201703020 xnews

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MOnday, MaRCH 20, 2017 | www.x254.CO







Uproar over Sonko’s Albino jibe MP Mwaura wants senator to apologise before Albinos take action against him STROY ON PAGE 2

Lamu MP Ndegwa wants police to probe Mpeketoni utterances, chaos


amu West Member of Parliament Julius Ndegwa wants the Inspector General Joseph Boinnet to probe ODM parliamentary rival Rishad Amana over remarks he made at the weekend at a rally in Mpeketoni. Ndegwa said the ODM aspirant made remarks directed at Mpeketoni people

which he argues can easily degenerate into war. It is reported that Amana said “sisi viongozi titajua vile titafanya (We leaders know what we are going to do. We shall deal with them. This is Amu not Ramu.” Ndegwa said the county has been recovering from damages caused by the 2014 Mpeketoni attack and

therefore politicians should avoid making inciteful remarks. “Politicians should avoid intolerant language, hate speech or inflammatory utterances because it can contribute to violence and ethnic polarization,” Ndegwa said at a press conference at Parliament buildings today. The MP urged the government

to take steps and give assurance to all people and build confidence especially during this electioneering period. On Friday rowdy youths hurled unripe mangoes and stones at the convoy of Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho who was leading an ODM rally in Mpeketoni, Lamu County.

Ndegwa said police were not notified over the Governor’s rally in Mpeketoni. “The incident was provoked after youths and security accompanying ODM leaders attacked an old man. They also decided to take the rally to the market place which interfered with the normal running of businesses,” Ndegwa explained.



Uproar over senator Sonko’s Albino jibe Senator Mike Sonko’s reference of Jubilee gubernatorial rival Peter Kenneth as an albino has elicited furious reaction from the Albinism Society of Kenya (ASK) who have threatened to take action against him. Mr Sonko referred to Kenneth as an albino during last night’s live TV interview on Citizen. He had been called for the interview as part of the Stations show “Game Plan 2017” with the focus on Nairobi gubernatorial race. Moderator Hussein Mohamed began by playing a clip in which Sonko’s rival for the Jubilee Party ticket Peter Kenneth was expressing his willingness for dialogue or nomination battle. But Sonko’s wanted none of it and instead told Mr Mohamed to refer to his rival as albino or anything he could. “I don’t want to know his name. You can refer to him as an albino or whatever,” Sonko countered. And now, members of the Albinism Society have demanded an apology from the senator saying it was derogatory for him to make such remarks. “Mike Sonko must in no equivocal terms apologise for demonising and abusing Peter Kenneth using God given status of Albinism. It is totally uncalled for to use our status in derogatory terms in order to settle political scores,” Nominated MP Isaack Mwaura who

discrimination is over,” Mwaura said. The nominated MP said to abuse people because of their skin pigmentation is against article 27 of the constitution. “Kenyans of mixed race have a right too. Sonko should also tell us what he thinks about our first Lady Margaret Kenyatta and even former US President Barrack Obama,” Mwaura added. Mr Sonko and Kenneth are locked in a firce battle to secure the Jubilee ticket in the Nairobi gubernatorial race and the senator admitted the feud is personal. “I have a lot of bitterness with this guy. He should have a rally and apologise to me, Mama Ngina Kenyatta, and my wife for the tears we shed,” Sonko said in reference to Mr Kenneth’s decision to run for the presidency in 2013. According to Mike Sonko, that decision was influenced by power brokers who did not want President Uhuru Kenyatta to run and allegedly sponsored Mr Kenneth to divide the Central Kenya votes. “I am not going to accept Kenneth as my running mate or to be his deputy. Let him feel our pain in 2013 when he did not support President Uhuru Kenyatta,” he added.

is the patron of ASK told a press conference at parliament buildings today.

Resign for failing to unite Kenyans, lobbies tells Kaparo Lobbyists want Francis Ole Kaparo (pictured) and his team at the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) leave office for failing to unite Kenyans. The Technical Working Group on National Values and Governance and the Constitution Reform Education Consortium yesterday argued that there is more division in the country despite the commission being in place. The 16 lobby groups in a press statement accused the commission of doing very little to unite Kenyans ahead of the general election. “We demand that the chairman of NCIC leave office since he has failed in his duties. The NCIC remains unable to rein in hatemongers, deal with ethnic balkanisation in public institutions and politics,” Suba Churchill said on behalf of other groups. “The recent situation being in Baringo, where people continue to die even as the government has deployed a contingent of police,” he added. NCIC has come under attack from various agencies for dismal performance in uniting Kenyans. Last week, NCIC chief executive Hassan Mohammed said the biggest

problem the commission is facing is lack of evidence in prosecuting hate speech mongers. “People said that we are not working, that is not true we cat on evidence presented to us not hearsay,” Mohammed said. He accused majority of people of just making allegations on Facebook and other social media platforms without turning up to show evidence when called upon.

He said the society will take an unspecified action against the senator if he fails to apologise.

“We are not afraid of Sonko. We will take on him head on because everyone has a right in this country. The era of

Nairobi senator Mike Mbuvi Sonko during a past function. His albino jibe at Jubilee rival Peter Kenneth has elicited furios reaction from the Albinism Society of Kenya. PHOTO: COURTESY

Activist unveils new party to tell the ‘truth’

Activist Boniface Mwangi has today officially launched his Ukweli Party that he says will provide the break away from traditional political outfits that he says have failed to address the country’s pressing issues. Mwangi, who quit his position at youth and civic empowerment centre Pawa 254 last December, will use the party as his vehicle in the coming general election as he seeks to become the next Starehe MP. “Ukweli Party will provide a voice for Kenyans who have been forgotten for long. We will build a Kenya that is corruption free and people are bold enough to take part in creating it,” the anti-graft crusader said during the launch. The party’s secretary general is Nduko o’Matigere, a former manager at Twaweza East Africa with Mwangi as its chairman. Ukweli will field aspirants in all positions in the polls except for the presidency with its deadline for receiving nomination applications for members who qualify for the positions set for March 30. “I want to be part of the solution. Parliament is where critical decisions are made, that is where money is stolen and thus as a youth I want to be part of the team that will spearhead change in the society,” Mwangi added.

Activist Boniface Mwangi with a woman during one of his campaigns in Starehe constituency. Mr MWangi has today launched his Ukweli Party which he says will tell Kenyans the truth.

