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WEEKEnD EDITIOn, MARCH 17-19, 2017 | WWW.x254.CO






Reprieve for party hoppers as holes allow switches


oliticians can still join another party even after losing their respective party nominations, due to discrepancies between the Elections Laws (Amendment) Act and Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) timelines. National Assembly Justice and Legal Committee Samuel Chepkonga made the revelation aduring his committee’s meeting with the electoral body, when he said IEBC had rendered their amendment void after it declared the party nominations should be conducted April 13 and April 26 instead of May 7. “Their timelines allow party hopping, so you have let us down. You know the anticipation is that we wanted to conduct the party nominations on May 7 but yours provide April 26, now that is completely outside what the law provides in terms of the 90 days,” Chepkonga explained. The changes to the Bill require parties to carry out their nominations at least 60 days to the elections rather than the 45 allowed currently. Politicians would also be forced to choose their parties at least 90 days to the elections, with the Elections Act being changed to make it mandatory for parties to submit lists of their members to the IEBC at least 90 days to the date of the General Election. With the next elections slated for August 2017, this means that the lists should be submitted by the beginning MORE ON THIS STORY of May. www.capitalfm.co.ke


Speaker behind my ouster bid, Auditor General now claims

Mr Ouko said Emmanuel Mwagona who presented his ouster bid is a lawyer acting for a faceless petitioner STORY ON PAGE 2

Auditor General Edward Ouko

National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi



Activist among young turks lining up to oust Starehe veteran Maina Kamanda Veteran Nairobi politician Maina Kamanda is facing a serious onslaught by youthful aspirants who want to dislodge him from his Starehe Parliamentary seat. At least five youthful aspirants have declared their interest in the seat and have been crisscrossing the expansive Nairobi city constituency in hunt for votes. Activist Boniface Mwangi, musician Charles Kanyi also known as Jaguar, businessman Peter Mbogo and Stanley Gikonyo are all gunning for Mr Kamanda’s seat. Mr Kamanda first became MP for Starehe in 1997 when he won on a Democratic Party ticket of then presidential candidate Mwai Kibaki. He successfully defended his seat on a Narc ticket five years later when Mr Kibaki eventually won the presidential election and was subsequently appointed to the Cabinet. But Mr Kamanda lost to ODM’s Margaret Wanjiru in 2007 before the vote was nullified by the High Court. He lost again in the subsequent byelection as Bishop Wanjiru triumphed. But he made a comeback in 2013 when Wanjiru opted to run for the Nairobi senate seat. However, the circumstances have since changed with other reports indicating the clergywoman is contemplating a return to Starehe politics. While Wanjiru will present some headache to Mr Kamanda, his main worry should be the young turks eying his seat.

Incumbent Maina Kamanda (Jubilee)

City politician Francis Mwangi is also interested in the seat and will have to square it out with Kamanda, Gikonyo and Jaguar for the Jubilee Party ticket. Mr Kamanda has expressed confidence that he will be retain the seat due his development record although his opponents say he has failed the constituents and that it is time he called it a day. In separate interviews, the aspirants seeking to unseat Kamanda says the incumbent has no development record apart from comical theatrics and buying of votes and bullying. Mr Gikonyo said that the MP has been playing dirty politics of bullying the locals who attempt to oust him, saying he is the Jubilee Party kingpin

Activist Boniface Mwangi (Ukweli Party)

in Nairobi and whoever needs to win in the primaries must oil his hands for blessings. “Kamanda should be aware that Starehe electorates are tired of his leadership and therefore he should be ready to pack and pave way for other leaders who are ready to serve,” he said. The Jubilee aspirant alleged that Kamanda stole his victory in 2013 during nomination exercise which was marred by irregularities. “Starehe electorates are of crying of poor roads, poor sewerage, insecurity and unemployment, Kamanda should have addressed all these issues if he sincerely mean well to his voters,” he added. Activist Boniface Mwangi says he will

Businessman Steve Mbogo (ODM)

Musician Jaguar (Jubilee)

be vying for the seat because those in leadership positions both past and present, continue to ignore what citizens go through every day. “I want to take the people’s voice to parliament where they have been ignored for far too long. I have always challenged our leaders for their bad decisions and failed governance. I have done this as an active citizen and a patriot. It is time to take the fight to parliament, where we, the people, need our voices heard,” Mr Mwangi says. The activist holds that he understands the problem that Starehe constituents undergo. He argues that he grew up in the area and lived there for almost half of his adulthood.

“All my life I have worked in the Nairobi’s Central Business District, both formally and informally. While my work has given me both a national and global outlook into issues, my ‘roots’ have remained in Starehe,” he states. The aspirant says the people of Starehe need jobs, water, sanitation, security, food, good education and health care, as do all Kenyans. However, things could get nasty should Bishop Margaret Wanjiru throw herself into the race. Sources privy to Jubilee happenings intimate Bishop Wanjiru has been advised to drop her gubernatorial bid and contest the Starehe seat. @hillary_x254

Speaker behind my ouster, ouko claims Established in 1969

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Auditor General Edward Ouko has now pointed an accusing finger at National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi accusing him of orchestrating the petition that is seeking his ouster. Ouko’s lawyer Otiende Amollo yesterday placed the accusation squarely at the foot of Mr Muturi whom he says has already made up his mind in the petition. The High Court on Monday this week issued a court order barring further hearing of the petition and the Finance Committee of the National Assembly has since suspended the hearings as they wait for directions from the speaker. Mr Muturi is set to rule on Thursday whether Parliament will obey the court order or proceed with its hearings. He has however registered his displeasure with the court. “One would have expected that if a matter is pending in the house, you should be able to wait until the house is through with it,” he said on Tuesday. It is that signal of a possible disregard of the order that Ouko is claiming to contain interest to oust him. “Anybody who watched the proceedings in parliament will tell you that the speaker has already made up his mind,” his lawyer Otiende Amollo said yesterday. Mr Ouko came out fighting yesterday during which he asked lawyer Emmanuel Mwagonah to name the faceless petitioner

Auditor General Edward Ouko (left) with his lawyer Otiende Amollo at a press conference at Anniverssary Towers in Nairobi yesterday. PHOTO: GITOBU IKUNDA/x NEWS

seeking his removal. “I wish the petitioner could tell me the person behind all these,” Ouko said at a press conference at his Anniversary Towers offices in Nairobi. He raised legal questions over the petition presented by the petitioner. “The committee lacked powers to entertain a matter which was pending before the High Court as this was subjudice and in contravention of Standing Order 89 of the National Assembly Standing Orders,” his lawyer added. The Auditor General said the Committee also lacked powers to continue with the inquiry amidst the open bias that has been exhibited by the clerk and the speaker of the

National Assembly. Amollo warned that should parliament continue with the proceedings then the court will declare the entire process illegal and will also prevent the President from forming a tribunal to investigate Ouko. Ouko has also complained that Head of Civil Service, Joseph Kinyua was invited by the committee to testify without his knowledge. But he could not directly link the Jubilee administration with the petition. “I do not know about Jubilee plans. I audit Kenyan shilling which does not know Jubilee or Cord,” he said when asked if elements in the government were behind @sam_x254 the move.


