201702022 xnews

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WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2017 | WWW.x254.co

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Jubilee disown allies, Nasa leaders ink deal J

National Super Alliance leaders Kalonzo Musyoka, Musalia Mudavadi, Raila Odinga and Moses Wetangula display their coalition agreement after they signed it today at a function in Lavington, Nairobi. The deal officially sees the end of Cord as the former coalition outfit folds up to pave way for NASA.

ubilee has today disowned friendly parties which have declared their support for President Uhuru’s Kenyatta’s reelection saying it does not have any MoU with them. The development came on a day the opposition coalition Cord officially folded up to give way for the National Super Alliance (Nasa). Opposition chiefs Musalia Mudavadi, Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka, and Moses Wetangula all signed the election pact on the creation of Nasa, the political vehicle they intend to use to take on Jubilee in the coming August 8 polls. The leaders spelt out their agenda for the country with national reconciliation and healing, resolving historical injustices, equality for women, youths and persons with disability, strengthening devolution, eradicating poverty and unemployment and transforming governance some of the key pillars. “We are not power hungry. We are looking out for the common good of this country,” Kalonzo Musyoka said. The leaders will now embark on marketing the new coalition with the first rally scheduled for Eldoret this weekend. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2



Jubilee disown allies as Nasa deal is inked WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 22, 2017

From Page 1 “Nasa is now alive and kicking. Our first rally will be in Eldoret on Saturday,” Raila Odinga said. Meanwhile at the Jubilee headquarters in Pangani, head of secretariat Raphael Tuju and the party’s secretary general Veronicah Kamau distanced the party from outfits claiming to be working together with them. Tuju said they do not recognise the Party of National Unity (PNU), NarcKenya and Maendeleo Chap Chap since they have no legal document or memorandum of understanding with them. “We have no memorandum of understanding with the said parties. They are on their own,” Tuju said. Leaders of the three parties; Meru Governor Peter Munya (PNU), Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua (Chap Chap) and Martha Karua (NarcKenya) have all declared their support for President Uhuru Kenyatta’s reelection bid. As such, Jubilee politicians have been trooping to join them for fears they might lose out in the party primaries. Among those who have quit Jubilee to join the parties are Tharaka Nithi Governor Samuel Ragwa (Narc-Kenya) and Embu senator Lenny Kivuti (Chap Chap). The defectors alleged political bullying and preferred candidates by the party hierarchy. But Jubilee party has dismissed the claims terming them mere propaganda

by politicians not ready to face their opponents at the ballot. “Jubilee party wishes to state categorically that the party has no preferred candidates for any posts during the nomination process. The party and its leadership will respect the will of the people as expressed during

nominations,” Tuju reaffirmed. Meanwhile, Nasa leaders also reaffirmed their commitment to remain united and take on Jubilee as a single force. Musalia Mudavadi said the leaders have agreed to share power to ensure they remain together. “There is nothing wrong with sharing

power. That is not to be something to be ashamed of,” Mr Mudavadi said in Lavington after the Nasa leaders signed their coalition agreement to be taken to IEBC. Mr Mudavadi who only yesterday alluded to a scheme by Jubilee to rig the elections said their members will

be deployed at every polling station to guard their votes. “I want us to be assured as Nasa members that there will be no stealing of votes,” he said. Mr Musyoka called on fair Nasa nominations to ensure the coalition win more seats in the coming general election. @hillary_x254


ABOVE: Jubilee head of Secretariat Raphael Tuju with the party’s Secretary General Veronicah Kamau when they addressed a press conference at the Party’s headquarters in Pangani, Nairobi today. They disowned parties claiming to be supporting president Uhuru Kenyatta’s re-election bid. BELOW: Opposition chief Raila Odinga speaks during the official signing of the Nasa coalition agreement that also saw the folding up of Cord to give way for the new opposition coalition.

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Give us local proof, MPs tell researchers over GMO standoff Local scientists yesterday came under heavy criticisms from MPs for over-relying on foreign based researches to push for the lifting of the ban on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). The legislators said the country will not rely on studies done abroad to lift the ban imposed on GMO foods in 2012. “We will not allow Kenya to be a dumping ground for GMO imports. Give us homegrown research on GMOs,” National Assembly Agriculture Committee chairman Mohammed Noor told the scientists. Mumias East MP Benjamin Washiali, John Serut (Mt Elgon) and Mary Wambui (Othaya) said there is no research that has indicated that GMOs are safe for human consumption or not. The MPs spoke yesterday during a consultative meeting between MPs from Agriculture committee and National Biosafety Authority (NBA) on status of biotechnology in Kenya. “Scientists should not be talking like politicians. They should concentrate on research to have ground for lifting the ban,” Serut said. “Don’t bank on other people’s technology. Don’t import other people’s ideas and impose on us,” Mr Noor added. The ban was announced in 2012 by the then Health Minister Beth Mugo following a French study that linked GMOs to cancer. The study has since been retracted for not meeting research standards. And the MPs dismissed claims that the ban was scuttling research following concerns that the National Environment

GMO products are still in the market despite the ban, implying that the regulatory agencies are weak. “I don’t think you should even be funded further until we know what’s happening. It is alleged you work for multinationals and not Kenyans,” Mr Maanzo told the NBA officials. NBA Chief Executive Officer Willy Tonui said GMOs are safe as long they have been approved by NBA. “We look at safety to human beings, animals and environment. We have competent scientists to confirm products have GMO or not,” Dr Tonui said. He however clarified that there is no GMO product or seeds that have been approved by the authority for commercialization or placement in the market. The International Service for the Acquisition of AgriBiotech Applications (ISAAA) Director Margaret Karembu said GMO food crops were one of the solutions to improve food production and address perennial food shortages in the country. MPs however said the country has the potential to produce enough food and food shortages should not be used as an excuse for GMOs in the country. @sam_x254

Management Authority’s (NEMA) has declined to issue a permit to allow GMO maize field trials. Makueni MP Dan Maanzo claimed that

National Assembly’s Agriculture Committee chairman Mohammed Noor during a past session opf the committee. They have asked scientists to provide local proof to back their demands for the lifting of the ban on GM foods.

Varsity councils now want striking dons sacked Public university councils the institutions’ managements to take disciplinary action against striking lecturers for participating in a ‘persistent’ illegal industrial action. The Inter-Public Universities Council’s Forum (IPUCCF) which brings together all university councils have asked administrations to institute punitive measures to any of the members of Universities Academic Staff Union (UASU) who is on strike. The forum laments that while negotiating for their Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) 20132017, the Universities Academic Staff Union (UASU) ‘mischievously’ issued a strike notice on 12th January calling out all its members to an industrial strike action despite a court order being in place. They accused the dons of carrying out an illegal work boycott even though on 13th January 2017 the Employment and Labour Relation court declared the strike illegal and unprotected.

