201702028 xnews

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TUesday, FeBRUaRy 28, 2017 | www.x254.co






Petitioner taken to task over Auditor ouster bid L

awyer Emmanuel Mwagambo Mwagonah was today taken to task over his petition seeking to have the Auditor general removed from office.

Mr Mwagambo who today appeared before the Parliamentary Committee on Finance chaired by Ainamoi MP Benjamin Lagat made his case against Edward Ouko accusing the Auditor General of nepotism, failure to give annual reports and abuse of office. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

Lawyer Emmanuel Mwagoah who wants the Auditor General Edward Ouko removed from office on grounds of abuse and financial misappropriation when he appeared before MPs today. ABOVE: Mr Ouko (second from right) follows the parliamentary committee proceedings as MPs took Mr Mwagoah to task. The Lawmakers wanted the petitioner to table evidence to back his claims.



Petitioner taken to task over Ouko ouster bid TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2017

From Page 1 But MPs especially those from the opposition did not take the claims lightly and gave the lawyer a didfficult time while accusing him of working for ‘some people’. “You’re a gun for a hire. You have no ground to remove the auditor general,” fired Nyando’s Fred Outa as most of the opposition MPs who had thronged the room threatened to disrupt the proceedings. “The petitioner need to disclose who has instructed him to file this petition,” Oburu Oginga (Nominated) said. “We are talking about a very important matter and we are dealing with important office. We will not allow allegations without facts,” added Mvita’s Abdulswamad Sharrif Nassir. Early this month, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions cleared Ouko from the claims the petitioner had brought up and the opposition MPs were quick to point at the matter. “Why is he presenting here what has been competently handled by the courts and DPP? This parliament will go on record as a house that harasses a chair of an independent offices,” Rongo’s Dalmas Otieno said adding: “It is clear that these people are against the chair of this office. We are harassing the Auditor General.” It took the intervention of Johson Sakaja (Nominated) to cool down the MPs. Mr Sakaja reminded his colleague

Lawyer Emmanual Mwagoah (center) listens as MPs make their contributions during the hearing of his petition seeking to have the Auditor General Edward Ouko removed from office. He accused Mr Ouko of nepotism and abuse of office among other claims.

that the matter was procedurally before them and they needed to remain sober and discharge their mandate. “This is a serious matter seeking to remove an independent office holder from office,” Sakaja said. Mr Mwagambo is also accusing Ouko and his deputy, Stephen Kinuthia, of inflating the cost an audit software from Sh18 million to Sh100 million and wants President Uhuru Kenyatta to form a tribunal to investigate the two.

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review it’s IT system. He claimed some Sh170 million was paid. But he was cut short by Matungulu MP Stephen Mule who asked him to table evidence supporting his claims. “We want specific evidence on the allegations you have put across. Don’t put this committee into a quagmire of looking for documents at the government offices,” Mule demanded. “I’m feeling like I’m being vilified because these are not empty rhetoric,”

he responded. But after he failed to table evidence, the MPs demanded that he withdraw his allegations and apologise to Mr Ouko who was all the while following the proceedings alongside his lawyer Otiende Amollo in the chambers. “Our standing orders state that when you make allegations you provide documents to support it or you withdraw and apologise,” Dr Oburu Oginda stated.

Massive security operation launched against cattle rustlers of Kerio Valley

Established in 1969


“There was a breach of procurement law. The method used was single sourcing without any public participation as required by law,” he claimed. “Employment within the office of the Auditor General is skewed with people from a certain community holding certain positions which they are not qualified for,” he added. He also claimed that Office of the Auditor General unprocedurally entered into a contract with JKUAT to




The Kerio Valley belt that covers parts of Baringo North, Marakwet and Pokot will be gazetted as “a dangerous area” to pave way for a security operation to eliminate cattle rustling. Deputy President William Ruto says the operation will begin immediately under one command. “Those who have crossed over to neighbouring counties or sub-counties and displaced its owners will be driven back to their homes,” warned Ruto. He added: “We will not allow people to raid others homes and occupy them in the pretext of searching for pasture.” Ruto also said the government would protect police officers discharging their duties in accordance with the law against external interference. “I want to assure our security officers that the government will solidly stand behind them in protecting the lives and property of Kenyans.” He said more security camps would be established in Kapkobil, Kabetwa, Murkutwo and Kaben among other areas that had witnessed cattle rustling. The DP at the same time asked leaders to stop politicising issues of security along the Kerio Valley. Ruto said leaders should work together in confronting insecurity occasioned by banditry and cattle rustling instead of introducing politics. Addressing the public on Monday at

Deputy President William Ruto addresses part of the security personnel to be deployed to Kerio Valley in Chesongoch, Elgeyo Marakwet County yesterday. PHOTO: COURTESY

Chesongoch Catholic Church grounds in Elgeyo Marakwet County after inaugurating the first group of 200 newly recruited police reservists, Ruto asked politicians to stop taking the plight of those suffering in an attempt to score cheap political goals. He said politicising security issues could affect restoration of peace among communities in the region. “Leaders should take a stand that will help bring peace in this region instead of introducing cheap politics into such issues,” said Ruto. “We should be part of the solution to the insecurity problem in this area and not part of the problem,” added Ruto.

He was accompanied by lawmakers Kipchumba Murkomen (Elgeyo Marakwet), Aaron Cheruiyot (Kericho), Kangogo Bowen (Marakwet East), William Kisang (Marakwet West), William Cheptumo (Baringo North), Dr Susan Chebet (Women Rep), Governors Alex Tolgos (Elgeyo Marakwet), Benjamin Cheboi (Baringo), Inspector of Police Joseph Boinnet and former MP Linah Kilimo. Ruto said Sh100 million would be set aside to compensate those who lost livestock in the region during the recent cattle rustling incidents He said the practice of cattle rustling has no room in this 21st Century.


