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Voter registration kits stolen in Mandera raid A Anxiety as attackers grab BVR kits meant to list Kenyans in readiness for the August general election

major security operation has been launched in Mandera following today morning’s attack as a police camp in which vital equipment including voter registration kits were stolen. The attackers, believed to be members of the outlawed al-Shabaab militant group struck at 1am early today at the Mandera Administration police camp and made away with the kits as well as guns and a police vehicle. Mandera deputy county commissioner David Mbevi confirmed to Capital FM that four Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) kits for the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission were stolen and a Safaricom mast vandalised during the attack.

Inspector General of Police Joseph Boinnet confirmed the attack but said no one was killed. Reinforcement has since been dispatched to Mandera even as security personnel assess the situation.

AU now asks member countries to withdraw from ICC The African Union has called for the mass withdrawal of member states from the International Criminal Court (ICC). The continental organisation reached the resolution on Tuesday following a divisive debate at its annual heads of state summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Africa has a total of 34 states which are signatories to the Rome Statute, which set up the ICC. However, the resolution to walk out is nonbinding, with Nigeria and Senegal opposing a withdrawal. South Africa and Burundi have already decided to withdraw, accusing the ICC of undermining

their sovereignty and unfairly targeting Africans. The ICC denies the allegation, insisting it is pursuing justice for victims of war crimes in Africa. But the AU also made a resolution to hold talks with the UN Security Council to push for the ICC to be reformed.




Voter registration kits stolen in Mandera raid THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2017

From Page 1 About 20 officers are believed to have been at the camp at the time of the attack. No one was killed during the incident. “A security operation is underway after the attack in which BVR kits, guns and a police vehicle was stolen,” Mbevi said. Inspector General of Police Joseph Boinnet has assured that all police officers are safe, even though a student was hit by a stray bullet during the incident.. “There was an incident at the camp but no police officer was killed in the attack and we call for responsible reportage,” Mr Boinnet said. He did not divulge more details on the incident, only confirming that a security operation was underway in the region. Later when Interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph Nkaissery appeared before MPs at Parliament Buildings, he said all 21 police officers who were at the Arabia AP camp when the attack occurred are alive. According to Lafey deputy county commissioner Eric Oronyi, the student who was later admitted at the Mandera County Referral hospital, was hit by a bullet from their family house. The

Security personnel during a past operation in Mandera. Attackers raided a police camp in Arabia area of Mandera today and made away with voter registration kits among other equipment. PHOTO: CAPITAL FM

bullet is said to have gone through his head. “We have lost no officer but one student was hit by a stray bullet during the incident from their family house,” he said in quotes carried by the Daily Nation. He said the attackers made away with a

police vehicle, motorcycle, three rifles, bullets and four voter registration kits belonging to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission. Over 20 gunmen are believed to have been involved in the raid at the camp in Arabia area. The attackers vandalized the Safaricom

mast in the area, probably to cut off communication, before they struck. The officers took cover following the ambush. “Preliminary information is showing they destroyed a Safaricom mast at Khoror Farar before attacking the AP camp and made away with a Toyota

AU asks member countries to withdraw from ICC The African Union has called for the mass withdrawal of member states from the International Criminal Court (ICC). The continental organisation reached the resolution on Tuesday following a divisive debate at its annual heads of state summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Africa has a total of 34 states which are signatories to the Rome Statute, which set up the ICC. However, the resolution to walk out is non-binding, with Nigeria and Senegal opposing a withdrawal. South Africa and Burundi have already decided to withdraw, accusing the ICC of undermining their sovereignty and unfairly targeting Africans. The ICC denies the allegation, insisting it is pursuing justice for victims of war crimes in Africa. But the AU also made a resolution to hold talks with the UN Security Council to push for the ICC to be reformed. The matter of withdrawing from the ICC has been discussed in several previous summits, and Tuesday’s announcement came as huge showing for the continent’s growing frustrations with the international court. But the debate itself showed how divisive the whole issue is. The resolution isn’t as strong as many who are opposed to the court would have liked. It only calls on countries to consider how to implement the decision but does not bind them to it. It’s a victory for human rights activists who insist the court still has a very important

Land Cruiser belonging to police,” Mr Oronyi said. “The police officers took cover and the attackers made away with their personal belongings, including clothes and other things the officers left behind,” he said, adding that the militants set alight mattresses to scare away the officers. Among the grabbed guns were two assigned to National Police Reservists while one belonged to an AP officer. Reinforcement from Kenya Defence Forces in Mandera has been dispatched to the area even as the security situation in the area remain under assessment. “We have a contingent of police on the ground together with military and we shall be getting more information once they reach to an area with network,” Mr Oronyi added according to Daily Nation. Only last week, Inspector General visited officers in the camps in the area alongside senior police commnaders. The attack also came barely a week following another by the militants on a camp manned by Kenyan soldiers in Kulbiyow, in Somalia’s Lower Jubba region, some 18km from the Kenyan border. @peter_x254

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Uhuru aide ditches Jubilee for Mutua’s Chap Chap party Meru gubernatorial aspirant Kilemi Mwiria has ditched Jubilee party and joined Maendeleo Chap Chap (MCC) ahead of the elections in August. Dr Mwiria, who until his defection was a senior presidential Adviser on education to President Uhuru Kenyatta cited ‘political bullying’ as the reason for his defection. Speaking at the Maendeleo Chap Chap party headquarters in Nairobi where he was received by party leaders Alfred Mutua, Mwiria (pictured below) exuded confidence that he will win the Meru governor’s seat and urgedhis supporters to vote wisely during the forthcoming elections. “I am coming to a party that is not only friendly but also development conscious and supports President Uhuru Kenyatta re-election,” Mwiria who lost the governorship contest to Peter Munya in 2013 said. “I hope the people of Meru will give you another governor,” the former assistant minister told his new party boss. @hillary_x254

A handout photo made available by the South African Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) on Tuesday shows South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma (C) and other attendees at the opening session of the 28th Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, January 31, 2017. AU has called on members to quit the ICC. PHOTO: KOPANO TLAPE/EPA

role to play in the continent where many countries have weak judicial systems. The resolution also calls for African countries to continue pushing for reforms of the court - another clear indication that ditching the court en masse isn’t such a popular decision. The likes of South Africa and Kenya, which have pushed for

withdrawing, will be disappointed that the discussions about completely severing ties with the ICC will have to wait another six months for the next summit. Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir, who is wanted by the court on charges of genocide in Darfur, was at the summit. In 2015, a South African court

criticised President Jacob Zuma’s government for failing to arrest Mr Bashir when he attended an AU meeting in the main city, Johannesburg. The government later announced that it was withdrawing from the ICC because it did not want to execute arrest warrants which would lead to “regime change”.


Bill lowering sex consent age to be dropped National Assembly Majority Leader Aden Duale has committed to have the controversial amendment law proposing the reduction of the age for consenting to sex from 18 to 16 years withdrawn from the Statute Miscellaneous Amendment Bill. This follows outrage from MPs who said it risks exposing the country’s teenagers to sexual exploitation. Duale who introduced the omnibus legislation to the House on behalf of the Attorney General said he will seek the Speaker’s consent to have the clause withdrawn from the bill. “In order to cure this, either we shall introduce a provision or I will go further and maybe write to the Speaker so that, that section is withdrawn, so that it does not reach the Third Reading,” he assured. The Bill is now expected to come up in the Committee of the Whole House where MPs will scrutinise amendments brought by the House Justice and Legal Affairs Committee and other MPs before voting whether to adopt or reject them.