Given the foregoing, it has become necessary that all respective university councils and management take immediate steps, to invoke their employment policies and guidelines on disciplinary measures directed at any staff member who is willingly participating in the illegal industrial Prof. P.W.N Kanyari action’ “Given the foregoing, it has become necessary that all respective university councils and management take immediate steps, to invoke their employment policies and guidelines on disciplinary measures directed at any staff member who is willingly participating in the illegal industrial action,” IPUCCF acting Chairperson Prof. P.W.N Kanyari said today. Kanyari argues that while their counterparts Kenya Universities Staff Union (KUSU) remained engaged in the process aimed at arriving at an agreed 2013-2017 CBA, UASU have refused to engage

in talks with its employer. He said unlike the UASU failed talks, the spirit of negotiations between IPUCCF and KUSU remains cordial and progressing well. “Kenya Universities Staff Union (KUSU) and their members continue to offer their services, the IPUCCF has made a counter offer to KUSU, to which the union requested for clarifications, IPUCCF is addressing these with a view to reverting to the union with a possible settlement,” he said. But defiant UASU National Secretary General Constantine

Wasonga has dismissed the sacking threats vowing that lecturers will remain on strike until their grievances are addressed. Wasonga pointed out that they have only been on strike for slightly over a month and recalled that in 2004, they downed their tools for nine months until the government gave in. “Our members will not go back to work until they sign return to work formula and the 2013 collective bargaining agreement is implemented. We have just been on strike for a month and we are not in a hurry to end the strike,” stated Dr. Wasonga. Wasonga said negotiation talks collapsed last week and the Sh10 billion offred to them is an embarrassment to their profession. He wondered why the government was quick to increase packages for politicians, Attorney General and other civil servants and not demonstrating the same to teaching staff in public universities in the country. @hillary_x254


Counties to get Treasury loans

Counties in urgent need of money will no longer have to borrow from financial institutions as Treasury will now provide them with loans. The move according to Treasury Cabinet Secretary Henry Rotich will help County Governments avoid expensive loans offered by banks and other lenders. The deal was reached following a meeting of the of the Inter-Governmental Budget and Economic Council chaired by Deputy President William Ruto at his Karen residence in Nairobi yesterday. “After discussions with the Central Bank of Kenya, we have found a mechanism to provide funds to counties up front in the event there is an urgent need,” Rotich said. The loans will be offered to counties in urgent need of money but has no money in their hands. According to the deal, the National Treasury will in turn deduct the funds agreeable terms with the borrowers from their yearly county allocation. Deputy President William Ruto said the deal will make it easier for county government to get money from treasury as they will not need guarantees. “The Central Bank of Kenya is comfortable with the National Treasury issuing the loans because Treasury can guarantee itself,” he said. “There will be no need to go to banks where you will be charged high interest rates. Treasury will give you the money then you agree on the modality of payment,” Ruto said. The meeting brought together governors, county officials, Cabinet Secretaries, Permanent Secretaries, officials from the Commission on Revenue Allocation, Parliament and Controller of Budget. @sam_x254

Governors now want law on party hopping reversed

Governors has moved to court seeking to challenge a law that puts caps on hopping after political party nominations. The county chiefs have faulted sections of the elections law, arguing that its restriction to political freedoms is wholly disproportionate in an open and democratic society. They contend that Section 28 of the amended Elections Act limits the freedom of association and the liberty of making political choices by Kenyans as provided in the Constitution. “If implemented as it is, the effect will create a lock up of names and limit genuine and warranted political defection which is a characteristic of any multiparty democracy,” the Council of Governors argued through lawyer Henry Wanyama. Under the Election Amendment Law, which was enacted last month, a political party is now required to submit its list of party members to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), at least 90 days to the date of the General Election. www.capitalfm.co.ke



Bodies of dozens of drowned migrants wash ashore Libya The bodies of 87 African migrants have washed ashore in the Libyan city of Zawiya, in the latest drowning tragedy to hit the region. It is believed they were trying to cross the Mediterranean to Italy. Migrant deaths have risen to record levels along this smuggling route in recent months. A torn rubber boat was found nearby, and it is feared more bodies may surface as such vessels usually carry up to 120 people. Some of those who died are believed to be children. A spokesman for the Libyan Red Crescent - the country’s Red Cross - said the bodies were retrieved by its workers. Mohammed al-Misrati said local authorities would take the bodies to a cemetery for unidentified people in the Libyan capital, Tripoli. The Red Crescent posted photographs on its Twitter account showing dozens of body bags along the shore. The UN’s migration agency, the International Organisation for Migration, said the boat that sank had left Libya on Saturday with 110 people on board. At least 5,000 people drowned last year while trying to reach Europe via the Mediterranean. Libyan coast guard spokesman Ayoub Gassim said over 500 migrants were rescued at sea on Friday and Saturday

Volunteers of the Libyan Red Crescent recover bodies washed ashore at the coast near Al Zawiya, Libya, on Monday. PHOTO: EPA

near the city of Sabratha, to the west of Zawiya. The boats were between five and seven miles (8-11km) from the coast of Libya. Mr Gassim said the smugglers were now using larger

rubber boats in order to pack more migrants in, some carrying up to 180 people. The boats are weak, and loading them so heavily dramatically raises the risk of sinking. “We are

seeing the new boats, which are not equipped with anything, but they carry more people,” he said. “This is going to be even more disastrous to the migrants.”

Malaysia seeks North Korea diplomat over Kim’s death Malaysia has asked for North Korea’s help in searching for a senior embassy official wanted in connection with the killing of Kim Jong-nam. Mr Kim, the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, died last week at Kuala Lumpur airport. Police also confirmed details of the killing, saying two women approached him and wiped a toxin on his face. There is widespread suspicion North Korea was behind the attack, which its envoy in Malaysia has angrily denied. Speaking at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday, Malaysian Police Chief Khalid Abu Bakar said they were looking for three North Koreans in addition to the previously announced suspects. One of them is Hyon Kwang Song, the second secretary of the North Korean embassy in Kuala Lumpur. Khalid Abu Bakar said they had written to the North Korean ambassador to Malaysia asking

him to allow police to interview Mr Hyon and other suspects, which include a state airline worker. If the ambassador does not cooperate, “we will compel them to come to us”, he said. The police chief also said security had been stepped up at the morgue where Kim Jong-nam’s body is being kept after an attempted break-in

Kim Jong-un.

earlier in the week. “We knew there were attempts by someone to break into the hospital mortuary. We had to take precautions,” he was quoted by the Malay Mail as saying. Ten people have either been named as suspects or are wanted by Malaysian police for questioning in connection to Kim Jong-nam’s killing. Khalid Abu Bakar also confirmed widely reported details of the 13 February killing. A leaked video of the incident shows a man resembling Mr Kim being approached by one woman at Kuala Lumpur airport, before another woman lunges from behind and grabs his face. Mr Khalid said the two female suspects had wiped a toxin on Mr Kim’s face with their bare hands “and after that they went away”. Indonesian authorities have said Siti Aisyah had thought she was taking part in a TV prank, but Mr Khalid said the women had clearly been

