201702027 xnews

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MOnday, FeBRUaRy 27, 2017 | www.x254.cO







Raila’s warning to IEBC

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga (second left) explains a point to IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati when the electoral commissioners paid a courtesy call to opposition leaders at Mr Odinga’s Capitol Hill offices in Nairobi two weeks ago. PHOTO: COURTESY

Former chief taxman Waweru, Rev Kobia to head Jubilee National Election Board President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Jubilee Party is expected to inaugurate its Election Board on Wednesday this week in readiness for the upcoming party primaries scheduled for April. X News has learnt that the party has settled on former Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) Commissioner

General Michael Waweru (pictured) and former commissioner of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) Reverend Samuel Kobia to be among the eight-member team to be appointed to the board. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

✍ Opposition chief tells electoral body to clean up its voters’ register or risk having problems during the elections. ✍ Dismisses analysis that some regions are storngholds of particular parties saying the elections will ‘tell us the reality on the ground’. STROY ON PAGE 3



Quit by May, Journalists eying politics told MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2017

Journalists keen on running for political seats in the coming general elections have been told to quit three months before the polls. The Communication Authority of Kenya (CA) today directed all journalists with political ambitions in the forthcoming general elections to quit newsrooms by May. CA Director General Francis Wangusi at the same time told media owners seeking political seats to cease involving themselves in active management of media houses. The move according to Wangusi is to facilitate accurate and objective reporting devoid of any political leaning ahead of the elections. “Any journalist with political ambitions should not work for any media house three months to the general elections and any media owner should delink himself from actively participating in the daily activities of his media house,” Wangusi said today morning during a breakfast meeting with media owners at a Nairobi hotel. He argued that media owners affect the day to day editorial decisions of their media houses hence might affect objective reporting expected from the media if they continue to serve in their capacities. The Director General also pointed out that journalists might use the platform to campaign for themselves and forget about their core mandate of informing the public. “The media owner should take a break and appoint another manager in place until elections are over so as to avoid conflict of interest,” Wangusi said. He clarified that the owners should not

Communications Authority director General Francis Wangusi (right) with IEBC chief executive Ezra Chiloba (center) and National Cohesion and Integration Commission Chief Executive officer Hassan Mohamed during a breakfast meeting with media owners to discuss preparations for the coming general elections. PHOTO: GITOBU IKUNDA/X NEWS

quit but make full disclosure of their political ambitions and cease from actively participating in the daily affairs of the newsrooms. “We want all our media stations to be run in a professional way and not be affiliated to any political party,” Wangusi said. His call was supported by Media Council of Kenya chief Executive Harun Mwangi who accused media owners of affecting editorial decisions.

Governor Gachagua’s body due in the country Thursday The body of the late Nyeri County Governor Nderitu Gachagua will be transported to the country on Thursday. Addressing a press conference at Hiriga in Mathira constituency, his younger brother Rigathi Gachagua said plans are underway to fly the body to Kenya. Already, deputy Governor Samuel Wamathai has been sworn in as the new Nyeri Governor. According to the constitution, the deputy takes over for the remainder of the term if a governor dies. Gachagua died early on Friday at a London hospital after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. Rigathi also reported that the Deputy Governor Ambassador Samuel Wamathai will be sworn in Monday to assume the office of the governor. Rigathi said they have buried the hatchet of any political rivalry with other leaders in the county noting that Gachagua was a peaceful leader. Wamathai said that Nyeri has lost a credible and legendary leader who

will always be remembered for his development agenda. Rigathi addressed the media last evening and was accompanied by Nyeri Senator Mutahi Kagwe, Mathira MP Peter Weru and other local residents. In his inauguration speech, Wamathai assured Nyeri residents of his commitment to service delivery of devolved functions. He eulogised his predecessor as a brave man of immense intellect and pledged to safeguard his legacy. Wamathai in a matter of fact fashion also issued a strong warning to county staff who may have intentions of engaging in corrupt activities, pronouncing that he will not tolerate anything less than total transparency in his administration. “Being Governor of Nyeri, I will not tolerate slightest acts of corruption from county staff and I will therefore be demanding total honesty and high level of integrity in the way of conducting county business,” he said. MORE ON THIS STORY www.capitalfm.co.ke

“We have visited a number of Radio and TV stations and we found out that media owners direct who to invite for interviews, this is interference with editorial policies which advocate for independence of the editorial desk,” Mwangi said. Mwangi told the media owners that their pursuit for profit should not interfere with the professional running of media houses. “All we are saying is that media owners

should delink their passion for profit to professionalism and leave well trained editors to do their work,” Dr Mwangi said. In September last year, Media Council threatened to withdraw accreditation for journalists who have shown open affiliation to political parties and groupings ahead of the 2017 General Election. The media regulator urged scribes who have declared their intentions to vie

for elective positions to quit jobs in the newsrooms. The directive was however opposed by Kenya Union of Journalists KUJ Secretary General Eric Oduor said the new demand was a gagging order, arguing that journalists should be allowed to be politically inclined just like other professionals. “The Media Council guidelines on journalists with political interests should not be taken seriously by journalists,” Oduor said. @sam_x254

Former chief taxman Waweru to head Jubilee Election board From Page 1 Mr Waweru and Rev. Kobia will be unveiled alongside former Jubilee Alliance Party (JAP) Election Board chairman Aden Noor Ali and Hussein Mohammed. Other include former Kisii Mayor and Chairman of Kenya Library Services Samuel Nyangweso and former Cabinet Minister William ole Ntimama’s daughter Leah Ntimama. The event will be graced by President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto at the Jubilee Party headquarters in Pangani, Nairobi. However, the inclusion of Aden Noor Ali and Leah Ntimama has elicited mixed reactions among the party supporters. The two are eyeing elective seats. “We cannot allow our competitors to oversee a process they are too are involved in. We will probably be rigged out. Leah and others must state what they want,” said an aspirant from Narok County who requested not to be named. Leah is seeking to unseat Narok

