201703027 xnews

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MOnday, MaRCH 27, 2017 | www.x254.CO







Poll doubts force freeze on new jobs

Corporate Staffing Services CEO Perminus Wainaina PHOTO: G IKUNDA/ X NEWS

Employers have halted hiring of new workers for fear of uncertainties surrounding the August 8, 2017 general election


number of organisations in the country have put all new hirings on hold until after the August general election, a new survey says.

I have nothing personal against ODM governors - President Uhuru Kenyatta President Uhuru Kenyatta has moved to clear the air about his perceived bitterness at Governors allied to the opposition saying he has nothing personal against the county chiefs. Mr Kenyatta has recently

had altercations with Orange Democratic Movement governors Ali Hassan Joho of Mombasa and Turkana’s Josephat Koli Nanok during his recent tours of the two counties. The President refered to Mr Nanok as ‘shetani

(devil) after they differed in public over oil resources in Turkana before talling Joho off saying “I’m not his wife’. Those remarks have attracted criticism against the head of state with many calling him temperamental. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2


President Uhuru Kenyatta (right) enjoys a light moment with Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero at 2017 Barclays Kenya Open Gold tournament at the Muthaiga Gold Club in Nairobi yesterday. PHOTO: PSCU



Employers freeze jobs over election doubts MONDAY, MARCH 27, 2017

From Page 1 This is because of the uncertainties surrounding the polls according to a research by Corporate Staffing Service dubbed ‘Job outlook survey 2017’: Trends, challenges and future outlook. At least 73 percent of the companies will not be hiring for the remainder of this year, the report indicates. Only 27 percent of public organizations in all sectors will be hiring in new positions in adherence to government hiring regulations, it added. It said the forthcoming general election has sent jitters amongst employers forcing a majority to halt introduction of new positions in their organizations and their expansion into new markets. Most employers at 52.2 percent said the current political climate is their biggest challenge arguing that the prevailing political uncertainty calls for risk management. That explains why most organizations especially in the private sector are not expanding into the new markets. Another 43 percent of employers cited low economic growth as another challenge why they will not hire this year. The low economic growth has been brought about by low demand for goods and services, high inflation rates and the current drought being experienced in various parts of the country. “These findings convey the message that the current job market is facing a

Corporate Staffing Services Chief Executive Officer Perminus Wainaina during the release of the survey at the Laico Hotel in Nairobi today. PHOTO: GITOBU IKUNDA/ X NEWS

number of challenges ranging from the prevailing political climate ahead of the general election and the slow economic growth,” Corporate Staffing Services CEO Perminus Wainaina said. He said that most private companies will only be making replacements in

the positions they cannot do without such business development and other technical areas. There is also bad news for employees as most employers surveyed indicated that they will not be increasing staff compensation because they believe

they are paying market rates. Most of the employers instead said they will eliminate some benefits and maintain their current compensation cost by offering lower entry salary for new staff. Only 24 percent of employers are

Uhuru: I have nothing Treasury denies it received against ODM governors Sh28 billion loan from UAE From Page 1

And in an effort to show himself as not having a problem with governors, President Uhuru Kenyatta invited Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero to address golfers at an event marking the end of the 49th Kenya Open held at the Muthaiga Golf Club yesterday. “I had to allow Kidero to speak because after Mombasa people might say I do not allow governors to speak in this country,” Mr Kenyatta was quoted as having said by his press team. They said only the president had been scheduled to speak at the function. “The President, who presided over the prize giving ceremony, insisted the Nairobi Governor makes remarks at the ceremony where even former President Mwai Kibaki and Cabinet Secretaries Hassan Wario (Sports) and Najib Balala (Tourism) did not speak,” PSCU said. Mr Kenyatta’s recent outbursts with governors have since attracted the wrath of ODM party with party leader Raila Odinga terming him “a bully in need of our prayers.” In Turkana, President Kenyatta was angered by Mr Nanok’s claims that the national government was keen on shortchanging locals when the oil benefits from the region are finally harvested. That seemed to have angered President Kenyatta who gave a strong rebuttal to the claims saying he does not make laws while directing such a blame to the legislature. That spat was quickly followed by another in Mombasa where area Governor Joho was barred from attending his function. President Kenyatta would later tell the crowd to ask Joho to stop following him. “Why must he follow me everywhere? I’m not his wife,” he said at Mtongwe where he launched ferry services.

The National Treasury has dismissed claims that Kenya has took a Sh28 billion concessional loan from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as propaganda. Speaking during a ceremony today where China donated food worth Sh2.2 billion to mitigate the ongoing drought crisis, Treasury Cabinet Secretary Henry Rotich said claims that the country was the beneficiary of the multi-billion shilling loan is pure hearsay. “We have not signed any Sh28 billion concessional loan with UAE. The Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) management is running the terminal effectively,” Rotich said. Opposition leader Raila Odinga yesterday said that officials in the government had vested interests in the awarding of tender

to the Arab nation to run the Kipevu Oil terminal in Mombasa that was not worthy. Raila said that the tender awarding to Dubai World, was linked to the Sh28 billion secured by Kenya from the UAE that was meant to streamline the ease of awarding the lucrative bid. According to Raila the loan was a mechanism derived to influence the awarding of the tender to the Dubai port which he claimed failed to win the tender competitively and was defeated by 12 other port operator from the globe including Netherlands, China and Singapore. However the NASA principal’s assertions were rebuffed by KPA Chairman Marsden Madoka who insisted that the terminal had not been assigned to any prospective bidder. @harrison_x254 ODM party leaders Raila Odinga when he made claims about the Sh28 billion loan in Mombasa yesterday. PHOTO: COURTESY

optimistic about job growth for the reminder of the year with the rest remaining unsure of what to expect in the job market citing business challenges as the reason for the uncertainty. According to the findings, 22 percent of employers anticipate job cuts in the next few months, 30 percent are somewhat positive and another 24 percent are outright unsure. The survey indicates that employers are facing a number of challenges when recruiting such as too many applicants tendering their applications at 67 percent, poor quality of candidates at 56 percent and withdrawal from accepted job offers at 40 percent. The survey was conducted between January and February this year with a sample size of 892 Human Resource Professionals spread across more than 12 different sectors. It found out that competitive compensation was the highest staffing challenge employers have to deal with at 49 percent, followed by lifting employee morale at 42 percent and retaining top talent at 39 percent while cutting down cost on cost per hire was the least challenge among employers at 14 percent. The report recommends to the public and private organizations to focus on job security, retaining top talent and cultivating transparency in the organizations. @sam_x254

KDF kill 31 alShabaab terrorists in Somalia raid

31 al-Shabaab militants were yesterday killed by Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) operating in Somalia in air and ground raids that saw warfare and communication equipment seized. The troops under the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) conducted a successful raid and destroyed two al-Shabaab command and logistics bases in Baadhere District in Jubaland, Somalia, the ministry has said in a statement. An unknown number of the militants escaped with injuries as two of their vehicles were destroyed in the raids. 11 AK-47 rifles, four improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and 634 rounds of assorted ammunition were seized from the terrorist according to KDF spokesman Colonel Joseph Owuoth. Several uniforms and a roll of detonating cable were also recovered from the operation. “The intelligence led operation was executed by air and ground assets. Ground troops were supported by attack helicopters and artillery fire to access the al-Shabaab terrorists’ base,” Col Owuoth said in the statement. The operation came barely a month after KDF personnel conducted a similar battle that killed 57 of the group’s terrorists in Afmadow. @harrison_x254