“instructed to clean their hands” and that they knew the substance was toxic. He added that the women practised the move several times beforehand in shopping centres in Kuala Lumpur. Authorities are still waiting for the results of the post-mortem examination of Mr Kim’s body, and are seeking his family members to provide a DNA sample. North Korea has demanded that Mr Kim’s body be returned to them, and has angrily objected to Malaysia conducting an autopsy of the body. Malaysia has cited the need to carry out an investigation as Mr Kim died on their soil. Relations between the two countries have become strained over the incident, with North Korea’s ambassador to Malaysia saying he did not trust the police investigation and Kuala Lumpur recalling its envoy in Pyongyang.

news brief

Study shows people will live longer

South Korean women will be the first in the world to have an average life expectancy above 90, a study suggests. Imperial College London and the World Health Organization analysed lifespans in 35 industrialised countries. It predicted all would see people living longer in 2030 and the gap between men and women would start to close in most countries. The researchers said the findings posed big challenges for pensions and care for elderly people. “South Korea has gotten a lot of things right,” Prof Majid Ezzati told the BBC News website. “They seem to have been a more equal place and things that have benefited people - education, nutrition - have benefited most people. “And so far, they are better at dealing with hypertension and have some of the lowest obesity rates in the world.” The data also forecasts that Japan, once the picture of longevity, will tumble down the global rankings. It currently has the highest life expectancy for women, but will be overtaken by both South Korea and France, the study suggests. Meanwhile, male life expectancy will go from the fourth highest to 11th out of the countries studied. The US also performs poorly and is on course to have the lowest life expectancy of rich countries by 2030. The study predicts an average age of 80 for men and 83 for women - roughly the same state Mexico and Croatia will have achieved. “They are almost opposite of South Korea,” added Prof Ezzati. “Society in the US is very unequal to an extent the whole national performance is affected - it is the only country without universal health insurance. “And it is the first country that has stopped growing taller, which shows something about early life nutrition.” The US will be overtaken by Chile, where women born in 2030 will expect to live for 87 years and men for 81. Between 2015 and 2030, life expectancy in the UK is expected to go from 79 to 82 for men and from 83 to 85 for women. The study, published in the Lancet, also shows the gap in life expectancy between women and men is closing. Prof Ezzati said: “Men traditionally had unhealthier lifestyles, and so shorter life expectancies. “They smoked and drank more, and had more road traffic accidents and homicides, however, as lifestyles become more similar between men and women, so does their longevity.” Much of the increases are due to improvements for the over-65s rather than reductions in deaths during childhood.





NEWS PICTORIAL TAXI DRIVERS PROTEST: Italian police clash with a group of taxi drivers and street vendors who protest and throw objects in front of the Rome headquarters of the ruling centre-left Democratic Party (PD) in Rome, Italy, yesterday. Taxi drivers are on their sixth day of a wildcat strike against a measure the Lower House started debating on 21 February, in which they claim would help Uber and unfair competition from unauthorized operators. PHOTO: ETTORE FERRARI/EPA

Thai old people learning to brush teeth by dental students as they take part in activities at the elderly school of Phibun Mangsahan district in Ubon Ratchathani province in north-east Thailand, yesterday. The Phibun Mangsahan’s elderly school was established in May 2016 and open for learning every Tuesday. More than 150 of the elderly over 60 years of age in Phibun Mangsahan district attend the activities and learning at the elderly school for a happy life after retirement. PHOTO: NARONG SANGANK/EPA


Breibart senior editor Milo Yiannopoulos addresses the media at a press conference in New York City, USA, yesterday during which he announced his resignation from Breibart after controversial comments he made in a video recently resurfaced. PHOTO: JASON SZENESEPA


MESSI IN EGYPT: FC Barcelona’s Argentinian striker Lionel Messi

arrives to the Mena House Hotel near the Pyramids of Giza to attend a press conference in Giza, Egypt, yesterday. Messi arrived in Egypt on an one-day visit to promote the country’s Tour n’Cure medical tourism campaign, which promotes tourism and Hepatitis C treatment travel packages for tourists visiting Egypt. PHOTO: KHALED ELFIQI/EPA

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe eats a cake during a surprise birthday party held on the occasion of his 93rd birthday at his Munhumutapa offices in Harare, yesterday. Mugabe has ruled Zimbabwe since 1980 and he intends to stand for re-election in the 2018 general elections. PHOTO: AARON UFUMELI/EPA

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2017 | www.x254.co



KCB in plan to lay off workers as lender moves to cut costs Anxiety has emerged among Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) employees after the lender recently announced plans to lay off an unspecified number of workers in what the institution has termed as cost cutting initiatives. The lender, however, said the process would be done in accordance with Kenyan law to help with the affected staff ’s transition. “The process is being handled in accordance with the law,” KCB said in a statement, promising to offer more details when it unveils its full-year earnings in the next three weeks. Several Kenyan lenders have said they are cutting their workforce after legislators capped commercial lending rates at 4 per cent above the Central Bank (CBK) rate in August 2016, a move expected to eat into banks’ margins and profits. Kenyan lenders have also turned to mobile banking in a bid to lower costs and build new revenue streams. Over 10 out of Kenya’s 42 financial institutions have responded to the capping law by announcing job cuts and closing down of some of their outlets. This has seen over 1,000 banking sector workers axed and at least 21 branches shut down. Equity Bank, Kenya’s biggest lender by customers, has laid off some 400 employees in the past three months. Standard Chartered Bank follows closely with 300 workers sacked, while First Community and Sidian Bank follow with 106 and 108 workers laid


Kenya’s banking institutions, but also those in other East African countries. “Cost rationalization measures in the banking sector, such as laying off staff and closing branches continues. Some 10 banks have announced downsizing plans since the implementation of the interest rate cap in September 2016,” Cytonn, a Nairobi-based investment firm said in a recent statement.

