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TUesday, FeBRUaRy 21, 2017 | www.x254.co







Diaspora Kenyans angry with IEBC


enyans in the diaspora have registered their dissatisfaction with the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) over its preparedness to conduct a two-week voter registration of Kenyans living abroad. Led by the Kenya Diaspora Alliance, the umbrella body of 34 lobby groups of Kenyans living abroad, they accused the commission of orchestrating confusion on the first day of the voter registration exercise. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

Nasa deal ready, says committee

Parties in the National Super Alliance (NASA) have agreed on modalities on the formation of the coalition and are expected to sign the deal tomorrow. The coalition’s technical committee tasked with finalising the draft said today they had come up with a document that has met the ideals of all the four parties the in coalition. Speaking after the team’s final meeting at Serena Hotel, Siaya Senator James Orengo said the coalition agreement is now ready and will be presented to the party heads for their signatures to be appended. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2


Kidero: City land grabbers, cartels sponsoring rivals Governor says billionnaires are unhappy with him for sealing graft loopholes at City Hall




Mudavadi alleges rigging scheme ahead of elections

Amani National Congress (ANC) leader Musalia Mudavadi now claims that the Jubilee administration is planning to rig the forthcoming general election. Mudavadi said Jubilee is relying on the perceived low voter registration in opposition strongholds to rig the next poll. In a statement to newsrooms yesterday, the ANC leader said the ruling administration is using the figures released by the electoral commission on the just concluded Mass Voter Registration to accomplish their hyped tyranny of numbers in a scheme to retain power unfairly. The electoral commission is today expected to release the final numbers of the mass voter registration which ended on Sunday following a court order of extension. “As mass voter registration ended, the media is being sold a faulty narrative that NASA regions recorded low voter registration turnout than Jubilee areas. Stealing elections will be justified on the strengths of this myth,” said Mudavadi. He said a close analysis of the figures released so far by the electoral commission gives the opposition a comfortable lead over their opponents contrary to what Jubilee leaders are saying. “According to some Jubilee leaders, they have

CJ meets stakeholders in election preparation

Amani Party leader Musalia Mudavadi at a past press conference at his party headquarters in Nairobi. PHOTO: G IKUNDA/ X NEWS Mr Mudavadi has warned of a scheme to influence election results.

won the elections due to the skewed figures released by the electoral commission, but when you closely analyse the figures it gives you a different outcome,” he noted.

Mudavadi who is also National Supper Alliance (NASA) co-principal dismissed the figures released by IEBC from opposition strongholds in Western, Nyanza, Coast and Lower Eastern. @sam_x254

Kenyans in the diaspora angry with IEBC From Page 1

“Nearly all our members were turned away from the registration centers for lack of valid passports. It is clear that no infrastructure has been put in place,” Shem Ochuodho, the global chairman of the alliance said today. He said that most Kenyans living in EAC member states use national IDs as their travel document. “It is, therefore, unfair for IEBC to demand passports from them,” he added, threatening to file a suit against the commission for failing to

ensure the availability of adequate infrastructure for the registration of those abroad. Ahead of the 2013 general elections, Kenyans overseas sued IEBC demanding they be allowed to vote. The Court of Appeal ruled that the right to vote and be registered as a voter should be enjoyed by all without distinction of whether a person is living in the country or in the diaspora. However, the electoral agency said it can only register Kenyans living in the nearby EAC states and South Africa for the August 8, 2017 polls.

Already, it has commenced their registration from yesterday to March 6. In a notice on Sunday, the electoral commission said it had dispatched eight clerks to South Africa for the registration ahead of the elections. The polls team said that those living abroad need a valid passport and should be registered as Kenyan citizens to be listed. IEBC CEO Ezra Chiloba said diaspora voting will take place in Kenyan embassies, consulates and high commissions. However, Ochuodho, a former MP for Rangwe, lamented that IEBC had failed to define requisite requirements needed for one to register as a voter in Diaspora. He wondered why the commission did not gazette registration centers to enable their members to participate in the voter enlisting process during the start of the exercise yesterday. “Voting is not a favour but a right for every Kenyan, regardless of where they are,” he added. The chairman noted that more than two million citizens were likely to be locked out of the general election as they were yet to be registered with the embassies. Earlier, IEBC vice chairperson Consolata Nkatha had stated that logistical challenges and limited time had undermined the commission’s ability to actualise diaspora voting. They diaspora alliance also want those residing outside the country to elect MCA, MP, senator, woman representative, governor, and president of their choice. But the commission said the listing, set to end on March 6, will only allow those registered to vote for president. “A Kenyan living outside the country who is registered as a voter will only vote for a presidential candidate of his or her choice,” IEBC tweeted. @hillary_x254

Chief Justice David Maraga (pictured above) has once again assured the country that Judiciary is well prepared to handle any case arising from the forthcoming general elections. Maraga who met various groups yesterday at the Supreme Court also reiterated that the Judiciary will be independent in the determination of any issues that may arise from the coming August 8, elections and its processes. Justice Maraga’s assurance of Judiciary’s independence come just a day after a section of Jubilee MPs said they will clip the powers of the Judiciary should they manage to retain power after the election. Speaking over the weekend in Nyeri, Devolution Cabinet Secretary Mwangi Kiunjuri said they will seek to clip the powers of the Judiciary claiming that it is working with the opposition. “Any ruling that has been made by the judiciary is influenced by the opposition, we have evidence that Judiciary is working together with the opposition,” Kiunjuri claimed. “We know we have the numbers and we are going to win this elections and the first thing we are going to do is have a referendum to check the powers of the judiciary,” he added. Kieni MP Kanini Kega said when the country passed the current constitution in 2010, leaders from both political divide agreed that there is a 20 percent which needs to be amended. “Even when we passed the constitution we all agreed that 80 percent is good and 20 percent bad and that 20 percent is in the judiciary and Kenyans are tired of this,” Kega said. Maraga who met with multi-denominational representatives of Christian, Muslim and Hindu faiths updated the religious leaders on the Judiciary’s preparedness for the polls. The Chief Justice also met with officials of the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) led by its chairman Dennis Awori. Their talks centered on Judiciary’s role in the resolution of labour disputes and anti-corruption measures put in place by the Judiciary. @sam_x254

Nasa deal ready, says committee From Page 1

“The agreement is now ready and has been the result of painstaking negotiations from all sides,” the committee’s cochair Orengo said as they came from the four-hour closed door meeting. The 12-man team had last week presented the document to the coalitions’ leaders Raila Odinga (ODM), Kalonzo Musyoka (Wiper), Musalia Mudavadi (ANC), and Moses Wetang’ula (Ford Kenya) but the principals sent it back for further review. The committee was however tightlipped on whether the coalition had agreed on who would fly its presidential flag in the August 8 General Elections. “Why are you in a hurry to know who will be our candidate will be everything will be done in due time,” Machakos Senator Johnstone Muthama. NASA will then submit to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) its power-sharing agreement and method of nominating its @harrison_x254 candidates.


