20170207 xnews

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Over 70, 000 voters risk exclusion from register ● Nairobi county leads in the number of those affected ● Kisumu East and Bondo are the worst affected constituencies ● IEBC has given those with discrepancies ten days to correct the anomalies or be struck off register



Doctors give hope on ending work boycott Doctors have today given the first signs of hope about ending their twomonth long strike after agreeing to cede ground in favour of talks to end the stalemate. While appearing before the senate committee on health, Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentist Union (KMPDU) Secretary General Ouma Oluga said they are ready to compromise but only if the government too does the same.


IEBC chief executive officer Ezra Chiloba. He has asked those with anomalies to correct them in ten days or risk being expunged from the voters’ roll. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2



Thousands risk being struck off voters roll Some 78, 752 voters with shared ID numbers on the register have been given 10 days from yesterday to correct any discrepancies or risk being struck off the roll. The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) chief executive Ezra Chiloba said the group is part of the 128, 926 voters who had been reported as sharing ID numbers on the register. Of those, the commission found that 50, 174 voters had legitimate national identification numbers and are therefore accepted as part of the register. The remaining 78, 752 have had their names published on the commission’s website and have been asked to correct their data by February 16 or be expunged from the voters’ register. “Persons whose names are listed are requested to visit the IEBC constituency offices where they were registered to verify and correct any discrepancies that may exist. Those who will not have verified and corrected their records within ten days from February 6, 2017 run the risk of having their names being expunged from the register of voters,” Mr Chiloba said in a statement. The details of the shared identification numbers can be accessed at www. iebc.or.ke or at the commission’s constituency offices across the country. Of the 78, 725 whose names have been published, 21, 149 have names that bear the same ID numbers and same names while the rest have ID numbers that did not match with the records from the National Registration Bureau. Nairobi County has the biggest number of those at risk of being removed from the roll of voters with 7,441 people facing exclusion. It is followed by Kisumu with 3,946 while Kiambu County with 3,500 and Kakamega with 3,481 are third and fourth respectively. Others are Siaya (3,307), Meru (3286),

Kenyans stand in long queues to cast their votes at the Old Primary school in Kibera, Nairobi during the March 4, 2013 general election. Some 78, 000 voters now risk being expunged from the register. PHOTO: FELIX DLANGAMANDLA/EPA

Nakuru (3,261), Homa Bay (2,649), Machakos (2,435) and Kisii (2,293). Kisumu East is the worst affected constituency with 1,886 voters at risk of being struck of the register. It is followed by Bondo where some 1, 080 people have discrepancies. They are followed by Kasipul (812) and Ugenya (740) in Homa Bay and Siaya counties respectively. In Nairobi, Lang’ata is the worst affected

constituency with (575 cases) followed by Kamukunji (572) and Starehe and Westlands – both with 536 cases each. Meanwhile, IEBC has asked Kenyans to ignore messages circulating on social media urging those who had registered before the current listing to register afresh. IEBC communication manager Andrew Limo said the messages had caused confusion and tension among

those who had registered as voters in November 2012. He clarified that the ongoing Mass Voter Registration only targets those who did not register in 2012 and those who turned 18 years and obtained national ID after December 18, 2012 and have not registered as voters “We wish to clarify that in 2012, the commission undertook a fresh registration of voters using the BVR

system from November 19-December 18. The data collected during that period is what forms part of the register used in the 2013 General Elections. Therefore in the ongoing Mass Voter Registration targets to register those who did not register in 2012 and those who turned 18 years and obtained national ID after December 18, 2012 and have not registered as voters,” he said. @peter_x254

Doctors agree to compromise for talks to end strike From Page 1 “We are not hardliners. We are willing to compromise. The issues we have presented are not our issues but the issues of the Kenyan public,” Oluga said. “The rights of Kenyans to health cannot be separated by the right of Doctors,” he said before adding that the strike can be ended within two days if the negotiations can be done within the framework of the CBA. The agreement to cede ground came after much discussion with the senators who begged the medic’s to agree to amendments to their contested CBA. The doctors had initially stated that they were not willing to accept any other deal that is not within the 2013 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Dr Oluga told the senators that doctors have suffered enough in the hands of the government and are not willing to go back unless their issues are sorted. “I want to state it here categorically

that we are not willing to go back to the status quo...issues we have presented must be sorted out,” Oluga said. Oluga who appeared before the committee alongside other union officials termed it unfortunate that the strike has entered its 65th day today while the government is still dishonest on solving the issues raised. “It is unfortunate that it has gotten to this point and it is not our wish to desert but we have exhausted all avenues of engagement hence the industrial action,” Oluga said. KMPDU Deputy Secretary General Mwachonda Chibanzi said going back to work without solving the issues raised by doctors would be like inflicting more suffering on members. “Yes we know Kenyans are suffering but there’s no need of going back to work and six months later the same problem comes up again,” Chibanzi said. The Union’s Treasury Daisy Korir said they have faced intimidation and arm-

KPMDU Secretary General Ouma OLuga during the hearing before the senate committee of health today.

twisting from the government in an effort to accept their offer. She said the CBA was also to address the working hours of Doctors and finally remuneration. Oluga said the

government deliberately refused to register the CBA as demanded by the law. Committee chairman Wilfred Machage urged the officials not to have a closed

fist while negotiating. “If you start somewhere and get stuck there you’re likely to get stuck there. Learn from the teachers. I’m not telling you to take the 40 percent offered by the government but it’s something worth considering,” Machage said. Machage said there’s need for the 2013 CBA to be legalised so that it can be accepted by all parties. Nyamira senator Okong’o Mongare accused the government of peddling lies that all doctors want is more money into their pockets. “Doctors want good working environment and better equipment in our hospitals. It is not about money at all,” Mong’are said. Machage appealed to the government to also compromise.” The government can be changed every five years but doctors can’t. This committee wouldn’t want to hear doctors are in jail at all. Let’s avoid that route,” appealed the Migori senator. @sam_x254