Gaming firms inject Sh4.7 billion into economy in three years The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) collected Sh4.7 billion in taxes from 8 out of 25 licensed betting firms in the last three years, the taxman has said. KRA Commissioner General John Njiraini told Parliament’s Labour and Social Welfare Committee that the highly growing industry has helped the tax collector expand its tax base. “Eight of the 25 licensed betting companies had paid a total of Sh4.7 billion in the financial years 2014/2015 and 2015/2016,” Njiraini said. Data from the taxman shows that the Authority collected Sh120 million in revenue for the 2014/15 fiscal year, Sh1.2 billion during the 2015/16 financial year and Sh3.3 billion for the 2016/17 fiscal year. Njiraini said the figures are based on selfassessment as a lot of may have been lost due to non-compliance. He, however, remained optimistic that other taxes from the industry such as Pay As You Earn (PAYE), Value Added

Tax (VAT) and income tax are projected to triple by the end of the 2016/17 fiscal year to reach Sh3.4 billion up from Sh1.2 billion. The taxman further cautioned the National Assembly against efforts to regulate betting and gaming activities in Kenya saying the Betting, Lotteries and Gaming Amendment Bill 2016 would go against renewed efforts to increased revenue collection. “Our experience is that heavy taxation would in due course lower the demand, develop an underground economy and promote tax evasion,” he said. According to the taxman, as much as the proposed Bill will result in increased revenue, the benefits are likely to be short-lived due to elasticity of demand of the services. The major impediment facing the taxman is how to tax online gaming firms which have no presence in Kenya but said the taxman would work closely with the Communications Authority to reign in these companies. @enockx254

BUY SELL 103.4833 103.6833 128.8278 129.0961 109.6000 109.8400 7.9146 7.9405 34.5282 34.6916 21.5078 21.6460

Stanbic Bank scoops 2 accolades at 2017 Global Finance Awards

Pedestrians walk in front of a KCB branch in Nairobi, Kenya, March 28, 2016. EPA/DANIEL IRUNGU off respectively. Bank of Africa and Eco Bank have also announced the closure of 12 and 9 outlets respectively in the past few months, saying they are focusing on a digital strategy that will include launching of financial apps which their customers can use to make money transactions. The sackings are not only affecting

MEAN 103.5833 128.9619 109.7200 7.9276 34.6099 21.5769

According to analysts, Kenyan lenders are at crossroads and have no choice but to go digital, a move which will result in reduced workforce as they seek to increase profits. Analysts attribute the tough operating environment to the government’s move cap interest rates at 14.5 per cent down from a high of 22.5 per cent. @enock_x254

Stanbic Bank Kenya has been voted the Best Forex Provider and Best Bank in Treasury and Cash Management in Kenya by Global Finance, a New York based financial magazine. Commenting on the 2017 awards, Stanbic Bank’s Head of Corporate and Investment Banking Anton Marais said the accolades affirmed the bank’s solvency and robust position, in addition to the professionalism the bank enjoys, noting that liquidity and forex management were critical components of the bank’s operations. “The awards confirm Stanbic Bank’s outstanding performance and its developments and innovations in the fields related to liquidity management and treasury in an optimal way and in line with the highest international standards,” said Mr. Marais. “This Global Finance award is an evidence of international acknowledgment of Stanbic Bank’s excellence and leadership of the market, recognizing the Bank’s success in providing diversified solutions and innovative digital banking services for the efficient treasury, cash, and forex management, which meet customers’ needs,” he added. He indicated that the bank adopts balanced and prudent strategy in liquidity and forex management, adding that Stanbic Bank enjoys extensive experience in cash management and achieving competitive returns with lowest risk as per its commitments and as per the regulatory and legislative standards. @Dennis_x254

DHL Express launches new delivery service allowing users to track shipments DHL Express, a division of the German logistics company Deutsche Post DHL, has launched a new service for the sub-Saharan Africa region that allows shippers and receivers globally to select from a range of standardised delivery options. The On Demand Delivery option will notify customers via email or SMS about a shipment’s progress The service is currently deployed in in Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Mauritius and Tanzania, The service is specifically tailored to the demands of international e-commerce deliveries, where the majority of shipments are addressed to residential addresses and customers place considerable emphasis on flexibility and convenience. “Globally, we have seen the share of e-commerce deliveries grow from about 10 per cent in 2013 to more than 20 per cent of the international volumes of DHL Express in 2016,” said Hennie Heymans, CEO of DHL Express sub-Saharan Africa. The service is specifically tailored to the demands of international e-commerce deliveries, where the majority of shipments are addressed to residential addresses and customers place considerable

emphasis on flexibility and convenience. “On Demand Delivery isn’t just a new customer interface – it also represents an enhancement of our worldwide network, as we have tailored our last-mile operations to meet the specific demands of cross-border e-commerce deliveries. Thanks to On Demand Delivery, we can support the service offering of online shippers and improve the delivery experience for their customers, while improving our own efficiency, particularly for lastmile deliveries,” Heymans added. The On Demand Delivery site is accessed from any smartphone, tablet or PC, and offers receivers up to six delivery options and also allows shippers to incorporate their own branding into customer notifications. Receivers can also schedule a delivery, arrange delivery to a nearby DHL service point or their own alternate address, and even request that a shipment is put on hold during a vacation. The firm plans to deploy the service to more than 100 countries across the globe in 2017. @Dennis_x254


Motoring Deals

Vehicle sales fall 28.7 per cent in January as reduced lending hits private sector WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 22, 2017

The number of new vehicles sold in January fell by nearly 30 per cent yearon-year. The drop has been blamed on low purchasing power among consumers as banks reduce their lending to the private sector. The government is now considering banning the importation of secondhand cars in an attempt to promote local assembly. New information from the Kenya Motor Industry Association shows the country’s industry sales dropped 28.7 per cent to 752 units from 1,062 units in January last year. The industry has been registering drops in sales in a tight liquidity environment.

In 2016, the domestic Industry sold 15,535 units a 30.6 per cent decline compared to 19,523 units in 2015. The January report indicates that almost all classes of vehicles indicated a drop in sales apart from medium trucks, 3 ton S Cab and mini buses. Light trucks were the most sold though at 223 units though a decline by 33.6 per cent compared January 2016 followed by Sports Utility vehicles with 141 units. Medium trucks units sold went up by 472 per cent to 92 units from 16 units sold in January 2016. General Motors East Africa has maintained market dominance, 70

units ahead of Toyota. General Motors controlled 32.9 per cent of the market, selling 249 units. This is, however, a 16.7 per cent drop from 299 units sold in a similar period last year. Meanwhile, Toyota’s sales increased by a paltry four per cent selling 179 units compared to 171 units last year, as light trucks stood out as the most bought vehicle make in the market. Simba Colt sold 126 units, down from 270 units in January 2016. CMC sold 47 units, DT Dobie ( 34) Tata ( 54 ) Crown 41 units, while other companies sold 27 units.

