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WEEKEnD EDITIOn, MARCH 10-12, 2017 | WWW.x254.CO







Raila pleads for joint primaries as matter threatens Nasa unity

Opposition partners have rejected the idea that would allow the coalition to field a single candidate to battle it out with their Jubilee rivals STORY ON PAGE 2

Governor in trouble as court orders his arrest


mbu Governor Martin Wambora (pictured right) is in trouble as he is now a wanted man. This is after the court ordered Inspector General of Police Joseph Boinnet to arrest him for failure to heed to a court directive. The Employment and Labour Relations Court in Nairobi issued the arrest orders today after Mr Wambora failed to effect payment to sacked county employees as was directed. Lady Justice Monica Mbaru further directed Boinnet to avail the county boss before the court for failing to comply with an order to pay the former employees their salaries and all their other dues. The aggrieved employees, former personal assistant to the Governor Bosco Mutegi, political advisor Joshua

Mugo and economic advisor Joe Kamaria were sacked by Wambora in September 2016. The trio went to court seeking orders for their reinstatement, and payment of their unpaid salaries and dues. They claimed that they were unlawfully removed from their positions and replaced before being given any explanation. The court had on Jaunuary issued an order to reinstate the three to their former offices unconditionally pending the hearing and determination of the matter. The arrest summons also included that for Embu county secretary Josephat Ndwiga, and the secretary of the public service commission in the county Johnson Nyaggah.



Raila pleads for joint primaries as matter threatens Nasa unity Parties in the opposition coalition the National Super Alliance (Nasa) have been urged to embrace the idea of holding joint primaries in order to field a single candidate in some elective positions across the country. Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Party Leader Raila Odinga argues that failure by the affiliate parties within Nasa to filed a single candidate will allow their rivals, the Jubilee Party, an easy win in the elections. Mr Odinga who is also a Nasa co-principal against having multiple candidates from the opposition parties. Some of his co-principals in Nasa; Kalonzo Musyoka of Wiper and Ford-Kenya’s Moses Wetangula have already ruled out the idea of holding joint primaries. But Mr Odinga termed it selfish and blamed some aspirants of orchestrating the idea of separate nominations. “Let us not be carried away by the selfish candidates as it will work against us,” Odinga warned yesterday at the Serena hotel in Nairobi. He however said his party will comply with the final agreement of other affiliate parties over nomination method to be used. “Joint primaries should be a product of mutual agreement amongst the affiliate parties,” he said. Only last week, the coalition’s coordinating committee that is tasked with coming up with the rules for the alliance indicated that they were considering the plan to hold joint nominations for some positions around the country. They argued that such a plan would help them avoid losing some seats with very high stakes to their opponents. Among those already considered high stakes are seats in areas like Nairobi and Mombasa Counties which have been identified as zones where joint nominations would be appropriate. But such an idea has elicited mixed reactions.

Nasa leaders Raila Odinga (center) speaks to the media while flanked by co-principals Kalonzo Musyoka and Musalia Mudavadi at his Capital Hill offices last week. Mr Odinga has urged the coalition to conduct joint nominations. PHOTO: COURTESY

Wiper’s Kalonzo Musyoka ruled it out and his sentiments have since been echoed by another Nasa co-principal Moses Wetangula. “A joint nomination is a minor issue. If other parties in the NASA outfit do not want the coalition to field a single candidate for a political seat, then we will conduct the nominations the way they want,” Mr Odinga said. Meanwhile, Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho has dismissed Elgeyo Marakwet Senator Kipchumba Murkomen telling the latter to stop meddling in the affairs of the opposition. Mr Murkomen said many candidates risk being rigged out if the opposition opt for the joint nominations. “In case of Mombasa, the incumbent Governor

cannot win if the nomination process will be free and fair because he has spent a lot of time engaging Deputy President William Ruto and the national government instead of interacting with the people on the ground,” Murkomen claimed much to the chagrin of Joho. Joho told him off saying Murkomen should keep off Mombasa affairs as he is not a voter in the county and has no say on NASA affairs. “I am happy that Murkomen is not a voter in Mombasa neither is he the spokesman of NASA or ODM and therefore he has no business at all taking about opposition matters,” Joho said. The Mombasa Governor said the main opposition for Nasa is Jubilee and supported calls for joint nominations. hillary_x254

Opposition chief flies out for US tour Opposition Leader Raila Odinga has today left the country for South Africa from where he will over the weekend fly to the US for a one-week tour. In South Africa, Mr Odinga will be visiting his daughter Rosemary Odinga who is admitted to a Johannesburg hospital over brain tumour. According to his spokesperson Dennis Onyango, the Nasa co-principal will travel to the USA from South Africa for a number of engagements. “He will be out of the country for slightly over a week. Over the weekend, Mr Odinga will travel to the USA from South Africa for a number of engagements,” Onyango said in a statement to newsrooms. Sources have told X News that while in the US, the former Prime Minister will meet with Kenyans living in the diaspora to rally support for the united opposition National Supper Alliance. “I will be out of the country for slightly over a week. Over the weekend, I will travel to the USA from South Africa for a number of engagements,” Odinga posted on his Twitter account. “Keep well and see you all soon,” he added. The visit to the US comes barely a week after Mr Odinga returned from a similar one to Nigeria. hillary_x254

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Taita Taveta Woman Representative Joyce Lay has announced her intention to defect from the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) in her bid to become the county’s next senator. The vocal women and children rights activist says she will instead contest the senate position on a Jubilee Party ticket citing the ruling administration as better poised to serve the county. “Politics is all about numbers and we have to sit where the cake is being shared,” Lay said as she addressed Voi residents. The senator’s post is set to become vacant after the incumbent Dan Mwanzo signaled his intention to vie for the county’s governorship. Current Governor John Mruttu will be defending his seat. Lay further urged locals to realign their political alignment in the buildup to the August 8, 2017 general elections in an area which predominantly voted for the Opposition in the 2013 polls. She lauded her new party for launching several development projects in the arid county including the construction of the

Taita Taveta Women Representative Joyce Lay. She has indicated she will decamp from ODm to join Jubilee under whose ticket she will contest the county’s senatorial seat.

