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TUesday, MaRCH 7, 2017 | www.x254.Co







Talks on doctors’ strike talks fail to reach deal P

Doctors carrying placrds during a past demonstration.The strike is set to continue for another one week as Inter religious group were this morning given an extension of one week to conclude the talks with medics and end the strike.

ublic hospitals will continue to be closed for the next one week after doctors and government failed to come to a truce on ending the strike. Speaking as they presented a report made on progress made in the talks before the Court of Appeal today, lead mediators the Inter-religious Council of Kenya said an end in sight was forthcoming even though they had failed to end the work boycott. The court gave the council up until Monday next week to resolve the standoff between the Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) and the Ministry of Health. “This court will not be sitting next week but we will ask the President to set up a special bench to hear the case on Monday,” Justice Martha Koome ruled. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2



Sonko not fit to be Nairobi Governor-Kenneth TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2017

The cracks within Jubilee Party over the best candidate to unseat Evans Kidero widen today after Peter Kenneth called Nairobi senator ‘a thug and racketeer of politics who does not deserve to be Nairobi Governor. The former Presidential candidate dismissed the candidature of Sonko saying the senator does not deserve a chance to be elected as Nairobi City governor. He said even though they both seek to unseat incumbent governor Evans Kidero, they are not in the same league of competition. “We are different. I offer leadership, he offers hooliganism; I offer a way forward, what he offers is cheerleading to groups of gangs and encouraging gangs,” Kenneth told a National Muslims’ Leaders’ Forum at crown Plaza hotel. Both Kenneth and Senator Sonko are seeking to clinch Jubilee Party ticket for City gubernatorial seat. Others eyeing the Jubilee party ticket includes Nominated MP Johnson Sakaja, Margaret Wanjiru (former Starehe) and Dennis Waweru (Dagoretti South). “I went through some school, perhaps some school went through him. But we should not score own goals. We should score goals on the other side,” he added. Citing last week’s gun fiasco in Dagoretti where Sonko and his supporters disrupted a football match,

Nairobi Gubenatorial aspirant Peter Kenneth adressing a rally.He has dismissed Sonko’s candidature in the race saying he is not fit to be Nairobi’s Governor.

Kenneth said the incident is an example of the Senator’s bad leadership. “So if people come and disrupt a football match, it is not for us to do the same; it is for us to see them off and the

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football match to resume so we can see the end of the game,” he reckoned. Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero has since called for the arrest and interrogation of Peter Kenneth, Senator

Mike Sonko and Dagoretti South MP Dennis Waweru to explain the circumstances that led to altercations during the football match forcing their bodyguards to fire in the air.

Talks on doctors’ strike talks fail to reach deal From Page 1 The sticky issue that now remains is the return to work formula (RTWF) that has failed to be agreed on by both parties with the 3-judge bench pleading with governors to sign the recognition agreement as a sign of commitment. They judges ruled that the case be mentioned on Monday for the purpose of having it on record that the dispute was settled. The medics led by KMPDU Secretary General Ouma Oluga insisted that they would not sign the RTWF if their demand to have the contentious 2013 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) is not implemented and registered in court. “Doctors are ready to sign a RTWF but the sticky issue of the CBA still lingers. County governments should not prolong Kenyans’ suffering,” Dr Oluga said. The clergy however said that significant ground had been made as they had managed to draft a recognition agreement that has ironed out issues such as the promotion and training of doctors and allowances. The appellate court enjoined the religious leaders in the mediations as it said all avenues had to be sought to end the 3-month stalemate. The council has held four closed-door meetings with President Uhuru Kenyatta and the government and union officials over the past week as the head of state insisted any increase would balloon the doctors’ wage to Sh14.5 billion annually from the current Sh10 billion. Yesterday, the Salaries and Remuneration Commission began talks with the union officials aimed at setting up new salary structure for the doctors that would put @harrison_x254 them at par with all civil servants.

However, the former Gatanga MP has downplayed the incident saying people should stop considering political differences between him and Sonko as internal strife in Jubilee party. “A lot of times we get provoked and people say ‘Why don’t you respond? Why don’t you react?’ And I keep saying, if we react to foolish acts people will not notice the difference. We will confuse the fraternity more,” the Jubilee governor aspirant explained. He noted, “I went through some school, perhaps some school went through him. But we should not score own goals. We should score goals on the other side,” he added. “I do not consider sibling rivalry an internal strife. I offered my candidature ... and I think it is very clear amongst us in Jubilee, which candidate offers the best solution and that is the candidate for Jubilee in Nairobi,” he maintained. Kenneth said that his only challenger in the August 8th polls is the incumbent Evans Kidero, whom he accused of mismanaging the city. He accused the incumbent of failed leadership. “Unfortunately four years later, he has not shown anything of what he had. My fear is that if we let Nairobi to go on the way it is, we will have another Mumias case where everything is camouflaged and the minute he leaves it starts sinking,” he lamented. @hillary_x254

Tobiko to face MPs over removal of Auditor General from Office

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission and the Director of Public Prosecutions are this week expected to give submissions on a public petition seeking the removal of the Auditor General Edward Ouko from office. EACC Chief Executive Halakhe Waqo and DPP Keriako Tobiko have been listed to appear before the Finance and Trade Committee of the National Assembly to provide information of their investigations in which they seem to reach contradicting conclusions. Whereas the EACC called for the prosecution of Ouko over abuse of office and the irregular award of a Sh100 million software contract, the DPP cleared Ouko of all the three charges, but approved prosecution of retired Deputy Auditor General Stephen Kinuthia on expanded graft charges. Tobiko will address the context of remarks he made during an interview with a newspaper where he is quoted as saying that there were “sinister and mischievous” attempts to coerce him to put Ouko in the dock. In dismissing the charges against the Auditor-General, the DPP said he found that evidence collected by the anti-graft body does not support their recommendation that he charge the Auditor General with abuse of office over the irregular procurement of an audit vault software system by his office. EACC wanted the Auditor General to be charged for among others things engaging in a project without prior planning, contrary to the law, and failing to comply with procurement requirements. The DPP however directed that charges be preferred against the Deputy Auditor General – Corporate Services Stephen Kinuthia for dealing with suspect property worth millions of shillings, conflict of interest and corruption. MORE ON THIS STORY www.capitalfm.co.ke

NEWS 3 Invest on Youths, first lady urge African countries First Lady Margaret Kenyatta and her Malawi counterpart Dr Gertrude Mutharika have urged African countries to invest on the youths as they hold the key to real change in Africa. Speaking during the opening of the two-day Africa Health Agenda International (AHAI) -2017 Youth Pre-Conference, at a Nairobi hotel, Kenyatta said the youth cannot be ignored. “You are our change catalysts; you are our innovators; you are our present and our future,” she said. The two said the continent could no longer afford to ignore the immense potential held by its youth and excluding the important segment of its population from key decisions-making processes. Mutharika called on leaders not to ignore the youth in critical decisions that affect their respective countries and continent at large. “Young people need to be involved in decision making on matters that affect the continent especially on health and education,” Mutharika said. Mutharika is the current President of the Organisation of African First Ladies against HIV/ Aids and officially opened the youth forum as the head of OAFLA. The Youth Pre-conference forum brings together more than 200 delegates from various organisations from across Africa precedes the main AHAIC conference scheduled for March 7-9 in Nairobi.