Calls to bar aspirants with pending cases Calls are mounting for aspirants eying various seats in the coming general elections to be barred from participating in the polls if they have pending cases. Stakeholders at a consultative forum convened by Chief Justice David Maraga in Nairobi yesterday said Chapter Six of the constitution on Leadership and Integrity ought to be enforced to ensure tainted politicians do not get to office. Civil societies said implementation of the chapter could be one way of addressing concerns the electorate have had for credible and fair elections. George Kegore and Yash Pal Ghai from the civil societies told the forum that brought together all state agencies in charge of various aspects of the election preparations strict adherence and implementation of the chapter is needed arguing that laxity to enforce it is the cause of most election-related problems witnessed in the country. But if was the Director of Public Prosecutions Keriako Tobiko who suggested that persons with serious integrity cases in court be barred from contesting any elective seat in the August 8, 2017 polls. Currently the law allows such persons to contest if the matter has not been concluded by the investigative agencies. “We need to be current with the best international practice of law. All those with cases should be barred,” Tobiko said.

The forum also brought together the IEBC and the Directorate of Criminal Investigations. “As we speak today we do not know who exactly is directly responsible for the enforcement of Chapter six of the constitution,” Kegoro said. Chapter Six requires the Ethics and AntiCorruption Commission to enforce the provisions of the Chapter, and other law setting up procedures and prescribing penalties. Kegoro said IEBC and EACC have always shifted blames on that responsibility. However, EACC has since suggested it could move to block candidates with cases. Ghai said elections in the country is no longer about morals and ethics. “People are paid to attend rallies, parties give tickets to candidates with questionable characters and it is a mess in our country,” Prof Ghai said. He decried the lack of constructive debate where people sit in a town hall and ideas and policies of leaders are discussed. These concerns came even as questions were raised on how Nairobi Senator Mike Mbuvi managed to get a certificate of good conduct despite having been detained some years back. Even on the revelation of explosive report by the parliamentary committee of Public Accounts Committee recommending lifestyle audit be conducted for the former Devolution CS Anne Waiguru, the former CS laughed off the report terming it the normal thing. “What the PAC report is saying is the obvious,

Director of Public Prosecutions Keriako Tobiko speaks during the consultative forum on election preparedness in Nairobi yesterday. PHOTO: GITOBU IKUNDA/ X NEWS

that’s what the constitution requires. That is not unique to me. It in the law. Those found guilty whether on NYS fraud, the health scandal, hate speech or anything else that is of criminal nature

and has exhausted all mechanisms of appeal should barred this is not unique to me,” Waiguru said.



Somali pirates release ship without ransom


omali pirates who hijacked an oil tanker have released it without condition, according to officials. The announcement came hours after the pirates and naval forces exchanged gunfire over a boat believed to be carrying supplies to the hijackers. The tanker, which was en route from Djibouti to the Somali capital, Mogadishu, was seized on Monday with eight Sri Lankan crew members on board. It is the first hijack off Somalia’s coast since 2012. Abdirahman Mohamud Hassan, the director general of the Puntland maritime police force, said: “There has been discussion going on after the gunfight this afternoon... We took our forces back and thus the pirates went away.” A pirate confirmed the release was made without a ransom payment, according to Reuters. However, John Steed, a former British army officer who has spent years negotiating the release of piracy hostages in Somalia, told the AFP news agency they had been made an offer they could not refuse. Mr Hassan earlier said that “pirates” on board the tanker had opened fire on Thursday after authorities tried to intercept a boat believed to be carrying essential supplies, such as food. Four people were wounded in the exchange of fire on Thursday, the BBC has learned. The Puntland authorities deployed local forces in the area in an attempt to assist rescue efforts for the hostages on board the vessel, the district commissioner said. The vessel was carrying oil and was owned by the United Arab Emirates (UAE), despite conflicting reports over the flag it was sailing under, he added. On Wednesday, the European Union anti-piracy naval force, which is helping to tackle piracy in the region, said the hijackers had been demanding a ransom. Authorities were then still trying to determine whether the gunmen, who have not given any details about the size of the ransom, were organised pirates or fisherman whose equipment was destroyed by illegal fishing vessels, as they claimed to be to a local official.

A photo of the hijacked ship released by the European Union. Officials say the ship and its crew have been released by their hijackers without any ransom being paid.

The EU force earlier made contact with the ship’s master, who said his vessel and crew were being held captive anchored off the coast of north-east Somalia. The ship’s tracking system has reportedly been switched off. Piracy off the coast of Somalia, usually for ransom, has reduced significantly in recent years, in part because of extensive international military patrols as well as support for local fishing communities. At the height of the crisis in 2011, there were 237 attacks and the annual cost of piracy was estimated to

be up to $8bn (£7bn). However, some smaller fishing vessels have recently been seized in the area. In 2015, Somali officials warned that piracy could return unless the international community helped create jobs and security ashore, as well as combating illegal fishing at sea. Some Somali fishermen turned to piracy after their livelihoods were destroyed by illegal fishing from foreign trawlers, which benefited from the lack of a functioning coastguard in the country following years of conflict.

Trump and Merkel set for first face-to-face meeting

As German Chancellor Angela Merkel prepared to bid President Barack Obama farewell in November, a reporter asked her to describe her sentiments about watching her American partner of eight years be replaced by Donald Trump. Standing in the German Chancellery on a drizzly Berlin afternoon, the notoriously restrained Merkel - who became Obama’s closest global friend only to see him replaced by a man who lambasted her on the campaign trail - drew on her stolid pragmatism. “Out goes the president, and a new one comes in,” she said. On Friday, Merkel presses ahead with the new, arriving in Washington for her first faceto-face encounter with Trump after months of preparation and one postponement due to snow. Analysts and White House officials alike say Friday’s sit-down will be Trump’s most important meeting with a foreign leader since the Republican businessman took office in January. The strength of Washington-Berlin ties, which flourished under Obama, will likely come to define Trump’s relationship not just with Germany but with Europe - and the rest of the West. Merkel is the continent’s longest-serving and most politically assured leader, rendering her the most visible defender of the Western order at a time when both nationalist and populist movements threaten to upend it. Officials in both capitals said there were few concrete goals for the session beyond establishing a functional working relationship between Trump and Merkel, who differ on areas of trade,



immigration and climate change. Merkel, who spoke to Trump by phone in January, pushed for an in-person meeting in order to begin developing the personal ties that she hopes will lead to effective cooperation down the road, according to a German official familiar with her planning. “Face-to-face talks are always much better than talking about each other,” Merkel told reporters in Munich recently. A deft politician with a nearly unmatched ability to forge relationships with unpredictable counterparts, Merkel has watched Trump’s campaign speeches and closely monitored his public remarks since taking office, according to someone close to her in Berlin. She’s asked visiting world leaders who have met Trump, including Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, about his temperament and style. Last month she met Vice President Mike Pence

