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MOnday, MaRCH 6, 2017 | www.x254.CO







Kenyans fear August poll will be marred with violence-survey

Horrific scenes of the 2007 post election violence showing protesters carrying stones and clubs as they barricade the road.A new survey has shown that majority of Kenyans believe the next poll will also be violent. PHOTO: COURTESY


● A new survey

indicates majority of Kenyans fear there would be violence in August poll.

● Electorates

wants politics to be issue based in order to avoid violence. ● Majority of respondents say leaders are not sensitive to the issues affecting common mwananchi.



Kenyans fear violence in august poll MONDAY, MARCH 6, 2017

A new survey by Jesuit Hakimani Centre shows that majority of Kenyans fear there forthcoming General Election in August will marred with violence as witnessed in 2007/08. The survey conducted between November and December last year indicates that only 29.9 percent of those polled think the elections will be peaceful. “Only 29.9 per cent of the respondents think that elections will be peaceful, meaning the majority are worried. There is more competition for elective post at the county level, and 41.4per cent of those interviewed thought the gubernatorial elections as less violent,” reads the report. If the findings of the survey is anything to go by then the country might slide back to the York of post-election violence that rocked the country in the 2007/08 where thousands of people were killed and other displaced. Most of the respondents argue that the violence can only be avoided if politics of the country became issue based. President Uhuru Kenyatta and the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) have all promised that the august poll will be peaceful, free and fair. The survey also found out that majority of Kenyans are disappointed lot as they think the outcome of the next General Elections will be influenced issues affecting the common man. “From the data analyzed, respondents do not explicitly link governance,

especially sectoral concerns, to elected leadership yet elected leadership is critical for development. Therefore,

Fight for peace and not community interests, police reservists told The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) has urged police reservists deployed in Baringo not to serve the interest of their community. The Commission’s Vice Chairman George Morara said the reservists should not see themselves as warriors of the community but agents of peace. “The police reservists deployed in Baringo should not take interest of their community at heart first but should serve to make the entire region safe, it is not all about their community but peace in the region,” Morara said. Morara said negotiation between area leaders remain the best method to solve the current security problem in the region. “We have seen in the past when leaders of the region come together, there is ceasefire between the warring communities hence the leaders should take charge and bring lasting peace,” Morara. “We are sure if the leaders come together and tell their communities what needs to be done, the people will abide by their words,” Morara added.

Morara said no amount of threats or military presence in the region will deliver the much sought for peace in the region. “It is not about military tanks and bullets, but negotiations among the leaders will go a long way in bringing the situation back to normal,” Morara said. He maintained that the government still has the cardinal responsibility to provide security to the area residents. He pointed out part of the problem causing conflict in the region is underdevelopment and economic inequality. “The area suffers from underdevelopment and is under governed,” he said. A report released by the commission last week recommended that the government put in place mechanisms to address the underlying causes of the insecurity, conduct through investigations into all criminal activities including the recent killing of two politicians in Marigat and other members of the public who have lost lives and property. @sam_x254

we can argue, citizen agenda is highly likely not to influence the electioneering campaign conversations

and eventual voting. In this sense, public participation as a mechanism for citizen inclusivity in decision-making

processes is yet to enable citizens set a public agenda,” the survey said. According to the survey, 88 percent of those interviewed said there is no connection between elections and issues as most politicians totally disregard issues affecting the electorates. Only 26.2 per cent of the respondents think that politicians can pick citizens’ agenda and implement it. “Only 9.7 per cent think that political party manifestos have a meaning as documents that can be used to track performance of political leadership... Majority think that politicians are dishonest. The remoteness of issues based electioneering does dent the belief in people’s power,” the report adds. The next election might also be faced with massive voter apathy as only 19.7 percent of the respondents think they have an obligation to elect credible leaders. “Moral apathy seems to have infiltrated every aspect of the electorate including the need to vote, as 14.8 per cent of the respondents find value in public participation, where elections are a major function.” Reads the report. The survey also found out that most Kenyans want leaders to address corruption and make it a priority. “One would assume that because Kenyans feel that corruption is a number one failure, they should consider it a number one issue on the agenda,” reads the survey. @sam_x254 @sam_x254

Thousands gathered in Nyeri to give Governor Gachagua last send off President Uhuru Kenyatta his Deputy William Ruto, opposition leader Raila and former President Mwai Kibaki were among the thousands of leaders who gathered in Nyeri today to give the late Nyeri Governor a befitting send off. President Kenyatta arrived for the ceremony at exactly 12:16pm accompanied by his Deputy William Ruto and former President Mwai Kibaki. Odinga arrived much earlier amid wild cheers from members of Nyeri residents who turned up to give their last respect to their Governor. The former Prime Minister jetted back to the country from Nigeria where he had attended the opening of the library named after former President Olusegun Obasanjo. A host of Governors led by chairman of Council of Governors Peter Munya, Mombasa Governor Hasan Joho, Jack Ranguma (Kisumu), Alfred Mutua (Machakos) among others also attended the burial ceremony. Governor Gachagua died at the Royal Marsden Hospital in London in February 24 while undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer. According to his brother, Rigathi

Murang’a Governor Mwangi Wa Iria and his Kirinyaga counterpart Joseph Ndathi carry the casket bearing the remains of immediate Nyeri Governor Nderitu Gachagua.

Gachagua, the governor died at 2.15am with close family members at his bedside. “He has left us after a long struggle with pancreatic cancer. It is very sad for the family but we have accepted God’s will,” he said. The late Governor made only one

public appearance in November during President Kenyatta’s tour of the county and then flew out of the country hours later. The late Governor was laid to rest at his home next to his father as he had expressed in his wish before he passed on. He died aged 64. @sam_x254