NASA to boycott August polls if voter register is not cleaned TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2017

Wiper Deputy Party Leader Farah Maalim has warned that the opposition outfit National Super Alliance (NASA) will not take part in the forthcoming general elections unless the Independent Electoral and Boundaries commission (IEBC) cleans the voter register. Maalim claimed that the current voter register has over two million ‘ghost voters’ that may give undue advantage to their political opponents Jubilee Party (JP). Maalim said participating in the elections without the register being cleaned will be tantamount to legitimizing rigging. Speaking during an interview with NTV earlier today, Maalim said a forensic audit of the voters’ register must be done to give Kenyans free, fair and transparent elections. “Unless the register is cleaned up, Nasa will not go into this election because rigging has already taken place,” Maalim said. The audit of the voter register has been a controversial issue, pitting both Opposition and ruling Jubilee part, NASA has been claiming the register is not up-to-date. He wants the electoral commission to recruit a reputable company to conduct the inspection of the voters’ register to shed off names of dead people who “resurrect on the voting day, vote and return to their graves.” “Without the

Wiper Deputy Party Leader Farah Maalim in a past function.

register being cleaned, we will not be there to legitimise rigging,” Maalim held. Last year, at least 12 firms including three of the world’s largest auditing firms- KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), and Ernst & Young had expressed interest for the tender to scrutinise the 15.85 million listed voters. KPMG, won the tender to audit the register but court stopped the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) from awarding a tender to audit firm. The defunct Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (Cord) had gone to court challenging the decision to award KPMG the

tender. Audit firm KPMG had defeated 12 other companies in the bid to scrutinise 15.85 million listed voters. The Opposition said that the planned forensic review by audit firm KPMG of the voters’ register was a ploy to rig the 2017 election in favour of Jubilee. “Unless the clean-up exercise is matched with the biometric, then shall we have a credible and clean register,” he explained. Maalim, a former Deputy Speaker in the 10th parliament and now eyeing the Garissa Township seat said, “I don’t fear losing or going home but I must @sam_x254 lose in a credible system.”




Trump signs new ‘Muslim ban’ on six countries

US President Donald Trump has signed a revised travel ban that will temporarily halt entry to the US for people from six Muslim-majority nations. Under the Republican president’s order announced on Monday, a 90day ban on travel to the US will be imposed on citizens of Iran, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. “Green card” holders - that is, those who have US permanent residence - will not be affected by the order. US officials have tried to take what was the existing executive order, make it much tighter, and essentially make it bulletproof in the courts.” Rights groups criticised the new order, with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) saying that the new ban was a “scaled-back version that shares the same fatal flaws”. “The only way to actually fix the Muslim ban is not to have a Muslim ban. Instead, President Trump has recommitted himself to religious discrimination and he can expect continued disapproval from both the courts and the people.” ACLU said in a statement. The new directive does not include Iraq in its list of countries targeted, following pressure from the Pentagon and state department which had urged the White House to reconsider given Iraq’s key role in fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group. The Iraqi government said the revised order sends a “positive message” about the future of bilateral relations as the two countries work to combat ISIS. Saad al-Hadithi, government spokesman, said the decision to revise the ban shows that there is a “real partnership” between Washington and Baghdad. Rex

US President Donald Trump at a past function.He has signed an executive order banning muslims from six countries from getting to US.

Tillerson, US secretary of state, said that the renewed ban is “a vital measure for strengthening our national security”. “With this order, President Trump is exercising his rightful authority to keep our people safe,” he said. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the order “responsibly provides a needed pause so we can carefully review how we scrutinise people coming here from these countries of concern”. “Three of these nations are state sponsors of terrorism,” Sessions said, referring to Iran,Sudan and Syria, adding that others had served as “safe havens” for fighters. Trump’s first order, signed on January 27, led to chaos at airports, protests and international condemnation. Bob Ferguson, the

attorney general of Washington state, which succeeded in having the previous ban suspended, said he was “carefully reviewing” the new order. “You should not see any chaos, so to speak, or alleged chaos at airports. There aren’t going to be folks stopped tonight from coming into the country because of this executive order.” Ferguson said. Senator Ted Cruz praised the new order, which he described as a “responsible step of acting to prevent terrorists from infiltrating our refugee programmes”. “In contrast to the hysteria and mistruths that are still being pushed by the media, President Trump’s executive order implements a fourmonth pause in refugee admissions so that stronger vetting procedures

can be put in place,” Cruz said. Peter Roff of Frontiers for Freedom, a right-wing think-tank, also welcomed the revised immigration order. “Muslims are not banned from America,” he said. “On the contrary, Muslims are welcomed in America, but we are only trying to prevent terrorists from coming in who might be infiltrating our country as refugees. “ISIS and al-Qaeda terrorists killed more Muslims than Christians and Jews.” By contrast, leading Democrats condemned the new ban, with the party’s new leader saying “we have a responsibility to fight back”. Chuck Schumer, leader of the minority Democrats in the Senate, said he expected the revised order to have the same uphill battle in the courts as the original version.

Malaysia and North Korea in tit-for-tax exit bans Malaysia and North Korea in tit-for-tax exit bans North Korea and Malaysia have banned each other’s citizens from leaving their countries, in a growing row over the killing of Kim Jong-nam. The extraordinary tit-for-tat actions come amid North Korean fury at Malaysia’s ongoing investigation into his death at a Kuala Lumpur airport. The North Korean leader’s half-brother was killed with a potent nerve agent. Malaysia has not directly blamed the North for this, but there is widespread suspicion Pyongyang was responsible. North Korea has fiercely denied any accusations of culpability and the row over the killing - and who has the right to claim Mr Kim’s body - has

rapidly escalated over the past two weeks. Both Malaysia and North Korea have already expelled each other’s ambassadors. “All Malaysian nationals in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea will be temporarily prohibited from leaving the country until the incident that happened in Malaysia is properly solved”. A state news agency reported. It said this was to ensure the safety of it citizens and diplomats in Malaysia. Malaysians in North Korea country would be able to carry on their lives as normal, it added. Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said it was an abhorrent act which was in total disregard of all international law and diplomatic norms. Malaysians were effectively being held hostage in

North Korea, he said in a statement. “Protecting our citizens is my first priority, and we will not hesitate to take all measures necessary when they are threatened.” Initially, Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad and Home Minister Zahid Hamidi had said that in response, North Korean embassy staff and officials would not be allowed to leave. “We need to take similar steps as they have manipulated the murder,” he was quoted as saying. But Mr Najib later said the ban would extend to all North Koreans. Malaysian officials have said there are believed to be 11 Malaysian citizens currently in North Korea, mostly diplomats. They also estimate there are about 1,000 North Koreans currently in Malaysia.