Hate politicians to be barred from polls — NCIC Politicians who propagate hate speech during campaigns now risk being barred from contesting in the coming August general election, the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) has warned. NCIC Chief Executive Hassan Sheikh Mohamed yesterday fired the salvo saying such politicians will not be allowed to be on the ballot. Mohammed said they will closely work with the Inspector General, Director of Public Prosecutions, the Judiciary and the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission to achieve their mission. “We will deploy 94 hate speech monitors, two in every county beginning this month. The Registrar of Political Parties is also set to deploy 43 officers who will work hand-in-hand with our officers to monitor political rallies,” he said. He urged the National Assembly to introduce constitutional amendments to grant the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission powers to lock out rogue politicians from the ballot. The CEO however decried of the slow pace of how the Judiciary is handling of the high profile hate speech cases. “We have 24 high-profile cases pending in courts, some of them began five years ago and are yet to be determined. There is very little we can do but consultations are ongoing to see hearing of these cases expedited,” he said. Upon the conclusion of the cases, Mohamed said the commission will have a strong ground to bar such politicians from participating in elections. “Judiciary has been dragging hate speech cases, especially those facing sitting politicians. This has made the commission look like a toothless dog,” he said. He said the commission will later this month deploy two of its officers in all the 47 counties to monitor hate mongers starting later this month. He made the remarks in Mombasa during a radicalisation and violent extremism workshop for women. @sam_x254

Kidero urges Nairobians to collect their ID cards


airobi Governor Evans Kidero at the Huduma Center at Telposta building in Nairobi earlier today. Some 6,000 IDs belonging to city residents are lying uncollected at the center and Dr Kidero urged their owners to go pick them. “It is sad to note that voters registration is going on but a total of 68,000 IDs are still uncollected with this particular centre having at least 6,000 uncollected IDs. I would like to urge anyone who had applied for

an ID and has not collected to do so immediately. Your vote counts! Our 17 Sub County teams are also on hand to assist with the distribution and collection of IDs. So far Nairobi County is yet to attain 50% registration of voters. If we want to elect the leaders that we want, we really need to pull up our socks,” he said.

Your Sh1 million contribution is too little, CS tells Governors

Interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph Nkaissery has scoffed at yesterday’s pledge by governors to contribute Sh1 million each to help mitigate the effects of the ongoing drought crisis. Mr Nkaisserry said the offer made yesterday by the council of governors to aid counties worst hit by the ravaging drought is too little and would not be

enough to see them through the end of the disaster. Speaking during a Disaster Risk Management workshop in Nairobi today, Nkaissery said that disasters, whether natural or man-made, were the national government’s primary responsibilities. “What would be more useful is to have a specific fund for disasters,” he said as he noted that the cabinet had

Council of Governors chairman Peter Munya (center) with Marsabit’s Ukur Yatani (right) and Taita Taveta’s John Mruttu at a past meeting with Red Cross officials. PHOTO: COURTESY

approved a Sh21 billion kitty for disaster management last year. The county bosses yesterday pledged individual donations of Sh1 million each from the 47 devolved units to the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) towards the charity institution’s Sh1 billion drought fund appeal to support those affected by drought. “We have not agreed on how much one should contribute but we said you contribute according to your ability and according to your heart,” Council of Governors chair and Meru Governor Peter Munya said. This comes after it was revealed that the number of people in need of relief assistance has risen from 1.3 million in August 2016 to 2.7 million following below average performance of the 2016 short rains according to the National Drought Management Authority. Many of those affected are the most vulnerable including the elderly, the sick, mothers and children under the age of five. Counties worst hit are Garissa, Isiolo, Marsabit, Kilifi, Kwale, Tana River, Lamu, Mandera, Wajir, Samburu, Turkana and West Pokot. The CS however added that the private sector had a role in complementing the government’s efforts as he witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding between KRCS and the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) to collaborate in disaster management. @harrison_x254




Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi (R) speaks to media as he stands next to Basma Khalfaoui (L), the widow of Tunisian opposition figure Chokri Belaid, during the opening of the Chokri Belaids Square of Human Rights on the occasion of the fourth anniversary of the killing of Belaid, in Tunis, Tunisia, yesterday. Belaid was shot outside of his home on 06 February 2013. PHOTO: MOHAMED MESSARA/EPA

ORCHESTRA MUSIC TOUR: Famous Italian film composer Ennio Morricone performs with the Czech National Symphony Orchestra as part of his world tour ‘60 Years of Music World Tour’ at the Tauron Arena in Krakow, Poland, yesterday. PHOTO: JACEK BEDNARCZYK/EPA


Members of the Brazilian army patrol the streets of Vitoria, Espirito Santo State, Brazil, on February 6, 2017. Vitoria has reportedly experienced 52 homicides since the police went on strike at the end of last week, a union leader said. Police stopped patrolling the streets of the city on 04 February, to protest the state government’s failure to invest in public safety and to value law enforcement personnel. PHOTO: GABRIEL LORDELLO/EPA


An elderly woman holds a placard as Afghan refugees stage a protest in the former airport of Athens which is used as a refugee camp in Greece yesterday. The refugees blocked the entrance of the camp and prevented Migration Minister Yannis Mouzalas from entering the premises, to draw attention to poor living conditions at the camp. PHOTO: ORESTIS PANAGIOTOU/EPA

MUMBAI”S THIEVES MARKET: An Indian laborer dismantle automotive parts at the Chor Bazaar (Thieves Market), in Mumbai, India, yesterday. Chor Bazaar is one of the largest flea markets in India, flanked by the rows of little antique shops and sell anything from old ship parts, old bollywood posters, authentic Victorian furniture, replacement parts for automobiles, old clocks, gramophones, to crystal chandeliers, at a very cheap price, although bargains are sometimes staggering. Chor Bazaar is also one of the tourist attractions of the city and there is a saying about the place that, ‘if you lose anything in Mumbai, you can buy it back from the Chor Bazaar’. PHOTO: DIVYAKANT SOLANKI/EPA

Africa Sahel states to set up joint counter-terror force Five countries in Africa’s Sahel region have agreed to set up a joint counter-terrorism force to tackle the jihadist threat. Leaders from Mali, Chad, Niger, Burkina Faso and Mauritania made the announcement at a summit in Bamako. Chad’s President Idriss Deby (pictured) said the members of the G5 group were on the “frontline against terrorism”. Their meeting followed an attack last month near the Malian city of Gao which killed nearly 80 people. The suicide bombing was the worst attack in the region for years. Few details were given about the proposed force’s size or where it would be based. UN Security Council approval and a UN resolution would be requested before the force could be set up, Niger’s President Mahamadou Issoufou said. T h e countries w i l l seek

European funding, according to Mr Deby, who said the new force would “save” European soldiers’ lives at a time when the terror threat appeared to be growing. The UN peacekeeping mission in Mali consists of 12,000 troops, including hundreds of Europeans. Seventy people have died in the operation, which is one of the UN’s most

dangerous in decades. More than 3,000 French troops are also deployed in the region, having intervened in Mali in 2013. The Sahel is home to many Islamist groups, some aligned with alQaeda. Al-Mourabitoun, a group linked to al-Qaeda’s North African affiliate, claimed responsibility for last month’s bombing in Gao. Other attacks targeting tourists occurred in Mali, Burkina Faso and the Ivory Coast in late 2015 and last year. An internal G5 document describes northern Mali as a “known hideout for terrorists” and a “launch pad for attacks against other countries”, the AFP news agency reports.



