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THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 2017 | www.x254.Co








Kidero, Kenneth ramp up attacks T as Nairobi race gathers pace

Alarm raised over increasing drug abuse in schools

Story on Page 2

he National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) has raised an alarm over the increasing rate of drug and substance abuse in schools with a new report showing students now begin use of alcohol, khat and tobacco at the age of 14. They then graduate to hard drugs like cocaine and bhang a year later according to the report released by the drug watchdog agency. And it warned the country could be fast raising a generation of drug abusers in schools if the signs are not taken seriously.


South Africa couple ‘detained in UAE for sex outside marriage’

Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero. Dr Kidero is facing a serious onslaught from Jubilee aspirants as he seeks to defend his seat. But he has dimissed his challengers as not serious enough “cougars” and “Ben 10s”

Former Presidential Candidate Peter Kenneth. Mr ex-Gatanga lawmaker wants to unbseat Kidero but faces serious nomination challenge within Jubilee. He has dismissed his challengers as “hooligans”

Page 4: Emlyn Curverwell and his Ukranian Fiancee Iryna Nohai were arrested after the lady was found pregnant after being rushed to hospital.



Attacks fly as Nairobi race gathers pace THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 2017

Top runners in the Nairobi gubernatorial race, incumbent Evans Kidero and challenger Peter Kenneth have ramped up attacks against their opponents as the clock ticks towards the August 8, 2017 general election. While Dr Kidero seems to be assured of being on the ballot, the same cannot be said of Peter Kenneth who still has to battle it out with Jubilee rivals for the party’s ticket. Kenneth’s rivals within Jubilee include senator Mike Sonko, MPs Johnson Sakaja (Nominated) and Dennis Waweru (Dagoretti) alongside former Starehe lawmaker Margaret Wanjiru. But he has dismissed his challengers as ‘thug and racketeer of politics’ who do not deserve a chance to be elected as Nairobi City governor. He said his party rivals are not in the same league as those who should be aspiring to become the next city chief executive. “We are different. I offer leadership, he offers hooliganism; I offer a way forward, what he offers is cheerleading to groups of gangs and encouraging gangs,” Kenneth told a National Muslims’ Leaders’ Forum at Crown Plaza hotel in Nairobi on Monday in an apparent attack on Sonko. And yesterday, Dr Kidero also took the same line of attack, taking a swipe at his rivals from both within Jubilee or the opposition and calling them “cougars” and “Ben 10s” who are not fit to lead

Nairobi Governor Dr Evans Kidero addresses wananchi in Dagoretti South during an inspection tour of Wahu road construction. The road is set to be completed in May this year. Kidero has dismissed his challengers as unfit to become Governor.

the city. Although the Nairobi Governorship is promising to be a tough battle between Jubilee and Nasa, Dr Kidero says the seat is not up for grabs as it is firmly under his control. “Nairobi is a serious city. It cannot be managed by ‘cougars’ and ‘Ben 10s’,” Kidero told Citizen TV during the JKL

interview last evening. “We are ready for anyone who comes into the Nairobi gubernatorial race, whether it is Peter Kenneth, Sonko, Marende or others,” he added. Kidero, who will seeking a second term in office under a united opposition ticket told his potential challengers to brace for a resounding defeat at the

ODM picks up fresh war with Kenyatta over Turkana barbs The Orange Democratic Party has picked up a fresh war with President Uhuru Kenyatta over the latter’s outrage in Turkana yesterday. Mr Kenyatta appeared to have been angered by area Governor Josephat Nanok who claimed he could not get any votes in the Northern County unless he lets locals enjoy the oil benefits from local wells. And now, ODM with is led by opposition chief Raila Odinga has faulted the President for what they termed an ‘acrimonious confrontation’ with Mr Nanok over oil proceeds. In a series tweets today, the party said it had reviewed the clip of the altercation between the two leaders saying that ‘ODM is disturbed by what is increasingly becoming a habit of the president to pick feuds with certain county leaders. It said the people of Turkana have legitimate expectations that their leaders must represent their grievances to the powers that be. “What was a fair challenge to the President to state his stand on #TurkanaOil fast degenerated into unacceptable angry outbursts,” read part of the serialised tweets. “Whether by design or not; it’s unacceptable that national government leaders respond to questions of accountability by anger and outrage,” the party dared, Happening in an election year, ODM

said it does not augur well for peace and cohesion and it had to stop. The party reiterated that the people of Turkana stand firmly with H.E Governor Josephat Nanok in rejecting intimidation, foul language and cheap anger. “The Party stands with the people of Turkana in demanding that Turkana oil proceeds be used equitably and fairly, to develop the region,” it reckoned. “We stand in solidarity with H.E Gov. Josephat Nanok and the leaders of Turkana people in demanding fair share of the oil revenue,” the part held. Last year, Governor Nanok already rejected ‘punitive and exploitative’ legislation that denies Turkana people equitable share of oil revenue. In his tour to Turkana County yesterday, Uhuru Kenyatta criticised Governor Josephat Nanok saying his

ballot. He said the contestants for the gubernatorial race pose no challenge to his re-election bid as they are nonstarters. He particularly singled Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko and former legal adviser to ex-Prime Minister Raila Odinga, Miguna Miguna.

“Can you beat lawyer Miguna Miguna? The interviewer Jeff Koinange asked Governor Kidero. “Does he even have a voting card? He answered. But it was Kidero’s ridicule on Senator Mike Sonko that left most of the TV viewers in stitches. The governor said anyone aspiring to be a head of a capital city must have global knowledge. “Can you beat Senator Sonko? He was asked. His response, “Does he even know who the current UN Secretary General is? The city boss said he was prepared to face all his challengers promising to floor them on account of his track record. He cited education, healthcare and streamlining of revenue collection as some of his achievements in office so far. He said under his regime the city had witnessed a lot of growth only that corrupt cartels at City Hall had hindered his service delivery to the people. “The biggest problem in Nairobi is cartels. I will get rid of the cartels,” he said. However, the governor admitted not have delivered according to his expectations and pleaded with the city residents to accord him a second term to finish his projects. “We have done a lot, though we have not done all we would have wanted to do,” he admitted. @hillary_x254

Alarm raised over increasing drug abuse in schools From Page 1

county was a shameful example of poor service delivery to Kenyans. Uhuru noted that the county received a sum equal to the total amount sent to Kiambu and Uasin Gishu counties. “Turkana deserves to develop at the same pace as other counties and its residents have a right to receive efficient and effective services under the devolved unit,” the president told Lodwar town residents. However, the opposition party has scoffed President Uhuru Kenyatta and his administration saying it rejects tactics that are meant to intimidate and silence peoples and their leaders from raising legitimate concerns. “ODM calls on the President to mind his language, and temper his anger, when responding to grievances of the Kenyan people,” Odinga’s party noted. @hillary_x254