UN: South Sudan blocking desperately needed aid South Sudan’s government is blocking food aid and restricting United Nations peacekeepers, according to the UN. After a two-day visit, UN humanitarian chief Stephen O’Brien said on Monday that obstacles to humanitarian assistance included active hostility, access denials, and bureaucratic impediments. “People have been displaced, brutalised and raped. They have been attacked when they sought out assistance. This must stop, and it must stop now,” O’Brien said in a statement. An internal report to Security Council members from Antonio Guterres, UN secretary-general, criticised the government for “the destruction of all the social fabric in all parts of the country” and listed “outrageous” examples of belligerence by South Sudan’s security forces. Sent on February 13, Guterres’ letter said UN peacekeepers were recently prevented from verifying allegations of killings or arbitrary arrests of civilians, including in the town of Yei. In late February, armed groups and members of the local community looted the compound and warehouse of Save the Children, a humanitarian organisation, in the northern Jonglei area. The group was the only distributor of food aid in the area, which is on the brink of famine. “This is the most extreme act by the very people we are trying to help,” Peter Walsh, South Sudan director for Save the Children, said in a statement. “It is critical that parties to the conflict provide unimpeded humanitarian access to the affected community to avoid famine becoming their death sentence.” But Taban Deng Gai, the country’s first vice president, told members of the UN Human Rights Council on February 27 that the government has improved security and taken steps to hold violators of human rights accountable. He said the government does not have enough resources to demobilise armed groups, and asked for more military funding. “I can state with confidence that the notion of a looming genocide and possible ethnic cleansing is fading away as we continue with these demonstrations of our commitment to harmoniously live together,” Gai said in the statement. At least 50,000 people have died in South Sudan’s civil war, which began in December 2013 as a result of a struggle for power between President Salva Kiir and former Vice President Riek Machar. An estimated 100,000 people are experiencing famine, and another one million people are on the brink of starvation, South Sudan’s government and UN agencies said in late February. South Sudan is now Africa’s largest producer of migrants, as more than three million people have either fled the country or become internally displaced, according to the UN.






Malaysian police cordon the main entrance to the North Korean Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 07 March 2017. Malaysia has barred North Korean officials from leaving the embassy in Kuala Lumpur in response to North Korea’s ban on Malaysians, currently in the secretive state, preventing them from departure. Diplomatic tension between the two countries has increased following the assassination of Kim Jong-nam, a half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, by two women with a highly toxic chemical weapon known as VX nerve agent at a Kuala Lumpur airport on 13 February 2017. PHOTO: AHMAD YUSNI/EPA Hundreds of women take part at a demonstration to commemorate the International Women’s Day and against the gender violence, in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, northwestern Spain, 05 March 2017. International Women’s Day is celebrated every year on 08 March. PHOTO: LAVANDEIRA JR/EPA.

Democratic National Committee (DNC) chair Tom Perez speaks during a protest against US President Donald J. Trump’s revised Executive Order barring travel visas from six Muslim-majority countries, at Lafayette Park outside the White House in Washington, DC, USA, 06 March 2017. The revised travel ban excludes the country of Iraq. PHOTO: ERIK S. LESSER/EPA

Filipino soldiers wait during deployment of troops in Jolo, Sulu island, Philippines, 06 March 2017. According to news reports, clashes between soldiers and the Abu Sayyaf resulted casualties on both sides following the military conducted tactical operations against bandits that beheaded German hostage Jurgen Kantner. Government troops has been conducting anti-Abu Sayyaf operations in Sulu in a bid to rescue some 33 hostages being held by the bandit group. The rebel group is still holding captive 13 Vietnamese, seven Indonesians, six Filipinos, five Malaysians and one Dutch, military spokesperson said. PHOTO: BEN HAJAN/EPA

Displaced families arrive to the positions of Iraqi forces in Hamam al-Alil town, southern Mosul, north of Iraq, 05 March 2017 (Issued 06 March 2017). Iraqi forces have launched a new offensive to recapture new districts in west Mosul, while more than 50,000 people have fled west Mosul since the push to retake the city from the control of Islamic State group (IS) according to local officials. PHOTO:OMAR ALHAYALI/EPA

xnews | TUESday, MARCH 7, 2017 | www.x254.co



Less than 1 per cent of Kenyans using clean energy for cooking Only about 92,000 of Kenyan households countrywide representing just 1 per cent use clean energy for cooking, a new survey by Infotrack Research and Consulting has revealed. According to the report, a majority of Kenyans in urban areas are highly reliant on charcoal and wood. “Over 39 per cent of households in urban areas still have no access to green energy. They still use charcoal and wood in cooking,” read the report in part. This means that over 7 million out of 10.3 million households across the country still use traditional sources of energy for cooking. According to Infotrack, biomass and kerosene are perceived to be the most affordable sources of energy by a majority of households. “Forty-one per cent of those in North Eastern still believe that charcoal and wood are the most affordable sources of energy while 30 per cent of those in Nyanza and Eastern and 28 per cent of those in Rift Valley hold the same perceptions,” read the report. High over-reliance on traditional means of cooking in urban areas comes at a time when the government has lowered the cost of liquid petroleum gas (LPG) gas as well as reduced the cost of power connection to Sh15, 000 down from Sh35, 000. However, high inflation remains a major threat to not only low-income earners, but middle-income earners as well, forcing them to bank on traditional

Charcoal makers bike their product into town from the outskirts of Nanyuki, in central Kenya. EPA/STEPHEN MORRISON sources of energy for survival. Overreliance on traditional sources of energy has further led to a reduction in the use of clean energy imposing power generating firms to record poor revenues. Kenya Electricity Generating Company

(KenGen) yesterday announced an 18 per cent drop in its 2016 full year financial results. To spur uptake and reliance on green energy for cooking, the Kenya Union of Savings and Credit Co-operatives (KUSCCO) has inked a deal with