in Munich, where he was delivering the first major foreign policy address of the Trump administration, and laid the groundwork for Friday’s meeting. Aides said they expected Merkel to appeal to Trump’s sense of businesslike efficiency in an attempt to win over the new US leader. She’s used a workmanlike attitude and droll wit to make inroads with two previous presidents. With George W. Bush, Merkel was able to cooperate on key economic issues, despite Bush’s deep unpopularity in Germany. With Obama, she forged a bond so deep and obvious it was parodied on “Saturday Night Live.” She faces a particular challenge in appealing to Trump, however. Trump has on occasion insulted Merkel in his past public comments, criticizing her decision to allow hundreds of thousands of refugees to enter Germany. That decision was also unpopular in Germany, and Merkel has

since said she’ll devote funds to sending refugees who weren’t granted asylum back to their home countries. “I like her, but I think it was a mistake. And people make mistakes, but I think it was a very big mistake,” Trump told the German newspaper Bild in January, suggesting the move allowed potential terrorists into Europe. That was after he derided Merkel a year earlier, contending she was “ruining Germany” while complaining that she was picked as Time’s Person of the Year over him. And Trump and Merkel’s first phone conversation, while cordial, contained some tense moments. The call occurred the day after Trump enacted his controversial travel ban on some foreigners looking to enter the US, and Merkel explained to him the requirements under the Geneva Convention to allow entry to refugees fleeing war. Trump, according to a person familiar with the call, chafed at the lecture. US officials said the issue of refugees will likely arise in Friday’s meeting. But they insisted that any past critical comments on the issue will have little bearing on the budding diplomatic relationship. “My expectation is that they’ll have a very positive, cordial meeting,” said one senior administration official last Friday. Another administration official said that the President hoped to get Merkel’s advice for dealing with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who, according to US intelligence, ordered cybermeddling in last year’s presidential election and tried to help Trump.




NEWS PICTORIAL SH160 MILLION WATER GRANT: The Coca-Cola Africa Foundation President Susan Mboya

Kidero presents a Sh160 million cheque to Nairobi Water and Sewarage Company managing Director Philip Gichuki at the Kempinski Hotel in Nairobi today. The money will go to Nairobi Water Fund whose aim is to invest in conservation conservation programs that benefit communities across the Upper Tana watershed. PHOTO: COURTESY


German Chancellor Angela Merkel (2-R) talks with an elderly woman, next to Priest Martin von Essen, managing director of the Monastery, during a visit at the Paul Gerhardt Monastery in Berlin, Germany, Yesterday. PHOTO: CLEMENS BILAN


Vice President Mike Pence (R) administers the oath of office to Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats (C), with his wife Marsha Coats (L), during a swearing in ceremony in the US Capitol in Washington, DC, USA, yesterday. PHOTO: SHAWN THEW/EPA


Health workers vaccinate a child against cholera at the Banadir hospital in Mogadishu, on Wednesday. The vaccination being administered by the GAVI, The Vaccine Alliance is aimed at protecting over 450,000 people from Cholera. PHOTO: EPA


A self-proclaimed homeless woman confronts a Filipino resident outside Bocaue Hills, a governmentsupervised housing compound, in Bulacan Province, north of Manila, Philippines, today. An activist group involved in public housing issues and self-proclaimed homeless families claiming they are from Bulacan and some parts of Metro Manila have attempted to occupy government housing compounds since last week, alleging that there are thousands of unattended units that can be allocated to their homeless members. PHOTO: ROLEX DELA PENA/EPA

GOVERNMET LAUNCHES STUDIO MASHINANI: Kenya Film Classification Board Chief executive Ezekiel Mutua explains a point to participants at the KBC Transmission Site along Kangundo road during the launch of the KBC Studio Mashinani. The Ministry of ICT has today launched the studio which is expected to enable the youth record and distribute their creative talent to generate income.

WEEKEnD EDITION, MARCH 17-19, 2017 | www.x254.co



High school dropouts fuelling shortage of skilled labour

Kenya along with its regional counterparts, is in dire need of skilled labour owing in part to an increasing number of high school dropouts, the African Development Bank (AfDB) has said. A recent research done by the lender shows that about one-third of children are in secondary school, and just over one in ten have access to higher education, compared to rates three times as high in other developing countries. “Indeed, half of the children of primary and lower secondary school age who are not in school, are in Africa. This represents a total of 60 million youths. This is indeed a serious threat to social cohesion and labor force productivity of the future,” the lender said in a statement. In order to tackle the crisis, the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA), enables young people to come together every three years to attend a meeting of minds, the latest of which is taking place this week in Dakar, Senegal. Themed ‘Revitalizing education towards the 2030 Global Agenda and Africa’s Agenda 2063’, the meeting sees participants come together to share their thoughts and experiences in education. The event is aimed at improving policies and activities and mapping out how participants


A photograph made available 19 April 2016 shows a young man using a cellphone in Monrovia, April 18 2016. An Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) report shows that while 1.3 million children joined primary schools at the start of the free primary education (FPE) programme by former President Mwai Kibaki in 2003, only 875,300 made it to Standard 8. EPA/AHMED JALLANZO can work together to achieve better outcomes. Progress is being made on the continent, but systems are not being revamped quickly enough to prepare Africa’s young people for a dynamic future. Over the past fifteen years, Africa has halved the number of primary school-aged children who were not attend school and has also

made strides in getting more young people into secondary school and institutions of higher learning. There has also been an increase in vocational school attendees, reaching nearly 25 per cent. The AfDB says more needs to be done to ensure the African education systems successfully support economic transformation. Most African education systems

Barclays Bank of Kenya marine insurance scheme to shield users against cargo losses Barclays Bank of Kenya, one of the country’s leading financial institutions, has today launched a marine insurance proposition which will cover the risk of loss of goods while in transit from overseas. The new scheme is in line with the bank’s diversification strategy and will be offered through its subsidiary, Barclays Bank Insurance Agency (BBIA), in partnership with First Assurance. “The launch of marine insurance greatly boosts our efforts towards providing allround financial solutions to our customers at one stop. The new proposition will enable us to provide better financial support to our business and corporate clients by offering those solutions that address their needs endto-end,” said James Agin, Barclays Bank of Kenya Director for Corporate and Investment Banking. The new policy covers loss or damage of ships in transit, cargo, as well as other risks involved in the transfer of goods from their point of origin to their final destination. The launch of marine insurance marks a significant milestone in a journey that started

two years ago when Barclays Bank of Kenya and its parent company, Barclays Africa Group Limited, were granted Bancassurance licences, allowing the sale of insurance products through the bank’s outlets. The license also paved way for the acquisition of First Assurance by Barclays Africa Group, further expanding the Barclays footprint in Kenya. “This development clearly demonstrates that our strategic partnership with First Assurance is already bearing fruits. Working together, we will continue to develop cutting edge financial solutions that address the needs of our customers across the entire value chain,” Mr Agin said. Barclays Kenya and First Assurance will work with the Kenya Trade Network Agency (KENTRADE), the state body mandated to facilitate cross border trade, which will provide an online platform where traders can buy marine insurance policies. Earlier this year, the government made it mandatory for all importers to insure goods with registered marine insurance companies in Kenya. @enock_x254

face a triple crisis including scarce human capital, low quality and poor inclusion, and a lack of alignment with private sector needs. The quality shortcomings are reflected in the students’ lack of foundational skills and critical competencies. About a third of primary school dropouts can neither read nor write. @enock _x254