“The results portray a shocking outlook of our education system as the numbers are just a representation of students from 10 regions. What would we witness if we extended the survey to the entire country? NACADA chairman Julius Githiria posed. Some 3908 students across the country with 77 schools randomly selected across 10 counties featured in the survey. 60 percent of respondents were male while 40 percent were female. The survey comes in the wake of a major crackdown on drug sale and use by the President Uhuru Kenyatta administration especially in the Coast region where its misuse is prevalent. The President issued a stern warning to narcotic barons during his tour of the region early this year warning an immediate elimination of drug syndicates and networks was imminent. It also comes barely two years after 45 high school students were arrested for smoking bhang, drinking and having sex in a moving bus along the Karatina – Nairobi highway in Nyeri county.

The school-going teenagers listed alcohol, tobacco and miraa as the most substances they most abused due to their wide and easy accessibility. Alcohol had the highest prevalence at 9.3% with 201,950 users, prescription drugs came in second at 6.8% (138, 685) with khat rounding up the top three at 5.9% (128,118), tobacco 5.2% (112,919). Sources of the said drugs also provided for shocking reading as parents and teachers were listed among top influencers of their use at 5.3% and 4.8% respectively. Friends were cited as the foremost source at 32.2% with drugs carried from home emerging second at a shocking 29.3%. “Parents may assume that it may be fine to let their children have a few sips of liquor if they want to ensure their offspring, when they grow into teenagers, do not drink as heavily as those who are introduced to alcohol by their peers which is untrue,” the retired Lt Colonel added. Students cited the Internet as the major influencer of the drug abuse with radios and television programs such as lewd music videos also said to have a bearing on usage. @harrison_x254


Lecturers ready to resume duty with diverted pension cash

Lecturers are willing to report back to work if the Inter Public Universities Consultative Council Forum (IPUCCF) agrees to use Sh4.8 billion provided by National Assembly through supplementary budget to enhance their salaries as opposed to settling pension arrears. Universities Academic Staff Union’s (UASU) trustee George Osanjo has said that if added to the initial offer of Sh10 billion, the dons will be willing to resume duty. “The position of the union has been that this Sh4.8 billion should be added to the initial Sh10 billion so that we have Sh14.8 billion to be distributed among university workers. This will be able to settle the current crisis,” he told Capital FM News on Thursday. Osanjo accused the council of attempting to use the strike by the lecturers to obtain money fraudulently to pay pension arrears for some public universities which have been lagging behind in remittance of pension deductions. “The problem from the other side (IPUCCF) has been that they aren’t forthcoming because they want to use it (Sh4.8 billion) for pension,” Osanjo said. A source privy to the negotiations between UASU and IPUCCF has told Capital FM News that the council has been rooting for the use of Sh2.2 billion to settle pension arrears with a similar amount being allocated for employer’s (University Councils) pension contributions for the 2013-2017 Collective Bargaining Agreement cycle. www.capitalfm.co.ke

Counties begin firing doctors

Counties have begun firing doctors after an ultimatum issued by the National and County governments expired. In Machakos, Governor Alfred Mutua (pictured), gave doctors until Thursday to resume duty or be fired. He said the demands advanced by the striking medics were unrealistic adding that the strike had been politicized. “These doctors have the blood of the many Kenyans who have died due to the strike in their hands. They should know that their profession is a calling,” he stated. Mutua said that doctors had held Kenyans hostage with many people losing their lives due to collapse of services in public health institutions. He spoke at Kangundo High School sports ground after meeting opinion leaders and aspirants drawn from across the county. Mutua (pictured) accused the doctors of shifting goalposts in their demands despite efforts by mediators and a personal appeal by President Uhuru Kenyatta. Mwala MP Vincent Musyoka urged the electorate to elect leaders whose agenda is to improve the lives of the people. He described Mutua as a transformative leader whose development track record was visible. The Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) in the

meantime has termed as unfortunate the government’s decision to cease any further negotiations with striking doctors saying such grandstanding will have a negative impact on the country.

Speaking to Capital FM News, the Union’s Secretary General Ouma Oluga further stated that the decision to sack doctors will do far more damage than good in the Health Sector. “A State shouldn’t win against its own citizens. Governments and doctors can only win together for our country. That should be a no brainer,” he said. Oluga indicated that all issues in the new Collective Bargaining Agreement in the negotiations mediated by the Inter Religious Forum had been resolved and what awaited now was the signing of the recognition agreements with the 47 County Governments. “While for the Kenyan doctors it was and has remained purely an industrial dispute between an employer and a group of employees, the strike meant other things and has thus been deliberately mishandled as a punishment for the doctors,” he stated. He accused the government of shifting goal posts in the talks and emphasized the doctors were disappointed over the declaration by both the National and County Governments. “We approached negotiations with utmost good faith and obedience. Responding to every call of meeting and staying late sometimes up to 3am even after you advised us to keep it only up to 5pm,” he stated. www.capitalfm.co.ke




South Africa couple ‘detained in UAE for sex outside marriage’ A South African man and his Ukrainian fiancee have been detained in the United Arab Emirates for unlawful sex, a relative says. Emlyn Culverwell‚ 29, and Iryna Nohai, 27, were reportedly arrested after a doctor discovered Ms Nohai, who had stomach cramps, was pregnant. They were arrested for sex outside of marriage, which is illegal in the UAE. Mr Culverwell’s mother has pleaded for their release, saying “the only thing they did wrong was fall in love”. South Africa’s foreign ministry has said that it is not able to help the couple as this is a matter of domestic UAE law, News24 reports. The South African government has advised the couple to get legal assistance, the BBC’s Pumza Fihlani in Johannesburg says. There was no immediate comment from the UAE government. Mr Culverwell and Ms Nohai have reportedly been held since January, but news of their detention has only emerged now. Mr Culverwell has been working in the UAE for the past five years. His mother Linda told News24 that the family is “trying to get messages to the two to say we love them and that they shouldn’t be worried”. The couple have not yet been charged as the authorities are still carrying out tests, Mrs Culverwell added. If found guilty, they could face a long jail sentence.