The party which had one time been linked with former Chief Justice Willy Mutunga as its leader has a sugarcane as its symbol with its slogan titled “Power to the People”. It now joins 67 parties, among them

at least 40 small parties, some barely known, as it aims to present their nomination rules to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC). @harrison_x254


State defends hiring of Tanzanian doctors The government has denied claims that about 1,400 doctors who have graduated from public universities have not been employed yet it is outsourcing medics from Tanzania. In his weekly press briefing, State House Spokesperson Manoah Esipisu said all medical doctors are absorbed by the government immediately after their graduation. Esipisu said doctors are the only professionals who are absorbed into service first by the government as interns and after a year confirmed as medical officers once they finish their studies. “I want to debunk the misguided notion that some 1,400 doctors who have graduated from public universities were still hanging without jobs. Doctors are absorbed into service first as interns and after a year confirmed as medical officers once they finish their studies,” Esipisu said. “Some do leave to expend all their energies in private practice while others stick in Government while still committing large chunks of their time to private practice,” he added. Esipisu explained that the government’s decision to bring in 500 doctors was due to the ratio between doctors and patients in the country which currently stands at 1:5,002 against the World Health Organisation’s requirement of 1:1000 patients. He said it was due to the concerns that Health Cabinet Secretary Cleopa Mailu visited Cuba

Tanzania will be cost effective since they will have no access to the mortgage, car loan packages or pension offered under Kenya’s public service scheme. On the competence of the medical officers from Tanzania, Esipisu said contrary to misinformed opinion in some quarters, the curriculum in East African medical schools has been rationalized and a doctor qualifying in any East African country can work in another without further examination. “It must also be noted that Kenyans work across our region – in Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, South Sudan, Somalia and even Ethiopia – and that nationals of these countries can work here without any hurdles” said the State House Spokesperson. “They will give their full attention to patients in public hospitals across the country. They will not be involved in private practice,” he added. @sam_x254

and Tanzania, and discussed with a host of other stakeholders on how to bridge the gap. “The doctors will be paid at par, according to their experience and skills, with the package offer

government has made to Kenyan intern doctors and medical officers, and on a contract basis,” Esipisu said. Esipisu said the hiring of the 500 doctors from

State House Spokesman Manoah Esipisu in an earlier media briefing. Mr Esipisu defended plans top hire 500 doctors, denying that some Kenyan graduates in the profession are still unemployed.




Dozens killed in Ghana tree accident

Up to 20 people have died and many have been injured after a large tree fell on them at a popular waterfall spot in Kintampo, Ghana. They were swimming during a storm when the freak accident happened, emergency officials said. The tree had seemingly been brought down by the storm. Ghana National Fire Service spokesman Prince Billy Anaglate said the incident happened at the Kintampo waterfalls in the Brong-Ahafo region. A combined team of police and fire service personnel attended the accident site, in a bid to rescue those trapped by the tree. “A huge tree fell at the top when the rains began and crashed the revellers,” an eyewitness told Ghana’s Starr News. “Most of them are students of the Wenchi Senior High School. Others are tourists. We are trying to save those who are trapped by cutting the trees with chainsaws.” Fire Service spokesman Mr Anaglate told AFP that 18 students had died at the scene, while two others died in hospital. He said 11 people were receiving treatment, including one of the school administrators in charge of the trip. Other reports put the number of injured at over 20. They are being treated at the Kintampo Municipal hospital. “We extend our condolences to the families of the dead and pray for the injured,” Ghana’s tourism minister Catherine Abelema Afeku said in a statement.

Israel threatens to destroy Syria’s air defenses

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman has warned Syria that Israel will destroy its air defense system if Syria fires an anti-aircraft missile at Israeli aircraft again. Speaking on Israel public radio Sunday morning, Liberman said, “The next time the Syrians use their air defense systems against our airplanes, we will destroy all of them without thinking twice.” His threat comes after Syria fired anti-aircraft missiles at Israeli military jets overnight Thursday into Friday. The Syrian military said the jets struck a military site near Palmyra, while Israel says they targeted a weapons shipment to Iranbacked Hezbollah. Syria claims their missiles downed one Israeli jet and hit another, which Israel rejected as “absolutely untrue.” “Our central problem, and this above and beyond all of the other issues, is the transfer of advanced weapons from Syria to Lebanon,” Liberman said. “Every time we identify a transfer like this, we will work to prevent the transfer of game-changing weapons. On this issue there will not be any compromise,” the outspoken Defense Minister added.

Chibok schoolgirl calls for the rescue of abducted classmates A Chibok schoolgirl who escaped from Boko Haram militants in Nigeria has called on the international community not to forget those still in captivity. Next month will mark the third anniversary of the abduction of more than 270 girls. The militants are still holding about 195 of the young women. The pupil, speaking under a pseudonym, told an education conference in Dubai: “These girls are human beings, not something that we can forget about.” The abduction of the schoolgirls in northeastern Nigeria in April 2014 by the Islamist militant group caused a global outcry - and prompted campaigns about girls’ right to education. But almost three years later most of the abducted Chibok schoolgirls are still being held by kidnappers. One of the girls who had been seized, using the pseudonym “Sa’a” to protect her identity, said the “world has to do something” to rescue her school friends. “How would you feel if your daughter or wife was missing? Not one day or two, but three years. It’s very painful,” she told the Global Education and Skills Forum. She said that some of the parents of the abducted girls had died and the others were traumatised by their long wait. Last September, 21 of the young women were returned. But Sa’a told the conference of her disappointment that the majority still remained in captivity. “I remember those girls, but their dreams are now no more,” she said, recalling their plans for their careers and future lives. Sa’a described the night in April 2014 when Boko Haram militants arrived at her school, burned books and classrooms and forced the pupils into trucks and cars at gunpoint. Sa’a and a friend had jumped out the back of

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari (2-R) meets with rescued girl Amina Ali Nkeki and baby (L) with Governor Kashim Shettima of Borno State (C) at the presidential villa in Abuja, Nigeria on May 19, 2016. Chibok girls have called on the international community not to forget their colleague who are still in captivity. PHOTO: EPA

the truck as it went into a forest. The girls had hidden overnight and with the help of a shepherd had made their way back to safety. “I thought I was going to die that night,” said Sa’a. But she said that if she hadn’t taken that split-second decision to jump, she would still have been held in captivity and missing from her family. Sa’a spoke alongside another young woman, using the name “Rachel”, whose

father and brothers had been killed by Boko Haram in north-east Nigeria. Sa’a and Rachel called for greater efforts to get the Chibok girls back and to make schools safe from attack. They said that their experiences had made them more determined than ever to make the most of an education that had been denied to the abducted classmates.

FBI chiefs to shed light on President Trump’s election links with Russia The heads of top US spy agencies are to testify before Congress about possible links between Russia and President Donald Trump’s election campaign. They will also address Mr Trump’s claim that he was wiretapped by Barack Obama. FBI director James Comey and the NSA’s Admiral Mike Rogers will speak at a rare open hearing of the congressional intelligence committee. Russia denies trying to influence the election, while Mr Trump denounced the investigation as a “total witch hunt”. In January, US intelligence agencies said they believed Kremlin-backed hackers had broken into the email accounts of senior Democrats and released embarrassing ones in order to help Mr Trump defeat Hillary Clinton. The two directors were invited to testify by Republican Devin Nunes, chairman of the House committee, and Adam Schiff, the panel’s

top Democrat. The hearing is expected to start today. Mr Nunes claimed on Sunday that based on “everything I have up to this morning” there is “no evidence” that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. However, Mr Schiff said the material offers circumstantial evidence that US citizens collaborated with Russians to influence the vote. “There was circumstantial evidence of collusion; there is direct evidence, I think, of deception,” Mr Schiff said. “There’s certainly enough for us to conduct an investigation.” Two senior officials in the Trump administration have been caught up in the affair - Attorney-General Jeff Sessions and former national security adviser Michael Flynn. Mr Sessions has removed himself from the FBI inquiry. He was accused by Democrats of lying under oath when he testified at a

January confirmation hearing that he had “no communications with the Russians” before it emerged that he had met Moscow’s ambassador to the US Sergei Kislyak during the campaign. Mr Flynn was fired last month after he misled the White House about his conversations with the Moscow diplomat, allegedly regarding US sanctions. Monday’s hearing is also expected to address President Trump’s claims that the Obama administration wiretapped his phone at Trump Tower in New York during the campaign. Mr Trump has provided no evidence, and senior Republican and Democratic officials have dismissed the idea. Mr Nunes told Fox News on Sunday that a review of justice department documents provided on Friday indicated there was no such wiretap.


