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WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 2017 | WWW.x254.Co







IEBC hits back at Nasa I ndependent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has criticised the opposition coalition - the National Super Alliance (NASA) - for ‘putting the country in panic mode’ by claiming that the electoral body is ill-prepared to conduct credible polls in August this year. Nasa leaders while in Tharaka Nithi County yesterday questioned IEBC’s preparedness with Musalia Mudavadi – one of the coalition’s leaders – asking the electoral body to come out in the open and tell Kenyans whether they are ready for the polls of not. The opposition claim that IEBC has not put in all the required checks to ensure a free and fair election in August. “If anything goes wrong during

the elections, IEBC will solely be responsible because Kenyans are not ready for another bungled election,” said Moses Wetangula, another leader of the coalition. But the electoral body has not taken the remarks kindly. Speaking today during a stakeholders meeting with the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) in Limuru, IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati warned that the remarks such as those made by the opposition could create tension ahead of the polls. He also said such utterances may keep Kenyans away from voting come the election day. “What are you telling Kenyans when you say that the IEBC is not ready? People will not come out to vote in the face of such remarks,” Chebukati said. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission Chairman Wafula Chebukati (center) addresses the press on their preparedness for the coming general eletcions at IEBC headquarters in Nairobi yesterday. With him are IEBC commissioners and the Agency’s chief executive Ezra Chiloba (far left). PHOTO: COURTESY

Shoot to kill order is for bandits, DP Ruto insists Deputy President William Ruto has sort to clarify a shoot-to-kill order he issued to security personnel battling cattle rustlers in Kerio Valley saying it was issued only for bandits. The order issued on Monday has been met with opposition from some local leaders including West Pokot senator John Lonyangapuo who have called on

President Uhuru Kenyatta to reverse it. Prof Lonyangapuo who addressed a press conference in Nairobi yesterday alongside Kapenguria MP Samuel Moroto and Baringo County Assembly Speaker William Kamket said Ruto’s order will only worsen the situation as it might lead to the killing of innocent people.

But the Deputy President took to his twitter account to respond. “We are targeting bandits not innocent Kenyans,” he tweeted. “Bandits who have stolen livestock, killed, displaced thousands of women and children, with 8,000 out of school must be dealt with decisively,” he CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 added.



IEBC slams Nasa for ‘ill-prepared’ remarks WEDNESDAY MARCH 1, 2017

From Page 1 He reiterated his commission’s readiness to deliver a credible election despite numerous hurdles his monthold team has faced in the process. “Politicians should not run to the press with unclear facts on our preparedness yet you haven’t come to us to address these issues,” he added. IEBC has faced a continued onslaught from NASA principals who insist the commission’s unpreparedness is likely to bungle the entire electoral process. On Monday, Raila Odinga warned of ‘possible problems’ if the IEBc does not move to thoroughly clean its voters’ register. And he followed up on the matter along another Principal Kalonzo Musyoka while in Tharaka Nithi yesterday. But Chebukati dispelled those fears saying his commission will conduct an exercise to verify the voter register from May 10 to June 10. He noted that the main challenge they faced was the procurement of elections materials that made them re-advertise the tender for the supply and delivery of ballot papers. Chebukati also pointed out that IEBC was contemplating barring aspirant with ethical and integrity cases despite the mandate to clear all aspirants before they present their certificates to the electoral commission falling on the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) and the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI).

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He also warned politicians against declaring having won the elections yet even procurement of materials had not been done. The chairman further added that returning officers would be reshuffled

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to avoid familiarity with the 40,000 aspirants it expects to contest in the elections. IEBC CEO Ezra Chiloba had announced that the agency would give weekly briefings every Tuesday on

election preparedness that would help in answering questions from the public. “I have discussed with my office to hold an open-dialogue national conference possibly in June to address such issues,” Chebukati added.

Shoot to kill order is for bandits, DP Ruto insists From Page 1 But Prof Lonyangapuo says the orders are illegal. “Who gave Deputy President powers to issue a shoot to kill order? That order should be reversed immediately and all area leaders called for a peace meeting,” Lonyangapuo said. Lonyangapuo said that the shoot-tokill order by the Deputy President was a discriminative operation targeting the Pokot Community. He said criminals may take advantage of the programme to harm citizens. “This illegal order should be stopped by the President. The selective arming of neighbouring communities against the Pokot under National Police Reservists (NPRs) along with shoot-to kill orders will potentially isolate the Pokot community and cause them to lose faith in the current government especially during this time of election,” he warned. He claimed the Deputy President and the Inspector General of Police Joseph Boinnet ignored them on Monday and only decided to call a few leaders for their meeting. “Why was the area senator Gideon Moi not invited in the meeting? I was also not invited while we are the area leaders. The selective calling of leaders to accompany

the Deputy President will not end the insecurity we must all be involved,” he said. He also accused Boinnet of impartiality in the clashes that has seen dozens of people killed as cattle rustlers turn Kerio Valley into a playground. “We request President Kenyatta to save the Pokot community from extinction,” Perof Lonyangapuo appealed. Moroto attributed the recent clashes to political rivalry between former Inspector General of Police David Kimaiyo and Elgeyo Marakwet Senator Kipchumba Murkomen. “The political rivalry between Murkomen and Kimaiyo has fueled clashes in Baringo. Innocent electorates are suffering because the interests of an individual are being protected,” claimed Moroto. Speaker Kamket said IG Joseph Boinnet and Ruto were ill-advised to launch the programme. “By arming civilians from one community and not the other, the Deputy President has actually created a militia in Baringo who will kill people using his name,” Kamket said. “Instead of disarming people in the region, the Deputy President is now the head of a militia. I wonder who advises him,” Kamket added.

ABOVE: National Super Alliance leaders Kalonzo Musyoka and Musalia Mudavadi in a jig at the Marimati grounds in Tharaka Nithi County where the opposition leaders held a rally yesterday. They questioned IEBC’s preparedness to conduct free and fair elections in August.

Governors protest US travel restriction

The Council of Governors (CoG) has termed a move by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to restrict the issuance of United States visas to governors as discriminatory and unconstitutional. The governors have threatened to move to the courts to challenge the decision if the new travel and visa rules are not withdrawn immediately. In a statement to Newsrooms, Council of Governors Chairman Peter Munya said the directive by Ambassador E. M. Barine, Director, Parliament and County Affairs that county chiefs will only be issued with A visas to travel to United States only when transacting national government duties, was in a bad taste and against the complementarity spirit between the two levels of government. “It is the Foreign Affairs ministry that issues diplomatic notes for foreign missions in Kenya for travel by state officers, hence it is discriminatory and unconstitutional for it to deny diplomatic notes to a section of constitutionally recognised state office holders,” Munya said in a letter addressed to the principal secretaries in the ministries of Foreign Affairs and Devolution. According to the new regulations, travelling to the US exclusively on behalf of their County government do not qualify for official visa whether travelling on diplomatic passport or not.