AfDB to provide SMEs with technical assistance The African Development Bank (AfDB), in partnership with Frankfurt School of Finance Management, has announced plans to offer Technical Assistance (TAs) to SMEs across Africa in a move geared at helping them grow their business. The training programme will be offered free of charge given that it has received a financial boost from the Fund for Africa Private Sector Assistance (FAPA). “So far, in partnership with the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, and with the funding from FAPA, TA needs assessments have been undertaken with 14 different institutions, spread across 12 different countries in Africa. Full TA programs have been provided to seven institutions in three languages – Portuguese, French, and English,” the lender said in a statement. The training comes at a time when the AfDB is providing significant financial resources to reach small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs), including through its nonsovereign operations. In 2016 alone, the AfDB Board of Directors approved over $400 million (Sh41 billion) in new lending to financial institutions (FIs) for Africa’s SMEs which was expected to help the entities access new loans. The credit would enable them to invest in expanding their productivity and

ultimately to boost their business, increase their revenues, create new jobs and play a key role in Africa’s inclusive growth story. In 2013, the AfDB launched the Africa SME Program, a $125 million (Sh12.8 billion) project to provide smaller, local FIs with both financial resources and technical assistance. Participants at the learning forum discussed approaches to identify TA needs, including through strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats analysis. This forum comes at a time when the Bank is operationalising its ‘High 5’ priorities and seeking to expand its on-the-ground presence. The High 5s are priorities that seek to: Light up and power Africa, Feed Africa, Industrialise Africa, Integrate Africa, and Improve the quality of life for the people of Africa. Speaking at the event, Peter Ide, Chief Technical Assistance Officer, welcomed participants on behalf of the FAPA secretariat and donors. “This programmatic approach, linking investment and lending operations, is highly innovative and relevant to us in the context of the Bank’s new Development and Business Delivery Model,” he said. @enock_x254

Pamoja Life, a non-governmental organization from UK to provide solar products to all KUSCCO members countrywide at a subsidized price. @enock_x254

MEAN 102.6528 126.0717 108.7539 7.8772 35.0990 21.7530

BUY SELL 102.5528 102.7528 125.9394 126.2039 108.6322 108.8756 7.8651 7.8893 35.0161 35.1819 21.6831 21.8229

Ngong, Rongai, Kitengela touted as best areas for property investment Outside of Nairobi, Ngong, Rongai, Kitengela and Athi River have been touted as some of the best areas where real estate investments are likely to be profitable. This is according to a report by Jumia House, the property arm of leading online retailer, Jumia. The analysis shows that these are areas of about the same proximity as the CBD, providing a living for people without having them pass by the city centre. “This is because they already have the amenities within their reach,” says Jumia House’s Joyce Mbaire. The report shows that places not too far from the city continue to develop at a fast rate and are the best to invest in. It has emerged that developers are avoiding areas with a lot of traffic for other parts of the city. “Traffic continues to be very challenging where getting in and out is not easy so as a result, many new tenants who are coming on board including multinational companies are opting for other areas,” explains Kenneth Kaniu, Britam CEO, speaking during the launch of the firm’s Nairobi Office Market report. Land prices in Kenya as a whole have in the past few years risen to unprecedented levels. The government last year announced that it is crafting a land evaluation control index to tame the demand for hefty compensation by land owners which has threatened to hold back mega state development projects in the country. @Dennis_x254

East African regulators to help small businesses raise funds for growth Regional regulators have agreed to support the establishment of a Capital Markets Advisory Centre (CMAC) to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) raise funds for growth and development. The Centre is expected to provide technical support to SMEs with a view to developing a credible pipeline of entities, able to access private and public market- based finance. The move will be executed under the umbrella of the East African Securities Regulatory Authorities (EASRA). “SMEs need to be supported to access alternative forms of long term capital thereby reducing their dependence on short term bank financing in order to spur their growth and boost employment. However, most SMEs in the region cannot afford technical services like legal and corporate restructuring,” the regulatory authorities said in a statement yesterday.

The regulators have also plans to fully implement risk-based supervision; regional capacity building programmes through partnership with the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment to ensure certification of industry players. Kenya’s Capital Markets Authority said in a statement that EASRA members will engage with private equity, accounting and other associations, development partners, academia, think tanks, and civil society organisations. The Authority added that partners will be called upon to provide advocacy and technical support. CMAC’s moves comes barely two weeks after Pathways International rolled out a Business Intelligent (BI) software that uses data to help SMEs boost profits. Pathways CEO, Joel Onditi said on February 24, 2017 that the company tested the software in the United States and has seen companies’ revenue climb by up to 40 per cent. @Dennis_x254



Increased power generation set to boost KenGen profits in 2017 TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2017

Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) expects to boost its profitability in the second half of the year as a result of increased electricity generation and diversification of revenue streams. The electricity generator has said its performance for the remaining period to June 30, 2017 will improve following completion of the evacuation line for the wellheads and fixing of machine breakdowns, which affected some power plants. Speaking at an investor briefing on the company’s performance, Managing Director, Eng. Albert Mugo, disclosed an additional 5MWof geothermal energy was connected to the grid from its innovative wellhead programme in December 2016. A wellhead is the component at the surface of an oil or gas well that provides the structural and pressure-containing interface for the drilling and production equipment. “This is a milestone achievement that will see the company’s good run in performance continue as all the wellhead plants totalling 15 in number have been connected to the main grid.,” said Eng. Mugo. The wellhead early generation units is a KenGen innovation that ensures electricity generation from the wells before the main power plant is put up. The technology, which entails the use of small power units fitted next to the wells, ensures generation can take place within as little as nine months from the time the well is tested. The main power plants usually need up to 5 years before power can be generated using an interconnected well system, feeding steam into a high capacity power plant. The Company also expects to begin construction of Olkaria V geothermal power station in the third quarter pf

Labour lobby in move to empower women entrepreneurs

KenGen MD, Albert Mugo (Right) welcomes former Chairman, Titus Mbathi to the company’s investor briefing breakfast. Looking on is current Chairman, Joshua Choge. 2016/17 financial year. The project, to be funded by the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to a tune of Sh40 billion, will inject an additional 158MW to the national grid. It involves the construction of two geothermal power units of 79MW each. Eng. Mugo said the company is committed to ensuring resources are put in place to drive implementation of its business development strategy to meet growth in demand for electricity and

enhance return for shareholders. The company’s interest income increased from Sh289 million in December 2015 to Sh632 million in December 2016 due to investment funds raised during the Rights Issue in June 2016. “The Rights Issue funds are awaiting the implementation of projects in the pipeline,” he said. The company, however, posted 17 per cent drop in profits for the Half Year period ending December 31, 2016 following a poor performance in

the non-traditional revenue streams. The profits before tax decreased to Sh6,566 million from Sh8,384 million while profit after tax dropped to Sh4,625 million from Sh5,653 million in 2015. According to Eng. Mugo, the results were impacted by the decommissioning of Garissa, Lamu and Embakasi Gas Turbine Thermal power plants and pending receipt of revenue from commercial drilling services. @kevin_x254