National Mining Institute and extensive road carpeting. President Uhuru Kenyatta, who is on a four day tour of the Coastal region with his

deputy William Ruto, is set to launch the institute that will serve as a research hub for mineral science tomorrow. harrison_x254


Two-thirds gender rule shocker for parties WEEKEND EDITION, MARCH 10-12, 2017

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) will not accept party lists that fall short of the constitutional two-thirds gender rule. IEBC Chairperson Wafula Chebukati said yesterday that the electoral body will conduct a thorough screening of party lists submitted by different political parties before approving them to ensure they comply with the requirement. “One third women on the list must be nominated. If your party list doesn’t have sufficient women we shall return it to you and you return it back with sufficient number of women for nomination,” Chebukati warned. The IEBC boss who was responding to questions at the 4th Annual Devolution Conference which closed Thursday evening also called upon women to consider voting for fellow women who offer their candidacy for parliamentary positions to ensure the next Parliament meets the two thirds gender threshold. According to Article 81 (b) of the Constitution of Kenya (2010), “not more than two-thirds of the members of elective public bodies shall be of the same gender.” Chebukati however laid the blame on failure to pass two bills meant to actualise the requirement squarely on parliament, saying the IEBC has done its part in ensuring the relevant pieces of legislation are put in place. The parliament failed to pass two bills intended

to facilitate the fulfilment of Article 81 (b) after legislators failed to agree on a number of clauses including one on the eligibility for re-nomination of members by political parties. Chebukati called upon women to consider voting for fellow women who offer their candidacy for parliamentary positions to ensure the next parliament meets the two thirds threshold. “My appeal is to the women of this country I’m told they are the majority – please vote in as many women as possible so that we can cure that problem,” he said. “If we don’t of course we stand the risk of the next parliament being dissolved immediately after it’s elected and we do not want to see that happen,” he added. The IEBC chief also blamed the massive number of transfer requests received during the recently concluded Mass Voter Registration exercise to politicians who he said influenced voters to move to particular centres for selfish gain. According to statistics released by IEBC on February 21, some 1,001,819 transfer requests were made with some electors making multiple requests. “The problems of transfers is not the IEBC. I am aware that people were being transported to go and register in other locations,” Chebukati said adding that the law allows people to register inn any part of the country after a law requiring one to provide proof of being resident for at least

IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati explains a point to the Director of Public Prosecutions Keriako Tobiko during a meeting with the ODPP yesterday. Mr Chebukati yesterday said the electoral body will reject party lists that fail to meet the constitutional threshold of a two-thirds gender rule. PHOTO: COURTESY

six months before registering in an area was abolished. For the cases of multiple transfer requests, the commission according to Chebukati will only consider the last request made by a voter to determine the polling station one will be allowed

to cast their vote. “Those who transferred more than once we shall only use the last transfer and for purposes of elections that is where they will vote from,” he said. MORE ON THIS STORY www.capitalfm.co.ke



North Rift insecurity fueled by politics, senator now claims The insecurity in Baringo, Laikipia and parts of Elgeyo Marakwet Counties is politically instigated and has nothing to do with water pasture, a senator now claims. Elgeyo Marakwet Senator Kipchumba Murkomen said that the bandits are no longer looking for water and pasture as has been the belief but are targeting certain communities for political reasons. “What does the killing of a mother and a three day old baby has to do with water and pasture? This tells you that it is no longer about water and pasture for the animals,” Murkomen said yesterday. He asked the government to start dealing with the killers as criminals and not bandits anymore. “Anybody who kills the other for no reason should also be dealt with firmly,” added the first time lawmaker. He alleged that a senator colleague is behind the arming of bandits in the North Rift region. “It was well captured in the media the other day when a senator was seen with the bandits. The bandits were carrying guns and celebrating in his presence,” he said in an apparent reference to his West Pokot counterpart Prof John Lonyangapuo who has since opposed the security operation launched by Deputy President William Ruto in the area. “The beneficiaries of the insecurity in North Rift are in Nairobi seated in air conditioned office,” Murkomen added. He said it was upon the police to take up the matter and do further investigations. “It is not me to report the matter, the video was all over even in the mainstream media, the police did nothing about it,” Murkomen said. Prof Lonyangapuo had opposed the security operation to flash out bandits in Kerio Valley claiming it could lead to more bloodshed and

Elgeyo Marakwet Senator addresses residents of his county during a recent tour of the area last week. Mr Murkomen now claims that insecurity in Baringo and parts of Elgeyo Marakwet is being fueled by politics and not scarce water and pasture as was initially thought.

unnecessary killings ‘because members of a particular tribe had been recruited to fight the bandits who are from a rival community’. But Murkomen dismissed his claims saying security and peace must be allowed to prevail. “It is unacceptable for a leader to tolerate killing of other communities, people cannot use blood of others to ascend to power,” Murkomen said. Only last week, a British rancher Tristan Voorspuy was killed in Laikipia County and his body was found at his Sosian ranch. He had ventured out on a horseback to visit a site

on the ranch where two cottages had been set ablaze. In Baringo ten people have so far been killed and 800 displaced according to the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights. Murkomen supported the ongoing operations in Baringo and Laikipia saying all Kenyans deserve security from the government. “It is the cardinal responsibility of the government to provide security to its citizens and therefore any leader opposing such an idea should also be investigated,” he said. @sam_x254

Man killed was Kim Jong Nam, police confirm

Malaysian police have confirmed the North Korean citizen killed last month in Kuala Lumpur is Kim Jong Nam, the estranged halfbrother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Inspector General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar told reporters on Friday. “We have fulfilled the requirement of the laws on his identification,” Abu Bakar said. He would not elaborate on how police confirmed Kim’s identity, citing the security and safety of “the witnesses.” This is the first time police have officially confirmed the victim is indeed Kim Jong Nam (pictured left). Bakar said police will now hand Kim’s body over to the Malaysian Health Ministry, because nobody has claimed it. Kim was poisoned on February 13 with the highly lethal VX nerve agent as he was checking into a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Macau, according to Malaysian police. Two women, one from Indonesia and another from Vietnam, have been charged with murder and face the death penalty if convicted. Police are currently seeking seven North Koreans over the killing. Four are suspects who are believed to be back in their home country. Police want to speak with three others thought to be holed up in the North Korean embassy in Kuala Lumpur. Kim’s family is believed to be in hiding. His son, Kim Han Sol, appeared for the first time since his father’s death in a video Wednesday. Relations between Malaysia and North Korea have deteriorated since the killing.