Fresh Uber row as boss swears at driver upset with ‘low’ fares WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 2017

Give IEBC time to work, Bishop Sapit urges leaders

The Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) Jackson ole Sapit has urged the political class to give electoral commission conducive environment to conduct a free and fair poll in August. Sapit said IEBC needs to operate in an environment devoid of intimidation from politicians. “As the country gears up for the 2017 elections, we want to urge politicians as they engage in political processes and activities that they should ensure the election is held in a peaceful environment by not inciting supporters but abide by the electoral rules and regulations,” Sapit said. “There is need to avoid any interference in the work of the electoral body,” he added. Sapit said credible polls can only be delivered when all stakeholders play their part and accord each other the necessary assistance. “We cannot demand too much from IEBC while at the same time intimidate or give them unnecessary conditions,” Sapit said. The ACK Archbishop urged the electoral commission to ensure civic education is conducted early enough. “Civic education to members of the public forms an integral part in delivering a credible poll and therefore IEBC should give it adequate time,” Sapit said. @sam_x254

Uber boss Travis Kalanick has apologised after a video emerged of him swearing at one of the company’s drivers. The outburst came after Fawzi Kamel, who was driving the chief executive, complained his income was falling and blamed Uber’s fare structure. In an email to staff, Mr Kalanick said he was “ashamed” of his behaviour and admitted he needed to “grow up”. Just two weeks ago he apologised for “abhorrent” sexism at Uber. Bloomberg published the video showing a row between Mr Kalanick and Mr Kamel, a driver who picked him up in early February. After a back and forth about lower prices on Uber’s service, Mr Kalanick eventually told the 37-year-old: “Some people don’t like to take responsibility... They blame everything in their life on somebody else. Good luck!” In his staff memo, Mr Kalanick said: “By now I’m sure you’ve seen the video where I treated an Uber driver disrespectfully, To say that I am ashamed is an extreme understatement. “My job as your leader is to lead… and that starts with behaving in a way that makes us all proud. That is not what I did, and it cannot be explained away. “It’s clear this video is a reflection of me - and the criticism we’ve received is a stark reminder that I must fundamentally change as a leader

and grow up. This is the first time I’ve been willing to admit that I need leadership help and I intend to get it. “I want to profoundly apologise to Fawzi, as well as the driver and rider community, and to the Uber team.” Uber has been facing serious backlash from drivers complaining reduced fares have eaten into their income. In Kenya, the government has already asked the US-based taxihailing company to revise its fare charges in an upward trend. Transport Principal Secretary, Irungu Nyakera says the move is aimed at luring back drivers who have left the lucrative business since August 2016. “In August 2016, Uber lowered its fare prices by 35% directly eating into Uber drivers’ revenues, a move that has seen a majority of drivers exit the business,” said Nyakera. A file picture dated 12 July 2012 of Travis Kalanick, CEO and Co-Founder at Uber, attending a past Technology Conference in Sun Valley Idaho, USA. PHOTO: ANDREW GOMBERT/ EPA



Trump vows ‘renewal of American spirit’ as he deliverd first speech to Congress

President Donald Trump has said the US is witnessing a “renewal of the American spirit”, as he delivered his first speech to Congress. Adopting a measured, upbeat tone, the Republican president spoke of a “new chapter of American greatness”. Mr Trump condemned recent vandalism of Jewish cemeteries and a shooting in Kansas that left an Indian man dead. His primetime address sought to bolster his low approval ratings after a bumpy start to his fledgling presidency. At the outset of Tuesday night’s hour-long speech, Mr Trump tackled recent suspected hate crimes, saying “we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all its very ugly forms”. On immigration, he dangled the intriguing possibility of a major policy shift towards a goal that eluded his two predecessors, insisting that “real and positive” reform was possible. That line came hours after he told news anchors off the record at a White House lunch that he might be open to granting legal status to undocumented immigrants. In his remarks on Capitol Hill, the president also talked tough on the issue, pledging to make US communities safer “by finally enforcing our immigration laws”. He defended his early actions in office, touting his moves to withdraw the US from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal and order work to start on a US-Mexico border wall. In other highlights of his speech, Mr Trump said the US “strongly supports Nato”, but members of the alliance “must meet their financial obligations.” He outlined a blueprint for an

US President Donald J. Trump delivers his first address to a joint session of Congress from the floor of the House of Representatives in Washington, DC, USA, last night. Traditionally the first address to a joint session of Congress by a newly-elected president is not referred to as a State of the Union. PHOTO: JIM LO SCALZO/EPA

Obamacare replacement that included ensuring access to coverage for those with pre-existing conditions; promised “massive tax relief for the middle class”, though he offered little in the way of specifics and also asked Congress to pass a $1tn (£800bn) infrastructure package. The president drew loud applause when he railed against the so-called Islamic State and promised to “extinguish this vile enemy from our planet” But the most thunderous ovation of the night came when a war widow wept as

Mr Trump paid tribute to her husband. Navy Seal Ryan Owens died in a controversial US raid on a suspected al-Qaeda base in Yemen, days into Mr Trump’s presidency. Several Yemeni civilians, including children, were also believed to have been killed, leading to questions over the operation’s readiness and effectiveness. The navy seal’s father refused to meet President Trump when his son’s body was returned home last month. “Ryan’s legacy is etched into eternity,” Mr Trump told the grieving Carryn

Owens, who sobbed and looked upwards. It was one of the rare moments when lawmakers on both sides of the aisle applauded. Despite the president’s appeal for both parties to “unite for the good of our country”, Democratic lawmakers mostly sat in silence or openly laughed at parts of the speech. Mr Trump’s feel-good rallying cry for national unity, some noted, was in stark contrast to his doom-laden inauguration speech of a month ago.