MEAN 102.8944 125.5211 109.2264 7.8842 34.9388 21.7214

BUY SELL 102.7944 102.9944 125.3883 125.6539 109.1089 109.3439 7.8741 7.8942 34.8562 35.0213 21.6517 21.7911

At least 1 million jobs to be lost following plastic bags ban, says KAM At least one million people are projected to lose their jobs over a governments plan to ban the use of plastic bags, the Kenya Association of Manufactures (KAM) has said. KAM Chief Executive, Phyllis Wakiaga says the intended measures could lead to a loss of over 600,000 direct jobs and another 400,000 indirect jobs. “Kenya has about 176 plastic manufacturing companies accounting for 3 per cent of overall direct employment opportunities as well as thousands of indirect jobs opportunities,” she said, adding that the ban would negatively impact the affected families. KAM further claimed that the ban could see the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) lose billions of shillings in revenue. Last month, the government, through Environment Ministry, announced that it would from September 2017 ban the use of plastic bags. In a gazette notice dated February 28, 2017, Environment and Natural Resources Cabinet Secretary Judi Wakhungu said the ban significantly targets carrier and plastic luggage, particullarlly from shopping outlets, all of which are utilized by shoppers. The ban is a blow not only to the economy, but to retail shops and supermarkets, which heavily rely on plastic bags for packaging. @enock _x254

ICT Ministry partners with Telkom Kenya to roll out free Wi-Fi services across the country Kenya’s ICT Ministry has partnered with Telkom and the National Constituency Development Fund (NCDF), to roll out free Wi-Fi services through government funded Constituency Incubation Hubs across the country’s 290 constituencies. The initiative, a partnership of the will see Telkom Kenya install 1,160 Constituency Incubation Hubs, 4 per constituency, which will be equipped with 40 tablet devices, per incubation hub. Managing Director of the Enterprise Division at Telkom Kenya, Kris Senanu said the Hubs are aimed at benefiting youth entrepreneurs by way of helping them develop their ICT skills and applications. “We are excited about the roll-out of this new government project. As a strategic partner to the Kenya government’s national ICT agenda, Telkom Kenya is able to provide end-to-end solutions, tailormade to meet a growing set of needs for the Public Sector,” Senanu says. NCDF will finance the supply and installation of the equipment component while the ICT Ministry will fund the provision of Internet broadband services for a period of one year. “Telkom Kenya has continued to invest in its network infrastructure with a sizeable portfolio in broadband infrastructure, submarine cables, and its management of the government’s National Optic

Fibre Backbone,” Senanu added. Telkom’s move comes just weeks after Facebook, the world’s leading social media company, commenced the supply of low-cost internet access in Kenya through its Express Wi-Fi solution. Facebook has been working with Kenyan-based internet service provider, Surf. The social media firm is scheduled has rolled out its service to Ong’ata Rongai, Mlolongo, Limuru, Kitengela, Kiambu and a few other locations in the outskirts of Nairobi. Kenya had 31,985,048 Internet users as at September 2015, which is about 70 per cent of the population, according to Communications Authority. The number of Unternet users shot up from 9.7 per cent in 2010 to 69.6 per cent in 2015. Kenya now has 32 million internet users, making it an internet leader in the region, Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) Cabinet Secretary, Joe Mucheru said in a statement. Mr Mucheru said out every 100 Kenyans, 72 people have access to internet services. The CS was speaking at a Nairobi hotel on Monday, March 13, 2017 during a Conference on the role of ICT in supporting Kenya’s achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). @Dennis_x254



KCB to boost agriculture sector production with fodder project WEEKEND EDITION, MARCH 17-19, 2017

The KCB Foundation has launched a long-term project to grow livestock fodder using hydroponic technology in Kenya’s arid and semi-arid Counties in a bid to drive up agricultural production in the regions. This initiative is designed to provide a sustainable solution to the negative effects that drought has had livestock, the Foundation said. Hydroponics is the process of growing plants in sand, gravel, or liquid, with added nutrients but without the use of soil. KCB Foundation Chairperson, Catherine Kola says the project would be implemented in conjunction with Miramar International College (MIC). It would see Counties adopt more drought-smart technologies in agriculture and the use of hydroponic techniques for fodder production. “The project is in line with the Marsabit County’s intent to increase food production, in addition to increasing fodder production for livestock, which guarantees food security for animals especially in times of drought such as these,” said Ms. Kola. “This project embodies our commitment to long-term solutions that transform needy communities into needed communities.” The KCB Foundation said it plans to roll out the project in 10 counties by the end of this year. In 2015, Marsabit County procured and installed 12 greenhouses and it committed to constructing an additional 44 additional greenhouses in the four sub-counties as part of efforts to boost food security. “Hydroponic farming will offer a sustainable solution to these conflicts because it will enable farmers to produce their own stock of highly

A dairy cow eating hydroponic fodder. nutritious fodder, reducing the need to be on the move in search of water and pasture,” said Jane Mwangi, the Executive Director of the KCB Foundation. Hydroponically grown fodder boosts immune systems in livestock, increases their lifespan and improves their fertility, all of which make livestock more economically viable. As part of the Foundation’s efforts to guarantee the longevity of the project, the KCB Foundation will oversee the training of the first set of 200 farmers and agricultural entrepreneurs on the

hydroponics production cycle. These trainees will, in turn, become trainers, aiding the next set of interested farmers in order to ensure that the project becomes more sustainable. Beneficiaries of the 2jiajiri program will receive additional training on how to construct the hydroponics fodder production units, which will be customized to cater to the needs of individual farmers across the counties. “Livestock farming remains the bedrock of Marsabit County and we are keen to tap agriculturebased technologies to drive up its

commercialisation,” said Marsabit County Governor Ukur Yatani. It is estimated that at least 65 per cent of the population in Marsabit is food insecure and 63 per cent of the county was on food relief 5 years ago. It is estimated that close to 1.3 million people have been affected by the ongoing drought, a number that the Government predicts will rise to 2.4 million next month with Marsabit County experiencing the highest level of drought in the past 15 years caused by consistently poor short and long rains since 2012. @enock_x254

Aggressive transformation drive helps Co-op Bank profit grow to Sh17.7 billion Co-operative Bank Group has posted a profit before tax of Sh17.7 billion for the 2016 full year, compared with Sh15.4 Billion recorded in 2015, a 15 per cent growth. Profit after tax for the Group was Sh12.7 billion compared with Sh11.7 billion the previous year, representing an 8.5 per cent growth. The lender said the good performance came despite a tough operating environment due in part to the Bank’s gains from its ‘Soaring Eagle’ Transformation Project. The bank has been implementing the drive since 2014 with a focus on improvement in operating efficiencies, sales force effectiveness and innovative customer delivery platforms. “The Transformation Agenda has enhanced our Cost to Income Ratio from a high of 59 per cent in 2014 to 52.1 per cent in 2016,” Group Managing Director and CEO, Dr Gideon Muriuki said in a statement on Thursday, March 16, 2017. “Shareholders’ funds grew from Sh50.2 billion to Sh61.3 billion, an impressive growth of 22 per cent, supported by the Board of Directors sustained policy to aggressively recapitalize the bank for regional expansion leveraging on retained earnings,” Dr Muruiki added. He stated that the level of capital enables the Group to double its balance sheet and also finance major corporate deals in the market. @Dennis_x254