World’s heaviest woman smiling after India surgery Egypt’s Eman Ahmed, believed to be the world’s heaviest woman, successfully underwent weight reduction surgery on Tuesday, doctors in India said. “She is very happy, she started dancing in her bed,” Dr. Muffazal Lakdawala told CNN. “Her smile has come back.” Before she traveled to India for her operation, Eman (pictured below) weighed 1,102 pounds (500 kg) and she’d barely left her bedroom in more than two decades, her family said. Over the last couple of years she’d been confined to her bed after a stroke severely impaired her speech and mobility. “She is battling with her life every single day,” Lakdawala told CNN last year. “Right now she is like a living bombshell, which could blow up on her any moment.” But Lakdawala told CNN on Thursday that since Eman arrived at the Saifee Hospital in New Delhi in February she’d lost more than 220 lbs (100 kg). “Her parameters are all stabilized, kidney is much better, electrolytes are much better,” he said, adding that they had a “window of safety” to perform the surgery -- a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. “She has done well postsurgery; she’s back in her room and taking liquids,” he told CNN. He said if all went well, the intention was to take another 155 to 175 pounds (70 to 80 kg) off her weight before sending her home to Egypt within the next couple of months. The next surgery will be next year, Lakdawala said. Eman is in India for the lifesaving surgery thanks to her sister Shaimma Ahmed, who last year launched a social media campaign drawing attention to her sister’s plight. Eman had suffered from thyroid problems since she was a child, but it wasn’t until her stroke that her weight bloated to more than 1,000 pounds and she really began to deteriorate. Doctors the family consulted seemed unable to get to the root of the problem, until her sister turned to social media as a last resort. Lakdawala in Delhi responded and offered to help reduce Eman’s weight. He said it would take two operations and at least three and half years to get her to a stage where she could bend and weighed under 220 pounds (100kg). The venture was fraught with difficulties from the start.




Two die in Seoul protests as Court ousts scandal-hit South Korea president Park At least two people were killed following angry protests in Seoul sparked by the decision of a court in South Korea to uphold the impeachment of President Park Guen-hye. President Park Geun-hye became the country’s first democratically elected leader to be forced from office over corruption scandal. Judges unanimously upheld Parliament’s decision to impeach Ms Park over her role in a corruption scandal involving close friend Choi Soon-sil. She now loses her presidential immunity and could face criminal charges. There have been angry scenes outside the court, as supporters of Ms Park protested against the verdict. South Korea’s Yonhap news agency reported that two people had died, including one elderly man who fell from a police van. The details were still emerging when we went to press. The court ruling is the culmination of months of turmoil which brought South Koreans to the streets in protest. Ms Park has been suspended from presidential duties since December, when parliament voted to impeach her, with the country’s prime minister taking over her responsibilities. The court decision means South Korea must now elect a new president by early May. Ms Choi meanwhile has been charged with bribery and corruption for allegedly pressuring big companies to give money in return for government favours. Ms Park has been accused of colluding with her. Both women have denied wrongdoing. A panel of eight judges at the country’s top court examined several charges related to the impeachment before finally deciding to uphold her dismissal as president. It ruled she broke the law by allowing Ms Choi to meddle in state affairs and breached guidelines on official secrets by leaking numerous documents. Her action “seriously impaired the spirit of... democracy and the rule of law”, said constitutional court chief justice Lee Jung-mi. The judge added that Ms Park had “concealed completely Choi’s meddling in state affairs and denied it whenever suspicions over the act emerged and even criticised those who raised

Supporters of impeached South Korean President Park Geun-hye (inset) , attempt to pass the barricade of police buses towards the constitutional court to protest after the court’s ruling on the impeachment of Ms Geun-hye in Seoul, South Korea, earlier today. PHOTO: JUNG UI-CHEL/EPA

the suspicions.” But the court dismissed other charges such as infringement on freedom of press by creating a media blacklist, and inaction during the 2014 Sewol ferry disaster. Following the ruling, Ms Park must now leave office and a presidential election will be called within the next 60 days. She could also face criminal charges. Prosecutors have already accused her of playing a significant role in Ms Choi’s alleged corruption, but were prevented from ordering her arrest because of her immunity. The decision has been met largely with jubilation,

but also tears. As the various twists and turns of the scandal came to light, public fury across South Korea intensified with many staging demonstrations calling for her to step down. Large crowds of anti-Park activists and Park supporters staged competing demonstrations outside the court building in Seoul today. Besides a possible criminal trial for Ms Park, there is also the ongoing prosecution of Ms Choi, while the de-facto head of Samsung Lee Jae-yong is facing a string of corruption charges over his role in the scandal. Analysts say the protests in recent months have

sent a strong signal that the close relationship between politicians and the chaebols - large family businesses that dominate the economy -needs to change. But South Korean society remains deeply divided, with older conservatives continuing to back her while younger liberals staunch opposing her brand of politics. A new election could change the political landscape of South Korea. The US swiftly responded saying it looked forward to a “productive relationship” with the next president and promised to remain a “steadfast ally”.

Nigeria leader Buhari returns home after United Kingdom medical leave Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has returned home after weeks of medical leave in the UK and speculation over his condition. The 74-year-old, who flew into an air force base in the northern city of Kaduna, is now the capital, Abuja, an aide has tweeted. The former military ruler left Nigeria on 19 January and has been having medical checks in London. Details of his condition have not been disclosed. But, according to a tweet from his assistant Bashir Ahmad, the president has said: “I am pleased I am back, I am feeling much better now.”

Mr Buhari had to go to Kaduna as the capital’s airport is temporarily closed for repairs. He then flew to Abuja in a military helicopter. An official statement on Thursday said President Buhari had left Nigeria for a “vacation, during which he had medical check-ups”. “The holiday was extended based on doctors’ recommendation for further tests and rest.” The president’s critics are now questioning whether he is fit enough to hold office, reports the BBC’s Martin Patience from Lagos. The main opposition People’s Democratic Party (PDP) has called for more transparency about the president’s condition.

WEEKEnD EDITION, MARCH 10-12, 2017 | www.x254.co



CSCEC to build Africa’s tallest building in Upper Hill, Nairobi

Regional oil marketing company, Hass Group has signed a Sh20 billion agreement with China State Construction Engineering Corporation (CSCEC) to construct the tallest building in Africa. “This will be the tallest building in Africa and become a landmark in Kenya. It is sure to drive regional development, promote economic growth, and attract more investment and tourism into Kenya. China State Construction understands the importance of this grand project and is honoured to be chosen as the main contractor,” Mr Li Mingguang, Vice President of CSCEC Overseas Operations said. CSEC is currently ranked as the largest construction company in the world. Speaking at a signing ceremony in Beijing, Chairman of Hass Petroleum Group, Mr Abdinassir Ali Hassan described the signing as a ‘historic’ event and congratulated CSCEC on winning the contract after a long negotiation and tender process. “It has not been an easy road. CSCEC went through a rigorous tender system which they won over ten international companies including European, Turkish as well as other Chinese competitors. Hass Group awarding the contract to CSCEC demonstrates a stronger growing economic partnership between the


Hass Group and CSCEC sign a Sh20 billion deal to in Beijing last week for the construction of Africa’s tallest building to be put up in Nairobi’s Upper Hill Area. Construction is set to start in April 2017. Chinese Government and the Kenyan Government, and is a testament to Kenya’s economic and political stability. This project will give CSCEC a majestic entry point into Africa,” he said. The signing ceremony was also attended by Honourable Mr John O. Odipo, Counsellor of Kenya’s Embassy in China, and the Commercial

Counsellor of Kenya’s Embassy in China, The Honourable Mr Vincent E. Omuse, Vice Chairman and CoFounder of White Lotus Inc., Mr Sita Ramachandra Raju Poosapati and Vice President of CSCEC Overseas Operations, Mr Zhang Zhiping. Hass Towers is a mixed use development set to open its doors in 2020 in Nairobi’s Upper Hill district.

