert upon signing the government contracts,” the amounts were, “Richie Spice was to receive an equivalent of Ksh 4.5M, he received Ksh 2.5M. Etana was to receive Ksh 2.2M, but was paid Ksh 1.2M. Luciano’s Ksh 3.5M was shortchanged to Ksh 1.5. So sad!” Another case happens to be the Darasa show that had been hyped up so much we were sure it was going


dubbed reportedly did not happen because the venue was slotted for the Dobba Fest, but aren’t these thing usually booked weeks in advance? Which is odd because in a statement to host Willy M Tuva, through media reports, Darasa alleged that money was the bigger issue. is any indication of how the year is going to be, it’s set to be a rough one.



omedian turned musician Oga Obinna aka Oga@DTop is literally on top of things. The 26-year-old funny man together with his ex-girlfriend Lilian were early this week blessed with a bouncing baby girl. The duo whose relationship has been an on and off affair have since named the little angel Damilola according to a Facebook post shared by the comedian. Damilola is the comedian’s 4th child child and the second with Lilian who is also 4 year old Ada’s mum. The comedian’s other two children; Luironne and Brianna were mothered by two different women.


gets baby with ex-girlfriend

Rihanna is her own worst enemy!


t seems Rihanna is her own biggest critic. The 29-year-old singer made her Bates Motel debut on Monday night -- and couldn’t stop sharing live critiques of her own performance on Instagram as the episode aired. “Ew, I can’t bare the sound of that kiss, it’s disgusting,” said Rihanna, who checked into Bates Motel as Marion Crane -- Janet Leigh’s famous role in 1960’s Psycho. “It’s weirding me out.” The Barbadian beauty’s embarrassment didn’t last long, however, as she and her friends erupted in hysterical

laughter before the end of her first scene. The viewing party then turned into a drinking game, with the group taking a shot every time a character said the names “Norman” or “Sam,” before adding on rules like “any time Norman licks his lips” or “anytime anyone points.” By the end of the episode, Rihanna seemed in awe of her own performance, cheering on her dramatic driving-in-the-rain scene and applauding Freddie Highmore’s Norman Bates with a powerful “Yes, Norman!”


enya’s all-boy band H_art the Band is set to release their new music video featuring Tanzanian songbird Lady Jaydee on Friday the 24th of March 2017. Known for their hard hitting poetic yet lyrical prowess in delivering the message of love, H_art the band in this new music video dubbed ‘Rosella’ give another beautiful love story. ‘Never Be Afraid of Falling in Love because even with all the H_♥RT-ache _& Pain it is still the Bestest Gift in the WorLd,’ the trio say. Lady Jaydee brings in her vocal prowess in this interesting love story enriching it with her great poetry that will make this an instant hit.

collabo with Jaydee set for release





cooking gadgets every healthy kitchen needs E

very kitchen has different needs but if you are on a mission to live a healthier life then you definitely need to have these on your counters just to make the journey a bit easier. A PROFESSIONAL BLENDER At this point it’s hard to imagine life without a blender. They are used for making almost everything in the cooking process. Smoothies, dips, cocktails (both alcoholic and virgin), soups, sauces and nut butters. They are also necessary making protein shakes and juices to boost



A lot of information is put out there for women to use when choosing décor, but what about the men? Here’s some tips for you. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2017 ● OLD IS GOLD ‘Manly’ room décor invokes richness and EXECUTIVE OFFICE FURNITURE deepness and nothing is richer and deeper than old stuff! Find vintage pieces be it a coffee table or a couch. Not just old additions though, they should look like they belong, lived in and comfortable. It will give the room some dimension and as mentioned before, depth. ● TEXTURES It’s easy to look expensive when you choose Stackable leather the right fabrics for the room. Leather is chair Sh. 6000 High back sleek always a good option but keep the colours chair Sh.15000 dark in tone and make sure that it is a hardy Mid-Back mesh chair Sh.8000 leather that you are going for. Cotton and Also on offer are Executive office Tables and chairs wool are also durable and come in a variety ogs keep you company and run to the door every time somebody knocks on it but they are of shades. Stay away from vinyl and silks as also the most energetic animals out there. There’s they are the polar opposite of what you are a limitless number of activities that you can do going for. together to keep you moving and get that kick to get ● COLOR your weight loss journey started. Choose a color scheme and stick to it. Dark RUNNING For more details;contact us on This is the most common and easiest activity to do colours, neutrals and jewel tones are the 0703212008/0733486360 with your dog. Dogs have a ton of energy and this only way to go. Navy blue, black, grey, forest is just one wayEmail:info@executivefurniture.com to make them unleash it. There are green, white and mahogany should be your certain breeds of dog that are built for the journey like German Shepherds, sheepdogs and retrievers. But be warned a dog could potentially run itself to death. If a dog is enthusiastic about running you should not have you drag it around, in most cases it should be the one leading you. Carry a water bottle RINGTONES: 30 KSHS PER DAY that will be sufficient for the both of you.