Bishops want tablets extended to pupils in private schools Catholic bishops have called on the government to implement the digital literacy program in private schools. Only public schools have so far been considered in the project that has seen class one pupils given tablets. But the bishops now want the government to stop the skewed implementation of the program and instead make it available to all class one pupils both in private and public primary schools. The Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) argued that since education is a national function, the government should not discriminate pupils in private schools as it likely affects their education growth. “The government should give laptops to standard one pupils in private schools as it does for public schools. This will ensure government gives equal learning opportunities to all children,” Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) Education Committee Chairman, Bishop Maurice Muhatia said. He held that since the government education policies apply to both public and private schools it would be unfair to leave those in private schools out of the program. He noted that Private schools proprietors are investors in the education sector, and that such a move by the government would motivate them to do even better and improve education standards. “Investors in private schools are equally contributing to the growth of the economy, and relegating them will not mean well for the sector,” he added. Muhatia, who is the Bishop in charge of Nakuru Diocese, observed that those in the private sector also

State House Spokesman Manoah Esipisu looks on as a pupil scrolls through her tablet at Ebusirati Church of God school in Vihiga County last week. Mr Esipisu distributed the gadgets together with Education PS Belio Kipsang.

pay taxes, which in turn are used to purchase the laptops, and thus should not be left out. The Digital Learning Programme (DLP) was initiated as the flagship programme by the Jubilee administration in 2013. The programme is targeted at learners in all public primary schools and is aimed at integrating the use of digital technologies in learning. So far, a total of 1.2 million digital devices has been distributed to public schools. The digital devices include laptops for the teachers, tablets for the pupils, laptops and Braille embossers

for special learners, projectors, digital content servers and wireless routers. However, the archbishop applauded government efforts in bringing to an end payment examination fee for national exams, saying it will ensure all eligible students sit for their national examinations, irrespective of their financial status. He disclosed that examination fee abolishment will trigger an increase of candidates registering for national examinations.


Controversial Sh200 billion Lamu coal plant given green light Construction of the multibillion shilling coal project in Lamu County that aims to significantly raise the country’s power production is set to begin after the energy regulator gave it the green light. The Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) has approved the Sh200 billion project’s take-off, set to be East Africa’s first coal-fired power plant, despite objections raised against it. ERC yesterday said environmental, technical and economic objections raised by the petitioners human rights group Save Lamu had been addressed. “Taking the above reasons into account, the commission disallowed the objection. The above decision is based on the objects and mandate of the commission,” ERC said in a Kenya Gazette notice. The project has been steeped in controversy ever since its formulation with different groups questioning its sustainability given that environmentally conscious countries globally are shutting down coal plants in favour of solar and other sustainable sources of energy. Environmentalists and civil society groups have expressed their opposition to the megaproject arguing that coal mining is outdated and would have adverse effects on the town cited as a World Heritage site by UNESCO. A Lamu cabinet executive quit his seat in October last year citing his conflicted position as government official and protector of environmental preservation. Amu Power, a consortium that includes the owners of recently opened Two Rivers Mall Centum Group and Gulf Energy, is now set to begin works into the coal project.



Give us just a little more, say lecturers Revenue body gets a new team

University Academic Staff Union chairman Muga Kolale (center) speaks when they met with the senate Education Committee over the ongoing strike by lecturers at parliament buildings today. With him is the union’s Secretary General Constantine Wasonga (left). They told the senators to push the government to enhance the Sh10 billion they were offered for dons to resume duty immediately.

Economist Jane W. Kiringai has today been sworn as the new chairperson of the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA). Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu presided over the ceremony at the Supreme Court in Nairobi where the former Word Bank Senior Economist together with eight other members who will sit on the CRA board took oath of office. They eight new commissioners include: Edward Oyugi, Peter Njeru Gachuba, Kishaanto ole Suuji, Irene Koech Asienga, Fauza Abdikadir Dahir, Humphrey Wattanga, Treasury Principal Secretary Kamau Thugge and Peter Kiko Kimuyu. Justice Mwilu told Kiringai and her new team to ensure they uphold the highest standards of integrity in their jobs and to ensure they are not dragged to court for any malpractice. “I urge everyone to ensure that the oath of office you have taken today becomes your anthem and please stay true to it,” she said. The new team will take over from outgoing CRA chairman Micah Cheserem, vice-chair Fatuma Abdikadir and members Wafula Masai, Amina Ahmed, Joseph Kimura, Rose Osoro, Meshack Onyango and Raphael

Munavu. The commission’s mandate is to share out revenue between national and county governments. The new team first task will be to unlock the stalemate between MPs and Council of Governors. Last month, Governors protested a move by Members of Parliament (MPs) to reduce funding to county governments by some Sh32 billion. The governors criticised the MPs for allocating county governments Sh291 billion, way below the Sh331 billion recommended by CRA. According Council of Governors chairman Peter Munya the allocation to counties was also less than the Sh299 billion proposed by the National Treasury. “The Bill has disregarded both the National Treasury and Commission on Revenue Allocation recommendations without any justification. The Bill proposes an equitable share of Sh291 billion to county governments,” said Mr Munya, referring to the Division of Revenue Bill (DoRB) prepared by the National Assembly. @hillary_x254




German hostage beheaded by terrorists in Philippines

A German man has been beheaded by Abu Sayyaf militants in the southern Philippines after a deadline to pay his ransom passed. Philippine and German officials confirmed that 70-year-old Jurgen Kantner had been killed after being held for three months by the Islamist militant group. It was the second time Kantner, 70, had been abducted. He was held along with his partner, Sabine Merz, by Somali pirates for nearly two months in 2008. Abu Sayyaf posted a gruesome video of its militants killing the man with a curved knife. The video was distributed by the SITE Intelligence Group. “The Federal Chancellor condemns the abominable act, which once again shows how unscrupulous and inhumane these terrorists are. We all must stand together and fight against them,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s spokesman Steffen Seibert said. Philippine Secretary Jesus Dureza, the Presidential Peace Adviser, said the government strongly condemned “the barbaric beheading of yet another kidnap victim.” “Up to the last moment, many sectors, including the Armed Forces of the Philippines, exhausted all efforts to save his life. We all tried our best. But to no avail,” he said in a text message to CNN. The group had demanded 30 million Philippine pesos ($600,000) in exchange for Kantner’s release, setting a deadline of February 26. Abu Sayyaf announced in November last year that they had

German national Jurgen Kantner and his partner Sabina Merz in an earlier photo. PHOTO: COURTESY

kidnapped Kantner and his partner in the waters off Malaysia’s Sabah state, according to Philippine officials. Merz was shot and killed by the militants soon after. In September, Abu Sayyaf freed a Norwegian man it had held captive for almost a year. The beheading emerges as the Philippine government wages a war

against Abu Sayyaf, based in the restive Muslim-majority province of Mindanao in the country’s far south. Abu Sayyaf is a violent extremist group of some 200 to 400 members that is largely fragmented. The Philippines is a predominantly Catholic country, but the south has historically had a large Muslim population. Abu Sayyaf ’s stated aim is to establish an independent

Islamic state on the southern island of Mindanao. The group first became active in the early 1990s and was responsible for bombings across the southern Philippines and in the Malaysian state of Sabah. The seas around the Philippines are the most pirated in the world, according to data producer IHS Markit.