Nigeria capital airport closes Nigeria has closed its main airport in the capital, Abuja, for six weeks to allow badly needed repairs to be carried out. It comes after airlines threatened to stop flying there because of safety concerns over the state of the runway. From now, those wishing to travel to Abuja are being encouraged to instead fly to the northern city of Kaduna, 190km (120 miles) away. But all but one international airline has refused to fly there. Ethiopian Airlines is currently the only company offering international flights to Kaduna, which has been hit recently by a spate of kidnappings. The government has set up a dedicated Abuja Airport Closure website, where passengers can book free bus tickets for the two-hour journey by road. “The runway has deteriorated to such an extent that it requires complete reconstruction,” the government said.

Uber now makes U-turn on regulators evading gadget

Uber says it will ban a secret software tool from being used to evade undercover regulators. The software, called Greyball, seeks to identify officials around the world trying to catch Uber drivers operating illegally. It then denies them service. The ride-hailing firm has been using the tool to secure early access to cities where its operations had not yet been authorized. But having defended the system just a few days ago, it has now done a U-turn. “We are expressly prohibiting its use to target action by local regulators going forward,” said Uber’s chief security officer Joe Sullivan. He said the same technology had also been used for many other purposes, including for marketing promotions and deterring Uber riders using the app in violation of the company’s term of service. These are understood to include stopping users aiming to physically harm drivers and targeting competitors looking to disrupt operations. These uses will not be affected by the ban. Mr Sullivan said that because of the way the system was configured, it would take some time to ensure the prohibition was fully enforced. Greyball identified regulators posing as ordinary passengers, by collecting data on the location used when ordering a taxi and determining whether this coincided with government offices. A report by The New York Times found that it also checked credit card information to establish whether the user was linked to an institution or law enforcement authority. Uber, the report added, even visited phone shops to trace smartphones bought by city officials setting up multiple accounts in an effort to catch the company’s drivers. Once individuals suspected of attempting to entrap drivers were identified, they would be served a “fake” version of the Uber app, with

A man walks past a parked Uber cab in Bangalore, India on March 1, 2017. PHOTO: JAGADEESH NV/EPA

fictitious cabs on view. If there were they were successful in ordering a real one, they would have their booking cancelled. Uber has been hit by a series of controversies

recently. A video of its chief Travis Kalanick swearing at a driver appeared on social media, and there had also been allegations the company had routinely ignored cases of sexual harassment.

Hawaii first to sue over Trump travel ban

US President, Donald Trump who issued the travel ban

Hawaii has become the first US state to file a suit against President Donald Trump’s revised travel order. Its attorney general says the new version is fundamentally the same as the first, calling it “Muslim Ban 2.0”. The directive, which takes effect on 16 March, places a 90-day ban on people from six mainly Muslim nations and a 120-day ban on all refugees. The previous order, which was blocked by a federal court, sparked confusion at airports and mass protests. “Nothing of substance has changed: There is the same blanket ban on entry from Muslim-majority countries (minus one),” Hawaii Attorney General Doug Chin said of the new order. It will bar entry of citizens of Iran, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen for 90 days. Iraq, which was included in the first ban, has been taken off the list. Mr Chin also said the directive included “same sweeping shutdown of refugee admissions (absent one exception) and lawless warren of exceptions and waivers”,

despite the changes made. As well as exempting approved refugees, the new order lifts an indefinite ban on those from Syria. It will also no longer affect legal US permanent residents, and drops controversial language about giving priority to religious minorities. These amendments were introduced in response to legal complaints, which saw the first order blocked by US federal courts. Judges ruled that the ban was unconstitutional amid concerns it unfairly targeted Muslims, something the government denied. Hawaii was among a number of states who filed lawsuits against the original ban saying it would harm residents, businesses and schools. It filed a fresh complaint late on Wednesday, calling for an emergency block on the new order. A hearing is set for March 15, a day before the new ban is to go into effect. President Trump has not yet commented on Hawaii’s latest legal bid, but has previously insisted he has the right to enact such an executive order and hit out at “so political” courts.






UN CHIEF ANTONIO GUTERRES VISITS KENYA United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres addresses journalists during a joint news conference with President Uhuru Kenyatta (not pictured) at the State House in Nairobi yesterday. PHOTO: DANIEL IRUNGU/EPA

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres (L) and President Uhuru Kenyatta (R) shake hands after addressing journalists during a joint news conference at the State House in Nairobi yesterday. The UN boss met Mr Kenyatta and discussed humanitarian crises in Somalia, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Burundi. PHOTO: DANIEL IRUNGU/EPA

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is welcomed by First Lady Margaret Kenyatta (left) and Public Service and Gender Cabinet Secretary Sicily Kariuki to an event to celebrate the International Women’s Day at KICC in Nairobi yesterday. PHOTO: DAI KUROKAWA/EPA

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres delivers a speech on women’s rights at an event to celebrate the International Women’s Day at the KICC in Nairobi yesterday. PHOTO: DAI KUROKAWA/EPA

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres (C) greets local female football team players upon his arrival to watch the female football teams play during a match set as part of the World Women’s day celebrations at the slum football pitch in Mathare slums in Nairobi yesterday. PHOTO: DANIEL IRUNGU/EPA

Mr Guterres (C) poses for a photo with a t-shirt he was given after meeting local female football team players in Mathare slums yesterday. PHOTO: DANIEL IRUNGU/EPA

THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 2017 | www.x254.co



Kenya to benefit from Sh625 bn WBG hunger eradication fund

The World Bank Group says it will provide over $6.1 billion (Sh625.4 billion) in emergency funds to help hunger stricken families in Kenya and the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa. Other countries set to benefit from the fund include Ethiopia, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Yemen and the funds would be used to provide urgent food and clean water to the most vulnerable. “Famine is a stain on our collective conscience. Millions of lives are at risk and more will die if we do not act quickly and decisively,” said World Bank President Jim Yong Kim. “We are mobilizing an immediate response for Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Yemen. Our first priority is to work with partners to make sure that families have access to food and water,” he added in a statement yesterday. The funds would further be used to build social protection systems, strengthen community resilience, and maintain service delivery to the most affected families across the five countries. Kim ascertained that the WBG will help respond to the immediate needs of the current famine, saying the organisation will also continue to work with communities to reclaim their livelihoods and build resilience to future shocks. “I am also working with our Board of Directors to secure the approval of new operations amounting to $770 million


Refugees who had fled famine-hit Somalia wait at a reception outside Ifo camp, one of three camps that make up sprawling Dadaab refugee camp in Dadaab, northeastern Kenya, August 1, 2011. EPA/DAI KUROKAWA (Sh78.9 billion), funded substantially through IDA’s Crisis Response Window,” he explained. He called on other international communities across the world to quickly respond to a United Nations global appeal for famine resources. “We know that resolution to this acute crisis will not be possible without all

humanitarian and development actors working together. We call on the international community to respond robustly and quickly to the UN global appeal for resources for the famine,” said Yong Kim. Last month, President Uhuru Kenyatta declared drought a national disaster having affected 23 counties across the