your health. CONTAINERS The funny thing about containers is that when you really need them, you won’t find them and when you don’t they are lying all over the cupboards. Containers are invaluable for storing food and other knickknacks around the kitchen. They come in plastic, metal and wood and serve different purposes according to your food needs. NON-STICK GRILL Grilling can help you cut calories instead

base. You can add one more hue to this to act as an accent colour in your accessories. ● CORNERS, MANY CORNERS

Together with the clean lines, everything should be simple and elegant. This streamlines your home and lends a certain retro feel to the aesthetic of the room. Chose functional furniture and add-ons that are no frills.

Accessories and furniture should be sharp and angular where necessary. Not everything should have lean lines but it should dominate the landscape. ●SIMPLICITY IS KEY

could be solution to your



of using a pan or cooking pot to fry food. Steamers are also a good idea for the same but the great thing about grills is that you are able to impart more flavor into the food and a little burn is actually a good thing. MEASURING SPOONS AND CUPS These are handy in more ways than one. Apart from using them during baking, you can use them when measuring out food portions and use them in cooking recipes. Which means you won’t consume more food than you actually need.


things to consider when making a room



This is also another fun thing to do with a dog. Some dogs take to water more readily than others. Retrievers are your best bet here, they just love the water but this still does not mean that there are other breeds that don’t enjoy the water. It’s probably a good idea to keep small dogs out of the water altogether because their short limbs might not be ideal for swimming.


Hiking is great because it’s a lot easier to do than other high impact exercises and you can do it for a lot longer. Take your canine companion on a long walk, get some fresh air and enjoy the scenery. Take breaks in between if you are doing an extended session and don’t forget to hydrate.

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Nsimbe’s Tusker endure more sour taste as rivals Gor Mahia dances on WEDNESDAY MARCH 22, 2017

Kenyan Premier League defending champions Tusker FC are finding themselves swimming deeper into crisis after their second successive league loss, going down 2-0 to Thika United over the weekend. The result was the fourth consecutive competitive loss for the Brewers as new head coach George ‘Best’ Nsimbe continues for the search of his maiden win since picking up the bags from Paul Nkata, the golden man of the ‘double double’ era of the 2016 season. Tusker’s fight against Thika lacked grit and determination, leaving so much unanswered questions that even Nsimbe could not explain after the match. So enraged was he with the result that the otherwise calm, cool and composed Ugandan dodged the media after the match. Nonetheless, Capital Sport caught up with him and he admitted ‘there is something wrong’ with the team. “If it is playing we are playing well. We are not scoring but we are conceding. I don’t think the problem is with our game. It must be somewhere else and we will sit down and get to the bottom of it,” the tactician noted with anger

Tusker FC head coach George Nsimbe reacts during his team’s Sportpesa Premier League encounter with Thika United at the Thika Municipal Stadium two weeks ago. PHOTO: CAPITAL FM

veins all over his face. And true, the problem might be just more than the pitch. It is understood the ‘morale of the players is low’ and

they are unhappy with the management over unpaid bonuses for winning twin titles last season. A source familiar with the on-goings

at Ruaraka says the players were paid Sh60, 000 each for winning the league and GOtv Shield but they thought it was little hence no morale. While Tusker struggle to find the barrel that pushed them to double victory last term, their closest competitors to the throne Gor Mahia have started the season with a gush. Building on their opening day 3-1 win over Kariobangi Sharks, K’Ogalo picked maximum points from yet another newly promoted side, beating Zoo Kericho 1-0. The result puts Jose Marcelo Ferreira’s side squarely at the apex with a perfect record and they seemed to have learned their lesson as a disastrous start last season saw them lose considerable Gor Mahia player Kenneth Muguna cel;ebrates after scoring during their weekend KPL match against Zoo Kericho in Kisumu. PHOTO: CAPITAL FM