China now mulls cash bonus for second kids

The Chinese government may consider giving families financial incentives to have a second child in a bid to reach higher birth rate targets. It marks a dramatic turnaround from more than four decades of the country’s one-child policy when there were harsh penalties for having more than one, including fines and forced abortions. Wang Peian, the vice-minister of the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC), said the commission is considering “birth rewards and subsidies” for second children, the state-owned China Daily reported on Tuesday. Wang made the announcement on Saturday during a meeting of the China Social Welfare Academy, a Chinese NGO that works closely with the government. A spokesperson for the organization declined commenting on Wang’s speech to CNN. The announcement was in part prompted by a survey the NHFPC carried out in 2015, showing that 60% of families polled were reluctant to have a second child because of financial constraints,

according to China Daily. China overturned its one-child policy in October 2015, allowing couples across the country to have two children. Birth rates have risen since then, but the government is trying to meet higher birth rate targets as the population ages. Lu Jiehua, a sociology professor at Peking University, said that financial incentives for a second child are a “positive signal.” But how much the government can afford to subsidize -- in a country where the cost of living and education are skyrocketing -- will determine whether the potential bonuses will work, he said. “The financial incentives would require more effort from other government agencies to cover the cost of raising a child, which is more important than giving birth,” Lu said. The one-child policy was introduced in 1979 when the government feared a rapid increase in population size after the baby boom of the 1950s and 1960s. The country’s fertility rate fell dramatically, from a

peak of almost six births per female between 1960 and 1965 to 1.5 per woman between 1995 and 2014. The two-child policy officially began in 2016 under a government program to jump start that declining birth rate -- especially because China faces a rapidly aging population and a shortage of working-age residents. China is home to 114 million people over 65, and up to 90 million people are expected to retire in the next three decades, leaving the labor force with even fewer people until newborns are old enough to work. By 2030, the government has warned China will have the most aged population on Earth, with more than 400 million people over 60.

In his concluding remarks, the president - whose political honeymoon has been soured by acrimonious spats with the media - said “the time for trivial fights is behind us”. Among US First Lady Melania Trump’s special guests in the gallery were three California residents whose relatives were killed by people in the US illegally. At least a dozen Democrats brought as their guests young undocumented immigrants who came to the US as children. Former Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear delivered the Democratic rebuttal to the speech, accusing Republicans of planning to “rip affordable health insurance” from Americans and being “Wall Street’s champion”. In a Fox News interview broadcast earlier yesterday, Mr Trump gave himself an overall “A plus” for effort, adding that “in terms of messaging, I would give myself a C or a C plus”. According to a CNN/ORC poll of about 500 speech watchers, 57% said they had had a very positive reaction to President Trump’s Congress address, with seven out of 10 saying they believed his policies would move the US in the right direction. His popularity, however, has hit a historic low for modern presidents after a month in office - just 44% of Americans think he is doing a good job, according to RealClearPolitics. Mr Trump’s young presidency has been overshadowed by missteps including a high-profile court defeat to his controversial travel ban and the firing of a top aide.





NEWS PICTORIAL Emperor Akihito (C) and Empress Michiko (R) attend a wreath laying HONOURING Japanese ceremony at the mausoleum of Vietnamese late former President Ho Chi Minh VETERANS: in Hanoi, Vietnam, earlier today March 1, 2017. Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko during their six-day visit, are expected to meet with surviving widows and family members of Japanese WWII war veterans. PHOTO: LUONG THAI LINH/EPA

United States Border Patrol (USBP) agent (R) applies handcuffs to CRACKDOWN Apeople suspected of crossing the Rio Grande River to enter the United ON ILLEGAL States illegally near McAllen, Texas, USA, 28 February 2017. The nearly two thousand mile Mexico-United States border is the most frequently MIGRANTS: crossed international border in the world. PHOTO: LARRY W. SMITH/EPA


European Commissioner for Security Union, British Sir Julian King (C) chats with European commissioner in charge of Economic and Financial Affairs Pierre Moscovici (R) at the start of weekly college meeting of the European commission in Brussels, Belgium, today. The Commission will present at the European Parliament the White Paper on the Future of Europe. A plan for Europe after Brexit. PHOTO: OLIVIER HOSLET/EPA

Members of the Democratic Alliance (DA) protest outside the ofďŹ ces of the

SOUTH African National Congress (ANC), asking for the resignation of the ANC Premier David Makhura, in Johannesburg, South Africa, 28 February AFRICA Gauteng 2017. The call by the DA supporters comes in the light of the death of at least 94 PARTY mental health patients that where under the direct care of the ANC led Gauteng department. The 94 deaths occurred when the patients where moved POLITICS: health from government health care to private heath care institutes. The investigation into their deaths is still ongoing. PHOTO: KIM LUDBROOK/EPA


Security personnel held an elderly woman get to a safe neighborhood far south west of Mosul walks towards the area where the scorpion control of Iraqi security forces are located, in Newar Mosul, Iraq, yesterday. Iraqi military forces on 18 February started an offensive to regain control over the Western part of Mosul city from the Islamic State (IS). The eastern half of the city was completely liberated from the IS militants at the end of January. PHOTO: OMAR HAYALI/ EPA


A lady takes a selďŹ e with Russian President Vladimir Putin (C-R) during his meeting with 2017 World Winter Universiade winners at the Biathlon Academy regional centre in Krasnoyarsk, Russia, today. PHOTO: ALEXEY NIKOLSKY/EPA

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 2017 | www.x254.co



PTA Bank, state raise Sh130m to support local leather sector The Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank, commonly known as PTA Bank, has partnered with the government to offer small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating within the country’s leather industry cheap and affordable loans to scale up the sector. Industrialization Cabinet Secretary Adan Mohamed says the deal will see PTA Bank inject Sh30 million while the government of Kenya will provide Sh100 million towards the initiative. The CS said that the funds will be managed by the Kenya Industrial Estates (KIE) and would ensure that every SME across the country dealing in leather benefits from the kitty. “We have created Sh130 million revolving funds to be managed by KIE to ensure vulnerable SMEs in leather industry have access to cheaper loans to help us bolster leather industry in Kenya,” said CS Mohamed. “One of the biggest challenges for SMEs is access to finances. We want to address this. We will also create a group in each county that will support footwear and leather sector in the country,” added Mohamed. The kitty comes at a time when leather industry SMEs are grappling with high capital investments in making and selling leather products. Data from the Kenya Footwear Manufacturers Association (KFMA) reveals that over 80 per cent of shoes sold in Kenyan markets are imported


Over 80 per cent of leather shoes sold in Kenya are imported from abroad and sold at a cheaper price. from China and India. According to data from financial services firm, Cytonn Investments, access to cheaper credit has significantly reduced since August 2016 when a new law that capped interest rates at 14.5 per cent was enacted. A recent World Bank report showed that access to cheaper credit in

developing countries does not only alleviate poverty, but also streamlines the growth of industries. KFMA Chairman, James Mwaura says that cheaper imports of leather products, especially from China and India, are seriously hurting the local leather industry’s growth and SMEs at large. He says that over 80 per cent of leather