Women Representative Soipan Tuya while Aden Noor Ali, who hails from Mandera County is said to eyeing a parliamentary seat under the Jubilee ticket. The unveiling of the board members also comes at a time the Jubilee Party is under pressure from its members and supporters across the country to deliver a credible nomination to stem out possible fallout after the primaries. There have been voices of dissatisfaction with some aspirants claiming that nomination certificates have been issued to a few others and that the party has already identified candidates for various seats especially in its perceived strongholds. President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto have insisted that the primaries will be free and fair but this has not stopped several party stalwarts from defecting to smaller parties. Those who have left Jubilee party include Tharaka Nithi Governor Samuel Ragwa and Embu Senator Lenny Kivuti who joined Narc Kenya and Maendeleo Chap Chap

respectively. The Jubilee Secretariat, however, has moved to assure the members of a free and fair nomination process saying that it will do all within its means to ensure the process goes on without any manipulation of favouritism whatsoever. Tomorrow, the secretariat will meet with IEBC officials on modalities of holding the nominations even though the electoral body has remained noncommittal on its involvement in the Jubilee primaries. Nevertheless, the election board is expected to come up with concrete terms of engagement. The board will vet and consider the candidates for all gubernatorial, parliamentary and county assembly seats in the 2017 elections, according to Jubilee party constitution. It will also be charged with ensuring that the nominations are free and fair in what will be highly contested primaries in its strongholds where the party’s certificate is as good as winning the election. @hillary_x254


Jubilee trying to gag media, Kalonzo alleges Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka claims of an ongoing campaign against the media by the Jubilee administration. Speaking at Wilson airport today, the opposition leader cited a recent directive by State House that put a freeze on government advertising in the commercial newspapers saying it is aimed at stifling the industry that acts as the public’s watchdog. “There is an attempt to muzzle the media again and we are saying that if they (media) can’t speak for themselves, then we as oppositon will,” he said. His remarks after a special Cabinet meeting early this month resolved to ban government advertising of its services, including tenders and job applications, in commercial media. The State now intends to start its own publication titled My.Gov through which all public information will be published and is set for circulation. Mr Musyoka claimed the government is irked by the media’s continued portrayal of the Jubilee administration in bad light. “There is this narrative that if you are not friendly with them you cannot get government contracts. This is unfair as everyone has a right to get these contracts,” Kalonzo added as he revealed that the Government Advertising Agency, the body that handles all State media advertising, has an annual budget of over Sh2 billion. @harrison_x254

Raila warns IEBC on register

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has been told to do a proper housekeeping or risk plunging the country into chaos during the elections. Opposition chief Raila Odinga today cautioned the electoral body saying it must deliver credible polls in the coming August 8, elections in order to avert any chaos. Mr Odinga singled out the cleaning of the voter’s register which he says must be thoroughly done. IEBC has previously said it will carry out an audit to get rid of dead voters from its roll from May. “IEBC needs to do proper housekeeping and clean up the register. Otherwise we will have problems during the elections,” Mr Odinga warned during a press briefing in Meru ahead of his two-day tour of the Mount Kenya East region. He is expected to visit Timau, Meru, Maua – all in Meru County - today where he will hold rallies before heading to neighbouring TharakaNithi County tomorrow. Meru and Tharaka-Nithi are two counties considered to be Jubilee strongholds but Mr Odinga dismissed the notion saying no one should classify any regions as being strongholds of a particular coalition. “The elections will tell us the reality on the ground. We should stop classifying regions as Jubilee or Cord strongholds,” he said. His visit to the region comes just two days after the opposition held a mammoth rally in Eldoret, Uasin

Opposition chief Raila Odinga waves upon his arrival in Timau, Meru County today at the start of his two-day tour of East Mt Kenya region. PHOTO: COURTESY

Gishu County – another region considered to be a Jubilee stronghold. Going by 2013 voting trends, the latest statistics on voter numbers from IEBC show both Cord (now Nasa) and Jubilee are locked in a tight race ahead of the August elections, something pollsters are also predicting.

But Mr Odinga said his is to meet the people and tell them about their policies for them to decide which side to support. “We are going to meet the people, tell them about NASA. They will put us on the weighing scale and gauge who they will vote for,” he added. He was accompanied by Kajiado Central

New Nyeri Governor sworn in

MP Kanchory Memusi with a host of other lawmakers expected to join his entourage. Mr Odinga was later joined by his coalition partner and Wiper Party Leader Kalonzo Musyoka in Makutano as the two leaders asked residents to vote for the opposition to form the next government. @peter_x254

Samuel Wamathai takes oath of office as the new Governor of Nyeri County at the county headquarters earlier today. Mr Wamathai who was until today the county’s deputy governor ascended to the top seat following the demise of Governor Nderitu Gachagua who died last Friday. Mr Wamathai pledged to continue leading the people of Nyeri from where his predeccessor left. Council of Governors chairman Peter Munya attended the ceremony. PHOTO: COURTESY



Somalia’s Puntland troops stage mutiny Troops in Somalia’s semi-autonomous region of Puntland have briefly staged a mutiny. Dozens of soldiers seized the parliament compound in the administrative capital Garowe and blocked nearby streets. However one of the region’s most respected clan elders, Islan Issa Islan Mohamed, told them to return to their barracks. He told the BBC that the “drama” was now over. It had been reported that the soldiers were protesting about a delay in the payment of salaries as well as poor working conditions. Last September soldiers took control of the central bank in Garowe in protest at lack of payments, Garowe Online reported. Puntland, an arid region of north-east Somalia, declared itself an autonomous state in August 1998, in part to avoid the clan warfare engulfing southern Somalia. Unlike its neighbour, breakaway Somaliland, Puntland says it does not seek recognition as an independent entity, wishing instead to be part of a federal Somalia.

Millions without water in Chile

Rainstorms and landslides in Chile have contaminated a major river forcing the authorities to cut off drinking water to at least four million people in the capital, Santiago. Officials said the water supply from the Maipo river would be cut to most of the city until the water flowed clear. At least three people have been killed and 19 are missing as rivers overflowed and bridges were washed away. Almost 400 people have been cut off in the Cajon del Maipo mountainous area. “Emergency teams are working on the ground to connect with isolated persons and re-establish the water supply wherever possible,” Chilean President Michelle Bachelet wrote on Twitter. Aguas Andinas, which provides the capital with drinking water, said continuing rain was making repairs difficult. The company said it did not know yet when the water supply could be restored. Regional governor Claudio Orrego said weather conditions in the mountains near Santiago remained “very bad”. “We had many landslides in a very short space of time,” he said. A 12-year-old girl was killed when the car she was travelling in with her family was swept away by a landslide in the O’Higgins region, south of Santiago. Two more people died in Cajon del Maipo. Mr Orrego said the heavy rains which had fallen since Saturday were “absolutely anomalous” for the summer period. More than 60% of households in Santiago woke up on Sunday to find their taps running dry. Many queued to fill buckets and pans with water provided by the authorities.