KRA warns against Bill seeking to control betting The Kenya Revenue Authority has warned that over taxing and controlling of betting companies in the country might force them to move to neighboring countries. KRA Commissioner General John Njiriani said the move could lead to the country losing business as the betting companies might consider moving to countries with favorable business environment. Mr Njiraini who appeared before the National Assembly’s Labour Committee today in said if there is any tax or change of law that should be enforced to the betting companies then it should be within the benchmark of other African countries. “Do not overtax them until we lose business to neighboring countries,” Njiriani told the legislators. Njiriani (pictured) was invited by the committee to shed more light on the Betting and Gaming Amendment Bill. The Bill also seeks to limit the number of gaming premises in a certain location, ban advertising of gambling and impose heavy fines against companies that allow minors to bet. All these is in a bid to bring some sanity to the largely uncontrolled industry, according to sponsor of the Bill Jakoyo Midiwo. In an attempt to monitor

the revenues of gaming companies, the Bill provides that all funds made from gambling be deposited in a bank account, apparently for taxation and to curb money laundering. It also provides for a family member to apply to the Kenya Betting Control and Licensing Authority to have an

individual be marked as an “excluded person”, meaning the fellow is barred from gambling to ensure that he does not squander family resources. But Njiriani warned that anchoring the bill into law is not fair as the betting business is dynamic and therefore static law won’t serve well. He told MPs that monitoring online betting is very difficult and it will be difficult to implement the law if it is passed in its current state. “We might not be able to control the number of people in online betting and world over it’s difficult to tax e-commerce type of businesses,” Njiriani said. The Bill if passed in its current state, Njiriani said it will increase the exchequer revenue but the benefits will be shortlived due to elasticity of demand. On the other hand, Njiriani said the Bill will help KRA to expand tax rates. “Our core mandate is to bring more people to the tax rate and not to tax more those already in the tax rate,” he said. The Bill has also been rejected by the Betting Control and Licensing Board which is against the tax proposals it contains. @sam_x254

City Hall releases seized boda bodas

A man picks his motorbike at City Hall after the county government released some 100 boda bodas that were impounded by the county askaris for operating within the CBD with disregard to traffic rules and regulations. Some of the motorbikes were impounded in 2015 but Governor Evans Kidero waived any fees incurred as storage charges. City Hall has also stopped court cases for the affected riders. County Secretary Robert Ayisi said that the release came after the people pleaded with the governor saying that they had lost their livelihoods after their motorbikes were impounded.


Publish or perish, CS warns lecturers Lands Cabinet Secretary Jacob Kaimenyi has told university dons to engage more in research and publishing. Prof Kaimenyi who is a former deputy vice chancellor at the University of Nairobi asked academicians to concentrate on research if they are to remain relevant. “Research and publishing among our scholars in our Kenyan universities is wanting

as majority are up doing part-timing at the expense of research and publishing”, he said. If you choose the academic world there are only two options; you either publish or perish,” he warned when he presided over a book launch at the Cooperative University of Kenya over the weekend. The book titled Project Management Theory and Practice has been published by Dr. Kennedy Kirima, a lecturer at the institution. Kaimenyi urged universities to be research driven in order to have a positive impact on the society. He decried the lack of a ‘reading and writing culture’ among scholars and academicians and Kenyans in general. “I’m certain that this book we launch here today will be a game changer to those who wish to start their projects since it will impact requisite skills and knowledge needed,” he added.

Kidero: City land grabbers, cartels sponsoring opponents Cartels and billionaires believed to have made their fortune through irregular land deals in Nairobi are now sponsoring candidates to run for city governor’s seat in order to protect their ill-gotten wealth, Governor Evans Kidero claims. Dr Kidero who is facing a serious onslaught from Jubilee aspirants for Nairobi’s top seat now says his opponents are being sponsored by a clique of tycoons who made their money through questionable land deals in the city. He said they are desperate to protect their wealth and as such are sponsoring people they believe will not go after them. “These people who made money on land deals are the same people who are saying that Nairobi has its owners and that Nairobi’s governor should be from a certain region and they now want to use their billions to impose a candidate on Nairobians,” Dr Kidero told a congregation at Calvary Covenant Centre in Komarock on Sunday. He said he was being fought by the cartels who are not happy by the way he has cleaned the city of syndicates. The governor claimed that business moguls have made enough billions and now they want to sponsor one of

their own to protect their interest at City Hall. “They want to bring a candidate against me because I have fought cartels in the city. Cartels no longer have relevance here. We have fought them and we will continue to fight them and let us not allow them to come back because we know what will happen if they do,” he said. But Kidero reiterated that he will not be intimidated and that he will decisively deal with their remnants who are still at City Hall. Only last week, Kidero accused President Uhuru Kenyatta of protecting cartels at City Hall. His accusation came just two days after the President unleashed a scathing attack on the governor’s development record since he was elected. Mr Kenyatta accused Kidero of running down the city and mismanaging county allocations. But Kidero turned the gun to Mr Kenyatta blaming him of attempting to shield corrupt remnants frustrating his administration. Kidero has since pleaded with Nairobi residents to support his re-election bid and help weed out cartels in the capital. @hillary_x254