Trump: Obama behind White House leaks President Donald Trump said he believes former President Barack Obama has been behind the leaks within his administration and the sizable, angry town hall crowds Republicans have faced across the country. Trump was asked in an

interview on Fox News’ “Fox and Friends” if he believed Obama was responsible for the town hall protests against Republicans this month. “It turns out his organization seems to do a lot of these organizing to some of the

President Donald Trump and his predecessor barack Obama when they first met in the White House in November 2016. PHOTO: EPA

protests that these Republicans are seeing around the country against you. Do you believe President Obama is behind it and if he is, is that a violation of the so-called unsaid presidents’ code?” Trump was asked. “No, I think he is behind it. I also think it is politics, that’s the way it is,” Trump replied. Trump then discussed the leaks that have disrupted his first month in office. “You never know what’s exactly happening behind the scenes. You know, you’re probably right or possibly right, but you never know,” Trump said in the interview, a clip of which was released last night. “No, I think that President Obama is behind it because his people are certainly behind it. And some of

the leaks possibly come from that group, which are really serious because they are very bad in terms of national security. But I also understand that is politics. In terms of him being behind things, that’s politics. And it will probably continue.” Trump did not offer any evidence for his claim in the clip released by Fox Monday night. Center for American Progress have been working to help with grassroots organizing around GOP town halls. Organizing for Action, the group formed from Obama’s campaign organization, has 14 professional organizers, for example, who are involved in teaching local activists skills to effectively vocalize opposition to the GOP’s top agenda items.


SpaceX to fly tourists around Moon

US private rocket company SpaceX has announced that two private citizens have paid to be sent around the Moon. The mission is planned for late 2018, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said, adding that the tourists “have already paid a significant deposit”. “This presents an opportunity for humans to return to deep space for the first time in 45 years,” he said. The two unnamed people will fly aboard a spaceship which is set for its first unmanned test flight later this year. Mr Musk said the co-operation of America’s Nasa space agency had made the plan possible. He said the two passengers “will travel faster and further into the solar system than any before them”. Mr Musk declined to reveal their identities, only saying that they knew each other and that “it’s nobody from Hollywood”. “Like the Apollo astronauts before them, these individuals will travel into space carrying the hopes and dreams of all humankind, driven by the universal human spirit of exploration. “We expect to conduct health and fitness tests, as well as begin initial training later this year.” The first mission would be unmanned, and the next one - with crew - was expected in the second quarter of 2018, the billionaire entrepreneur and inventor said. He also said the first passengers “are entering this with their eyes open, knowing that there is some risk here”. “They’re certainly not naive, and we’ll do everything we can to minimise that risk, but it’s not zero.” The space tourists would make a loop around the Moon, skimming the lunar surface and then going well beyond, Mr Musk said. The mission will not involve a lunar landing. If Nasa decided it wanted to be first to take part in a lunar flyby mission, then the agency would have priority, Mr Musk said. The US has not sent astronauts to the Moon since the early 1970s.

Suspects in Kim’s death are spies South Korea’s intelligence agency believes that four of the North Korean men suspected of involvement in the death of Kim Jongnam are spies. The older half-brother of North Korea’s leader was poisoned at Kuala Lumpur airport, Malaysian police say. Four of the seven suspects named by Malaysia work for Pyongyang’s ministry of state security, intelligence officials in Seoul told MPs. It is unclear which of the North Koreans wanted by Malaysia were meant. Mr Kim died two weeks ago after two women accosted him in a check-in hall at the airport. They say they thought they were taking part in a TV prank.



xnews | TUESday, FEBRUARY 28, 2017 | www.x254.co



Lake Turkana project ready to inject energy into national grid

A total of 347 out of 365 turbines have already been erected in the ongoing Lake Turkana wind power project, a clear indication that the project is on course for completion as per its original plan that puts the expected completion time at June this year. The Wind Power is currently in a position to produce up to 33 per cent of its expected target of 310 MW. The firm’s General Manager, Phylip Leferink, said the remaining twenty turbines have already been delivered on site and the technical team, from Vestas and Siemens, are working day and night to ensure that they meet the timelines as per the contractual obligations. Assembly of the turbines began in March 2016 and all 365 are expected to be up and running by June 2017. The total cost of the project is estimated at Sh70 billion, said Mr Leferink, adding that the firm targets to have an annual generation capacity of 1.6 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh), while the tariff rate would be Sh 8.6 per kWh as per the 20-year long deal struck between the wind farm and the government. A double circuit 400kV, the 438km transmission line is currently being constructed by Kenya Electricity Transmission Company (Ketraco). The line will evacuate the electricity from the 40,000-acre wind farm to the national grid via the Suswa sub-station. On completion, the Marsabit-based wind firm, which is arguably the biggest wind farm on the continent,

it will add 310 megawatts (MW) of renewable generation capacity to Kenya’s grid. Currently Kenya, which relies heavily on renewables such as

UK mining company invests Sh1.2 million in Western Kenya gold exploration drive British exploration firm, Acacia Mining will invest Sh1.2 billion in gold exploration projects over the next one year in Kakamega County, Western Kenya. The move follows the discovery of an estimated 1.31 million ounces of gold resources on the Liranda Corridor, in Kakamega. “We are delighted to announce one of the highest-grade projects in Africa today, and we believe that this initial resource is a first step in the description of a multimillion-ounce high-grade corridor, said Acacia’s Chief Executive Officer, Brad Gordon. Gordon says the discovery demonstrates the contrarian approach they have taken of investing in exploration over the past few years whilst others have been pulling back. A large percentage of the investment will go towards a 45,000 metre drilling programme on the Liranda Corridor, which is targeting an increase in the gold resource to over 2 million ounces in 2017. The mining company also plans to commence a scoping study that looks at the potential for an underground mining operation towards the end of 2017. Despite being a major discovery, further exploration

and technical study work is required to establish whether this will become an economically viable mine. The studies will take several years. Mining Cabinet Secretary, Dan Kazungu lauded the move saying it proves Kenya’s rich mineral potential with huge economic value. “Kenya is undoubtedly a geologically rich country and we are taking significant steps, such as the ratification of the 2016 Mining Act, to establish a robust legislative framework to support our developing mining industry,” he said. “We are excited about the potential of Acacia’s West Kenya Project, as it could ultimately lead to the creation of a gold mining industry that would have a benefit to our country, economy, and people,” added CS Kazungu. Acacia mining has so far invested about Sh2.9 billion over the last four years. In 2016 alone, the firm spent Sh1 billion in drilling 45, 038 meters. According to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, gold production in 2015 rose 50 per cent to 0.3 tons though this was lower than its 2012 peak of 3.6 tons. Gold production accounted for less than 1 per cent of total mineral output. @enock_x254