Kamama quit Jubilee for Chap Chap party

Embattled Tiaty MP Asman Kamama has ditched Jubilee Party for Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua’s Maendeleo Chap Chap Party. Kamama who has recently fallen out with Jubilee party hierarchy over his alleged involvement in castle rustling and banditry attacks in Baringo County, will be formally received to the party tomorrow by the party leader. Sources intimated that the two-term lawmaker lost prospects of getting the Jubilee ticket after people associated with him were arrested over the killing of politicians Pepe Kitambaa (Tiaty MP aspirant) and Kibet Cheretei (Loyamorok MCA). The MP had been linked to the death of the two politicians but has since denied the claims. Cheretei and Pepee were shot dead by unknown gunmen at a nightclub in Marigat town, Baringo South last month. Until his death, Pepee, who was appointed chairman of the National Council for Population and Development by President Uhuru Kenyatta last year, was going to face off with Kamama in the Jubilee Party primaries. Nevertheless, Kamama defection to the Maendeleo Chap Chap Party is said to have been triggered by the entry of Reverend Simon Kiuta to the parliamentary race after the death Pepe Kitambaa who had been termed the people’s choice. Reverend Kiuta has already presented his nomination papers to Jubilee Party. @hillary_x254

IEBC issues warning as Jubilee moves to discipline members

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has said that it will take action on any candidate found guilty of causing violence and chaos. This even as Jubilee Party yesterday threatened to disqualify aspirants found culpable of hooliganism from participating in any future party activities including the forthcoming party nominations. IEBC Commissioner Roselyne Kwamboka said that they will be keenly watching the unfolding events in the upcoming party primaries to make sure that candidates who participate in violent actions, are not allowed to run for any elective seats. In an interview with Citizen TV today, Kwamboka said the electoral body will be partnering with various political parties to weed out rogue candidates. “As you know violence is a criminal offence under our political laws, the commission will not hesitate to take action on any candidates that breaks the law,” Kwamboka said. She continued, “We are trying to help the political parties build capacity to

enable them conduct credible nominations and deal with their members before the commissions acts.”

The warning comes in the wake of chaotic Jubilee selection of party elections board members in various counties. Ugly brawls and wrestles have been witnessed in counties including Kirinyaga, Kiambu, Murang’a, and Nakuru prompting the party to spell out tough measures to control violence and anarchy ahead of the party primaries. Addressing the press Sunday afternoon, Jubilee Party Secretary General Rafael Tuju said that the party is concerned with the damage of property caused by goons brought by aspirants during its activities. Tuju said the party formed a disciplinary committee to investigate the recent chaos that erupted at Bomas of Kenya in a Jubilee meeting called to pick the party’s Nairobi county election board at the Bomas of Kenya last week. “The disciplinary committee will investigate Bomas of Kenya incident and chaos reported at the Muranga Teachers Training College among other incidents that happened last week,” he said. @hillary_x254



Aid workers killed in S. Sudan ambush Six aid workers have been killed in an ambush in South Sudan, the UN says, in the deadliest single incident for humanitarians since the country’s civil war began. The “heinous murder” occurred on Saturday, said Eugene Owusu, the UN’s humanitarian chief in South Sudan. The UN did not say who the victims were or what aid agency they worked for. They were traveling between Juba, the capital, and the town of Pibor. At least 79 aid workers have been killed in South Sudan since the conflict started in December 2013, the UN says. “These attacks against aid workers and aid assets are utterly reprehensible,” said Mr Owusu. “They not only put the lives of aid workers at risk, they also threaten the lives of thousands of South Sudanese who rely on our assistance for their survival.” He called on “all those in positions of power” to stop such attacks and end “the impunity that has prevailed”. Two other attacks have targeted aid workers this month, according to the UN. A humanitarian convoy was attacked while responding to a cholera outbreak in Yirol East on 14 March, with one health worker and one patient killed. On 10 March, local staff of an international aid organisation were detained by armed rebels during fighting in Mayendit town for four days before being released.

Russian opposition chief arrested Russia’s main opposition leader, Alexei Navalny, has been arrested at an anti-corruption protest he organised in the capital, Moscow. Thousands of people joined rallies nationwide, calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev over corruption allegations. At least 500 other protesters were detained in the capital and across the country. Most of the marches were organised without official permission. TV pictures showed demonstrators chanting “Down with (Russian President Vladimir) Putin!”, “Russia without Putin!” and “Putin is a thief!”. Correspondents say the marches appear to be the biggest since anti-government demonstrations in 2011 and 2012. Alexei Navalny was detained as he arrived to join the rally in central Moscow. Protesters then tried to prevent a police van from taking him away. In a tweet after his detention, he urged fellow protesters to continue with the demonstration. “Guys, I’m fine. No need to fight to get me out. Walk along Tverskaya (Moscow main street). Our topic of the day is the fight against corruption,” he said (in Russian). He later said police stormed the office of his foundation and detained its staff, who were broadcasting the protests live. Demonstrations were also held in Saint Petersburg, Vladivostok, Novosibirsk, Tomsk and several other cities, where arrests had also

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny (C) is being detained by Russian police officers during an opposition rally in central Moscow, Russia yesterday. PHOTO: EPA

been reported. The US has condemned “the detention of hundreds of peaceful protesters throughout Russia”. “Detaining peaceful protesters, human rights observers, and journalists is an affront to core democratic values,” acting State Department spokesman Mark Toner said. He added that the US was “troubled” by Mr Navalny’s arrest.

Alexei Navalny called for the nationwide protests after he published reports claiming that Mr Medvedev controlled mansions, yachts and vineyards - a fortune that far outstripped his official salary. Mr Medvedev’s spokeswoman called the allegations “propagandistic attacks”, but the prime minister himself has not commented on the claims.

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MONDAY, MARCH 27, 2017





An Anti-Trump protester (R) is confronted by supporters of US President Donald J. Trump during a demonstration in Huntington Beach, California, USA, over the weekend. Over a thousand Trump supporters were participating in a Make America Great Again march and ended up scuffling with anti-Trump protesters that formed a human wall blocking the pathway. PHOTO: EUGENE GARCIA/EPA

Russian riot policemen detain a demonstrator during an opposition rally in central Moscow in Russia yesterday. Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny called on his supporters to join a demonstration in central Moscow despite a ban from Moscow authorities (see story on page 4). PHOTO: MAXIM SHIPENKOV/EPA

BATTLING POLIO IN AFGHANISTAN: A health worker administers a Polio vaccine to a child in Enjil district of Herat province, Afghanistan, today. Afghanistan is one of the two countries along with neighboring Pakistan where polio is still endemic, crippling hundreds of children every year. PHOTO: JALIL REZAYEE/ EPA

IGAD DISCUSSES SOMALIA PLIGHT: President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed of Somalia, Prime Minister of Ethiopia Hailemariam Desalegn, President Uhuru Kenyatta, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, President of Djibouti Ismail Omar Guelleh and South Sudan President Salva Kiir Mayardit pose for a group photo after attending the special summit of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) assembly of heads of state and government on Somalia refugees held in Nairobi, over the weekend. PHOTO: DANIEL IRUNGU/EPA