MONDAY, MARCH 20, 2017



NEWS PICTORIAL Chinese Premier Li Keqiang arrives for the China Development Forum 2017 at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing, China, today. PHOTO: ETIENNE OLIVEAU/EPA

National Super Alliance (Nasa) leaders Kalonzo Musyoka, Moses Wetangula and Governors Evans Kidero (Nairobi) and David Nkedienye (Kajiado) wave to the crowd during their rally at the Kitengela Stadium in Kajiado County yesterday. The leaders denied reports that the coalition could split saying none of them will walk away from the alliance. PHOTO: COURTESY

President Uhuru Kenyatta when he landed in Somalia where he visited Kenyan troops in Dhobley, over the weekend. Mr Kenyatta who is also the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces commended the soldiers for their commitment to securing Kenyan borders. PHOTO: PSCU

Nairobi senatorial aspirant Johnson Sakaja speaks to members of the media as Woemn Rep aspirant Karen Nyamu looks on during their meet the people tour on Nairobi in Pangani on Sunday.

A West Papuan activist wears traditional costume and coloring on her body, depicting the ‘Bintang Kejora’ flag, during a rally in Jakarta, Indonesia, today. Dozens of West Papuan activists staged a rally calling for the nationalization of the Indonesian unit of the US-based mining company Freeport-McMoRan Copper Gold Inc., and demanded the right to selfdetermination for West Papua. PHOTO: ADI WEDA/ EPA

xnews | MONday, MARCH 20, 2017 | www.x254.co


of Friday CBK EXCHANGE RATES (As February 17/2017)

Philippines betting company branches into Kenyan market

The growing rate of sports betting in Kenya has encouraged Philippines-based firm Dafabet International to launch its operations in Nairobi. Dafabet will be offering its Kenyan customers the opportunity to place bets on over 30 international sports through SMS, Mobile and personal computer. Dafabet Kenya Director of Retail and Regional Operations, Louis Watts says Nairobi would become the firm’s hub in the planned expansion into other African countries. “We are looking to expand throughout the African continent and it was important that our first initiative was to establish a major presence in Kenya, a market that is mature and respected due to its sport betting savvy and continues to be a growing sports betting market, thus giving us the stable base from which to grow,” said Mr Watts. Watts said the betting firm, which sponsors various clubs globally including Sunderland and Burnley in the English Premier League, Blackburn Rovers in the English Championship and Celtic in the Scottish Premiership, will employ qualified Kenyan staff to meet its market demands and grow the company not only in Kenya, but across the African continent.


BuSINESS DIARY Skills Hunt Summit at the Kenyatta University Accelevate Leads Limited will host its latest edition of an event dubbed the Skills Hunt Summit at the Kenyatta University Amphitheatre at the school’s Main Campus in Nairobi. The event will be held on Wednesday, March 22, 2017 and will run from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. The Skills Hunt Summit aims to help students, budding entrepreneurs, employees and employers alike to understand what the real value factors are for the end user of their products and services and discover what life hacks they can adopt to make themselves more relevant in the economic society. This is the group’s second edition of what is set to become a monthly series this year.

Networking event for digital marketing at Duma Works Duma Works will hold a networking event and panel discussion titled What It Takes to Succeed in the Digital Marketing Sector in Kenya. The event organizer has invited interest parties for an evening of discussion from top Talent and HR Managers in the digital marketing sector to discuss digital marketing trends, how to introduce innovation into an organisation’s recruiting pipeline, how to rise to the top of one’s career in a rapidly evolving industry, and how to succeed in retaining top digital marketing talent.The event will be held on Thursday, March 23, 2017 from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm at Adams Arcade, along Ngong Road on the 3rd Floor, Duma Works Office above Tuskys Supermarket.

customers ‘cash-out’, a system that allows betters to cash-out their bet anytime and ‘In-play betting’ which allows players to bet during the game right up to the last moment made possible by a state-of-the-

art ‘match-tracker’ feature. The entry of the firm comes at a time when betting in Kenya has grown exponentially over the last two years made easier by access to internet. @enock_x254

BUY SELL 102.7944 102.9944 125.3883 125.6539 109.1089 109.3439 7.8741 7.8942 34.8562 35.0213 21.6517 21.7911

Students with special needs get facilities worth Sh4.8 million from Safaricom Foundation

Sunderland FC players sporting the Dafabet logo Dafabet is one of the top sports betting companies globally and is known for its high profile sponsorships in football and snooker amongst other sports. Mr Watts said Dafabet will offer

MEAN 102.8944 125.5211 109.2264 7.8842 34.9388 21.7214

Over 200 pupils with special needs from three schools in Meru County have benefitted from various facilities valued at Sh4.8 million donated by the Safaricom Foundation. The Foundation handed over the facilities to Meru School for the Mentally Challenged, Kariani Primary School- Special Unit and St Joseph Children’s Home. The projects include a perimeter wall, fully equipped dormitory and sanitation facilities. Speaking during the handovers, Safaricom Foundation Chairman, Joseph Ogutu emphasised the importance of investing in the education of children with special needs. “Goal four of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) calls for inclusive and equitable quality education and promotion of life-long learning opportunities for all. This includes children with special needs. The Convention on the Rights of the Child also sets out the rights that must be realised for children to develop their full potential, free from hunger, neglect and abuse. At Safaricom Foundation, we are constantly working to aid the achievement of both objectives,” Ogutu said.. @kevin_x254

KBA, IFC, NSE in deal to promote climatealigned innovation in banking sector Banks, under the umbrella body of the Kenya Bankers Association (KBA), have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), and Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) with the purpose of spurring the development of the banking industry’s green bonds programme. With IFC’s support, banks in Kenya will review their portfolios to identify climatealigned (green) assets that can be refinanced as well as new assets that would form the pipeline to be financed from the green bond proceeds. The collaboration between KBA, the IFC and the NSE will aim to provide KBA member banks with technical support in green finance in conjunction with other climate finance initiatives undertaken by IFC in other markets, including South Africa and Turkey. The partnership will also serve to support Kenya’s Vision 2030 ambition to become a leading financial centre in Eastern and Southern Africa and one of Africa’s fastest-growing economies. KBA Chief Executive Officer, Habil Olaka, acknowledged IFC’s global experience in sustainable finance. The IFC fosters sustainable economic growth in developing