BUY SELL 103.3678 103.5678 128.4761 128.7494 109.2594 109.4894 7.9763 8.0010 34.5667 34.7304 21.5318 21.6702

Uber in move to raise fares six months after cutting prices by 35 per cent

Children play near the wind turbines of the Ngong Power Station in the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya, December 25, 2016. Kenya Power said in November 2016 that the price of electricity will go down in coming months as the company shifts towards more cost-effective sources such as geothermal, solar and wind energy. One example of such sources is the Lake Turkana Wind Power Project in northern Kenya, which is the single largest private investment in the country’s history. When completed later this year, 365 turbines in Turkana are expected to provide one fifth of Kenya’s generating capacity. EPA/DAI KUROKAWA will produce enough energy to power an additional 1 million Kenyan households. Once the project is fully operational,

MEAN 103.4678 128.6128 109.3744 7.9886 34.6485 21.6010

geothermal and hydro-power, aims to expand installed capacity to about 6,700 MW by 2017, up from 1,700 MW in 2013. @kevin_x254

Kenya’s government has urged USbased taxi-hailing company, Uber to revise its fare charges in an upward trend. Transport Principal Secretary, Irungu Nyakera says the move to increase Uber fare charges is aimed at luring back drivers who have left the lucrative business since August 2016. “In August 2016, Uber lowered its fare prices by 35 per cent directly eating into Uber drivers revenues, a move that has seen a majority of drivers exit the business,” said Nyakera. Thousands of Uber drivers across the country were last year given loans to buy their own cars but later the taxihailing app scrapped fares by 35 per cent, a move they claim has negatively affected their ability to repay back the loans. The cutting of Uber fares negatively impacted drivers as a majority of them had taken loans to buy their own cars. Uber was also taking a 25 per cent commission from the drivers, leaving them with only 40 per cent of their total income to cater for other expenses. The Transport Ministry, has given Uber until Wednesday, March 1, 2017 to negotiate with drivers and audit its pricing mechanismsin a way that will allow drivers to receive the best available package from the business. Last week, Uber drivers demonstrated outside Parliament building urging the National Assembly to help resolve the differences between them and their employers. @enock_x254

Insufficient stock sinks Uchumi Supermarket into Sh547m loss Cash-strapped retaier, Uchumi Supermarket has recorded a Sh547 million loss for the six months period ended December 2016, the firm said in a statement. The retail chain attributes the loss to a lack of optimal stock levels saying they were mainly driven by delays in funding. According to Uchumi, the loss made is an improvement compared to what the company posted during the same period the previous year. “The company’s performance reflects a loss of Sh547 million as at 31st December 2016. This loss is an improvement compared to the same period in 2015 by 46 per cent despite the drop in sales,” the retailer said in a statement. During the period under review, Uchumi’s management focused on cutting costs, which saw the firm reduce operating expenses by 45 per cent compared to the same period in 2015. Uchumi’s Board of Management anticipates recovery and growth in sales from continued supplier support, optimal stocking and

realization of funding. The Board is optimistic that current cost management efforts will lead to a growth trajectory for the business, allowing Uchumi to break even in the financial year and return to full profitability. “The Board and Management continues to pursue strategies aimed at stabilizing the Company’s performance, including the sale of non-core assets, sourcing for a strategic investor, building supplier confidence and enriching customers experience at our store,” said Uchumi CEO Dr Kipng’etich. Mid last year, Cabinet approved a Sh1.8 billion bailout for Uchumi, which was by then, struggling to pay its suppliers, who were demanding Sh3.6 billion from the retail chain. During the first half of 2016, Uchumi embarked on a restructuring plan, which saw the retailer reduce the number of its outlets by a half from to 20 down from 40, a move that resulted in massive job losses. @enock_x254



Huawei moves to outline growth opportunities for Kenyan telcos TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2017

Global technology solutions firm Huawei has expressed its commitment to assist mobile telecommunication operators in Kenya among other emerging markets to increase their efficiency and drive profitable growth. As part of Huawei’s emerging market growth strategy, the firm has announced plans geared at promoting the sustainable development in emerging market players. Among other fronts, Huawei will be seeking to enhance the rapid deployment of home broadband and indoor digitalization solutions to improve coverage and user experience. Speaking in Barcelona, Spain at the Digital Transformation Forum staged on the sidelines of the Mobile World Conference (MWC 2017), Huawei Executive Director and Chief Strategy Marketing Officer, Mr. William Xu, said carriers in Kenya will enjoy solutions geared at fostering rapid technology deployment. “We shall work hand-in-hand with operators such as Telkom Kenya, Safaricom and Airtel Kenya among others, to help them identify valued customers, develop valued businesses, and build valued networks. We enable operators to combine industry policy with the utilization of existing network resources, and integrate technological and business innovation,” Mr. William Xu said. “By 2025, we will see 2 billion more people with mobile connections, and another 500 million broadband homes. Our commitment has always been to enable world’s operators to build roads to new growth,” added Xu. During the forum, Huawei outlined its role as an all-round strategic partner to

Dennis Oliech renews 1-year ambassadorial Betway contract

Huawei Kenya Marketing Director, Mark Hemaobin with Sales Director, Pharmaraj Dirwakar displays a Huawei GR5 device during its launch at Crowne Plaza last week. Photo:Edwin Gitobu/Xnew countries looking to advance economic and social development. The firm expressed its commitment to creating value for communities by collaborating with operators to help them maximize network assets, deploy home broadband and indoor digitalization, and drive connectivity to enhance the user experience, while promoting economic

and social growth. An analysis titled the Global Connectivity Index (GCI), published by Huawei in 2016, reported that for each GCI score point increase, a country improved its innovation capacity by 2.2 per cent, competitiveness by 2.1 per cent and productivity by 2.3 per cent. Huawei believes that rapid deployment

of home broadband and indoor digitalization will improve coverage and the user experience. The tech company states that interconnecting all users promotes the development of economy, society, and humanity. @enock_x254