Journalists protest after the killing of three of their colleagues during the month, in Guadalajara, Mexico, yesterday. Three journalists have been killed during March in several locations in Mexico. Demonstrators hold placards reading ‘When you kill a journalist, you do not kill the true’ and ‘When a journalist is killed, the democracy is stabbed.’ PHOTO: ULISES RUIZ BASURTO/EPA

HEATWAVE IN PARIS: People sunbath in front of the Sacre Coeur in Paris, France, yesterday. A heatwave signals the arrival of Spring. PHOTO: ETIENNE LAURENT/EPA

xnews | MONday, MARCH 27, 2017 | www.x254.co



Efficient public spending needed to alleviate poverty

Public spending reforms are needed to boost Kenya’s agricultural productivity in Kenya, raise farmer’s incomes, and promote broader economic growth, says a new World Bank report. Dubbed ‘Public Spending Priorities for African Agriculture Productivity Growth’, the report explores the performance of agricultural spending in Africa, and presents a wealth of important lessons from which policy makers, development practitioners, and academics can draw options for reform. “A vibrant, sustainable and resilient agriculture sector is vital for Sub-Saharan Africa’s economic future,” said Makhtar Diop, World Bank Vice President for the Africa region. “To make a significant dent on poverty, enhancing the productivity and competitiveness of African agriculture must become a priority. Reforming the design and implementation of public spending programs while rebalancing in favour of high-return public goods could produce significant gains,” he says. According to the study, the challenge is not only that agricultural public spending in Sub-Saharan Africa lags behind other regions. Its impact is also undermined by subsidy programmes and transfers that tend to benefit elites to the detriment of


A protester shouts slogans as he holds a plate of maize flour during a demonstration against a VAT (Value Added Tax) bill that proposed a 16 per cent levy on basic commodities, in Nairobi, Kenya, July 2, 2013. At the time, protesters said that the government is not concerned with the country’s poor while spending large amount of tax money to support luxurious lifestyles of government leaders. EPA/DANIEL IRUNGU poor people and the agricultural sector itself. “Shortcomings in the budgeting processes also reduce spending effectiveness. In light of this scenario, addressing the

BuSINESS DIARY Kenya Institute of Management luncheon at Sarova Panafric

The Kenya Institute of Management (KIM) will host a fellows’ luncheon on Wednesday, March 29, 2017 from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm at the Sarova Panafric Hotel in Nairobi. The event will focus on the topic: Towards Real National Cohesion and Integration: Challenges, Lessons, and Opportunities for Kenya. The Board of Fellows is an advisory Board comprised of Fellow Members only. The responsibility of the Board is to advise the Governing Council on all major strategic issues of the Institute and to support the Council in public relations, fund-raising and national affairs. The Kenya Institute of Management is a membership based non-profit making professional management organization committed to the promotion of excellence and integrity in the practice of management.

User research and interactions workshop at Metta, Nairobi Mettā, a global entrepreneurs’ club that connects people, ideas and resources with the mission of connecting the global startup ecosystem, is set to host a User research and interactions workshop at its headquarters along 14 Riverside Drive in Belgravia Building, Nairobi. The organisation has described user interaction and user research as key components to launching and sustaining a product by continuous improvement and iteration. The workshop, which will be held on Wednesday March 29, 2017 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, seeks to reveal the methods that will help better predict ways a user or consumer will interact with a given product.

quality of public spending and the efficiency of resource use becomes even more important than addressing only the level of spending,” reads the report in part.

The Bank says dividends from investments to strengthen markets, soil and water management, and develop and disseminate improved technologies can be enormous. @enock_x254

Telkom upgrades Naivasha network as firm eyes countrywide expansion

Telkom Kenya has upgraded its Mobile Network in Naivasha to 3G. The move is part of the company’s long term and wider network modernisation and expansion project across the country that began late last year. The telco is undertaking service upgrades across its network, enabling Kenyans to enjoy an improved experience on Mobile and Data service. The 3G upgrade will ensure consumers are able to enjoy better voice quality and faster Internet speeds. Naivasha, within the larger Nakuru County, is an urban town, home to a growing Kenyan population that receives a steady number of

tourists to a series of tourist attractions in the area, all with diverse Mobile Voice and Data needs. Telkom Kenya also recently signed a contract with the Ministry of ICT and the National Constituency Development Fund (NCDF) that will see the telco install 1,160 Constituency Incubation Hubs across the country. The firm said these hubs will benefit youth entrepreneurs by way of helping them develop their ICT skills and applications, bringing them into the digital world and enabling them to grow and start new businesses. @Dennis_x254

MEAN 102.8972 128.0494 111.1861 8.1550 34.9379 21.7013

(As of Friday February 24/2017)

BUY SELL 102.7972 102.9972 127.9067 128.1922 111.0367 111.3356 8.1445 8.1654 34.8553 35.0204 21.6317 21.7710

Trade Ministry moves to increase exports to US by Sh103 billion Kenya expects to protect and grow its share of US markets from the 0.4 per cent, increasing exports by $1 billion (Sh102.85 billion) in the next 3 years, the Ministry of Trade has confirmed. The government body says the move will be buoyed by the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), a nonreciprocal trade preference programme that provides duty-free treatment to US imports of certain products from eligible Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries. These developments came to light on Friday, March 24, 2017 when Kenya opened its first lingerie facility to ramp up production to the attractive global market. Trade Cabinet Secretary, Adan Mohamed opened the facility in AthiRiver’s Export Processing Zones ahead of the weekend. Speaking during a tour of the factory during a Textile and Apparel Stakeholders meeting, the Cabinet Secretary said it portends good news for the sector at a time when the Textile and Apparel industry globally expects a tougher year due to uncertainties of the global economy. “Their export target of $50 million worth of intimate goods to US and Europe in 2017 is representative of the type of new investments we encourage. That the company will be employing 5,500 workers by 2018 is the direct effect of our efforts to spur industrialization,” said Mr Mohamed Speaking in regard to the European Union-Economic Partnership Agreement (EU-EPA), Mr Mohamed said he was confident that Kenya’s decision to sign and ratify the deal would not affect the manufacturer’s European markets. “The effect of BREXIT vote on Kenya as related to Britain won’t be a problem because we can always have bilateral talks on trade. However, on the longterm, Kenya and Britain have a great relationship due to their colonial bond, so I do not see a significant challenge to our markets.” The CS explained. The Export Processing Zones have hugely contributed to the industrialisation agenda in fiscal terms with the annual wages bill paid to Kenyan EPZ employees in 2015 standing at Sh8.4 billion, local sourcing of supplies and services stood at Sh23.9 billion from manufacturing investments worth Sh7.4 billion. The total figure for AGOA exports stood at Sh38 billion which is also directly contributed to the direct employment of 45,000 in 2015 showing the potential the industry has with increased investment in the amplifying the textile and apparel value chain. @Dennis_x254