countries by financing private sector investment, mobilizing capital in the international financial markets, and providing advisory services to businesses and governments. Through its advisory, IFC enabled more than $1.2 billion (Sh123.8 billion) in climaterelated investments in power, resource efficiency, green buildings, and public-private partnerships. Especially, in 2016 new green bond-financed commitments were close to $1 billion (Sh103.1 billion) worth invested in 35 projects across 22 countries, including 16 new markets. “There is a great opportunity for banks to attract funding aligned to climate change issues,” said Mr. Olaka. “The sectors in Kenya that require green finance include agriculture and agribusiness; manufacturing; building and construction; transportation and infrastructure; energy, among others. There is no shortage of investment opportunity. Therefore, we hope banks in this market will consider how they can tap this investment opportunity towards building their portfolios while also contributing to Kenya’s sustainable development,” he said. Nairobi Securities Exchange Chief Executive, Geoffrey Odundo said that the NSE was

enthusiastic that Kenya had the opportunities for green finance and banks would be able to tap the capital markets to attract new investors with dedicated allocations aligned to climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals. “The Exchange fully supports green financing and we see huge growth potential for the sector,” said Mr. Odundo. “The world continues to aspire for green and inclusive growth and we urge our listed and non listed entities to embrace the green bond market as an innovative and alternative way of raising finance from both domestic and external sources for sustainability-driven investments. The introduction of the issuance of green bonds will increase the priority for sustainable development within the region,” he said. IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in emerging markets. KBA is the financial sector’s leading advocacy group and banking industry umbrella body that represents total assets in excess of $37 billion (Sh3.8 trillion). The NSE is the principal securities exchange of Kenya. @Dennis_x254



ICT Ministry launches new TV station to address unemployment crisis MONDAY, MARCH 20, 2017

The government through the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, has launched Studio Mashinani and unveiled the Y254 TV channel in a bid to promote the creative arts and address the high rate of unemployment in Kenya. Studio Mashinani aims to take recording studios within the reach of communities at the grassroots level, where majority of talented youth reside. The project is piloting with five studios fitted with modern equipment, beginning with Machakos County, two in Nairobi and one each in Mombasa and Kisumu. The studios will be scaled up to 15 more across the country and eventually spread out to all the counties. The Ministry said that the inspiration behind the Studio Mashinani concept is Kenya’s enormous creativity and unexploited talent. The government body states that many talented youth hail from poor backgrounds and cannot afford the high cost of producing and recording their music and other creative content in commercial studios and earn from it. In November last year, the Ministry launched the Ajira Digital Programme to help address youth unemployment

by empowering and enabling over 1 million youth every year to earn a decent income. The infrastructure pillar of the Ajira Digital Programme comprises initiatives such as the Constituency Innovation Hubs, Y254 television channel and Studio Mashinani. The Constituency Innovation Hubs project is collaboration between the Ministry of ICT, Members of Parliament and the National Government Constituency Development Fund Board. The launch of Studio Mashinani and the Y254 TV channel, which took place on Friday, March 17, 2017, further pushes the Ajira Digital agenda. The Ajira Digital Program creates awareness and introduces unemployed youth to online work, providing training, resources and infrastructure that they require in order to get started and be successful in the digital workspace. “Today’s event comes at a time when the global economy is experiencing high unemployment rates and shrinking job opportunities. Youth unemployment in Kenya, for those between ages 15 and 34 years, constitutes 70 per cent of the unemployed workforce. According to World Bank statistics, close to 800,000 young people enter the Kenyan job

market annually, but only about 70,000 succeed in securing professional employment in the formal sector. The rest join the ‘Kibarua’ workforce and hustle for their day-to-day needs,” explained ICT Cabinet Secretary, Joe Mucheru at the launch. He noted that radical interventions needed to be put in place to reverse the unemployment trend as various studies have shown that Kenya needs to create about four million jobs for the youth by 2020. The Ministry noted that the online work sector has huge promise for solving the unemployment challenge with the digital space taking over most sectors. Already some 40,000 Kenyans earn a living through online work and the government is determined to leverage on this opportunity to scale up the numbers for the youth. “We have committed to provide free Wi-Fi, high-speed Internet connectivity and digital devices in all the 290 constituencies. Each constituency will have up to four innovation hubs to enable young people at the grassroots level to have equal access to online work and other digital opportunities through which they can develop their innovations and earn decent incomes,”

ICT Cabinet Secretary Joe Mucheru addresses a congregation during the Launch of Studio Mashinani on Friday. Photo: ltdEdwin Gitobu/Xnews the CS announced. The creative economy has huge career prospects that Kenya can exploit to sustain the livelihoods of talented youth. The sector has generated business empires around the world through entertainment ecosystems such as America’s Hollywood, India’s Bollywood, Nigeria’s Nollywood and now Riverwood. Coupled with other related initiatives such as the Digital Literacy Program, which seeks to inculcate digital proficiency at an early age, Kenya is on course to affirming its place as a digital powerhouse and propelling its way to a

knowledge-based economy. “I urge the youth to take full advantage of the opportunities that we are creating through the Ajira Digital Programme, either for online work or producing their creative talents at the Studio Mashinani,” concluded CS Mucheru. The rollout, which featured visiting Jamaican artistes Richie Spice, Etana and Luciano, will also mentor young talents through creatives, artistes, producers and professionals in the digital space to grow the number of youth employed in the digital space. @kevin_x254

Architects to showcase works as Kenya moves to host sustainable building design competition awards for Middle East and Africa Kenyans with projects at an advanced stage of design in the fields of architecture, building and civil engineering; landscape and urban design; as well as materials, products and construction technologies stand a chance to win 11 prizes worth Sh33.9 million in awards organized by the LafargeHolcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction. They will be expected to compete against their counterparts from the Middle East and Africa region. The awards will be presented at a ceremony scheduled to take place in Nairobi later this year. The affair is touted as the world’s most significant competition in sustainable design and takes place in parallel across five geographic regions – each with its own jury of renowned and independent specialists. Apart from Middle East Africa this includes Europe, Latin America, North America and Asia Pacific. The main category of the competition is open to architects, planners, engineers, project owners, builders and construction firms showcasing sustainable responses within contemporary building and construction. Projects must have reached an advanced stage of design, have a high probability of execution, and may not have started construction before July 4, 2016. In addition, students and professionals up to the age of 30 years may submit visionary concepts, bold ideas and “blue-sky” solutions in the Next Generation category of the competition, irrespective of the probability of implementation of the project. Submissions are evaluated against five “target issues” for sustainable construction. They take a holistic view at sustainability and cover innovation and transferability; ethical standards and social inclusion; resource and environmental performance; economic viability and compatibility; and contextual and aesthetic impact.

The Cayan Tower in Dubai (Second from left), the tallest twisted tower in the Middle East and Africa. The main winners automatically qualify for the global LafargeHolcim Awards competition in 2018. Entry into the online competition is free, as application can be done via the group’s website (lafargeholcimawards.org/intro). The application process closes on

March 21, 2017. The Foundation advances the discourse on sustainable construction through its international Awards competitions, Academic Forums, online knowledge-turntable and publications since 2003.