Online gaming company, Betway Kenya, has announced the renewal of its successful partnership with former Kenyan professional footballer and national team captain Dennis Oliech. As a brand champion, Oliech will continue supporting Betway in its initiatives around sports development in Kenya as well as help to foster strong and loyal relationships with the brand and its customers. After signing his first brand ambassador contract last year, the former Harambee Stars striker has renewed his commitment to Betway for a period of one year, ending in February 2018 after helping the company secure a prosperous 2016. Last year, Betway sponsored Oliech to attend a professional coaching workshop in South Africa. While announcing that the training opportunity was the first of many that it has lined up for him, Betway Kenya Country Manager, Wanja Gikonyo added that the company was looking to give its brand ambassador the groundwork for future in coaching, social development, technical skills, age training and the organisational skills necessary to run football tournaments. Soon after the workshop, Oliech was involved in the development and roll-out of the ‘Betway Talent Search’, one of the biggest football talent search initiatives in the country. bed The initiate saw over 1,000 aspiring footballers test their skills under the watchful eyes of local and international scouts and culminated in two upcoming footballers winning a trip to West Ham United in the United Kingdom (UK). The two head to the UK on Friday, March 3, 2017. @kevin_x254

LG Electronics reaffirms commitment to Kenyan consumer market with launch of mega-capacity, side-by-side refrigerator

William Kamore, LG Trainer East Africa explaining the features of the company’s new mega-capacity, side by side refrigerator with Door-In-Door feature during an event to introduce the product in the Kenyan market.

Electronics giant LG has reaffirmed its commitment to Kthe Kenyan consumer goods market with the launch of its new mega-capacity side-by-side refrigerator with ‘Door-in-Door’ feature. Speaking during the launch, LG new Managing Director in charge of East and Central Africa business, Janghoon Chung, said that the new addition to the company’s consumer-centric home appliance’s portfolio is designed with features that increase efficiency as well as save energy. The new set that boasts more than 668 litres of storage capacity is a premium tier refrigerator and more superior than the company’s previously designed sideby-side models. The ‘Door-in-Door, mega-capacity refrigerator has shelves built into the first set of doors, which then open the second set of doors, of the main fridge

compartment. “This new refrigerator is designed to offer convenience to our customers. Its impeccable design and unapparelled high energy efficiency make it the best model in the Kenyan market thus far,” said Chung. The new refrigerator is fitted with an Inverter Linear Compressor that ensures maximum energy savings, LG’s unique space-saving frame and slim insulation technology to increase storage capacity. It is also equipped with LG’s Nature FRESH system that works to keep foods fresher for longer periods. LG Fresh Balancer that maintains optimal humidity and temperature levels for specific food items, such as fruits and vegetables as well as Pure N Fresh that actively circulates purified air evenly throughout the refrigerator. “We are further making advancement

in cutting-edge, innovative and intuitive technology across our wide spectrum of electronics, an attribute that has worked to place LG in a very favourable position as a market leader,” Chung added. The new Door-In-Door fridge model also has a space that stops up to 41 per cent of cold air escaping each time the fridge is opened. It also has redesigned and increased Door-in-Doo Compartment providing a wider view of the contents stored inside. Other compelling features include improved water and ice dispensing system and impeccable exterior design with an option of premium metal finish or a stunning black stainless steel that is both fingerprint and scratch resistant. The refrigerator will be available in all leading supermarkets and LG shops country-wide. @kevin_x254


KNCCI set to host debate in bid to educate public on agenda of political aspirants TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2017

The Laikipia chapter of the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) is set to host the first ever gubernatorial debate (governors’ debate), to be held in Laikipia County, on Sunday, March 12, 2017 at Nanyuki High School. The debate is to create a civil, egalitarian and impartial forum through which the electorate and the Kenyan populace as a whole might be more exposed to the persona and agenda of aspirants. The Chamber of Commerce sees the need to establish gubernatorial debates in every County, Laikipia being the first, as well as presidential debates as an essential part of our national political culture The thematic areas to be discussed will include; Enhancing security in Laikipia, Protection of Laikipia’s natural resources and wildlife, Land use and the protection of private lands, Supporting Laikipia’s growing Youth, Strengthening Laikipia’s Tourism sector, Enhancing Laikipia’s Business environment as well as Strengthening Laikipia’s infrastructure and partnerships with surrounding counties. Before the promulgation of the Kenyan Constitution in August 2010, the KNCCI had its main operations at a head office in Nairobi with regional offices in the major towns in Kenya.

Rwandan President Paul Kagame (Centre) meeting with KNCCI members at a past event. Also present were KNCCI Chairman, Mr. Kiprono Kittony (Right) and Rich Management CEO, Aly khan Satchu. Now, 2017 marks 7 years after the promulgation of the constitution and when the Chamber amended its configuration to legally establish an office at the National level, as well as offices in all 47 Counties. Over the years, there has been steady progress towards fostering social unity and promoting the welfare of the commercial and industrial community, as well as promoting, coordinating and protecting commercial and industrial

interests of KNCCI members and those of the country. The Chamber has led efforts in supporting government legislations that are favourable to its members while opposing ineffective bureaucratic measures that hinder progress. Arguably, the Kenyan business community has typically shied away from actively participating in political platforms. Perhaps this can be attributed to the perceived risk

(real or not) associated with political participation. However, KNNCI argues that this “silence” that comes with sitting on the side-lines of political discourse is not feasible. SMEs account for approximately 45 per cent of Kenya’s GDP. The Chamber argues that it is therefore important to provide a transparent, structured platform so that SME’s and other members of the business community and the general public can participate

in political discussions with those in public office. KNCCI advocates for pro-business policies that create jobs and strive to grow the Kenyan economy. Key issues addressed range from smart tax policy and regulatory relief to legal reform and trade promotion. Gubernatorial debates are an effective platform for candidates to discuss their priorities and plans and to highlight important contrasts that exist among them. Debates are valuable opportunities for both aspirants and Kenyans because they can greatly assist citizens in processing information so that they can make informed choices about their leaders. The Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) is registered as a non-profit private company limited by guarantee under the Companies Act Chapter 486 of the laws of Kenya. It is a membershipbased trade support institution (TSI) working to protect commercial and industrial interests of Kenyan business communities. The Chamber advocates for the creation of a favourable commercial, trade and investment environment that supports enterprise expansion. Membership constitutes small, micro enterprises (MSEs) as well as medium and large enterprises. @kevin_x254




President Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto

Vera Sidika

revelations that will come true in 2017 Prezzo is a Kanye West-type genius


Everyone is tired of hearing about El Presidente, so much so that we have forgotten that he used to be a rapper and has been boiled down to a ‘socialite.’ But what if this is all just performance art. If Prezzo wasn’t keen on making headline we would not be talking about him at all. His contemporaries have moved on to other careers, but since he insists on retaining the rap thing, this might just be the explanation for it. Four months for now we’ll see it all unfold and his genius will leave us gob smacked. His drug use, emotional outburst, consistent problems with authority and a crippling issue with maintaining a healthy relationship are all romanticized indications

Legendary actor Patrick Stewart has exited the cast of X-Men. When the veteran actor sat down for a SiriusXM “Town Hall” special to promote his new film “Logan” alongside co-star Hugh Jackman and director/co-writer James Mangold, he admitted to listeners that he would not be returning to the X-Men franchise. Stewart wasn’t the only one to announce his departure from X-Men. Jackman also reconfirmed on the same show that “Logan” would be his last appearance as Wolverine.

they work on plus a couple of other endorsements and appearances but you’ll be lounging in Presidential Suites in 5 star hotels and taking random trips across the world on appearances alone. Even Kim Kardashian is home enough Million dollars last year FYI. Vera Sidika is in the subject line because unlike her fellow ‘fem-trepreneur’ Huddah Monroe, who genuinely seems to be on that grind—the girl is trying to stack her paper—she seems to make a bigger splash with less things going on. BFFs Uhuru and Ruto will break up Elections are upon us and many

relationships will be tested, even the ones that seem solid. Not to say that any relationship built on politics is a solid one, but Uhuru and his Deputy seem to have held up decently despite the ICC coming for them, internal Jubilee wrangles and even the occasional dressing down that Uhuru lobs Ruto’s way. Well let’s just see how well their special relationship maintains in the midst of the chaos that is sure to come. Mike Sonko will become Nairobi Governor

trolled for finding ‘Tam Tam’ in Alaine

Mike Sonko

evidence to prove that Mike Sonko will win the seat. But compered to his opponents the man has one thing going US Election last year showed us that you can’t keep a stubborn person down and that’s all that Sonko needs. Who’s not to say that he actually does some good while he’s at it.



Patrick Stewart says goodbye to ‘X-Men’

of a person with some real artistic inclinations. Vera Sidika will reveal the source of her wealth Listen, we get it, these girls are hustlers.

Controversial gospel music artiste Willy Paul has continued to draw more controversy posting more and more photos posing with Jamaican songstress Alaine Laughton. Last week the artiste who has of late been accused of leaning towards secular music released photos of a wedding scene in which he alleged to have wedded Alaine. Sources close to the artiste have however told X-Access that the duo are recording a song together. It is, however, unclear what the song is all about with a wedding scene in place. The singer has however faced the wrath of social media trolls who have asked him to speed up the recording and video and leave Alaine alone.


Adelle Onyango is ‘on the loose’ in Exciting Dare Pact Radio personality Adelle Onyango has unveiled her new YouTube Channel with an exciting series of adventures. The YouTube channel houses her new weekly series Adelle On The Loose. It follows her quest for adventure. It shows the media personalities quest for fun and the unknown away from the radio booth as she discovers Kenyan treasures from interesting personalities, hidden restaurants, culinary delights, new music, dance...basically anything you did not know. Her first episode saw her learn how to dance with Art in Motion accompanied with Kagwe Mungai and Fena. “Basically I’m going across the 254 looking for activities you may not know about,” Adelle described her channel.






ashion High 2017 not only served up some looks on the red carpet but the catwalk too. With a number of local and international designers showing their stuff on the runway, it was only fitting that we highlight some of the garments that took centrestage last Saturday. Here’s a few standout designs that graced the Zen Garden.




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Mr. Lockhart (Dane DeHaan) is working for a shady financial outfit that’s going through some woes borne out of an impending merger. To prove himself to the board, and in

Chris (Daniel Kaluuya), a young black photographer who is ready to take a big step in his relationship with his white girlfriend, Rose (Allison Williams): meeting her parents for the first time. They drive out to the family’s impressive estate, and the initial reception is incredibly if not awkwardly warm, as both surgeon dad Dean (Bradley Whitford) and hypnotherapist mom Missy (Catherine Keener) do everything they can to make Chris feel welcome. As the long weekend continues, however, and the family plans a massive annual get-together, Chris begins to notice that things aren’t quite normal.

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GENRE: Psychological horror, Thriller CAST: Dane DeHaan, Jason Isaacs, Mia Goth RATING: R RUNTIME: 146 minutes the name of successfully closing the merger, he’s sent to the Swiss Alps to retrieve the company’s errant CEO. However, a car crash and a helpful but mysterious physician (Jason Isaacs) keep preventing him from going home, drawing him deeper into a mystery surrounding this idyllic spa that no one seems to ever want to leave. GENRE: Horror, Thriller CAST: Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Richard E. Grant RATING: R Runtime: 103 minutes Our rating: ★ ★ ★


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Karatina Homeboyz: Third division team with big dreams now sets sight on KPL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2017

When the History of the Kenyan Premier League is written, Homeboyz FC from Karatina in Nyeri County wants to be featured. They might not be in the top flight league yet and may take a while, but the team from Mathira constituency in Nyeri County is dreaming big after a splendid rise to the Football Kenya Division two league having topped their county league table last season. Assistant coach Marcus Muya in an interview with XSport disclosed the team’s desire and unwavering determination to play their way up to become the first team in Central Kenya to play in the top flight league. “Ours has been steadfast desire to rise up the ranks and one day play in the Kenya Premier League. Yes it is going to take a while, but putting in mind what I have witnessed, we may not wait very long,” Muya said. Homeboyz growth has been credited to their policy of recruiting the best players from the region and assimilating them to the club while also giving hope to many more players to follow their sporting dreams. The team is a product of Knight League in Karatina, a self-sponsored league in the region started by businessman Watson Weru. The league, on his third edition culminated on Sunday 26th July with Weru, an aspiring Member of County assembly relishing the achievements the league has generated in the region that was once on the verge of being consumed by rampant drug abuse. “When you look at the number of our young people that have died or are battling drug abuse, you’re left wondering what the future holds for

Karatina Homeboyz FC players pose for a group photo before a previous match. The team which has just won promotion to division three wants to become the first from Mount Kenya region to feature in the KPL.