Butali in Sh208 m move to boost cane haulage with new tractor fleet

Butali Sugar Company is making moves to boost its cane haulage as a perennial drought threatens to wreak havoc on the sector. The Western Kenya based sugar milling firm has expressed optimism in regard to the local economy with

a heavy investment on its production logistics infrastructure. The Kakamega County based miller has commissioned a fleet of 40 New Holland Tractors valued at Sh208 Million to boost its cane development and haulage capacity; buoyed by a

The Butali Sugar Company fleet of New Holland tractors.

positive outlook on the local and regional economies. Speaking at the firm’s factory when he received the new fleet of New Holland TS6 Series tractors from CMC Motors, Butali Sugar Company Managing Director, Sanjay Patel said the firm is investing heavily to optimize its field and production operations in line with the government Food Security programme. With a raw cane crushing capacity of over 8,000 Tonnes of cane per day, Butali Sugar is currently rated as the single largest New Holland TS6 Series tractors customer in Africa and the Middle East with a fleet of 360 operational units. Mr. Patel said the delivery of an additional 40 units now pushes the firm’s transport fleet to 400 operational tractors, significantly raising Butali Sugar Company’s capacity to serve more than 30,000 contracted out

growers (through Butali Sugar Out Growers Ltd (BSOL) in the West Kenya sugar belt.) In Western Kenya, Butali Sugar Company is reputed for its ability to pay farmers on a weekly basis for the cane collected. The new fleet of 2-Wheel Drive New Holland tractors featuring purpose built wagons, Patel said, will be primarily used for the firm’s growing cane haulage needs from the members of BSOL to reduce wastage. “At Butali Sugar, we are actively investing in such efficient and versatile transport options as part of our commitment to pass the benefits of an efficient production process to our customers and farmers,” Patel said. “Our association with CMC Motors and New Holland Agriculture is founded on the delivery of proven performance tractors as well as reliable field and workshop service

and parts that afford us a round the clock crushing guarantee to meet growing market demand for quality Butali Sugar products,” he added. Visiting New Holland Agriculture Middle East and Africa Region Business Manager, Mr. Yasin Seker, while acknowledging Butali Sugar as one of the largest New Holland tractor operators in the continent and the Middle East, disclosed that periodic operating feedback received from the sugar company among other Kenyan customers, is playing a key role in New Holland Agriculture’s research and development (R&D) programmes. “Kenya is...one of the most important markets in Africa for New Holland Agriculture and is constantly providing crucial product improvement feedback to the product development teams.,” Seker said. @Dennis_x254


KPC cuts export oil fees by 30pc in bid to reduce cost of doing business in Kenya WEEKEND EDITION, MARCH 17-19, 2017

Kenya Pipeline Company Limited (KPC) has introduced a 30 per cent discount on all transit products in all its Western Kenya Depots, a move aimed at capturing a larger share of the regional fuel market. The new rate will see oil marketing companies now pay a promotional tariff of $41.55 (Sh4,280) per 1000 litres from the current $59.32 (Sh6,110) per 1,000 litres. The new tariff will be effective April 1, 2017. KPC said the promotional tariff seeks to bring down the cost of doing business not just in the country, but also in the region since Kenya is committed to regional integration and the promotion of intra-Africa trade. The move will therefore increase Kenya’s regional competitiveness as a leading oil and gas hub in Eastern Africa. With the recent leasing of KPRL, it will also enable the country shore up its strategic petroleum reserves from the current low of 12 days to 30 days with plans underway to increase the reserves to three months. This is very critical for the region’s economic growth. Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Energy & Petroleum, Charles Keter has approved the new tariff which is expected to reduce the cost of doing business for Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs). Keter said the new tariff will bolster regional business and strength the Country’s ties with neighbouring countries of Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi,

KPC said the promotional tariff seeks to bring down the cost of doing business not just in the country, but also in the region since Kenya is committed to regional integration and the promotion of intraAfrica trade. DRC and South Sudan among others. “We welcome the move by KPC to pass on the benefits of its capacity enhancement programme in the Western region to its customers as well as support regional trade by lowering the cost of doing business,” said Keter. KPC Managing Director Joe Sang said

the move will help the state corporation re-capture the lost regional petroleum market share. “We have lost our market share especially in Rwanda and Burundi. We must get this rightful share back and this calls for proactive and strategic thinking. We not only want to regain

the lost market, but also extend our operation into new frontiers in the region”, said Sang. KPC has invested heavily in increasing its capacity to serve both local and export markets. One of the key investments geared towards increasing product availability in Western Kenya,

was the commissioning of the Sinendet - Kisumu parallel pipeline (Line 6) in April, 2016. The 122 kilometre Sinendet-Kisumu pipeline has enhanced petroleum product availability in the Western Kenya and the export market of Uganda, Eastern DRC, Rwanda, Burundi and Northern Tanzania. The line has increased product flow to Kisumu depot by 350,000 litres per hour from the previous 110,000 litres per hour, increasing the country’s competitive edge in the region as a leading petroleum products exporter. The additional product has enhanced optimization of tank utilization in Kisumu. The full tank capacity for the port town is now 39 million litres. The annual demand for petroleum products in Western Kenya is 1.1 billion litres whereas the regional demand stands at 3.3 billion litres. KPC has also opened up development of other projects such as the Kisumu Oil Jetty (KOJ) and the planned Kisumu – Busia Pipeline. The oil jetty will facilitate transportation of petroleum product via Lake Victoria to the neighbouring countries. On March 7, 2017, KPC signed a Lease Agreement with KPRL to use the entire KPRL facility. KPC said this move will greatly increase its storage capacity in an effort to serve its customers. Dennis_x254

LG TVs receive Netflix certification for third year in a row The newest TV models from LG Electronics (LG) have been designated Netflix-recommended TVs by the global entertainment company for the third consecutive year. The certification program recognizes TVs that deliver “excellent Netflix performance and superb viewing experience. “ LG’s TVs passed a strict evaluation process based on factors that matter most to consumers, such as ease of access and speedy performance, thanks in part to LG’s acclaimed webOS 3.5 smart TV platform. “For the first time, LG’s 2017 UHD models include a dedicated Netflix button on the remote control, enabling users to both turn on the TV and launch Netflix with the press of a single button. LG’s newest TVs feature the latest version of Netflix that allows easy access to the service directly from the home screen,” the electronics company said in a statement. LG’s 2017 TVs are equipped with 4K HDR technology allowing Netflix’s titles in 4K and HDR to stream superb picture quality with greater definition and more accurate colors with higher range. “Titles including the entire Marvel

series on Netflix, such as the recently launched Marvel’s Iron Fist and other popular series such as The OA and Chef ’s Table, can now be viewed with incredible clarity. LG has ensured that its entire 2017 lineup of premium TVs support the full palette of HDR formats with Active HDR to render brighter scenes and greater shadow details when displaying HDR contents, including Dolby Vision, HDR10 and HLG,” added the tech company. “It goes without saying that we are incredibly proud that our 2017 TVs are once again being recognized as Netflix Recommended TVs,” said Brian Kwon, president of the LG Electronics Home Entertainment Company. “Because of such recognition, we will continue to find ways to give smart TV owners faster, easier access to 4K HDR content and a more enjoyable viewing experience from our TVs,” Kwon added. “LG has been an industry leader in delivering excellent Netflix access and performance on their Smart TVs,” said Scott Mirer, vice president, Device Partner Ecosystem at Netflix. “The Netflix Recommended TVs in LG’s 2017 lineup continue that leadership, and provide our members with an even

better Netflix experience,” Mirer added. The LG Electronics Home Entertainment Company is a global leader in television, audio video

systems, monitors, personal computers, digital signage and commercial displays. The company has been solidifying its presence in Kenya

through its customer-centric devices and high performance entertainment products. Dennis_x254