Mugabe: Give Trump a chance

President Donald Trump should be given a chance to prove himself, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe says. He went on to express his support for Mr Trump’s America-first policy, saying “America for Americans” and “Zimbabwe for Zimbabweans”. It is unusual for the veteran head of state to publicly back any US president. The US imposed sanctions such as travel bans and an assets freeze on Mr Mugabe and his allies in 2001. The sanctions were imposed over allegations of human rights abuses and election rigging. Zimbabwe’s government says they caused the country’s economic collapse. Most experts however blame Mr Mugabe’s seizure of whiteowned farms, which used to be Zimbabwe’s economic backbone. With Mr Trump’s reputation for being unconventional, Mr Mugabe is hoping his administration might decide to lift the sanctions. “Give him time,” Zimbabwe’s leader said of Mr Trump in an interview aired ahead of his 93rd birthday on today. “Mr Trump might even re-look [at] the sanctions on Zimbabwe.” President Trump has caused global uproar over his policies, including his ban on people from seven mainly Muslim countries entering the US, although this has been overturned by the courts, and his pledge to rebuild the US economy

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe during an address to the nation in Harare last year. Mr Mugabe has urged the world to give American President Donald Trump a chance to lead his people. PHOTO: EPA

on “America-first” principles. Mr Mugabe is unfazed by such policies as he seems to identify with Mr Trump’s brand of nationalism. “When it comes to Donald Trump... talking of American nationalism, well America for America, America for Americans - on that we agree. Zimbabwe for Zimbabweans,” Mr Mugabe said. As far as the nonagenarian president

is concerned, there is more hope with Mr Trump in the White House than if it had been Hilary Clinton. “I was surprised by his election, but I did not like Madam Clinton to win either,” he said. “I knew she could slap sanctions on us as a legacy.” President Mugabe, Africa’s oldest head of state, also repeated that he is not ready to step down from power. “The majority of the people feel that

there is no replacement, successor who to them is acceptable, as acceptable as I am,” he told state media. His Zanu-PF party has endorsed Mr Mugabe as its candidate in elections due next year. Last week, first lady Grace Mugabe said if the party were to field his corpse, he would still win.

Insults fly as UK debates Trump visit US President Donald Trump was accused of behaving “like a petulant child,” during a debate in the British parliament about the controversial decision to invite him on a state visit to the UK so early in his term. The comment arose as members of Parliament were discussing a petition calling for the trip to be downgraded because of Trump’s “well-documented misogyny and vulgarity.” Opening the largely symbolic debate in Westminster Hall, Labour MP Paul Flynn said: “We all in this room hold in great respect the US presidency, their constitution, their history,” and that there was “no question of any disrespect towards that country.” But Flynn - who described Trump’s intellectual capacity as “protozoan” - argued that to grant the honor of a state visit to a president who had acted “like a petulant child” would send the message that Britain approved of his behavior and comments. Labour MP David Lammy said it was to be expected

that the US President would be invited to the UK, but that offering Trump a full state visit after only seven days in power was not acceptable. He said that for the country to make such an invitation was to “abandon all its principles,” and suggested that the move came because the government was desperate to make trade deals. “We didn’t do this for Kennedy, we didn’t do this for Truman, we didn’t do this for Reagan, but for this man ... we say, ‘Please come and we will lay on everything, because we are so desperate for your company,’” he said. “I think this country is greater than that.” Conservative MP Simon Burns argued that the visit should g o

ahead -- whatever people think of Trump -- because of the close links between the US and the UK. “America is our greatest ally. It has been for a considerable amount of time,” he said. “It has stood by us, shoulder to shoulder, in our hour of need, as we did in their hour of need, particularly during 9/11.” He added, “So it is to my mind foolish to allow our personal views and assessments of an individual, and some of their more

grotesque characteristics and behavior, to blur what is in Britain’s national interest.” Fellow Conservative MP Crispin Blunt said withdrawing the invitation risked embarrassing the Queen, but that the trip could simply be postponed. He suggested that 2020 - the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims’ journey to America would be an appropriate moment for a state visit. MPs held the session after the petition attracted more than 1.8 million signatures, easily crossing the 100,000 threshold qualifying it for a parliamentary debate. A rival 310,000-strong petition in support of the state visit was also being discussed. The Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow, faced calls for his resignation from some MPs after he said he was “strongly opposed” to letting Trump address lawmakers during his visit because of Parliament’s “opposition to racism and sexism.”


South Sudan declare famine A famine has been declared in parts of South Sudan, the first to be announced in any part of the world in six years. The government and the United Nations report that some 100,000 people are facing starvation, with a million more on the brink of famine. A combination of civil war and an economic collapse have been blamed. There have been warnings of famine in Yemen, Somalia and north-eastern Nigeria, but South Sudan is the first to declare one. Food shortages can lead to large numbers of people lacking nutrition, but only rarely do they amount to famine, according to UN humanitarian criteria. Long periods of drought and other problems reducing the supply of food do not necessarily result in a famine which is only declared when at least 20% of households in an area face extreme food shortages with a limited ability to cope. There must also be an acute malnutrition rates exceeding 30% and when the death rate exceeds two persons per day per 10,000 persons. However, the declaration of a famine carries no binding obligations on the UN or member states, but serves to focus global attention on the problem. The famine is currently affecting parts of the Unity state in South Sudan, but humanitarian groups have warned that the crisis could spread if urgent help is not received. Aid agencies, including the UN World Food Programme (WFP) and the children’s fund Unicef, said that 4.9 million people - more than 40% of South Sudan’s population - are in urgent need of food. The report on Monday said that an increase in humanitarian assistance was needed in order to prevent the famine from spreading to other vulnerable areas. “If sustained and adequate assistance is delivered urgently, the hunger situation can be improved in the coming months and further suffering mitigated,” the report said. Head of the WFP in South Sudan, Joyce Luma, said that the famine was “man-made” after three years of conflict across the country stifled crop production and hit farmers and rural livelihoods. The impact of the conflict, combined with high food prices, economic disruption and low agricultural production has resulted in the area becoming “food insecure”, the report added. South Sudan also experienced a famine in 1998, during the war for independence from Sudan. Last week, the WFP warned that more than 20 million people may face starvation in a series of famines over the next six months. The WFP’s chief economist, Arif Husain, said a combination of wars and drought meant that for the first time in recent years, aid workers were now talking about four simultaneous famines in separate parts of the world. He added that despite record levels of international humanitarian aid distribution, there was not enough to look after all the people in need.