Park Inn hotel to open in Westlands with appointment of new Manager, Executive Chef Park Inn by Radisson, a mid-market hospitality brand, will soon open the doors of its first property in Westlands Nairobi, led by its newly appointed General Manager, Carsten Wappler. This marks the opening of the second property in Nairobi by The Rezidor Hotel Group after Radisson Blu in upperhilll. Drawing on more than two decades of hotel industry experience, Wappler will be responsible for the pre-opening and all operations at the property, which is owned by AMS Properties and set as a landmark in Westlands. “Park Inn by Radisson is designed for modern travellers. The brand adds colour to life through flexible and functional spaces, staff and energy at any of its 140+ hotels across the globe,” the group said in a recent statement. Park Inn by Radisson Nairobi Westlands is the fifth address that Wappler has worked at, since joining Rezidor in 2010. He arrived from Radisson Blu Hotel Lusaka in Zambia, where he formed part of the preopening team in 2012 as Executive Assistant Manager. Wappler also served as Acting General Manager for the Park Inn Tete in

Mozambique in 2014 and was a part of the pre-opening team for the Radisson Blu Hotel Lagos in Nigeria and the Radisson Blu Hotel & Resort Split in Croatia. The hotel has also appointed Charles Gachomo as Executive Chef. The group stated that the UK-trained chef brings on board a wealth of experience spanning over 15 years in the hotel industry, having risen through the ranks from a head chef in Scotland in 2003. He has been awarded the coveted one AA rosette food accolade. “It is such an honor to have been selected for this great role and property. I am truly thrilled and look forward to work with the phenomenal team and partners to further our footprint and customer satisfaction in the region,” Wappler said. Prior to joining Rezidor, he was based in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and China, having risen from Food and Beverage Manager to Executive Chef and thereafter Hotel Manager within various international hotel companies. Born in Germany, Wappler graduated in Hospitality Management Administration at the HOGA Dresden in 2003. @kevin _x254

Construction of the foundations for Hass Towers is due to start in April this year, when the project will be officially launched in Kenya. Once complete, this record-breaking mixed use development will include Grade A offices, a 5-star Hilton hotel, plus a luxury retail and entertainment complex. @kevin _x254

MEAN 102.5628 124.7936 108.2292 7.8394 35.0518 21.7916

BUY SELL 102.4628 102.6628 124.6511 124.9361 108.1100 108.3483 7.8273 7.8515 34.9689 35.1347 21.7216 21.8616

Nova Academies moves to set up 8 schools by 2018 The incoming Form 1 class at a newly built campus of Nova Academies, a leading pan-African school network in Kenya’s famous Tatu City, is officially full with a. Nova Academies, whose Nairobi flagship campus is located in Tatu City, the mixed-use, mixed-income satellite city development outside Nairobi, plans to to deliver on its innovative approach to 8-4-4 education, Chris Khaemba, the institution’s Director said. Tatu City delivered the infrastructure critical for the successful operation of the school including paved roads, connection to sewer line, water connection, power and the installation of a security fence on the outer boundary. “To have Nova Academies open their flagship campus at Tatu City is testament to the hard work from all involved,” said Nick Langford, Country Head for Rendeavour, Tatu City’s owner and developer. “Education is a vital component of our mixed-use offering. This demonstrates Tatu City is clearly becoming a destination within greater Nairobi,” he added. Nova Academies, which is co-founded by former Alliance Principal Chris Khaemba, is situated on 20 acres of land adjacent to Kijani Ridge, the first residential development at Tatu City. Upon completion in 2019, the campus will be home to four separate campuses: a secondary boys’ boarding school, a secondary girls’ boarding school, a primary day school, and a preprimary. @Dennis _x254

Strong investment in construction projects helps Bamburi Cement post Sh7.9 billion operating profit in 2016 Bamburi Cement Limited, a subsidiary of LafargeHolcim, has posted an 8 per cent growth in its operating profit in their 2016 performance results. Eastern Africa’s leading cement manufacturing and marketing attributed the growth to product innovation and diversification supported by operational excellence and robust cost management. The Board of Directors of Bamburi Cement Limited met on March 9, 2017 to approve the audited results for the year ended December 31, 2016 lauding the growth. “Our 2016 full year results confirm the effectiveness of the Group strategy in delivering consistent and sustainable performance in a competitive environment,’ the Board stated. The Group posted an operating profit of Sh7.9 billion. The reported growth was further enhanced by the strong public investment in key infrastructure projects across the region that bolstered strong growth in the infrastructure and contractor segment. Group turnover for the period under review stood at Sh38 billion, slightly below prior year. This was mainly on account of slowed private investment in individual home builder segment in the latter half of 2016, coupled with lower exports to Inland African

markets. The Group continued to generate cash from its operations of Sh6.9 billion, but registered a lower net cash position to the prior year, arising from the higher tax contribution to the Exchequer of Sh3.5 billion, up from Sh2.5 billion paid in 2015, an increase in working capital and mobilization funds for the capacity increase project. “We are pleased to have delivered positive results in 2016 and we remain optimistic of the market growth prospects in both our domestic and inland Africa export markets in 2017,” company Managing Director, Bruno Pescheux said in a statement. “Overall, in Kenya and Uganda, we have seen the business show great resilience. We will continue to implement several tactical and strategic initiatives in the market, that enhance our customer experience, develop our product portfolio offering, our human capital and our operational capacity,” he added. The commencement of the first phase in Bamburi’s capacity increase investment in Kenya and Uganda signals the group’s confidence in the region and underscores belief of the projected and continued growth in all East African economies. @kevin_x254



ABAK, NACADA in move to stamp out counterfeit alcohol traders WEEKEND EDITION, MARCH 10-12, 2017

Alcoholic beverage makers in Kenya through their lobby group, the Alcohol Beverage Association of Kenya (ABAK), have built up their campaign against the sale of counterfeit alcohol in the Kenyan market. ABAK recently endorsed a Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) directive in using new generation stamps as one method to curtail the sale of alcohol by unlicensed merchants. In a statement released to newsrooms, the Association, through their Chairperson, Gordon Mutugi, noted that they are continuously working with various stakeholders within the industry such as KRA, The National Treasury and the National Authority for the Campaign Against Drug Abuse (NACADA) to weed out unlicensed trade holders and formulate sustainable policies for genuine players in the industry. “Keeping the problem in perspective, the regulations that had earlier been put in place to ensure that the vast majority of the alcohol in Kenya is legitimate and safe has so far dealt a blow to the underground distilleries. We will continue to take bold, significant and strategic moves that will redefine and set standards for alcohol production and distribution,” he explained. He stated that the Association and its players are organizing regional trips around the country to boost consumer awareness regarding counterfeit drinks. “Most pubs, shops and retailers are completely legitimate business and would not get involved with the illegal business, however, our campaign basically informs the consumer and the retailer on how to spot and avoid counterfeit alcohol. Through the KRA somalabel app, the consumer or retailer