All set for devolution conference 2017

Governors will converge in Nakuru tomorrow for the fourth annual devolution conference as they scheme to retain their seats in the coming general elections. Among the main issues at the conference will be the management of healthcare across the country. The conference comes at a time doctors who are 80 percent managed by counties have been on strike for three months now. The conference is also set to receive a wide berth from senators who have argued that the annual meeting has no value but just a public relations exercise for the county chiefs. But President Uhuru Kenyatta who is expected to give keynote address will attend tomorrow’s opening session of the three-day conference. Mr Kenyatta skipped last year’s conference in Meru amid rows between the county governments and the national government. Chairman Council of Governors Peter Munya said this year’s conference will provide an opportunity for all counties to give their report cards on what they have done since inception of devolution. “We will be giving our report card on what counties have done since the inauguration of the new constitution in 2010. The first term of devolution is now coming to end,” Munya said. “It is now time to evaluate what we have done, challenges that we faced and we need to do to fix them,” said the Meru governor. This year’s theme is devolution: Transforming

have failed or not. “People go on strike everywhere including workers of the national government, it is their democratic right to do so. So doctors strike is not unique to county governments,” Munya said. Nakuru Governor Nakuru Governor Kinuthia Mbugua said they are ready to host the event. “The county is ready to host the event. We have done sensitization of people to tell their story. There is enough security and accommodation for everyone,” Mbugua said. Mbugua said there is enough space at the Kenya Wildlife Service Training Institute and that every county will have its display board. “This being the last devolution conference before the general elections, every county will have its own space to display its progress for the last four years,” he added. The conference also comes at a time when the Senate’s County Public Accounts and Investments Committee recommended to the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission and Council of Governors chairman Peter Munya listens to a participant during the devolution the Directorate of Criminal Investigation that Conference 2014 in Kisumu as Nandi Governor Cleopas Lagat looks on. This year’s conference governors and staff whose records are in the red begins tomorrow in Nakuru. be subjected to further investigations and those lives: Tell your story. Munya said this time they added. Munya has been on record several times found culpable prosecuted. want to hear what devolution has done to the saying devolution has largely succeeded despite The initial report covered Kiambu, Busia, Tana River, Trans Nzoia, Nyandarua, Migori, Kwale, challenges. people. “Do not let other people tell your story and During a meeting with a joint parliamentary Kisumu, Samburu and Kericho counties. committee of health and labour last month on Breach of procurement guidelines topped the list distort it, tell it by yourself,” he said. “We are expecting many people and dignitaries, how to end the doctors strike, Munya said that of financial malpractices. even expecting Governors from China,” Munya should not be used to judge whether governors @sam_x254




Libyan factions battle for key oil ports

Rival armed factions are fighting for control over crucial oil terminals in the east of Libya. The forces of military strongman Khalifa Haftar, who have controlled the “oil crescent” since September, lost ground, their spokesman says. He said they had carried out air strikes against a faction known as the Benghazi Defence Brigade (BDB), after it launched an attack on Friday. Four oil terminals in the area provide much of Libya’s export income. Libya remains regionally split with two centres of power that politically oppose each other, and a myriad of rival armed groups that the country’s two governments cannot control. Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar is allied to an administration based in the eastern city of Tobruk, which is challenging the authority of the UN-backed unity government based in Tripoli. His forces, known as the Libyan National Army (LNA), have been battling Islamist and other militias in the area since forcing them out of much of the country’s second city, Benghazi, in February 2016. Oil exports resumed after the LNA took over the four terminals of Zuitina, Brega, Ras Lanuf and Sidra six months ago, giving a strong boost to the country’s output after a blockade of nearly two years. It remains unclear exactly how much control the BDB has gained. A diplomatic source, who asked not to be named, told the BBC that it had overrun much of the oil crescent including Sidra, Ras Lanuf and Naufliya, but this cannot be independently confirmed. The spokesman of the LNA, Col Ahmad alMismari, said on Friday that it had retreated to avoid civilian casualties. On Saturday, he said the group had lost control of Ras Lanuf ’s main airfield, AFP news agency reports. Another LNA official, Col Moftah al-Megarief, told AFP late on Saturday that the groups’ forces were “gathering and preparing to take back Ras Lanuf ”. “The ports are closed and most of the engineers returned to their homes,” a port official in Ras Lanuf told Reuters. “According to workers who left yesterday [the BDB] entered with their vehicles and stationed themselves in front of the ports of Ras Lanuf and Es Sider.” The BDB is composed of a mix of armed groups, including Islamists, tribal-affiliated militias from the east who oppose Field Marshal Hafter and an armed group that previously controlled the oil crescent. Libya’s National Oil Corporation held an urgent meeting on Saturday to review crude loading schedules and emergency measures to protect oil facilities in response to the fighting.

FBI chief rejects Trumps’ Obama phone tap claims FBI director James Comey has rejected President Donald Trump’s claim on Saturday that his predecessor, Barack Obama, tapped his phone, US media say. Mr Comey reportedly asked the US justice department to reject the allegation Mr Obama ordered a wiretap during last year’s election campaign. He is said to have asked for the correction because it falsely insinuates that the FBI broke the law. The development was reported by the New York Times and confirmed by NBC. The justice department did not issue any immediate statement in response to Mr Comey’s reported request. US media quoted officials as saying that Mr Comey believed there was no evidence to support Mr Trump’s allegation. The Republican president, who faces intense scrutiny over alleged Russian interference in support of his presidential bid, has offered no evidence to support his allegation that phones at Trump Tower were tapped last year. The New York Times and NBC reports came as the White House called on Congress to investigate whether the Obama administration had abused its powers. Both Congress and the FBI are currently investigating contacts between the Trump election campaign and Russian officials, after US intelligence agencies assessed that Russia had interfered with the election to help Mr Trump win against his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton. White House press secretary Sean Spicer said there had been “very troubling” reports “concerning potentially politically motivated investigations immediately ahead of the 2016 election”. Representative Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said in a statement that his committee would “make inquiries into whether the government was conducting surveillance activities on any political party’s campaign

FBI Director James Comey testifies during the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing on ‘Fifteen Years After 9/11: Threats to the Homeland’, on Capitol Hill in Washington, in September last year. PHOTO: SHAWN THEW/EPA

officials or surrogates”. Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, also a Republican, said in a statement that it would “follow the evidence where it leads, and we will continue to be guided by the intelligence and facts as we compile our findings”. Mr Comey has had a bumpy relationship with Mr Trump. In July last year, after he announced he would not recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton following his agency’s investigation into the handling of classified information on her private email server, he was roundly denounced by Mr Trump. “FBI director said Crooked Hillary compromised our national security,” Mr Trump tweeted at the time. “No charges. Wow! #RiggedSystem.” Mr Trump, who spent the weekend at his Florida resort, had called the alleged tapping “Nixon/Watergate”, referring to the notorious political scandal of 1972, which

led to the downfall of President Richard Nixon. He asked on Twitter whether it was legal for a “sitting president to be wire-tapping” and referred to the allegation as “a new low”. Earlier Ben Rhodes, who was Mr Obama’s foreign policy adviser and speechwriter, wrote in a tweet: “No President can order a wiretap. Those restrictions were put in place to protect citizens from people like you.” A spokesman for Mr Obama said Mr Trump’s allegation charge was “simply false”. The director of national intelligence at the time of the US election, James Clapper, has also denied there was any wire-tap on Mr Trump or his election campaign team. Mr Clapper told NBC that he knew of no court order to allow monitoring of Trump Tower in New York. “There was no such wire-tap activity mounted against the president-elect at the time, as a candidate, or against his campaign,” Mr Clapper said.