NEWS PICTORIAL STUDENTS KILLED IN BUS ACCIDENT: A worker walks past the wreckage of a bus following an accident

in Tanay, Rizal Province in the Philippines yesterday. Media reports say at least 10 people were killed when a bus transporting college students bound for a research trip hit a roadside post in Tanay. Around 50 people were on board the bus. PHOTO: ROLEX DELA PENA/EPA

DEATH ON BIRTHDAY EVE: Russian Ambassador to the United Nations (UN) Vitaly Churkin during a UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Ukraine, at the UN headquarters in New York City, New York, USA in April 2014. Mr Churkin died at the age of 64 in New York, USA, according to a statement released by the Russian Foreign Ministry yesterday. He died just a day before his 65th birthday, the ministry said. PHOTO: JASON SZENES/EPA CONDEMNED TO DIE:

Relatives of victims killed in a riot following a football match in Port Said in February 2012, react outside the courthouse in Cairo, Egypt, yesterday after the Egyptian Court of Cassation confirmed the death sentences of 10 defendants for their part murder-related charges in the 01 February 2012 riots. 74 people died after clashes between fans of Port Said’s al-Masry team and visiting Cairo team al-Ahly. The sentences came at the end of a retrial after the country’s top appeals court overturned a 2013 verdict in which 21 defendants were condemned to death. PHOTO: KHALED ELFIQI/EPA


Hundreds of people dance and sing to the rhythm of the marimba in Guatemala City, Guatemala, yesterday, to commemorate two years of its declaration as Cultural Heritage of the Americas. On the occasion of this event, the capital of Guatemala celebrated this day a tribute to the musical instrument. PHOTO: ESTEBAN BIBA/EPA


An injured woman holds injured children at a hospital, after alleged airstrikes by forces loyal to the Syrian government hit areas inhabited by civilians in Barzeh, near Damascus, yesterday. According to local witnesses, the airstrikes on the neighborhoods of Barzeh, al-Qabun, and Tishreen near Damascus had started three days earlier and resulted in the death of at least seven people and injury of some 33 others. PHOTO: SARIEH ABU ZAID/EPA

xnews | TUESday, FEBRUARY 21, 2017 | www.x254.co



Konza Authority to link Kenyan innovators to global tech sector

The Konza Technopolis Development Authority (KoTDA) is rolling out an initiative aimed at exposing Kenyan innovators and start-ups to the world’s best technological firms and investors. This is through a three-month Enterprise Innovation Challenge that seeks to harness the innovative space for “techies” and start-ups to commercialise their ideas. Konza Technopolis is a Vision 2030 project whose objective is to position Kenya as a knowledge-based economy and a preferred Science, Technology and Innovation destination. KoTDA Chief Executive Officer Eng. John Tanui says the challenge is part of an initiative to build a thriving innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem. To roll out the challenge, the Konza Technopolis Development Authority has partnered with Intellecap through its Sankalp Africa Summit with the aim of targeting innovations that already have a proof of concept and are ready to commercialise. “The softer elements of building a knowledge-based economy and innovation is yet to be fully exploited; this challenge is the beginning of our initiatives that will result in building a vibrant innovation pipeline,” he noted. The drive, dubbed ‘Konza Innovation Challenge’, targets applicants from learning institutions, startups and enterprises in Kenya in three clusters namely Information Communication Technology and Information Technology Enabled Services (ICT/

Panelists speak at the 2016 edition of the Sankalp Africa Summit. ITES), Engineering and Life Sciences. “Competitions are an important avenue for building thriving innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem that will result in job creation and new enterprises. It also provides a platform to showcase unique ideas and stimulate the innovation ecosystem that Konza is keen to build,” said the KoTDA CEO. Successful innovators will benefit

from an advisory boot camp as well being linked to accelerator programs exposing them to the working environment of partner smart cities, science parks and areas of innovation as well as innovation hubs. Among them is Tel Aviv Global of KoTDA who have an MOU and the International Association of Science Parks and areas of innovation which KoTDA recently

KBL to train 10,000 bartenders as hospitality industry scouts for high standard professionals Kenya Breweries Limited (KBL) has launched a capability training programme dubbed The Diageo Master Bar Academy (MBA) in order to impart bartenders with competitive industry skills. The drive aims to sharpen the bartending skills of over 10,000 Bartenders in the country. The training will begin this week at no-cost to participants. KBL’s move comes at a time when Kenya is transforming into the region’s preferred destination for business and leisure, with hotel owners increasingly scouting for bartenders with ingrained professionalism and efficiency in delivering quality service. Speaking at the launch, Commercial Planning Manager, Sarah Wanasakaami said: “The core aim of MBA is to raise the bar, behind the bar. Customers are increasingly demanding of unique services and products. This can be achieved if we help Bartenders to upscale their skills behind the bar. This academy is therefore bringing practical knowledge to Kenyan bartenders, who want to better themselves in their careers, inspiring them to take their jobs as bartenders as valid career options.” “It’s great that we’re giving back to the communities that we work in and watching Bartenders develop their careers here in Kenya,” Ms Wanasakaami added. To date, the Master Bartender programme has trained

over 37,000 bartenders in Kenya. Each bartender is enrolled in a three-month syllabus consisting of three modules. In the first module (MBA 101), bartenders are required to attend a one day training workshop where they learn about customer service, the art of bartending, tools of the trade, bartender secrets, drink categories, spirit production, brand knowledge, perfect serves, counterfeit spotting, up selling and importantly responsible serving. Once bartenders leave the training, they progress to a self-learning module (MBA 202), which is accessed via their mobile phones. This consists of 8 modules, each module contains 10 questions. The top 25 highest scoring bartenders who complete all 8 modules will be invited to attend a one day cocktail master class (MBA 303). At MBA 303, the bartenders are immersed in creative cocktail skills and are thereafter, tested. The top 5 winners of the MBA 303 in the different regions in Kenya will win $1000 (over Sh100,000) and will get an opportunity to participate in the Kenyan Chapter of the World Class Competition - a Diageo Global platform that significantly raises Bartenders’ profiles globally by helping develop the cocktail craft. @Dennis_x254

became an affiliate member. Eng. Tanui says by carrying out an enterprise innovation challenge, KoTDA seeks to support the innovations that are ripe in Kenya. KoTDA officials say the Authority has made progress with the development of infrastructure, setting the pace for Kenya’s private sector to take up space at the Technopolis. @kevin_x254