Why killed US commando’s father refused to meet Trump The father of a US Navy Seal killed in a raid on a suspected al-Qaeda compound in Yemen last month has said that he refused to meet US President Donald Trump when his son’s body arrived home. “I’m sorry, I don’t want to see him,” he said he told a chaplain at the time. The raid on 28 January was the first such operation authorised by Mr Trump. Bill Owens, whose son William “Ryan” Owens was killed, told the Miami Herald that “the government owes my son an investigation”. “Why at this time did there have to be this stupid mission when it wasn’t even barely a week into his administration? Why?” he said in an interview with the newspaper published on Sunday. “For two years prior, there were no boots on the ground in Yemen - everything was missiles and drones - because there was not a target worth one American life. Now, all of a sudden we had to make this grand display?’’ The raid - approved by President Trump just six days after he took office - is believed to have killed several civilians, including children. Three other Americans were wounded in the raid, planning for which began under the Obama administration. A report in the New York Times alleged that the mission had been compromised early on - something the commandos knew from intercepted communications, the paper said. “They kind of knew they were screwed from the beginning,” it quoted a former Seal Team 6 official as saying. But the military disputed this, saying there was no evidence the mission was compromised. White House spokeswoman Sarah

US President Donald Trump. PHOTO: EPA

Huckabee Sanders said on Sunday that she believed President Trump would support an investigation. “The mission has a lot of different critics, but it did yield a substantial amount of very important intel and resources that helped save American lives and other lives,’’ she said. Mr Owens said he was told that his son was killed early on in a fierce gunfight that erupted with AQAP militants. A flag-draped casket bearing his body was flown to Dover Air Base on 1 February for a private ceremony. Mr Owens said he only learned that President Trump and his daughter Ivanka were on their way when

he was already there. “I told them I didn’t want to make a scene about it, but my conscience wouldn’t let me talk to him,” he said. A military veteran, he told the Miami Herald that Mr Trump’s comments during the presidential campaign about the family of a dead Muslim US soldier had disturbed him. He said that the White House should not “hide behind” his son’s death to ignore criticism of the raid. William “Ryan” Owens, a 36-year-old married father of three, was a member of the elite Seal Team 6.

Direct flights to the US a boost for vision 2030

The announcement that direct flights to the United States will soon be a reality is a major success to Kenya Vision 2030. Vision 2030 Director General Dr Julius Muia said, “This achievement is an important milestone for Kenya-U.S bilateral relations. Both countries have maintained numerous and diverse areas of partnerships and cooperation in security, exports and imports as well as tourism. We expect more direct investments from the US Government, companies and most importantly, Kenyans in diaspora.’’ Muia said the fact that Nairobi is the heart of business and commerce in East and Central Africa, the city is now positioned to rival other transit cities and transport hubs like Dubai, Doha and Amsterdam,’’ said Dr Muia while addressing reporters in Nairobi. “The expansion and modernization of

Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA), Kenya’s largest aviation facility, and the busiest airport in East Africa was done under the Vision 2030 Economic Blueprint,” Muia said. The airport now serves a daily average of 19,000 Passengers from Africa, Europe and Asia and with this new development, North America. The United States has strengthened its position as Kenya’s third-largest export destination — making it Nairobi’s most valuable economic partner outside East Africa. Kenya’s exports to the US grew seven per cent to Sh35.3 billion in the first 10 months of 2016. According to data released by the Kenya Tourism Board (KTB), 82,363 American visitors toured the country between January and October 2016, surpassing 80,821 tourist arrivals from Britain. This makes the US

effectively the largest source of our tourism revenues. With the IASA Category 1 rating, Kenyan air carriers can now apply to operate to the United States with their own aircraft. An IASA Category 1 rating means a country has the laws and regulations necessary to oversee air carriers in accordance with minimum international standards, and that its civil aviation authority equivalent to the FAA for aviation safety matters meets international standards for technical expertise, trained personnel, recordkeeping, and inspection procedures. Kenya now effectively becomes only the seventh country in Africa under this category. The other six include Nigeria, Cape Verde, Egypt, Ethiopia, Morocco and South Africa. @sam_x254





NEWS PICTORIAL IN PROTEST OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN: Women from the civil organization Coordinator of Feminisms and Security of Uruguay march on a main avenue of Montevideo, Uruguay, on Friday February 24, 2017, in protest of the eighth feminicide occurred in the country in 2017 and against violence against women. The demonstration, attended by hundreds of women, men and children, prompted after the death of Maria Florencia Torreani Molina, 35, who was found near a stream in Montevideo with signs of stabbing and alleged sexual abuse. PHOTO: RAUL MARTINEZ/EPA

ARMED WITH STONES: A Palestinian carries stones during a protest in the West Bank

city of Hebron on February 24, 2017. Palestinians protested against the closure of Shuhada street which is closed by the Israeli military since 1994 and to remark the upcoming 23th anniversary of the Ibrahimi mosque massacre where an Israeli settler shot and killed 28 Palestinians during dawn prayer of Ramadan month inside the mosque. PHOTO: ABED AL HASLHAMOUN/EPA


An artist perform during the 6th edition of the Ivoiro-Antillais festival in Bingerville, Ivory Coast, 25 February 2017. The festival Ivoiro-Antillais is centered on a cultural bridge linking Ivory Coast and the West Indies. PHOTO: LEGNAN KOULA/EPA


Straw-men’, wearing masks and costumes made from jute bags stuffed with straw, prepare to take part in a carnival procession in Evolene, Switzerland, 26 February 2017. The straw men, known as empailles, are a traditional part of the annual carnival celebrations. PHOTO: THOMAS DELLEY/EPA