Nigerians anxious as Buhari extends UK medical leave Nigerians have demanded clarity from the government on the health condition of President Muhammadu Buhari. Mr Buhari was due to return to Abuja on Sunday but has failed to do so and instead asked parliament to extend his medical leave in the UK, amid concerns that his health may be worse than officials are publicly saying. The 74-year-old leader has been out of the country for two weeks. An official statement said he had been advised by doctors to await the results of a series of tests. However, it did not say how much extra time would be needed. There was also no mention of what the medical checks were for. The main opposition People’s Democratic Party (PDP) has called for more transparency about the president’s condition. Some Nigerians are particularly anxious about the president’s health after one of his predecessors, Umaru Yar’Adua, died in 2010 after several

months of medical treatment in Saudi Arabia. During that time, very little information was made public about his condition, leading to a political limbo in the country. It is the second time in less than a year that Mr Buhari has sought medical assistance overseas. Last June, he spent nearly two weeks, again in London, for treatment for an ear infection. In Abuja, where some of the protests against government policies have been taking place, demonstrators used the occasion to voice their concerns. One woman complained: “We are completely in the dark.” And a lawyer added: “Anybody can fall sick but when a president falls sick, it should not be a confidential matter.” Nigerians have been giving their reaction on Twitter too and have commented on what they see as “double standards” over the issue of medical tourism:

xnews | TUESday, FEBRUARY 7, 2017 | www.x254.co



Trade Ministry calls for ban on importation of used vehicles

Unemployed engineers from across the country stand to benefit from the government’s plan to ban the importation of used cars and set up vehicle assembly plants in Kenya. Industrialisation Cabinet Secretary, Adan Mohammed says the proposed plan will not only create thousands of job opportunities but also revamp the motor vehicle industry. He says the sector has for the last decade, recorded lethargic growth compared to other sectors of the economy because the country has been relying on importation of used cars from other developed nations. The plan comes at a time when data shows that Kenya imports over 10,000 second hands vehicles every month, reaching to as high as 120,000 imported second hand vehicles annually. “Kenya imports over 10,000 used cars every month which is a major threat to our industrialisation plans in this country,” the CS said. “Once we ban importation of these cars, our industries will grow tremendously thus creating thousands of job opportunities ranging from technical aspects to casual labourers,’’ added Mohamed. The CS ascertained that the government has already scrapped the excise tax on locally assembled cars and motorcycles in a bid to support the country’s manufacturing sector. Adan explained that a ban on the importation of second-hand cars will further lure more investors both locally

Uhuru Kenyatta lauded the move saying it would encourage Kenyans to invest locally as the plant will produce over 1,000 cars annually in its first phase. The Head of State says the move is part of the government’s plans to eradicate trade barriers for Kenyan investors

Local entrepreneurs to secure Sh150 million in funding from KCB initiative Over 30 local entrepreneurs are set to benefit from a Sh150 million kitty from KCB’s Lion’s Den initiative. The Lions’ Den show, a product of the regional lender, came through the 2jiajiri initiative of KCB Bank Kenya, which is seeking to tackle the unemployment crisis currently facing the youth. KCB Bank’s Marketing Director, Angela Mwirigi urged entrepreneurs who will receive the funding to create more job opportunities for other youth as the lender joins the government’s efforts in tackling the unemployment crisis. “In line with the 2jiajiri initiative, Lions’ Den came as a response to the entrepreneurs’ call for more opportunities as more than 40 per cent of the youth in Kenya between the ages of 15 and 34 years old face unemployment,’’ said Ms. Mwirigi. “KCB Bank believes in entrepreneurship as a solution to the high unemployment rates in the country and we seek to come up with innovative platforms such as Lions’ Den to curb this menace,” she added. The total amount invested in Season 1 of the Lions’ Den show was Sh153.3 million. Some of the winners include Founder.co.ke magazine, Digiskool, Tosheka Textiles,

Bentos Energy and Mzee Amdones Neem Soap. As an adaptation of the globally acclaimed Dragons’ Den, Quite Bright Films (QBF) produced Lions’ Den in collaboration with Sony Pictures International for the Kenyan market. The show claimed the 2016 PRSK Award for Excellence as the “Consumer Relations Campaign of the Year” Award for the strategic development and implementation of the campaign, as the campaign with the most effective communication awareness campaign in 2016. The show attracted close to 5 million unique viewers in just 12 weeks of airing and trended Number One on Twitter every Monday during its airing period. “We made a lot of key learnings from the premier show through the feedback from the Lions’, the contestants and the public on social media. We hope to incorporate this feedback to improve the quality of the show in the subsequent seasons of the show” said Ms. Mwirigi. A first of its kind in Kenya, Lions’ Den is a variation of the original show that was first aired in Japan and has now been produced in over 30 countries. @enock_x254

living abroad. Already Volkswagen, the world’s largest automaker has began assembling cars in Thika whereas India’s Ashok Leyland’s plans are underway to inaugurate an assembly plant in Kenya. @enock_x254

BUY SELL 103.6583 103.8583 129.4444 129.7267 111.6256 111.8644 7.8108 7.8316 34.4219 34.5848 21.4716 21.6095

Flower sector set to benefit from Siginon Aviation, Qatar Airways Cargo deal

Industrialisation Cabinet Secretary, Adan Mohammed says the proposed plan will not only create thousands of job opportunities but also revamp the motor vehicle industry. and internationally looking to casj in on Kenya’s vehicle industry. The move comes just as the country has inked a deal with France’s PSA group, the manufacturer of Peugeot, to kickstart the assembly of two car models in Kenya. Commenting on the same, President

MEAN 103.7583 129.5856 111.7450 7.8212 34.5033 21.5405

Kenya’s horticulture and perishable goods export sectors are set to benefit from a new deal between air cargo handlers, Siginon Aviation, Qatar Airways Cargo. Siginon Aviation has been appointed as the official ground and ramp handler for Qatar Airways Cargo at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) in Nairobi. The move will see Siginon Aviation handle perishable products such as flowers, fruits, vegetables and meat that are the top exports from Nairobi destined mainly for Europe and Middle Eastern countries in their Sh1 billion state of the art air cargo terminal at JKIA, Nairobi. The cargo terminal has been custom designed to include a 3,000 square metre Perishables Centre, a 5000 square metre General Cargo Warehouse, a 2000 square metre basement parking for transit vehicles and specialized storage area for dangerous, valuable and temperature sensitive cargo. Qatar Airways Cargo operates freighters in seven destinations including Accra, Djibouti, Entebbe, Johannesburg, Khartoum, Lagos and Nairobi and provides belly-hold cargo capacity to 23 cities in Africa. “This move reiterates Siginon Aviation’s commitment to attract and serve global airlines with internationally benchmarked facilities and operations and exceptional customer service delivered at global service standards,” said Siginon Group MD, Meshack Kipturgo.