It is supported by LafargeHolcim, the leading global building materials and Solutions Company serving masons, builders, architects and engineers all over the world, but remains independent of commercial interests. @kevin_x254


Implement strong, sound mining sector policies World Bank Group tells Kenya MONDAY, MARCH 20, 2017

The World Bank has urged Kenya and its regional counterparts to enforce strong, sound legal policies in order to support the growth of the continent’s mining industry. The global lender has argued that a comprehensive legal framework is crucial for the proper governance of Africa’s mining sector. “However, access to and knowledge of the evolving legislation of many African countries has not kept pace,” the bank said in a statement issued this month. A number of African countries, including Kenya, have worked to adopt or revise their mining codes, seeking comparative information and guidance on benchmark practices in the process. Kenya’s mining sector stakeholders, for instance, are working fast to revamp the sector and cash in on new opportunities just as the price of gold is expected to jump in the coming months. Acacia Mining, a mineral exploration company, is in early talks about a possible merger with Canadian gold miner Endeavour Mining Corp. Acacia, which operates mines and exploration projects in Kenya, Tanzania, Burkina Faso and Mali, noted in January that there was no certainty of a deal but did not deny the possibility of an agreement between the two firms. Meanwhile, the Bank states that there is an absence of comparative data on mining laws and suitable templates for the African mining industry. “These laws are already public documents, yet their accessibility is stalled largely due to a lack of institutional capacity as well as a shortage of ways to deliver that information and data,” said the lender. In 2014 the World Bank Group, in partnership with the African Legal Support Facility and the African Union Commission, launched what is known as the African Mining Legislation



Umeme was the week’s top gainer after edging upwards by 14.5 per cent. The share price was up to Sh17.00 from the previous week’s close of Sh14.85. Year-to-date, its share price has gained 25.90 per cent, making it the best performing stock at the NSE.


Express Ltd Express Ltd was the week’s top loser after declining by 16.90 per cent over the course of the week’s trading. The share price closed at Sh2.70 from their previous closing price of Sh3.25. Year-to-date, its share price has lost 23.90 per cent. Analysis by Amana Capital info@ amanacapital.co.ke

(AMLA). The vision for AMLA is to catalyze discussion around the sustainable development of Africa’s mining sector through three avenues: To date, the AMLA project has trained 70 young African law students, 36 men and 34 women, from 18 countries. AMLA is available in English, French and Portuguese, and contains all 53 existing African mining codes

in searchable format, as well as a comparison feature that allows users to compare the legislation provisions of 37 countries (and counting) across 98 commonly addressed topics in a mining law. Earlier this year a new knowledge product was launched, the AMLA Guiding Template, a free online reference tool that provides guidance

on drafting or assessing a mining law based on Africa’s current realities. It covers over 200 topics, providing a detailed description of the subject matter and a menu of legislation sample provisions with accompanying annotations to explain the context, issues and useful features of the presented language. “Response to AMLA and the Guiding

Template has been overwhelmingly positive from all corners. A launch event was held at Mining Indaba, the world’s largest conference on mining investment in Africa. Senior government officials and Mining ministers from several African countries attended the event and hailed AMLA as a much needed initiative,” said the Bank. @Dennis_x254



KAM partners with Oxford Business Group in move to boost manufacturing sector MONDAY, MARCH 20, 2017

The Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) and the Oxford Business Group have teamed up to outline vital steps that seek to bolster the country’s manufacturing sector while increasing its contribution to the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP). This is after the two firms teamed up to analyse a document known as the Industrialisation Drive 2017 report, which would highlight challenges and opportunities within the sector. The move comes at a time when Kenya’s manufacturers face a tough operating climate marked by increased competition from cheap imports and neighbouring producers. The key role earmarked for KAM in bringing manufacturers and government representatives together is to look at what can be done to help the sector achieve the growth targets laid out in Kenya’s long-term development programme, Vision 2030. Phyllis Wakiaga, KAM’s CEO, acknowledged that these were difficult times for Kenya’s manufacturers, but said the Association remained positive about the sector’s prospects over time. “Sure, the manufacturing sector faces several hurdles to growth, ranging from high cost of electricity to import regulations, but we have also collaborated with government to achieve major wins in the recent past for industry; this assures us that moving forward things can only get better for local manufacturing, enabling us to realize our tremendous potential,” Wakiaga said. Aaron Teitelbaum, OBGs Editorial Manager in Kenya, said the meeting with KAM’s representatives had provided a welcome opportunity to listen to the hopes and concerns of local manufacturers, many of whom will be involved in the consultation process as the 2030 Vision development programme gains pace. “Our research has identified Kenya’s

KAM CEO Phyllis Wakiaga, flanked by OBG Country Manager Simona Simeonova (Left) and OBG Editorial Manager Aaron J. Teitelbaum showcase copies of The Report: Kenya 2016. manufacturing sector as a key driver of future growth in what is expected to become an increasingly industrialized economy,” he said. “The Kenya Association of Manufacturers is set to play a major role in keeping dialogue between the government and the private sector on track against a changing economic backdrop. I’m delighted that our team had the opportunity to hear

their views at what I’m sure will be the first of many discussions.” OBG’s team met KAM’s representatives as work begins on The Report: Kenya 2017, the Group’s forthcoming publication on the country’s economy. The publication will contain a detailed, sector-by-sector guide for investors, alongside contributions from leading personalities. @enock_x254

Launch of Nomad travel magazine to support tourism industry growth Kenya’s tourism sector has received a major boost after EatOut, an online platform that links consumers to local restaurants, announced the official entrance of Nomad, a free East Africa travel magazine aimed at a new breed of traveller seeking inspiration on places to go and things to do. “Every month, the Nomad team will bring local and international tourists diverse and exciting content on destinations, road trips, interviews with well-known figures, weekend escapes and more from around the region,” EatOut said in a statement. The inaugural edition features Kenya’s northern Rift Valley lakes, Baringo and Bogoria, and takes readers on a road trip across northern Kenya, while exploring weekend gems closer to home. It also features Kampala as seen through the eyes of Lamic Kirabo, a fashion blogger, a glimpse into the story behind Zanzibar’s boutique hotel, Emerson Spice, and a checklist of great adventures to try in 2017. EatOut’s publishing journey began with Yummy, a food and drinks magazine that spoke to Kenya’s urban elite. Over the past three years, Yummy has established a reputation as a consistently high-quality publication on which both advertisers and readers can rely. EatOut decided to launch Nomad as a result of a rapidlygrowing appetite within the region for travel around Africa. Nomad launches with the support of the Kenya Tourist Board, one of the industry’s most respected brands. “This is a really exciting time to launch a new travel magazine,” said Catrina Stewart, Nomad’s editor-in chief. “With the slump in international tourism in recent years, regional travel is more accessible than ever. We aim to reach a growing breed of adventurous travellers looking for inspiration on where to go close to home.” Mikul Shah, Director of EatOut, explained that Yummy surpassed all their expectations and has become popular with readers in Nairobi and Kampala. “We realised a gap in the market and started conceptualising a publication targeting domestic and regional travel,’’ said Shah. “The KTB and East African Tourism Platform have been extremely helpful, guiding us with insights and connecting us to the various stakeholders in the region. I’m delighted that we are finally set to launch Nomad and hope that we will inspire readers to explore more of East Africa,” he added. Nomad will be distributed for free in Kenya with an initial print run of 8,000 copies. EatOut said readership will extend far beyond that, with readers engaged through social media promotions on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. @enock_x254