MEAN 103.6222 128.7292 110.1439 7.9240 34.5969 21.5591

BUY SELL 103.5222 103.7222 128.5917 128.8667 110.0211 110.2667 7.9118 7.9362 34.5153 34.6785 21.4901 21.6282

Netherlands-based organization calls on local NGOs to apply for Sh9 million grant The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN NL) has called on non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Kenya, and its other partner states to apply for grants worth up to Sh9.3 million. The Netherlands-based organisation is currently accepting applications for its Small Grants for the Purchase of Nature (SPN) with an aim to enable strong local conservation NGOs to secure, connect and efficiently protect habitat of Red List species. The maximum financial assistance provided by SPN is 85,000 Euros (Sh9.3 million). The group has said it will support projects related to land acquisition (through purchase or lease) to secure areas hosting species. The organization will support NGOs working on the securing, restoring and connecting habitat of primates. The group will also offer support to groups looking to acquire areas with a high biodiversity value. IUCN will offer funding to NGOs that are looking to acquire ecosystems underrepresented in the public protected areas system. “Proposals can be submitted by local NGOs with a proven capacity to implement land acquisition projects; experience and capacity concerning the effective management of a conservation area and experience and capacity in the field of project management, financial management and control,” the group said in a recent statement. @Dennis_x254

Kenya commended for insuring farmers against effects of climate change Kenya has been ranked the best country in Sub-Saharan African with regard to the manner in which it is protecting smallholder farmers from the detrimental effects of climate change. “Kenya is ahead of other countries in terms of insuring smallholder farmers from the whims of climate change,” said Director General of African Risk Capacity (ARC) Mohamed Beavogui, urging other states across the continent to follow suit. Beavogui said the country has taken the largest high-level insurance policy as it has insured farmers in Arid and Semi-Arid (ASAL) regions during the two seasons of the year. In 2016, the government partnered with leading insurance firms from across the country and unveiled plans to issue smallholder farmers with subsidized insurance covers if their yields fall by more than 20 per cent. According to Beavogui, when the agriculture sector is covered, it guarantees food security and brings more people into farming

brackets. Yesterday, the government said it will in the next one week, disburse an insurance payout worth over Sh215 million to farmers in ASAL regions to help them prevent further livestock losses. Agriculture Cabinet Secretary, Willy Bett says livestock insurance can provide an incredibly valuable safety net by limiting droughtrelated losses through early compensation. It also allows pastoralists to protect their assets before they start to die in large numbers. “For agriculture in general, insurance is recognized across the globe as an essential hedge against the risks inherent to all forms of farming,” said CS Bett. ARC is a specialized United Nations agency, a risk management and resilience platform formed to help its Member States improve their capacities to better plan, prepare and respond to extreme weather events and natural disasters, therefore protecting the food security of their vulnerable populations. @enock_x254



State to disburse Sh215m to 12,000 herders facing drought TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2017

The government will use Sh215 million to pay over 12,000 herders, helping them buy feed for their animals as the ongoing drought crisis persists. Agriculture Cabinet Secretary, Willy Bett says the amount is meant to help pastoralists and the government prevent further animal deaths in areas that have experienced the worst drought in recent history. “To avert future losses, nearly Sh215 million in insurance payout across the six counties will be made by the end of February 2017 through the Kenya Livestock Insurance Programme (KLIP),” said CS Bett. However, the CS said that only five cows per household or 10 goats per pastoral household would be insured under the program. He said the payments are pegged to measurements of forage conditions made via satellite for each area and will range from as low as Sh1,450 per pastoral household in areas that have suffered modest losses to as much as Sh29,400 per pastoral household in areas where drought is particularly severe. “This is the biggest livestock insurance payout ever made under Kenya’s agricultural risk management program and the most important as well, because without their livestock, pastoralist communities would be devastated,” said Bett. Speaking to journalists today morning, the CS assured that the vulnerable herders will receive their cash as soon as possible through mobile money services such as M-pesa, cheques as well as their respective Bank accounts. “We are going to make this payments as fast as we can so that farmers can buy feeds for their animals that are facing starvation,” Bett told a news conference.

State spends Ksh7bn to create employable workforce

Ministry of Agriculture,Livestock and Fisheries Cabinet Secretary, Willy Bett with APA Insurance CEO, Ashok Shah during the announcement of partnership to make record insurance payouts to livestock herders facing drought at Kilimo House yesterday. Photo:Gitobu Edwin/Xnews Data from the Ministry shows that the government lost $12.1 billion (Sh1.3 trillion) between 2008 and 2011 to livestock related damages and that is what the government is trying to protect at this time.

The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics office shows that over 90 per cent of the meat consumed and 40 per cent of the entire livestock economy in Kenya and Ethiopia is generated by pastoral communities.

The value of exports of livestock products from the Horn of Africa now exceeds $1 billion (Sh103.6 billion) annually, with most of these exports sourced from pastoralists. @enock_x254

The government has spent over Ksh7 billion in the expansion of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions over the last four years in a bid to create an employable workforce. The Miinistry of Education says the planned roll out of Kenya’s new education system will drive economic growth and create employment for thousands of youth. Vision 2030 Delivery Secretariat Director General, Dr. Julius Muia has said the reforms will transform Kenya into an upper middle-income, industrialized nation In a statement released yesterday, Dr. Muia pointed out that the ongoing roll out of digital learning devices to primary school pupils and focused attention on vocational training institutions, that includes significant budgetary support among others, will reduce the number of unemployed youth by giving them a source of livelihood and boost industrialization. The Ministry says the government has resolved to do away with the theoryheavy 8-4-4 system in favour of a practical-oriented 2-6-3-3-3 from May this year. “This is aimed at equipping learners with competent skills that are necessary to meet the human resource needs of our nation as spelt out in the Vision 2030 blueprint,” Dr Muia said. “We foresee a future where more youth are armed with diverse business skills and valuable hands-on experience that is uniquely innovative to enable them tackle the most pressing daily challenges at personal, community and national level,” he added. @Dennis_x254

Savannah Cement donates Sh2 million to drought relief support

First Lady Margaret Kenyatta receives a Sh2 million cheque from Savannah Cement towards Kenya Red Cross’s drought relief efforts.