Regulations that had earlier been put in place to ensure that the vast majority of the alcohol in Kenya is legitimate and safe have so far dealt a blow to underground distilleries. will have the power in their hands to tell within minutes whether a product is genuine or not,” Mutugi concluded. In the past, ABAK has successfully lobbied the Kenya government to regulate fair tax policies as high levies have made unregistered and illegal trade in alcoholic beverages irresistibly profitable for smugglers and unlicensed operators. The group

draws its members from Kenya Wine Agencies Ltd (KWAL), Africa Spirits Ltd, Kenya Breweries, United Distillers and Vintners (UDV) Kenya and Wines of the World. Counterfeit alcohol is produced in unlicensed distilleries or people’s home and is packaged with an intention for sale. It is illegal to distill and sell alcohol to the public in Kenya without

requisite clearance from the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KBS), NACADA and authorized license from the Kenya Revenue Authority. The fight against clandestine distilleries has been a collective effort, not only by the alcohol makers, but other stakeholders within the industry, including consumers. @Dennis_x254

DPO buys SA firm to drive up adoption of online cash transactions

Direct Pay Online Group, (DPO Group), an online payments service provider in Africa, has announced that it is acquiring 100 per cent of the equity in Virtual Card Service (VCS) in Botswana and Namibia. The acquisition will enhance the position of the Direct Pay Online Group as the leading Pan-African online Payment Service Provider. This will be closely followed by the acquisition of 100 per cent of VCS business in South Africa. The acquisition follows the Group’s recent acquisition of PayGate Ltd, the leading South African online payments gateway. This further expansion into Southern Africa will further embed DPO Group’s position as the leading payments solution on the African continent. “VCS Namibia and Botswana will complement the DPO Group in various areas including technology, expansion of the client base and growth in this geographical area,” said Eran Feinstein, DPO Group CEO. “Our aim is to accelerate the intensification of payments in Africa, as we seek to empower every person and organization to have the option to pay and be paid online anywhere, anytime, and by any mode of payment.” Virtual Card Services is the leading credit, debit and smart card processing systems for all electronic transactions in Southern Africa. This transaction is DPO Group’s second investment in Southern Africa in six months, following its investment in PayGate. @kevin_x254

Gender Ministry challenges women to push for socio-economic development as Barclays commends change-makers at Zuri Awards Gender Ministry challenges women to push for socio-economic development as Barclays commends change-makers at Zuri Awards Director Gender Services at the Ministry of Gender, Luke Nkumbuku has challenged women to work towards making a difference in society in spite of challenges they face. Ndumbuku was speaking at a celebration known as the Zuri Awards as Barclays Bank of Kenya marked the International Women’s day on March 8, 2017. The Bank celebrated the event by honouring women who are uplifting the lives of other women on a grassroots level through various initiatives. The inaugural Zuri Awards, which had

51 nominees, was aimed at rewarding individuals and organizations making a difference within their communities. The event is a brainchild of Go Gaga, an experiential and marketing agency in Nairobi. Out of the 51 entries, 15 finalists were shortlisted and 5 winners picked. The winners, Natalie Robi of Msichana Empowerment Kuria, Suhalya Aboud of GenderHealth Africa, Buya Mukonzo Winfred of Empower HER, The African Centre for Women, Information and Communications Technology (ACWICT) and Safaricom’s Women in Technology were awarded in the Leadership, Impact, Innovation, Non-profit and Corporate categories respectively.

Natalie Robi, 24, was celebrated for her organisation Msichana Empowerment Kuria which campaigns against Female Genital Mutilation through various youth and women programs and has so far reached more than 30,000 people in the Kuria community. 21-year-old Buya Mukonzo Winfred, a student at Maseno University and Founder and Director of Empower HER Initiative and was recognised for her programs that mentor women and girls to become agents of social and economic change across Vihiga and Kisumu Counties. Suhayla Aboud was awarded for her role in strengthening the capacity of health workers in fighting Gender Based Violence, offering psychosocial

support and clinical management of rape through the GenderHealth Africa initiative. The African Centre for Women, Information and Communications Technology (ACWICT) works with high-potential but disadvantaged young women to improve their access to education, employment, health and leadership opportunities using ICT. The final winner was Safaricom Women in Technology (WIT), an organization of women working in technical departments at Safaricom, runs programmes divisions dedicated to inspiring women from different backgrounds to advance their careers in technology. Speaking during the gala dinner,

Barclays Bank MD, Jeremy Awori said that the gender agenda was central to the bank’s strategy. “Barclays is supporting tonight’s event because…we believe gender equality in the workplace is imperative for any business to succeed. Having all players at the decision making table is not a nice to have, it is the smart thing to do,” he said. “Currently we have a 48:52 ratio of women to men working at our bank. Of course, we are working towards this being 50:50 too.” The Zuri awards ceremony attracted entries drawn from various sectors covering IT, health, leadership, human rights, psychology, fashion and beauty among others. @Dennis_x254


Property investments help Cytonn grow value of total assets by 77 pc to Sh11.8bn WEEKEND EDITION, MARCH 10-12, 2017

Financial services group, Cytonn Investments has posted strong growth, with total assets growing by 77 per cent for its 2016 Financial Year (FY) to Sh11.8 billion from Sh6.7 billion as at FY 2015. The growth in total assets was driven by an increase of 80.1 per cent in investment property, from Sh5.6 billion as at FY 2015 to Sh10.1 billion as at FY 2016. “Our strategy in 2016 was to grow our firm across the four key pillars of people, products, processes and distribution, to position ourselves to consistently deliver on the attractive alternative investment opportunities, which exist in Kenya and the region,” said Edwin H. Dande, Cytonn’s Chief Executive Officer. “We are the only brand that has coupled up real estate finance and real estate development onto one platform, it’s a niche with almost no competitor. The firm made heavy investments in growing, retaining and hiring “the very best talent”, resulting in staff numbers increasing over threefold to 250 people. In terms of product, Cytonn invested heavily in the real estate development pipeline, growing 300 per cent from 3 live projects to 12 live projects. “In a year when the average investor made single digit returns, and the stock