ground in the fight for the title. Arch rivals AFC Leopards have also started the season positively, winning an opening match for the first time in eight seasons after a 3-0 spanking of Nakumatt FC. Head coach Stewart Hall believes it is some form of good omen for them as they seek a league title for the first time since 1998. The Briton believes he has put together a fine squad with a good balance between youth and experience. For Nakumatt, it was a tale of the Premier League being a tough nut to crack as they went on for the second consecutive match without winning nor scoring a goal. Their coach Giovanni Troiani is however upbeat they will soon find their footing. “My team has been playing well and I know the results will start coming soon. We are new to the Premier League and it is not easy. The two games we have played I think I am happy with what the players have given. We only have to start winning and next game I believe we will do that,” the Italian who has been with the team for the last three seasons noted. Of all the promoted teams, Nzoia United is the only side that has started the campaign on a positive note with the Bungoma based club having won their opening fixture against Tusker before picking a point in their goalless home draw against Mathare United over the weekend. Kariobangi Sharks, Nakumatt and Zoo Kericho have all lost their opening two matches. Elsewhere, Muhoroni Youth and Sofapaka had contrasting results on their first matches of the season after being reinstated to the league by the Sports Disputes Tribunal. A relatively new Muhoroni side picked up a 1-0 win over Sharks at home while Sofapaka found themselves on the receiving end of a similar scoreline in Nakuru against Sony Sugar. MORE ON THIS STORY www.capitalfm.co.ke

Kidero promises Sh1m for Kenyan winner at Kenya Open Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero has promised Sh1m ($10, 000) to a Kenyan who will write history as the first ever to win the Barclays Kenya Open that sees the 49th edition tee-off on Wednesday at the Muthaiga Golf Club. The Governor who was playing the Pro Am on Tuesday made the commitment to award local professional players that will also see Sh500,000 ( $5, 000) awarded to a Kenyan who will finishes between positions 2-5 while Sh100,000 ($1000) will go to a local player who will be placed between positions 5-10. Any Kenyan who makes the cut will get

Sh50, 000 ($500). The field of 156 golfers includes 22 local professionals, 6 elite Kenyan amateur golfers and over 100 professional golfers from the European Challenge Tour. Thika’s Simon Ngige was the first to tee-off at 7am in the company of Italy’s Federico Maccario and England’s Peter Tarver-Jones. Nyali’s golf club junior protégé Agil Is Haq teed off at 7:20am and he is expected to draw a big crowd as he battles the elements at the Muthaiga Golf Club.

The Muthaiga resident golf professional, Nelson Mudanyi were off at 7:30am followed by Brian Njoroge at 7:40am while on form Greg Snow teed off at 8am in the company of Northern Ireland’s Cormac Sharvin and England’s Paul Maddy. Snow finished top at the Jamii Telkom PGK Masters at the Sigona Golf Club and he was the best placed Kenyan at the recently concluded Karen Masters where he finished fourth. Snow has played the Muthaiga course for nearly two decades and is expected MORE ON THIS STORY to play well. www.capitalfm.co.ke

Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero


Paris and Los Angeles battle for 2024 Olympics Paris and Los Angeles say they are only interested in hosting the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics - and not the 2028 Games. There have been suggestions the International Olympic Committee may award both the 2024 and 2028 Games in September. “2024 is now or never for us,” co-chair Tony Estanguet told BBC Sport. The LA 2024 committee later issued a statement saying their bid represents “the right city at this critical time”. The American city’s statement added: “With all permanent venues already built and 88% public support, only LA 2024 offers the lowest-risk and truly sustainable solution for the future of the Olympic movement in 2024 and beyond.” The 2024 Games are scheduled to be awarded at September’s IOC summit in Lima, Peru, with Paris the favourite to win. There have been reports the losers of the 2024 bid could be awarded the following Games in 2028. “All options are on the table, and this includes also the 2024-2028 procedure and vote,” said IOC president Thomas Bach last week. Earlier this week, Eric Garcetti, the mayor of LA, warned the Americans were intent on winning the right to host the 2024 Games. “We are competing for 2024,” he told insidethegames. “Full stop. We have never contemplated anything else.”

First Manchester derby outside UK set for the US Manchester City will play Manchester United in a pre-season friendly in the United States on 20 July. A venue is still to be decided for the game, which will form part of the annual International Champions Cup. It will be the first Manchester derby to be played outside the United Kingdom. City should have played United in the Chinese capital Beijing last July but the match at the Bird’s Nest was cancelled due to heavy rain. City will face another Premier League rival, Tottenham, in Nashville on 29 July before playing Spanish giants Real Madrid in Los Angeles on 26 July. Spurs also play French champions Paris StGermain, winners of the tournament for the past two years, in Orlando on 22 July and Italian side Roma in New Jersey on 25 July. The event also features only the second El Clasico to be played outside Spain when Real Madrid meet Barcelona in Miami on 29 July the teams met in Venezuela in 1982. United will also play Real Madrid in Santa Clara on 23 July before they meet Barcelona in Washington DC on 26 July. Meanwhile, International Champions Cup games in Singapore this summer will see Premier League leaders Chelsea play German


Manchester United’s Wayne Rooney shields his Manchester City opponent kevin de Bryune from the ball during a past league encounter. PHOTO:EPA

champions Bayern Munich on 25 July and Serie A side Inter Milan on 29 July, while Arsenal will feature when tournament games

are played in China. London matches at Wembley are also to be announced in the coming days.