Kenya awaits Sh110.7 billion French Treasury loan to finance energy, transport, sanitation projects Kenya is set to receive a 1 billion Euro (Sh110.7 billion ) loan from France to finance energy, transport, water and sanitation projects. These developments come just as France has overtaken Japan to become Kenya’s secondlargest bilateral creditor accounting for 2 per cent of external debt. France has extended credit in the form of concessional Treasury loans and creditexport guarantee to a tune of Sh78 billion. It will also float the additional 1 billion Euro (Sh110.7 billion) facility. French Minister for the Economy and Finance, Michael Sapin said France will continue its increased focus on supporting the private sector through the financing of the banking sector. Sapin says the commitments are also expected to support the fight against the effects of global warming, particularly in agriculture. “France is Kenya’s second bilateral donor

and this engagement is bound to grow further with the increased commitments of the French Treasury’s funding mechanisms,” Sapin said. Other areas that the French are interested in investing in include urban development, education and health among others. Sapin’s remarks come at a time when French car manufacturer Peugeot has returned to Kenya with plans assembling 5 of its car models at an undisclosed plant beginning June this year. Sapin explained that France is interested in, among other things, Kenya’s rapid urbanization, which has reinforced its attractiveness for French exporters and investors. “It’s also attractive because of the establishment, in 2015, of a Special Economic Zones system which provides a fiscal, financial and regulatory framework, amongst the most incentives in sub-Saharan Africa,” he said.


Mobile payments ranked most vibrant sector in retail industry


M-commerce, where Kenyans use mobile payments to purchase goods and services, has tripled in the past two years, making it the fastest sub-sector in the country’s retail sphere, a new survey by Procter & Gamble (P&G) has revealed. The report indicates that the high uptake in mobile payments is attributed to vibrant growth in the retail sector, which is rapidly expanding and diversifying the shopping habits of Kenyans. The report notes that traditional retail still dominates the market although supermarkets and malls, a distant second, are catching up as the choice shopping destination for Kenyans. P&G Managing Director, Vivek Sunder said that the Kenyan consumer and retail landscape is one of the most advanced in the region with high penetration in many product categories. “Kenya was reclassified as a middleincome economy in 2015 and this is clearly being evidenced by the shopping habits and rising consumerism. Although traditional retail stores still dominate the FMCG sector, supermarkets and hypermarkets are catching up fast,” he said. However, as the e-commerce segment blossoms within the retail sector, many Kenyans are still reluctant to shop online despite the substantial level of convenience it offers. The report estimates that less than 1 per cent of Kenyan retail sales go through e-commerce and this will likely hold for the foreseeable future. According to Mr. Vivek, operational and logistical challenges are the main obstacles for the growth of e-commerce and more shoppers will feel comfortable

A man counts his money after withdrawing the cash with his mobile phone at an M-Pesa service outlet in Nairobi, Kenya, February 5, 2016. EPA/DANIEL IRUNGU buying items from an online store once the logistical issues of time and location are fixed. Data shows that Kenya’s retail sector grew by 13 per cent in 2016, supermarkets grew by 18 per cent, indicating the increasing importance of supermarkets as a retail channel.

Supermarkets contributed 30 per cent of the total Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) retail sales for the 2015/16 financial year, and projections show that this sector will keep growing as consumers opt to shop in bulk instead of single items. Malls and proposed shopping

complexes currently occupy more than 470,000 square meters of land, including residential areas and attracted more retailers who would otherwise not travel to the city to shop.

CBK calls on investors to cash in on Sh30m infrastructure bond The government will sell a 12-year infrastructure bond worth Sh30 billion this month, the Central Bank of Kenya has said. The reglator said in a statement issued today that the fixed coupon amortised bond will have a 12.500 percent coupon. It will take bids until February 21 and auction the bond on February 22, 2017. Infrastructure bonds are investment opportunities issued by the Treasury. After the bonds are released into the market and investors subscribe to them, the proceeds are used to finance infrastructure projects within the country. The investment vehicle comes at a time when a recent report by research group PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) shows that despite having made significant progress in infrastructure development in recent years, the country’s infrastructure indicators remain below the levels found in Africa’s middle-income economies, like Egypt or Nigeria. Bringing Kenya’s infrastructure up to the level of the region’s middle-income countries could boost annual growth by more than three percentage points. A similar World Bank report states that Kenya faces a number of development challenges, including maintaining macroeconomic stability to boost savings and investments; continuing to build Kenya’s energy and transport infrastructure to ease costs of doing business and improvement competitiveness; tackling the issue of perceived petty and grand corruption; and addressing security challenges.

@enock_x254 @Dennis_x254

KBA appoints Chief Executive to lead financial technology subsidiary

Ms. Jennifer Theuri, the new IPSL Chief Executive Officer.

Kenya Bankers Association (KBA), the banking industry umbrella body, has announced the appointment of a management team that will spearhead technical and business operations of its fully-owned payments technology subsidiary, Integrated Payments Services Ltd. (IPSL). KBA Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Habil Olaka says the formal appointment of the IPSL Chief Executive Officer and management team will provide industry leadership as part of a strategic mission by the association to advance the financial services innovation and inclusivity agenda in Kenya. Ms. Jennifer Theuri, a career banker and financial technology (FinTech) expert with over 25 years of local and international experience, will serve as the new IPSL Chief Executive Officer. Prior to joining IPSL she has held several senior roles covering the areas of mobile money, near field

communications payments technology, and card business. She has in-depth knowledge of a wide range of banking products and services with significant reference and contribution to the card industry in Kenya. Alongside Ms. Theuri, KBA announced the appointment of Mr. Michael Mbuthia and Mr. Paul Munguti as the Chief Information Officer and Products Manager, respectively. Olaka added the new team will provide impetus for an accelerated rollout of the IPSL flagship product in coming weeks. “The entry of this widely experienced team provides IPSL with a solid human capital foundation to facilitate its institutional set up and market rollout,” Olaka said. “At KBA, we are committed to advancing the financial inclusivity agenda through the rollout of innovative and functional FinTech solutions designed and delivered by IPSL.”