CS Kaimenyi warns of fake real estate agents MONDAY, MARCH 27, 2017

Lands and Physical Planning Ministry Cabinet Secretary, Prof Jacob Kaimenyi has said that there are many untrained people claiming to offer real estate services in Kenya. He said that with the sustained increase in real estate transactions, there has been an increased demand for professional services in this sector. Prof Kaimenyi spoke during the reviewing of the real estate agents ACT CAP 533 at the Kenya School of Monetary Studies in Nairobi. “The real estate sector continues to experience remarkable growth year on year and is a major contributor to the County’s GDP,” said the CS. “The role of the Estate Agents Board as laid out in the current Act is to register and regulate real estate professionals in order to promote and protect the

interests of consumers in respect of transactions that relate to real estate and to promote public confidence in the performance of real estate agency work.” added Prof Kaimenyi. He said that completion of the digitisation of lands registries will lead to increased service delivery in the real estate sector. The Lands CS urged professional regulatory bodies such as the Estate Agents Registration Board (EARB), the Valuers Registration Board (VRB) to collaborate with organization such as the Institute Surveyors of Kenya and the Law Society of Kenya among others in order to ensure effectiveness in the sector. “The Board, with the support of the Ministry, needs to embark on a public awareness campaign to inform the public of its role and how the public

Prof Jacob Kaimenyi (Left) speaking during the reviewing of the real estate agents ACT CAP 533 at the Kenya School of Monetary Studies in Nairobi. can seek support through ministry and Board hotlines,” he explained. Prof Kaimenyi added that real estate professionals provide real estate services which include negotiation for the selling, purchasing, managing and letting of real property. In July 2015, the Ministry of Lands said it would register all licensed estate agents online in a bid to weed out rogue elements who have been fleecing

unsuspecting members of the public. At the time, former Acting Lands Cabinet Secretary Dr Fred Matiang’i said that despite having the Estate Agent Act in place, many Kenyans continue to be conned. Speaking during the 2015 Eastern Africa Real Estate Infrastructure Development and Finance Conference, the former Lands CS said agents that did not register would face stiff penalties. The registration began in September,

Britam Holdings records Sh4.2 billion profit following Sh1.2 billion loss in 2015

Britam Holdings has announced a pre-tax profit of Sh4.2 billion in 2016 compared to a loss before tax of Sh1.2 billion in the previous year. Speaking during the release of the group’s full year financial results, Britam Group Managing Director Dr Benson Wairegi said that the Group had unveiled a new strategy that will help propel the company to the next phase of growth. Dubbed “Go for Gold”, the new 2016-2020 strategy is anchored on five strategic pillars of enabling transformation, operational excellence, customer service, Innovation, and Profitable growth. “The new strategy will be a key platform to deliver the organisation’s next wave of growth, to deliver profitable growth to shareholders,” Dr Wairegi said. In light of the good performance, shareholders will earn Sh581.5 million in dividends after the board of directors recommended a final payment divided of 30 cents per share. During the year, the Group’s asset base increased by 8 per cent to Sh83.6 billion, up from Sh77.6 billion in 2015. The main contributor to other comprehensive income in both 2015 and 2016 are losses resulting from disposal or revaluation of strategic investments in equities. Total comprehensive income for the group grew to Sh 784. 7 million, compared to a loss of Sh3.2 billion in 2015. The main contributor to the difference between the reported profit before tax and the total comprehensive income in 2016 were losses resulting from disposal or revaluation of strategic investments in equities. The group’s life business registered a sustained growth in 2016, with gross earned premiums growing by 19 per cent to Sh8.8 billion compared to Sh7.4 billion in 2015. Ordinary life premiums increased by 20 per cent while pension contribution increased by

94 per cent driven by sales from the existing network of over 3, 800 financial advisors. Non-life business gross earned premiums declined by 6 per cent from Sh12.2 billion in 2015 to Sh11.5 billion in 2016 as a result of the Group adopting a more stringent credit policy to mitigate the risk of non-collection of premiums and the adoption of claims handling expenses reserves not previously included. As a result of these changes, the profit arising from this business segment increased to Sh1.0 billion from a loss of Sh92.6 million in 2015. Net insurance benefits declined by 53 per cent. To ensure compliance with requirements of the Insurance Act as amended by the Finance

Act 2015 and as required by the Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA), the Group adopted the Gross Premium Valuation (GPV) methodology which is a change from the previously applied Net Premium Valuation (NPV). This change resulted in a reduction in the net insurance benefits and claims by Sh5.2 billion. Fund management fees from the Asset Management business grew by 29 per cent to Sh929.2 million compared to Sh718.5 million in 2015. The increase is attributable to growth in Assets Under Management (AUM) by 20 per cent to Sh108.9 billion from Sh90.5 billion in 2015. @kevin_x254

Britam Holdings Group MD, Dr Benson Wairegi; CEO of Britam Life Assurance Company Ambrose Dabani; Executive Principal Director Stephen Wandera and Joseph Gathogo, Head of Financial Advisors Network celebrate after winning the overall Company of the Year Award at the 2017 Association of Kenya Insurers Agents Awards for the 10th year in a row.

2015. The former CS had said the real estate sector is growing at a very high rate due, and thus attracting unprofessional behaviour. “We have witnessed collapsing of buildings under construction, flooding due to destruction of the environment, illegal alienation of Government land and mushrooming of unplanned settlements,” said Dr Matiang’i.

Fashion retailer commits to bolster Kenya’s education sector Over 6,000 students from Ndiuni stand to benefit from a newly renovated and well stocked library courtesy of listed fashion retailer Deacons East Africa Plc and Rural Reading Centre Africa. The move seeks to promote a sustained reading and sharing culture among the community. The two organisations joined forces with the aim of providing children with little or no access to reading material with story and curriculum books. This initiative is an extension of the ‘Soma Deacons Book Drive’ that was launched in October, 2012 and is now in its fourth year. The book donation to the library is in line with retailer’s Corporate Social Investment strategy, which has a focus on education as a way to meaningfully contribute to growth and socio-economic development in Kenya. Speaking during the event, Deacons (East Africa) Plc Chief Executive Officer, Mr Wahome Muchiri reiterated the importance of education as an effective tool to change the realities in the communities across the country. “Deacons (East Africa) Plc, in partnership with Rural Reading Centre Africa, are proud to open this library which will play a key role in promoting learning in the schools. At the same time, the library will be a central place to nurture innovation, curiosity and problem solving. We believe that this is a step in the right direction towards providing quality education to promote lifelong opportunities for each student,” said Mr. Wahome. The book donation brings to life a national vision of enriching lives through knowledge, as articulated by the Rural Reading Centre founder Professor Philip Thiuri. According to Professor Thiuri, the initiative is well in line with Kenya’s Vision 2030 development plan and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Wahome says to unlock social-economic challenges in Kenya and the entire continent, both the private sector and public sectors must join forces and bridge the gap of illiteracy. Currently, the ratio of students to books in Kenya points a grim picture to the state of country’s education standard with one book for every five students with worse figures for communitybased schools. This has created an unbalanced system that skews socioeconomic progress to only a few Kenyans. @enok_x254


Bamburi Cement, Construction Authority to train masons in skills bridging initiative MONDAY, MARCH 27, 2017