A training program from the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO’s) Gender and Entrepreneurship Together (GET-Ahead) programme has shown success in its Kenya-based trial experiment phase. The participatory programme, which is specifically designed for low-income women running small businesses, covers both standard business training concepts, including developing business ideas, marketing, financing, book-keeping, among others. The initiative also covers topics designed to help women overcome other challenges they face in running businesses. It promotes the idea of gender equality and discusses issues on how to divide household and business tasks as well as how to network with other women. “A common concern with efforts to directly help some small businesses to grow is that their growth comes at the expense of their unassisted competitors,” says Lead Economist for the World Bank’s Development Research Group, David McKenzie. “This study tests this possibility using a two-stage randomized experiment in Kenya. The experiment randomizes business training at the market level, and then within markets to selected businesses. Three years after training, the treated businesses are selling more, earn higher profits, and their owners have higher well-being,” he adds. Based on the research, there is no evidence of negative spillovers on competing businesses, and the markets as a whole appear to have grown in terms of number of customers and sales volumes. @Dennis_x254

Britam named overall winner in Association of Kenya Insurers Agent of the Year 2017 awards

Britam Holdings Group Managing Director Dr. Benson Wairegi, CEO Britam Life Assurance Company Ambrose Dabani, Executive Principal Director Stephen Wandera and Joseph Gathogo, Head of Financial Advisors Network celebrate after winning the overall Company of the Year Award at the 2017 Association of Kenya Insurers Agents Awards for the 10th year in a row.

Diversified financial services group, Britam Holdings Limited is the overall winner of the Association of Kenya Insurers (AKI) Agent of the Year Awards (AAYA). For 10 years in a row, Britam won the Overall Company of the Year Award for having the highest number of qualifiers in the event, which celebrates outstanding performance of insurance sales agents, and companies in the country. For the first time, this year’s event under the theme “The future of Insurance beyond 2020” incorporated both life and general insurance sales agents. Britam had 160 out of the 279 agents who qualified for the industry awards. Britam had 24 qualifiers out of the Top 50 agents in the Industry. There are 47 Insurance Companies in Kenya. “This great achievement is the result of the dedication, commitment to excellence and determination by our Financial Advisors and the entire sales management team,” said Mr. Ambrose Dabani, CEO, Britam Life Assurance Company.

Other categories that Britam won during the AAYA awards include: Company with most applications award, Life Member Award - Lucy Muchira of NRB 1 Branch and Youngest FA in the Top 50 Award - Mary Marugu of Nyeri branc.h Britam is currently the market leader in life insurance in the country. The latest industry data for the period January to June published in September 2016 by the Insurance Regulatory Authority shows Britam’s market share rose to 22.11 per cent in the first half, from 20.34 over the same period last year. Britam also had a gross premium income of Sh7.2 billion against the longterm life insurers’ total Sh32.6 billion. Britam is a leading diversified financial services group, listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange. The group has interests across the Eastern and Southern Africa region, with operations in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, South Sudan, Mozambique and Malawi. @Dennis_x254


Gender CS in move to push for financial inclusion, equality at New York forum TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2017

Financial inclusion will help empower women, thereby supporting the country’s economic growth, Cabinet Secretary for Public Service Youth and Gender Affairs, Sicily Kariuki has said. Speaking when she hosted over 70 delegates who will represent Kenya at 61st Commission of Status of Women (CSW) in New York later this month, the CS ascertained that she will wholeheartedly support the empowerment of women at the forum. “The Commission convenes a twoweek session annually at the UN headquarters in New York where focus is on critical areas on gender equality and the empowerment of Women. CSW brings together representatives of UN Member States, civil society organizations and UN entities,” said CS Kariuki. She said they will also discuss progress and gaps in the implementation of the 1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, which is the key global policy document on gender equality. “Kenya heads to the CSW as transformers and not conformists. We go to share our successful ideas that are transforming our country and at the same time we strive to harvest brilliant progressive plans that will transform and address our challenges,” she said. This year’s Session of the CSW is the second Session to be held since

Youth and Gender Cabinet Secretary Sicily Kariuki (Centre) with a group of delegates who will be representing Kenya at the 61st Commission on Status of Women (CSW) from March 13 to March 24, 2017 in New York. Photo: Edwin Gitobu/Xnews the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in September, 2015 in which Kenya took part. Kenya has been participating annually at various Sessions of the CSW. This year, the Ministry of Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs is spearheading the preparations for the country’s participation. “The main theme of the 2017 CSW – ‘Women Economic Empowerment in the changing world of work’ is a critical

opportunity for the Commission to identify the key enabling conditions. It will also allow for the provision of concrete guidance for the implementation and the achievement of Planet 50-50 by the year 2030,” Kariuki noted. During the sessions, Kenya will support financial inclusion geared at facilitating empowerment of grassroots women in the changing world as well as harnessing efforts to end gender based

violence (GBV). “I will be leading the Kenyan delegation, with representatives from Government Ministries, Parliament, Council of Governors, Departments and Agencies, Constitutional offices and Commissions, Civil Society Organizations, youth organizations, persons with disabilities, the Private Sector, the academia among others,” the CS said. Kariuki’s Ministry has been active in

recent months as the state body moves to enforce its mandate. Kariuki last month asked leaders to stop politicising National Youth Service (NYS) projects, noting that it was wrong for critics of the programme to peddle lies that the Youth Empowerment Program (YEP) is “fake and scandalous.” She accused politicians of sabotaging the projects in some areas by inciting the youth to protest, especially over pay. Mrs Kariuki defended the project saying it was meant to reduce unemployment and idleness among youth. “We will not allow politicians to mess up one of the most successful government programmes that has helped many young people across the country. “Many youth have been absorbed under the programme and are now in the government’s payroll. Their fortunes have changed completely,” she said. She urged the youth to shun leaders who attempt to incite them against the project. Mrs Kariuki was speaking in late February during the commissioning of the NYS project for Taveta Constituency, Taita Taveta County where she issued a Sh15 million cheque to support youth and women. @enock_x254





N 12



Is it really that serious?