us. There was no way we were going to have a generation if we allowed that to continue. Since the project started three years ago, the results have been tremendous,” Watson hopeful of elevating the standard even higher once given the mandate to serve his constituents said. The 18-team league for the past three seasons has coast Sh40 million per year, however, the sponsor

is looking at the positive side and how it impacts the society. “One of the conditions of playing in the league is that you have to steer clear of alcohol and other drugs. I am happy to state that, with the help of club officials, there has been a lot of positive growth in that area. On the other human aspect, the level of crime in

the region has significantly dropped with high numbers of jobless youths now actively involved in football. “Yes, there are many instances of criminal activities in the area. It will take a while to eradicate the vice completely. But that does not mean we’re not headed in the right direction,” stated Harambee Stars U-20 player John Macharia who hails from the region. The progress of football in the region has been hampered by the lack of proper playing facilities, with Karratina stadium, the home of Homeboyz FC still in a shambolic state. The echoes were shared by Were, Muya, the players and other football officials who blamed the county office for failing to even do minimal renovations to the facility to its municipal stadium capacity. “This has to be one of the worst grounds in the country. We have been neglected in all fronts. Our county government should be borrowing examples of what is happening in Meru’s Kinoru stadium, Embu municipal stadium and even the Machakos Stadium,” Muya observed. With FFK, FKF third tier league set to kick off at the Karatina Municipal Stadium next month and over two teams expected to grace the occasion, Muya is urging boss Nick Mwendwa to spare time and grace the occasion, to experience first-hand the challenges faced by the teams in the area. For now, Homeboyz FC, is a team on the upward thread and it only seems it will be a matter of time before they can reach the highest level of Kenyan football. @amos_x254



Shakava own-goal condemn AllStars to Hull City loss TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2017

Harun Shakava scored an own-goal as Kenyan Premier League All-Stars went down 2-1 to a young Hull City select side in an exhibition match played at the KCOM Stadium in United Kingdom last night. 16-year-old Elliot Holmes put the hosts ahead after just 22 minutes following a lovely build-up that saw Hull City captain Greg Olley curl in a perfectly weighted cross for the teenage to head past Patrick Matasi. Shakava then converted into his own net with 25 minutes to go before Tusker FC midfielder Humphrey Mieno pulled one back for the Stars who were guided by Harambee Stars coach Stanley Okumbi. Holmes had just been on the pitch for just one-and-a half minute when he scored after coming on for Max Sheaf who was stretched off the field and rushed to hospital after colliding with Kenyan defender Wesley Onguso to see the match stopped for over 10 minutes as the doctors attended to him. The hosts dominated the first half

where they came close two minutes after kick-off, but Jaron Bowen saw his shot miss the target by a whisker as the ball rolled over the left corner. All-Stars thought they could get an opening goal in the sixth minute when Ulinzi Star’s forward John Mark Makawatta was brought down in box to wave for a penalty but he was ignored by the referee. Approaching the half-hour mark, Matasi was forced to clear a danger through his right foot while on the other end Makwatta squandered an opportunity when he blasted wide with only the keeper to beat. The Posta Rangers goal keeper was called to action once again when he finger tipped a strong header to deny Josh Tymon for a fruitless corner. Four minutes before the ten that was added due to the lengthy stop caused by Sheaf ’s injury, Cliff Kasuti came close for All-Stars with a well taken shot that was handled by the 17-year-old Hull keeper.

Kenyan defender Wesley Onguso trys to block a shot from Hull City’s Josh Tymon during their exhibition match at the KCOM PHOTO: COURTESY stadium in the UK last night. The All-Stars team lost 2-1.

The keeper was at it again, this time with a fantastic save to rescue Makwatta’s thunderbolt. Okumbi withdrew Gor Mahia midfielder Amos Nondi for experienced Moses ‘Dube’ Odhiambo in the second half and they nearly found the equalizer in the 60th minute when Makwatta set up captain of the day Allan Wanga but the Hull keeper who was having a good day in office

came off his line to clear the danger. However, it was the All-Stars side that found themselves on the receiving end when they soaked in pressure to see Shakava score against his own net in the 65th minute as his side trailed 2-0. Mieno had himself to blame after squandering a glorious chance to pull one back when he headed a Moses Odhiambo cross wide in front of a goal.

The Hull City side was too good that they could bring on the club’s legend 47-year-old forward Dean Windass to replace goal scorer Holmes. However, Mieno redeemed himself when he met a Makwatta lovely set up to unleash a screamer that bounced before the young Hull keeper but it was too late as the referee blew the final whistl MORE ON THIS STORY www.capitalfm.co.ke


‘My kids begged me to join Man United’ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2017

Zlatan Ibrahimovic said he will “see what happens” about extending his stay at Manchester United - but did reveal his children pleaded with him to join the Old Trafford club last year. Ibrahimovic, 35, left Paris St-Germain in July, signing a one-season deal with an option for a second year. United boss Jose Mourinho believes the Swede will stay - but added: “I never beg for a player to sign a contract.” “We have another two months of the season to go,” Ibrahimovic said. “Let’s see how I feel, the situation. Somebody made up a story that if we don’t qualify for the Champions League I will not extend. It has nothing to do with that.” After Ibrahimovic scored the winner in Sunday’s 3-2 EFL Cup final victory over Southampton, Mourinho said “the fans can go to the door of his house and stay there all night” to convince the striker to stay. Ibrahimovic said his “special relationship” with the Portuguese, who also managed him at Inter Milan, was key to his decision to join United - but was not the only factor. “My mind was not here, then my kids started to bump my head - even they wanted to see me play at United,” he said of the months leading up to his departure from French champions PSG.