Bamburi Cement, in partnership with the National Construction Authority (NCA), has commenced training seminars for over 3,500 masons in 52 centres across various towns in the country. The training seminars, which are free, are part of Bamburi’s annual skills bridging programme dubbed Builders Academy. This year, it targets to train at least 70 masons per centre. The seminars, which started on March 25, 2017, will span 14 weeks, starting in Utawala, Dagoretti, Limuru and Kiambu towns and concluding in Maralal on July 1, 2017. Beneficiaries of the training will be trained on site planning, drawings, setting out and foundations, mix designs, as well as causes of building defects and how to avoid them. They will be also trained on site safety procedures. At the end of the programme they will receive certificates. As a first, this year’s Builders Academy will be conducted in partnership with the National Construction Authority (NCA), having signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Bamburi last year, establishing a framework for the two parties to collaborate on improving skills and competencies in the building and construction industry. “Bamburi Cement’s Builders Academy is a direct response to the growing technical skill gap in the country. More than 80 per cent of masons, foremen and small contractors lack formal training in construction. This is in part due to the growing interest in white collar careers in tertiary learning centres at the expense of blue collar jobs,” said Susan Maingi, Director of Corporate Affairs, Communications and Sustainable Development at


Diamond Trust Bank

Diamond Trust was the week’s top gainer after edging upwards by 12.10 per cent. The share price was up to Sh120.00 from the previous week’s close of Sh103.00. The share price edged up after the bank announced 17.1 per cent growth in profit after tax and its intention to acquire Habib Bank Kenya Limited. Year-to-date, its share price has gained 1.70 per cent.


Eaagads Limited Coffee growing firm, Eaagads was the week’s top loser after declining by 10.00 per cent over the course of the week’s trading. The share price closed at Sh22.50 from their previous closing price of Sh25.00. Year-to-date its share price has lost 17.40 per cent. Analysis by Amana Capital info@ amanacapital.co.ke

Bamburi Cement. Ms Maingi added that besides the Builders Academy, which targets masons and foremen, Bamburi will this year also run a concurrent programme for cement retailers. “This year, for the first time, we are reaching out to cement retailers. We will bring in a specialist in retail to

help cement retailers enhance their entrepreneurial skills and sharpen their business acumen,” she said. She added that Bamburi’s mobile concrete testing labs would be available at some learning centres to facilitate practical learning. “The mobile labs will allow masons to complement the theoretical learning

with practical learning,” she concluded. The involvement of the NCA in this year’s programme will help masons and foremen to understand the mandate of the NCA and the regulations in the sector. It will also present them with an opportunity to understand the requirements and benefits of membership in NCA.

The initiative to train retailers is expected to be an annual event, with a goal of achieving the same level of success and scale as the Builders Academy. Since its inception 13 years ago, Bamburi’s Builders Academy has benefited more than 250,000 masons across the country. @kevin0_x254



Umati Capital partners with Adansonia Project to connect entrepreneurs to investors MONDAY, MARCH 27, 2017

Umati Capital, a start-up financial services company for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in agriculture is offering two programmes in partnership with their collaborative networks. The group, which is based in Westlands, Nairobi, has partnered with Adansonia Project, a programme that offers a free online course in entrepreneurship and funding opportunities for budding entrepreneurs. They intend to train professionals and connect them to investors in Africa. The Adansonian program is a three base program that will focus on an internet platform of networks where entrepreneurs can obtain business planning consultation. The gropu will also offer a sponsored online course through the European Business School, Bocconi SDA. Conclusively, entrepreneurs will receive a funding opportunity to finance their ideas with venture capitalists all across the board from Europe to Africa. Umati Capital has also teaming with Amani Institute offering an intensive leadership training for managers at SMEs. Amani’s Leadership and Management for Impact program is a 5 month modular program where the organisation works with businesses to equip senior and mid-level managers with the leadership skills to develop themselves, grow their team and scale their company. Umati Capital is a start-up financial services company that aims to revolutionize access to finance through the consistent and innovative use of technology. Launched in September 2012, the founders of Umati Capital believe that access to capital for small-to-medium sized businesses (SMEs) across Africa should be guided by transparent access to information. “SMEs want to grow but are constrained by working capital constraints and the lack of collateral for typical bank financing. Umati Capital provides financing that advances the SMEs the amount that is owed to them by their buyers,” said the group in a statement. “With cash now, SMEs can now buy more inputs from their suppliers including smallholder farmers, produce more, and sell more. With our

Peter Thuo (R), President of Greentech, a small local business that offers eco products and services, in Ruiru town, Nairobi, Kenya, June 4, 2011. Thuo and his youth group, (RYCEP), planted some 50 tree seedlings on World Environment Day. EPA/DAI KUROKAWA financing, our clients have increased their sales by more than 5 times in just one month without the need for physical collateral,” the statement added. Umati Capital has also built an ecosystem to support the growth of SMEs. Umati says that besides financing, SMEs need linkages to more buyers, more suppliers, and service providers to support their growth. Umati Capital has partnered with these organizations to support the growth of SMEs. Umati Capital finances

SMEs and their sales in agricultural, retail, and fast moving consumer goods value chains. “In addition, we finance the SMEs’ suppliers downstream from smallholder farmers to farmer cooperatives to input providers. We also build our own technology for quick disbursement and provide branchless financial services to small scale suppliers, trading companies and industrial processors,” said the group. @enock_x254

Samsung to plant 10,000 trees to boost Karura Forest cover Samsung Electronics East Africa has partnered with the Friends of Karura Community Forest Association and the Kenya Forest Service unveiling a plan to plant over 10,000 trees in Karura over the next two years in an effort to boost the country’s forest cover. The Friends of Karura Forest is a Community Forest Association comprising Kenyans and other supporters of participatory forest management whose mission is to protect for future generations the city’s largest green area. The Karura Forest reserve has been lauded as one of the best places to visit in Nairobi and has also become a family recreation destination averaging 20,000 visitors per month. This project comes after a report by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources revealed that Kenya’s forest cover had increased to 7 per cent by February 2017 and appealed on stakeholders to assist the country attain 10 per cent cover by 2020. Speaking during the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding, Samsung Electronics East Africa Vice President and Managing Director, Mr Jung Hyun Park said the firm was excited to participate in making a positive impact for the environment as there is need to reverse the challenges brought about by global warming such as persistent drought. “Taking care of environment is a core pillar in our corporate citizenship programmes where we are committed to prosperity of human lives and conservation of the environment as well as taking care of the planet for the future generations. We are passionate about this collaboration with Friends of Karura, Community Forest Association to improve the face of Karura Forest by planting trees and installing benches for people to use when they visit the forest for their leisure activities,” Mr Park noted. Friends of Karura Chairman, Karanja Njoroge applauded Samsung’s environmental support noting that the initiative will go a long way in improving air quality by filtering harmful dust and pollutants that are occasioned by deforestation and other human activities around and within forests. “This plan will continue to create new job opportunities for communities around the forest,” stated Njoroge. @enock_x254