Ezekiel Mutua, the Fun-Police, seems to think so


omedians are not known exactly for holding back and that is a good thing no matter what people might say. We don’t go to comedy shows to get a sermon, we go to laugh and sometimes we are laughing out of embarrassment, but we are laughing either way. If something is part of the human experience, then it’s fair game in comedy and sex is definitely part of the human experience. It would be great to get our hands on Ezekiel Mutua’s job description. Whoever delegated to him the task of making sure children and adult human beings hear and see no evil should step up because the current CEO of

Nigerian actor Mike Ezuruonye has been branded a traitor by Nigerians. While promoting his movie ‘Brother Jekwu’ which premiered on Friday 3rd March 2017 in Kenya, the popular actor mentioned the country with the most beautiful women in the world. “Kenyan women are natural. I have been to lots of places across the world- and I have travelled all over Africa, but what fascinates me most about Kenyan women is how they embrace their identity,” he said.


Kenya has the most beautiful women in the world – Mike Ezuruonye

the of Kenya Film Classification Board is doing too much. “A stupid and horrible prank on Churchill Show. An unfortunate idiotic foul drill, totally lacking in imagination and possibly the evidence of the beginning of the end of an era. That prank plus the idiotic meru-accident-laden village wag’s sex talk disguised as bicycle ride is against Programming Code for Free-to-air radio and television services in Kenya,” he posted on his social media after the controversial episode aired. It is unrealistic to think that one person can control everything that is aired on national TV. It is also unrealistic to think that Churchill has creative control

over what the cast on his show chooses to add into their acts. He gives them a platform and that is about it. Even the greatest comedians were known for being particularly raunchy. A while back it was the Redykyullas comedy troupe that was on the receiving end of censorship. Funnyman and primary crossdresser of the group John Kiarie, admitted on the show ‘Stori Yangu’ that he would get death threats and other scary things for impersonating the late Lucy Kibaki. That seems a bit more serious than taking a show off the air due to ‘technical hitches.’ In the age of the internet a few jokes about sex should be the least of Ezekiel


to release ‘Tucheze’ Friday 10th March Controversial singer and dancer Akothee has announced that she will release her new music video dubbed ‘Tucheze’ this Friday the 10th of March 2017. Akothee who is currently in Las Vegas, United states where she performed on the weekend is gearing up for her tour of Europe and will be marketing her new music video in the scheduled tour. The much awaited new track is produced by Masterkraft. The new music video, according to Akothee, is a ‘break a leg’ song that incorporates serious dance moves like never before.

Mutua’s worries. Barring multiple parties from happening, censoring music videos and ads including one from giant soft drink company Coke— FYI Coke could wipe out our national debt if they wanted to and still remain one of the most profitable companies in the universe with the change-are just some of the things he has occupied his time with. Comedians should remain one of the sections of the population who are allowed to speak their mind, because if they can’t charm you while critising you, who will? @christine_x254

Will & Grace reunite for limited revival series Its official, the sitcom Will & Grace is returning to your screens soon-- filming has officially started on the highly anticipated limited revival series. Debra Messing, Eric McCormack, Sean Hayes and Megan Mullally reunited over the weekend to start the project, and clearly, the foursome is just as close as ever. Messing ‘Instagrammed’ a sweet selfie of the group, all looking fantastic more than 10 years since their show left the air. “Yeah, this weekend was a little fun. Just a little. #thegang #reunited&itfeelssogood,” Messing, 48, captioned the snap.






otel h e h t s i Is th orst w e h t h t wi rld? o w e h t n view i

Dear Mathew,

Dear Dr X,

I’m thinking of giving up my child for adoption. The girl I was seeing and I are turning out not to be the greatest parents. We are still very young, neither of us has cleared university yet and we have a 7-month old baby. Obviously this wasn’t planned in any way and it just happened during a moment of weakness and we can’t take it back now. The issue is that we are both very inexperienced, struggling and I think my ex-girlfriend is suffering from depression of some sort. We are trying to raise it as we study but I don’t think either of us realized the problem this would be. Including the finances and time, we just can’t maintain being in school and raising child. That’s why I think it would be a good idea to give up the baby.




ll vaginas have a scent, but there is a difference between a healthy whiff and something that doesn’t smell quite right. Here is a number of things you should watch out for and some that you should quit for the health of your genital region.

The food you eat

hings you didn’t know could cause

Vaginal odour


e might still have no scientific idea why pubic hair exists but it does and it might make your life a little complicated.


Now eating super-aromatic food might not necessarily have a direct effect on the scent coming off your genital area but it could mess up the environment. Yoghurt for one has been known for promoting vaginal health because of its live cultures, richness in probiotics and all that good stuff but actually using yogurt with processed sugar added into it can increase yeast levels within the vagina.

Pubic hair

We might still have no scientific idea why pubic hair exists but it does and it might make your life a little complicated. Apocrine sweat glands that are found in the armpits and pubic area, oils and bacteria all contribute to body odour. Hair will tend to retain moisture and sweat more readily compared to areas of the body that have a sparse distribution of hair. So it’s not a sex thing, pubic hair might be the thing that’s bringing you down.

You knew exactly what you were doing having this child so don’t act shocked that it’s in your life. You know the consequences of having unprotected sex and instead of ignoring the reality you should have done something to prevent this situation. That said, giving up your child should not be an easy decision, which you seem to have arrived at all alone. Have you approached the child’s mother with the idea? Forcing a child on someone can lead to abuse but you also have to live with the consequences of your actions. There are plenty of children out there without families.

Dr X

have been told many times before that the vagina has a self-cleaning mechanism but apparently people don’t seem to want to stop pouring cleaning products down their nether regions. Perfumed soaps and douches disrupt the delicate balance of your vagina which can lead to other complications. You are better off just using plain old water and no, washing your vagina with soap will not prevent pregnancy or STDs.


Not just any underwear though. Unbreathable underwear is likely to be the culprit of unwanted smells. It prevents the free flow of air around the pubic area. Make sure to use cotton as synthetic fabrics will do nothing for the health of your vagina. Thongs might be good for the occasional wear abut are disastrous if worn every day.

Bacterial vaginosis

If you notice a strange smell coming off of you this is most likely to be the cause. It is described as an overgrowth of bacteria in the vagina. When you are suffering from BV the bacteria in the vagina leads to a thick discharge with an unpleasant smell being secreted. Medical intervention usually solves the problem.