THE RETURN OF NOKIA: A visitor takes a close look at the new Nokia 3310 during its presentation on the eve of the opening of Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, Spain, yesterday. The congress under the motto ‘The next element’ runs from today February 27, to March 2, 2017. PHOTO: QUIQUE GARCIA/EPA

xnews | MONday, FEBRUARY 27, 2017 | www.x254.co



Closing digital divide among SMEs to create over 7m jobs

Closing the mobile divide among Small and Medium Entrepreneurs (SMEs) could add 7 million jobs over the next three years, a recent survey has revealed. A report dubbed ‘Embracing the Digital Revolution Policies for Building the Digital Economy,’ has found that digitization could also increase GDP growth by 0.5 percentage points and help reduce unemployment by more than 10 per cent. “In a win-win scenario, productivity gains in the manufacturing and the service economies will be fairly distributed and workers whose positions are made redundant are able to find a new job in digital arenas,” stated the report. “The good news is that in many markets, the cost of the investment required to digitalise keeps coming down,” read the report in part. According to recent data, the ability of companies to make use of new technologies is potentially constrained by a shortfall in skilled labor which means that demand for those skills and the willingness to pay for them, will rise. Kenya, among other developing markets, is facing a shortage of IT professionals and related functions. Experts say ensuring timely and sufficient supply of these skill sets cannot be left to market forces alone. Digital and mobile technologies have


countries by enhancing economic growth, citizen participation and job creation. “It enables businesses to access new markets and customers and operates more efficiently, bringing new products and other innovations to consumers thus improving lives and bring more people and more businesses into the economic

mainstream,” stated the report. Research from GSMA, an international mobile technology trade body, shows that the mobile ecosystem directly provided employment to nearly 17 million people and indirectly supported an additional 15 million jobs in other sectors of the world economy. @enock_x254

BUY SELL 103.4467 103.6467 129.3672 129.6572 109.4244 109.6611 8.0323 8.0572 34.5404 34.7039 21.5058 21.6343

Equitel to reward subscribers with 100 per cent data bonus

A vendor sends a text message as he waits for customers at a market in the high density suburb of Kangemi in Nairobi. EPA/STEPHEN MORRISON transformed the customer experience in payments and banking sectors in Kenya. For instance, the report shows that over half of Kenya’s population uses M-Pesa to pay bills with over 120,000 Kenyans using the service to pay for healthcare services. Digital technology has had widespread and positive economic effects on the global economy as well as individual

MEAN 103.5467 129.5122 109.5428 8.0447 34.6221 21.5700

(As of Friday February 24/2017)

Equitel subscribers can now browse for longer periods of time with the introduction of the service provider’s double data promotion that will see users get rewarded for every top up beginning today. Equitel users will be rewarded with free data that is equivalent to the amount of data purchased through the promotion. The promotion will run until the end of this month and comes on the back of a 25 per cent bonus airtime promotion that is currently ongoing. Equitel users can buy the airtime through their phones’ Equitel menu, the Eazzy Banking App or Equitel agents. The latest quarterly statistics report from the Communication Authority (CA) shows that as at the end of September 2016, Equitel had recorded a market share of 8.9 per cent in slightly over a year since the product’s launch in June 2016. The CA report also shows that the value of transactions processed through Equitel stood at Sh219.6 billion out of Sh1.08 trillion that was transacted between July and September 2016, which translates to a 20 per cent market share. Equitel subscribers, as at September 2016, stood at 2.09 million, making the Equitel mobile service the fastest growing telco. The service provider’s latest move is aimed at increasing customer subscriptions as Equitel seeks to increase its market share even further. @enock_x254

BuSINESS DIARY Stanbic’s net profit falls 10 per cent to SWIFT FinTech Innovation Meet & Mingle at the Metta Nairobi

The Metta club in Nairobi will play host to an event dubbed the SWIFT FinTech Innovation Meet & Mingle on Thursday, March 2, 2017 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. To be held at the Mettā Nairobi along 14 Riverside Drive in the Belgravia Building, the roadshow will act as a feeder event for the SWIFT Innotribe Startup Challenge, which is the largest Emerging Markets FinTech innovation platform. FinTech Innovation Africa is a series of events and workshops in Africa during the week of February 27, 2017. After Cape Town and Johannesburg, the series will come to an end in Nairobi, Kenya. This year, the Startup Challenge will be run in both Africa and Russia. The African event will feature 10 companies and be held in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, in partnership with SWIFT’s African Regional Conference.

Effective personal leadership workshop at After 40 Hotel

Sales Talk International, a leading East African corporate training compamy, will be hosting a leadership workshop on Thursday, March 2, 2017 from 2:30 AM to 5:30 AM at the After 40 Hotel along Biashara Street in Nairobi. The affair, dubbed the Effective Personal Leadership course, builds on existing strengths and focusses on the required attitude and behavioural changes needed to cope with the pace and fast-changing nature of modern life and business. The event targets anyone who is interested in advancing their career by demonstrating more credibility, poise and presence in business interactions, team meetings, presentations and customer interactions both locally and internationally. Charges are Sh5,000 per participant inclusive of training materials, snacks, refreshments and certificates. Attendees are advised to call 0714 866 633 for details.

Sh4.4 billion due to political unrest Stanbic Holdings Plc, the listed entity that owns Stanbic Bank and SBG Securities, has recorded an after-tax profit of Sh4.4 billion for the year ended December 31, 2016. This is an 10 per cent decrease in net profit compared to the same period last year and has been attributed to a decrease in revenue in South Sudan operations as the effects of political unrest continue to impact the South Sudan economy and negative effects of hyperinflation accounting. The drop has also been linked to a decrease in SBG Securities revenues in the current year following decreased activity in the Nairobi Securities Exchange. Speaking during an Investors’ breakfast to announce the full year results on Friday, Stanbic Bank Chief Executive Philip Odera said in addition to the unfavorable business condition in South Sudan for the better part of 2016, increased regulation in the banking sector coupled with depressed stock market activities had an impact on the Group’s performance. “Growth in impairment charges due to increased general debt provisions aligned to challenging operating environment also affected our bottomline,” Mr. Odera said. However the Group continued to report

growth in balance sheet with customer deposits growing by 12 per cent to Sh119 billion and customer loans growing by 19 per cent to Sh115.5 billion, taking total assets to Sh214.6 billion. Net interest income also increased year on year by 17 per cent to Sh10.8 billion boosted by a 10 per cent growth in customer loans and advances and improved margins within the first three quarters of the year. . “The financial sector is still facing some critical changes ranging from the proposed

new capital requirements in the Finance Bill by the Central Bank of Kenya, to Change in US foreign policy following new Government regime to Brexit, but sector is resilient enough to overcome,” said Mr. Odera. The business successfully concluded a rebranding process in October 2016 to Stanbic Bank Limited and Stanbic Holdings Limited respectively. @Dennis_x254

A photograph made available on February 22, 2016 shows a Stanbic Bank ATM booth in Kampala, Uganda, 15 February 2016. EPA/DAI KUROKAWA



KAAA inks deal with Asian firm to link mango farmers to Chinese markets MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2017