MPs T.J Kajwang (Ruaraka) and Tim Wanyonyi (Westlands) urged the MPs to reject the proposal because it will expose teenagers who are ideally Form Two students to abuse by sexual predators. “I think the person who brought this amendment must have his head examined, because this is outrageous. Somebody at the age of 16, is a child, and I believe when we are going to play these kinds of games with our children, then we are not serious. This House should not allow this kind of amendment to see the light of day,” Wanyonyi stated. Kanduyi MP Wafula Wamunyinyi and Meru County Woman Representative Florence Kajuju questioned the intention of the State Law Office in proposing the amendment. “Those who set this age at 18 had good thought and good reason and for anyone to want to change it now – and this is what I want to be told, Mr Speaker, and you should tell me – what is motivating this change, what do they want to achieve, what do they want to

decrease the age of consent, that is not possible, that is disgusting,” the Ruaraka legislator stated. According to the Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) chairperson Josephine Mong’are who was part of the multi-sectoral team that worked on the amendment, the provisions concern younger individuals who have passed the age of puberty or teenagers who are a few years apart and have willingly had sexual relations. “A lot of teenagers are in relationships without their parents’ knowledge. If the girl’s mother does not like the fact that you have a boyfriend, they go to the police station and claim rape or defilement,” Mong’are explained. She added; “The amendments have nothing to do with protecting National Assembly Majority Leader Aden Duale who tabled the Bill on behalf predators. If the amendments are of the State Law Office has said he will ask for its withdrawal. passed, they will enable magistrates have the ability to make a decision in realise, what is the goal, Mr Speaker, which he said was intended to protect determining if this was a boyfriend/ tell me? Wamunyinyi posed, as he the boy child who has become the girlfriend relationship as opposed to it intended victim of the Sexual Offences being presented as a defilement case.” made his contribution to the debate. Kajwang urged the State Law Office Act. to review the wording of the clause, “The point should not have been to www.capitalfm.co.ke




MP denies Uganda arrest claims over voter registration

Taxis rivalries with Uber now before Parliament

Business rivalry between Kenya Taxi Cabs Association and Uber has now reached parliament following a petition filed by the former. The local taxi cabs association wants the National Assembly intervene and regulate fares chargeable to passengers so as to eliminate what they claim has caused an unfair competition through manipulation of prices by their rival. According to the petition which was tabled before MPs yesterday, the association wants the Traffic Act Cap 403 amended to allow provisions for equitable and inclusive regulation of players in the transport subsector. The petitioners said that Section 70 to 74 of the same Act demands taxi cabs to be registered and bear a continuous yellow line for identification but the same law does not apply to corporate taxi cabs and those contracted by electronic cab

hailing applications such as Uber. And a majority of MPs who contributed to the matter said there is need to bring sanity in the taxi business and that no law should favor one over the other since it is business. Igembe Central’s Kubai Iringo said rules should be crafted to also curb other players such probox which are notorious in breaking the law. “Probox are also very notorious in breaking the law, they should be subjected to some regulations,” Iringo said. Chris Wamalwa (Kiminini) said many unregulated taxis are the cause of some serious accidents that continue to claims lives. “These taxis have killed many people. I’m not sure whether they are subjected to any laws and regulations,” Wamalwa said. The rivalry between the two taxis groups has been on for a long time now as Uber, the online

Taxi cars packed a a Nairobi Central Business District. The business rivalry between various cab operators is now before MPs. PHOTO: COURTESY

taxi service continues to face opposition from the traditional taxi operators. Last year in February, a gang of four men attacked an Uber Taxi driver on Kirichwa Road and set ablaze his car. Interior Ministry “sent a strong word of caution to those behind the attacks saying it would ensure those behind the attacks face the full wrath of the law.” The Ministry said business rivalry should not be settled through attacks by criminal gangs. The Kenya Association of Taxi and Cabs had raised concerns over the entry of Uber taxi, which using a mobile app, are offering chepar fares compared to the other taxis, something that left the traditional taxi operator fuming. Uber has disrupted the taxi business with minimum fares of as low as Sh200. @sam_x254

Teso South MP Mary Emase has dismiss reports that she was arrested in Uganda while recruiting local to register as voters in order to participate in the August general election. It was reported that the first-time lawmaker was found recruiting Ugandans to register as Kenyan voters in Amagoro village, Buteba in the neighbouring country which borders her constituency. Uganda police confirmed the arrest according to the reports. But the MP has denied the reports and instead asked police to launch investigations into the matter. “Considering that elections are usually characterised by high emotions, I implore police and intelligence agencies to investigate and apprehend persons peddling such rumors,” she said while delivering a personal statement on the matter at Parliament Buildings yesterday. “I want the police to probe those spreading rumors that I was arrested in Uganda while registering voters,” Emase said. She called on Kenyans to ignore the reports of her arrest and turn out in large numbers to register as voters in the ongoing Mass Voter Registration. “I want to urge all eligible Kenyans to register as voters so as to be able to participate in the forthcoming general elections,” she said. @sam_x254

Fresh row rocks Nurses union as officials go after each other’s jugular The Kenya National Union of Nurses is locked in a fresh leadership row that could jeopardize its ongoing negotiations with the government about their Collective Bargaining Agreement. In a sworn affidavit, KNUN chairperson John Bii has accused the union’s Secretary General Seth Panyako (pictured left) of embezzling millions of shillings and stealing a Toyota Prado belonging to the nurses. Seth on his end has accused Bii of using his position as the chairman of the nurses’ union to solicit money and other accrued favours from the government at the expense of the members’ interests. “The vehicle was being used for private use, including conducting his political campaigns for the position of senator, Kakamega County for 2017,” reads

part of the affidavit filed at the Labour Court. Bii further accuses Panyako of illegally paying Lucy Mwangi, his alleged second wife, up to Sh150,000 from the union’s coffers. Bii’s lawyer Mageto Bitange says the Prado, registration number KCC 757R, was assigned to Panyako, but it disappeared in June last year and could not be traced for many months. And on Friday last week the labour court temporarily stripped Panyako of his position as the Secretary General of the union and stopped him from transacting any business on behalf of the union. My Panyako has since obtained orders blocking his suspension and vowed to seek legal address against his rival who he claim to taint his name. The infighting threatens to tear the

union apart, with members already asking for a special general meeting amid fears that the government may take advantage of the rift to table unfavourable demands to the union. The differences between the two leaders also played out during last year’s negotiations in December when the nurses called off their strike after county governments signed the recognition agreement and agreed to pay them nursing allowances of up to Sh 20,000. Earlier on, the union had been split after a section of its officials agreed to call off the strike without an amicable agreement and to the disregard of Mr Panyako who is mandated by Knun constitution to call of any boycotts. The current CBA negotiations are addressing pertinent issues that nurses

have been raising for years including promotions, human resources concerns such as medical insurance and harmonisation of salaries. According to KNUN Deputy Secretary General Morris Opetu, nurses have had many employers, from the defunct local authorities and now county and those seconded from the national governments, creating a huge disparity in salaries and allowances despite them being in the same job group. “These multiple sources of employment have seen nurses in lower job groups earning more than their counterparts in higher grades and vice versa,” said Opetu. The talks are expected to end before the end of March when the CBA is expected to be registered at the Industrial court.