East African Data Centre partners with UK firm to boost ICT sector The East African Data Centre (EADC) in Nairobi will host a new network point of presence (PoP) for British Telecom (BT), one of the world’s leading providers of communications services and solutions. The move ties in with the government’s master plan, which is supportive of the country’s Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) sector. The deal will ease the cost of doing business in Kenya, attracting multinational companies and direct foreign investment into Kenya as a gateway to East Africa. “Having access to local network PoPs allows global multinationals to route traffic locally, helping them in leveraging Kenya’s booming economy as an entry point to the growing regional market,” said EADC General Manager, Dan Kwach. EADC has transformed data handling within East Africa, greatly reducing delay between points on a network, improving

data services, and making the transfer of data across networks easier by being a carrierneutral facility, housing telecom providers and internet service providers (ISPs). By opening a new network PoP at EADC, BT gives its multinational customers active in Africa the ability to further reduce latency in data flows by accessing its services in East Africa from a hub located in the region. The new PoP will support Internet, LAN services and Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS). BT will also be able to provide secure storage for business servers at EADC as well as hardware hosting for its international clients. Opened in 2013, EADC is a Tier 3 facility built to the specifications of the Uptime Institute, a globally acclaimed data centre certification body that focuses on the design of mission critical facilities in order to deliver uptime and operational sustainability. @enockx254

shoes sold in Kenya are imported from abroad and sold at a cheaper price, a move he says has made it difficult for Kenyan SMEs to offload their products. It has since emerged that a drive to spur local investment dubbed the ‘Buy Kenya Build Kenya’ initiative has been somewhat stagnant, especially in the @enock_x254 leather industry.

MEAN 103.5833 128.9619 109.7200 7.9276 34.6099 21.5769

BUY SELL 103.4833 103.6833 128.8278 129.0961 109.6000 109.8400 7.9146 7.9405 34.5282 34.6916 21.5078 21.6460

KenGen posts Sh6bn profit, banks on renewable energy to cut costs Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) has posted a half-year (HY) pre-tax profit of Sh6.57 billion versus Sh8.38 billion recorded during the same period the previous year. In a recent statement, the company reported a HY revenue of Sh17.74 billion versus Sh20.03 billion the previous year. “We have diversified our operations to include geothermal steam sales and commercial drilling services,” KenGen said in its statement yesterday. “Our diversification efforts form part of mitigation measures while enhancing revenue streams.” KenGen is the leading electric power generation company in Kenya, generating 80 per cent of electricity consumed in the country, a majority of which is derived from renewable sources of energy. “Through partnerships with corporates, national and county governments, KenGen is contributing towards alleviating national water challenges,” the company added, noting that provision of clean water for communities neighbouring its installations has been a key focus area of investment. “KenGen actively contributes towards environmental conservation initiatives particularly for communities heavily dependent on rainfall,” stated the firm. Hydro power is the leading source of the country’s energy, with an installed capacity of 819.9 megawatts (MW), which is 51 per cent of the company installed capacity. @Dennis_x254

Poor stock market performance prompts pension funds to venture into real estate Kenyan pension funds are shifting their assets from the country’s stock markets into real estate investments, where returns are running at more than 20 per cent a year, at a time when Africa’s equity markets are losing value. Data to be presented at the East Africa Property Investment Summit in Nairobi on April 5 and April 6, 2017 shows that Kenyan pension funds have nearly tripled their real estate investments in the last eight years, moving into property development on a grand scale. For pension funds fully invested in the Nairobi Stock Exchange at the beginning of 2015, the market’s decline had reduced their assets by almost 40 per cent by the end of 2016, fuelling an urgent focus on diversification. “Pension schemes need to invest in real estate as part of a diversification strategy and with a view to reducing portfolio risk and complementing the overall returns to members,” said Wangeci Kanjama, Trustee of the Safaricom Pension Scheme and Chair of the Real Estate Project Committee. The Safaricom Staff Pension Scheme (SSPS), which was an early mover into real estate project finance, is now developing the new Crystal River Mall and Gated Community and the luxury Mandharini

holiday homes in Kilifi County. Stanlib Asset Management, in its Africa’s Direct Property Investment Fund report, states that, currently, Africa’s real estate market has an estimated Internal Rate of Return of 25 per cent compared with an equity market which declined by 11.2 per cent in 2016. The relative strength of real estate investments had already seen Kenya’s pension funds increase their real estate holdings to Sh150.8 billion by 2015. The strength of the returns has also seen SSPS additionally establish the Safaricom Investment Cooperative, which invests the funds of members that span both Safaricom staff and non-staff into real estate through developments and the buying and selling of land, as well as by trading shares among the members. Other pension schemes in the country that have moved into real estate investments include the state owned National Social Security Fund (NSSF), the Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) which has independently ventured into providing low cost affordable housing, the University of Nairobi Staff Pension Scheme, the Kenya Power Pension Fund (KPPF) and the Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) Pension Scheme. @enock_x254


Motoring Deals

Isuzu Motors Limited buys 57 per cent stake in General Motors East Africa WEDNESDAY MARCH 1, 2017

Japanese automaker, Isuzu Motors Limited has finalized the buying of a 57.7 per cent stake in General Motors Limited. The move will see GM transition to a new ownership structure with Isuzu assuming management and control as it is now the largest shareholder. The other stakeholders will retain their current shareholding with Kenya’s Industrial and Commercial Development Corporation acquiring a 20 per cent stake, Centum Investments 17.8 per cent and Itochu Corporation 4.5 per cent.

Shinsuke Minami, Isuzu Motor’s Executive Officer, Division Executive, International Sales Division No 2, said that through this transaction, Isuzu will maintain its overwhelming brand share in the market, which has been built by GM, and further enhance manufacturing quality and efficiency. “We have planned a training program for Kenyan staff and technical support from our mother plant to further enhance quality and production. We will also focus on the aftersales business, where we see many opportunities,” said Minami.

Mario A. Spangenberg, the President and Managing Director of GM Africa and Middle East Operations and current Chairman of GM East Africa, said this is a natural next step for the business, given that approximately 95 per cent of its sales in Kenya are Isuzu products. “We are responding to a request from Isuzu, which will enable it to be fully integrated into the company and apply more focus on its brand,” said Spangenberg. “The company will continue to ensure that after sales and service support is provided to all Chevrolet customers.”

GM has been a major investor in the Kenyan manufacturing sector over the last four decades, contributing immensely to the country’s automotive industry and economy. Current GM East Africa Managing Director Rita Kavashe said the business will transition to the new ownership structure over the coming months. “We have planned for a smooth process, with all internal and external stakeholders ready to integrate Isuzu as a majority shareholder in the business,” she said. “GM and Isuzu are working closely to ensure a timely transition.” Kavashe, who will continue as

Managing Director under the new ownership structure, said that “Isuzu will bring manufacturing and aftersales expertise to this business that will enable us to further build upon our success in Kenya.” She confirmed there will be no impact on jobs as a result of this transaction. ‘’The business will continue to assemble and distribute Isuzu buses and light-, medium- and heavy-duty trucks, as well as the popular Isuzu D-Max pickup. These vehicles will continue to be distributed via authorized dealers in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania,’’ she said. @enock_x254

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GM Africa Managing Director Mario A. Spangenberg,Isuzu Motor’s Executive officer Shinsuke Minami and GM East Africa Managing Director Rita Kavashe during the announcing of ownership structure with Isuzu Motors.Photo:Gitobu Edwin/Xnews.