Nairobi Garage set to host Facebook meetup in April The Nairobi Garage, one of Kenya’s leading startup incubators, will host a Facebook Meetup on April 18, 2017. The event, dubbed Facebook F8 will feature a livestream of interactive demos, announcements and best practices from the world’s leading social media network. Facebook F8is a mostly-annual conference held by Facebook, intended for developers and entrepreneurs who build products and services around the website. It takes place in San Francisco, California. Previous events have started with a keynote speech by Facebook Founder, Mark Zuckerberg, followed by various

breakout sessions concentrating on specific topics. Facebook has often introduced new features and made new announcements at the conference. “To share the F8 experience with our global developer community, Facebook will be co-hosting F8Meetups across 45 cities around the world. They are partnering with a small number of start-up community leaders to co-host a livestream of the F8 opening keynote, followed by networking over drinks and snacks. F8 Meetups are a great opportunity to deepen relationships with the local tech community and gain additional exposure in the media,” the Nairobi

Garage said in a statement. This year F8, Facebook’s annual developer conference, takes place from April 18 to April 19 in San Jose, CA. The event will feature keynotes from Zuckerberg and the global leadership team, product announcements and a number of technical deep-dive sessions. The Event in Nairobi will take place on the 18th of April at the Garage from 7:30 pm onwards. This year’s sessions feature a wide range of topics across the Facebook family of apps and services – with relevance to developers and businesses with sessions and experiences featuring the latest

products and innovations. F8 comes months after Zuckerberg visited Nairobi in September last year. At the time, the Facebook CEO SAID The future will be built in Africa. Zuckerberg was speaking in Nigeria on his first visit to sub-Saharan Africa. “It’s inspiring to see how engineers here are using mobile money to build businesses and help their community,” Zuckerberg said after visiting Nairobi’s iHub. Kenya has 5.3 million Facebook users, many of whom access the social network via mobile phone. @Dennis_x254


MONDAY, MARCH 27, 2017





More than many other musical genres gospel music in the country seems to be an exclusive club with a handful of arties who get a majority of the shine while many singers claw their way up. Here are two you should watch out for.

LAURA KARWIRWA somewhere on the scene because her music is just delightful. Despite being only 20 years old her voice is surprisingly mature and has this throwback vibe that never seems to go out of style. Best known for the hit ‘Mtetezi’ here are some things

new gospel

of pastors’ kids and having come from that back ground

been a part of many singing groups in school, and the drama club too. In 2013, she was awarded 2nd best actress at National Level in the Annual Drama Festivals. She is currently pursuing a degree in Food, Nutrition and Dietetics at Kenyatta University. Her initiative Laurel Ministry is an idea that found root in her heart because she is passionate towards ministry as

Laura Karwirwa



Popular gospel show ‘Kubamba’ which has for the past seven years aired on Citizen TV every Sunday from 6 am to 1 pm came to an emotional end yesterday. The show host Moses Mathenge popularly known as DJ Moz made the announcement to the surprise of many fans. ‘It’s almost midday, and a perfect time to make the announcement, this will be Kubamba’s last show on Citizen TV,’ said DJ Moz. The final show was dedicated to celebrating the last seven years of its existence with the K-Krew giving out seven gift hampers to their fans. K-Krew last year established a gospel themed radio station dubbed ‘kubamba radio’ and it is anticipated that with its exit, the crew may be seeking to set up a gospel TV station.


Dancehall gospel is a touchy area but TPK Sons should get some credit for handling the genre with a lot of

Memorial Church School (Class of 2010) and Riara Springs Girls High School (Class of 2014). Her

acts to watch

Gospel show ‘Kubamba’ exits Citizen TV

a whole besides just music. Laurel Ministry plans to begin outreach programmes to be of positive impact to the society and also mentor young lives into sound

Juliana plotting comeback with


biggest hit so far has been the single ‘Ngong Ngong’ which is supposed to be likened to Jesus knocking on your door. Another great thing to note would be that each of their ‘Ngong Ngong’ took inspiration from Revelation 3:20, ‘Warrior’ from Ephesians6:10-20 and Romans1:16. SONG OF THE YEAR and GROUP OF THE YEAR categories at past Groove Awards.

‘Am Still Here’

gandan song bird Juliana Kanyomozi is said to be plotting to reclaim her position as the Queen of East African pop music. Kanyomozi sharing an artwork of her upcoming single and album dubbed ‘Am Still Here’ is rumoured to have recorded the single and album at Masters Studio and will be releasing it soon. The award-winning artiste has been on a musical sabbatical but it now seems she is ready to reclaim her throne. The beautiful Kanyomozi’s humble personality has made her a woman of substance piling her with a lot of major awards. Her latest being Most Inspirational Song Award in the 2016 Zzina Awards for her song “Woman”.

Iconic singer Elton John hits 70


egendary musician Elton John turned 70 on Saturday. The musical icon celebrated his seventh decade of life with a massive A-list bash to benefit the Elton John AIDS Foundation and the UCLA Hammer Museum. Guests of the Hollywood fete included Rob Lowe, Katy Perry, Jon Hamm, Neil Patrick Harris, Jack McBrayer, Ryan Phillippe, Tom Ford and Heidi Klum. Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder honored the GRAMMY-winning singer with an upbeat rendition of the birthday song, while Ryan Adams sang a cover of John’s “Rocket Man.”




MONDAY, MARCH 27, 2017


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ille Collines is definitely a look that many women aspire to capture. Began by Ines Cuatrecasas and Marc Oliver, the inspiration for the line started after a trip to Rwanda. An introduction to Antoinette, a local dressmaker, ultimately led to Marc and Ines moving to Kigali where they developed their first collection in partnership with Antoinette. They describe the mille collines woman as one ‘who travels and always discovers. You have an affinity for fine details. You are a woman of success who stands out in crowds.’ Here are some looks.

Work ready in varying combinations of slacks and structured tops.


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MONDAY, MARCH 27, 2017




International news weekend roundup Kourtney Kardashian Slammed for Posting Pic of Her Kids Sitting on $122,000 Car



ft Kelele Takatifu, Ivlyn Mutua and Dj Ruff

In the two images, Kardashian, 37, quotes lyrics from brother-inlaw Kanye West’s song “Last Call” in the captions while having her daughter Penelope, 4, and son Reign, 2, pose on the hood of the Mercedes G-Wagon. The first image shows the two young ones kneeling on all fours on top of the white Mercedes-Benz facing Kardashian as she presumably gives them art direction. The caption reads, “Rolling into the weekend like...” Haters immediately filled Kardashian’s comments section with words of disapproval over how the reality star is flaunting her wealth — which fans have previously pointed to as a possible reason for younger sister Kim’s terrifying Paris robbery last October. -Us Magazine

This is without a doubt Jimmy Gait’s greatest song, artistically speaking. It feels like a holistic song, it’s great to look at and fun to listen to, although most of the ‘days’ sound like ‘ndey.’ Also where has this Ivlyn Mutua been hiding? She carries the entire tune with utter joy; the whole song could be just her alone and it would still be good. Anyway Jimmy Gait says ‘cool beans’ so that’s something worth watching.

Orange Is the New Black’s Samira Wiley and Lauren Morelli Are Married

On Saturday afternoon, the Orange Is the New Black star, 29, tied the knot with her longtime partner in an intimate Palm Springs, California, ceremony surrounded by family and friends, PEOPLE can confirm. As revealed to Martha Stewart Weddings, who were the first to report the news, the nuptials were designed and executed by Beth Helmstetter Events, the confetti-themed bash — based in part on the couple’s desire for a non-traditional event and their mutual affection for Pillsbury Funfetti cake. -PEOPLE

Brad Pitt Wants To Mend Angelina Relationship Even If ‘She Hurt Him’ For Sake Of Kids




e want to like ‘Mawe’ so hard but it becomes tired after a while. A few things; some of her punch lines in the song are clever, but you have definitely heard this song before. Remember P Unit’s ‘Una’? It’s the very same concept but Kush Tracey has made it much more upbeat. The chorus is a bit hard to consume, and we are very tired of seeing her in those gold heels no matter how cute they might be. Well give it a listen if you are looking to turn up anyway.