Manchester United’s Zlatan Ibrahimovic lifts the English Football League Cup after Manchester United won the trophy by beating Southampton FC in the final at Wembley Stadium, London, on Sunday evening. PHOTO: WILL OLIVER/EPA

“Then Jose called. When he called, it was basically: ‘Tell me what number I should wear.’ My kids are satisfied with what I am doing, but this time I am the boss, not them.” Ibrahimovic collected the 32nd trophy

of his career after heading an 87thminute winner at Wembley, having earlier given his side the lead with a brilliant 19th-minute free-kick. Jesse Lingard put United 2-0 in front before Manolo Gabbiadini scored twice


for the Saints to level, after having an 11th-minute effort contentiously ruled out for offside. Eighteen years on from making his professional debut for Malmo, the former Ajax, Juventus, Inter Milan,

Barcelona and AC Milan striker was asked whether he has thought about retirement. “I came here when people thought it was impossible for me to do what I am able to do. It feels good. I am enjoying it,” he added. “I always want more. This is my 32nd trophy. I’ve been in five different countries, I’ve been in the best clubs in the world and I’m repeating every year what I am doing. “I will stop on top. If I don’t perform, I will not play. I will not be like others, still playing because they are who they are. I will play as long as I can bring results.” Ibrahimovic has scored 26 goals in 38 games this season and is United’s top scorer. Midfielder Juan Mata is behind him in second, with nine goals. “Zlatan won the game for us because he was outstanding,” Mourinho said after Sunday’s win secured his first major trophy as United boss. “When he went to Barcelona [from Inter, in 2009], I was very sad. I know the potential. Only a silly player comes to England if he doesn’t feel he can do it. Who better to know? Him. Not me or you. “When he decided to come here it is because he feels ready. It is not my credit. It is him. Nothing for me.”



P 14

Leicester City is back

L Criticism fired Leicester up, say players L

eicester striker Jamie Vardy says criticism of players “fired them up” for victory over Liverpool last night. The Premier League champions moved out of the bottom three in the first game since Claudio Ranieri was sacked. Vardy has previously dismissed speculation that he was involved in the Italian manager’s dismissal. The 30-year-old, who scored twice in the 3-1 win, said: “There has been a lot of unfair stuff written and you’ve seen a reaction from everyone.” Vardy, who has now scored three in his past two games, continued: “It’s definitely got us fired up in a good way to put a reaction on the pitch. “It’s not for the want of trying that results have been poor. We’ve been trying but it’s not been clicking. Luckily tonight it all clicked together. Hopefully there will be a lot more goals to come.” Danny Drinkwater, who scored Leicester’s second goal and his first of the season courtesy of a superb longrange strike, feels the Foxes have set a standard for the rest of the season. “Criticism is to be expected but we have to put in more performances like that,” said the England midfielder. “It’s hard to put a finger on why we haven’t been playing like that. We have a massive end of the season to come.” Caretaker boss Craig Shakespeare boosted his chances of getting the manager’s job on a permanent basis by overseeing a display far more in keeping with last year’s high-energy performances with quick transitions from defence to Vardy. “Before the game we spoke with Shakes [caretaker manager Craig Shakespeare] and he asked us what we thought were the best actions to take,” added Vardy. “We thought it was to press higher and win the ball higher up. We did that and hurt them.”

eicester produced a superb display in their first game following the sacking of Claudio Ranieri, moving out of the Premier League bottom three as two goals from Jamie Vardy and a Danny Drinkwater strike saw off Liverpool. It was a much-improved display from the Foxes under caretaker boss Craig Shakespeare, who took over after the departure of the man who led them to last season’s remarkable title triumph. The first strike was straight from the 2015-16 playbook as Vardy collected Marc Albrighton’s precise long pass before racing clear and finishing low past Simon Mignolet to score his second goal in a week. The second was an absolute cracker from Vardy’s England team-mate Drinkwater, who showed superb technique to lash home his first goal of the campaign from outside the box following a clearance from a long throw. And Vardy sealed the win with a glancing header from Christian Fuchs’ cross in the second half before Philippe Coutinho stroked home a consolation goal. The goals were the first the Foxes have scored in the league in 2017 and ended a run of five straight top-flight defeats in spectacular fashion. Liverpool - who would have climbed to third with a victory - have now lost five of their past seven matches in all competitions. Ranieri’s name was everywhere at the King Power - in pre-game conversations, on banners and in chants - as was his face, courtesy of paper masks worn by some Foxes supporters. The 65-year-old Italian has left an indelible imprint on the club with last season’s astonishing success. However, the inconvenient truth for many is that he was overseeing statistically one of the worst title defences in English topflight history - one that has left Leicester facing the prospect of becoming the first reigning champions to be relegated since Manchester City in 1938. Amid suggestions the players had stopped playing for their former boss, there was an element of damned if you do win and damned if you don’t in this game. However, the need for victory was paramount and they were excellent from start to finish as Shakespeare drew a committed, energetic and ruthless display to improve his chances of steering the club to safety - and possibly

Schmeichel remains an authoritative presence in goal, as he demonstrated with two big saves to deny Coutinho and Emre Can in the first half and Adam Lallana after the break. While Leicester have embarked on a demanding February comprising five matches, Liverpool have taken to the field just twice this month and came into this game off the back of a 16-day break, during which they took a training trip to La Manga in Spain. But instead of looking refreshed, the Reds looked rusty throughout and were simply unable to make an impression on a night when they were always likely to be second on the bill. Just over 12 months ago, Jurgen Klopp’s side were undone on this ground as a Vardyinspired Leicester consigned them to a defeat that left them 16 points off top spot in eighth. They are now 14 points behind leaders Chelsea in fifth but look as far away from challenging for the title as they did in 2016. “It’s not that Leicester were over-aggressive tonight, I think we were not physical enough. Leicester City striker “We knew how Leicester Jamie Vardy wheels would play, go back to away in celebration after scoring in a past league their roots. We could match. He scored twice have done much as the Foxes stunned better. We let them be Liverpool 3-1 in the Leicester of last year Premier League last night. PHOTO: EPA - that’s our fault. We should get criticised. succeeding Ranieri on a permanent basis. “I This inconsistency could see in their eyes that they were up for the makes absolutely no sense,” said a furious Klopp. fight in the warm-up,” Said the English tactician. Goalscorer Coutinho was their only consistent “The professionalism of the players has never attacking threat, while the defence continues to been questioned by me. Having taken training look shaky - especially with Lucas masquerading with them, I know the criticism has hurt and at centre-back - and their midfield lacked the perhaps there was a little more fire in the belly industry and bite to compete in the absence of because of that. They know they are guilty of injured captain Jordan Henderson. underperforming - but this is only one result They now have a real challenge on their hands and we must build on that,” he added. if they are to finish in the top four and seal a The champions also have players in form. Vardy return to the Champions League next season. now has three goals in two games and Kasper

Published By Xtra Publishing Limited, Chancery Building, Valley Road, Nairobi | Printed at The Standard Group Centre, Mombasa Road, Nairobi. Paul Marshall-CEO, Fred Bunei-Finance Manager, Josiah Musee-Advertising Manager, Peter Obuya-Editor

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