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Safaricom in deal with IDH to protect South West Mau block WEDNESDAY MARCH 1, 2017

The Safaricom Foundation has entered into a partnership with the Netherlands-based IDH Sustainable Trade Initiative and other organizations with the intention of pulling together resources towards the protection of the South West Mau block, which is an important water catchment area. South West Mau covers over 400, 000 ha of land and has an economic and ecological impact for Kenyans and East Africans at large. About 10 million Kenyans are dependent on its rivers while the forest cover makes the climate suitable for favourable agricultural practices such as growing tea. The two organizations signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the Finlays Offices in Kericho, pledging to merge their resources to protect the water catchment area. During the ceremony, Safaricom Foundation also pledged Sh11.1 million towards the initiative dubbed “Protect Endangered Water Tower and Wildlife Species in Kenya Project” for its first year. Speaking during the signing of the MoU, Safaricom Foundation Chairman Joseph Ogutu reiterated its commitment towards conserving and protecting the environment. Through the partnership, he added, there will be drives to rehabilitate the forest and projects on sustainable income for households, alternative sources of fuel and providing economic empowerment. Ogutu thanked the partners for their show of commitment indicated through their efforts to save and conserve the

Children carry a log while collecting firewood at a pine tree plantation near Mau Summit, in Kenya on December 11, 2009. Over 20,000 families are to be evicted from the Mau forest complex, the country’s biggest closed-canopy forest and a vital water catchment area, as part of the coalition governments efforts to mitigate the worst effects of climate change. It is estimated that less than two percent of Kenya’s total area is covered by forest but experts warn that forest cover of around 10 per cent is required for the country to sustain life naturally. EPA/STEPHEN MORRISON water catchment area. Senior Program Manager Initiative for Sustainable Landscapes Kenya (ISLA) Winnie Mwaniki lauded the partnership, saying that it is through such initiatives, that the South West Mau will be restored to its former glory. “IDH Sustainable Trade Initiative is part of a coalition with partners under the Initiative for Sustainable Landscapes (ISLA) to work in the South West Mau Forest Block and the surrounding

landscape along the Sondu River Basin. ISLA Kenya counts on the continued support and involvement of our partners, including local communities to promote our aims, and our work in the South West Mau Forest Block. Our vision, to create our flourishing future, will be realized through the strength of our multi-stakeholder coalition,” she said. She explained that the South West Mau Forest, the biggest block of the Mau

Forests Complex, is under significant threat due to illegal human activity such as charcoal burning, overgrazing, logging and encroachment. Such degradation, she pointed out, will lead to disruption of the forest’s role in providing critical ecosystem services for the generation of hydropower, production of tea, other crops and livestock on which millions depend for their livelihoods. @kevin_x254

Majid Al Futtaim opens second Carrefour hypermarket in Kenya at Two Rivers shopping mall Majid Al Futtaim, the leading shopping mall, retail and leisure pioneer across the Middle East, Africa and Asia, has today announced the opening of its second Carrefour hypermarket in Nairobi. The retailer’s expansion within the Kenyan market marks a significant milestone in the Company’s expansion plans into the African continent. The retailer stated that its most recent hypermarket is located in East Africa’s pre-eminent destination anchored by the newest retail hotspot in Nairobi, the Two Rivers Mall, and offers more than 30,000 items, including fresh produce and groceries, a bakery, home appliances, electronics and general merchandise. Franck Moreau, Country Manager, at Majid Al Futtaim – Retail Kenya said: “At the new Carrefour store, we will remain committed to offering the best price and best merchandise in a pleasant shopping environment

as we have at our Carrefour Store at The Hub Mall, because we are in the business of creating great moments for everyone every day. Carrefour is here to be Kenya’s daily shopping partner and strives to make a world class difference to the retail experience and to enrich the lives of all consumers in Kenya.” “We are pleased to see the benefits of Carrefour’s presence in Kenya through continuous job creation and support for local producers. We have so far recruited just over 210 staff members at the Two Rivers hypermarket and by the end of 2017 Carrefour Kenya will have a solid staff base totalling 400 individuals at both stores,” he continued. Majid Al Futtaim is already working with more than 450 suppliers, 445 local manufacturers, producers, and farmers across Kenya for the new store. “Majid Al Futtaim begun its operations in Kenya out of the desire to introduce household retail with the highest international standards and best

Carrefour Country Manager Franck Moreau (Left) with Samuel Blanckaert (right) Carrefour’s General Manager at the Two Rivers Mall. practices. We are proud to open our second store in Kenya in less than two years, and we will continue to offer highest customer service standards,

a more sophisticated shopping experience, and best practice in in-store hygiene processes,” Moreau concluded. @Dennis_x254

MultiChoice Africa vows to maintain same prices on all DStv, GOtv packages in 2017

MultiChoice Africa has announced that there will be no price increase for subscribers on its DStv and GOtv platforms in 2017. Every year, on April 1, MultiChoice announces its annual subscription price increase on both DStv and GOtv. “This year however, subscribers in Kenya will now get to experience the best television entertainment without the worry of a price increase to their subscriptions next month,” the service provider said in a statement issued earlier today. “The company made this decision to keep annual subscription prices at their current level, despite a particularly tough year it has faced due to a number of harsh macro-economic headwinds in the markets it operates in on the continent. From falling commodity and oil prices which affected economies and exchange rates and the everrising costs of satellite capacity, there has been quiet a number of external economic factors which have created a challenge for us. However, we recognize that we’re not the only ones feeling the pinch,” said , MultiChoice Kenya Corporate Affairs Manager, Philip Wahome. “Our valued customers are also suffering so we want to do our bit to relieve the added financial pressure by not increasing the price of their annual subscriptions.” Despite the economic challenges, the company stuck to its pledge of putting its customers first by ensuring that they can continue to enjoy their television viewing experience without the worry of a price increase this coming April. Just recently, the company added more value to their customers’ television experience by bringing one of the most coveted football leagues in the world, the FA Cup, to all DStv packages. “We’re truly committed to going the extra mile for our valued customers. As much as we’re all suffering, we appreciate the fact that DStv has become such a vital part of many of our customers’ daily lifestyles and they continue to choose to remain part of the DStv family throughout the economy’s highs and lows,” Wahome continued. @Dennis_x254


Inflation jumps to 9 per cent in February on back of higher food prices, KNBS says WEDNESDAY MARCH 1, 2017