IPSL CIO Mr. Mbuthia has a wealth of more than 14 years Information Technology and Business systems design experience. He has previously served in the public and private sectors having worked within the banking, transportation and energy sectors. KBA in 2012 established the Kenya Inter-Participant Transaction Switch project to address the challenge of creating a more integrated and interoperable retail payments platform. To implement the interoperability strategy, KBA formed IPSL as a subsidiary company to manage the commercial aspects and running of the system, which will act as the service delivery agency for the KBA member banks. Financial intermediary products and solutions developed by IPSL will be delivered under the applicable regulatory provisions and regulated by the Central Bank of Kenya. @Dennis_x254



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State condemned for supporting poorly-performing organisations TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2017

Kenya’s government has been supporting poorly-performing businesses, corporate entities and organisations, due in part to corruption, a new World Bank report has revealed. The analysis, dubbed ‘Taxing the good? distortions, misallocation, and productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa’, finds evidence of severe misallocation in which resources are diverted away from high-productivity firms toward low-productivity ones in four countries, including Kenya. An earlier World Bank analysis had also criticised Kenya’s government for failing to spur growth in the country’s manufacturing sector. While responding to the earlier report, National TreasuryCabinet Secretary, Henry Rotich said he thought Kenya’s growth was decent and better than most in the region. The CS, however, added that Kenya was nowhere near achieving his target of double-digit growth. “To transform the economy we have to do much more to boost productivity, particularly in the agriculture and industry sectors,” he said. The new report uses comprehensive and comparable firm-level manufacturing census data from four Sub-Saharan African countries to examine the extent, costs, and nature of within-industry resource misallocation across several firms. It comes barely three weeks after the Ministry of Industry and Trade downplayed concerns that industries might close down this year leaving many people jobless, as was the trend in 2016. “We don’t expect anybody to shut down. The business environment is good,” Industry and Enterprise Development PS Julius Korir said in a statement issued on January 16, 2017. Based on the data, reallocation of resources based on firms’ performance

National Treasury Cabinet Secretary, Henry Rotich speaks during a past event. The CS says that in order to transform the economy, the government must do much more to boost productivity, particularly in the agriculture and industry sectors. would increase manufacturing productivity by 31.4 per cent in Cote d’Ivoire and as much as 162.7 per cent in Kenya. The report emphasizes the importance of the quality of the underlying data, by comparing the results against those from the World Bank Enterprise Surveys. “We find evidence of large withinindustry misallocation of resources in the four countries that we study, with Kenya exhibiting the largest idiosyncratic distortions, followed by Ghana, Ethiopia, and C^ote d’Ivoire,” said the authors of the report. “As points of reference, the degree of

misallocation measured by the dispersion in revenue total factor productivity (TFPR) is on average larger than in India and China, and is similar to those of the worst performing countries in Latin America in terms of allocative efficiency, such as the Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela and Colombia,” the authors added. These findings imply that the distortion and productivity-dependence of the distribution of distortions create a substantial decline in manufacturing productivity in the four African countries. Had resources been allocated according

to the output-maximizing rule, productivity would have been higher by at least 31 per cent in C^ote d’Ivoire, 67 per cent in Ethiopia, 76 per cent in Ghana, and 162 per cent in Kenya. The experts argue that while manufacturing is a more important sector of activity in C^ote d’Ivoire and Kenya with a share in GDP of more than 10 per cent, it accounts a small share of GDP in Ethiopia and Ghana. Ethiopia’s manufacturing sector contributes relatively little (about 4.1 per cent) to the overall economy, which is far below the Sub-Saharan Africa average. @Dennis_x254

IMF applauds iTax, EGMS platforms as state boosts revenue collection

The International Monitory Fund (IMF) has singled out Kenya Revenue Authority’s i-TAX system and the Excise Goods Management System (EGMS) as contributors to increased revenue collection. In the financial year 2016/17, IMF states that fiscal developments in the first quarter were characterized by a marked improvement in revenue collection. i-TAX was successfully launched in October 2013, to enhance service delivery to the public. The system is expected to revolutionize tax administration in the country by enhancing revenue collection while sealing gaps that cause revenue losses. The EGMS new generation excise stamps is applied on wines, spirits, tobacco, and beer. The EGMS system was introduced four years ago and has so far led to increased excise tax compliance by 45 per cent. In the first review of Kenya’s performance, completed on January 25, 2017, the IMF notes that the systems combined reinforce efficiency, transparency and accountability. This is despite the macro-economic challenges experienced by Kenya such as interest rate controls that affect banking sector profitability. The IMF report points out that receipts of domestic VAT and excise revenues were particularly high reflecting improvements in revenue administration from the i-TAX and EGMS, new i-TAX measures, and the re-introduction of VAT withholding tax. With the endorsement of the IMF, Kenya sets the pace in revenue collection regionally as the two systems continue to seal loopholes in revenue collection with an expectation of a 180 degree change upward in revenues to be collected by the end of 2017. @kevin_x254

Barclays Bank donates Sh1.86 million to Twakutukuza Trust Twakutuza Trust, an organisation that supports people diagnosed with cancer., has received a Sh1.86 million check from Barclays Bank. The lender, which is Kenya’s fifth-largest commercial bank in terms of assets, ran an internal cancer awareness campaign throughout the business towards the end of last year in a bid to raise breast cancer awareness. During the campaign, the bank ran a funds drive in support of Twakutuza Trust. As a follow up to this activity, the bank presented a cheque of Sh1.86 million to Twakutukuza Trust in support of the organization’s work. Twakutukuza Trust supports people living with cancer but cannot afford quality healthcare. Barclays Bank has featured in a list of Kenya-based lenders that have been working to foster development through

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) In the recent past, Barclays has partnered with, among other organisations, CARE and Plan International to launch the “Banking on Change” Programme. “This is a unique and pioneering community-based savings and loan model with the goal of reducing poverty, and enhancing income opportunities for households in seven rural and periurban districts.” the lender said in a statement. An estimated 800 groups have already embraced the initiative in which individuals apply proven savings and investment practices. The participating groups have managed to build an asset base of Sh7.6 million with 99 per cent of members already accessing loans to boost their businesses and support their families. Interest revenue generated from loans in circulation is ploughed directly

back into the groups’ fund to facilitate their growth and make an even greater economic impact. The Bank also works to foster environmental conservation. “Environmental management remains as important in our business in Kenya as it is for Barclays worldwide. We follow an Environmental Management System (EMS)– a framework for monitoring and managing the organisation’s environmental performance and activities. It is in keeping with this that we continue to promote environmental stewardship in our operations, as well as the community. Moreover, our employees, management and board are strong supporters of environmental initiatives and are fully involved in conservation and awareness efforts in the community,” the Bank said in its statement.