Mary J Blige.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt‘s marriage is in ruins, but there’s still hope that they can be cordial to each other! And that’s exactly what Brad, 52, wants, so that his six children can be happy and lead normal lives. Well, as normal as possible when their parents are two of the most famous faces in the world! He’s willing to do whatever it takes to keep things friendly with Angelina, the source said. “No matter how much Angie has hurt him, Brad was, and is, determined to mend his relationship with her for the sake of the kids,” the source told HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY. “Their welfare is more important than anything else in this world and he knows having a respectful relationship with Angie is what’s best for those kids.” -Hollywood Life

Mary J. Blige hosts LGBT Pride bash in Vegas ...as estranged husband Martin ‘Kendu’ Isaacs demands $110,000 A MONTH in spousal support

Mary J. Blige hosted the Main Event of the 10th annual Tempted2Touch Black LGBT Pride Spring Break Getaway weekend on Saturday night. The fête took place at the Rain Nightclub, which is situated in the four-star Palms Casino Resort off the Las Vegas Strip. Mary married her manager Martin ‘Kendu’ Isaacs in 2003, but filed for divorce last January that’s become alarmingly rancorous as it’s proceeded. The DailyMail.com reported this week that he’s demanding $110,000 a month in spousal support, having become used to a ‘lavish’ lifestyle during their marriage. On top of the $110,000 a month, he allegedly wants $95,000 toward his attorney’s fees, $52,000 toward his forensic accounting fees, $5,000 a month to support his parents and $4,971 a month for his two children from a previous relationship. -Daily Mail


Samira Wiley and Lauren Morelli



his a great song but the one thing that is rather irritating is the subject matter. Barakah The Prince must be the most unluckiest-in-love human being in existence because that seems to be the only thing he sings about. ‘Acha Niende’ is the smoothest of all the songs he has made so far, it’s very ‘easy listening’ but the number one thing here is the melody, it’s a pretty one. Penelope and Reign perched on top of the car.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.



MONDAY, MARCH 27, 2017

Kenya’s Geoffrey Kamworor races to the finish line as he won gold in the Men’s World Cross Country Championships in Kampala last evening. PHOTO: CAPITAL FM

Kiplimo bags Uganda’s first gold in World Cross

Kamworor overcomes scare to retain World Cross Country title

Kenya’s Geoffrey Kamworor lived to his earlier prediction by successfully defending his IAAF World Cross Country Championships Kampala 2017 on Sunday. It was not a mean achievement for the man who a year ago won the IAAF World Half Marathon title in Cardiff, beating among others multiple Olympic champion Mo Farah of Britain to the second position. As for the cross-country crown, he timed of 28:24, to add to his Guiyang, China exploits two years ago. His back-to-back wins mean he is the first senior man in 11 years to successfully defend his cross country title. “I was confident of retaining my title,” Kamworor said after the race. “When the Ugandan broke away, I kept my cool and ran my race. I knew he would get tired. His pace was too high and it would have been

amazing if he had maintained it to the end.” Uganda’s Joshua Cheptegei, the poster boy of the championships, was looking to bring home his country’s first senior men’s title. The Ugandan had a poor finishing and eventually came 30th at the end. Kamworor led a pack of about 30 athletes through the first of five 2km laps in 5:12, with his teammate Vincent Kipsang Rono leading through 4km in 11:02. Kamworor, Cheptegei, Kenyan cross country champion Leonard Barsoton and some ten more runners on his heels. Going into the third lap, Cheptegei made his move and with a strong kick developed a solid lead over Kamworor and the rest of the pack. The next four kilometers had the crowd in ecstasy as Uganda’s second victory of the day looked to be looming after Jacob Kiplimo had secured gold in

the men’s U20 race an hour earlier. But with just one lap between Cheptegei and a historic gold for the host nation, his reckless speed combined with the hot and humid conditions began to show. The 11-second lead the Ugandan had held over Kamworor entering the final lap was reduced to about seven with just 1km to go. Meanwhile, Kamworor gained confidence from his rival’s suffering and swiftly closed the gap. Under the moans of the crowd and the delighted cheers from the ‘Kenyan cheering squad’, as Kamworor described later, the reigning champion flew past Cheptegei to secure his second world cross country title. His compatriot Barsoton came through strongly in second (28:36) with Ethiopia’s Abadi Hadis in third (28:43).

Uganda’s Jacob Kiplimo produced a performance of a lifetime to win gold in the men’s U20 race at the IAAF World Cross Country Championships Kampala 2017, the country’s first ever gold medal at a World Cross. The world U20 10,000m bronze medallist last year, Kiplimo came into the race as the host country’s best chance of an individual medal following his brilliant performance which saw him win the Ugandan Cross Country Championships on this same course. Kiplimo (pictured below) covered the 8km course in 22:40, ending the Kenyan and Ethiopian dominance in the event to win the first global title of his career. From the gun, Eritrean Yemane Haileselassie produced a fast start, working himself to the head of the leading pack which was composed of Ugandan Victor Kiplangat, Kenyans Wesley Ledama, Edwin Kiplangat Bett and Amos Kirui and Ethiopian Solomon Berihu with Kiplimo following suit. But it was Kiplimo who went on to cross the finish line first in 22:40 with Walelegn three seconds behind to bag silver. Kenya’s Kimunyan joined the podium finishers nine seconds further back. Uganda’s President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni who watched the race congratulated Kiplimo.


Kiprop leads Kenya to first World Cross Mixed Relays gold in Kampala Asbel Kiprop returned to the cross country with a bang after he led the Kenyan quartet to victory for the inaugural IAAF World Cross Country Mixed Relays at a packed Kololo Grounds in Kampala yesterday afternoon. The Kenyan fantastic four of threetime 1500m world champion Kiprop, 800m runner Winfred Nzisa, Beatrice Chepkoech and Bernard Koros ensured Kenya bag first gold in the opening race. Kenya finished first in 22:22 ahead of a strong Ethiopian team that had 1500m women world record holder Genzebe Dibaba as they grabbed silver in 22:30 while Turkey settled for bronze in 22:37

Asbel did well to start off the race, as he tactically led the group controlling the pace with Ethiopian Welde Tufa breathing on his neck. However, Kiprop tactically beat Tufa who had at one point overtaken him to power through, opening a 200m gap at the bend and open up the strides as he passed the Kenya crowd who cheered him up to pass the baton to Mbithe. Mbithe did well to burst up from the start, opening a big gap even though she looked tired heading to the third hill but it was null since she had already done the damage to pass on the baton to Koros. Koros had a tough time to maintaining the gap as she was under pressure from

reigning 3000m indoor champion Ethiopian Yomif Kejelcha who pushed the Kenyan hard. However, Mbithe managed to hold on to hand over to Chepkoech who battled it out with Dibaba. Dibaba did well to close on the gap but she was out of gas as Kiprop had already done the work when he opened up in the first lap. Kiprop was delighted to return to Cross Country with a win and said she was looking forward to repeat the fate in two years, but first on his tray is the August London World Championships. Runners in the mixed relay were completing one lap each for a total of four laps per team.