More than 20,000 mango farmers across the country are set to benefit from partnership agreement between the Kenya Agribusiness and Agroindustry Alliance (KAAA) and the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. The deal will allow Kenyan growers to access international markets. KAAA Chief Executive, Ms. Lucy Muchoki has said the alliance will create linkages between Chinese investors and Kenyan small scale farmers from across the country. The move, she said, will increase yields for farmers who were previously growing conventional mango varieties. Speaking at an event to showcase the partnership, Muchoki said that Kenya produces four types of mangoes of which are the biggest and the sweetest around the globe, further mentioning that Mexican mangoes cannot compare to the Kenyan mango, which is three times the yield of Mexico. The event was focused on ensuring mango farmers across the country get valuable market for their produce locally and internationally. During the affair, 50,000 kilograms of mango produce were bought from the farmers by a Chinese company based in Kenya. Muchoki said Chinese companies will

Chinese stakeholders will help Kenyan mango farmers reduce post-harvest losses while boosting revenue. help Kenyan mango farmers to produce quality juice, which can be exported and help reduce post-harvest losses and poor prices. Kenyan mango farmers’ lack of cooperation had slowed down development in the agriculture sector, which is the backbone of the economy and which employs a majority of Kenyans both directly and indirectly, she added.

Kenyan farmers have long decried insufficient returns from their mangoes, despite the agricultural commodity fetching record-breaking prices in international markets. Lownreturns for the country have been due to little or no value addition. The Kenya Agribusiness and Agroindustry Alliance is a private, not for profit membership organization

dedicated to strengthening Kenyan agroindustrial competitiveness. The alliance has recently partnered with the Ministry of Industrialization, Trade and investment to lead the agroprocessing component of the Kenya Industrial Transformation Program (KITP) mandate. @enock_x254

National Bank, Architects’ Board unveil new payments card

National Bank of Kenya has partnered with the Board of Registration of Architects and Quantity Surveyors of Kenya (BORAQS), the professional body that regulates the Architects and Quantity Surveyors in Kenya, to offer its members a membership card that also serves as a payment card. National Bank’s CEO & Managing Director Wilfred Musau said today that the deal seeks to build on the existing long standing relationship between BORAQS and National Bank that will see the members of BORAQS benefit from the value added services offered through the card as well as access to other financial services of benefit to the association’s members. “This partnership seeks to offer a customised solution to BORAQS and its members through the combination of the payment and membership card functions. The BORAQS card will allow members to make purchases at their preferred supermarket, fuel station or restaurant as well as make payments over the internet in any currency. The card will also come with a host of negotiated discounts and lifestyle benefits,” Musau said. “The card is supported by Visa and has a global acceptance in over 200 countries and territories worldwide. The BORAQS card will be offered at no initial cost or annual fees,” Musau added. @Dennis_x254


Nakumatt Holdings, Faraja Trust urge men to take up free cancer screening MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2017

Kenyan men have been advised to get sreened for cancer as Nakumatt Holdings and the Faraja Cancer Support Trust rolls out the second phase of the ‘Let’s fights this Battle Together’ their Cancer Screening camps. Following the successful hosting of the second screening camp hosted by the retail giant, in conjunction with the Trust in Kakamega County, the organisers noted that men continue to marginally trail the female gender in cancer screening efforts. Speaking when he received the final tally of screened cases at the close of the Kakamega camp, Nakumatt Holdings Managing Director, Mr. Atul Shah, implored men folk to consider sparing time for cancer screening exercises. The free screenings are financed from cash donations and smart point redemptions made by Nakumatt shoppers during the month of October. The ‘Let’s Fight this Battle Together’ campaign aims to create awareness about the importance of early detection in the prevention and treatment of cancer. Last year, Sh14.2 million was raised by Nakumatt shoppers Countrywide. “Participating in screening camps makes a lot of sense and needs to be embraced by all men not just ladies to facilitate early stage detection of any cancerous cases,” Shah said. During the Kakamega camp, Shah disclosed that 633 women had participated in the screening alongside 613 men. From the screening exercise, 54 suspicious cases were isolated


Kenya Airways Limited Kenya Airways Ltd was the week’s top gainer after edging upwards by 23.23 per cent .The share price was up to Sh6.10 from the previous week’s close of Sh4.95 with foreign investors being net sellers of the stock. Year-todate, its share price has gained 5.17 per cent.


FTG Holdings Limited FTG Holdings Ltd was the week’s top loser after declining by 9.71 per cent over the course of the week’s trading. The share price closed at Sh4.65 from their previous closing price of Sh5.15. Year-todate, its share price has lost 3.13 per cent. Analysis by Amana Capital info@ amanacapital.co.ke

and referred for further diagnostic examinations while 12 cryotherapy treatments were delivered on site. The screening exercise focused on breast, cervical and prostate cancer. “The cancer burden can be heavy on the economy due to the social and emotional anguish that patients go through. At Nakumatt we are therefore

support the screening initiatives to alleviate the plight of the less fortunate who have no access to formal screening services,” said Mr. Shah. “Most types of cancers can be cured when detected early. This is not limited to the types of cancers that are screened on the day. We urge residence to take advantage of these screening drives as

early detection, diagnosis and treatment can greatly increase chances of effective treatment and survival,” Phillip Odiyo, Patient Support Manager from Faraja Cancer Trust asserts. Last year, over 8,000 Kenyans in 7 counties were screened and the initiative hopes to reach double the number this year in Kericho, Kakamega, Kitale,

Marsabit, Kilifi, Makindu and Nanyuki. According to research by Cancer Research UK, early detection of cancer through regular screening can increase the survival rates for people diagnosed with cancer. Regular screening also helps individuals manage the disease and stay healthy. @Dennis_x254



Kenya set to produce synthetic fuel sourced from plastic waste MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2017

Kenya has begun test runs of Africa’s first plant that converts end of life plastic waste into commercial synthetic fuel. The Kiambu County-based plant uses a conversion technology that involves heating the waste under controlled conditions to produce oil, similar to industrial diesel oil and heavy fuel oil used in power plants, industrial furnaces and boilers. In Kenya, over 24 million plastic bags are used monthly, according to the Green Belt Movement, half of which end up in the solid waste mainstream. Plastic bags now constitute the biggest challenge to solid waste management in the country. The Industrial and Commercial Development Corporation (ICDC) has provided about 46 per cent of the financing for the successful implementation of the project by Alternative Energy Systems Limited. Alternative Energy Systems Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Rajesh Kent said the project will be ready for commissioning in March. “We have begun test runs for the machinery in preparation for official commissioning in early March, 2017. This technology will be transformational in how we handle plastics in this country and Kenya will be used as a benchmark on the continent,” said Kent. The technology has the capacity to convert all types of plastic, including thin-gauge plastic waste, which other industries cannot recycle. “We know that counties experience myriad challenges dealing with plastic waste. However, our investment in this sector will see them not only save a lot, but