Ivory Coast appoint Wilmots new coach

England’s head coach Gareth Southgate (L) and defender Gary Cahill (R) attend a press conference of the national team at the Atlantic Hotel in Essen, Germany, yesterday. England will face Germany in an international friendly soccer match in Dortmund tonight. PHOTO: SASCHA STEINBACH/ EPA


vory Coast have named former Belgium international Marc Wilmots as their new head coach to replace Michel Dussuyer. The 48-year-old Wilmots was coach of Belgium between 2012 and 2016 and lead them to the World Cup in Brazil. He was sacked in July 2016 after Belgium lost 3-1 to Wales in the quarter-finals of the European Championships. Former Everton manager Roberto Martinez was appointed as his replacement. Frenchman Dussuyer quit the Elephants after they exited the 2017 Africa Cup of Nations at the group stage. Wilmots, who has signed a two-year contract with an option to renew, will get the chance to see his new charges in action almost immediately as Ivory Coast play two friendlies. However he will not be in charge of the team for those matches, against Russia on Friday in Krasnador and then Senegal three days later in Franceas, as Ibrahim Kamara will be in temporary control. The Belgian has been set the task of qualifying for the 2018 World Cup in Russia and the Africa Cup of Nations a year later. Ivory Coast are top of their World Cup qualifying pool with four points from two matches, ahead of Gabon, Morocco and Mali, with only the group winners going to Russia. When the Nations Cup campaign kicks off in June, the Elephants will battle it out with Guinea, Central African Republic and Rwanda for a place at the finals in Cameroon.


Southgate wants fearless England in Germany test E

ngland manager Gareth Southgate has urged his players to confront their German opponents in tonight’s friendly match in Dortmund with confidence as they seek to bridge the gap with the World Champions. It will be Southgate’s first game since he was confirmed as manager following the exit of Sam Allardyce. Chelsea defender who will captain the team tonight has said they will not be intimidated by the world champions. “I am certainly respectful of the history of what they have done, but man for man I’m confident in the squad we’ve got and the players we have when I’m going out to face them,” said the 31-year-old. Forward Raheem Sterling missed training yesterday and remains a doubt for the match in Dortmund while Southgate has decided against calling up a replacement for injured defender Phil Jones. Former Arsenal attacker Lukas Podolski will

captain Germany as he wins his 130th and final cap. But Mesut Ozil, Julian Draxler, Mario Gomez and Manuel Neuer are all injured for the hosts. England are also without regular captain Wayne Rooney for the match while Harry Kane and Daniel Sturridge miss out through injury. That leaves Jermain Defoe, Jamie Vardy and Marcus Rashford as the only strikers in Southgate’s squad. On Sunday, uncapped West Ham winger Michail Antonio - who has been playing in an advanced role for West Ham - withdrew because of a hamstring injury. The trip to Germany is followed on Sunday by a World Cup qualifier against Lithuania at Wembley. Speaking about Sterling’s fitness concerns, Southgate said: “I’ve got to balance what is right for Wednesday and what is right for Sunday as well, so we’ll keep monitoring that. “We are in a

position where we haven’t been able to get all the players on the field until today and then you’ve got to see how they come through training. “It’s a little bit later than we’d have liked but that’s the nature of it.” Cahill will miss the Lithuania match because of suspension, and Southgate said he would consider whether to add an extra defender to his party to provide cover for when the squad return to England. For Germany, the match against England is a chance to say goodbye to 31-year-old Galatasaray forward Podolski, who quit international football after Euro 2016 with 48 goals from 129 caps but returns for a farewell game. “It’s not easy to replace Podolski in the team. He is unique. He is one of the greatest players that Germany has produced,” said boss Joachim Low. Podolski, who won the 2014 World Cup with Germany, will join Japanese side Vissel Kobe after the Turkish season ends in May.

Published By Xtra Publishing Limited, Chancery Building, Valley Road, Nairobi | Printed at The Standard Group Centre, Mombasa Road, Nairobi. Paul Marshall-CEO, Fred Bunei-Finance Manager, Josiah Musee-Advertising Manager, Peter Obuya-Editor

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