Unilever kicks off dental hygiene drive ahead of Oral Health Day Unilever’s toothpaste brand, Pepsodent, in collaboration with Kenya Dental Association (KDA) marked World Oral Health Day with a campaign to educate Kenyans on oral hygiene. The brand, through its school activation programme, reached out to over 35,000 children across the country, teaching them the health benefits of oral hygiene. World Oral Health Day is marked annually on March 20 across the globe with the aim of highlighting the benefits of a healthy mouth and promoting worldwide awareness of issues around oral health. “We know that reinforcing good tooth brushing habits in children sets them up for better oral health in the future, which in turn leads to better overall health outcomes,” said Unilever

Marketing Director Pawan-Kumar Marella. Marella was speaking at Olympic Primary School in Nairobi. The campaign was carried out in 33 public primary schools across Kenya with the aim of educating young children on the importance of oral hygiene. The pupils were also educated on the importance of brushing morning and evening using toothpaste. A report by NHS Tayside estimates that more than one billion people do not use fluoride toothpaste, and over three billion do not brush their teeth twice a day. The result is that Africa is in the throes of an oral health crisis, where dental decay affects nearly 100 per cent of adults and up to 90 per cent of children.

In Kenya, about 70.2 per cent of children avoid visiting a dentist mainly because of pain or discomfort as indicated by the Kenya National Oral Health Survey of 2015. Unilever says untreated tooth decay can have a serious and long-lasting effect on children’s growth, brain development and overall health. With many children consequently missing out on school and social opportunities, they can fail to reach their full potential in life. Pepsodent in partnership with World Dental Federation (FDI) is on a mission to reach 25 million schoolchildren in Africa by 2020 with faceto-face engagement, through its school oral health programmes, teaching them when and how best to brush their teeth for optimal oral health, today and later

in life. “It is wonderful to see so many people from all walks of life coming together today to share the message of oral hygiene on World Oral Health Day,” said Dr Andrew Wetende, Chairman Kenya Dental Association. “In Kenya, we are facing serious oral health hygiene concerns and the more people learn to care for their mouths, the happier and healthier our communities will be. KDA is grateful to have the opportunity to help patients make informed and confident decisions about their oral health, including the use of clinically proven oral care products,” concluded Dr Wetende. This year’s theme for Unilever World Oral Health Day is “Live Mouth SmartBrush Day And Night” and, Mr Marella

said, “we need to empower more people to take control of their oral health – throughout their life – so they can enjoy a healthy, functional mouth from childhood into old age. Maintaining optimal oral health into old age ensures you live not only a longer life, but also one free from the physical pain and often emotional suffering caused by oral diseases.” Meanwhile, Pepsodent has introduced a mobile phone based behaviour change campaign dubbed Little Brush, Big Brush to help families with children build better tooth-brushing habits through fun and play. This will be delivered on people’s mobile phones through Facebook Messenger. @Dennis_x254

MONDAY, MARCH 20, 2017


Doesn’t Raj seem just seem unlikeable from is a terrible person or artiste but he just has one of those faces. Anyway Okemwa Rajiv, is a very talented musician. He is single handedly creating an entire genre of music that is has so many tracks that could be hits but are bubbling under the radar. Trap music does not always work out when Kenyan rappers try to translate the know. To put it simply most trap music sounds terrible but Raj is somehow making it work. His biggest solo hit, ‘Obe Baba’ is genius, not because of its lyricism or anything of the sort but because even with the girls it is unpretentious in what is. His Kissi Flow, as he has termed it, is incredibly innovative and fun which is surprising because the rapper

new acts who don’t get the credit they deserve

scene, “I had a hard time accessing studios. A couldn’t give me the opportunity to step up to the microphone and do my thing.” He said in best thing in the song he produced and featured in with Noti Flow, ‘She Don’t Know.’


not seen in many up and coming musicians. His voice might be high in that vaguely feminine manner but the ladies seem to like it. ‘Matwana’ with the metaphors but it actually shows just what an absence of singers who are modern and

producer Musyoka.

Musicians they do come and go but let’s give these ones a moment in the limelight.

himself. Here’s the thing though the industry

takes on government over ‘Studio Mashinani’


to release ‘Chali ya Ghetto’

ot on the heels of the launch of the ‘Studio Mashinani’ project, H Sauti Sol’s Bien –Aime- Baraza now claims it was his idea and that he had been swindled by the government. The singer



Strangely enough Brian Nadra too doesn’t seem

Local entertainment content to be boosted through ‘Talent ni kazi’

he government is set to see through the production of more local content through the ‘talent ni kazi’ hook in the ‘Studio Mashinani’ project. ‘Studio Mashinani’ will make it affordable to produce and record and eventually popularize and commercialize talents from all over the country through Y254 and other digital platforms. Talented youth will benefit through equal access to the right tools, mentorship and technologies that can progress them to the next level of their creative careers. Y254 TV is an offshoot of KBC, which recognizes the need to have a dedicated station to promote local talent. When fully operational, the creative productions by local artists will increase supply to the demand for local content by local broadcast stations. The content produced will boost the efforts by broadcast stations to comply with the statutory 45 to 60 percent requirement for local content.

desperately needs someone like Brian Nadra. We do have singers who don’t get enough shine but here is one who’s singing without too much fuss. He makes pop music that isn’t necessarily terribly organic but it is easy to listen to.



took to Instagram on Friday to rant, saying: ‘On December 29 2015 I had the honour to meet The President. The agenda was Kenya Music Industry and Youth. My @sautisol brothers and I shared a proposal called STUDIO MASHINANI with His Excellency. It was an extensive project involving Music studios, community radio, ICT Centres and Libraries with the spirit of community service. We were further instructed to give the proposal to Bruce Odhiambo who was at the time Chair of the Youthfund office. We teamed up with Raphael Obonyo @raph_ obonyo Cedric Kadenyi tighten the whole proposal with budgets and standard operating systems for the project.’ The Proposal was sent to the relevant parties. Only to wake up today a year and some months later to see the project being launched countrywide by a JAMAICAN ARTIST!!!!!! NOT EVEN A KENYAN!!!!! I feel so robbed. I plan to make everything public soon. Just so that the ones who want to can learn from it.’



featuring Rayvanny

enyan celebrated rap artiste Khaligraph Jones, has announced that he will soon be releasing his latest single dubbed ‘Chali ya Ghetto’ which features Tanzanian Wasafi Records star, Rayvanny. This comes after a successful mashup performance by the duo at a popular Nairobi club.




MONDAY, MARCH 20, 2017


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MONDAY, MARCH 20, 2017





OKSYDE FT KHALIGRAPH It’s about time we admitted that trap beats do not necessarily work with just everything. Atiyo Matek’s beat might be interesting but they are doing too much and almost nothing for the artistry of the song. Khaligraph, not one to be outdone does carry the song and somehow makes it work despite the inconsistency of the entire track. This is also not Oksyde at 100, he could do better.


Etana on stage performing.