A man picks garbage at a dump site as goats roam around near the community field of Mathare slum, in Nairobi, Kenya, May 22, 2010. EPA/DAI KUROKAWA facilitate communities to generate wealth from plastic waste in line with our goal of turning ideas into wealth,” said ICDC Acting Executive Director, Kennedy Wanderi. This innovation comes on the back of a proposed Nairobi County Plastic Control Bill 2016 that will see shoppers within the city pay for plastic bags. The Bill states that retailers will not be allowed to provide consumers with recycled non-biodegradable plastic free of charge for carrying their shopping. This Kenyan plant is a first of its kind commercial project with a

similar model currently under piloting in South Africa. It has a capacity of recycling 16 tonnes of plastic waste per day. More than 1,500 indirect jobs will be created for collection of plastic waste, which is the main raw material required for the plant. An additional 65 direct jobs will be created in machinery operations and performance of administrative duties. “We are targeting firms keen on pushing the agenda for clean environments and which prefers low Sulphur fuels,” said Kent. A 2016 UNEP Frontiers Report indicates that as the world’s demand

for plastic materials continues to grow, management of plastic waste will remain a global challenge. According to the report, in 2014, global plastic production exceeded 311 million metric tons, a 4.0 per cent increase over 2013. In 2010 according to the same report, out of 2.5 billion metric tons of solid waste generated by 192 countries, about 275 million tons consisted of plastic. It has been estimated that between 4.8 and 12.7 million tons ended up in the ocean as a result of inadequate solid waste management.

Kenya Airways bags 2017 African Cargo Airline of the Year award Kenya Airways Cargo has cemented its position as a leading global player in air cargo industry by winning the African Cargo Airline of the Year Award 2017. The award was presented to KQ last week at a gala awards ceremony held during the 4th Edition of the Stat Times’ International Award for Excellence in Air Cargo in Johannesburg, South Africa. Speaking during the award presentation, Ag. General Manager for KQ Cargo, Peter Musola said it was an honour and a powerful endorsement of KQ Cargo’s focus and dedication to providing the highest levels of service. “It cements our strong position in offering comprehensive airfreight solutions across the continent. Despite our cargo capacity reduction in the recent months, we are operating more efficiently,” he said. This achievement comes on the back of a commendation that saw the carrier being named Africa’s leading airline less than a year ago, at the World Travel Awards in 2016. It was also named the best business class for the fourth year running at the same awards. These awards are determined by the Stat Times publication where readers nominate their choice after which the votes are audited by a committee of independent professional and Stat Times editorial board. “Africa is at the apex of being increasingly known as an emerging market for air cargo and many in the business for years have recognized this event as a platform for effective networking, turning this market into an exciting and absorbing frontier for new opportunities”, said Priyo Patra, Stat Times’ Chief Editor. KQ transports over 65,000 tonnes of cargo annually in its freighters and aircraft belly to and from the airline’s network. KQ Cargo recently boosted its business with a partnership with Qantas to export cut flowers from Kenya to Australia. It continues to seek new frontiers for cargo goods from Africa, ranging from seafood to cut flowers.



UK mining firm finds 37,000 kg of gold in Western Kenya UK-based exploration company, Acacia Mining has found an inferred mineral resource estimated to be 1.31 million ounces (over 37,000kg) of gold at the company’s project on the Liranda Corridor in Western Kenya. An inferred mineral resource is when tonnage, grade and mineral content is estimated from geological evidence but not yet fully verified. “We are delighted to report a maiden high-grade Inferred Mineral Resource on the Liranda Corridor in Kenya of 1.31 million ounces at 12.1 grams per tonne of gold,” CEO Brad Gordon said,

commenting on the news in a statement issued this morning (Monday, February 27, 2017). “This is one of the highest grade projects in Africa today, and we believe that this initial resource is a first step in the delineation of a multi-million ounce highgrade corridor. In addition to the Acacia prospect, which hosts all of this maiden resource, we have known mineralisation on the Bushiangala prospect, one kilometre away to the west, with a further three prospective lodes in early stage testing. Whilst Kenya is a relatively new mining destination

we are very pleased with the relationships we have built and the support we have received and look forward to working closely with all stakeholders as we progress this highly promising project,” he added. The country’s gold mining industry is still young and the gold-rich areas of western Kenya remain largely under-explored with thousands of artisanal and small-scale miners. Recent explorations conducted by the government and private companies are said to have revealed large gold deposits in western Kenya, which could lead to the

large-scale commercial mining that could put Kenya on the map of the top gold producers in Africa while creating employment for thousands of people across the value chain. Commenting on the West Kenya Project, Cabinet Secretary for Mining, the Honourable Dan Kazungu said: “Kenya is undoubtedly a geologically rich country, and we are taking significant steps, such as the ratification of the 2016 Mining Act, to establish a robust legislative framework to support our developing mining industry. We are excited about the potential

of Acacia’s West Kenya Project, as it could ultimately lead to the creation of a gold mining industry that would have a benefit to our country, economy and people. We look forward to continuing to work with Acacia and welcome their continued interest and investment in Kenya.” Acacia said in a statement issued this morning that the site had “multiple lodes open laterally and at depth”. The company planned to drill 45,000 metres using six rigs this year and carry out a study on a potential underground operation. @Dennis_x254






he show which just ended a few hours ago had some surprise wins. ‘La La Land’ which had a recordtying 14 nominations walked away with 6 wins including the ‘Best actress’ and ‘Best Director’ awards. Viola Davis and Mahershala Ali became the first black actors to win Academy Awards since Lupita Nyong’o won the ‘Best supporting actress’ award in 2014. Casey Affleck own the ‘Best Actor’ award despite battling sexual assault allegations while ‘Best Film’ went to the unassuming ‘Moonlight.’


43-year-old Mahershala Ali has had a whirlwind awards season. He has won quite a few awards on his way to the Oscars, the SAG Award and the Critics’ Choice Award for Best Supporting Actor plus a Golden Globe nomination for his turn as ‘Juan’ in the Best Picture film ‘Moonlight.’ He also happens to be the first practicing Muslim to win an acting award at the Academy Awards. His first name happens to be the mouthful Mahershalalhashbaz, it’s easy to see why he shortened it. His win does provide some reprieve during a tumultous time in America’s politicla history.