KenGen to turn 92-year-old antique hydro-power plant into heritage site Ndula hydro-power station is set to be converted into a power generation museum once its gazettement as a national heritage site is complete. The 92 year-old antique situated in Gatuanyaga division in Kiambu County 20 kilometres from Thika town was decommissioned in December 2010 following a number of operational challenges. The move will make the historic idle plant the first electric power production Museum in East Africa. Speaking during the signing of a Memorandum of Understand (MoU) on development of electric power sites between KenGen, KenGen Foundation and the National Museums of Kenya, KenGen MD and CEO Engineer Albert Mugo said the decision to convert Ndula into a museum was made after the company ascertained the hydo-power plant had become economically unviable to redevelop for purposes of power generation. KenGen Foundation will spearhead the conversion process as well as take charge of the running of the museum and other support

facilities once the process is complete. “Last year, KenGen’s Board of Directors approved a proposal from KenGen Foundation to have the station gazetted and converted into a national museum to keep in perpetuity the country’s evolution of electric power production and industrial development,” Eng Mugo said. According to the MoU, the partnership will entail conservation and management of the country’s heritage of electricity generation and conversion of Ndula Power station into a museum through research, documentation, construction of necessary facilities, fabrication and curation of exhibition materials and preservation of the site and existing equipment. “It will also involve the establishment of opportunities for education and training in heritage conservation and management as well as staff exchange and collaboration through training programs and workshops with special interest in evolution of power generation,” added Eng Mugo. @kevin_x254

country. According the World Bank, ongoing conflicts and civil insecurity are further intensifying the food crisis for millions of people across the region. The group has also warned of widespread displacement and cross-border spill overs. @enock_x254

MEAN 102.5628 124.7936 108.2292 7.8394 35.0518 21.7916

BUY SELL 102.4628 102.6628 124.6511 124.9361 108.1100 108.3483 7.8273 7.8515 34.9689 35.1347 21.7216 21.8616

KenGen partners with Better Globe to boost production of valuable Mukau tree

Kenya’s dry land areas are set to benefit from the development of a new invitro multiplication laboratory for Mukau trees to be set up at Kamburu area in Machakos County. The facility will enable production of the valuable commercial tree which performs well in dry areas. Power production company, KenGen, KenGen Foundation and Better Globe signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the development of the scientific facility. Known as the mahogany of the dry land, the Mukau tree, botanically known as melia volkensii takes between 15 to 20 years to mature and produces first-class hard wood timber. Its propagation among rural households in arid and semi-arid areas will bring development of profitable and sustainable commercial forestry enterprises in these areas. The in-vitro laboratory will be set-up on KenGen’s 40 hectares of land near Kamburu power station which will be leased to Better Globe Forestry through the company’s corporate social responsibility wing, KenGen Foundation. Speaking during the signing the MoU, KenGen MD and CEO, Eng Albert Mugo said the project will be developed in two phases, starting with a laboratory, a trial facility for farmers, offices, a green-house and nursery and an educational exchange program. The second phase will involve the development of a log yard, a saw mill, workshops and fuel stations, a timber processing industry and warehouses. @kevin_x254

KPC - KPRL lease deal to boost country’s fuel supply, create job opportunities Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC) has entered into a 3-year leasing agreement with the Kenya Petroleum Refineries Limited (KPRL). Under the pact, KPC will manage KPRL’s existing storage facilities with the two state companies lending their technical expertise and assets towards the realization of the Government’s early oil program. Energy Cabinet Secretary Charles Keter said the lease agreement will enable the country shore up its strategic petroleum reserves from the current low of 12 days to 30 days with plans underway to increase the reserves to three months. “KPRL has both storage facilities and grounds that will be used to increase the country’s ullage which will in effect create enough capacity for birthing vessels to discharge fuel into KPC’s system. Over time, this will see Kenya save billions of shillings incurred in demurrage charges every year for fuel vessels docking at the port of Mombasa, a factor that could significantly reduce the cost of fuel. In addition to this, the government is looking to invest in LPG facilities on KPRL’s grounds with over 309 acres of land available at its Changamwe facility,” CS Keter added.

Currently, the country lacks a common user import terminal under the control of the government for liquid petroleum gas (LPG) since there are no government-controlled storage facilities for LPG. During the signing ceremony at the Energy Ministry headquarters attended by KPC and KPRL top management, KPC Managing Director Joe Sang said the deal between the two companies will open up opportunities for investment and job creation as KPC seeks to convert and expand KPRL’s facilities. ‘All existing KPRL staff will be seconded to KPC as employees with their technical expertise remaining crucial to the realization of the government’s early oil program. KPC will convert KPRL’s facilities in preparation for the export of crude and as a result we expect to not only retain existing staff, but also create additional job opportunities in the coming days.’ Mr. Sang said. KPRL’s Chief Executive Officer Charles Nguyai said the deal will enable the country leverage the refinery’s underutilized infrastructure as well as build capacity towards the realization of the early oil program. @kevin_x254



Jumia set to host 2nd edition of property development workshop on March 31 THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 2017

Jumia House, the real estate arm of leading online retail company, Jumia, is gearing up to host a property development workshop later this month. The realtor has been increasing its efforts to spur the growth of Kenya’s property sector. Their latest drive comes at a time when Kenyans are banking on real estate investments to further develop their personal revenue streams. A new Wealth Report by property consultancy firm, Knight Frank and Stanbic Bank states that close to 30 per cent of the country’s high-net-

worth individuals (HNWIs) have put their wealth in property-related investments. Meanwhile, 20 per cent have invested their wealth in personal businesses, which range from financial services, agriculture to manufacturing. Investment in equities, bond, cash, precious metals such as gold and silver made up 18 per cent of the superrich’s investments. The report, which was based on the survey of about 900 private bankers and wealth advisers, showed that 9,400 people became dollar millionaires in 2016, which is an increase from 8,500 in 2015.

Our Services • • •

In light of this growing demand for real estate services, Jumia House together with Variety Flooring Works organized an agent development clinic in Mombasa on February 17, 2017 at the Pride Inn Hotel- Haile Selassie Road. The aim of this event was to train as well as provide the agents with the necessary skills to remain relevant and professional in their field. Variety Flooring Works Limited is a major importer and wholesale supplier of premium quality natural stone for commercial and residential building projects.