The drop comes as the market comes to terms with the credit squeeze caused by the capping of interest rates. Most buyers of new vehicles, such as light commercial trucks, rely on asset financing facilities by banks, but the capping of interest rates in August last year has led to reduced loans to the private sector. Total 2016 industry sales were 13,535 units compared to 19,523 sold in 2015, a 30.6 per cent decline. Dealers attributed the drop to high taxes in the 2015-16 financial year. Industry and Trade Cabinet Secretary, Adan Mohamed has since argued

that old second-hand products are the biggest threat to the government’s industrialisation plan. A number of global car makers have shown interest in setting up shop in Kenya with the most recent being France’s PSA Group, the maker of Peugeot, which this month signed a contract to start assembling two models in Kenya, the Peugeot 508 and 3008. Germany-based manufacturer, Volkswagen began assembling cars in Thika last year. India’s Ashok Leyland is also planning to set up an assembly plant in Kenya. @Dennis_x254

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Counties to receive Sh1.4 bn for free maternity care - Rotich WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 22, 2017

The National Treasury will disburse Sh1.4 Billion to fund free maternity care in the counties within a month, Cabinet Secretary, Henry Rotich has said. Rotich noted that the service will in due course, be administered by the National Hospital Insurance Fund, which will have representation from county governments. Speaking during the InterGovernmental Budget and Economic Council which Deputy President William Ruto chaired at his Karen residence in Nairobi, Rotich said county governments in dire need of quick funds will now be able to get cash advances from the National Treasury. He added that his ministry and Central Bank of Kenya have established a mechanism to provide funds to counties upfront. “After discussion with the Central Bank of Kenya, we have found a mechanism to provide funds to counties upfront in the event there is an urgent need,” Rotich said. On his part, Ruto said the move will enable counties get funds at cheaper rates, devoid of high interest rates and guarantees from local banks. “The Central Bank of Kenya is comfortable with The National Treasury issuing the loans because The National Treasury can guarantee itself,” Ruto explained. CS Rotich also announced at the meeting that donors have given the national government Sh5.5 billion for health transformation, agriculture and county facilities.

It emerged that the county roads fund will be increased from the current 15 per cent to 25 per cent, with funds collected from the fuel levy used to maintain county roads. Last year, the Ministry of Health launched the “Linda Mama, Boresha Jamii” programme, an initiative that allows expectant mothers to access better free maternal care. The programme was a follow up of the

free maternity care program that began in 2013 designed to reimburse public hospitals for costs incurred in the execution of health care services. Speaking during the launch at the Kenya International Convention Center in Nairobi last October, Health Cabinet Secretary, Cleopa Mailu said beneficiaries of the program will have access to ante-natal, post-natal, delivery and immunization care.

The Sh5.4 billion program is a strategic effort made by the government to reduce financial burden to families. It is also aimed at enhancing social protection to improve access to healthcare essential to achievement of vision 2030 and Goal 3 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). @Dennis_x254

Jumia Travel launches local and international flight services as Africa marks Aviation Day

Leading online hotel booking company Jumia Travel, has announced the launch of flight services for both local and international travellers across the world. The expansion will see Jumia Travel offer seamless travel and accommodation across Africa and the World. The announcement comes at a time when top aviation sector stakeholders and decision makers from different frontiers assemble in a two-day summit, expected to examine internal and external aspects, challenges and opportunities in the African Aviation space. Some of the local airlines listed under Jumia Travel flights programme include Jambojet, Fly540, and Fastjet while international freighters include Qatar Airways, Emirates, Air Arabia, and Turkish Airlines. “Just like accommodation, transport is an integral component of the travel and tourism industry, and therefore acts as a boost to customer convenience to have both services under the same ecosystem. This is part of our broader programme to create a one-stop

travel shop for both our inbound and outbound customers,” said CEO of Jumia Travel, Paul Midy. Jumia Travel flights service is working in partnership with different partners including Amadeus. The service (now available on travel.jumia.com/flights) enables travellers to find, compare, and

book flights, as well as buy air tickets online with ease from various Airline companies across the world. The CEO acclaimed the presence of African airlines such as Kenya Airways, Air Seychelles, Ethiopian Airlines, South African Airways, and RwandAir Express among others, noting that,

“more than half of the continent’s international arrivals, which stood at 58 million in 2016, are made via air transport, and therefore emphasizes the need for players to support growth and innovation in the sector.” He expressed optimism and high regard for the African Aviation 2017, concluding that “great partnerships, collaborations and synergy will come in handy in supporting this exponential growth.” The two-day summit, taking place at the Radisson Blu and Convention Center – Kigali, will host among others, representatives from affiliated services such as Ground Handling, Clearance and Freight, Consultants, aircraft manufacturers, MROs, and CEOs of different airlines. Despite the potential in the continent’s airspace, Africa only accounts for 3% of the global air traffic. However, projections point to a stable trajectory, with annual passenger growth poised to grow by 5.1 per cent and cargo to 5.3 per cent by 2030. @kevin_x254

Increased policy uncertainty weakened 2016 trade growth - WBG Kenya and the entire world recorded the weakest trade growth in 2016 since the Global Financial Crisis in 2008, a new World Bank report reveals. Preliminary data suggest that world merchandise trade grew by a little more than 1 per cent in 2016 compared to 2 per cent in 2015 and 2.7 per cent in 2014. Significantly, while the trade slowdown in other post-crisis years was limited to high-income countries, this year, slow trade occurred in both high-income and developing countries. The trajectory of trade growth in 2016 reflects a number of structural determinants. These include a maturing of global value chains (GVCs) and a slower pace of trade liberalisation. Some cyclical factors, notably slow global growth and low commodity prices also contributed to the slow paced growth. The World Bank says policy uncertainty may have added to the worsening of trade sluggishness in 2016. “The trade slowdown may also help to explain part of the productivity slowdown in so far as it is attributable to the stagnation of GVCs,” read the report, dubbed ‘Global Trade Watch: Trade Developments in 2016’, written by World Bank Group Economists Cristina Constantinescu, Aaditya Mattoo, and Michele Ruta. “The slower pace of GVC expansion could be diminishing the scope for productivity growth through a more efficient international division of labor and diffusion of technologies.” The report uses manufacturing data by country and year to show a link between labor productivity and global value chains. An analysis that covers 13 sectors in 40 countries over 15 years found that participation in global value chains is a significant driver of labor productivity. World trade grew by about 3 per cent per year from 2012-2016, lower than the pre-crisis average of 7 per cent per year for 1994-2008. Productivity growth also declined to 1 per cent per year post-crisis from an average of 2 per cent during 1994-2008. The research indicates that the rise of GVCs was facilitated by the deepening of trade agreements that reduced trade costs and provided the institutional infrastructure for smooth cross-border functioning. The Bank says preserving and expanding the reach of trade agreements will help to sustain productivity growth. Global value chains refer to all of the people involved in the production of a good or service. @enock_x254


Dutch company secures contract to check Kenya seabed for harmful gas leakages WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 22, 2017

Fugro, a Dutch multinational firm that provides geotechnical, survey, and geoscience services for clients, has been awarded a contract by Shell/BG Kenya for the execution of a seabed survey to detect natural leakages of hydrocarbons. The company, headquartered in the Netherlands, mainly serves oil and gas, telecommunications cable, and infrastructure companies. Fugro said in a statement issued yesterday that the analysis, known as a ‘seeps survey’, follows a seismic exploration programme that was completed recently off the coast of Kenya. In the oil and gas industry, the three potential risk consequences from hydrocarbon leaks are fires, explosions and environmental contamination. All may cause irreversible damage to personnel, businesses or the ecosystem. According to TTK, the leading manufacturer of liquid leak detection systems, it is imperative to integrate an efficient detection system to continuously protect fuel production, distribution lines or storage tanks from leakage. “Undertaking a four-week campaign of multibeam data acquisition and