Kenya’s inflation rate increased to 9.04 per cent in February from 6.99 per cent in January as acute drought drove up food prices. This is according to the latest report from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS). KNBS said the food and non-alcoholic drinks index gained 3.28 per cent on the month and 16.50 per cent on the year, as the price of staple foods including maize flour, milk and potatoes rose as well. “This was mainly attributed to increases in prices of sukuma wiki, maize flour, milk, cabbages, spinach, potatoes and maize grain, among others. This was partly contributed by prevailing drought conditions. The year on year food inflation stood at 16.50 per cent in February 2017,” the Bureau said in a statement. The food and non-alcoholic drinks segment accounts for 36 per cent of Kenya’s inflation basket. Between January and February 2017, Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and Other Fuels’ Index, increased by 0.4 per cent. This was mainly due to increases in cost of electricity, kerosene and house rents which outweighed price

Customers shopping at a Nakumatt supermarket in Nairobi, Kenya, July 20, 2008. EPA/STEPHEN MORRISON decreases in the cost of cooking gas. The Transport Index increased by 0.74 per cent in February compared to January 2017, mainly on account of

increases in the pump prices of petrol and diesel. This was evidenced in the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics’

Consumer Price Indices (CPI) and rates of inflation for February, 2017. The Consumer Price Index is a measure that examines the weighted average of

prices of a basket of consumer goods and services, such as transportation, food and medical care. It is calculated by taking price changes for each item in the predetermined basket of goods and averaging them. The CPI increased from 176.93 in January to 179.88 in February 2017. The Bureau’s numbers were generated using data collected during the second and third weeks of the month under review. The prices were obtained from selected retail outlets in 25 data collection zones which are located in Nairobi and in 13 other urban centers. Kenya is experiencing an acute drought with an estimated 2.7 million people in need of food aid. The government last week said it will use Sh215 million to pay 120,000 pastoralists to help them buy animal feed to shield them from the effects of drought. Agriculture Cabinet Secretary, Willy Bett says the amount is meant to help pastoralists and the government prevent further animal deaths in areas that have experienced the worst drought in recent history. @Dennis_x254








better it would be for everyone. It’s not just it’s obscenely pandering culture but just the general cheesiness that goes on in Facebook that makes it terrible. You need to have zero talent, zero charisma, you don’t even need to be interesting you just need to pander. We have all seen by now strange chain posts picture with the caption “Say Amen,” “Like” or “Share so that this does not happen to you.” Because when it all comes down to it your fate is determined by the number of internet points you give a post that has nothing to do with

‘Read this or you’ll die’

and other Facebook HEADLINES

messages on WhatsApp that force you to “send this to 9 of your friends and something good will happen in 12 minutes.” 12 minutes later, guess what? Nothing happens. It’s no wonder the social media giant has such a fake news problem because it seems all you need is the right caption and a few gullible people to get a delicious headline to trend. No matter how unbelievable something may be, if you give people an option to contribute to a discussion, they will run with it. Facebook also doesn’t seem to have any standards

that need to be upheld really. Admittedly most of these shenanigans happen in groups, because if you keep sharing nonsense with your friends they might just get tired of you. On Twitter you have to be witty, on Instagram you have to be pretty, on Snapchat you have to be vaguely interesting and on LinkedIn professional—LinkedIn is the step child of social media though. On Facebook you don’t have to be anything. network is full of older consumers, while the rest although full of posturing, catch on faster with young did see a decrease in [teenage] daily users [during the quarter], especially younger teens.” Maybe this goes on over there daily. tens of thousands—that posts gossip and news in Kenya. Except there’s no gossip or even news, it’s countless love and relationship groups that will in the end do nothing for your love life. Not to say that some of the info shared on it is not helpful but there’s a lot of muck to wade through.



The Kenya Film Classification Board Chief Executive Officer Mr. Ezekiel Mutua has hinted at making online comedians popularly known as ‘Propesa’ brand ambassadors for KFCB. Lauding the four young men’s creativity in content creation, the KFCB boss was impressed with their talent and has vowed to back them up to stardom. ‘This is the kind of creativity that should define and inspire our youth. Anyone who knows these guys please link them up with us. We want them to be brand ambassadors for KFCB!,’ the CEO had posted on social media after watching their music video ‘Mursik’. The CEO has since met the comedians.


KFCB to make comic group ‘Propesa’ brand ambassadors KFCB to make comic group ‘Propesa’ brand ambassadors

Art of Jazz to support disabled learners Fresh from his South African tour, bongo artiste Alikiba at a presser last evening defended the release of the video ‘Aje remix’ which was shot without Nigerian rapper and Chocolate City records CEO Jude Abaga popularly known as M.I who is part of the track. ‘We booked M.I a flight to join us during the shoot of the video, not once but twice but he never showed up,’ said Kiba. He, however, added that the Nigerian rapper was a busy man, having to juggle business and music. On whether the track deserved to have a remix the singer responded that it is the fans that wanted the remix. ‘It wasn’t my idea, I do music for my fans,’ he said.

defends ‘Aje remix’ video without Nigerian artiste M.I

Art of Jazz March Edition has organised a donations drive in support of Kenya Community Centre for Learning (KCCL) a non- profit coeducational day school for learners with learning disabilities aged 6 to 21 years. The original idea of KCCL was based on a very simple reality: a community of parents helping each other and making a difference in the lives of children who could not find accommodation in mainstream schools due to their learning challenges. Art of Jazz is an event produced and organised by 24:7 Entertainment in partnership with Event Haven Ltd and Galleria Shopping Mall as the venue partners every first Sunday of every month. Proceeds from the concert will go towards educational purchases for the students. The exciting season of new sounds in jazz, featuring Juma Tutu and the Swahili Jazz Band will be performing live at Galleria Shopping Mall, bringing deeply rooted musical Afro Jazz influences from the continent and beyond.