CBK move to lower interest rates backfires as state fails to raise funds WEEKEND EDITION, FEBRUARY 17-19, 2017

A cap on commercial bank lending rates by the Kenyan government has hurt its own ability to raise funds, financial services firm, Kestrel Capital has found. The investment bank estimated the government has raised only Ksh117 billion out of a target of net local borrowing of Sh236 billion for the financial year to the end of June. The Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) has cancelled three auctions of Treasury bills and bonds this year, after investors pushed up yields towards or past the 14 per cent mark, where the cap stands. The cap was introduced in September last year. It limits interest rates to 4 percentage points above the central bank rate, which stands at 10 per cent. The government argued that lenders had some of the highest returns on the continent and that borrowers were paying the price. However, commercial banks argue that the cap makes it harder for them to lend to riskier customers. Fixed-income traders said that level was well behind usual borrowing levels at this point in past fiscal years. Officials at the Treasury declined to comment. Commercial banks have piled spare cash into Treasuries since rates were capped. The cap also slowed already sluggish credit growth to small and medium-sized enterprises. Meanwhile, private sector credit growth started weakening at the end of 2015 after the central bank toughened supervision. It plummeted to 4.3 percent in December 2016 from 17.8 percent the previous year, worsened by

A pre-colonial monument stands in front of a Standard Chartered Bank branch in Nairobi, Kenya, March 28 2016. EPA/DANIEL IRUNGU the rate cap. President Uhuru Kenyatta called the situation unfortunate and said it was an unintended consequence of the cap. “This is an issue that concerns us and is one that I will actively seek to resolve

Uber speaks out over row involving deactivation of drivers’ apps Taxi hailing firm, Uber has responded to criticism over a move to suspend the accounts of some of its drivers. In a statement outlining the service provider’s Community Guidelines, Uber said its rules seek to keep standards high and ensure that drivers are making a profit. “Uber’s goal is to provide reliable, affordable and safe transportation. This can only happen if there’s trust on all sides, where riders feel safe with their driver and where drivers feel safe transporting their passengers,” the firm said in a policy brief viewed earlier today. “It was easy to work with the first handful of drivers when Uber first launched in Kenya but as we have launched more cities and grown in popularity across Africa it is important that every driver using our app understands our processes and we communicate in a consistent and transparent manner,” the company added. Uber stated that the firm has sometimes been prompted to restrict a driver’s access to the app.

“But when that happens, even for a short period of time, it affects their earnings. So it’s extra important we make our policy clear. We’ve heard from drivers in the many focus groups we’ve held across Africa in recent months that they would like to know more about why deactivation might happen and how they can try to get access again,” Uber explained. The taxi firm stated that its Community Guidelines are designed with the best interests of drivers and riders in mind. It covers, among other items, issues that relate to quality, fraud, safety and discrimination. Uber said the company will not tolerate discrimination of any sort, against riders or drivers. That includes race, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, sex, marital status, gender identity or age. On the side of the driver, this also includes respecting the transportation of people with disabilities, including service @Dennis_x254 animals.

so that credit can start to flow again to the real drivers of our economy,” he told Parliament. The World Bank says interest rate caps can hurt low-income populations by limiting access to finance and reducing

price transparency. The first failed attempt by Kenyan lawmakers to rein in the exorbitant lending rates with a similar legislation happened in 2001. The second was in 2011 but at the time, bankers said the

move would choke the economy and wipe out gains made in the industry. The latest attempt has also been met with stiff resistance as several banks may plan to lock out high risk and low income borrowers. @Dennis_x254

Uhuru ranked most popular leader in Sub-Saharan Africa with 2.9m followers President Uhuru Kenyatta is the most popular leader in Sub-Saharan Africa with 2.95 million followers, ahead of Nana Akufo-Addo, the new President of Ghana, and Rwanda’s Paul Kagame, with 1.34 million and 700,000 followers respectively. According to latest research from global public relations firm, Burson-Marsteller, the top 2 most active world leaders on Facebook are Ethiopia and Botswana respectively. The Facebook page of the government of Ethiopia is the most prolific one, with an average of 29 posts per day in 2016. The government of Botswana is almost as active, with 28 posts per day respectively. The Presidency in Uganda is the second most visited institution on Facebook’s mobile check-in and the Presidency in Ivory Coast is the fifth most visited. More than 34,000 Facebook users have “checked in” at the State House in Uganda. The presidential pages of Ivory Coast and South Africa have seen more than 10,000 mobile check-ins each. Indian Prime Minister Narendra

Modi the most followed World leader on Facebook, U.S. President Donald Trump comes into power with massive following. The study further found that 87 heads of state, 70 heads of government and 55 foreign ministers Have personal pages on the world’s largest social media platform Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is the most followed world leader on Facebook with 40 million followers on his personal page, and U.S. President Donald J. Trump is in second place with 20 million followers on his personal page, according to the newly released 2017 “World Leaders on Facebook” study by leading strategic communications and global public relations firm Burson-Marsteller. As of February 1, 2017, the institutional page of the Indian Premier, PMO India was third with 13 million followers, ahead of Queen Rania of Jordan, in fourth place with 10 million. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan rounds out the top five with 8 million followers. The study also analyses the activity of

590 Facebook pages of heads of state and government and foreign ministers throughout 2016 using aggregate data from Facebook’s Crowdtangle tool. Modi also had the most interactions of any world leader on Facebook in 2016 with 169 million interactions, Modi’s activity far outpaces the secondplaced world leader, Cambodia’s Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen, who had 58 million interactions. The now archived @ObamaWhiteHouse page is in third place with 36 million interactions, followed by Argentine President Mauricio Macri with just under 36 million. The personal page of Barack Obama completes the top five list, with 30 million interactions for 2016. Obama, who was until recently the most followed world leader on Facebook with 52 million followers, has one of the lowest interaction rates at only 0.15 per cent. By contrast, Albanian President, Bujar Nishani leads in this measure with a 10.79 per cent interaction rate. @enock_x254






Reggae acts come and go but not this one. Lion DC, founding member of the band Royalty By Black talks to XACCESS about the long road the reggae outfit has taken to achieve its form and the distinct vision Royalty By Black has in an industry starving for its next great act.


ow did you get started in the industry? Royalty By Black started out between 2013 and 2014. We met at Sauti Academy and at first we were 3 members in the band. A little while later one of the members left, then another member left and that continued until I was the only one still standing. So now I run Royalty By Black. We do conscious reggae music, music for the people and the society. After the old members left how did find the new ones? It was a transformation to be honest. I had to keep the focus on the vision and mission that I had for the band. I had a lot of challenges during that time getting new people who I could relate and work with but with time I met some good guys. What message do you try to pass with your music? My message is to empower black people and that’s why the band is called Royalty By Black. African people have been through many struggles and we are still going through so many problems trying to find ourselves and our place in this new world. There’s a lot of things we haven’t been educated about ourselves, in school we are taught things that are separate from our identity. And so Royalty By Black’s mission is to remind Africans that they are also royal, being an African makes you royal.