(Barclays): L to R: Hannah Gitau, Chairlady Barclays Bank Diversity & Inclusion Council and Ruth Mwaura, Barclays Bank Women Network Forum (WNF) Committee Representative present a cheque to Doris Mayoli, Founder Twakutukuza Trust and Musili Kivuitu, Twakutukuza Board Trustee following a funds drive that was ran last year in support of Twakutukuza during the bank’s breast cancer awareness week. This was the bank’s second year in a row supporting the organization having raised Sh1,012,854 in 2015.



Reasons to date a



Who is

EUNICE and why is she taking NJERI up all your bandwidth?


or one Eunice Njeri is a gospel singer famous for such songs as ‘Nani Kama Wewe’, ‘Unatosha’ and ‘Nimekubali’, the former being popular as being used as a Skiza Tune. Eunice Njeri decided to travel

husband Izzo, was not the man for her. Why it took her walking down the aisle to realise that she had made a mistake, is a mystery to this day. In the initial statement that she had passed onto her fans Njeri touched on her inner turmoil and the decision married, but at the end of that day I realized one thing, i couldn’t do it my heart was somewhere else. Probably in God the best way I know how.” She adds that no papers were signed and that the marriage was nothing more than smoke in the wind. Our protagonist’s tale then takes a turn for the worst. She is exposed as a liar by the power of the internet. A fuzzy, potato quality video emerges from the bowels of YouTube showing Eunice Njeri and Isaac including


their witnesses signing what appears to be these were just plain papers signed for dressup sake but no, nobody wants to hear that. It is a sad day for Eunice Njeri as KOT come for her relentlessly. Some state that she should not have wasted the money, “Two lovebirds happily married on a Ksh. 100- budget while Eunice Njeri is breaking #Not1990sAgain,” nugget of wisdom courtesy of @johnmwangi455, while some

leaving behind a heartbroken Izzo. bank while others state that she was being coerced into a marriage she had no desire to be in by outside forces, while Izzo still has not made any comment ladies and gentlemen is why you should know who Eunice Njeri is.

Kenyan wilderness never to be seen again

Wema Sepetu caught with bhang, to be arraigned in court sees the light, now anti-Trump


Multitalented artiste Ndegz has released ‘DESSERT’ a new single and video set to rule airwaves way past the love season. The snare-led, bass thumping afro pop hit was produced by Ndegz, once again showcasing his versatility and consistency in creating hits. DESSERT the song and music video is a spectacle of colour, dance and romance. DESSERT is a sure treat to all Ndegz fans, and a bona fide dance song for all ladies and gentlemen alike.

Jackson Kingori of the Neema Gospel Church, speaks to the media and says that the main character of this tragic tale absconded


releases ‘Dessert’ ahead of Valentine’s

highlight that this just how relationships work these days, “Eunice Njeri represents FB relationships.Add him,in a relationship by 2pm,engaged,married at 6 pm.Argue,Its complicated. Single at midnight,” @

Kanye West has finally seen the light! The rapper and reality TV star has realized that the guy banning Muslims from entering America, threatening to wall up America, and who openly promoted an antiSemitic agenda on Holocaust Remembrance day isn’t the sort of person he should be hanging around. Kanye West has thus deleted all of his pro-Trump tweets and explained that he no longer supports Trump, and it’s all apparently because of the president’s extremely controversial and racist immigration ban.

Tanzanian actress Wema Sepetu is set to be arraigned in court after police found rolls of bhang in her residence. The beauty is also said to have confessed to using the illegal drug after hours of interrogation following sermons that she honored over the weekend. This comes just days after she denied using drugs and even mocking the police on social media. Dar es Salaam police special unit commandant Simon Sirro has said that Wema will face charges once investigations are complete. Other artistes have also been linked to the drug net and are currently under investigations.





Kaleidoscope coloured separates with a cap-sleeved top.

A one-piece gypsy top getup.


ndrea Iyamah is taking over the fashion world one breathtaking swimsuit at a time. The Canadian based Nigerian designer released the Swim17 collection late last year and as always emphasis was put on colour and fit particular when it comes to flattering a woman’s body. To Muse Diaries she says, “I know I didn’t want the typical two piece bikini so I took interest in the vintage style high waist bikini that flattered a woman’s curves. With everything I do, I try to create an edge with each swimwear piece through its cuts, colors or silhouette. I believe swimwear should be fun, so mixing vintage, retro & ethnic together can be risky but only tests my creativity.” Take a look.

Bird inspired piece with a peek-a-boo torso.

Cross-over burnt orange two-piece with added support in the top.

Powerful plumage in these multi-hued bikinis with halter necks.


Our rating: ★ ★ ★ Our rating: ★ ★ ★

Our rating: ★ ★ ★

RATING: R CAST: Liam Neeson, Andrew Garfield, Adam Driver RUNTIME: 161 minutes

Set in the 17th century, Silence follows two Jesuit priests Sebastiao Rodrigues (Andrew Garfield) and Francisco Garupe (Adam Driver) as they trek to Japan to try and locate Father Cristovao Ferreira (Liam Neeson), who is believed to have renounced his faith. But as two of his former pupils, Rodrigues and Garupe don’t believe that he has committed apostasy. Japan has outlawed Christianity, though, meaning that the pair have to remain hidden from the local government, while they still provide service to local Christians, and try to begin their long trek to locate Ferreira.


GENRE: Drama, historical drama


A fiery, feathery twopiece with a squarenecked top.

GENRE: Animation, action, comedy, adventure RATING: PG CAST: Will Arnett, Zach Galifianakis, Michael Cera Runtime: 104 minutes


The Lego Batman Movie places a microscope over the Batman we met in The Lego Movie, and delights in his comedic intricacies. A proud loner, Batman (voiced, again, by Will Arnett) repeatedly risks life and limb to save Gotham from the invading forces of Bane (Doug Benson), Two Face (Billy Dee Williams), Catwoman (Zoe Kravitz), Harley Quinn (Jenny Slate) and, of course, The Joker (Zach Galifianakis). But the Clown Prince is bothered because, despite the fact that they have been quarreling for decades, Batman still won’t recognize The Joker as his arch enemy.