Local manufacturer, Savannah Cement Limited has extended a Sh2 million corporate donation in aid of the ongoing drought relief efforts days after President Uhuru Kenyatta called for local corporate and individual support. Speaking when he presented the firm’s donation to First Lady Margaret Kenyatta at State House Nairobi, Savannah Cement Managing Director, Mr. Ronald Ndegwa said the contribution comprised funds earlier earmarked for the First Lady’s Half Marathon. The firm, Ndegwa said, had earlier budgeted to extend a Sh1 million donation in support of the First Lady’s Half Marathon which was cancelled and on hearing the President’s appeal, decided to double the amount in view of the prevailing drought situation. The donation, presented to Margaret Kenyatta for onward transfer to the Kenya Red Cross Society, Mr. Ndegwa said, will complement the government’s efforts in

mitigating the effects of drought. “At Savannah Cement, we have swiftly moved to secure this Sh2 million donation as part of our humble contribution to the ongoing drought mitigation efforts,” Ndegwa said. “As an organization, we have taken the first step to complement ongoing Government efforts and we call on other Corporates and Kenyans of goodwill to selflessly support the ongoing drought relief efforts.” The Government recently declared the current drought affecting 23 arid and semi-arid counties and pockets of other areas a national disaster with President Kenyatta calling on various stakeholders to support the government by upscaling drought mitigation programmes. The National Drought Management Authority and the Kenya Red Cross Society estimate that there are more than 2.6 million Kenyans facing starvation and in need of urgent food and related relief.

The Kenya Red Cross Society has classified 11 counties in the Alert phase of drought warning. More than 12 other counties are classified to be in Alarm Phase, and the situation is worsening with an expectation that some of these counties could slide into the Emergency Phase if there are no immediate interventions. The government had allocated Sh5.4 billion in the first stage of drought mitigation interventions the period covered November 2016-January 2017. An additional Sh11.6 billion is required for the second phase, which covers the period February 2017 –April 2017 Sh7.1 billion for Phase Three between AprilAugust 2017. Already, the National Treasury has released the first tranche of Sh7.3 billion while the county governments have provided Sh2 billion towards the program. @enock_x254

Youth more likely to seek loans from banks than from relatives Kenya’s youth are more likely to seek loans from commercial banks than from their relatives, a new survey has revealed. A new report by research group, GeoPoll has found that the most popular sources of loans among millennials for their side hustles are commercial banks, relatives, microfinance, mobile money and Savings Cooperatives (Saccos) in that order. Out of those who indicated that they have side hustles, the main sources of their capital is in form of loans from banks, relatives, mobile money and micro-finances in that order. “Despite their more friendly repayment terms, Saccos are the least popular among the youth and rank lower than mobile money loans, micro-finance loans or even bank loans,” GeoPolls researchers said. The GeoPoll Rapid survey was conducted in February 2017 among 1,762 young Africans in Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria and Tanzania using the GeoPoll App. Despite the known high interest rates charged by most commercial banks, young millennials in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) still prefer borrowing from commercial banks (30 per cent) then relatives (23 per cent) before looking at other available options. “This can be explained by the renewed focus and targeted marketing at millennials by most commercial banks in SSA. A good number of local and multinational banks have rebranded to have a more youthful look and feel with many introducing mobile banking, customized products and services targeted at millennials. Unfortunately, the same has not happened with many Savings co-operatives which are still viewed as old, boring, traditional, strict entities run by an older generation



Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda unveil joint tourism portal to boost traveller numbers

Pedestrians walk in front of a Co-operative Bank branch in downtown Nairobi, Kenya, December 12, 2016. EPA/DANIEL IRUNGU that does not ‘get’ the youth,” said the researchers. These developments come at a time when the banking community is showing renewed interest in Kenya’s young population. The Kenya Bankers Association (KBA), for instance, launched a drive to fund 1,700 Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). “Banks, through KBA are making strides in tailoring their loan products

to grow this market segment despite the recent enactment of interest rate capping law,” said Andrew Githaiga, a representative of KBA during a business growth programme forum organised by Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) in Nairobi earlier this month. From the survey, the trend of side hustles is fairly new among young millennials with a majority still in school and a few probably in their first job. Over 73 per cent indicated that

they have run the side hustle for less than 2 years. The earnings for many who engage in side hustles is below $200 (over Sh20,000) per month with over 30 per cent of the extra income going towards savings while 25 per cent goes towards school fees and a further 20 per cent going towards utility bills. @Dennis_x254

Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda have launched an online portal in a bid to jointly market the region’s tourism products. The three East African countries can now advertise tourism products online to source markets across the world via a shared web page. The site will be a one-stop-shop for information on tourist products, destinations and experiences with the aim of enhancing access to information. The initiative will be a platform for travel and tourism players from the three countries to place their travel packages and provide a new channel to reach out to regional and international markets. Kenya Tourism Board CEO, Betty Radier said the launch of the portal (eadp2.hexakomb.com) comes at a time when East African countries are jointly working towards marketing the region as a single destination. Speaking during the launch of the initiative in Kampala last weekend, the she explained that international holidaymakers will be able to choose from a variety of tourism products spread across the region thanks to improved road and air connectivity between the countries. The portal was launched on the sidelines of a Ugandan travel show, Pearl of Africa Tourism Expo, which began on Friday and ended on Monday, February 20,2017. “The launch of the portal comes in stride with the East Africa striving to work together for the betterment of her people. Our economies are growing stronger and travel has been made easier due to the great improvements in our infrastructure,” said Radier. @Dennis_x254