Fate of refugees unknown as Trump and Australian PM engage in heated call



Zimbabwe ‘protest pastor’ arrested

US President Donald Trump during the phone call with Prime Minister of Australia, Malcolm Turnbull, in the Oval Office in Washington, DC. PHOTO: PETE MAROVICH/EPA

A phone call between US President Donald Trump and Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull has called into question a refugee resettlement deal between the two countries. The Washington Post reported Mr Trump called the conversation “the worst by far” of his calls with world leaders that day, and cut it short. Mr Trump later tweeted that he would “study this dumb deal”. Struck with the Obama administration, it would see up to 1,250 asylum seekers to Australia resettled in the US. Australia has controversially refused to accept them and instead holds them on offshore detention centres on the Pacific nations of Nauru and Papua New Guinea. Mr Turnbull said he was disappointed details of the call, which he described as “very frank and forthright”, had been made public. However, he said Mr Trump had assured him the deal would go ahead. He told a Sydney radio station that “the report that the president hung up is not

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. PHOTO: MICK TSIKAS/EPA

correct”. Last Friday, Mr Trump signed an executive order temporarily banning the entry of refugees and people from seven Muslimmajority countries. Australia has since been seeking to confirm its arrangement would go ahead. On Monday, days after the immigration ban was implemented, Mr Turnbull said he had spoken to Mr Trump and thanked him for agreeing to uphold the deal. On Wednesday, US presidential spokesman Sean Spicer also said Mr Trump intended to uphold the deal. But soon after, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported a White House source as saying the deal remained under consideration. According to the Washington Post, in his phone call with Mr Turnbull, Mr Trump called it “the worst deal ever”. The president said Mr Turnbull was looking to export the “next Boston bombers” to the US, the newspaper said, and ended the call

abruptly after 25 minutes. “I don’t want these people,” he is quoted as saying. Mr Trump later posted on Twitter: “The Obama Administration agreed to take thousands of illegal immigrants from Australia. Why?” His tweet incorrectly labelled refugees as illegal, and recast the number who might be resettled - up to 1,250, according to Mr Spicer - as “thousands”. Australia would not say how many refugees it expected to be resettled, said a spokeswoman for the nation’s Immigration Minister, Peter Dutton. Australia has been repeatedly criticised by rights groups for its tough policy on refugees and asylum seekers. When the deal was first negotiated in November, it was agreed that US authorities would assess the refugees and decide who would be resettled in the US. The agreement was set to be administered through the United Nations refugee agency.

A Zimbabwean pastor who criticised his government has been detained after flying back to the country. Evan Mawarire, who left the country last year in fear for his life, was arrested at Harare International Airport. Correspondents reports that police have not said what he has been charged with. The pastor backed a stay-at-home strike last July, which was one of the largest anti-government protests in years. Mr Mawarire first came to fame last April when he posted a video on Facebook of himself wrapped in a Zimbabwean flag complaining about the state of the nation. It sparked a #ThisFlag protest movement against the leadership of the country. Protesters were demanding that civil servants were paid on time, roadblocks were reduced and police officers stopped harassing people for cash. They also demanded that President Robert Mugabe fire and prosecute corrupt officials. In July, protesters staged a national "shutdown" which led to a complete closure of schools, businesses and shops across the country. It was the biggest strike action since 2005. Mr Mawarire was arrested and charged with inciting public violence but a court ruled police had violated his rights and released him. He left the country soon after. He has been in the US for about six months. When he landed in Zimbabwe yesterday, he "was escorted into another room by three men even before he went through immigration or customs", his sister Telda Mawarire told AFP news agency. After being detained at the airport, Mr Mawarire was taken to a police station in the centre of the capital, Harare.0

UK Parliament votes To start brexit talks

The process of Britain leaving the European Union cleared a significant hurdle on Wednesday when members of the UK parliament voted in favor of allowing the government to begin divorce talks. Members of the House of Commons voted by 498 to 114 to advance the bill that would give Prime Minister Theresa May the authority to invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty - the formal process of leaving the EU. The size of majority in favor of triggering Article 50 on Wednesday means the bill is almost certain to become law. But a battle is expected next week when the bill returns to the House of Commons for detailed scrutiny in the committee stage. Opposition parties will then try to push through a series of amendments. The House of Lords, the UK’s upper house, will also need to approve the Article 50 legislation before it can become law. Triggering Article 50 gives the UK two years to negotiate a separation deal with the 27 other members of the EU. May has said she wants to fire the Brexit starting gun by the end of March.




Cheap imports slowing down growth of manufacturing sector

The manufacturing sector slowed down in the third quarter of 2016, recording a modest 1.9 per cent growth compared to 3.5 per cent recorded the previous year, the latest data from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) shows. Kenya Association of Manufactures (KAM) CEO, Phyllis Wakiaga attributes the sluggish growth to a tough business environment, characterised by competition from cheap imports and a rising cost of doing business. She said manufactures in Kenya are competing with international firms despite the fact that the country’s business environment is not similar to that of their competitors. KAM has since urged the government to lay strategies that will help them secure the biggest local market share. Wakiaga noted that the high electricity costs and current tax regimes continue to hinder the growth of the manufacturing sector. “We urge the government to lower the cost of electricity, improve ease of doing business, adjust tax procedure Act and put in place measures that will spur consumption of our locallymanufactured goods,” she said. The industry is among the biggest contributors to the country’s Gross Domestic Product. It also provides thousands of job opportunities for the country’s youth. Research indicates that with the country’s growing young, urban

Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Trade Mr. Adan Mohamed speaks at a past event. population, abundant natural resources and a growing middle-class, Kenya has the potential to outpace the so-called ‘tiger economies’ of Asia, which are major players in the industry. A 2010 report by the McKinsey Global Institute titled “Lions on the Move” expressly made this comparison, forecasting that consumer spending on the continent would grow by 40 per cent, and GDP by $1 trillion (Sh104

trillion), from 2008 to 2020. However, the report notes that a number of major business enterprises in the manufacturing sector have exited the market citing widespread corruption, poor infrastructure, underdeveloped market as well as frustrations brought on by some political leaders. Kenya’s Ministry of Industrialisation has nontheless been working to bolster the sector. Cabinet Secretary for the

Airtel Kenya appoints new Managing Director as El Youssefi makes his exit Airtel Kenya has announced the appointment of Prasanta Das Sarma as Managing Director. He will take over from Adil El Youssefi who has opted to pursue external opportunities post the completion of his contract period. “I am pleased to announce the appointment of Prasanta as Managing Director for the Kenya operation. Prasanta, popularly known as PD, is a seasoned professional with over 31 years of experience in the technology sector. He has handled key assignments as well as business leadership roles with full P&L ownership. I am confident that under PD’s leadership, our plans will gather further momentum and we look forward to delivering an even better experience to millions of customers across the country,” Raghunath Mandava, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Airtel Africa said. PD is an Airtel veteran, having joined the company 14 years ago in 2002 and has served in various capacities. His immediate previous posting was that of MD & CEO of Airtel Bangladesh. Prior to that, he was the Hub CEO of the Eastern Hub of Airtel’s business in India and has also served as a Vice President of Network & Customer Service. His career started in 1985 and he has primarily

been involved with technology related organizations. PD is a Telecom Engineer and holds an MBA in Finance. “Adil joined Airtel in April 2014 and has been involved in integrating Yu customers into Airtel. He has increased Airtel’s distribution and customer experience, including growing the network of our own shops. Adil also launched many innovative products that provided great value to Airtel’s customers. We would like to thank Adil for his contribution and wish PD the very best as he takes up his new role,” Mr. Mandava added. kevin_x254

Former Airtel Kenya CEO Adil El Youssefi.