Severe drought ravages Somalia as 110 die of hunger in just two days, PM Haire announces

Somalia’s Prime Minister, Hassan Ali Haire, says 110 people have died from hunger in a single region in the past 48 hours amid a severe drought. The figure for the south-western Bay region is the first official death toll announced during the crisis. The full impact of the drought on the country is still unknown. Humanitarian groups fear a full-blown famine will follow. Currently, almost three million people in Somalia face food insecurity. Local news outlet Alldhacdo reported dozens of deaths due to cholera in the town of Awdinle, also in the Bay region. The disease is often spread due to lack of clean drinking water.

Somalia’s President, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, declared the drought a national disaster on Tuesday. The drought in Somalia has been partly caused by the El Nino weather phenomenon which has affected east and southern Africa. As well as the lack of food caused by the drought, there are many cases of dehydration. Domestic animals are also dying in large numbers, and carcasses litter the landscape. Nearly 260,000 people died during the famine that hit Somalia from 2010 to 2012. Some 220,000 people died during another famine in 1992. The nation is one of four identified by the United Nations as currently at risk of extreme

hunger and famine - along with Nigeria, South Sudan and Yemen. A formal famine has already been declared in the Unity state in South Sudan - the first official famine declared since Somalia in 2011. The United Nations uses famine as a technical term, which only applies in very specific circumstances like when 20% of households cannot cope with food shortages; when there is acute malnutrition exceeding 30% and when the death toll exceeds two people per day per 10,000 population The Disasters Emergency Committee, which makes appeals on behalf of 13 leading UK aid charities, reported on Somalia’s food crisis last month.






Kyrgyz elderly women in traditional costumes attend at a festival as part of the Elechek and White Kalpaks Day celebration in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, on Saturday March 4, 2017. Kyrgyz Elechek and White Kalpaks Day is celebrated with wearing national costumes, hosting concerts, fairs and festivals. PHOTO: IGOR KOVALENKO/EPA


A woman demonstrates how she and her child managed to escape the floods after they found shelter in a makeshift camp in Tsholotsho, about 200 killometers south of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, on Saturday March 4, 2017. At least 246 people have died since the December 2016 flood and thousands were injured due to the heavy rains that caused severe flooding especially in the southern parts of the country at the end of 2016. About 900 victims have been offered temporary shelter at an hospital by non-governmental organisations such as UNICEF and the Red Cross. Zimbabean President Robert Mugabe has declared the floods a national disaster. PHOTO: AARON UFUMELI/EPA


Lazio coach Simone Inzaghi reacts during the Italian Serie A soccer match against Bologna FC and Lazio at Dall’Ara stadium in Bologna, Italy, last evening. Lazio won the match 2-0. PHOTO: GIORGIO BENVENUTI/ EPA

TRUMP SALUTE: US President Donald J. Trump (R) salutes as he disembarks Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, DC, USA, yesterday. Trump returned to Washington from a weekend at his Palm Beach. Florida, Mar-a-Lago club. PHOTO: ERIK S. LESSER/EPA WAR IN IRAQ:


China’s Director of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) He Lifeng gestures to reporters during a press conference on the sidelines of China’s National People’s Congress (NPC) in Beijing, today. The NPC has over 3,000 delegates and is the world’s largest parliament or legislative assembly though its function is largely as a formal seal of approval for the policies fixed by the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party. PHOTO: ROMAN PILIPEY/EPA

An Iraqi policeman looks to smoke clouds rising from the scene of an apparent suicide truck bomb attack at west of Mosul, northern Iraq on March 5, 2017. Iraqi forces have launched a new offensive to recapture new districts in west Mosul, while more than 50,000 people have fled west Mosul since the push to retake the city from the control of Islamic State group (IS) was launched, according to local officials. PHOTO: OMAR ALHAYALI/EPA

xnews | MONday, MARCH 6, 2017 | www.x254.co



Sh1.5 bn India loan to support SMEs in production sector

Kenya’s Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are set to access lowinterest loans after Kenya secured a Sh1.5 billion loan from India’s Export-Import Bank (Exim Bank). The kitty will help SMEs purchase machinery and fertilizer to rev up country’s production industries, especially in the agriculture and industrial sectors. The facility comes at a time when Kenya’s external borrowing is ranked the highest in the region with over Sh3 trillion in debt, a trend the International Monetary Fund (IMF) says is worrying. According to the agreement inked by the two nations, Kenya will spend at least 75 per cent of said kitty to obtain merchandise and services from Indian firms. “Product and services worth a minimum of 75 per cent of the contract shall be provided by the vendor from the Republic of India while the remaining 25 per cent of products and services would be procured by the vendor for the aim of the eligible contract from outside India,” read the agreement in part. The kitty comes at a time when it is projected that Kenya is losing its manufacturing competitive edge to other countries due to the high cost of production.


BuSINESS DIARY 19th Nairobi International Education Fair

This year’s edition of the Nairobi International Education Fair (NIEF), will be held from Thursday, March 9, 2017 to Sunday, March 12, 2017, from 9:00 pm to 3:00 pm daily. NIEF is a 4 day event that is held in Nairobi and provides a one-stop forum for local and international colleges and universities to engage students, school leavers, teachers and parents on careers and training programmes being offered by those institutions The main objective of the event is to bring together local and international universities and colleges to meet students, school leavers and other young people who are looking for career and training information so that they can benefit from each other. The forum will also interest teachers, who are seeking to equip themselves to be able to counsel their students in career matters in their schools as well as parents, who wish to know what career opportunities are available for their children.

Drinkentrepreneurs event at Brew Bistro Nairobi

The latest edition of Drinkentrepreneurs will be held on Thursday, March 9, 2017 from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Brew Bistro and Lounge along Ngong Road in Nairobi. Drinkentrepreneurs is a gathering of innovative minds from startups as well as corporate entities. The event brings together entrepreneurs I n the fields of Tech, Innovation, and Design. Referred to as the social event of the month, Drinkentrepreneurs brings innovators together to unwind, share stories and make friends with other like-minded industry professionals.

are also likely to be higher compared with competitor economies,” states the memorandum. A number of automotive manufacturers have recently committed to increase production activities in Kenya, benefiting in part from the roll-out of new financial incentives. Earlier last month, France’s Peugeot announced plans to restart

production in Kenya, having halted manufacturing operations for the last 15 years. The firm will produce 1000 of its “508” and “3008” models in its first year. The news came on the back of Germany’s Volkswagen inaugurating a new production facility in Thika, outside Nairobi at the end of 2016. @enock_x254