Cytonn Chief Investment Officer Elizabeth Nkukuu speaks at a past event. market was down 8.5 per cent, our investors realized returns ranging from 18 per cent per annum to 55 per cent per annum. More importantly, with our strong corporate governance structure, our clients can be confident that their interests come first at all times,” said Elizabeth N. Nkukuu, CFA, Cytonn’s

Chief Investment Officer and Head of Real Estate. “We continue to develop institutional grade real estate, aimed at reducing the housing deficit, estimated at 200,000 units annually.” “Cytonn’s real estate platform, with a strong focus on execution and delivery of quality real estate product has driven

Cytonns total investment portfolio to 12 developments, and sh 74 bn of projects under mandate. With over 1,200 acres under development, combined with a strong private equity pipeline, evidenced by the stake purchase of a 25% stake in Superior Homes, we are confident of continuing to deliver

superior returns to investors. Given the attractive valuations in the banking sector, we have also began building a position in one of the leading banks, KCB Group, where we are now the 14th largest investor and we shall continue to build on that position. All of our investments continue to address the housing shortage, create employment opportunities, with over 1,000 jobs having been created to date, help in deepening of the capital markets, and play our part in the growth of our economy,” added Nkukuu. “The investment property in the development pipeline of Sh10.1 billion had gains of Sh535.2 million in FY 2016, which together with revenue growth of 186.1 per cent highlights the attractive investment opportunity in real estate in Kenya and the region,” said Shiv Arora, Cytonn’s Financial Controller. “For our shareholders and joint venture partners, 2016 was a great year, as can be seen by our financial performance. Cytonn has delivered great numbers, and Management has continued to execute a growth strategy that will propel us to be the leading investment and real estate firm in the region,” said Prof. Daniel Mugendi, Cytonn’s Chairman. kevin_x254



g vril is movin A s s e tr s g r Sultry son yet anothe g in d n la r e er on up. Aft al the sing e d t n e m e endors h XACCESS it w t a h c a had ture and about her fu for g but hope in th o n s a h t things to more grea . e’s the 411 come. Her



hy did you agree to the itel endorsement? Any partnership that empowers young people and not just myself, I’m always in for it. Technology influences communication and communication is something that young people are very integral in. So for me I chose to be the brand ambassador when I was approached by itel recently because at the end of the day I’m looking for areas and avenues of how to expand technology in Kenya. What will the partnership entail? Basically what a brand ambassador does is market products so my face is going to be a representation of what itel is about. Me being young-- I’m not that young but hey!--the youth tend to respond to me and I’ll try to push the product specifically to them. Try to provide them with a good phone that they can use and will not break the bank. Do you personally use an itel? Yes of course. I’m actually using an itel now. I take selfies all the time and the phone’s camera quality is actually pretty good. You song ‘Yule Dame’ is all about female empowerment is this an expression of that? Yes it was. As much as I was trying to empower people, I was also trying to empower myself. So every time somebody asks me about that song I tell them that being a female in any industry whatsoever has its challenges. But you have to persevere and tell yourself that ‘you can do this,’ you can have that child that you’ve always wanted and still have a great career. There were all these things happening in my life and people were talking and saying a lot of things but at the end of the day you have to remind yourself ‘we

ni yule dame.’ Has this new deal changed the way you look at the business of music? I’ve had a couple of deals in the past that have always influenced my career so definitely this is also an addition to my CV. In life you always count achievements as stepping stones to different things so this has only added to my career. It has shown me that great things are coming because some people had said ‘she’s getting too old for this.’ Every year is my year because I’m constantly trying to reinvent myself. The phone series you are working on is called the Selfie Series, do you have a goto pose while taking pictures? Of course! Every single time I take a selfie I always have to look for my good side, I think it’s my left side. I always tend to tilt my head because it makes my face look slimmer. Are there any rules you follow before you take a pic? I take a bunch of selfies and then I start choosing which ones are the best. I have to look for the light, I have to find the side that looks better in that light. So yeah I think we all have the same rules especially as girls. Your music, when can we expect something new? Something new is coming very very soon, in fact a lot of things are coming very soon. There’s


The future is bright a new song that’s about to be released and it’s going to be very different. A lot of people are going to ask a lot of questions about the new direction of my music, but hey, we need to challenge ourselves as Kenyan musicians once in a while. We don’t have to stick to the same old music that we are used to. So I’ve challenged my producers, my videographers, working with Cedo and J Blessing and it’s going to be amazing. I’m also doing something big in Nakuru on April 15th so fingers crossed. @christine_x254

Akothee’s ‘Tucheze’ gets ‘cold’ reception


Who would have thought that Tanzanian President John Pombe Magufuli, the no-nonsense leader is actually a cool President? The CCM leader surprised his audience as he gave a speech in Mtwara Province when in an allusion, he quoted lyrics from Darassa’s ‘Muziki’ and made a reference to Diamond’s ‘Salome’. ‘Kwamba unaenda bila breki, what do you expect?’ he said amidst cheers from his DARASSA supporters. ‘Mkishaimbiwa changanya kama karanga ndio mnachanganyikiwa kabisa,’ he went on referring to a line from Diamond and Rayvanny’s remix of Saida Karoli’s ‘Salome’.

President Magufuli quotes lyrics from Darassa, Diamond in speech

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, are expecting their second child together, another baby girl. Zuckerberg announced the happy news on Facebook on Thursday, alongside sweet throwback photos of him and Chan growing up with their own sisters. “Priscilla and I are happy to share we’re expecting another baby girl!” he began his post. “ Zuckerberg and Chan started dating in 2003 and married in 2012. The pair announced they were expecting their first child, daughter Max, in July 2015, in an emotional post revealing their struggles to bear children.

The Zuckerbergs are expecting baby number two

Self-proclaimed Madam Boss Akothee’s much-anticipated music video dubbed ‘Tucheze’ was last night released on YouTube to a cold reception. ‘It’s not what I expected after all the hype,’ a YouTube user posted in the comments section. While the dance moves in the video and the video quality got a thumbs up, the musicality is off according to most of the comments on the video that has since garnered over 2000 views. ‘What is the theme in this song? The video is dope, nice dancing moves but I don’t understand what the song is all about.Someone help.,’ wrote Rosetta Kaidi on the music video comments section.