Mahershala Ali, first Muslim actor to wins Best Supporting Actor Oscar award

(Who Won What)



BEST FILM Moonlight BEST ACTRESS Emma Stone (La La Land) BEST ACTOR Casey Affleck (Manchester By The Sea) BEST DIRECTOR Damien Chazelle (La La Land) BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS Viola Davis (Fences) BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR Mahershala Ali (Moonlight) BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY Kenneth Lonergan (Manchester By The Sea) BEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY Barry Jenkins and Tarell Alvin McCraney (Moonlight) BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY Linus Sandgren (La La Land) BEST ORIGINAL SCORE Justin Hurwitz (La La Land) BEST ORIGINAL SONG Justin Hurwitz, Benj Pasek and Justin Paul (La La Land) BEST SOUND EDITING Sylvain Bellemare (Arrival) BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM Asghar Farhadi Emma Stone

responds to lyrical walloping she received from Remy Ma Over the weekend there was only one thing on everyone’s lips, ‘shETHER’. Rapper Remy Ma showed everyone that she was in fact an actual rapper with the diss track which many agree completely destroyed Nicki Minaj. Although it seemed like the song, that uses the same beat as Nas’ diss record ‘Ether’, came out of nowhere reports state that the two emcees have had a long-standing beef that Remy Ma decided to raise a thousand levels. Nicki Minaj recently posted a sound byte on Instagram of Beyoncé riffing on Minaj’s status as the greatest female rapper with the caption “she said *bey *bigger.” Whatever, we are still waiting to see a real diss track from Nicki.

Viola Davis.

(The Salesman) BEST FILM EDITING John Gilbert (Hacksaw Ridge) BEST VISUAL EFFECTS Robert Legato, Adam Valdez, Andrew R. Jones and Dan Lemmon (The Jungle Book) BEST PRODUCTION DESIGN David Wasco and Sandy Reynolds Wasco (La La Land) BEST SOUND MIXING Kevin O’Connell, Andy Wright, Robert Mackenzie and Peter Grace (Hacksaw Ridge) BEST DOCUMENTARY FEATURE Ezra Edelman and Caroline Waterlow (O.J.: Made in America) BEST ANIMATED FILM Byron Howard, Rich Moore and Clark Spencer (Zootopia) BEST ANIMATED SHORT FILM Alan Barillaro and Marc Sondheimer (Piper) BEST DOCUMENTARY SHORT SUBJECT Orlando von Einsiedel and Joanna Natasegara (The White Helmets) BEST LIVE ACTION SHORT FILM Kristof Deak and Anna Udvardy (Sing) BEST MAKE-UP Alessandro Bertolazzi, Giorgio Gregorini and Christopher Nelson (Suicide Squad) BEST COSTUME DESIGN Colleen Atwood (Fantastic Beast and Where To Find Them)

is not married to Alaine - probably

After sharing pictures of him and Jamaican singer Alaine on his Instagram account last week, gospel singer Willy Paul flung the entire internet into a frenzy. One of the pictures he put up is captioned, “My Family You Amaze Me With Your Quick Assumptions and predictions ...I Know The Problem Is That I Didn’t Show My Newly Wed Wife’s Face ....Here She Is ...Yesss!!! Alaine Said Yes....Habari Ndio Hio ...Niko Hapa Nawacheki Tuu Najua Maoni Ni Kibao Na Tofauti ....Legoo. GOD has good things in store for the faithful ones..I know papers and bloggers are going to change the whole story. But you heard it from me.” This could all be a ruse for an upcoming project the two singers are working on despite all the ado. Also none of the singers appear to be wearing wedding rings.















he biggest event of the season has finally come and gone. All the beautiful people showed up at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles in their most elaborate Stackable leather gowns and suits. Not everyone made the cut but it was chair Sh. 6000 still an entertaining enough red carpet that everyone had High back sleek their moment to shine. Here’s to the ones who dazzled chair Sh.15000 and slayed. Mid-Back mesh Emma Stone- in a delicate gold floor-length gown keeping chair Sh.8000 the same silhouette as her SAG awards dress Also on offer are Executive office Tables and chairs Hailee Steinfeld – looking ethereal in a gauzy halter neck dress with floral details Halle Berry – super-conspicuous in a shimmery metallic dress with feathery detailing at the hem Kirsten Dunst – elegant in a black, strapless, bustier gown with a train Naomie Harris – white hot in a strapless, knee-length dress with a cutout and cape For more details;contact us on Taraji P. Henson - in all black. A retro floor-length gown 0703212008/0733486360 with a thigh high split.




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‘Murski’ might be a song that shouldn’t be taken too seriously but that doesn’t mean it should be an outright terror to listen to. The visuals are entertaining and the beat is actually alright but the lyrics are minimum effort. There are a couple of decent lines in there but most of them are patched together to form a rhyme. Propesa have made an impression with this first tune, hopefully they only get better as time goes by. Diana Machira and Mary Shinga.


Fashion High Tea: Celebs came dressed to impress


BEN POL FT. MR EAZI It’s about time Ben Pol got some respect in the East African music scene. His voice is like silk. He doesn’t do superficial j o b at flexing it either. ‘Phone’ is such a great song that it could do without the Mr Eazi feature, it’s even easy to completely forget about the subject of the song juts because it’s so good. Produced by Tiddy Hotter, yes the beat is everything but we can’t forget to give credit to the lyrics written by Ben Pol.


Chepkemboi Mang’ira.

efinitely Nairobi’s most anticipated fashion event Fashion High Tea was at it again. With the theme being ‘Love For A Cause’ the biggest and flashiest names in the Kenyan fashion scene paraded their wares, wigs and weaves at the Zen Garden on Saturday 25th February. Here are some killer looks and famous faces to grace the grounds.

Zawadi Nyong’o wearing Zero By Zawadi.

Lucy Kawira.


Sydney Owino (SAO) and Zeddie Loky.

Nana Taurus.

GET THROUGH THIS Erika of A Style.

It’s odd seeing Yemi Alade so mellow but Mi Casa tends to mellow out even the best of us. Considering all the features the band has had a hand in, this is one of their best joint works. J’Something has a beautiful voice, so does Yemi Alade but with how hyper she usually gets in her songs it’s easy to forget that fact. Mi Casa has seemingly managed to bring out the best in the singer and their influence is strong and basically overpowering in this jam. Deliah Ipupa.