Ten firms to compete for 30-year Nairobi-Rift Valley road project Ten companies have expressed interest in building a major road project that will run from Nairobi into the Rift Valley region, the Public Private Partnership Unit (PPPU) has said. PPPU officials have said the selected firm will win the right to manage the project for 30 years. The announcement comes at a time when Kenya is seeking more private investment to maintain the pace of spending on highways, railways and other vital assets while reducing the budget deficit. In 2016 Kenya had the highest number of infrastructure deals in East Africa last year on the back of mega real estate projects and the standard gauge railway, according to a report by financial consultancy firm, Deloitte. An analysis dubbed the ‘Africa Construction Trends Report’ found that at the time, Kenya had 20 reported

infrastructure deals, followed by Ethiopia which had 12 projects but Deloitte did not give a breakdown on the value of projects per country. The survey looked at reported infrastructure deals worth at least Sh5 billion ($50 million) that had broken ground by the start of June 2015. Today, Ethiopia’s investment in roads, railway, industrial zones and power plants is the highest in Africa relative to GDP, well ahead of Kenya. The latest Deloitte analysis shows that spending on infrastructure projects by Addis Ababa stands at 39 per cent of the total economic output, or gross domestic product (GDP). This is above what is seen as the global ideal level of 30 per cent, Deloitte says. Kenya’s public and private spending on infrastructure is 21.5 per cent of GDP, which is the same rate as the average for sub-Saharan Africa.

The Public Private Partnership Unit is established under Section 8 of the Public Private Partnership (PPP) Act, 2013 as a Special Purpose Unit within the National Treasury of the Government of Kenya (GOK). The PPP Unit’s focus is to serve as the secretariat and technical arm of the PPP Committee, which is mandated

with assessing and approving PPP projects in the country. In this context, the government has made infrastructure development through Public Private Partnerships a priority as a mechanism that can help it address the major infrastructure gaps in the country. The Unit has been committed to

improving and strengthening the environment for private sector participation in the country. Under the PPP Act 2013, the Unit is mandated to articulate the PPP policy so that its objectives and mechanisms are understood by Contracting Authorities and State agencies, funders, contractors, the press and the general public. “The Government of Kenya is confident that through the PPP modality, the private sector can offer a dynamic and efficient way to deliver and manage public infrastructure. These efforts are geered towards achieving Vision 2030, Kenya’s long-term development strategy, so that future generations can gain from the benefits of modern services, improved living standards and reduced poverty,” the PPPU said in a statement. @Dennis_x254




Sorrow as heart-rending cancer T patient Abdiaziz Aden succumbs to illness


he story of Abdiaziz Aden deeply touched the

old cancer patient was a

face of an uncertain future. It has been reported that Abdiaziz Aden died on Monday February 20, 2017. Abdiaziz did not only resonate within us because of his ailment but due to his incredibly

(Osteogenic sarcoma) that would ravage his body. His story eventually reached the press and so begun the second part of his journey. Doctors had been stumped by the case and he eventually

his leg and receiving a cancer diagnosis Abdiaziz Aden and his family had hit a wall. In September 2012 the cancer victim injured

to receive treatment. He was only met with sad news when he arrived in the country. His cancer had become so advanced that it was inoperable. Any medical intervention would have put his life in even more jeopardy. Abdiaziz posted an emotional plea online to

matatu. Complications are said to have arisen which led to the amputation—he had two led to the advancement of his bone cancer

The Kenya Copyright Board has declined to renew the Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MCSK) licence for the year 2017 after it failed to submit a latest audited financial statement for the year ending June 2016 and a full list of its members indicating how much each member received in royalties. In a Public Notice through a local daily, the Kenya Copyright Board has thus announced that the Music Copyright Society of Kenya is henceforth not allowed to act as a CMO until its application for a licence is reviewed after it submits the required documents.


MCSK fails to get licence renewal from Copyright Board


Citizen TV set to adopt Jeff Koinange

After cutting ties with KTN, award-winning TV journalist and host Jeff Koinange is set to return to your screens. A clip that showed graphics of Jeff Koinange’s signature bench, smoke and a fire extinguisher has been shared widely on social media mainly by journalists from Royal Media services hinting that the much-anticipated return of Jeff Koinange may be happening soon, and on Citizen TV which is currently ranked as the most viewed TV channel in the country. Jeff’s move to Citizen TV could just mean higher ratings for the station.

other contributors came through and rounded up enough money for his travel provisions. On Monday September 5, 2016 he was on his way with his father to Saudi Arabia to make his holy pilgrimage. forgiveness from the people who he had wronged in his time on earth and forgiving those who had wronged him, seemingly

reportedly organizing cancer awareness He is said to have passed away surrounded by family and friends. He will be buried at the Langata Muslim Cemetery.

Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa throw super bash for their son

Amber and Wiz certainly got into the birthday superhero spirit as they rocked Batgirl and Batman costumes, respectively. Amber, 33, showed off her curvaceous figure in the clinging retrostyled superhero costume which featured a yellow utility belt with matching gloves. Their only son looked adorable in a Catboy get-up from Disney Channel show PJ Masks which was custommade. The duo is however divorced but there have been rumours that they could be seeing each other behind the divorce.







Dear Dr X,

Waweru Gichuhi’s explosion of colour and emotion


rtist Waweru Gichuhi’s work jumps out at you with just how vivid it is. Working from the Brush Tu Art studio located in Buruburu, the maestro with a canvas takes long, bold strokes that are evocative in their pursuit. It is not just in the method but the fusion of the colours that combine to form something completely breathtaking. Using palette knives he creates his paintings with a characteristic edge that is not seen quite often in the local art scene. He gives life to his artworks with a simple yet powerful method. According to Brush Tu Art studio the visual artist is mainly self-taught and is inspired by his life, places he visits and by people he interacts with, this becomes apparent as most of his subjects tend to be people and leaning on a situational point of view. Brush Tu adds, his work is an exploration of the human form and condition and is currently focused on figurative work. His art tends to carry with it a feeling. Not so much something tangible or distinct but hazy and nostalgic. Faint but stirring, the selection of human form, particularly rouses a number of emotions. Here is an assortment of some of his best work.