Fugro is the world’s, leading independent provider of geo-intelligence and asset integrity solutions for large constructions, infrastructure and natural resources. precise sampling, Fugro will mobilise its specialised survey vessel, ‘Fugro Discovery’, to Kenya in March. Seabed sampling will be carried out using a drop corer and multibeam data will be acquired with the latest deepwater high resolution multibeam echo sounder,

installed in a newly designed gondola on the vessel hull.,” the company said in its statement. “The project is one of many seeps campaigns completed in the world’s oceans for Shell by Fugro and demonstrates the added value of

consistent execution of site works and standardised deliverables,” the firm added. “Managed under a joint FugroShell Safety Leadership programme, the project optimises both companies’ expertise in efficient and safe delivery.” “Seeps surveys are an important part

of Fugro’s site characterisation services and we’re very pleased to reintroduce the Fugro Discovery to African waters, where she will demonstrate the excellent value they represent when exploration budgets are limited. These important seabed surveys support the decision making process for drilling operations, especially in frontier regions like East Africa,” commented Peter Boon, Regional Business Development Manager for Fugro in Africa. Fugro is the world’s leading, independent provider of geointelligence and asset integrity solutions for large constructions, infrastructure and natural resources. In 2014, surveying accounted for the largest portion of Fugro’s revenue (34 per cent), followed by geotechnical (30 per cent), and subsea services (24 per cent). It also has a geosciences joint venture with CGG (a France-based geophysical services company), which accounted for 12 per cent of Fugro’s revenue in 2014. Fugro owns, operates or co-operates 21 survey ships, 19 ships for subsea work, and 7 geotechnical . @Dennis_x254







Redsan with UNON Director General(centre),Visitor service chief and UNIC Director.

For as long as we can recall he has always favoured some covering on his head that never misses no matter what the situation might be.


wabri Mohammed has been in the industry for so long that youngsters these days view him as some relic of a bygone age.

setting up a new era in the Kenyan music industry. Redsan has been a perceived as a ‘baba’ by some. He’s still making hits so he must be drinking for a fountain of relevance that even newer artistes have no idea how to access. But one question, what’s with all the headgear? For as long as we can recall he has always favoured some covering on his head that never misses no matter

what the situation might be. Even while meeting dignitaries Redsan will don a button up shirt, slacks an immaculate black suit, a tie and the time he met Raila Odinga, still, with one of those slick cloths on his head. He really is keeping that 90s/ people stopped wearing those things a long time ago.

look was the height

‘Why does wear a do-rag?’ An

were meant to keep relaxed hair from looking like a mess. Many women still wear scarves on their heads—relaxed or not—while they sleep and there was a time when men boasting the sleek


Musician and performer Katy Perry is set to wow fans tonight in London. The ‘Chained to the Rhythm’ singer who delivered an electrifying performance at the 2017 Grammys joins previously-announced Brit Awards performers Ed Sheeran, The 1975, Robbie Williams, Skepta, Bruno Mars, Little Mix and Emeli Sandé. “I’m excited to come back to one of my favourite countries, where most of my favourite musical influences come from. After three years, I’m excited to return to the Brits’ stage to kick off a new era of purposeful pop,” she said. This year’s Brit Awards take place at London’s The O2 on Wednesday, February 22. Skepta and David Bowie lead the nominations, while Leonard Cohen has also been nominated posthumously.


Katy Perry to perform at the Brit awards tonight

were odd times and somehow the do-rag transformed into something men just wear for the sake of looking stylish. From what is visible Redsan has dreads on his head and no practical use for a do-rag. Sometimes he even wears a hat on top of the thing. It is

the circumstance. But still, it’s been almost 20 years since he came up on the scene, we the people, demand a sneak peak, something more than the one blurry throwback photo that we have.

a picture of the artiste without something on his head. Which begs the question ‘does he in fact have anything at the top of his head? Or is this a decades long gag that we have all fallen for?’ Maybe the crown of his head is a bare expanse that bears no fruit. Oddly enough although the

Hussein Machozi to return with new music, style

Kenrazy, Sosuun and Visita want Peace in Kenya Political temperatures are rising fast, and the music industry is here to cool things down. Rap artistes and couple Kenrazy and Sosuun have teamed up with vocalist, rapper and producer Visita in the track titled ‘Amani’ that seeks to spread the message of love and peace

headgear seems like it should be inappropriate at times he

among Kenyans as we head to the August 8th general elections. This song is timely and delivers the message of oneness, urges a peaceful co-existance. Produced by Visita at his new outfit Hela records ‘Amani is destined’ for greatness this year.

Celebrated bongo artiste Hussein Machozi has said that he is set to return to the music scene with a bang! The artiste who has been off the radar for almost a year is set to unleash a new track soon. He says, the new track will mark his return into the music industry and that it will sound different from his previous works. Known widely for his hit music videos ‘Kafia ghetto’ and ‘Kwa Ajili Yako’, his new music dubbed ‘Nipe sikuachi’ produced by Man Walter will be launched soon. Hussein has been living in Italy where he says he was pursuing a short course. He will be jetting into Dar for the launch of his music video which has been shot in Italy.






to naturally brighten skin-no bleach required

cause your ‘man-bits’ to shrink


Scrubbing is an integral part of a skin care routine. Not only do you get to slough away dead skin cells, but your skin will be noticeably clearer and vibrant. Homemade scrubs are the way to go as they are natural, still do the job and do not contribute to pollution as store bought ones do. Mix up some coconut oil, sugar and lemon and rub it all over your body. Leave your face out of the equation because the sugar granules might be a bit rough for it. Lemon also has natural lightening properties that should work wonderfully.

things to do with that old shed sitting on your yard


Invaluable and a little boring by now, but water is literal life. Drinking tons of it will work wonders for your skin. Water keeps things hydrated and flushes out your system which equals to clear skin. Just plain old water can help manage acne if it’s not too severe. Always have a bottle of water near and sip on it throughout the day.


Everyday hoopla can take a great toll on the skin. Air pollution and the sun’s rays are the biggest culprits in this crime. Use sunscreen--or make some at home with avocado oil, shea butter and Vitamin E oil, you can use it on your hair too-- and wear a hat on sunny days.