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Sofapaka looking forward to positive ruling as KPL starts

Sofapaka FC top brass are confident the Sports Disputes Tribunal will deliver a favourable ruling that will keep the club in the Kenyan Premier League when the body gives its verdict next week. The 2009 KPL Champions have been entangled in near two months fight with Football Kenya Federation (FKF) for allegedly failing to comply with the CAF/FIFA licensing act, something the club president Elly Kalekwa has vehemently denied. Tribunal Chair John Ohaga set the ruling date on Wednesday March 15, 2017 evening after presiding over a three-hour hearing at the SDT headquarters in Nairobi as Sofapaka made a strong case in their petition. The hearing for Muhoroni Youth, KCB FC and Vihiga United – who were also struck off the top division pending conclusion of their cases, was postponed until the determination of Sofapaka’s case while disciplinary proceedings instituted against four KPL principals will be heard last. Former KPL chairman, James Musyoki, his predecessor Ambrose Rachier, CEO Jack Oguda and founder Bob Munro face disciplinary action for ignoring SDT’s order instructing them to release KPL fixtures earlier in February. The four are also accused by Football Kenya Federation (FKF) President Nick Mwendwa of of scuttling the agreement to expand the league to 18 teams. Kalekwa said, club’s lawyer had proven to the tribunal that the club had an auditor since 2010, while the respondents (FKF) claimed his presence was not guaranteed at the time


PSG fans clash with players after Barcelona debacle Paris St-Germain say a police investigation is under way after fans angrily confronted players at Bourget Airport following their Champions League elimination to Barcelona. The French champions flew home from Catalonia after a 6-1 defeat which overturned their 4-0 first-leg win. Fans insulted players and vandalised their cars in an “extremely hostile and aggressive climate”, the club say. PSG also claim one person was hit by a car during the incident. A club statement read: “The players were confronted and threatened by several individuals at Bourget Airport, despite the club and authorities reinforcing security. “These individuals verbally insulted the players before vandalising their cars. Several vehicles were damaged. “One individual was struck by a car trying to escape the crowd that was physically threatening the players and their families. A police investigation is under way to establish exactly what happened. “The club, and all those present, have informed the investigators of their readiness to help the investigation, to get to the bottom of this regrettable incident.”

Sofapaka owner Elly Kelekwa. The club is battling demotion to the National Super League after FKF disqulaified it for failure to meet licencsing regulations. PHOTO: COURTESY

of submitting licensing documents. Another bone of contention was the validity of the law compelling the clubs to be licensed in relation to timelines given to comply. With KPL season set to get underway this

weekend, it could take at least two more weeks to find out the final composition of the KPL and the National Super League (NSL), with Vihiga, KCB and Muhoroni still hanging far in the threads of their @amos_x254

Harambee Stars drop in latest Fifa rankings The national football team Harambee Stars has dropped one place in the latest FIFA rankings released on Thursday to move 88th. Kenya, unbeaten in the last eight international matches has not been active in international football since the 1-0 win over Liberia in Nairobi on November 15. However, they will have a chance of scaling up the rankings when they host Uganda and DR Congo in two international friendly matches on March 26 and 29. Uganda has moved up one place to 74th in Thursday’s rankings while DR Congo have slipped down one position to 38th. In the CECAFA region, Rwanda is the most improved having moved seven places up into the top 100 to be placed at number 93. Ethiopia has dropped one place to 104th while Tanzania National Football team Harambee Stars players leave the pitch after a past match. The team has dropped one has moved one spot up to 157th. place to position 88 in the latest rankings by world football governing body Fifa. PHOTO: CAPITAL FM South Sudan, FIFA’s newest member has also moved one Nations losing finalists Egypt places up to 28th while African Brazil, Germany, Chile and slot up and they are now ranked moving three places up to 20th champions Cameroon have Belgium remaining in position to be the best ranked African moved into the top three after one to five. 167th. going one place up to 32nd. Africa’s top three has also country. MORE ON THIS STORY Senegal are the second best The top five worldwide remains changed with African Cup of www.capitalfm.co.ke placed having moved three unchanged with Argentina,

Europa League round up: Lyon stun Roma in comeback win Alexandre Lacazette scored in stoppage time as Lyon came from 2-1 behind to beat Roma in the Europa League last-16. Mouctar Diakhaby put the French club ahead before Roma hit back through Mohamed Salah and Federico Fazio. Lyon scored three second-half goals through Corentin Tolisso, Nabil Fekir and Lacazette ahead of next Thursday’s second leg in Rome. Elsewhere Gent, who beat Tottenham in the last round, lost 5-2 at home to Belgium rivals Genk. Mbwana Samatta scored twice for Genk while Gent finished the game with 10 men after Anderson Esiti was sent off six minutes from time. It finished 1-1 in the all-German tie between Schalke and Borussia Monchengladbach, while substitute Claudio Beauvue headed a 90th minute winner for Celta Vigo, who beat Krasnodar 2-1 ahead of the second leg in Russia. A mistake from Olympiakos keeper Nicola Leali, when he kicked the ball straight to Vincent Aboubakar, cost his side as the Besiktas forward scored to cancel out Esteban Cambiasso’s first-half goal, the tie ending 1-1. Former Cardiff City striker Andreas Cornelius headed a second-half winner as Danish champions FC Copenhagen beat Ajax 2-1. Copenhagen made a flying start through Rasmus Falk Jensen inside the first minute. Danish teenager Kasper Dolberg, 19, equalised for Ajax with his 15th goal of the season before Cornelius struck. Anderlecht won 1-0 in Cyprus against Apoel Nicosia, Nicolae Stanciu hitting the winner.



FA Cup: Chelsea vs United highlight quarters WEEKEND EDITION, MARCH 10-12, 2017

After a great round of mid-week fixtures it’s time to look ahead at the “Magic of the Cup”. There are a number of really exciting matches coming up this weekend and here is a quick preview. Middlesbrough vs Manchester City This will be the most one-sided of the matches this weekend. Middlesbrough’s last goals came against Oxford United in the last round, three weeks ago. Prior to that their last goal came against West Bromwich Albion, in late January. Although they had a mid-week hiccup Manchester City have scored a total of 20 goals in the same period, including 5 against Monaco in the Champions League. This will be a great opportunity for Iheanacho to show that he can be a real alternative should Agüero leave in the summer. Arsenal vs. Lincoln City It is that time of year again. Arsenal are out of the Champions League and effectively out of the title chase. Once again the only way to save their season is to win the FA Cup. Luckily they have a manager in Arsene Wenger who has won the tournament a record equalling six times. Should he pull it off this year

Chelsea’s attack due of Diego Costa and Eden Hazard leave the pitch after a past match. The forwards are expected to feature as the Blues take on Manchester United ib the FA Cup quarters on Monday night. PHOTO: EPA