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The company has gained and maintained a reputation for importing and distributing only the highest quality products. They have a variety of products imported from Brazil, China, Italy, Egypt and India among others. At the workshop, Yvonne Malebe, Jumia House Head of Sales and Marketing took the agents through what online marketing entails, managing internet generated leads and how to get the most out of marketing with online portals, such as Jumia House. She explained internet generated leads, the different types of leads, their importance and

Café and Wireless Internet service. Crystal Clear Half-Olympic Size Swimming Pool. Upcoming Elegant Gardens and Events Centre with capacity of 2000 people. Facilities for the physically challenged. Special Honeymoon Packages. Secure ample parking for all inhouse guests.

Address: Lavington Green, Oloitokitok Road, Off Gitanga Rd Tel.: +254(20)3877700, 3871080, 3877779 Cell phone Nos.: 0722205784, 0733699994 Email: reservations@methodistguesthouse.org Website: www.methodistguesthouse.org P.O. Box 25086 - 00603 NAIROBI

how to manage them. “You need to follow up on your leads in good time, know when to re target them and learn to manage your leads with professionalism. Additionally, sending your database of collected leads an occasional newsletter on new properties under your portfolio goes a long way in building a rapport with them. Make courtesy calls and follow up regularly,” Malebe added. The second Client Development Clinic this year will take place on Friday, March 31, 2017 in Nairobi. @Dennis_x254

Jumia Travel lists new destinations in expansion drive, confirms plans to cover London and Dubai Online hotel booking site Jumia Travel has added London and Dubai to its growing list of destinations. The company, which allows users to choose from an inventory of locales across the globe, is further solidifying its global presence in the hotel, travel, and tourism ecosystem, unveiling new continental and international destinations. The company has registered an inventory of more than 30,000 hotels in Africa and over 300,000 worldwide; only four years since inception in 2013. These include new properties in popular destinations in Africa including South Africa, Morocco, Egypt, and Tunisia, as well as outbound destinations including Dubai, London, New York, Paris, and Mecca among others. Commenting on the newly launched service, Jumia Travel’s CEO Paul Midy cited, “as predicted by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), by 2030, the new middle class will have grown by 1.5 billion, thereby doubling the number of international travelers. A gradually improving world economy, has propelled corporate travel, while the growing middle class has increased the prospects of first time visitors as well as visiting friends and families (VFR) across world” As part of the initiative, customers will have access to travel packages covering the new destinations; with 24/7 local customer service and flexible payment options including M-Pesa, payment on arrival, and credit cards. The packages will consist of hotel stays, return flight tickets, tours or excursions upon request and availability. They exclude Visa processing fees, travel insurance, among others. @kevin_x254






0733288772 / onyanchad1@yahoo.com

The Waiyaki Way Suites comprising of 2&3 bedroom apartments with over 350 parking Borehole, Recreational spaces, perimeter wall, serene & quite environment is being constructed in a prime location fronting the Waiyaki Way, with a rear access of Thiongo road which is on the Naivasha - Nakuru Highway and in between two pre-urban towns namely Uthiru and Kangemi located at Dagoretti division in Nairobi bordering the Kiambu area. The project is fronting Mountain View Estate. The project targets middle-income class which is mostly hit by the housing deficit. The Project aims at realizing 204 housing units in 5 blocks, supporting infrastructural services that ensure a sustainable living environment and neighborhood. .The completion date will be December 2017 and the construction work is ongoing. The Waiyaki way developers are working out to see change of look of that area by putting down the shanties and putting up modern apartments. Quick access to the CBD, having Waiyaki way only 15 minutes drive, thus the time spent on average to reach to the place of work/business is short. Transport is accessible since you can use any that is using the highway, in less than 10min you are in Westlands. OUR


are in place to ensure maximum comfort during your stay They include; * Stand by generator * Borehole * Secure Compound with Razor Wire * Electric Fence and cctv cameras * Gym * Secured parking * 8 lifts




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PROPERTIES TO LET OTHAYA ROAD – Kileleshwa An Executive and spacious four bed roomed town house (all ensuite) with a family room, study room, dhobi area, spacious kitchen and servants’ quarter on a beautiful garden. Ksh 250,000pm MIREMA DRIVE – Kasarani An executive six (6) bed roomed (Three en suite) double storey residence on ½ acre plot with a borehole water in addition to the Nairobi Water Co Water Ksh 120,000pm MANDERA ROAD-Kileleshwa An executive four bed roomed maisonnette (Two En suite ) with servants’ quarter Ksh 100,000pm TATE APARTMENTS – Off Dennis Pritt Road A three bed roomed Apartment within a very secure court (All en suite) with servants’ quarter Ksh 90,000pm NGONG ROAD & VALLEY ARCADE Executive two bed roomed Apartments on 24-hour security. Ksh 65,000pm IMARA DAIMA – Mombasa Road Two bed roomed bungalow within the main Estate Ksh 25,000pm PARK ROAD – Ngara One and two bed roomed flats Ksh 18,000pm and Ksh 22,000pm respectively KIAMBU TOWN – On the main street One and two bed roomed flats Ksh 10,000pm and Ksh 14,000pm respectively PANGANI – Off Juja Road One bed roomed Flat – Secure Ksh 10,000pm OFFICES TO LET DAYKIO PLAZA –Next to Nakumat Prestige Ngong Road Executive self contained office suites ranging between 858 sqft and 2100 sqft with ample parking within a clean secure environment; Call for details WESTLANDS – Next to Unga House Secure office suites measuring 686 & 718 sqft @ Ksh 70.00 per sqft pm – Only two remaining NAIROBI WEST OPP T-MALL – Off Lang’ata Road Ground floor space measuring Appr 3700sqft with wash rooms, strong room, parking area suitable for bank, show room etc. Ksh 400,000pm HOUSES / FLATS FOR SALE DONYO SABUK ROAD – Off General Mathenge road A piece of land measuring 1.7 acres with an old house suitable for Apartments Ksh 500m KIAMBU ROAD – Muthaiga North Beautiful ½ acre red soil fully serviced plot on tarmac within a gated community Ksh 50m RIDGEWAYS ROAD A corner red soil plot measuring ½ of an acre Ksh 50m KIAMBU ROAD – Behind upcoming Quick Mark Supermarket Beautiful red soil ½ plots near the main tarmac road Ksh 30m each GARDEN ESTATE – Off thika Road Residential Red and Black soil plots measuring ½ acre; Ksh 35m and Ksh 30m respectively GUANCO ESTATE – On Banana Road off Northern Bypass A four bed room residence (master en suite) with Servants’ quarter Ksh 12.8m