Ministry of Industry,Investment and Trade, Mr. Adan Mohamed explained late last month that the government is currently resolving supply linkages with local players to avail the apparel products to local manufacturers. “Global brands like Levis and Wrangler are being made right here in Kenya and Kenyans deserve affordable access to the same,” the CS said. @enock_x254

MEAN 103.8589 129.6892 111.6739 7.7345 34.5181 21.5196

BUY SELL 103.7589 103.9589 129.5489 129.8294 111.5556 111.7922 7.7256 7.7434 34.4367 34.5994 21.4508 21.5885

Kenyan tycoon wins Sh38.9 bn Mozambique gas plant tender A Kenyan businessman has won a Sh38.9 billion tender to make and operate a 250 Megawatt (MW) gaspowered plant in the north-eastern Republic of Mozambique. Humphrey Kariuki’s company, GL Africa Energy will build a plant at Nakala District and utilize gas from the Rovuma basin to generate electricity as the world move to green energy. Kariuki said he was delighted that the corporate has been selected by the government of Mozambique to harness the potential of the Rovuma Basin gas reserves. “GL Africa Energy is enjoying an important role in generating reasonable power to deal with the numerous energy inadequacy within the region,” Kariuki commented. GL Africa Energy UK, is among 3 companies that were selected from a list of fourteen firms that originally bid for the tender. GL Africa Energy (UK) presently operates a 103MW powerhouse in Ndola, Zambia, and plans to generate 1,000MW of power within the lake and Southern Africa region by 2020. Kariuki owns substantial stakes in businesses in Kenya together with the Hub TibetoBurman language Mall, The Fairmont Mount Republic of Kenya expedition Club, WOW Beverages (formally Wines of the World), Africa Spirits restricted, and Dalbit fossil oil among others. The Mozambican agency did not reveal the expected launch date for the new plant, with the gas fields still under development. @enock_x254

Retail sector set for boost as Deacons East Africa brings British retailer F&F to Kenya Kenya’s retail sector is set to create new job opportunities following the opening of Deacons East Africa’s F&F store in Kenya, bringing to fruition a promise made at a launch event last year To be located at the Sarit Centre shopping mall in Westlands, Nairobi. The listed retailer acquired the exclusive rights to bring F&F to the Kenyan market from Tesco, the British retail behemoth. Speaking during the ribbon cutting ceremony, Deacons (East Africa) Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Muchiri Wahome was optimistic about F&F’s ability to establish a strong market segment in the country. “The F&F brand has been doing really well in the market and has been trading ahead of expectations. The good thing for Deacons has been the strong performance across all the product categories offered – men’s, women’s and young children.” he explained.

“When we launched in the market, we wagered that Kenyans will be receptive to quality fashion at amazing prices. I am delighted to say that we are being proven correct. There was the gap in the market and in our brand offering and we are enthusiastic that F&F will continue filling it,” said Mr Wahome. The opening of the F&F store at Sarit Centre brings to 35 the number of outlets in Kenya under the Deacons (East Africa) umbrella. This will increase to 39 once the Two Rivers Mall is operational. Underpinning this expansion is the company’s Deal loyalty programme, a mobile-based platform that gives customers exclusive offers and other benefits such as previews of new brands. Customers registered under the Deal programme will also receive a 25 per cent discount on selected items at F&F until Valentine’s Day. @enock_x254

Economy to grow 5.6 pc on back of increased state spending



Kenya’s economy is expected to grow between 5 and 5.6 per cent in 2017, supported by increased government spending and resilient performance in transport, trade and tourism, according to a Britam Asset Managers report. However, economic activity is expected to slow down, 2017 being an election year. Historically, Kenya’s election years have been associated with low GDP growth, as the polls delay private sector investments due to political uncertainty. According to the report, the government needs to grow its expenditure by the targeted 16.4 per cent this fiscal year, and achieve the expected 17.6 per cent increase in revenues in order to meet the projected economic growth. The government must therefore spend to sustain GDP growth above 5 per cent in 2017, as private sector credit growth remains subdued. Other factors likely to affect economic growth include high inflation, drought, and increased global oil prices. Heading into 2017, food inflation is expected to be the main driver of overall inflation with cost of transport and household items also going up. Matatu fares, petrol prices, kerosene and electricity respectively will affect inflation significantly. Speaking this morning during the release of the report themed “Sustaining Growth in a Resilient Economy” at a Nairobi Hotel, Britam Asset Managers CEO Kenneth Kaniu said that unfavourable climatic conditions and drought are expected to affect agricultural productivity, increase electricity costs and reduce the availability of water. “We expect the above factors to culminate in upward pressure on overall inflation in 2017. Inflation will therefore trend towards the upper

Britam Asset Managers CEO Kenneth Kaniu speaking during the release of Kenya’s Economic growth report at the Stanley Hotel today. Photo:Gitobu Edwin/XNews range of CBK’s target of 7.5 per cent in 2017,” said Kaniu. The report observes sluggish growth in the private sector due to the introduction of the law capping bank interest rates in 2016, with the sector posting a slowed growth of 4 per cent in Q4 in 2016 from 18 per cent in Q4 2015. The report recommends that the government should keep directing most of its foreign debt towards development expenditure in order to meet future interest payments, noting that the country’s external debt has steadily increased from 18.9 per cent as a percentage of GDP in 2010 to 25.6per cent as at June 2016. The

report notes that Kenya has historically under-performed on development expenditure relative to recurrent expenditure, with the 2017 fiscal year targeted development expenditure of 8.3 per cent of GDP being lower than regional peers. The government will therefore need to meet its development expenditure targets during the current fiscal year in order to sustain economic growth. The report also notes that despite an increase in the cost of oil and the declining performance of Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya’s currency remained one of the most resilient in Sub-Saharan Africa in the last two decades, with an annualized

depreciation rate of around 4 per cent. In effect, the shilling has outperformed even currencies pegged to the US Dollar such as the Nigerian Naira and Egyptian Pound. Globally, the report says that growth is expected to pick up slightly in 2017 as commodity exporters benefit from stable prices. Fiscal stimulus in developed countries is also expected to support growth. Following a decision by OPEC member countries to cut oil production by 1.8 million barrels a day, crude oil prices are forecast to increase in 2017. However, upward pressure on crude oil prices will be counteracted by increased supply from the US. @kevin_x254