Old sheds can be so much more than some dilapidated structure taking up space in your garden. They can be an extension of the house and serve you well in this purpose. Here’s some ideas to turn your shed from drab to fab. ●Use it as a children’s playhouse. Nobody likes their kids messing up the living room three minutes after cleaning up. Moving their activities into a place where they are free to do whatever they please will save a lot of time. ●Turn it into a spare room. Visitors come at the most random of moments and if getting a place for them to stay the night is an issue then this one is for you. Clean it up, fix it up and you have an extra room in times of need. ●Turn it into a space for yourself. Especially if you have a family, getting few minutes to breathe can

be a tall feat so this can be a great way to have a little space for yourself and keep your sanity in check. ●Make a house for your pets. For people who don’t let their animal friends into the house, then crafting a dog house –or cat house—from an old shed is the way to go. They’ll still be protected from the elements and be within the limits of your home. ●Turn it into a bar. When the adults need some adult-time the shed can come to the rescue. It can be made into an entertainment space while the kids get their sleep. @christine_x254


here have been many myths surrounding the use and more specifically the abuse of anabolic steroids. Many of these stem from the sort-of muscular mammoths people turn into after using the ‘supplements,’ which seems to results in gains in some parts of the body and reductions in others. Among the many dangers that come with steroid use, shrinking testicles and a scant sperm count happen to be right along with an enlarged heart and believe it or not ‘roid rage. Anabolic steroids are meant to mimic the male sex hormone testosterone and their abuse apparently corresponds to an increase in aggression and change in mood, anxiety and paranoia. This brings us to the aforementioned shrinking fun bits. Testicular atrophy, as it is formally called, is an effect caused by extensive use of steroids. Although it does not just happen through immediate use, it can be quite a blow when it does. Fitness resource TestoFuel breaks the process down as ‘dumping so much exogenous testosterone into your body -as occurs with Androgenic-anabolic Steroids (AAS) use, your testicles respond by essentially becoming dormant’, which then results in testicular atrophy and a lower libido. The effect is usually compounded by the amount of AAS taken into the body. Higher levels of usage would make the problem harder to deal with and might lead to sterility. Stick to lean protein, good fats, protein shakes and an effective routine and unless you suffer from musculoskeletal ailments tstay away from steroids.

lighter but they will leave your skin super soft and radiant.


It’s true

One of the most Googled queries last year according to the 2016 Year in Search charts was ‘How to bleach skin’ or something along those worrying lines. Believe or not there are better ways to get great glowing skin without subjecting yourself to mercury poisoning. Exposure to mercury causes organ damage, just in case you needed an incentive to leave the lightening cream alone. These options will not make you shades


These terrariums will transform your home into an enchanted garden


Would you love to incorporate foliage into your home? Are you incredibly forgetful about watering plants? We have the thing for you. Caring for a plant is like raising a child you need to invest your time and money in it for it to flourish. We all know how first it could be exciting watching it grow and after a while it

completely goes out the window. It’s not that hard with terrariums. They are mini greenhouses that you could strategically place in your home that take almost no upkeep and look spectacular. All you need are a few glass jars- you could use any old jar, a glass cup or even salt shakers—some moss, planting soil, small plants, charcoal

and some pebbles. Place the small rocks right at the bottom of the jar and layer the charcoal on top of it. These two serve to ensure the cleanliness of the terrarium. Pour a layer of soil over that and begin to plant. After you are done place the terrarium in an area with access to sunlight and you are done. Water the plants accordingly. @christine_x254



End in sight for Rooney’s United career WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 22, 2017

Manchester United captain Wayne Rooney could leave the club this month with sources linking the forward with a possible move to China. Those claims have further been boosted by boss Jose Mourinho’s failure to rule out the prospect of the striker leaving the club this month. The 31-year-old England forward, who scored his 250th United goal last month to become the club’s record scorer, has been linked with a move to China in recent weeks. The Chinese Super League’s transfer window shuts next week and Mourinho was asked if the club captain would still be at Old Trafford by then. “You have to ask him,” Mourinho said. “Of course I can’t guarantee he will be here. I can’t guarantee that I’m here next week, how can I guarantee that a player is here next season?” Rooney is contracted to United until 2019 and had previously said he was committed to seeing out his deal. He has not been a first-team regular this season and has scored just five goals. However, Mourinho said in October that Rooney was “going nowhere” and reiterated on Tuesday that he did not want him to leave. “I would never push - or try to push - a

Manchester United forward Wayne Rooney could be on his way out of the club. PHOTO/EPA

legend of this club to another destiny,” added the Portuguese coach.

“So you have to ask him if he sees himself staying in the club for the

rest of his career or if he sees himself moving. “It is not a question for me because I am happy to have him. I don’t want him to leave.” Mourinho’s response is the same as the one he came out with when he was asked about the futures of Morgan Schneiderlin and Memphis Depay during the January transfer window. Both players ended up leaving for Everton and Lyon respectively. And at 31, with 549 United appearances and 250 goals to his name, Rooney seems destined to experience the same fate though it might not happen now. However, the end is in sight and Rooney’s camp will doubtless spend the next few months exploring options. Manchester United travel to Saint Etienne for their Europa League second leg tie and Rooney has again been left out of the squad. He has missed the last four United games with a minor leg injury and does not make the trip despite training yesterday morning. Timothy FosuMensah is included in the 20-man squad but full-backs Luke Shaw and Matteo Darmian miss out. Jose

Mourinho’s side have a 3-0 advantage after the first leg. Midfielder Ander Herrera is suspended and defender Phil Jones is absent with a hamstring injury. Saint-Etienne coach Christophe Galtier believes his side are still in the tie despite a Zlatan Ibrahimovic hat-trick in the first leg. He said: “We have a huge but not insurmountable handicap. We will play in another big atmosphere. The stadium will be full. “We must respect our public. It is impossible for us not to put out the best team possible for as long as there remains hope of qualification. In a game, anything can happen.” Meanwhile, Rooney’s team-mate Anthony Martial insists he wants to stay at the club “for as long as possible”. The 21-year-old has struggled to recapture the form shown during his debut season at Old Trafford and was linked with a loan move to Sevilla in December. “I love Manchester, I love the club and I love the fans,” Martial said. “The fans give me a lot of joy and I really enjoy having them backing me. I try to be as good as possible to make them happy, to satisfy them.”


Leicester looking for season turning point in Sevilla clash Falcao impress but Man City win thriller Falcao looked nothing like the demoralised figure who made 26 league appearances for United, scoring only four goals, and who got one goal in 10 league games for Chelsea. But he pounced like the poacher supreme to head his first but his second was a work of the striker’s art, dismissing Stones from his presence before having the composure and class to deliver a lofted finish that left Caballero helpless. And in those moments, he and Monaco delivered the message to Manchester City that this tie is not over. Monaco looked a side packed with threat and goals and they will still feel they can claw this back. Mbappe has the sleek elegance of a young Thierry Henry while Bernardo Silva is a player of the highest quality. Monaco still represent a danger, something coach Leonardo Jardim admits. “It was perhaps one of the most exciting games of this year’s Champions League. A great game of football. The key to the game was the missed penalty to make it 3-1 but there’s 90 minutes with us. Nothing is finished,” he said.