NBK joins Red Cross as group moves to raise Sh1 bn in fight against hunger THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 2017

National Bank (NBK) has joined the Kenya Red Cross initiative seeking to raise Sh1 billion to fight hunger which is currently ravaging some parts of the country following a perennial drought. Speaking on the initiative, National Bank Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Wilfred Musau said the bank had set up an account through a Pay bill number 625625 and account number 01020077840098, where all well-wishers can send their contributions. “As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility activities, we have partnered with the Kenya Red Cross Society in support of millions of Kenyans facing starvation. Our staff members and customers are on board to support the Kenya Redcross #WeAreAllKenyans initiative aimed at raising Sh1 billion to feed those affected by drought in the country,” Mr. Musau said. Kenya Red Cross Society estimates that the number of Kenyans facing starvation could reach 2.4 million by April if no urgent and appropriate actions are taken. The ongoing drought crisis has left 12 counties at an alarm stage and 11 counties at an alert stage. To cushion its customers from

Kenya Red Cross workers and volunteers distribute food and supplies to drought affected communities in Nyimbei, Kenya. Photo by: John Bundi - Kenya Red Cross Society other charges, all internal account transfers within National Bank of any amount of funds to account number 01020077840098 (KRCS DROUGHT) will be done free of charge. In January this year, the Kenya Red Cross Society embarked on an exercise that aims to destock weak cattle by buying cows, goats and sheep from willing pastoralists, at an agreed price of Sh15,000 per cow and Sh5,000 for goats and sheep. The Kenya Red Cross then uses the

purchased animals to produce meat that is distributed to vulnerable households. The exercise, which has so far taken place in the North Eastern and Coast regions, kicked off in December 2016. A 2017 report by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) shows that the ongoing drought has affected more than 1.3 million people in the arid and semi-arid areas of Kenya, with more than 21,000 people currently in need of

food assistance. Already eight counties are at the “alarm stage”, including: Garissa, Lamu, Kilifi, Kwale, Mandera, Marsabit, Samburu and Tana River. The drought situation has affected not just the human population but the livestock population as well, with a mortality rate of five per cent. The rate of malnutrition has also risen to a level of 15 per cent, which is considered critical. “It is estimated that over 14 per cent of the population in Tana River County

depend on livestock for income and food. These communities value their cattle and consider them a critical financial asset providing food and income through sale, barter, transport, draught power and work hire,” said the IFRC in a statement. The report indicates that they are also a significant social asset playing a key role in building and consolidating social relationships and networks within traditional social groups. “The destocking exercise is aimed at removing the affected animals before they become emaciated, lose their value, die or pose a risk of public health,” IFRC officials added. The programme enables pastoralists to salvage some capital from their livestock at risk, support families with cash to meet their food needs and other basic necessities, relieve pressure on scarce water and pasture resources, protect their livelihoods and strengthen the community’s ability to recover from the short and long effects of the drought. Direct beneficiaries include the most vulnerable, mainly orphans, people living with disability, the elderly and the chronically ill. @Dennis_x254




5 celebrity babies living lives better than any of us Unfortunately we can’t choose to whom we are born. If that was the case we would all be Bill Gates’ children. But there are some celeb babies out here killing the game and they are all still toddlers. We have put this list together to make it easier for you to silently envy them.

in deck chairs, posing in photoshoots and apparently playing with iPhones. Ladasha Belle had a kick-ass birthday at the devastatingly where she had a photoshoot in a baby carriage game too.

Prince Eyaad Jayson

followers on Instagram, a baby fashion line endorsement deal and two of the most powerful parents in the African entertainment industry. Blessed with such powerful genes-and a her days? According her social media this precious princess lazes around in her parents’ swimming pool, helps her mother Zari Hassan class on the numerous trips she has taken on planes. Let’s run down all her swag; the cutest white dog in the world, a walk-in closet, an adorable little brother and let’s also not forget in South Africa.

Ladasha Belle Wambo

Ladasha Belle happens to look exactly like of the gospel DJ and singer Size 8 is as cute as cute can be already boasting 139,000 followers on Instagram, not to mention living in the lap of luxury. She also spends her time lounging

their personal lives very private and not many pictures of their adorable son are in circulation but the ones that are present are incredible.

Princess Tiffah

three of them so pick one, whichever way you are winning.


Jaguar apparently has quite a few children but the one who gets the most shine, and hullaballoo is his son. Who, may or may not be called be one of the richest musicians in the country while you slum it. Living the high life is not all what it’s about though because he’s also one of the philanthropic people around. We can’t wait to see if he’ll follow in his father’s steps.

he’s older because the way his father dresses is everything. In addition are all the celebrity with both Diamond, Wema Sepetu and Ali Kiba-he really likes his Tanzanian friends. We comes round because we know it will be a blow out.


consistency but any of Octopizzo’s children on the ‘gram every now a then and it’s obvious they are living the life. But what’s more honest is his love for them despite their jet set lifestyle


Ladasha Belle Wambo

HOT TOPICS Jack Reacher star Tom Cruise met with Prince Philip yesterday in support of Homeward Bound, a U.K. charity that promotes outdoor activities for young people. The charity helps youngsters reach potential through outdoor activities. This year marks the organization’s 75th anniversary, and the 54-year-old actor was in England to attend a Buckingham Palace dinner celebrating the occasion.


with royalty in the UK

Avril is the new face of itel

Mobile phone brand itel has announced that they will be working with Avril, a renowned musician and actress, under a one year contract as the main brand image of the company. She will be expected to attend campus events sponsored by itel mobile, attend CSR activities sponsored by itel, and heighten itel mobile’s presence in the market through avenues such as social media. Avril has in the past years won several awards, among the latest being, Bingwa Awards – Bingwa ever relevant female

artist, best dressed female artiste – Jumia Glamour Awards, and Business Daily – Top 40 under 40. “I am extremely excited to partner with Itel on their new chapter into Kenya. Great affordable phones help us communicate better and that’s the essence of good living. I’m looking forward to a great partnership” Said Avril.


x-Miss Tanzania and actress Wema Sepetu is using her ‘free time’ to spur the growth of women and conserve the environment . The actress who was arrested and charged last month for possession of bhang is out on bail pending a ruling set for a later date. Yesterday, Wema who has since joined the CHADEMA party joined women in Morogoro in a tree planting exercise to mark International Womens’ Day. ‘Today is international womens day and as a woman, I have decided to join women in Morogoro to plant trees which will benefit us in future for water catchment and help us rid of the problem of water. We all know that women are directly affected by lack of water, it may not help us today or tomorrow, but planting of these trees will help our future generations,’ she noted.

plants trees on international








Thousands of lecturers at risk of losing their pay



nce again the season is upon us. Which one, you might ask? The Cake Art Affair one of course. The classic gig is going down at the Arboretum on Saturday 11th March and of course all the trappings are laid out for you. This round is themed the ‘Young Entreprenuers Affair’ and guests will get the chance to meet bakers within the city, talk to suppliers and vote for the best cakes in show. Music will be provided by RecappKE, Lady Kahi, okecc luke, Chiluba Arthur and Meryl Paige plus one surprise performance. At the Arboretum doors open at 11am while tickets at the gate go for Sh.1000.