MORE ON THIS STORY www.capitalfm.co.ke

Asbel Kiprop with other Team Kenya athletes after winning the World Cross Country Mixed Relay at the Kololo grounds in Uganda yesterday. PHOTO: CAPITAL FM


Defoe marks England return with a goal MONDAY, MARCH 27, 2017

England took another comfortable step on the road to qualification for next summer’s World Cup in Russia as they eased past Lithuania at Wembley. Gareth Southgate’s first game at Wembley since succeeding Sam Allardyce on a permanent basis provided few alarms as England remain firmly in control at the top of Group F. Sunderland striker Jermain Defoe justified his call-up at 34 for a first England appearance since late 2013 with a typically clinical finish after 21 minutes and a lively performance that suggested he still has a part to play under Southgate. And when Southgate needed someone to break Lithuania’s stubborn resistance after the break, substitute Jamie Vardy obliged from close-range in the 66th minute, converting a subtle touch from Liverpool’s Adam Lallana inside the area. Before kick-off there was a minute’s silence inside the stadium for the victims of last week’s London attack. There was also a tribute paid to former England manager Graham Taylor, who died in January. Eyebrows were raised in some quarters when Southgate recalled Defoe to the squad having last represented his country against Chile at Wembley in

November 2013. Defoe’s inclusion, however, represented perfect sense with a record of 14 Premier League goals and two assists in a Sunderland side propping up the table and England’s main striker Harry Kane out injured. And so it proved as he pounced in trademark fashion for his first England goal in four years and four days since scoring in an easy win against San Marino, clipping a clinical finish high beyond Lithuania keeper Ernestas Setkus after 21 minutes from Raheem Sterling’s delivery. Defoe had already brought one crucial block from the keeper earlier as he stole in on Lallana’s pass. He looks like a player full of hunger who has lost none of his predatory, goalscoring instincts. “I thought it was one of those afternoons where it’s job done. I am not going to eulogise over the performance, but the overall week I think has been really positive in setting the tone of how we want to work,” Southgate said. England will face stubborn opposition again before this World Cup qualifying campaign is over and a poacher like Defoe may well come in very handy for Southgate as he plots his route to Russia next summer. Southgate can be satisfied from what

England’s Jermain Defoe celebrates scoring his team’s first goal against Lithuania with goal maker Raheem Sterling (L) during the FIFA World Cup 2018 qualifing group F match at Wembley Stadium in London yesterday. PHOTO: GERRY PENNY/EPA

he has got from England’s international double header, with a creditable performance in defeat against World Cup holders Germany and victory here against Lithuania. If he has a complaint, it could be that England need to be more ruthless in front of goal, paying for wasted opportunities in Dortmund and also

missing chances to make this a more convincing margin of victory. England will not find this failing too expensive in a friendly or against mediocre opposition - but it could cost them if the flaws are on show against higher-class in a competitive environment. And Southgate knows they must do more.

“The players have got a good feel about them, a spirit and they see the direction we want to head. For sure, we’ll play better than we did today,” he added. It is why Defoe’s marksmanship is currently required and why the return of a fit and in-form Harry Kane will be so welcome.

MONDAY, MARCH 27, 2017


P15 P14

Sofapaka Coach Ssimbwa happy with Stima win

Michael Olunga celebrates after scoring his first goals against DRC Congo during yesterday’s friendly match at the Kenyatta Stadium in Machakos. PHOTO: CAPITAL FM

Michael Olunga: I’m enjoying my football K

enyan international Michael Olunga answered his critics in spectacular fashion by bagging a brace as Harambee Stars downed DR Congo 2-1 in international friendly match played in Machakos yesterday. The Guizhou Zhicheng striker has received criticism for his decision to leave Sweden for China and those denigration increased when he wasted numerous chances during Kenya’s friendly with Uganda on Thursday. But Olunga who scored in the Uganda match netted twice yesterday to help Harambee Stars see off Congo at the Kenyatta Stadium. “I am really happy to have helped the team beat such a high ranked opposition. Congo is a high profile team with very good players. As a country, we should be very proud of such moments which is a testament that our football is growing,”

said the former Gor Mahia forward. Olunga put the hosts ahead in the sixth before former Chelsea FC player Gael Kakuta pulled the visitors level in the 60th minute. Kenya responded ten minutes later as Olunga struck his second of the day. It was the second win in two over the highly rated Central Africans, with the Kenyans having won the reverse in Kinshasa as Stars team took their unbeaten run to a staggering 10 matches. And Olunga expressed confidence the current national team squad is destined for greater things reflecting on the team composition which he says is generally young. “If you look at the squad what you see is players who will be there for quite what is more impressive is that the technical bench is able to give new players debuts virtually at every game we play. That is impressive,” the lanky 23-yearl-

old forward observed. Coach Stanley Okumbi who is undefeated in 10 matches was in full praise of the squad for putting in a brave show against the team in contention of World Cup slot in the global showpiece in Russia next summer. “We need to keep this momentum going and going into the African Cup of Nations qualifiers we need to ensure we win all our home games. The beauty of this unbeaten record is that we’re scoring but we need to start keeping clean sheets and avoid repeating mistakes,” said Okumbi who brought in skipper Victor Wanyama, his bridesmaid David Owino, David Ochieng, Jockins Atudo and custodian Boniface Olouch back to the side having missed the midweek match. Kenya was using the friendlies as preparations for the bid to qualify for the Africa Cup of Nations in 2019. @amos_x254

Published By Xtra Publishing Limited, Chancery Building, Valley Road, Nairobi | Printed at The Standard Group Centre, Mombasa Road, Nairobi. Paul Marshall-CEO, Fred Bunei-Finance Manager, Josiah Musee-Advertising Manager, Peter Obuya-Editor

Coach Sam Ssimbwa has praised the fighting spirit expressed by his Sofapaka players side after beating Western Stima 3-1 in a Kenyan Premier League match at Moi Stadium, Kisumu yesterday. “A team needs a lot of things to perform and peace of mind in one of them. I was not surprised that we lost to Sony a week ago. My players have gone through a lot,” said Ssimbwa. “The season has just begun and we have to focus on our results ensuring they are good from the beginning. I have assessed my players and I can say they are in the right state of mind of the fight ahead,” added the Ugandan tactician. It was a much reprieve for the 2019 champions who had lost their opening match of the season to Sony Sugar by a solitary goal. However, more pleasing to the coach is the manner in which the players have responded after the off-field battles which saw the team relegated and then readmitted to the top flight league after over two months court battle. Former Kenya international Charles Okwemba gave the Batoto Ba Mungu adeserved lead on the 20th before center back Humphrey Okoti doubling the lead in the 39th minute before Fredrick Nyarombo scored a consolation at the stroke of half time. Ezekiel Okare confirmed maximum points for Sofapaka with 20 minutes remaining on the clock. Batoto Ba Mungu, who were only reinstated in the league last week had Ugandans now move to 8th on the log with 3 points. @amos_x254

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