We know the reason why




here is no contest or big secret healthy food tastes bland and that’s just he tolerable stuff. Vegetables are bitter, hard to prep and are generally just not the most exciting thing on a plate. Unhealthy greasy food on the other hand is heavenly. Even just basic photographs of huge chunks of steak and appropriately seasoned fries will have us licking our chops. The only problem is that it’s so bad for you and if that wasn’t the case we would all be staunchly pro-junk food. Are we programmed to despise the taste of greens or is something more sinister afoot? Believe it or not the answer lies within you. They do say too much of something is poison and that goes for food. Our diets have been so corrupted that ‘normal’ tasting food tends not to tickle our fancies too much. It’s more

of an issue of perception. If a person stuck to a singular diet, say fruit and vegetables, he/she would take a minute to get used to the texture and taste of greasier foods. And maybe to them eating junk food might seem like drawn out torture. The same way a person who sticks to a processed food diet would find natural food a hassle. Let’s also not forget that junk food was scientifically designed to make us crave the stuff. If processed food tasted the same as healthier foods with the same intense calorie count nobody would be eating it.



reasons you are not losing weight

Stackable leather


Are you punishing yourself on the treadmill and chair not Sh. 6000 Highresults? back sleek This might be the reason why. seeing any chair Sh.15000 ●FORGETTING YOUR DIET Mid-Back mesh Losing weight is a two-pronged attack. You won’t chair Sh.8000 loseAlso weight if youare continue snacking highand chairs on offer Executive office on Tables calorie food. It will be essentially wiping out the work you just struggled to do. What you consume does determine your results. There is always the chance that that you might be one of those slender individuals with a mysteriously large gut, poor diet is to blame for that too. ●YOU HAVE HIT A details;contact PLATEAU For more us on The dreaded weight loss plateau, when 0703212008/0733486360 you seem to have reached a point that your routine justEmail:info@executivefurniture.com isn’t working for you. When this happens you have to change things up, this includes both your diet and exercise and whether you want to or not it’ll mean working harder. Nobody ever said that getting fit was an easy job. ● YOU ARE NOT EATING ENOUGH I know what you’re thinking, this makes no sense but, it actually does. When you deprive your body of nutrients it reportedly goes into ‘starvation mode.’ But here’s where it gets complicated. Not eating enough destroys your metabolism, and a slow metabolism means a slower rate which your body is converting calories to energy. Now if you are not eating and exercising without a deficit your weight loss goals might be harder to reach. You might also pass out at the gym. ● STRESS The odd thing about stress is that it could go either way. Too much stress could result in either weight gain or weight loss. Whichever way stress is not a great thing for your health. The stress hormone, cortisol, carries with a number of nasty side effects such as increased blood pressure, cholesterol and weight gain.



If you have the luxury of working from home then spruce up the joint. These classy few items will make your space look like a million bucks. ●A DESK LAMP It doesn’t have to anything fancy but that doesn’t mean it should look terrible either. A desk lamp will save you from keeping the rest of your family awake when you have some work to get to in the middle of the night. ●A CALENDAR Even though we have come to depend on electronic calendars, guess which one is never inaccurate. Like a manual clock, it’s a little more reliable than the electronic kind. They also help out with planning your month out. ●A PLANNER Speaking of planning, what’s better to sort out your day-to-day activities than

an actual planner? It’s easier than downloading an app and having to check on it every hour. With a planner all you have to do is manage your time. ●A PRINTER We might be doing less things with paper these days, which is great for the environment in that way but there will come a time when you have to print out something. It would be a great idea to get one which can also scan documents, no need to fax because who remembers the last time anyone sent a fax? ●AN EXTENSION CABLE You are bound to have many devices that need access to power and if this is the case then an extension is a life saver.

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This is a subscription service. Cost per message is KSH30. Content Delivered daily. A Joining fee of KSH30 applies. Phone must be WAP/GPRS ENABLED to download ringtones. Errors will be billed. To DEACTIVATE OR UNSUBSCRIBE, SMS STOP followed by the keyword i.e. STOP HC4 to 22333 or *100#. A deactivation fee of KES 30 will be charged unless passive deactivation is requested.Customer Support: 0711035333 or 0734488668 , SUN - FRI, 8:30AM - 6pm, SAT 9am - 5pm. or email: ke@smshelp.info. @christine_x254




National Super League set for weekend kick-off


Hull’s Mbokani out for up to six weeks Hull striker Dieumerci Mbokani will be sidelined for the next six weeks after suffering a hamstring injury. The DR Congo striker, 31, who is on a seasonlong loan from Dynamo Kiev, was replaced during Saturday’s 1-1 draw with Burnley. Hull have also confirmed that the knee injury suffered by defender Harry Maguire during the Burnley game is not as serious as first feared. The 23-year-old may be fit for Saturday’s trip to face Leicester City.

Football Kenya Federation has released fixtures for the 2017 National Super League (NSL) set to kick off this Saturday with 18 teams although there are two slots to filled pending the conclusion of a the Sports Disputes Tribunal case involving two teams either to be promoted or relegated to the second tier league. In the tentative fixtures released last evening, nine matches will be on cards in the first round. Former KPL side Nakuru All Stars will be at home to newly promoted Kibera Black Stars at the Afraha Stadium on Saturday as Agro Chemicals host Police FC at the Moi Stadium, Kisumu. Two other promoted NSL sides Administration Police (AP) and Isebania will also be at home on the same day with the games kicking off at 3pm. AP will lock horns with Bidco United at the Machakos Stadium, while Isebania will wait until Thursday to know their opponents following the conclusion of the cases at the Tribunal. A double header at Nairobi’s Camp Toyoyo will highlight games on Sunday when Nairobi Stima face MOSCA from

Nakuru Allstars players salute fans after a previous match. They will kick-off the National Super league with a home tie against Kibera Black Stars on Saturday

2pm, before Wazito battle it out with FC Talanta. St. Joseph’s welcome Palos FC at Afraha in Nakuru while Modern Coast Rangers take on Nairobi City Stars as GFE 105 tie against a yet to be confirmed team at the Kipchoge Keino Stadium, Eldoret complete the opening weekend of NSL action. The Tribunal ruling set for tomorrow will see either Sofapaka FC or Muhoroni Youth FC who are appealing against demotion from the top flight or Vihiga United and KCB FC who have

been earmarked completing the second tier league. FKF had relegated Muhoroni and Sofapaka to the NSL for failing to meet the FIFA/CAF Licensing Criteria, a stance they have shown no desire to go soft on. Meanwhile there is no communication from Kenyan Premier League on when exactly the top tier league will kick off. However, tomorrow’s tribunal decision will most likely give direction on the already delayed league kick off. @amos_x254

Juventus rally from behind to beat Napoli Paulo Dybala scored two penalties as Juventus established a two-goal advantage in the first leg of their Coppa Italia semi-final against Napoli. Jose Callejon had given the visitors the lead after a flowing move. But Argentine Dybala levelled for the Serie A leaders, converting a spot-kick after he was clipped by Kalidou Koulibaly. Gonzalo Higuain put the hosts ahead from a tight angle before Dybala added his second, converting after keeper Pepe Reina hauled down Juan Cuadrado. The second leg takes place next Tuesday in Naples.