Education CS Fred Matiang’i has given his support to the directive to take disciplinary measures against lecturers who continue striking. In a letter to all Vice Chancellors in public universities Matiang’i backed the decision which includes withholding salaries from all lectures who may still be participating in the strike. This new threat to the lecturers was reportedly propelled by grievances from students about missing classes for almost two months despite having already paid for tuition. Earlier on CS Matiang’i had distanced himself from the ongoing discussions saying that, “I am constrained by the Constitution, the law, employment and labour relations practice from intervening in the ongoing negotiations because I believe the negotiating team is doing a good job.”

Despite the perception that bullying is an activity that dominates secondary school, there are also incidences of intimidation between students on campus. Though in universities the issue tends to be subtle. Brian Okumu, a first year student at Maseno University relays that he has been forced to sleep outside numerous times because of the older and in his opinion much stronger student that he shares a living space with, “he brings girls over all the time and so I’m forced to seek other places to spend the night. He constantly steals my things and issues threats because he knows there is nothing I can really do. Sometimes I stay at the gate or near the security guards for an entire night, even when it’s raining.” He adds that the older students do not usually get physical with the newer ones but there is still some hierarchy that needs to be adhered to. This is in light of the critical incidences of bullying in Kenyan high schools.

good times and good eats

also a big issue in university

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How Barcelona did it in pictures Barcelona’s Sergi Roberto guides home the ball to score his team’s sixth of the night during their UEFA Champions League second leg round of 16 match against Paris Saint-Germain at Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, last night. PHOTO: QUIQUE GARCIA/EPA

Barcelona’s Sergio Roberto (R) jubilates the 6th goal with teammates Samuel Umtiti, Gerrard Pique and Andre Gomes. PHOTO: QUIQUE GARCIA/EPA

FC Barcelona’s Brazilian striker Neymar Jr. who scored two goals celebrates their victory over Paris Saint-Germain at Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, last night. PHOTO: ANDREU DALMAU/EPA

Barcelona captain Andres Iniesta (L) vies for the ball with PSG’s Brazilian defender Marquinhos (R) of before he won it in the area and delivered a backheel cross that was converted by Kurzawa into his own net for Barca’s second goal. PHOTO: QUIQUE GARCIA/EPA

Barcelona’s Lionel Messi (L) jubilates a goal with teammates Gerard Pique (R) and Neymar (C) during the UEFA Champions League Round of 16, second leg soccer match between FC Barcelona and Paris Saint-Germain at Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona, Spain, 08 March 2017. PHOTO: ANDREU DALMAU / EPA

Luis Suarez wheels away in celebration after his header crossed the line for Barcelona’s first goal against PSG last night. PHOTO: EPA




LA Galaxy offer Ibrahimovic big money Manchester United’s Zlatan Ibrahimovic celebrates after scoring against Southampton during the English Football League cup final at Wembley Stadium in London, Britain last month. LA Galaxy have expressed interest in luring him to the US. PHOTO: ANDY RAIN/EPA

LA Galaxy have told Zlatan Ibrahimovic they are prepared to make him the highest paid player in Major League Soccer history if he joins them from Manchester United this summer. Ibrahimovic only joined United on a one-year deal last summer. There is an option for the Swede to stay longer but while the club are desperate to keep him, the 35-yearold is yet to agree. Ibrahimovic has scored 26 goals for United this season. He will start Thursday’s Europa League last-16 first-leg tie with Russian side Rostov but is about to serve a three-match domestic ban after accepting a charge of violent conduct for elbowing Bournemouth’s Tyrone Mings in the face at Old Trafford on Saturday. In 2016, Brazilian forward Kaka was the highest paid player in MLS, with a published annual salary from Orlando City of $7.167m (£5.89m). LA Galaxy paid former England midfielder Steven Gerrard $6.1m (£5.01m) last season. He has since retired. Sources have told BBC Sport that Galaxy see Ibrahimovic as having

the potential to make as big an impact on soccer in the United States as David Beckham did when he joined the club from Real Madrid in 2007. It is not known what contract length Galaxy - winners of three out of the last six MLS titles - would be willing to offer Ibrahimovic but the club feels it has a realistic chance of signing the veteran frontman. With his contract expiring in the summer, LA Galaxy could sign Ibrahimovic in advance of a move to MLS during the July transfer window. That is what they did with Beckham in 2007, a signing that was announced in the January prior to his Real Madrid contract coming to an end on 30 June. However, United will almost certainly have other ideas. Following their EFL Cup final win over Southampton, when Ibrahimovic scored United’s late winner, manager Jose Mourinho said that while he would not beg the forward to stay at Old Trafford, he thought United fans would be willing to camp in the striker’s garden in an attempt to persuade him.


Man City’s title hopes suffer in Stoke draw Manchester City’s title hopes suffered a potentially-decisive blow after they were held by a resolute Stoke side and missed the chance to cut Chelsea’s lead at the top of the table. A win for City would have moved them above Tottenham and into second place but they could not find the attacking spark required to break down a welldrilled Potters side. City boss Pep Guardiola had said before kick-off that his team could not afford any more slip-ups in their pursuit of the leaders, who remain 10 points clear of the chasing pack with 11 games left. “The gap was big and is still big. We have to focus game by game,” he said after the Stoke draw. Guardiola’s side were sluggish before the break and, although they improved when David Silva came off the bench in the second half, he could not make the difference. Silva had City’s best effort when he drilled a low shot a fraction wide after a one-two with Fernandinho but, despite a flurry of late chances, Stoke keeper Lee Grant’s only save came from a firsthalf free-kick by Aleksandar Kolarov. City are still, in theory at least, chasing silverware on three fronts and head to Middlesbrough in the FA Cup on Saturday before travelling to Monaco in the Champions League on Wednesday.