BUY SELL 103.4467 103.6467 129.3672 129.6572 109.4244 109.6611 8.0323 8.0572 34.5404 34.7039 21.5058 21.6343

Bidco to invest Sh20.5 billion in new plant, acquisitions

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (R) welcomes Uhuru Kenyatta, President of Kenya prior to a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of a past India Africa Forum Summit in New Delhi, India, October 28, 2015. EPA/HARISH TYAGI For instance, battery maker, Eveready and Cadburys last year moved their production plants to Egypt citing cheaper production costs in the Arab Republic. “Wages in Kenya are much higher than in peer countries at a similar level of development. Transport, energy, and land costs, which account for half of total costs excluding raw materials and labor,

MEAN 103.5467 129.5122 109.5428 8.0447 34.6221 21.5700

(As of Friday February 3/2017)

Consumer goods company, Bidco Africa is investing $200 million (Sh20.5 billion) in a new plant and acquisitions over the next five years and it aims to raise its annual revenue in Kenya to $1 billion (Sh102.7 billion), CEO Vimal Shah has confirmed. The firm has plants in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania and just opened a fourth in Madagascar. The company earns extra revenue from export sales around Africa and other lines of business such as farming. Its fiveyear growth plan is focused on boosting revenue from sales in Kenya. Shah said the company will open a second plant in Kenya this year to produce drinks and food such as breakfast cereals. The firm has been offering small scale farmers opportunities for partnership in oilseed production. Bidco Africa deals directly with individual small scale farmers but advises farmers to form cooperatives to benefit from economies of scale. Bidco is one of the leading manufacturers in the East African country, employing 5,000 people. The new plant will add another 500 jobs, said Shah. Last August, Land O’Lakes, Inc. and Bidco Africa announced a partnership, executed in March 2016 that sought to capitalise on the growth potential of agricultural markets in Kenya. @Dennis_x254

Leveraging on Islamic finance will help Kenya achieve SDGs, experts say

The Islamic finance industry has the potential to help reduce income inequality, enhance prosperity, and achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals not only in Kenya but across the globe, a new World Bank report has revealed. Dubbed ‘A Catalyst for Shared Prosperity’, the report says unlike conventional finance, Islamic finance is based on risk-sharing and asset-based financing as it makes people direct holders of real assets in real sectors of the economy thus reducing their aversion to risk. “Islamic finance advocates for just fair and equitable distribution of income and wealth. With a strong link to the real economy as well as risk-sharing financing, Islamic finance can help improve the stability of the financial sector as it brings into the formal financial system people who are currently excluded from it due to cultural or religious reasons,”read the report in part. However, to achieve the SDGs, the Islamic finance industry needs to expand beyond banking, which is currently a dominant component of Islamic finance, accounting for more than 75 per cent the industry’s assets. The report notes that Islamic capital markets can provide opportunities to build assets but

through equity- and asset-based finance. Particularly, the Sukuk markets (Islamic bond) are suitable for financing infrastructure and encouraging entrepreneurship. “Use of sovereign Sukuk would mobilize financing which is essential to develop the market, as well as to promote transparency and efficiency of the asset pricing,” reads the report. For the country to effectively enjoy the benefits of Islamic finance, it has to create governance systems that support orderly

function of the Islamic social finance sector. This is because using Islamic social finance can alleviate poverty and create a social safety net for the extremely poor, considering that these institutions and instruments are rooted in redistribution and philanthropy. Islamic banking has shown steady growth in Kenya in recent years with lending institutions such as KCB Bank, First Community Bank and Gulf African Bank offering services to both Muslim and non-Muslim clients. @enock_x254



March rains set to boost agriculture sector as private industries eye 2017 recovery MONDAY, MARCH 6, 2017

Kenya’s long rains season, expected sometime this month, will be pivotal for the agricultural sector’s growth, as the country’s other sectors recover from the effects of a perennial drought. In the event that the rains are inadequate, Kenya potentially see an entrenched slowdown within the business operating environment, experts have said. Kenya’s private sector growth moved towards stagnation in the month of February, a new report has confirmed. The Stanbic Bank - HIS Markit Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI) posting its lowest reading since the inception of the series in January 2014, the latest PMI survey has shown. The Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) is an indicator of the economic health of the manufacturing sector. The PMI is based on five major indicators: new orders, inventory levels, production, supplier deliveries and the employment

environment. The purpose of the PMI is to provide information about current business conditions to company decision makers, analysts and purchasing managers. Employment increased only fractionally, which contributed to a further rise in backlogs of work. Firms raised their input buying at a modest pace to cater for an increased volume of new orders. Output charges rose only slightly, to reflect efforts at some firms to stimulate demand despite a further increase in input costs. At 50.1 in February, down from 52.0 in January, the seasonally adjusted PMI signaled broadly stagnant business conditions. Notably, the index reading was the lowest seen over 38 months of data collection. A PMI of more than 50 represents expansion of the manufacturing sector when compared to the previous month.

A woman stands with an unbrella as she listens to Pope Francis’s speech during a public mass at the Univeristy of Nairobi campus, Nairobi, Kenya, November 26, 2015. Hundreds of thousands of worshippers braved the rain amid tight security to attend the mass. EPA/DAI KUROKAWA A PMI reading under 50 represents a contraction, and a reading at 50 indicates no change. The analysis comes after President Uhuru Kenyatta on Friday, March 3, 2017 said the government would enhance drought mitigation measures to ensure all those affected are assisted. He said the ongoing food and water relief, animal off-take and cash transfer programs are constantly being enhanced to support Kenyans to overcome the current hard conditions. The President said the government will continue to expand the relief efforts so that no needy Kenyan is left out of the recovery process. “As we pointed out in our previous report, the ongoing drought and decline in private sector credit access will inevitably lead to deterioration in

business conditions within the Kenyan private sector. This month’s historic low reading is symptomatic of these risks that we are flagging,” said Jibran Qureishi, Regional Economist for East Africa at Stanbic Bank. “In addition, potentially higher input costs over the coming months could also hinder the private sectors progress,” he added. The fall in the PMI index was partly driven by reduced output, which declined for the first time since the inception of the survey in January 2014, albeit only marginally. Fewer than expected sales and cash shortages among clients were cited as the key reasons behind lower output. Data indicated that growth of new business eased to a 17-month low, though marked overall. This was despite

a stronger increase in new export business in February, which reportedly occurred due to increased international demand and expansion into new export markets. With growth of new business outstripping that for output, backlogs of work continued to rise markedly, with cash flow difficulties contributing to greater amounts of unfinished work. At the same time, employment rose at the joint-weakest rate on record in February, rising only slightly overall. On the prices front, output charge inflation eased to a four-month low as firms’ abilities to pass on higher input costs to clients were restricted due to efforts to stimulate customer demand. Greater market prices for raw materials were reported to have driven input costs higher, while staff costs also rose in February. @Dennis_x254