A DOG’S PURPOSE GENRE: Comedy, family, fantasy RATING: PG CAST: Dennis Quaid, Britt Robertson, Josh Gad RUNTIME: 120 minutes

Bailey (Josh Gad) is a dog who is searching for his purpose in life. Through various incarnations, identities, and breeds, the narrator will explore the biggest conundrum of any living being. With each new life comes new complications, lessons, and smells for our protagonist to experience. But little does he know that his experiences will lead him back to the one human who meant the most to his entire journey (played by Dennis Quaid).






Dear Esther,



Dear Dr X,

I have a husband who I’m very sure I might hate and we have come to the conclusion that maybe it’s time we saw other people. The thing is we don’t want to actually separate but we are just so incompatible that there is no way we could continue living like this. Since we have 2 children, great jobs and each of us has money of our own we don’t see the point of breaking up. We have some status in our social circles and honestly if we broke up there is no guarantee we would both find somebody better. My issue is I would like to know which steps to take to embark on this journey or whether I should at all.



It’s the Valentine’s season so if you are ready to take that step and get yourself a man, please ladies, think twice.

They have impossibly high standards

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that these men will live up them, their standards are reserved exclusively for the person they are seeing. If you slack on these non-existent standards, be sure you will be reminded and it will be hammered into your head that you should do better. Also be ready for him

reasons why you’ll drive yourself crazy dating a

himself does not hold himself to such high esteem.

They are at best mildly romantic

To be perfectly clear not many men in this country are but you get what you pay for. Romance is not something that comes easily and it’s also not incredibly imperative to the success of a relationship but a gesture now and gain would be great. If you need to be serenaded or whatever it is women seek out in the name of romance, go listen to Babyface on the radio because you won’t get it at home.

They are hard to please


Men like children, are supposed to be easy but not these breed.

-Dr X


No, you will have to do a lot of digging, a lot of exploratory searching and a lot of begging you do manage to say, buy them that piece of tech they’ve been wanting for so long, it will ultimately be in the wrong colour or an old will most likely be over the top.

They are always right

Nobody knowns everything, except for a Luo man his knowledge is seemingly boundless. called ‘mansplaining’ will have you at your wits end more than a few times. No argument or discussion that you will ever have will end in you being right and if you are, will be tempted to sprinkle some rat poison in his lunch but please hold on.

They are super-generous

Yeah if you can live with all the above then great news for you, they are some of the thing that nobody else can beat them at, they are generous. Nothing is more unattractive than a stingy man but, you won’t meet that with one of these winners.


(and one reason why youDAY should anyway)

Published by Xtra Publishing Limited, Chancery Building, Valley Road.

Send your agonising queries to christine@x254.co



Louis Alosa is a name you should know. The digital artist who specializes in creating caricatures of clients and notable public figures adds sprinklings of humour and cheekiness in all his works. Although his work is rendered digitally you it’s easy to assume that these are in fact hand paintings you are taking a gander at. He is currently doing a series of caricatures of some celebs you might recognise on the scene. The artist can be found at www.alosaarts.com where he states, “As you follow through my works, you will be able to identify my emotions, likings, and the state of technology I’m accessible to in making my art.” Here are a sampling of his works.

We are such an incompatible couple!

This is the reason I do this job, your problem is strange, modern and one of the weirdest I’ve had yet. You’re a grown woman if you can both hide your affairs from your children then go right ahead at least you were both open and honest enough with each other. If a divorce is not something you want to look into then you have to figure out a way to live under the same roof. If your house is big enough maybe you won’t have to see each other’s faces. I have no clue how to give you advice on stepping out. Go to a singles event or join a chama, those ones are rife with horny housewives.

Printed by Standard Media Group,



Neymar out as Barcelona host Atletico Madrid in Kings Cup TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2017

Barcelona will be without forward Neymar when they take on Atletico Madrid at the Nou Camp for a place in the Copa del Rey final. The Brazilian attacker is suspended after being shown his third yellow card in the competition during the first leg at the Vincente Calderon last week. Barca won that match 2-1 and could be comfortable to control possession and deny their opponents any chance of a comeback. Coach Luis Enrique expects his side to cope without Neymar. Barca is also without injured midfield duo of Sergio Busquets and Andreas Iniesta. But Enrique remains confident his boys will see out Diego Simeone’s men. “They need to win and score at least twice, so we may see an Atletico who take more risks. My players are experts in big games,” he said. Atletico also have defensive midfielder Gabi banned for the tie. Defender Gerard Pique is fit to play for Barca after limping off at the weekend in the 3-0 win over Athletic Bilbao. Barca who are the holders of the cup are again favourites to win it this season after beating Sevilla in last season’s final. But they must overcome Atletico which has been a troubling opponent for the Nou Camp club. The winners of Barca’s tie with Atletico will be strong favourites to win the cup, with Alaves and Celta Vigo - who play their second leg on

Barcelona’s Neymar (L) in action against Atletico Madrid’s Juanfran (R) during a past match. The forward will miss tonight’s Copa del Rey clash between the two teams due to suspension. PHOTO: ALEJANDRO GARCIA/EPA

tomorrow - meeting in the other semi-final. Meanwhile in France, Monaco will travel to Montpellier hoping to extend their lead at the top of the Ligue 1 table. Monaco are three points ahead of second-placed PSG who are at home to Lille. The other Ligue 1 fixture will see Bordeaux take

on Caen away. In Italy, Roma will be seeking to leapfrog Napoli into second place when they host Fiorentina tonight. The capital club are one point behind Napoli and a further seven behind league leaders Juventus. But they have tonight’s game in hand.

Sergio Aguero: Man City have no intention of selling star striker Manchester City have no intention of selling Sergio Aguero this summer, despite the striker being left out of the team for the past two matches. The 28-year-old signed a contract extension earlier this season, meaning he has three years left on his deal. After coming off the bench in City’s 2-1 win over Swansea, Aguero said: “I want to stay, of course. “In these three months I have to help the club and then they will decide if I have a place here or not.” Despite Aguero expecting a decision to be made in the summer, senior City figures indicated on Sunday that they do not expect to sell the player. The Argentina forward came on for the final seven minutes as City secured a dramatic win over Swansea thanks to Gabriel Jesus’ injury-time winner, the second of the game for the Brazilian, who has taken Aguero’s place in the starting XI. Aguero is City’s top scorer this season with 18, 11 more than Raheem Sterling, who is next on the list. He is third on City’s all-time scoring chart with 154 and was the Premier League’s Golden Boot winner in 2014-15. However, he was left out of a key Champions League qualifier against Barcelona at the Nou Camp on 19 October, which led to reports he is not in manager Pep Guardiola’s plans. “When you’re on the bench you have to wait for your opportunity. I have three months to do my best and try to help the team. Then we’ll see what happens with my future.”