Leicester City boss Claudio Ranieri says tonight’s Champions League last 16 first-leg tie at Sevilla could prove to be a turning point in the Foxes’ fortunes this season. The defending Premier League champions are struggling domestically as they sit just once place and one point above the relegation zone. However, they have won four of their six games in Europe this season. “This game could be everything,” said Ranieri. “If we win, something could change. We need one match like this.” Leicester, who are without striker Islam Slimani as he struggles to overcome a groin injury, face a tough task against a side that are experienced European campaigners. They are five-time Europa League winners and are participating in the Champions League for the second successive season. Sevilla are third in La Liga and have lost just twice at home all season - to Barcelona in the league and Juventus in the Champions League. “We know in our mind we are the underdog,” added Ranieri. “If you see in the last 10 years what Sevilla achieves, it’s amazing. “They are used to staying at the top. They have good players but we are ready to fight and ready to play our football,” added the Italian. Leicester’s poor domestic form has seen Ranieri come under pressure, although he was

Leicester City manager Claudio Ranieri during a press confrence in Sevilla, Spain ahead of their Champions L:eague clash tonight. PHOTO: EPA

given the club’s “unwavering support” earlier this month. The Italian admitted he could have left in the summer after leading Leicester to the title, but chose to stay in order to “build something good”. “I could leave last season,” he said. “I won the title and I had something with other teams but I wanted to stay here because I knew it was a difficult year. “I keep going, I maintain my mind in this way. I


forget the title and I want to achieve something good for the fans, chairman and the city.” With Slimani out, Shinji Okazaki is expected to start alongside Jamie Vardy at Sevilla. Vardy scored 24 Premier League goals last season but has managed just five this term, while Leicester are yet to score in the league in 2017. “We have to completely forget what happened last year,” said Vardy. “We have to work hard, the boss, his staff and the players and then come game time we need to put it all into practise. “It is strange playing in the Champions League last 16 while in a relegation battle but it’s a game where we can forget about it for one night.” Despite Leicester’s domestic troubles, Sevilla boss Jorge Sampaoli believes the Foxes can still cause them plenty of trouble. He said: “I think Leicester are not having a good time in the league, they have a lot of doubts when last year they had so much belief. “They were brilliant in the league last year and have been great in the Champions League, they qualified very quickly so in a two-legged tie it still poses a lot of risks for us.” Sevilla are without right back Gabriel Mercado, who is suspended, and the injured Nicolas Pareja (groin).



Atletico take control of Leverkusen tie

Atletico Madrid scored four away goals to take charge of their Champions League last-16 tie against Bayer Leverkusen. Saul Niguez gave the visitors the lead with a stunning strike, picking the ball up on the right before cutting inside and curling a left-footed shot into the top corner. Antoine Griezmann doubled their advantage from Kevin Gameiro’s pass after woeful defending by Leverkusen skipper Omer Toprak. Wendell struck his own crossbar in clearing Felipe Luis’ cross and home goalkeeper Bernd Leno twice saved well from Griezmann as Leverkusen were fortunate to go in at the break just two goals behind. Karim Bellarabi pulled one back for Leverkusen early in the second half by finishing off a slick team move, but Gameiro’s penalty restored Atletico’s two-goal advantage before Stefan Savic’s own goal reduced arrears once again. Substitute Fernando Torres further strengthened Atletico’s grip on the tie when he nodded in a late fourth. “We could even have won by a higher margin but their goalkeeper pulled off two outstanding saves to deny Griezmann. It is important to have belief when you play away from home, and I thought we had that in abundance,” coach Diego Simeone who has guided Atletico to runnersup finishing both last season and in 2014, and reaching the quarter-finals in between. The return leg takes place at the Vicente


City in comeback thriller

Manchester City’s Sergio Aguero (L) celebrates with team mate Leroy Sane after scoring during their UEFA Champions League round of 16 first leg match against AS Monaco at the Etihad stadium in Manchester last night. PHOTO: NIGEL RODDIS/EPA

Sergio Aguero scored a double and assisted as Manchester City twice came from behind to beat French side Monaco 5-3 in a Champions League thriller at the Etihad last night. On a night of fluctuating fortunes and thrilling football, Pep Guardiola’s side were on the precipice in this tournament before dragging themselves back to ensure they go into the return in Monaco with a priceless lead. Raheem Sterling gave Manchester City a 26th-minute advantage after fine work by Leroy Sane but Monaco proved their threat to lead before half-time through Radamel Falcao’s header and Kylian Mbappe’s powerful rising drive. Falcao then saw a penalty saved by Willy Caballero just after the break before Monaco keeper Danijel Subasic’s blunder gave Sergio Aguero his first goal. Colombian Falcao, back to his best after failed loan spells at Manchester United and Chelsea, then lifted a brilliant chip over Caballero to put Monaco back in front - but this was the signal for City to launch an enthralling attacking salvo. Aguero - who felt he was denied a first-half penalty after he tumbled under a challenge from Subasic - volleyed in another equaliser before John Stones made amends for poor defending in the build-up to Falcao’s second by putting City ahead on the night with a sliding finish at the far post after 77 minutes. Man of the match Sane handed City that two-goal cushion with a simple tap-in from Aguero’s pass eight minutes from time much to the delight of Guardiola. “I am so happy for the result, we are still alive. These kind of things help this club to achieve another step. We attacked in small spaces. That’s why they wanted me to come here, Everybody has to be congratulated,” he said. But the Spaniard knows Monaco’s vibrant attacking ambition means this tie is far from over. “We are going to fly to Monaco to score as many goals as possible. If we don’t score in Monaco we will be eliminated.” While City may have been rattling at the back, Aguero was in magnificent form throughout, terrorising Monaco with his prodigious work-rate and sheer menace. He was denied a penalty in the first half when he was booked for diving after he was upended by Monaco keeper Subasic but he was not to be denied and was a key component of City’s enthralling fightback. He enjoyed some deserved good fortune when his shot went straight through Subasic for his first goal but he delivered a sumptuous right-foot volley to make it 3-3 and then set up Sane for the crucial fifth goal that gave City that two-goal advantage. Aguero was substituted to a standing ovation and a kiss on top of the head from his manager with four minutes left - this was the night he delivered proof, as if it were needed, that he is the man City and Guardiola cannot do without. His opposite number Falcao was also a master striker back to his best following failed loan spells in England. The Colombian marred his display with a horribly hesitant penalty that was saved by Caballero and would have put Monaco 3-1 up, but there was so much about his and the visitors’ display to admire.

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Published By Xtra Publishing Limited, Chancery Building, Valley Road, Nairobi | Printed at The Standard Group Centre, Mombasa Road, Nairobi. Paul Marshall-CEO, Fred Bunei-Finance Manager, Josiah Musee-Advertising Manager, Peter Obuya-Editor

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