Uber Kenya launches pitch campaign to support entrepreneurship, innovation MONDAY, MARCH 6, 2017

Uber Kenya has launched pitch campaign to support entrepreneurship and innovation in the country. The drive, officially known as UberPITCH, is supported by enterprenur empowerment group, Mettā, in conjunction with Nairobi Innovation Week. The campaign’s organisers have said anyone with a good idea can submit an application and request a ride to pitch to an investor. Startup heroes, CEOs and investors will today listen to ideas, all in the back of an Uber. The UberPITCH theme ‘Innovation to solve pressing local and global challenges’ will see entrepreneurs receive the opportunity to pitch innovative business ideas to investors. The Uber rides will be free. To get involved, applicants were required to submit video applications to Uber on or before March 1, 2017. Following a shortlisting process, accepted applicants will receive an exclusive promo code which they will input into their Uber account. On Monday March 6 between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm, selected participants will select the UberPITCH option in their Uber apps to get the chance to present their ideas to an investor in a 15-minute Uber ride. Finalists with the top pitches will be invited for a special event held at the Mettā on March 9th where they will interact with some of Kenya’s leading investors and business leaders. “At Uber, we stand for more than


TPS Serena TPS Serena was the week’s top gainer after edging upwards by 9.5 per cent though on thin trading volumes. The share price was up to Sh23.00 from the previous week’s close of Sh21.00. Year-to-date, its share price has gained 12.20 per cent.


NIC Bank Ltd NIC Bank Ltd was the week’s top loser after declining by 16.40 per cent over the course of the week’s trading, wiping out the previous week’s gain of 13.0 per cent. The share price closed at Sh25.50 from their previous closing price of Sh30.50. Year-to-date, its share price has lost 1.90 per cent. Analysis by Amana Capital info@ amanacapital.co.ke

getting people from point A to B. We are passionate about innovation and we are excited about giving young entrepreneurs the opportunity to present their innovative ideas and be heard – UberPITCH is our way of making this happen,” said Uber General Manager for East Africa,

Loic Amado. UberPITCH will be running in conjunction with Nairobi Innovation Week (March 6 to March 10, 2017), an event organized by the University of Nairobi and brings together partners from government, private sector, development partners and

research centres with an aim of providing an avenue for showcasing and encouraging innovation in Kenya. “Partnering with Nairobi Innovation Week to make this happen has been an exciting journey – as a technology company, innovation is

at the heart of what we do. We will continue to source for opportunities to collaborate with likeminded partners to encourage innovation in the country and provide entrepreneurs with the resources they need to accelerate the growth of their ventures,” concluded Amado. @Dennis_x254



Kenya set to benefit from Sh185 bn AfDB, BADEA loan MONDAY, MARCH 6, 2017

Kenya is among the countries set to benefit from $1.8 billion (Sh184.8 billion) loan from the African Development Bank (AfDB) seeking to bolster infrastructure development across the continent. The funds will be channelled through the Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) and will ensure all vulnerable states across the continent effectively benefit from the kitty. This makes BADEA one of the Bank’s most important partners in terms of cofinancing efforts to achieve their common development objectives in Africa. BADEA Director General Sidi Ould Tah says the move is a distinguished development project whose contribution will remain indelible in the annals of the continent’s history. Alluding to the AfDB’s High 5 development priorities, Sidi Ould Tah noted that they were consistent with and complementary to BADEA’s vision and will thus facilitate partnership between the two institutions. AfDB President Akinwumi Adesina underscored the Bank’s unwavering commitment to strengthening the partnership between the two institutions. “The increasing collaboration between the two institutions in project interventions in Africa underscores the fruitfulness of the partnership,” said Adesina. BADEA is a strategic institution capable of attracting Arab investments to Africa. Sidi Tah ascertained that the Africa Investment Forum that will be taking place towards the end of the year would seek to further mobilize resources for investment in Africa. “Its uniqueness lies in its transactional nature as opposed to the political dimension which will be relegated to the background to ensure success of the forum,” he said. He asserted that the two institutions will collaborate to achieve the High 5 development priorities across the continent. In his inaugural speech after taking office on September 1, 2015, Adesina laid out the five priority areas that the Bank will focus on to

President of the African Development Bank Akinwumi Adesina delivers a speech during the closing of the African Development Bank 50th anniversary forum in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, May 29, 2015. EPA/LEGNAN KOULA advance Africa’s transformative agenda over the next 10 years. These areas are to Light up and power Africa, Feed Africa, Integrate Africa, Industrialize Africa, and Improve the quality of life for the people of Africa. These five areas, which are in line with the Bank’s Ten Year Strategy, have been termed the “High-Fives,” serving as a blueprint for African countries to embark on a course of sustainable transformation. Against the backdrop of this ten-year transformative agenda, the Bank’s Statistics Department has developed several innovative tools, as part of its Africa Information Highway (AIH) initiative, which will enable the Bank to monitor

and disseminate information/data on the performance of African countries in the High Fives priority areas. One such tool is the High-Fives application, which can be accessed on the Bank’s AIH Open Data Platform. The application is specifically focused on tracking progress of individual African countries in these five priority areas, thereby creating opportunities for any necessary and timely corrective action. Through the High-Fives application, users can access a wide range of priority-area development data compiled from multiple international and national official sources. They will also be able to perform visual data comparison across time and countries.

KenGen, Bamburi Cement in drive to train teachers from arid and semi-arid counties

Over 198 teachers from 33 schools spread across Embu, Machakos and Kitui Counties have been trained on environmental conservation under a movement dubbed the Green Initiative Challenge (GIC). The Challenge aims to raise awareness and participation of school children in environmental conservation activities. The Green Initiative Challenge, implemented by the KenGen Foundation, Better Globe Forestry and Bamburi Cement, is now in its second phase. The trainings took place in different centres in Embu, Machakos and Kitui Counties and participants were empowered with technical knowledge on good tree nursery management, planting methods and seedling nurturing practices. Apart from gaining an in-depth knowledge of the characteristics of the GIC tree and fruit species, the ‘Green Teachers’ also learnt various nursery management practices including weeding, seed propagation, pest and disease control, and best practices in sustainable water harvesting. “The Green Teachers will be instrumental in implementing the school project during the third phase of GIC and guiding their students to sustainably manage tree nurseries and woodlots in their school compounds, which provides them with a renewable source of wood fuel thus reducing pressure on surrounding vegetation and forest resources,” notes Bamburi Cement’s Director of Corporate Affairs, Communications & Sustainable Development, Susan Maingi. The Green Initiative Challenge targets to work with a total of 919 schools in the semi-arid counties of Embu, Machakos and Kitui and reach 140,000 school children by 2018. So far, 120 schools have registered, with an additional 120 schools scheduled to be added to the competition annually. The GIC expansion project targets a total of 460 acres with 324,300 tree seedlings as well as 113,956 fruit seedlings mainly passion and pawpaw. KenGen Foundation Trustee, Mike Njeru noted that GIC accords the schools an opportunity to diversify their income through the sale of timber and non-timber products, adding that the project has also contributed to the reduction of greenhouse gases through carbon sequestration, and the control soil erosion by increasing topsoil infiltration and reducing runoff. The project is designed as a challenge to participating schools, mainly due to the dry weather conditions in the areas, with prizes awarded based on the highest survival rate of seedlings and use of innovation. The best performing schools stand to benefit from education scholarships, infrastructural development, educational tours, water tanks, rainwater-harvesting and cash awards among others.