No more switching of nationalities for athletes as IAAF council freezes process TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2017

Athletes will no longer be able to switch their nationalities after the world’s athletics governing body IAAF’s council froze all new transfers of allegiance in the game. This is following a proposal by IAAF chief Sebastian Coe for the council to exercise its powers under the Constitution to revoke Competition Rules 5.2(b), 5.4(d) and 5.4(e) with immediate effect. A working group, set up to study the subject area, will submit proposals for new rules as a matter of the decision taken during the council meeting on Monday evening. However the decision on Monday does not affect some 15 applications for transfer which are already in process, IAAF said. Sebastian Coe commented: “It has become abundantly clear with regular multiple transfers of athletes especially from Africa that the present rules are no longer fit for purpose.” “Athletics, which at its highest levels of competition is a championship sport based upon national teams, is particularly vulnerable in this respect. Furthermore, the present rules do not offer the protections necessary to the individual athletes involved and are open to abuse.”

of whom are transferred at a young age, do not understand that they are forfeiting their nationality. This must end and a new way forward found which respects the athletes’ rights and the sports’ dignity.” Kenya and Ethiopia have been greatly hit with their athletes choosing to switch nationalities mostly to the gulf, Turkey and the United States of America. Kenyan-born Ruth Jebet perhaps put the situation into bigger light during the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro last year when she won gold in the 3000m steeplechase racing for Bahrain. Eunice Kirwa, another Kenyan born athlete also won gold for the gulf nation in the women’s marathon. MORE ON THIS STORY www.capitalfm.co.ke

Hamad Kalkaba Malboum, Africa Area Group Representative on the IAAF Council, who will drive the process with the working group chaired by

Hiroshi Yokokawa, said: “The present situation is wrong. What we have is a wholesale market for African talent open to the highest bidder.”


“Our present rules are being manipulated to the detriment of athletics’ credibility. Lots of the individual athletes concerned, many

Kenyan-born Ruth Jebet celebrates with the Bahraini flag after winning gold medal in the women’s 3000m Steeplechase final of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 15 August 2016. Jebet is one of many athletes who switched their nationalities.




How Cameroon’s Indomitable Lions roared again Country last tasted continental glory 15 years ago but returned with assembled youngsters who triumphed in Gabon


ameroon won their fifth Africa Cup of Nations trophy in Gabon on Sunday and it was arguably their greatest triumph. World Cup star Roger Milla was the lynchpin of the victorious 1984 and 1988 sides, while the back-to-back title winners of 2000 and 2002 were led by Samuel Eto’o, a four-time winner of the African footballer of the year award. But the class of 2017 was shorn of stars - in more ways than one. Prior to the tournament, Cameroon’s most high-profile player was Joel Matip of English Premier League side Liverpool but like some half a dozen others, the defender refused to honour his call-up for the 2017 finals. The players’ excuses ranged from differences with the federation to not wanting to leave their clubs midway through the European season. Yet their absence galvanised those who did travel to Gabon, where even a mid-tournament row over player bonuses refused to distract this generation of Indomitable Lions, as the team is known. What was notable about that dispute which saw the players offered a bonus for reaching the semi-finals that was somehow four times smaller than that offered for the quarter-finals - was the way in which coach Hugo Broos publicly backed his players. “Even without the money, we are still performing and this is very important it shows that the players are not here for

the money, but for the nation,” he told the world’s media. Little loved when he took over despite a trophy-laden CV in his homeland, the Belgian has performed a mightily-impressive job in his first national team coaching role. Not on ly has h e consistent ly said the right things at the right times, he also scoured far and wide for players - one member of the squad plays in Angola - and impressed both tactically and with his swift decision-making. Note the way in which he dropped right-back Ernest Mabouka, who struggled in the opening game, while also being brave enough to change his strikers throughout the group stage as he sought the best format. The bedrock of Cameroon’s success was their defence . Just 21, goalkeeper Fabrice Ondoa kept the side in the tournament with a stoppagetime block against hosts Gabon

Cameroon players celebrate in their dressing room after beating Egypt to win the 2017 edition of the Africa Cup of nations in Libreville, Gabon on Sunday night. BELOW: Match-winner Vincent Aboubakar who came off the bench to score the second goal with two minutes to go. PHOTO/EPA

in their final group game before saving decisively against Senegal’s Sadio Mane in the quarter-final penalty shootout. Ahead of Ondoa, who can’t even get a game for Seville’s B side in Spain, the central defensive pairing of Adolphe Teikeu and Michael Ngadeu - Cameroon’s top scorer - were immense. A disciplined unit, they were alert to danger thanks to their excellence in the air and impressive reading of the game - despite only having first played together in September. Guarded against Senegal, Cameroon then threw caution to the wind against Ghana in the semi-final and

reaped their reward with a convincing 2-0 win. In the final itself, this team - whose unity was ever clearer to see - showed yet more courage when coming from behind after Arsenal’s Mohamed El Nenny opened the scoring early on. Egypt had not lost a Nations Cup match since 2004 - a run of 25 games - but after Nicolas Nkoulou equalised, Vincent Aboubakar produced a moment of magic two minutes from time as he lifted the ball over Ali Gabr to fire home a dramatic winner. Thrown on by Broos at half-time, the substitute was, incredibly, the first Cameroonian striker to score in Gabon. Special mention must also go to captain Benjamin Moukandjo, man of the match in the final, and Christian Bassogog, the pacey 21-year-old named Player of the Tournament - and who has been a delight to watch. Two years ago, the winger was playing in the third tier of American football - but after a move to Denmark, where Broos scoured the opinion of some friends, the left winger earned his first cap. That was just 12 weeks ago. Having overcome countless challenges en route to winning a first title since 2002, the looks on Cameroonian faces following the final whistle summed up their achievement. Many of the players simply struggled to believe they had done it - one final twist in a tournament full of surprises - but one which was hugely merited.

Published By Xtra Publishing Limited, Chancery Building, Valley Road, Nairobi | Printed at The Standard Group Centre, Mombasa Road, Nairobi. Paul Marshall-CEO, Fred Bunei-Finance Manager, Josiah Musee-Advertising Manager, Peter Obuya-Editor

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