Manchester City’s Kevin De Bruyne reacts during their English Premier League match against Stoke City at the Etihad Stadium last night. PHOTO: NIGEL RODDIS/EPA

It is a pivotal week in Pep Guardiola’s first season in English football, but this result means it has started in frustrating fashion. The attacking verve that had carried City to four straight league wins and seen them hit five goals past Monaco and Huddersfield in the last month was, initially, nowhere to be seen. Too many misplaced passes meant

Stoke were under little pressure for much of the match, and City’s finishing was also wide of the mark when they did create chances late on. Sergio Aguero had scored five goals in his previous three games but did not find the target with any of his three efforts. Leroy Sane flashed a shot over the bar, Nicolas Otamendi headed over from a corner and City’s last chance came


and went when Kelechi Iheanacho met an inviting cross at the near post but steered the ball wide. “They defended deep and it was complicated to find the players between the lines. We were there in the last minutes. I don’t have regrets about how they ran, how they fought. We created a lot of situations for the last pass and sometimes we missed it. When you

analyse the chances we had, I don’t really remember more than one Stoke chance,” Guardiola observed. It was also a night when Guardiola’s rotation theory backfired. Raheem Sterling was not involved while Guardiola opted to start with both Silva and defender John Stones on the bench. “The rotations are good when you have a successful result but, when they are not, always we miss those people,” said the City boss. “It is almost impossible to play the same 11 players. When you have one game a week you can play the same 11 players no problem. We have a lot of games, we have to make a rotation - if not it will be so difficult.” The Potters are still to beat a top-eight Premier League team this season but the performance that earned them this point deserves plenty of credit. Mark Hughes said before kick-off that his side would be less open than normal but although they were indeed extremely disciplined at the back, they did more than defend in numbers. “Not many teams come here and restrict Manchester City to so few chances. We didn’t rely on luck. We made our own luck and were difficult to break down. You can see what it meant tonight and that shows the honesty of the group,” he said after the match.



Aubameyang hat-trick sends Dortmund through Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang scored a hat-trick as Borussia Dortmund thrashed Benfica to ease into the Champions League quarter-finals. The hosts trailed 1-0 on aggregate from the first leg but Aubameyang levelled the last-16 tie after just four minutes with a header at the back post. Winger Franco Cervi twice came close to scoring a vital away goal for Benfica before the interval. But Dortmund took control after Christian Pulisic scored on 59 minutes. The 18-year-old winger brilliantly chipped onrushing goalkeeper Ederson after being slid in by Lukasz Piszczek. Aubameyang, who missed a penalty in the first leg in Lisbon, then swept in Marcel Schmelzer’s low cross two minutes later before an unmarked Marc Bartra hit the post from a corner. The Gabon striker completed his treble with five minutes remaining as he turned in Erik Durm’s sublime pass. “That was the perfect time for ‘Auba’ to get his hat-trick. It was a sensational performance. I love goals like his first one because they need such good timing and Auba is always there with his nose for goal,” Dortmund boss Thomas Tuchel said. Dortmund have now lost only one of their last 12 European home matches under coach Thomas Tuchel as they reached the Champions League quarter-finals for the first time since 2014.



15 Man City title hopes suffer huge blow


FC Barcelona’s German goalkeeper ter Stegen jubilates after their historic victory in the UEFA Champions League second leg round of 16 match against Paris Saint-Germain at Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, last night. PHOTO: ALEJANDRO GARCIA/EPA

Barca rewrite history

Barcelona made Champions League history by becoming the first team to overturn a first-leg 4-0 deficit as they knocked out Paris St-Germain to reach the quarterfinals for the 10th successive season. The Spanish champions were 5-3 down on aggregate in the 88th minute, but scored three goals in the final seven minutes in one of the greatest European ties of all time. Neymar’s free-kick and penalty followed by Sergi Roberto’s 95th-minute winner sealed victory on an incredible night at the Nou Camp. Barcelona had led 2-0 at the break courtesy of Luis Suarez’s header after just three minutes and Layvin Kurzawa’s own goal. And they added another shortly after half-time when Neymar fell over Thomas Meunier in the box and Lionel Messi converted the penalty. Edinson Cavani lashed home for PSG on 61 minutes and the quarter-finals looked beyond Barca, but they obviously had not read the script. Neymar curled a sumptuous free-kick into the top corner before Suarez won a controversial penalty and gave it to the Brazilian to convert - which he did, leaving Barca with one goal to find in injury time. And Neymar, who delivered a stunning

performance, turned provider for substitute Roberto, who poked home his first goal of the season as the Nou Camp exploded. “It is a difficult night to explain with words. It was a horror movie, not a drama, with a Camp Nou that I have seen very few times as a player or coach,” said manager Luis Enrique. “What defines this victory is the faith that the players and fans had,” he explained. PSG stunned Luis Enrique’s men in the first leg as they completely outplayed the Spanish champions - 16 shots on goal with 10 on target as they inflicted a 4-0 defeat. Angel di Maria, Cavani and Julian Draxler were in superb form as manager Unai Emery masterminded his first victory over Barca in 23 attempts. But their attacking threat from three weeks ago was replaced by a nervous and clumsy defence as PSG looked resigned to a night of toil from the off. The defence were a shambles - Marco Verratti and Marquinhos let the ball bounce for the first goal, Marquinhos again failed to deal with the second, and Meunier got in the way of Neymar to concede a penalty for the third. Pressed back to the edge of their penalty box, they were unable to assert any

dominance in midfield and with Di Maria on the bench, still feeling the effects of an injury, there was no outlet for the passes. Cavani, in prolific goalscoring form, gave his side a hope of holding on in the 62ndminute, but will inevitably face criticism after missing vital chances to put the tie to bed. Emery, who led Sevilla to three consecutive Europa League titles from 2014-2016, got his tactics very wrong in what was a disastrous result for PSG. The domestic title is far from safe - they are three points behind Monaco in Ligue 1 and will need to recover quickly to keep up their challenge for a domestic double. They have lost in the last eight in each of the past four years of the Champions League, but did not even make it that far this season thanks to Barcelona’s brilliance. “The truth is we have let a huge opportunity get away and we are aware of that. In the last two minutes we lost everything we had recovered in the second-half. Barcelona are capable of this in their stadium. In the last few minutes they played all or nothing and they have beaten us,” Emery said.

See more pictures on page 13

Published By Xtra Publishing Limited, Chancery Building, Valley Road, Nairobi | Printed at The Standard Group Centre, Mombasa Road, Nairobi. Paul Marshall-CEO, Fred Bunei-Finance Manager, Josiah Musee-Advertising Manager, Peter Obuya-Editor

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