MultiChoice East Africa announces executive appointments as firm continues strategy to enhance customer experience MultiChoice has announced four high profile executive appointments within its East African office in a move to bolster its current efforts at enhancing customer experience on both its GOtv and DStv platforms. The appointment of the four individuals is in tandem with the growth of the video entertainment business. The service provider says the move confirms MultiChoice East Africa’s commitment to the expansion and retention of its customer base. MultiChoice East Africa Regional Director, Stephen Isaboke explains that the business is reshaping to

improve customer experience, whenever and wherever they engage with the firm. “Our strategy is to continuously provide customers with more of their favorite content, at great value. The new team will play major a role as part of the wider team in delivering the experience our customers deserve – and we are determined to put this at the center of our internal culture and values,” said Isaboke. Mwendwa Maundu has been appointed the position of General Manager - Regulatory Affairs within East Africa. Mwendwa has extensive

work experience in Information & Communications Technology (ICT) Policy & Regulatory Affairs, Competition Law as well as Intellectual Property (IP) Law. His last station was at Safaricom Ltd within the Regulatory & Public Policy Department for the last six years having previously worked for Mohammed Muigai Advocates. Kenneth Oyolla will spearhead commercial activities for MultiChoice East Africa as the General Manager in-charge of Marketing, Sales and Customer Experience. Mr. Oyolla held several senior Marketing and Sales positions at

Microsoft/Nokia Corporation. Simon Kariithi has been appointed the position of General Manager-GOtv Kenya. In his role, he will Report to the Managing Director, Kenya. SKariithi worked in Samsung Electronics for over 12 years, rising from sales manager to director of Internet & Mobile, where he extensively covered East and Central Africa Region. He has also been an Export ManagerConsumer Electronics at Xperts Trading Company UAE. Mr. Wycliffe Omondi is the new HR Business Partner within East Africa. Prior to his appointment, Mr. Omondi

has been working at Tullow Kenya since January 2013 as the Human Resource Manager. He has held several senior HR positions at Philips South Africa in charge of Africa Market, at Aggreko International and at Unilever East and Southern Africa. “We are excited to welcome the senior executives on board. It is our hope that their wealth of experience will complement MultiChoice’s current focus on customer satisfaction and market growth,” said Isaboke @Dennis_x254


ACCESS MY MESSAGE CAN BE SUMMED UP AS LOVE AND INSPIRATION Moses Onyango aka MoonBoy might be new to the scene but he has a few notches under his belt that need us to put some respect on his name. In addition to collaborating with Jua Cali and Frasha, he is an artiste in his own right with many great things to come. Here’s what XACCESS learned from him.

So much on the way


After winning the FIPRESCI international film critics’ award at the Toronto International Film Festival, Kati Kati took the Best Movie (East Africa) award at the 2017 Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards (AMVCA) that took place on Saturday, 4th March 2017 in Lagos, Nigeria. Up against ‘Epidemic’, ‘Homecoming’, and ‘Aisha’ the movie set in the afterlife or purgatory to be more exact, has a sparse but powerful media took home the gold. Another notable winner was Best Indigenous Language TV series/movies (Swahili) won by ‘Zilizala.’


Kati Kati wins Best Movie award at 2017 AMVCAs


Tell us about yourself I’m a singer and a dancer. I do RnB, pop and hip hop. How did you come you with the name Moonboy? The word ‘Moon’ is part of my initials then I just added the ‘boy’ part. How did you get your start in the industry? I started recording actual music when I was 15 years old but I’ve been singing for as long as I could remember. I released my first track when I was 17 and I got my breakthrough I can say in 2016. I got the chance to collaborate with Jua Cali and Frasha. The single I did with Frasha is called ‘GOD’ and the one I did with Jua Cali is called ‘MAMBO MBAYA.’ What would you say is the message of your music? My message can be summed up as love and inspiration. B a s i c a l l y Monnboy the act is an artiste who would be talking about love and what people go through, the struggles and challenges that people face in life and I try to be

lthough President Trump has been having a busy weekend pointing the finger at Obama for allegedly and illegally wiretapping him, actor Don Cheadle has stepped forward with a number of tweets that could have been useful last year September during the election. In reply to a follower who had probed his hate for the POTUS, Don Cheadle tweeted, “Hated him since he asked my friend’s father at a Doral pro-am if he’d ever ‘f*cked a n---er…” Did it for me.” When a fan asked for some clarification on the actions he added, “They were in a 4ball together. The Donald thought they were all ‘like minded.’ Mistook their shock for disgust. He went on to clarify, ‘No, no, it’s great!’ and some more stuff before they just teed off in silence.”

accuses Trump of using N – Word

inspirational and pass on a positive message. Where do you get inspiration from while crafting music? Like I said real life plays a huge part in the issues that I touch on. The things people go through, the things that I myself have gone through are where I get inspiration from when I decide to sit down and write a song. Which artistes would you say have influenced your sound? I really look up to Trey Songz, Chris Brown, Usher and their artistry. What are you working on currently? Right now I’m working on putting together the music video for my single, it’s called ‘Don’t Give Up,’ completing my album and releasing a few more singles from the album. Are there any artistes you would love to work with? Bien-Aime from Sauti Sol and Dela, from outside of the country there are so many I don’t even think I could start to name them. What are the major challenges you’ve faced trying to break into the industry? The biggest one has to be getting into the mainstream. From the time that I started it was a real challenge trying to break into the industry in that way and get some recognition. But after working with Jua Cali and Frasha right now I can say I’m a position where I can go a radio station, have an interview and they can play my music.