Real in comeback win, Barca edge Atletico MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2017

Real Madrid came from 2-0 down to record a remarkable win at Villarreal, a victory that saw them return to the top of La Liga. The pivotal moment came at 2-1 when Villarreal’s Bruno was adjudged to have handled in the area, although it was disputed if it was intentional. Cristiano Ronaldo made it 2-2 from the spot after Gareth Bale had headed in Real’s first. Substitute Alvaro Morata then nodded in the winner seven minutes from time. Real have 55 points, one clear of Barcelona who defeated Atletico Madrid 2-1 earlier on Sunday. Real also have a game in hand over their fierce rivals and over Sevilla, who sit in third with 52 points. Coach Fran Escriba’s Villarreal went into the match with the tag of ‘the meanest defence in the league’, having conceded only 15 goals this season. They lived up to that in the opening half, by barely giving Real a sniff. The closest the visitors came to scoring was when Karim Benzema’s header was spectacularly saved by Sergio Asenjo, from point-blank range, The keeper was substituted having suffered a knee injury in keeping out the France striker’s effort. It was later revealed the 27-year-old had suffered

Real Madris´s players celebrate after defeating Villarreal at the end of their Primera Division Liga match at El Madrigal stadium in Villarreal, last night. PHOTO: MIGUEL ANGEL/EPA

cruciate damage. After the break, Villarreal took a deserved lead when Manu Trigueros fired a half volley past the reach of keeper Keylor Navas. Six minutes later, Real were rocked once more when

Congolese forward Cedric Bakambu out-muscled Sergio Ramos to fire in low. The visitors were staring at defeat. But the Los Blancos pulled a goal back in the 64th minute when full-back Dani

Carvajal picked out Bale with a great cross. However, Villarreal still looked comfortable until the 73rd minute when their opponents were awarded a hotly disputed penalty.

Victor Ruiz blocked Toni Kroos’ low shot but the ball spun up on to the arm of Bruno Soriano. Referee Gil Manzano thought it was intentional handball and pointed to the spot leading to furious exchanges between Villarreal staff on the touchline and the fourth official. Substitute Roberto Soldado was shown a yellow card for dissent. Ronaldo fired in the penalty and Real sensed that they could snatch one of their most surprising wins of the season. With seven minutes of the contest left, Real realised just that when substitute Morata headed in from Marcelo’s pinpoint cross. Meanwhile, Barcelona had to rely on a late Lionel Messi winner to beat Atletico Madrid earlier in the day. Rafinha gave Barca the lead when Luis Suarez - who had an effort ruled out took a shot which ricocheted off two defenders to land at his feet. Diego Godin levelled when he headed home Koke’s free-kick. But Messi pounced in the 86th minute to win the game for the champions after his initial effort was blocked by defender Stefan Savic. Atleti, the 2014 champions, are now 10 points off leaders Real.


EFL trophy win heralds new era at Manchester United MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2017

Hosts Zambia open Africa U-20s with win

Hosts Zambia got off to a flying start in the Under-20 Africa Cup of Nations when they beat Guinea 1-0 in front of a packed home crowd at the Heroes Stadium in Lusaka. Austria based Patson Daka put on a matchwinning performance as he picked up a split pass before slotting the ball in the net in the 48th minute. Daka, who stars for FC Liefering, had been tormenting the Guinea backline for the better part of the first half but had to wait until the second half to get his reward. The hosts started on a fast-paced note that saw Zambia register the first threat as early as the second minute when Mohammed Camara appeared to trip Daka although no foul was given. The urgency shown by the Zambians suggested they would score an early goal but the Guineans stood resolute at the back to repel the rampaging - though wasteful junior Chipolopolo. Daka was back on the frontline after Boyd Musonda set him up in the ninth minute but the Burkina Faso referee Juste Zio flagged him offside. The two sides went into the break locked at 0-0, but the Zambians came back stronger. They fired successive shots at the Guinea goal in the first three minutes of second half before finally getting their goal through Daka. Guinea almost equalised in the 52nd minute when Momo Yassane’s head tested Mangani’s reflexes, but the hosts held on to record an opening victory.

From Page 16

He won 80 out of 136 in his second stint at Stamford Bridge (59% win ratio) - winning the title again and the League Cup - while he has won 28 out of 43 at United at an impressive 65%. The statistics add up to exactly what is required at Old Trafford. He will chase the Champions League prize either through the Premier League or the Europa League because this is vital to his future plans. In the meantime, Ibrahimovic once again proved himself indispensable. He was the difference here. He made the decisive contribution to clinch a game for Manchester United they did not deserve to win. He is head and shoulders - quite literally - above every other player at United. He has scored 26 goals this season with Juan Mata next with nine. He has had 143 shots compared to Paul Pogba’s 117 while he has had 65 shots on target compared to Pogba’s 39. Zlatan tops every significant attacking table.

Manchester United players celebrate with the League Cup trophy after they defeated Southampton 3-2 during the EFL Cup final at Wembley Stadium in London, last evening. PHOTO: ANDY RAIN/EPA

Although Manchester United are a long way from their former greatness, this EFL Cup final proved conclusively that if they are going to get anywhere near that status again Ibrahimovic is the man who is integral to Mourinho’s plans, even at 35. Manchester United winning a Wembley final equates to tangible


success - but successful seasons are measured in different currency in the modern era and Mourinho will need more than this EFL Cup triumph against unlucky Southampton to achieve full satisfaction. Van Gaal, who led United to FA Cup success in May, was on his way out of Old Trafford almost as soon as he placed the trophy on the same table

Mourinho sat at on Sunday. If winning the FA Cup was not enough to satisfy United’s desires for success under Van Gaal then it would take a re-drawing of the boundaries to now paint the EFL Cup as fulfilling their ambitions. There is a key difference in mood here - whereas Van Gaal’s Wembley win felt like the end of a story, this victory, for all its good fortune, had the sense of new start. Mourinho must now make this season feel like the full package of progress by leading Manchester United back into the Champions League, which is surely the minimum requirement after the world record transfer expenditure on £89m Paul Pogba and the Ibrahimovic coup the latter being a player who would regard the Champions League as his natural stage. And United still have an excellent chance of ensuring this season can be viewed as a success as they stand among the favourites for the Europa League and the prize in the Champions League it now offers.

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