Taking too many showers Yes, there is a thing like being too clean. Douching should also fall under this categor y. W e

Send your agonising queries to christine@x254.co

rtist Banksy, whose identity somehow still remains a mystery to this day, has opened a hotel in an interesting location. The Walled Off Hotel located in Bethlehem and not too far from the West Bank Separation Barrier is naturally no ordinary hotel. It includes 8 guest rooms, 1 budget barracks, a presidential suite, a piano bar, exhibition space, and area dedicated to the history of the wall. So why open a hotel in this location, especially now? “This place is the centre of the universe - every time God comes to earth it seems to happen near here. The architecture and landscape are stunning, the food delicious and the current situation remarkable and touching. This is a place of immense spiritual and political significance - and very good falafel. We guarantee you won’t be disappointed. 2017 marks a hundred years since the British took control of Palestine and helped kick start a Century of confusion and conflict. At the time of writing there are no special events being planned to mark the occasion,” as is stated on a Banksy affiliate website. Guests can visit the art hotel that will be open from Saturday 11th March between the hours of 11am -7:30pm. Despite the location, it is claimed to be perfectly safe with CCTV, security and alarms. Although it does cost a pretty penny to spend the night, coughing up a deposit of Sh.102, 650.








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Centering on your basic rogue named William (Matt Damon) who has yet to discover the hero within himself, the story kicks off during China’s Song Dynasty as the protagonist and his companion (Pedro Pascal)


he films kicks off with Veronica Salt (Sandra Oh) preparing for her husband’s big business party, where it will be announced that his company is set to profit off of the war on terror in the hundreds of millions. On the way to the soiree, he reveals that he’s unhappy with her drinking problem. She can’t resist, though, and during her trip to the bar she recognizes her former college pal Ashley Miller (Anne Heche), who is a struggling artist that is also working as a waitress to pay the bills.They soon start baiting each other, and then the verbal barbs turn into fisticuffs, which results in an all-out brawl.

FIND THE KEYWORD IN RED ANDin these SMS IT TO 22333 Powerful plumage

GENRE: Action, Monster, Adventure, Historical CAST: Matt Damon, Jing Tian, Pedro Pascal RATING: PG - 13 RUNTIME: 104 minutes find themselves at The Great Wall in hopes of both finding and stealing the infamous and heavily soughtafter “black powder.” What they don’t account for, however, is that the monumental structure is packed with a highly-trained warriors, and that their timing lines up with the long-awaited arrival of a horde of monsters called Tao Tai. GENRE: Action, Comedy CAST: Sandra Oh, Anne Heche, Alicia Silverstone RATING: NR RUNTIME: 96 minutes Our rating: ★ ★ ★



multi-hued bikinis with halter Barua necks. Muganga

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The journey of former City Stars man John Makwata as he turns professional TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2017

Forward John Makwatta has ditched ulinzi Stars with his move to Slovakian second Division side FC Nitra expected any time from now. (File photo)

The career of forward John Mark Makwatta has been on the upward trajectory ever since making the career changing move to join Ulinzi stars four years ago. Makwatta, during his three seasons with the Nairobibased outfit was a midfielder before he was snapped up by Ulinzi in October 2013. The reigning golden boot owner in the Kenyan Premier League player is set to turn professional after agreeing to join Slovakian second Division side FC Nitra from the paramilitary side. With the move, the soldiers will miss the services of their talismanic forward when they travel to Alexandria, Egypt on Tuesday for their CAF Confederations cup first round tie against Egyptian

side Smouha on Friday. The player whose 15 goals propelled Ulinzi to finish third in the KPL as well as reaching the GOtv Shield final, missed the top scorers award in the previous season where he finished second runners up in the same category behind Jesse Were and Michael Olunga who have since departed the local league. The player has thanked ailing former coach Robert Matano who moved him upfront which has been a success ever since. Despite taking time off for military training in 2014 returning in 2015 to fire in 14 goals to finish behind Were (21) and Olunga (19) in the race for the KPL Golden Boot. Last year, there was no denying him the honours after finishing ahead of Kepha Awani (Leopards) and Wycliffe Ochomo (Muhoroni Youth) who bagged 13 and 12 goals. The forward has attracted a number of suitable suitors with top African

clubs as well as others from Europeans leagues sweating for his signature following his stellar campaign in the past two seasons. Ulinzi Stars chairman Erick Oloo has thanked the forward for his dedication to the side ever since joining while wishing him luck in his new endeavors. “Makwatta has informed us of the opportunity that had come up for him and as a team, we cannot block his progress. We are happy for his achievement and we pray for him to succeed,”Oloo said in an interview with club portal. “Life is all about progress and this for him is big progress. We thank Makwatta for his services. He has been a diligent servant of the team and has played a mammoth role in helping us to get where we are now. He has our blessings,” he added It has not been made public the duration of the deal though it is believed to be for a year with an option of renewal. @amos_x254



Damage limitation time as Arsenal welcome Bayern TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2017

Alexis Sanchez and Arsene Wenger shook hands at training as Arsenal prepared for their Champions League clash with Bayern Munich. Sanchez looked in high spirits at the Gunners’ London Colney training base on Monday, despite widespread reports suggesting a bust-up had occurred between the forward and his team-mates prior to Saturday’s 3-1 defeat at Liverpool. The Chile international is alleged to have walked out of training mid-session last week before being involved in an angry confrontation with his team-mates. Sanchez was left out of the starting line-up for the match at Anfield, but came on at half-time and provided an assist for Danny Welbeck. However, the 28-year-old appears to have put his exclusion from the starting XI behind him and shook hands with Wenger at the beginning of the training session. A smiling Sanchez then appeared to share a few jokes with team-mate Lucas Perez. Despite this, Wenger is still likely to face questions over the alleged bust-up at his media conference at 12.30pm on Monday. Arsenal welcome Bayern to the Emirates tonight for the second leg of their Champions League last-16 tie, bidding to overturn a 5-1 first-leg deficit.

Arsenal’s manager Arsene Wenger attends a press conference in Munich, Germany, 14 February 2017. Arsenal FC will face FC Bayern Munich in the UEFA Champions League round of 16, first leg soccer match on 15 February 2017. The two teams meet again tonight with Arsenal trailing 5-1. PEPA/LENNART PREISS

For Arsenal, tonight it is damage limitation time. This Champions League tie was won by Bayern Munich in the first leg in Bavaria three weeks ago. For Wenger — poor, beleaguered Wenger — the task on Tuesday night is to get out of town with some kind of dignity still intact after a 5-1 defeat in the first leg. German central defender Per Mertesacker

said Arsenal had been ‘absolutely not ready for a fight’ during the team’s recent struggles. There, in an unintentionally damning soundbite, was a window opened straight in to the very soul of Arsenal’s troubles. Sanchez, no matter the rights or wrongs of his conduct, wants out because he does not rate this team. At 28, he does not want to finish second, third or fourth any more.