Small scale dairy farmers to benefit from new yoghurt technology Small scale dairy farmers will soon start producing yoghurt in their homesteads after researchers from the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) developed a yoghurt-producing technique that uses bacteria to make the beverage. According to JKUAT lead researcher on the project Dr. Pamela Odhiambo, the new technology is much cheaper than other industrial methods of making yoghurt. “The value of manufacturing dairy products like yoghurt is set to scale back given that one metric capacity unit of milk created by one gram of the bacterium has the potential to produce over 100 litres of yoghurt,’’ she said. She explained that the new technology not only seeks to add value to dairy products, but also create jobs for the youth in the agriculture sector as well as bolstering economic growth. She says the major beneficiaries of the project are small scale farmers in rural areas of the country who are exploited by milk brokers that buy their products at a throw away price making the life of the common farmer more tough. Odhiambo explains that the bacterium has a lifespan of around two years when stored at room temperature, which is a boon for dairy farmers in rural areas who do not have refrigerators. The project has already been rolled out six counties including Murang’a, Kiambu, Vihiga, Homabay, Migori and Narok, and is additionally being adopted in Republic of Uganda and Tanzania. The technology comes just as the country is facing a drought that will affect not only to dairy farmers but also end users of dairy products. The shelve prices of milk have increased slightly due to lower output as a result of the ongoing drought. @enock_x254

Foreign firms raise concerns over post election climate

Rioters armed with clubs and machetes chant slogans in front of a lorry load of and anti-riot policemen on a road in Mathare, Nairobi, Kenya as supporters of Raila Odinga’s Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) took to the streets on 30 December 2007. Thousands of youth across the country took to the streets to protest the slow election results which many believed to have been rigged. EPA/STEPHEN MORRISON

Foreign companies operating in Kenya have raised concerns over the possible adverse changes that may take effect following the August General Election, a study by immigration consultancy firm Fragomen Kenya has found. The study says foreign firms are familiar with business policies outlined by the current government. The consultancy’s Practice Lead George Mucee, however, clarifies that a regime change would not be necessarily bad, but investors could hold on longer before committing decisions in the transition period. “A lot of our clients are already asking directly who we think will win the elections. Many seem to be comfortable with the current government as it has created a

stable business environment. It is not that a different one would be necessarily bad, but there are concerns what that change may mean,” Mucee said. The firm also anticipates condensed foreign exchange into the country following a notable reduction of the number of new businesses flowing into Kenya. Mucee stated that previous experiences with elections, especially in 2007, have had a negative impact on businesses. “We have noticed a trend where foreigners working in Kenya have refused to renew their work permits with a majority of those transferring to countries such as South Africa, Ghana and Nigeria,” he explained. The August elections will also weigh on inflation as campaign

monies circulate in the economy. A worsening drought situation may further put pressure on prices in the short-mid term. As far as immigration is concerned, Mucee says that the outcomes of Brexit and US President Donald Trump’s election will definitely have an impact in Kenya. “Both outcomes have a very clear theme; these countries are putting their people first, hence strict rules for migrants especially those seeking job opportunities. Therefore, Kenyans should expect much more stringent rule while applying for visas to travel to these countries.” The firm is, however, optimistic that the changes will not adversely affect Kenya’s relationship with both the US and the UK.



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Safaricom, KARA sign MoU to boost neighbourhood security THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2017

Leading telecommunications company, Safaricom has today partnered with the Kenya Alliance of Resident Associations (KARA) to beef up security in neighbourhoods. The two organisations signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) earlier this morning that will see the telecoms firm rovide mobile infrastructure support to KARA. “This partnership is a boost to KARA efforts to ensure living space that permits a life of dignity for all,” said KARA CEO, Henry Ochieng. “We look forward to partnering with Safaricom to provide technology support to enhance security in our neighbourhoods.” “We will cooperate with KARA in laying out & maintaining telecommunication infrastructure for use in deploying technology to enhance security,” Safaricom Chief Executive, Bob Collymore. “This partnership with Kara Kenya opens the door in co-creating solutions that will promote sustainable development in our neighbourhoods” “Safaricom has committed to the achievement of the sustainability development goals” Collymore added. “Technology offers a huge opportunity to enhance the quality of life in neighbourhoods across the country.We do not judge our success by the profits that we make but by the difference we make.” The move is part of Safaricom’s ongoing effort to promote sustainable cities and communities. These developments come less than two years after the first phase of Safaricom’s national surveillance system went live in 2015. The system now makes it easier for

A customer sits next to a Safaricom logo as he waits to be served at a Safaricom customer care outlet in the streets of Nairobi, Kenya, July 25 2016. EPA/DANIEL IRUNGU the police to pick out suspected criminals in the streets of Nairobi and Mombasa. The Sh14.9 billion National Surveillance, Communication and Control System, which was launched in late May, 2015, links all security

agencies, making it easy to share information and direct operations. The project involved connecting 195 police stations in Nairobi and Mombasa to high-speed (4G) Internet to ease communication. Upon completion, the

system will be operated by the national police service under the expertise of a core team comprising senior officers from the National Police Service and communications experts. @Dennis_x254

Battle for smartphone market share intensifies as UAE firm Magnus Telecom makes Kenya debut Magnus Telecom, a leading mobile company headquartered in Dubai, UAE has made its debut into the Kenyan smartphone market. The entry of Magnus into the African smartphone market could trigger fresh price wars with already existing brands as the firm unveils handsets that boast of powerful processors with price tags that the smartphone maker has termed as “unbelievably affordable”. Magnus Telecom is part of Telelink Group Limited based in Dubai, UAE. Telelink has been in the telecommunications business for the last 15 years while Magnus mobile is about three years old in the UAE market. “After consolidating our position in Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates (UAE), we wanted to create our own brand outside these markets. Kenya is a very advanced market composed of urban and rural mature customers. Its cool weather condition also makes it the ideal place to be in east Africa,” says Noor Ali, Director (Africa), Magnus

Telecom. According to Mr Noor, unlike other brands, Magnus Telecom is proud to be among the smartphone brands set to redefine the market for users in Kenya. The company, he says, is perfectly positioned to wrestle it out with the other big brands in the next wave of smartphone devices. According to a study by e-commerce company, Jumia, of the 3.1 million devices sold in Kenya in 2015, 1.8 million were smartphones, representing a 58 per cent of the units sold. The report further indicates that high penetration and growth rate of smartphones is primarily due to a strong economic climate and increasing internet and mobile connectivity. This has created a favourable competitive landscape, which has led to proliferation of more brands in to the local market. “Whoever said high-end handsets have to be expensive missed the point. Our idea is to sell at a lower price and generate volumes rather than

selling a few handsets at exorbitant prices,” affirmed Mr Noor. Magnus smartphones retail at between Sh4,500 (US$ 45) and Sh16,999 (US$ 169.9). The company also sells feature phones retailing at between sh 1,200 (US$ 12) to Sh2,500 (US$ 25). “We are not here to make money at the initial stages, but rather to give people value for money. Once they realise this, we will grow and then we start making money. It’s a game of numbers aimed at acquiring 5 percent of the market share by March 2017,” Mr. Noor added. The phones are currently being sold mainly through Jumia Kenya. However, they also intend to partner with leading telecommunication service providers such as Safaricom and Airtel to help market their brand in the Kenyan market. “Our wide range of phones feature long lasting batteries, impressive in built memory that can expand to hold all of a users’ precious memories. Add magic touch screens, dual SIM capabilities, and anti-radiation technology, and

you’ve got a selection of future proof handsets that are set to excite even the most discerning buyer,” said the Director. Devices in the infinity line make up the company’s flagship range and the Infinity G20 is right at the top of this pile. Retailing at Sh13,000 (US$ 130), Magnus Infinity G10 (4G) is a dual SIM phone, which uses both a micro SIM and a nano SIM card. It has a 13 megapixel camera at the back complete with a flash. On the front is the expected 5 megapixel camera with an LED flash. One of the key issues that Mr Noor is lobbying for in the sector is a level playing field. Mr Noor believes that in the next five years, Magnus Telecom will be a well-known brand not only in Kenya but across east Africa. “We will be among the top three brands in east Africa not only in terms of volume but also in terms of value for money, good after sales services, and regular introduction of new models,” he said. @kevin_x254