Fest rocks reggae fans

When will Mayonde get her dues? The songstress puts out nothing but quality cuts but doesn’t seem to be as big as she should be. ‘Nairobi’ is a lot rougher around the edges than the music she usually produces but it’s still a great song. The visuals are also stunning which is Joan Poggio’s work, who shot and directed the video. Stonee Jiwe also happens to be another underrated artiste who deserves a moment in the spotlight.

Fans at the Dobba Fest.


eggae die-hards from all over the city were once again treated to a great show by some heavyweights in the industry on Saturday March 18th 2017. Legends Luciano and Richie Spice accompanied by songstress Etana entertained the crowd till the early hours of the morning with some of their biggest and best hits. Here are the scenes. PHOTOS/GITOBU EDWIN/XNEWS

Richie Spice perfroming his hit songs.

Women’s Edition

A section of Etana’s group performing on stage.

proves to be a big hit


Luciano wows the crowd.

he 16th Edition of the Koroga Festival went down at the Tstage Sunday March 19th 2017 at the Nairobi Arboretum. On the was Nyota Ndogo, Lady JayDee and Lira-who put up a 2-hour set including engaging in a meet and greet with her fans. Check out the pics. PHOTOS/GITOBU EDWIN/XNEWS

BADO Who else still thought Bobby Mapesa was slightly saved? Anyway we were wrong by most accounts and this song proves it. We cannot sufficiently describe the confusion that surrounds this song. It’s just so messy. The beat is actually very good but everything else is bottom tier. You can see what they were aiming for--an old school vibe but it fell short of even that. If you can look past that then maybe ‘BADO” is a diamond in the rough.

KOROGA Lady JayDee closing her set. Nyota Ndogo Performing on stage.

Anne Maina, Moniq Nduby, Lindah Shiza, Faith Munyeki, Winnie Oluoch and Carol Chichy.



MONDAY, MARCH 20, 2017

Hall praises debutants in AFC’s 3-0 win over Nakumatt

Gor Mahia fullback Karim Nzigiyimana celebrates with midfielder Kenneth Muguna after the latter scored their lone goal against Zoo Kericho at the Moi stadium in Kisumu on Saturday. PHOTO: COURTESY

Expect more, midfielder Muguna tells K’Ogalo fans

Gor Mahia maintained their perfect start to the season with a 1-0 victory over Zoo Kericho with new signing Kenneth Muguna scoring the lone goal at the Moi Stadium in Kisumu over the weekend. And while the KPL record champions seek to wrestle the title back from reigning Champions Tusker with an early grip on the race, Muguna was more delighted to have announced his arrival at the Green Army with a goal. The KPL most valuable player now wants his new fans to expect even more this season. “Of course getting your first goal for a new club is such a pleasant thing. I am happy how my settling in has been. Fans should expect more in this campaign,” said the player whose solo strike in the first half handed Zoo their second consecutive loss of the season.

Gor Mahia coach Jose Marcelo ‘Ze Maria Ferreira had praise for his new signing with the former western Stima’s man strike joining Rwandese Jean-Baptiste Mugiraneza, another January signing who scored last week against Kariobangi Sharks. “The new players have hit the ground running which is a pleasant thing for us the coaching staff. With the many target we have this season, such early signs are encouraging,” Ze Maria said. The weekend also saw Posta Rangers held to a barren draw by Bandari FC at the Thika Stadium while a late David Ojwang’ strike helped Chemelil Sugar fight back to earn a point against Kakamega Homeboyz after David Okoth had given them a first half lead. Nzoia Sugar FC versus Mathare United at the Sudi Stadium yielded no goals as the hosts

who stunned champions Tusker FC 5-2 in their opening match last weekend laboured to find their rhythm on home turf. Yesterday, Thika United inflicted champions Tusker FC their second defeat in as many matches with Eugene Mukangula and Mwinyi Kibwana scoring on either side of halftime. AFC Leopards travelled to promoted side Nakumatt FC for their first league match of the season and registered a comprehensive 3-0 victory. Fresh from being re-admitted to KPL after a long battle, Muhoroni Youth managed a narrow 1-0 win over newly prompted Kariobangi Sharks at the Muhoroni stadium while Sofapaka FC lost by a similar margin to Sony Sugar at the Afraha Stadium in Nakuru.

Muller sends Bayern 13 points clear Thomas Muller’s second-half goal sent Bayern Munich 13 points clear at the top of the Bundesliga as they beat Borussia Monchengladbach. Second-placed RB Leipzig’s 3-0 defeat at Werder Bremen on Saturday gave Bayern the chance to extend their lead. But Carlo Ancelotti’s side made hard work of it despite dominating possession, with Arjen Robben hitting the post in the first half. Muller drove in from Thiago Alcantara’s chip midway through the second half. The goal, Muller’s second in the Bundesliga this season, kept

Bayern on course for a fifth successive league title. Bayern were not at their best, with top scorer Robert Lewandowski heading over from Muller’s cross early on, and skewing a shot wide when well placed after half-time. Ancelotti’s side eased off after taking the lead, and might have paid for that, with Javi Martinez almost turning Thorgan Hazard’s cross into his own net, and making a vital block to deny Josip Drmic. In Sunday’s other Bundesliga game, Schalke moved up to ninth with a 1-0 win at Mainz, secured by Sead Kolasinac’s goal five minutes into the second half.

Bayern Munich’s Thomas Muller reacts after scoring their lone goal against Borussia Monchengladbach during yesterday’s Bundesliga clash at the Bay Arena. PHOTO: COURTESY

AFC Leopards head coach Stewart Hall had special praise for debutants Gilbert Fiamenyo, Marcellus Ingotsi who introduced themselves to Ingwe faithful with goals in their 3-0 win over Nakumatt FC in a Kenyan Premier League match played at the Thika Stadium yesterday. Paul Mungai Kiongera was the other name on the scoresheet. Hall had before the match expressed his uncertainties concerning the club’s striking prowess, an area he was not fully satisfied with going into their first league match. But he had a different opinion after the encounter. “We are impressed with a big win on the first match. Overall we played well in all departments though I expected my players to shrug to some extent. Surely we will meet tougher opponents, going forward,” he said. Ex-AFC Leopards forward Kepha Aswani and Robert Omunuk had little to trouble Ian Otieno who was preferred ahead of Gabriel Andika, though the Briton says both keepers are his number one. There was a sense of uncertainty with fans not sure of what to expect from a team that won only a single match in the second half of last season, however going by that display, a new sense of optimism is now creeping back.

TP Mazembe in shock Champions League exit TP Mazembe of the Democratic Republic of Congo suffered a shock exit from this year’s African Champions League, losing on the away-goals ruling to Zimbabwe’s CAPS United in Harare. Mazembe were under pressure after being held to a 1-1 draw in the first leg of their last-32 tie at home in Lubumbashi last weekend The away-goal proved to be crucial for CAPS United who withstood the pressure from Mazembe in the second leg in Harare, earning a 0-0 draw. Mazembe, won the African Champions League in 2015, were left frustrated by the Zimbabwean underdogs on Sunday in their search for a goal. As in the first leg in Lubumbashi, CAPS United’s goalkeeper, Edmore Sibanda, stood firm to deny the DR Congo giants a chance to score. It means Mazembe now drop into the African Confederation Cup play-off round, where they will look to defend the title they won in 2016. The result is a huge accomplishment for CAPS United of Zimbabwe who have returned to the African Champions League after an 11-year absence. They will now enter the group phase of the tournament which has been expanded from eight to 16 clubs.