is accusing Evelyn Njambi of stealing her documentary, with screen caps and all The beef continues between the two. Late last year Diana Edward, Miss World Tanzania and Evelyn Njambi had some evident tension where Edward accused the current Miss World Kenya of stealing her idea for the Beauty with a Purpose segment in the beauty pageant. She even went as far as claiming that a designer who provided her with the gown she wore during the catwalk had given the same dress to Njambi at a prior fashion shot. Diana Edward published screenshots two days ago showing the official Miss World YouTube account posting her documentary and claiming it came from Kenya. The video was promptly taken down without any credit to the Tanzanian beauty queen.










outh African fashion label PICHULIK, is not one for the faint hearted. The bold and bright jewelry designed by Katherine-Mary was inspired by the intimate relationship women have with jewelry – it speaks of her travels, her mother or grandmother and the people she has loved. She describes the ideal PICHULIK woman as “she would have a wicked sense of humour, a strong yet inspired presence. Kind, wise eyes that speak of many journeys through exotic lands. She would smell the way jasmine smells in Johannesburg at the end of winter -promising spring. She would taste of pomegranates from Granada and rose syrup from Morrocco.” Here are some looks from the 2016 Autumn Winter collection.



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When’s the last time the government had a good dressing down from an artiste? It’s been a while and Kenyan Message could not have come at a more opportune moment. Leaving aside the message, this song is not the easiest tune to consume. It’s jarring and staccato and some of the time the beats are lost but it seems to work, it catches your attention. MDQ is taking the people to church in her own very powerful way.

The glitzy Simbaress Fashions stand. Scenes from the dancefloor on Nu Funk’s set (2).



Clearly Eunice Njeri does not care about all the noise that has been going her way in recent times. The singer is giving us a good old praise tune in apparently Maasai fashion. “For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “Yes!” And through Christ, our “Amen” (which means “Yes”) ascends to God for his glory,” she writes. If you are expecting a messy comment section, as in most YouTube videos, this is not the place to find it.


soc ial




nce again Thrift Social was upon us to serve up some street, high and afro-centred looks and labels. Not only was it an opportunity to look good and buy great threads but a chance to give back to society.The mustgo fashion gig went down at The Alchemist Bar on Sunday, 5th March 2017. Here are some sights and sounds.

Guests striking a pose.

Scenes from the dancefloor on Nu Funk’s set (1).

Tasty Tasting at The Exchange Bar Chipped Vegetables with Sweet Tangy Red Pepper and Tofu Sauce.


Sarova Stanley Hotel G.M. Mr. Marro with an attendant.


here has Kendi been? The last time she released a real song it was 2014. Anyway with ‘You Make Me Feel’ she has come some ways but a few things stand out. Why are her eyes closed during the video? Why is her love interest randomly taking a shower in the video? There are dancers in the video, do you remember them? ‘You Make Me Feel’ has a chance to sound like an old school dance song but it falls short from that, the songs is not here nor there, it just is.

Sarova Stanley had an Snewwanky opportunity for guests to sample the items that would be included on

the menu at The Exchange Bar. It was a fancy feast and a grand old time. Check it out.

Chef Godfrey Ouda.



Tuyisenge fires Gor Mahia to Super Cup win over Tusker MONDAY, MARCH 6, 2017

Jacques Tuyisenge’s second half penalty lifted off a dark cloud of poor pre-season results by Gor Mahia as the 15-time Kenyan Premier League champions lifted the season opening KPL Super Cup with a 1-0 win over league champions Tusker FC at Nakuru’s Afraha Stadium yesterday. Contrary to previous years, the cup was not sponsored by DSTV and there wasn’t any cash rewards for the winners, save for trophies and medals. Tusker FC and their new head coach George ‘Best’ Nsimbe will be immensely under pressure as they aim to defend their title. The brewers were knocked off the CAF Champions League by lowly AS Port Louis of Mauritius and the loss to Gor in the Super Cup only adds more pressure on the Ugandan. K’Ogalo on their side have put back a glimmer of hope after having experiencing not so pleasing results in their major preseason friendly matches. Head coach Jose Marcelo Ferreira paraded most of his new signings in the team that faced Tusker. Defender Joash Onyango signed from Western Stima partnered Harun Shakava at the heart of defense, Musa Mohammed being pushed to the left. Rwandese Jean Baptise Mugiraneza

Gor Mahia striker Jacques Tuyisenge battles for the ball with Tusker’s Eugine Asike during their Super Cup match at Afraha Stadium in Nakuru yesterday. PHOTO: CAPITAL FM

partnered Ernest Wendo in midfield while reigning KPL player of the year Kenneth Muguna started behind the main striker, returnee Timothy Otieno. Gor started the match brighter and had a series of chances, with Godfrey Walusimbi seeing his shot cleared off the goal-line by Eugene Asike in the clearest chance of the opening 45. Gor also thought they should have had a penalty after Hashim Ssempala seemed to have handled inside the box but the ref

waved play on. They kept the tempo same in the second period and Muguna who had been a thorn for the Tusker defense had a long range attempt in the 55th minute but the effort was wide. On the hour mark, Gor got the opener, Tuyisenge slamming home past experienced Tusker keeper Duncan Ochieng from the penalty spot after Timothy Otieno was brought down inside the box. Tusker only threatened with set pieces, but they were not as successful.

Messi sparkles in Barca win as Monaco return to top in Ligue 1 Lionel Messi scored two superb individual goals as Barcelona produced an archetypal display to see off Celta Vigo and return to the top of La Liga. Outbound coach Luis Enrique watched his Barca run Celta ragged with great interplay in attack and high pressing. Messi made it 1-0 when he ran 45 yards and slotted in, before Neymar scored with a superb dinked finish. Barca increased their lead with strikes from Ivan Rakitic and Samuel Umtiti before another solo effort from Messi. Elsewhere, teenager Kylian Mbappe scored twice as Monaco beat Nantes to move three points clear at the top of Ligue 1 again. The striker, who has been linked with most of Europe’s top clubs, volleyed in a fourth-minute opener after Bernardo Silva’s shot was deflected in the air. Valere Germain chested down the ball and fired home their second and Mbappe headed in a wonderful Silva cross. Fabinho scored a penalty to complete a comfortable win for Monaco, who are chasing a first title since 2000.