Real welcome back Bale, Ronaldo for Napoli match Cristiano Ronaldo and Gareth Bale have been included in Real Madrid’s squad for Tuesday’s Champions League last-16 second-leg against Napoli after missing Saturday’s 4-1 win over Eibar. Ronaldo has recovered from a niggle and fellow forward Bale was suspended for the match. Central defender Raphael Varane is out with a thigh problem. Napoli, 3-1 down after the first leg, have winger Dries Mertens available who has recovered from a knock. Mertens scored twice in the 2-1 Seria A win at Roma at the weekend, as Napoli narrowed the gap on the secondplaced side to two points. Napoli coach Maurizio Sarri said his side had a “3%” chance of overturning the deficit when Real visit the Stadio San Paolo. “It’s an almost impossible game for us because they score all the time,” said Sarri. Meanwhile, the coach said a three-week silence with club president Aurelio di Laurentiis had come to an end. Di Laurentiis imposed a media blackout on Sarri and the team after their 3-1 first-leg loss. However, Sarri said his conversation with the prominent Italian film producer was predominantly about cinema. “We were united by necessity, now the common aim is to do well,” said Sarri. “In nearly half an hour, we talked about cinema for 28 minutes and football for 30 seconds, but only in general about future situations.”

Zlatan Ibrahimovic & Tyrone Mings charged with violent conduct by FA Manchester United’s Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Bournemouth defender Tyrone Mings have been charged with violent conduct by the Football Association. The pair clashed during the 1-1 draw between their sides on Saturday when Mings, 23, landed on the United forward’s head with his studs. Moments later, Ibrahimovic caught Mings in the face with his elbow at a corner. Both players have until 9pm on tonight to reply to the charge. “The players were involved in two separate incidents in or around the 44th minute which were not seen by the match officials at the time but caught on video,” said an FA statement. Deliberate elbowing and stamping are both red card offences, so would result in three-match bans if either Ibrahimovic or Mings were found guilty. However, Mings could face an increased ban for his offence. The FA statement added: “Furthermore, the FA has

SPORT 15 Zlatan Ibrahimovic of Manchester United reacts during the UEFA Europa League Round of 32 second leg soccer match between AS Saint-Etienne and Manchester United at the Geoffroy-Guichard Stadium in Saint-Etienne, France, 22 February 2017. The forward could be suspended for violent conduct by the FA. EPA/ETIENNE LAURENT

submitted a claim that the standard punishment that would otherwise apply for the misconduct committed by the Bournemouth defender is ‘clearly insufficient’.” “Off-the-ball incidents which are not seen at the time by the match officials are referred to a panel of three former elite referees. “Each referee panel member will review the video footage independently of one another to determine whether they consider it a sending-off offence. For retrospective action to be taken, and an FA charge to follow, the decision of the panel must be unanimous.” Ibrahimovic would miss the FA Cup quarterfinal against Chelsea and league games against Middlesbrough and West Brom if banned for three games, although he would be available for Europa League matches. Bournemouth’s next three outings are against West Ham, Swansea City and Southampton.





Sevilla miss chance to narrow gap after Alaves draw


Chelsea’s Diego Costa celebrates after scoring the 2-0 lead during the English Premier League soccer match between West Ham United and Chelsea FC at the London Stadium, in London, Britain, 06 March 2017. PHOTO: HANNAH MCKAY/EPA


evilla’s La Liga title hopes were damaged as a mistake by goalkeeper Sergio Rico led to a draw at Alaves. Jorge Sampaoli’s side knew a win would move them two points behind leaders Barcelona and they went ahead through Wissam Ben Yedder’s drilled strike. But Rico fumbled Oscar Romero’s inswinging cross with 15 minutes left, allowing Aleksandar Katai to bundle in. The Spanish keeper redeemed himself to save a Katai free-kick and a Deyerson effort as Alaves finished strongly. The result leaves third-placed Sevilla four points behind Barca after 26 matches and three points behind Real Madrid, who have a game in hand. Alaves stay 11th. Asked about his error, Rico said: “It was a move which was unlucky for us. We will keep going like this, we will keep fighting and we will not give up until the end of La Liga.”

P 14

Chelsea beat West Ham to go 10 point clear top of Premier League

iego Costa and Eden Hazard scored as Chelsea beat West Ham to extend their lead at the top of the Premier League to 10 points. It was the Blues’ 21st victory of the league season and another big step towards winning the title in Antonio Conte’s first season as manager. The Italian was once again spot on with his tactics - nullifying the predictable aerial threat of the Hammers’ 6ft 4in frontman Andy Carroll early in the match. And then in the 25th minute his attackers cruelly exposed the hosts’ defence with a devastating counter-attack. N’Golo Kante read a pass from Robert Snodgrass deep inside the Chelsea half on the left and played the ball to Hazard. The Belgium winger drove forward, played a one-two with Pedro and then shifted the ball past keeper Darren Randolph before slotting home. The Blues doubled their lead after the break when Hazard’s corner from the left was turned in with his thigh by Costa - the Spain striker’s 17th league goal of the season. The Hammers came close after Costa’s strike when Sofiane Feghouli’s low drive was brilliantly saved by Thibaut Courtois. Chelsea wing-back Marcos Alonso then appeared to block Manuel Lanzini’s half-volley with his arm moments later - but referee Andre Marriner deemed it to be accidental. West Ham finally pierced the last line of defence in stoppage time. Carroll robbed Cesc Fabregas and fed Andre Ayew, who squared for Lanzini to fire in. No doubt there were West Ham supporters who would have fancied their team’s chances of causing an upset on Monday. They came into the match having lost only one of their past six league games, picking up three wins. And one of the Blues’ four defeats came at London Stadium in the EFL Cup earlier this season. But perhaps what gave those fans greatest belief of a win was the return of Carroll, back after a month out with a groin injury - and the big striker was central to the Hammers’ tactics. In the opening 20 minutes, both Snodgrass and Feghouli provided the ex-Newcastle and Liverpool forward with high lofted balls. Unfortunately for Hammers manager Slaven Bilic, Chelsea had done their homework as their defenders repeatedly prevented Carroll from having an effort on goal. He became a peripheral figure in the second half as West Ham looked for a new way of breaching the visitors’ defence. They managed to do so through Lanzini in the dying seconds, but there was too little time to find an equaliser.

Published By Xtra Publishing Limited, Chancery Building, Valley Road, Nairobi | Printed at The Standard Group Centre, Mombasa Road, Nairobi. Paul Marshall-CEO, Fred Bunei-Finance Manager, Josiah Musee-Advertising Manager, Peter Obuya-Editor

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