Barca beat Valencia in six goal thriller MONDAY, MARCH 20, 2017

Lionel Messi struck twice as Barcelona beat 10-man Valencia in a thrilling match to move two points behind La Liga leaders Real Madrid. Eliaquim Mangala headed the visitors in front from a corner, before Luis Suarez steered in an equaliser. Messi’s penalty made it 2-1 after Manchester City loanee Mangala was sent off for dragging back Suarez, but Munir El Haddadi swept Valencia level. Messi scored his second after the break and Andre Gomes made it four late on. Barcelona desperately needed a victory after losing ground in the title race with a surprise 2-1 defeat at Deportivo last weekend. In the end, they should have won by more goals than they did - but they were all over the place defensively for the first hour. Luis Enrique’s three-man back line was caught out too often, with Munir denied by keeper Marc-Andre ter Stegen when clean through seconds before Mangala scored from the resulting corner. Valencia were equally sloppy in defence, though. Ezequiel Garay was outpaced down their right by Suarez on more than one occasion, and the Uruguay international was quick to pounce for the equaliser when the visitors switched off at a Neymar throw-in.

Mangala, already on a yellow card, could have no complaints about his dismissal just before half-time. Enrique, though, had plenty of reason to fume when his own defenders allowed Munir, on loan from Barcelona, all the time he wanted to turn in Jose Luis Gaya’s pull-back. Barcelona did not seem to know how to cover their right flank defensively, and Enrique eventually sent on Sergi Roberto in a move to a back four. That settled the home side, who could have had plenty more goals - with Neymar going closest as he hit the post with a free-kick. In the end, they settled for two in the second half; Messi - La Liga’s leading scorer - caught out keeper Diego Alves with a near-post drive and substitute Gomes tapped in from Neymar’s pass. In Ligue 1, Kylian Mbappe scored twice to take his goal tally to nine in seven games as leaders Monaco beat Caen. The 18-year-old striker, who has been called up to the France squad for the first time, put Monaco ahead in the 13th minute after a wonderful piece of skill, turning two defenders to score. He won a penalty just after half-time, which was scored by Fabinho, before scoring with a header late in the game. Monaco are three points clear of Paris

Barcelona´s Lionel Messi (L) and Luis Suarez celebrate after scoring against Valencia CF during their La Liga match against Valencia at Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona, last night. PHOTO: ALEJANDRO GARCIA/EPA

St-Germain, who beat Lyon 2-1. All the goals at the Parc des Princes came in the first half, with Adrien Rabiot and Julian Draxler scoring for PSG after Alexandre Lacazette had


given the visitors a seventh-minute lead. Nice drew 1-1 with Nantes on Saturday to stay third, four points behind Unai Emery’s side.

Mbappe has scored 17 goals in all competitions this season, including one in Monaco’s midweek Champions League last-16 win over Manchester City.

MONDAY, MARCH 20, 2017


Liverpool draw one of my special days - Guardiola M

anchester City manager Pep Guardiola said his side’s performance in the 1-1 draw with Liverpool gave him “one of the most special days in his life”. Guardiola has won two Champions Leagues, six domestic titles and four cups in his stellar career. But he said he took as much pleasure from the way City responded to the “sadness” of their midweek Champions League exit in Monaco. “I am so proud,” he said. “This is one of the most special days of my life.” He added: “We lived a tough two days after being out of Champions League. We were sad. “Liverpool had all week to prepare and they always fight until the last moment. “That is why I am so happy. More than ever I am willing to help the club take the next step forward over the next years if they want to stay with me.” The 46-year-old refused to say whether that meant he would be prepared to extend his contract, which still has over two years to run. His side had to respond after falling behind to James Milner’s 51st-minute penalty. Aguero equalised on 69 minutes when he turned home Kevin de Bruyne’s low right-wing cross from six yards. It was the Argentina forward’s 25th goal of the season and Aguero could have had another in the final minute when he volleyed over from the edge of the area. City captain David Silva and makeshift right-back Fernandinho wasted good opportunities, although none was as good as the chance Adam L a l l a n a missed 10 minutes from time after Roberto Firmino

left him with only goalkeeper Willy Caballero to beat. Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp was amused by his counterpart’s comments on the significance of City’s performance. Klopp said: “He is Spanish. They are a little bit more emotional than Germans.” But the Reds boss could offer no explanation for Lallana’s miss and defended the England international, who apologised in the dressing room. Klopp said: “Adam is one of the best technical players I ever worked with. “These things can happen. He said sorry afterwards. I said why? His performance was outstanding.” The result did not make a major difference to the battle to finish in the top four with City now two points behind second-placed Tottenham, while Liverpool are a point further back in fourth, having played a game more. Manchester United are in fifth with 52 points, four behind Liverpool, but with two games in hand, while Arsenal and Everton, who go to Anfield for the Merseyside derby immediately after the international break, are level on 50 points. Klopp said: “We are still in a battle and our next game is not only a derby, it is a really important game.

Liverpool’s Roberto Firminho (Left) challenges Manchester City defender Nicolas Otamendi during their English Premier League draw at the Etihad Stadium last evening. PHOTO: NIGEL RODDIS/EPA

Published By Xtra Publishing Limited, Chancery Building, Valley Road, Nairobi | Printed at The Standard Group Centre, Mombasa Road, Nairobi. Paul Marshall-CEO, Fred Bunei-Finance Manager, Josiah Musee-Advertising Manager, Peter Obuya-Editor

Ulinzi now shift focus to KPL after CAF elimination

P15 P14

Ulinzi Stars how now shifted their focus to the Kenya Premier League after being dumped out of the CAF Confederation Cup in the first round. The four-time KPL winners beat Egyptian side Smouha SC 3-0 at the Machakos Stadium on Saturday but it was not enough to overturn their 4-0 thrashing in Cairo a week earlier. Coach Benjamin Nyangweso is now urging his charges focus on winning the league title for the first time in seven years. Of concern to Nyangweso and the coaching staff is the lack of goals from the club’s forwards with Baron Oketch, Enoch Ochieng and Oscar Wamalwa yet to fill the huge void left by departed marksman John Makwatta. Despite that, midfielder Samuel Onyango’s put in a man-of-the-match display scoring a first half double as the Soldiers looked to overturn the first leg deficit. “It is unfortunate to leave the competition at the first round. We exit however, with our heads high. His is the kind of performance we want to carry into our KPL matches. While there is a concern for lack of goals from our strikers, I remain upbeat they will come,” said the coach. Nyangweso added Saturday’s performance was a sign the club is now ready to move on without John Mark Makwatta, their top scorer for the last two years following his move to Slovakia’s FC Nitra. “If one player moves out obviously another one will come and now Samuel has started scoring goals after Makwata moved and I hope Samuel will fill his shoes well,” he stated. Ulinzi play newcomers Kariobangi Sharks in their KPL opener having missed two ties against AFC Leopards and Western Stima due to CAF commitments.

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