Aguero scores in City win over Sunderland MONDAY, MARCH 6, 2017

Sergio Aguero scored his fifth goal in his last three games to help Manchester City back into third place in the Premier League and keep Sunderland rooted to the bottom of the table. The Black Cats had defended doggedly before a swift City counter attack ended with Aguero prodding in Raheem Sterling’s low cross from close range. The visitors then clicked into gear as David Silva fed the explosive Leroy Sane for the Germany winger to double their lead after the break. Jermain Defoe did find the net in a rare Sunderland attack late on, but his header was ruled out for offside. The result could have been more comfortable for City, but Sunderland keeper Jordan Pickford saved well from Aguero. For all City’s possession, it was the hosts who threatened first, Defoe hitting the post with a bouncing effort from outside the box that had Willy Caballero beaten. Fabio Borini headed wide from the rebound, and any hopes David Moyes’ side had of taking three points seemed to evaporate with that miss. With Chelsea not in action until tonight, Manchester City took the chance to move within eight points of

Manchester City’s Sergio Aguero (L) celebrates scoring with teamates during the English Premier League match against Sunderland at PHOTO: NIGEL RODDIS/EPA The Stadium of Light Stadium last evening.

the runaway leaders with a confident performance at the Stadium of Light. Pep Guardiola hopes the victory, and an earlier win for second-placed Tottenham, may see Antonio Conte’s

side begin to feel the pressure. It was a fourth league win on the trot for Guardiola’s outfit, who are building momentum and can continue to crank up the heat up on their title rivals when


they face Stoke in a game in hand on Wednesday. But they are fighting on three fronts, with this routine victory marking the start of five games in 15 days that include a Champions League

last-16 second-leg trip to Monaco and a FA Cup quarter-final at Middlesbrough. It is a problem Guardiola will welcome, but does the Spaniard’s squad have the depth to cope? He made five changes to the side which thrashed Huddersfield 5-1 in midweek and could afford to drop Kevin de Bruyne for Silva, whose incisive passing helped unlock a resilient Sunderland. The defeat however leaves the Black Cats in real danger of relegation. While they have become masters of beating the drop when appearing dead and buried in recent seasons, they may have left the escape act too late this time around. Sitting six points from safety at the bottom of the Premier League, the Black Cats’ fate lies out of their hands. And with relegation rivals Crystal Palace, Swansea and Leicester enjoying a recent upturn in form, David Moyes needs something of a miracle if his side are to spring a late recovery. Moyes’ side have taken points off Liverpool and Tottenham at home since the turn of the year, and did frustrate City for long spells in the first half, but once the visitors found a breakthrough they were able to keep Sunderland at arm’s length.



Kane double inspires Spurs over Everton Harry Kane (pictured below) scored twice and produced another masterclass in centre-forward play as second-placed Tottenham defeated Everton to close the gap on leaders Chelsea to seven points. The 23-year-old is now the leading scorer in the Premier League with 19 goals, and has found the net 14 times in 12 league and cup games in 2017. He gave Tottenham the lead in the 20th minute when he unleashed a venomous strike from 20 yards that beat Joel Robles at his near post. The England forward’s second came after the break. Belgian Mousa Dembele caught French midfielder Morgan Schneiderlin dawdling on the ball, allowing Dele Alli to poke a pass through to his team-mate. The Spurs striker then applied a sidefoot finish past the Spanish keeper. Kane’s opposite number Romelu Lukaku had struggled for service up until the 81st minute when he scored with the Toffees’ second effort on target. Kevin Mirallas played a pass to the Belgian, who was given a clear sight on goal after Jan Vertonghen slipped. Lukaku kept his composure to slot in. A frantic finish saw both tiring defences exposed. First, Alli ghosted past his markers to poke in Harry Winks’ free-kick and make it 3-1. And with seconds remaining, Everton substitute Enner Valencia beat the offside trap to tap in Ross Barkley’s set-piece from the right. Spurs survived the remaining moments to secure their 16th league win of the season. The Toffees remain in seventh.

P15 P14

Arsenal’s Alexis Sanchez react during their 3-1 defeat at Liverpool on Saturday. Sources say a bust up with teammates forced manager Arsene Wenger to drop him to the bench. PHOTO: EPA

Sanchez Arsenal row A

rsenal’s Alexis Sanchez could be on his way of the club following a recent row with teammates that forced manager Arsene Wenger to drop him for the loss at Liverpool on Saturday. The Chilean international was relegated to the bench as Wenger chose Danny Welbeck and Oliver Giroud to start upfront for what he claims was a tactical decision. But behind the scene intrigues reveal there is more than meets the eye. Sanchez walked off the training pitch mid-session during their preparations for the Anfield trip, for which for which a number of his team-mates confronted him in the changing room. Sources claim a row then erupted over Sánchez’s attitude and Wenger decided to put the 28 year-old on the substitutes’ bench at Anfield. Although the decision has received an avalanche of criticism from supporters, pundits and former players, it is believed many Arsenal players back Wenger’s stance. While teammates respect his work ethics and playing qualities, the sources say they have been irritated by the Chileans repeated actions to draw attention to his frustrations.

One, he made a public show of annoyance at being substituted after scoring in the win over Swansea. He also berated Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain during the 5-1 beating at Bayern Munich and, as the inquest continued, there was a feeling at the club that it was Sánchez rather than OxladeChamberlain who was not following the game plan. But it is the latest episode that casts further doubt over Sánchez’s future, with Paris StGermain the front-runners ahead of Juventus to sign the Chile striker this summer amid mounting concern over his failure to sign a new contract. It has also been linked with a move back to La Liga when it is said he wants to team up with his former Chile coach Jorge Sampaoli at Sevilla. Despite all these, Wenger says he will “stand up” for his decision to drop Alexis Sanchez. The Gunners manager was however forced to bring in his top scorer at half-time, with his side 2-0 down, and he provided the pass for Danny Welbeck’s goal. “Everyone will come to the same conclusion,”

said Wenger. “But I am strong enough and lucid enough to analyse the impact.” It was only the fifth time in his Arsenal career that Sanchez had started a Premier League game on the bench, with the Chile international so often a vital player for the Gunners. He has been directly involved in a league-high 26 goals in his 26 league games this season, scoring 17 and assisting nine. However, Wenger said he had decided to start Welbeck and Oliver Giroud instead to provide a more direct attacking threat. “I wanted to play two players who were strong in the air and then bring Sanchez on in the second half,” Wenger added. “I don’t deny Alexis Sanchez is a great player. A decision like that is not easy to make, you have to stand up for it.” The defeat was the Gunners’ third in four league games and leaves them fifth, two points behind fourth-placed Liverpool, although with a game in hand. Asked whether Arsenal can still make the top four, Wenger said: “It is a possibility that we can still make it, so let’s focus on that.”

Published By Xtra Publishing Limited, Chancery Building, Valley Road, Nairobi | Printed at The Standard Group Centre, Mombasa Road, Nairobi. Paul Marshall-CEO, Fred Bunei-Finance Manager, Josiah Musee-Advertising Manager, Peter Obuya-Editor

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