Africans are the band’s first priority. Where does your primary inspiration come from while making music? Daily life experiences, just talking about people, observation and the environment. Listening to other p e o p l e’s music also helps. What sort of music do you listen to?

Lion DC


It’s been a long journey

Richie Spice and Luciano make guest appearance at popular joint


Willy Paul finally meets Diamond Platnumz Controversial gospel music artiste Willy Paul has finally had a sitting with his role model Wasafi Records CEO Diamond Platnumz. Willy Paul is in Tanzania where he has been touring radio and TV stations to promote his new single ‘I do’ that features Jamaican singer Alaine. Willy Paul who has for a long time been criticised for trying to imitate Diamond Platnumz, even changing his name to Willy Paul Msafi may have just gotten the opportunity to finally work on a song with the award winning artiste from Tanzania. On social media just to drive the point home, he posted a photo and captioned; ‘Now you know, fruitful meeting,’ no stopping.’


elena Gomez has become an open book. Over the past year, the singer and new Vogue cover star has grown increasingly forthcoming about her struggle with depression and anxiety. In the April issue of Vogue, Gomez reveals that, (“I was depressed, anxious. I started to have panic attacks right before getting on-stage, or right after leaving the stage”), she gave up her cell phone to engage in 90 days of individual and group therapy. Through her own honesty, Gomez has also sought to break down the veneer of celebrity perfection, becoming a role model and forging a deeper connection with her fans in the process. Gomez reveal that she now visits her therapist five days a week and it’s not been easy.

Strictly reggae music! Reggae when I wake up in the morning, reggae when I go to sleep. Sometimes when I want to relax I might listen to soul music, but I’m a reggae-head. Which artistes have influenced your music? I grew up listening to reggae from my family and the people around me. Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, The Wailers; those are the people I’ve been listening to consistently because of their message and the whole Africa vibe they had. They kept on mentioning Africa in their songs and back then I didn’t understand but now I do. Do you listen to dancehall music? Dancehall music is really corrupted, there are some people who just want to confuse the youth. There’s no message and the lyrics are messy so I don’t really listen to dancehall. Some of the things the musicians sing about, I can’t encourage the youth to listen to. What’s the band working on right now? Right now we are putting an album together although it’s more of an EP. We are still listening to the songs and working on the vibe of the album, figuring out what we want to achieve with it. But ‘Pressure’ our single is out right now. What would you has been the most challenging part? Music is a business and it reaches a point where you have to invest in your music to take it further. So starting out without a label is a challenge. We also meet a lot of people who are not serious and want to waste your time and use you but you just deal with it because you have a vision and know what you want to achieve.


makes April edition Vogue cover, opens up on depression

eggae artistes Luciano and Richie Spice who are in the country for a reggae concert scheduled for Saturday at the KICC were last night at club K1. The duo’s media tour promoting and urging Kenyans to turn up for the concert ended with a meet reggae fans at the K1 club famously popular for reggae vibes on Thursday nights. Luciano and Spice were hosted by Dohty Family’s Kriss Darlin. Revelers at the club showed a lot of excitement as many took the opportunity to indulge in selfies.












DREAM CONCERT Kenya National Theatre

WHO: Libby Kigenda, Ciano Maimba Wanyoike, HK Gachago TIME: 6 pm ENTRY: Shs.1000




WHO: Rigga, Atemi Oyungu , Kanjii Mbugua, Shamsi Music TIME: 7 pm ENTRY: Advance Shs.1000, gate Shs.1200,

WHO: Luciano, Etana, Richie Spice TIME: 6 pm ENTRY: Regular Sh.500, Shs. 2000 VIP, Sh.5000 VVIP





WHO: Jack Rooster, SOLVATION, Inami TIME: 9 pm ENTRY: Sh.300


SUNDAY WHO: Lira, Lady Jaydee, Nyota Ndogo TIME: 12 pm ENTRY: Sh.2000 advance, Sh.2500 at the gate.










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EPL: City take on Liverpool as things heat WEEKEND EDITION, MARCH 17-19, 2017

With the quarterfinals of the Champions League set and the FA Cup quarterfinals in the books, it is time to return to a full weekend of Premier League action. The fight for the top four is heating up and two of the top four are facing off against each other. At the bottom, the relegation battle is as tight as ever and there is only a nine point gap between Hull in 18th place and Southampton in 10th. Here is a look at some of the weekend’s biggest fixtures: Manchester City vs Liverpool FC This is Sunday’s headline game and it should have a lot of goals in it. Both teams are known for their attacking style but have recently shored up their defence. This is particularly true of Manchester City which has kept a clean sheet in its last three games, admittedly against significantly inferior opposition. Liverpool on the other hand, last kept a clean sheet in their 2-0 win over Tottenham. This points to one of the most important aspects of this match – Liverpool under Klopp are very good against good teams. In their last 5 games against top 5 teams have had 3 wins (Man City, Tottenham and Arsenal) and 2 draws (Manchester

Brazilian duo of Fernandinho (for Man City) and Philippe Coutinho (Liverpool) battle for the ball in a past Premier League match. The two teams clash agains at the Etihad Stadium on Sunday in the highlight match of this weekend. PHOTO: EPA

United and Chelsea) and no defeats. Most importantly though, Liverpool

did not play mid-week and giving a number of players a much needed rest.

Manchester City on the other hand have just come of a crushing defeat against

Monaco in the Champions League. I expect a good game, with Liverpool having a slight edge in terms of chances. Their lack of a star striker and an inability to convert good chances (as seen against Burnley) means I expect an entertaining draw. AFC Bournemouth vs Swansea City This is the meeting of two teams who are moving in opposite directions. Bournemouth were hailed for their free flowing brand of football this season, but since they gave away their three goal lead against Arsenal on the 3rd of January, they look in danger of dropping into the relegation zone. Having lost 5 out of 9 games their trajectory is definitely downwards. Their recent win against West Ham suggest their form may be improving and Joshua King may prove to bring much needed goals. Swansea on the other hand have been a changed side under Paul Clement having moved out of the bottom three since Christmas. Clement has shored up a shaky defence which had a number of horrible defending performances under Bob Bradley. The team simplified their tactics and focused on feeding Llorente


up at the bottom with crosses and long balls. However, Llorente looks in doubt and Angel Rangel’s injury leaves two starting positions open. Swansea have a track record of brining through good young talent, but it may be time for Jorden Ayew to show why Swansea spent £5m on him in January. However, this will require a faster pace and a less direct approach. Two leaky defences mean this match will have a lot of goals in it. I think Swansea’s better form gives them the edge, just. Middlesbrough vs Manchester United After a long struggle with his team’s form, on Thursday Middlesbrough finally sacked their manager Aitor Karanka. In just over 3 years in charge he had a winning percentage of 47%, which reflects the success he had with Middlesbrough taking them to the playoffs in 2015 and getting them promoted in 2016 in the Championship. The club spent a total of £44m in this season’s transfer windows, signalling that they felt their squad needed upgrading to stay up. However, results did not pan out and after 10 winless games and shockingly few goals (3 in that timespan), Karanka