Local companies report slow start to 2017

Business sentiment in Kenya fell in January, pointing to a relatively soft start to the year. The Standard Chartered-MNI Business Sentiment Indicator (BSI), which is used to measure the trend, fell 4.5 per cent month-on-month to 59.6, leaving it down 6.8 percent yearon-year. Four of the five components of the headline indicator dropped as companies reported slower activity. Companies were concerned that price pressures have picked up – both input prices and those received for their products have increased – and they expect them to continue to rise in the months ahead. While domestic demand, production and productive capacity have fallen, respondents noted that foreign demand had improved. “Companies’ experience seems to confirm that some of their concerns in December are being realised,” said Standard Chartered Chief Economist for Africa, Razia Khan. Of the five components of the headline indicator, four – new orders, production, employment and supplier delivery times which together account for 85 per cent of the headline indicator – fell. Only order backlogs increased. Companies reported slower production and demand in January: production fell by 9.9 per cent m/m while productive capacity dropped 3.4 per cent. Although domestic demand, as indicated by the new orders indicator, fell 4.4 per cent to 67.2, companies noted that foreign demand had improved significantly, and the indicator moved back above 50 into positive territory. Companies were also concerned about the inflation outlook. Both input prices and prices received moved higher in January. Input prices rose 13.0 per cent to 67.8, while prices received also rose 8.1 per cent to 59.8. The Kenyan businesses surveyed still expect prices to rise in the coming months. At its Monetary Policy Committee meeting on 31 January, the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) addressed risks to the inflation outlook, particularly given higher food prices. Although the Central Bank does not expect prices to breach its 7.5 per cent target, the sharp rise in the two price indicators included in the BSI highlights possible risks in this category.




Churchill, Robert Alai, Larry Madowo make the A


vance Media recently released a list of 2016’s

100 Most Influential Young Kenyans @christine_x254



are considered tastemakers, newsmakers and trendsetters in the various professions that they

Entertainment, Law & Governance, Lifestyle, Media, Science & Technology, Personal Development & Academia, Leadership & Civil Society, Sports and Social Enterprise. Let’s dive in shall we. In the business section some heavy hitters are listed. Stacey Ondimu the 27-year-old MD of Rupu Kenya, Dennis Makori—who has been featured in Forbes Magazine for his innovative company, ONFON Media and Eric Muthomi, a lawyer by trade and the conceptualizer of ‘Stawi Natural Banana Flour.’ Another Forbes feature happens to be tent supplier, Shade Systems CEO Eric

BUSINESS James Mworia Stacey Ondimu Edwin Dande Eric Kinoti Denis Makori Brian Gacara Eugene Mbugua Eric Muli Peter Njonjo Eric Muthomi ENTERTAINMENT Dan ‘Churchill’ Ndambuki Lupita Nyongo Anto Neosoul Wangechi Waweru Avril Dr Ofweneke Nick Mutuma


American showbiz power couple Beyoncé and Jay Z are expecting two new members to join the family later this year. The songstress made the announcement of her pregnancy yesterday on Instagram with a photo posing in a bellyrevealing bra and underpants. “We would like to share our love and happiness. We have been blessed two times over. We are incredibly grateful that our family will be growing by two, and we thank you for your well wishes. - The Carters,” she captioned the photo.


Queen B and Jay Z expecting twins

Victoria Kimani Sarah Hassan Brenda Wairimu SOCIAL ENTREPRISE & PHILANTHROPY Mumbi Ndungu Peris Bosire Florence Kamaitha June Syowia Wesley Owiti Kennedy Odede Wawira Njiru Barclay Paul Okari Charles Njagua Kanyi Tom Osborn SPORTS Julius Yego Victor Wanyama David Rudisha Collins Injera



some big and bold names. KISS FM host and activist Adelle Onyango, Citizen TV anchor Janet Mbugua and photographer and activist Boniface Mwangi who would have probably served better in another category. In this section there are also Laura Walubengo and but frankly this is not 2004. Edith Kimani, Betty Kyalo and Julie Gichuru--who’s longevity has been downright stunning--are all missing from the list. deserve the credit they are getting. Sharon Mundia, us for years now. Huddah Monroe and Vera Sidika belong to the entertainment category and Mutua Matheka needs his own photography section. Kenya


Vivian Cheruiyot Michael Olunga Arnold Origi Jemima Jelagat Sumgong Eunice Jepkoech Sum Wilson K. Kiprotich LAW & GOVERNANCE Johnson Sakaja Naisula lesuuda Dennis Itumbi Moses Kajwang Irungu Nyakera Boniface Kinoti Gatobu Paul Simba Arati Quincy Timberlake Munge Kibiwott John Syekei MEDIA Boniface Mwangi

Janet Mbugua Larry Madowo Laura Walubengo Adelle Onyango Nimrod Taabu Anne Kiguta Sophie Ikenye Joey Muthengi Samuel Majani LIFESTYLE Sharon Mundia Dj Joe Mfalme Mutua Matheka Robert Alai Cyprian Nyakundi Sheila Ndinda Huddah Monroe Diana Opoti Vera Sidika Silvia Njoki

Eunice Njeri bows out, sets eyes on serving and loving God

Gospel music sensation Eunice Njeri has confessed to have left her husband on the same day she wedded. The ‘Nani Kama Wewe’ and ‘Unatosha’ hits singer now says she is setting her eyes on the only one man she truly loves. Known for her prowess in the ‘praise and worship’ sub-genre, her album ‘Nimekubali’ did well two years ago catapulting her to fame. Njeri dated Isaac Bukasa for two years before she flew to the United States of America where her husband to be is based in November 2016. “On the 27th Nov 2016, Isaac and I did go to the altar to get married, but at the end of that day I realized one thing,i couldn’t do it my heart was somewhere else. The marriage was annulled (like it never happened). No papers were signed, consequently, we have decided to go our separate ways and hope for the very best. God bless you,” wrote Njeri.


has no dearth of those. Also Robert Alai’s name there to put in a 10-person list. But Anto Neosoul, a great him. Sports has Julius Yego—who we have all agreed is national treasure, Victor Wanyama Tottenham sports categorty looks tiptop but we could have spread some love to the individuals who made Kenya the number one African country at the Rio Olympics. Conseslus Kipruto, Faith Chepngetich Kipyegon and Eliud Kipchoge all won gold medals. SHARON

SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Mshila Mwakai Sio Kelvin Macharia Kuria Jamila Abass Mark Kaigwa Jessica F. Colaço Anthony Mutua Trevor Kimenye Michael King’ori Macharia Evans Wadongo Sam Wakoba LEADERSHIP & CIVIL SOCIETY Ory Okolloh Hope Wakio Mwanake Naomi Mutua Amelia Omollo Nelly Gatonye

Irene Koki Mutungi Gakii Biriri Rachna Patel Elizabeth Marami Nelson Oduma PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & ACADEMIA Elsie Wandera Bonnie Kim Emmanuel Dennis Ngongo Jeff Nthiwa Ernest Wamboye Wakhusama Sitawa Wafula Phyllis Mwangi Kago Kagichiri Gilbert Mitullah Omware Kariuki Kamau

Kaka Empire’s King Kaka is ‘Forever in love’

Poetic rapper King Kaka has teamed up with the talented singer, Pascal Tokodi for his latest single, ‘Milele’. The new song dubbed Milele is a beautiful timeless zouk RnB track that celebrates love in all its splendour. ‘I would love to walk around somewhere in 20 years and still hear someone sing ‘Milele’ to their loved one. ‘Milele’ for me is a timeless song,” says Pascal Tokodi. ‘Milele’ is the first project that King Kaka and Pascal Tokodi have worked on. ”I believe nothing beats love, it brings people together. The greatest commandment in the Bible is Love. All love stories should be forever and that is how Milele came about,” says King Kaka.








Miss World Nyamira County


ercy Mokeira’s untimely death has sparked many discussions online one major one has to do with Kenyan hypocrisy. The beauty queen was thrust to the limelight in a negative way after she took some pictures with winners of a pageant held at Langata Womens Prison last year. 23-year-old Mokeira who was a student at Kenyatta University, clearly made enough of an impact to the people she knew that her loss was felt greatly. Her father spoke to eDaily and gave a statement that expressed his shock at the suddenness of her death, “My daughter Mercy Mokeira’s health problem began when she returned to Nairobi from a function in Tanzania mid December 2016.” He continues, “On Saturday morning, I was yet to receive the results [of a blood test]. Her sister told me Mercy Mokeira had woken up well but she was complaining of excessive body heat. At around 4:00pm Saturday, her sister called me on phone while crying and told me that

Mercy Mokeira’s death shakes the country


ollowing the success of debut album ‘Twenty Years’ in August last year, June Gachui has setup another chilled out but scintillating show for audiences this Thursday. Dubbed ‘All Of June’ the gig is an expression of June Gachui’s artistry as she reveals sides of herself fans do not know about. It encompass theatre, comedy and dance while the stage promises ‘explosive visual effects’ and ‘out of the box’ set design. The show will run on Thursday and Friday at the Kenya National Theatre and tickets go for Sh. 2500 advance, Sh.3000 at the gate for regular tickets and Sh.4000 VIP advance, Sh.5000 VIP at the gate.

might just be a thing of the past A

high stakes meeting held on Monday at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre has raised a few eyebrows. The summit where the future of the 8-4-4 system was discussed sought to make big changes in this obsolete way of learning. Reportedly a new, and rather confusing 2-6-3-3-3 system is to be adopted by the government. New syllabuses and subjects are set to take effect and this also raised concerns about the cost of completely changing the education system. XNEWS reports, students will pursue games, performing and visual arts while social science options will be languages and literature, humanities and business studies. The third option will have pure and applied sciences, engineering and technical studies.

presents ‘All Of June’

Even though it won’t be a high school-boarding level of homesickness you will miss home especially if you are going to school that’s in a completely new place.


But you probably will. It’s your body and the choices you make are your own so don’t feel peer-pressured into anything.


Most people might jump headlong into a situation but take a second because distractions are immense in university.


All relationships are hard work and if you don’t put an actual effort in maintaining your friends you might lose them.


Things no one tells you about being a ‘fresher’ YOU WILL MISS HOME TERRIBLY

Mokeira had not been talking and was pronounced dead at 11:30am. I called a doctor at North Kinangop Hospital who confirmed the heartbreaking news.” She was passionate about peace, helping the needy having been involved in a number of charity activities and had shown some interest in politics.

inder is a dating/hook up app for lonely --human--singles everywhere looking to get a little less lonesome. Dutch researchers have seen it fit to use the same idea to get a lonely orangutan a potential mate. This is all of course to raise orangutan numbers in the world. Stats show that both the Bornean and Sumatran orangutan are endangered with 45,000-69,000 numbers for the former and 7,500 for the latter. The 11-year-old female ape named Samboja that has been selected for this strange experiment, is shown images of handsome males through a tablet and using physical cues chooses the one that is most appealing to her. The study is an effort to better understand the mating habits and methodologies that orangutans use to select mates, including figuring out if emotions play a part in this process. Nothing much has come out of the project even though it has been four years in the pipeline, and Samboja

sadly remains single. She has actually shown a distinct dislike for the tablets, breaking a number of them as she makes her choices. According to the Guardian after a tablet was reinforced with steel Samboja’s mother known as Sandy, got a hold of it and it too soon perished. Evy van Berlo, an evolutionary psychologist in a statement to Dutch paper Tubantia explians the process, “Usually, smell plays an important role too. But with the orangutans, it will be what you see is what you get,” highlighting their evolutionary closeness to human beings.

‘Tinder for Orangutans’

helping apes hook up to save the planet




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Emotional Crouch hits Premier league goal landmark Veteran striker Peter Crouch has said joining an elite club of just 26 players to score 100 Premier League goals had been an “emotional” moment for him. The Stoke striker reached the milestone in his side’s 1-1 draw with Everton last night, some 15 years after opening his account in the English top flight. “There’s some fantastic players in that 100 club, so to be among them is great for me personally,” Crouch, 36, said. “The minute it went in, it’s a great feeling.” He added: “I’ve had a few messages, lots of friends and family absolutely buzzing for me.” Crouch’s landmark goal came with a simple finish early in the

first half against Everton, and elevates him into the company of greats including Alan Shearer, Thierry Henry, Ian Wright and Robbie Fowler. “It’s quite emotional and nice to get in there because there’s a lot of players that I look up to,” said the former England international, who took 419 Premier League games to bring up his ton. “There’s been some great goals along the way and also some scrappy ones, but we’ll take them.” Crouch applied a simple finish early in the first half to bring up his century 15 years on since opening his account for Aston Villa against Newcastle in April 2002 - a goal scored against his current Stoke team-mate Shay

Given. Everton equalised when Seamus Coleman, on his 200th league appearance for the Toffees, saw his cross-shot fly in off Stoke defender Ryan Shawcross. The goal was initially ruled out for offside after Romelu Lukaku strayed beyond the last Stoke outfield player, but after a conversation between referee Craig Pawson and his assistant, the decision was reversed. Stoke were incensed by the decision, their frustration no doubt compounded by the knowledge that they should already have been out of sight, with Crouch seeing a crisp volley flash just wide and Marko Arnautovic denied superbly by Joel Robles when one on one. Both sides had chances to take

Stoke striker Pater Crouch dances afre scoring his 100th Premier League goals in their draw at home with Everton last night. PHOTO: CHRIS RICCO/EPA

all the points in the second half, with Stoke new boy Saido Berahino almost marking his debut off the bench with a goal only for Ramiro Funes Mori to head off the line, while Everton teenager Tom Davies saw a bullet header saved brilliantly by Lee Grant. The stalemate sees Stoke move into ninth place on 29 points, while Everton - eight points better off - stay seventh. Potters boss Mark Hughes paid tribute to Crouch striker, who has forced his way back into the

Welshman’s plans this season after being frozen out for much of the 2015-16 campaign. “Everybody talks about his personality and his character but above all he’s an exceptional football player,” said Hughes. “It’s fantastic. It’s credit to him. Since he’s come back into the side, he’s been excellent.” Crouch’s first Premier League goal came on his top-flight debut against Newcastle in April 2002 - a goal scored against his current Stoke team-mate Shay Given.