FA Cup replay is a final, says City’s Guardiola

Captain Vincent Kompany remains unavailable for Manchester City who welcome Championship side Huddersfield in an FA Cup replay tonight. The Belgiun center-back is however a close to a return to fitness. Full back Gael Clichy is likely to be available after a back problem. Huddersfield will again be without midfielder Aaron Mooy, who is ineligible against his parent club. But Sean Scannell and Harry Bunn are both back in training and could feature although Nahki Wells is a doubt with an ankle problem, while Christopher Schindler and Kasey Palmer are injured. Huddersfield’s priority is undoubtedly promotion to the Premier League, but their squad proved strong enough not only to force this replay but also prevent City from scoring – a feat only Barcelona, Tottenham, Manchester United, Liverpool and Everton have previously managed this season. Manchester City still have an eye on other competitions too, not least the Champions League, but with Chelsea and Manchester United drawn together in the last eight, the FA Cup offers their best chance of a trophy in Pep Guardiola’s first season in charge. That means both teams would fancy their chances in a quarter-final tie at

Middlesbrough, something Guardiola already alluded to. “Tomorrow is a final. Sometimes the teams at the top of the Championship are better than teams in the Premier League. They are so professional,” said the Spaniard. His opposite number David Wagner called it a special feeling. “To play this game, with this good run we are on, in a different competition, gives you a special feeling for this game because you can really play with freedom. It’s an extraordinary occasion, which everybody can be excited about and we should transform this into a good performance.” Meanwhile, Guardiola will not make a decision on Joe Hart’s future until the end of the season. It is expected the England goalkeeper will leave City for good when his loan at Serie A club Torinoends in May. The 29-year-old has reportedly attracted interest from a number of Premier League and European clubs. Guardiola, who is “so happy” with keepers Willy Caballero and Claudio Bravo, said of Hart: “We will talk about it at the end of the season.” Hart has kept five clean sheets in Serie A for Torino this season, one fewer than City have managed in the Premier League.

Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola. PHOTO: EPA

Bravo has been criticised since his £15.4m arrival from Barcelona in August, and the Chile keeper, 33, was replaced by Caballero for last week’s Champions League win over Monaco. Argentine Caballero, 35, could keep his

place for tonight’s game at the Etihad Stadium but a decision on his future will not be rushed even though he is one of a number of City players, including Yaya Toure and Bacary Sagna, who are out of contract in the summer.

Guardiola said: “There are five, six players out of contract but they know the situation. “Of course there is a risk, maybe they can sign a contract for another club. We have to accept that.”

wednesday 1st march 2017





Newcastle stage late fightback to beat Brighton


ohamed Diame and Ayoze Perez scored in the last 10 minutes as Newcastle came from behind to snatch a dramatic victory at Brighton and move back to the top of the Championship. The Seagulls looked set to open a four-point lead over the Magpies at the top thanks to a penalty from Glenn Murray. But Diame equalised when Christian Atsu’s shot looped up off his boot. And then Atsu crossed from the left for substitute Perez, who had only come on seven minutes earlier, to fire home. The victory moves Newcastle two points above Brighton as they attempt to return to the Premier League at the first time of asking. The Seagulls were fired up for this top-of-the table contest and made a terrific start, camping in the Newcastle half and forcing Karl Darlow into two saves before he was beaten by the spot-kick from Murray. But the penalty was controversial, with Murray and Ciaran Clark appearing to wrestle each other, but Bobby Madley pointed to the spot. Newcastle manager Rafael Benitez, involved in some dramatic comebacks during his career, masterminded another one with his two late substitutions. The first replacement, Daryl Murphy, had already become the latest player to be denied by Stockdale when the Magpies finally equalised with one of the most bizarre goals of the season. Atsu, who had been a constant menace to Brighton all night, tried his luck from the edge of the area and the ball ricocheted off not one, but two colleagues, Diame being the second, before finding its way into the roof of the net. A minute later, Benitez threw on Spanish striker Perez (pictured) for the wasteful Gouffran, and within seven minutes he had hit the winner. Atsu led the defence on a merry dance once again, after a superb sweeping 60-yard pass from Matt Ritchie, before crossing firmly from the left for Perez to slam home from close range.


overtakes EPL

Former Chelsea midfielder Oscar who moved to China in the latest transfers. PHOTO: EPA


hinese clubs spent £331 million (about Sh42 billion) during the country’s winter transfer window, outstripping the Premier League.

with the 16 Chinese Super League clubs passing the £215m spent by England’s 20 top-tier teams in January. Oscar’s move from Chelsea to Shanghai SIPG for about £60m and Shanghai Shenhua’s reported £40m deal for Carlos Tevez came days before spending caps were announced. But limits on the number foreign players in squads are already in place for the new season which begins this month.

country’s football association hopes will combat “irrational” spending. But the total spend for the winter window which ran from 1 January to 28 February - was a record for the Super League, exceeding the 2016 window by £36m. came to prominence when 25-year-old Oscar agreed to leave Chelsea to join forces with former manager Andre Villas-Boas.

Purchase of top European League stars cost Asian nation’s clubs billions in tranfer window, pushing it to amounts higher than those spent in Spain, France, Italy and Germany combined

It proved the biggest deal globally in the winter window but other notable Chinese moves saw Odion Ighalo depart Watford to join Changchun season - for £20m. thought to be an Everton target, moved from Zenit St Petersburg to Tianjin Quanjian, where he will receive a reported £15.3m (about Sh2 billion) annual salary. China’s winter window runs for 28 days longer spend was 16 times bigger than the total outlay in La Liga and more than the sum spent in Spain, Italy, Germany and France combined. Figures obtained from Transfermarkt.co.uk show the total net spend of the Chinese Super League stands at £332m in 2017, a sizeable jump from about £25m in 2013. When announcing intent to place limits on spending and foreign imports in early January, the government said clubs have been “burning controversial, with some clubs already boasting more than three overseas players in their squads, many of whom earn substantial wages. Previously the rule was “4+1” - four foreigners

of any nationality plus one Asian player in a matchday squad. Quotas, caps and restrictions in a league quickly developing a reputation for its vast resources also go against the theory that some clubs’ big-business backers are splashing out in hope of winning favour with President Xi Jinping, who has called for China to become one of the game’s superpowers. market may have already stopped some potential deals, with Tianjin Quanjian’s chairman saying the club had dropped bids for Chelsea’s Diego Costa, PSG’s Edinson Cavani, Monaco’s Radamel Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney was strongly linked with a move to the country before committing to the EFL Cup winners. outside of China. Guangzhou Evergrande champions for six-straight years - have been drastically outspent in the winter window. club managed by Luiz Felipe Scolari vowed to

foreign signings.

Published By Xtra Publishing Limited, Chancery Building, Valley Road, Nairobi | Printed at The Standard Group Centre, Mombasa Road, Nairobi. Paul Marshall-CEO, Fred Bunei-Finance Manager, Josiah Musee-Advertising Manager, Peter Obuya-Editor

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