had to make way. Manchester United have had a tough week having had to play mid-week and Sunday’s game will be their third game in seven days. Having not secured a solid away win in Russia, Manchester United had to play a strong team. This will further tire them out even more and gives Middlesbrough a (very) slim chance. Nevertheless, I do not see an upset on the cards. Middlesbrough need either Alvaro Negredo or Rudy Gestede start scoring otherwise the team is destined to go down. Sunderland vs Burnley Things are getting very tight for Sunderland at the bottom. David Moyes said in August last year that he thought his team might struggle. With eleven games left in the season, Sunderland need to start winning games if they want to get out of the bottom three. Having only won 1 game in their last 10 they have to win against a Burnley side that narrowly lost against Liverpool last weekend. Burnley have a terrible away form and Sunderland may be able to exploit this. Winning in Sunderland could help Burnley move well away from the relegation zone and all but

Swansea full back Neil Taylor dribbles the ball past a Bournemouth opponent in a past league game. The two sides face off in what is being seen a battle to stay safe from relegation tomorrow. PHOTO: EPA

doom Sunderland. It will be an exciting game, expect Sunderland to go for it. I think Sunderland can win this game even if ultimately it won’t be enough to


let them stay up. If Sunderland do not win, it will be interesting to see what the Black Cats’ board does. If they sack Moyes, that signals they are going to

make one more push for safety. If they do not, they are more or less accepting relegation and can start to plan for next season in the Championship.



Man United edge through but lose Pogba to injury

Manchester United edged a nervy encounter with Russian minnows FC Rostov at Old Trafford to reach the Europa League quarter-finals with a 2-1 aggregate victory. Juan Mata got the decisive goal for United when he stabbed in from Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s flick, but Rostov threatened to take the game to extra time and Sergio Romero made two good saves late on. The United goalkeeper first kept out Sardar Azmoun’s flicked header before thumping away Christian Noboa’s free-kick. It was a largely frustrating night for United, who dominated for large periods without really threatening and also lost midfielder Paul Pogba to a hamstring injury. Their best chances before the goal came in the first half, when Henrikh Mkhitaryan shot wide when one-onone and Ibrahimovic twice hit the post. United will find out today who they will play in the quarter-finals, with the draw taking place later in the day. It was a victory that came at a cost for Mourinho as he lost Pogba and Daley Blind to injury. The France international was making his 41st appearance of the season for United but has rarely dominated a game, and he was largely a peripheral figure here before pulling up with an apparent hamstring injury early in the second half. He will miss Sunday’s Premier League game at Middlesbrough.

Sunderland striker Jermain Defoe celebrates scoring for his club. The 34-year-old striker has been recalled to the England squad.

Walcott out, Defoe in


underland striker Jermain Defoe has been recalled to the England squad. The 34-year-old won the most recent of his 55 England caps against Chile in November 2013. Uncapped Southampton duo Nathan Redmond and James Ward-Prowse are also selected, as is 19-year-old Manchester United striker Marcus Rashford. Gareth Southgate’s side face Germany away in a friendly on 22 March before a World Cup qualifier against Lithuania at Wembley on 26 March. Captain Wayne Rooney is absent as he recovers from a leg injury, while Tottenham striker Harry Kane is missing after injuring his ankle against Millwall on Sunday. West Brom midfielder Jake Livermore, who made his sole international appearance against Italy in 2012, returns to the squad. Burnley defender Michael Keane and West Ham winger Michail Antonio - both of whom are uncapped - are also selected. Southgate has also called up Manchester United left-back Luke Shaw, who has made two appearances since December, and Everton midfielder Ross Barkley. Defoe has scored 19 times for England since making his debut against Sweden in 2004, and has 14 Premier League goals this season, the second most by any English player behind Kane (19). “You can have the young players who are hungry and the old players who are hungry as well,” Southgate told the England website. “I think we can’t just look at young players all the time. I think we have to get results now and also plan for the future.”

Southgate said there was “a chance” Rooney would be fit for Manchester United’s Premier League game against Middlesbrough on Sunday. “The injury, coupled with the fact he’s not really had a lot of game time recently and others have, has sort of determined my decision on that one,” said Southgate. He added: “There are some very good players and it’s a battle to get in this squad. “Wayne totally understands that. He’s the most realistic senior player I think I’ve dealt with in terms of how he views the game. “He doesn’t have any expectations of being treated differently or treated in a special way.” Liverpool striker Daniel Sturridge is also absent through injury, while Arsenal forward Theo Walcott has not been selected. “I’ve got to say Walcott wasn’t chuffed to bits to get the call this morning and I understand that,” said Southgate. “Quite rightly, he said: ‘I’m one of the leading goalscorers in the league.’ I don’t mind being challenged on that at all. I totally respect that. I don’t expect him to be happy.

“But I’ve got to make decisions and I think it was the right thing to call him to talk that through, even though the timing probably wasn’t great. “He’s a player I still like. I’ve said to him I’m not ruling out, but in terms of just having him as a squad player, I think it’s a better opportunity for me to look at one or two others and see what they can do.” Harry Redknapp, who managed Defoe at Tottenham, believes the forward will believe he has a chance of playing at the 2018 World Cup. Redknapp told BBC Radio 5 live: “Jermain is a fantastic professional and good to have around the place. I’m sure he’ll be a big influence on the younger players. “He really does take care of himself and spends time on the training ground when everyone else is finished. “He’s never short of confidence and he’ll be eyeing the next tournament with relish. He will feel he has a chance.”

ENGLAND SQUAD: GOALKEEPERS: Fraser Forster (Southampton), Joe Hart (Torino), Tom Heaton (Burnley). DEFENDERS: Ryan Bertrand (Southampton), Gary Cahill (Chelsea), Nathaniel Clyne (Liverpool), Phil Jones (Man Utd), Michael Keane (Burnley), Luke Shaw (Man Utd), Chris Smalling (Man Utd), John Stones (Man City), Kyle Walker (Tottenham). MIDFIELDERS: Dele Alli (Tottenham), Michail Antonio (West Ham), Ross Barkley (Everton), Eric Dier (Tottenham), Adam Lallana (Liverpool), Jesse Lingard (Man Utd), Jake Livermore (West Brom), Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain (Arsenal), Nathan Redmond (Southampton), Raheem Sterling (Man City), James Ward-Prowse (Southampton). STRIKERS: Jermain Defoe (Sunderland), Marcus Rashford (Man Utd), Jamie Vardy (Leicester).

Published By Xtra Publishing Limited, Chancery Building, Valley Road, Nairobi | Printed at The Standard Group Centre, Mombasa Road, Nairobi. Paul Marshall-CEO, Fred Bunei-Finance Manager, Josiah Musee-Advertising Manager, Peter Obuya-Editor

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