(and go out on a high) he could become the most successful manager in FA Cup

history. Arsenal’s struggles of late mean that they really have no “easy” games

and Lincoln City might yet prove to be a banana skin. Expect Arsenal to

go all guns blazing have the game tied up before half time. I expect Wenger might go with many of his most trusted players, to prove a point. The score is not in doubt and I expect Theo Walcott to have a big day. This is the kind of opposition suits his pace very well, as he showed against Sutton in the last round. Chelsea vs. Manchester United This is probably the biggest match of the weekend. There is a particular spice in the fact that Mourinho returns to Stamford Bridge just over a year after he was so unceremoniously booted out at Chelsea. Although Mourinho is notorious for building a special bond with players (as he did famously with Marco Materazzi at Inter) he loves to win more. This weekend serves him the perfect opportunity to show the Chelsea faithful that they made a huge mistake by calling for his sacking. In terms of team strength Chelsea are playing great football at the moment (and did not have to play mid-week). This will mean that they can go full throttle and makes them heavy favourites. However, this is the perfect setup for Mourinho. His teams perform best when they are the


as Tottenham tackle gritty Millwall at home

underdogs – think Porto 2004. I expect Manchester to sit back and soak up pressure and hit Chelsea on the break. Martial in particular will have to do a lot of running. However, Manchester’s main problems lie in defence. There is no strong defender at the back (in the mould of Jaap Stam) who can break up play and this might prove to be their weakness. Ultimately, I think Manchester United will look to take the pace out of the game and effectively play for a draw. Mourninho knows he has to take Hazard out of the game while not committing too many men forward. The betting odds for a draw look good here, with a tasty replay at Old Trafford on the cards. Tottenham vs Millwall On paper this looks an easy win for Tottenham who waltzed through the last round comfortably beating Fulham 3-0. But Millwall (and their fans) are a different kettle of fish. Millwall are having a good season and are currently in the play-off places of League 1. But their run in the cup has been even more impressive having knocked out three other Premier League teams in Bournemouth, Watford and Leicester

City. Can they do it again? It will be a tough ask, but it is not inconceivable. For Millwall to be successful they must keep a clean sheet, which is what they did against all of the three other Premier League teams. Their defence has been leaky in the league but the defenders Shane Ferguson, Byron Webster and in particular Shaun Cummings have shown that they can dig in their heels if they have to. I expect Millwall to play tough and disrupt Tottenham as early as possible so there may be another red card for them in this game (as there was against Leicester City). Tottenham are out of the Europa League and can focus on advancing in the FA Cup. But the team has been struggling recently, especially against inferior and defensive minded teams such as Gent. This will be a tough game for Mauricio Pochettino who runs the risk of having some of his key players get injured in what will be a brutal game. Tottenham are going to play some young players and are the better team over two legs, so they might be OK with having to play a replay. I think a draw and a replay might suit both teams. By The Midfield General

Tottenham Hostspurs forward Harry Kane reacts after scoring for his team in a past Premier League game. Spurs will take on Millwall in the FA Cup this weekend. PHOTO: EPA

friday 10th march 2017




Joe Hart: I have no future at Man City


ngland goalkeeper Joe Hart says he is “surplus to requirements” at Manchester City and does not see himself playing for the Premier League club again. Hart joined Italian side Torino on a season-long loan in August after being told he was free to leave City by manager Pep Guardiola. The 29-year-old added that he saw the Spaniard’s decision to drop him coming. “If you’re not going to win there is no point in fighting, especially someone as powerful as that,” Hart said. However, Hart believes the decision was “nothing personal” and said he respects Guardiola’s honesty. “He didn’t do it to ruin my life, he did it because he thought that was what was right for him to win as a manager,” he told the BBC’s Premier League Show. Hart’s 33-year-old replacement, Claudio Bravo has been criticised for his performances since his £15.4m arrival from Barcelona in August, with Willy Caballero, 35, preferred in the Premier League and Champions League since 21 January. Guardiola has said he will not make a decision on Hart’s future until the end of the season - but it is expected the keeper will leave the club for good in the summer. Hart, who has 68 England caps, has been linked with various Premier League and European clubs but said he has had “no communication with anyone” about a transfer after his loan spell at Torino ends in May. When asked about a return to the Premier League, Hart replied: “I know it really well but I wouldn’t say it was top of my wish list. “Top of my wish list is to play for a club that wants me to be their goalkeeper.”

Man United held in Russia Manchester United players react after their goal against Rostov in the Europa League last night. PHOTO: COURTESY

But Jose Mourinho’s side have an away goal advantage to take back to Old Trafford for the second leg next week


anchester United were held to a draw by FC Rostov in the first leg of their Europa League last-16 tie in Russia. On a challenging pitch at the Olymp-2 Stadium - which was criticised by United manager Jose Mourinho before the match midfielder Paul Pogba miscued from inside the box early on. But United grabbed a vital away goal through Henrikh Mkhitaryan’s close-range finish following excellent work by Zlatan Ibrahimovic. The Swedish striker shot over the crossbar in the second half, before Rostov forward Aleksandr Bukharov latched on to Timofei Kalachev’s pass for the equaliser. Aleksandr Erokhin stabbed a shot wide for the hosts from a promising position and United’s Marouane Fellaini headed straight at the goalkeeper from a corner. The return leg takes place at Old Trafford next Thursday. The Red Devils faced a difficult 3,750-mile round trip for the game in south Russia and they were cheered on by 238 travelling supporters, who each had their visas paid

for by the club and were given blankets on entering the ground. Mourinho set up with three centre-backs and Ashley Young and Daley Blind acting as wing-backs in a change of formation for the Premier League side. The Portuguese manager spoke before the game about deploying a more “direct” approach because of the dreadful pitch, but he may also have had Monday’s FA Cup quarter-final against his old club Chelsea in mind. As well as a dry and bobbly surface, the stop-start game - which had a total of 38 fouls - made for a poor spectacle. However, Mourinho will surely be confident his players can go back to Old Trafford and complete the job next week. “It was a very good performance in relation to the conditions. It was impossible to play better, impossible to play a passing game. To see my players coping with it and the humility to fight for every ball is a good feeling for me,” he said before adding: “We have an open result for the second leg with a little advantage for us. There are no

injuries.” For their goal, Fellaini held off a home defender before feeding Ibrahimovic, whose quick feet allowed him to poke the ball into team-mate Mkhitaryan’s path and the Armenia international struck for the third time in this season’s competition. But there were comforts for the home side too. Rostov entered the Europa League after finishing third in their Champions League group behind Atletico Madrid and Bayern Munich. In fact, they managed to beat the German champions at home - though that was their only victory from six games. A team without any household European names, they struggled to impose themselves against far superior opponents in the opening period. But on 53 minutes, Kalachev’s raking pass sailed between defenders Phil Jones and Chris Smalling and Bukharov calmly controlled the ball on his chest and slotted in. Skipper Aleksandr Gatskan struck a long-range shot straight at Sergio Romero late on, but the draw meant Rostov have lost just one of their past eight games at home in Europe.

Published By Xtra Publishing Limited, Chancery Building, Valley Road, Nairobi | Printed at The Standard Group Centre, Mombasa Road, Nairobi. Paul Marshall-CEO, Fred Bunei-Finance Manager, Josiah Musee-Advertising Manager, Peter Obuya-Editor

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