Fifteen years on, he marked his 100th by dusting off the robot dance that he first unleashed before the 2006 World Cup but which has not been seen on the pitch since 2007. “It was a bit of nostalgia, pulling it out. I was under a lot of pressure,” said Crouch, who at 36 years and two days is the oldest man to reach 100 Premier League goals. “It was a bit stiff to be honest. It’s been 10 years, I think I’ll have to retire it. Weddings and parties only now.”


Jesus off the mark in Manchester City rout Manchester City’s signing of Gabriel Jesus was like buying a watermelon, said manager Pep Guardiola after the Brazilian’s first goal for the club. The 19-year-old, who joined from Palmeiras, scored one and assisted another on his first Premier League start as City thrashed West Ham 4-0. “You never know. It’s like a watermelon. You have to open to see if it’s good or not,” said Guardiola. “The prospect was good. Jesus is a fighter with instinct for the goal,” his coach added. City signed the striker in the summer for £27m, but he spent the rest of 2016 with his Brazilian club - helping them to win their domestic title. Since joining up with City last month, he has started twice and made one substitute appearance, scoring one goal and assisting two. Guardiola told BBC Sport: “He played a few minutes against Tottenham and created chances and it’s not easy to play at Crystal Palace. He’s good at assists too. He made a marvellous assist against Palace and today with Kevin de Bruyne.” Guardiola left top scorer Sergio Aguero on the bench, starting Leroy Sane, Raheem Sterling and Jesus up front and the trio impressed, linking up well

Manchester City’s Gabriel Jesus (L) celebrates after scoring during their English Premier League match against West Ham at the London Stadium in London, last night. PHOTO: HANNAH MCKAY/EPA

and playing a part in all four goals. De Bruyne opened the scoring after a one-two with Jesus, Sane set up David Silva for the second, and Sterling squared for Jesus to make it 3-0 before half-time. Yaya Toure added a fourth from the

penalty spot after Hammers debutant Jose Fonte brought down Sterling. “We played a front three with an average age of 20,” said Guardiola. “In Europe, nobody has strikers this young. I like the fans to be excited. Those players are the future of the club.”

Asked if Aguero would have to get used to life on the bench, Guardiola said: “No. I’m a guy who likes to involve as many players as possible.” While discussing Jesus, the former Barcelona boss was repeating a phrase Leeds owner Massimo Cellino said

in June 2014 about new coach David Hockaday. “Coaches are like watermelons, you only know [how good it is] when you open it,” said the Italian. Hockaday was sacked after six games. Meanwhile, Eldin Jakupovic made a string of fine saves as Hull frustrated Manchester United by claiming a goalless draw in the Premier League at Old Trafford. The hosts dominated the match but could not find a way past the Tigers goalkeeper, who brilliantly kept out Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s long-range strike and Paul Pogba’s driving effort in the first half. In between, Harry Maguire should have done better with a header which he put wide of goal. Ibrahimovic hooked an effort wide in the second half and Jakupovic made his best save to prevent Juan Mata from scoring at the back post, as well as keeping out Paul Pogba’s curler. The visitors could have won it with five minutes to go, but on-loan Lazar Markovic’s clipped shot came back off the post and Abel Hernandez struck tamely at David de Gea. The point keeps United in sixth place, but allowed Hull to move off the bottom of the table.




Pharaohs in final 44-year-old keeper Hadary stars as Egypt win in dramatic shootout victory over Burkina Faso


Messi and Suarez give Barcelona first leg cup win


ionel Messi and Luis Suarez were on target as Barcelona beat Atletico Madrid in the first leg of their Copa del Rey semi-final tie at the Vicente Calderon. Suarez put the holders ahead with a run from the halfway line before a cool finish. Messi then doubled the lead when his fierce effort from outside the area went in off the post. But Antoine Griezmann gave Atletico hope for next Tuesday’s second leg at the Nou Camp with a 59th-minute close-range header. Celta Vigo and Alaves are the other semi-finalists, with their first leg fixture scheduled for tonight.

gypt reached a record-equalling ninth Africa Cup of Nations final, beating Burkina Faso 4-3 on penalties after a 1-1 draw. Veteran goalkeeper Essam El Hadary proved Egypt’s hero, saving Bertrand Traore’s spot-kick to secure victory. In normal time Mohamed Salah opened the scoring for Egypt when he curled a superb shot into the top left corner. Burkina Faso levelled when Aristide Bance chested down Charles Kabore’s cross and volleyed in. In doing so, they became the first side to score against Egypt in this tournament. The Burkinabe, who were the more adventurous and ambitious side throughout normal play, took an immediate advantage in the shootout. Goalkeeper Herve Koffi,

only 20 years old, magnificently pushed Abdallah El Said’s spot-kick on to the post. But he soon experienced the other side of shootouts when he stepped up to take his side’s fourth penalty and was unable to beat El Hadary - who at 24 years his senior is the oldest Nations Cup player in history. El Hadary’s experience - he now has a chance to win his fifth African title - proved vital as he then saved Bertrand Traore’s effort to send Burkina Faso home. It was a dramatic end to a game that was cagey, thanks to Egypt’s predominantly defensive approach, which had served them well and meant they had not conceded a goal going into the match. Two moments of excellent football provided the breakthroughs for the teams - Salah’s curling opener was sublime as was

the chest control and volley from Bance that restored parity. Otherwise the football was not quite of the highest standard, with Koffi largely a bystander. While El Hadary was called on more often, he was relatively comfortable in keeping out shots from Prejuce Nakoulma and Banou Diawara. Egypt’s victory continues their remarkable success rate in Nations Cup semi-finals they have now won their past six. In clinching victory in Libreville they equal Ghana’s record of appearing in nine finals. And if on Sunday they beat the winner of tonight’s other semi-final between Cameroon and Ghana, Egypt will extend their own record as the most successful Nations Cup side with an eighth title.

Egyptian players mob veteran goalkeeper Essam El Hadary (c) in celebration after he saved from Bertrand Traore of Burkina Faso in shootout during their 2017 Africa Cup of Nations semi-final match at the Libreville Stadium in Gabon last night 2017. Egypt won 4-3. PHOTO: GAVIN BARKER/EPA



15 City cruise as United are denied by Hull

Published By Xtra Publishing Limited, Chancery Building, Valley Road, Nairobi | Printed at The Standard Group Centre, Mombasa Road, Nairobi. Paul Marshall-CEO, Fred Bunei-Finance Manager, Josiah Musee-Advertising Manager, Peter Obuya-Editor

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