Two months ago I was going to help myself in the washroom when I suddenly felt a short, sharp pain and this pressure as I was doing my business. UTIs are nothing new to me and I’ve been getting them occasionally since I was a teenager. After taking medication the immediate discomfort went way but something still does not feel right. I noticed every time after I get intimate with my boyfriend I start to feel some inflammation. I asked him about it but he doesn’t seem to think much about it. What I don’t understand is we’ve been together for a while and this new sensation just started recently. There is nowhere else I could have got this disease from if not him. It’s making me wonder where he got it from.


Dear Debra,

The first thing you should do is head to the doctor. An uncontrolled STD could potentially change your entire reproductive future. Go get the problem checked out and if it is in fact an STD then you’ll have to confront your partner about it. STDs do not just materialise out of the blue, they are transmitted through sexual contact. You know what, do your part and do what you need to do. If you stick around it’ll will just come back to haunt you in more ways than one. Nip it in the bud because clearly he doesn’t care enough himself and he might be cheating on you. That’s all that is apparent.

-Dr X


all women tell the men in their lives depend on to get out of something or to avoid a need them sometime.

‘I’m not mad’

Be sure that she is in fact angry and is just bidding her time waiting for the right moment to strike. Women usually say this because they want you to try harder than just asking, “are you ok?” because that would be way too easy on you. Unfortunately you have to work hard to win her over and rightly so because things are already too easy for men in this world.

‘I’m on my period’

told by women everywhere. Periods typically come by once a month and if more men knew this, they would get to the bottom of things much sooner. Maybe she really just isn’t in the mood and doesn’t want you to take it personally, maybe she just can’t stand you anymore. Either way you are not getting what you want.

‘Sorry I was busy’

Taking a couple of hours to answer your text is understandable but waiting a day then saying she was busy is a lie. She just did not want to talk to you. It doesn’t take more than a minute to reply

to a message and so this excuse should be a clear enough sign that she’s not into you the way you think she is.

‘I don’t really care about money’

Trust and believe everybody cares about money money. Which is not to say that she is some don’t need to have a lot of it but you do need to be wise about it.

‘I love watching football (or whichever sport it might be)’

Finding a women who wholeheartedly loves sports is a rare thing. Not many do and that’s why this is usually a lie. She’ll probably just go along with it to make you happy but don’t abuse the privilege. Watch the things she likes too with her sometimes juts to make sure both of you are equally occasionally miserable.

‘It’ll only take 10 minutes’

Whatever it is; a favor, getting ready, taking a shower, buying something, it never takes 10 minutes. You’ll be stuck somewhere wising you had known the truth as the clock ticks away. Plan ahead gentlemen, also get used to it.



Send your agonising queries to christine@x254.co

aking a couple of hours to answer your text is understandable but waiting a day then saying she was busy is a lie. She just did not want to talk to you.





WoenILGA by Design


oenILGA is a Benin-based fashion line that sells its fashion wares through e-commerce website, Etsy. The line is a little different from your regular garment store, “All outfits are made in a modern style with a historical touch to get elegant; while remaining in your style!” Wax prints are mixed and matched with modern, synthetic fabrics to give a real contemporary twist to tried and true looks. Here are some of the pieces you can hook yourself up with.


Oumie Set.

Aliah Dress.

Roni Jumpsuit.

Sleeveless Oumie Set. Kerry Dress.


BEST Our rating: ★ ★ ★


Mr. Campbell (Charlie Day) is a mild-mannered teacher trying to keep his head low and his job safe through a series of layoffs during the last day of school. By contrast, Mr. Strickland (Ice Cube) is a nononsense hard-ass who will stop at nothing to ensure that his students receive a proper (albeit terrifying) education. When Strickland goes too far during one of his classes, Set shortly after the events of the first film, and also based on a novel by E.L. James, ‘Fifty Shades Darker’ catches up with Anastasia (Johnson) as she has freed herself from Christian’s obsessive grip, and is trying to begin an editing gig with a publishing company. She can’t elude Mr. Grey forever, though, and soon the two are talking. Then dining together. Then testing the waters of a semi-repaired relationship. Then Christian’s tying Ana up with scarves and fastening her legs into something dubbed the Spreader.

GENRE: Comedy RATING: R CAST: Ice Cube, Charlie Day, Tracy Morgan RUNTIME: 91 minutes Campbell reports his colleague to the principal (Dean Norris), which causes an enraged Strickland to challenge him to a fist fight after school. What follows is a race against time as Campbell, the school’s horny guidance counselor (Jillian Bell), and clueless gym teacher (Tracy Morgan) attempt to find a way out of the fight before the final bell of the day rings. GENRE: Romance, Drama RATING: R CAST: Dakota Johnson, Jamie Dornan, Eric Johnson, Eloise Mumford RUNTIME: 118 minutes Our rating: ★ ★ ★

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by Standard Media Group, Mombasa Road.


Another Kenyan player joins Chinese club TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2017

Harambee Stars winger Ayub Timbe has become the second Kenyan footballer after striker Michael Olunga to move to China after joining Second Division club Beijing Renhe for an undisclosed fee. The announcement was made by his immediate former club Lierse SK on Monday evening, saying though they felt the timing of the transfer was not 100 percent okay, they could not turn down the lucrative offer from Renhe. The winger permanently joined the Belgian club in July last year after a loan spell from Racing Genk. “Lierse is aware that the timing for an outgoing transfer is not ideal, but the offer from the Chinese club meant a serious added value and is also important for the financial stability of the club. It is also a great opportunity for the player that the club does not want to deprive him,” the club said in a statement posted on the official website. It added; “Lierse would finally like to stress that this transfer will not detract the sporting ambitions of the club, where the focus is still on the race for possible promotion to Division 1A.” The Chinese transfer window closes on January 28 with the new season expected to kick off on March 11. Masika’s first match with the club will be against Shanghai Shenxin. Beijing Renhe was relegated from the

They won the FA Cup in 2013 while in 2014, they were crowned winners of the Super Cup. Elsewhere, former Gor Mahia midfielder Khalid Aucho is set to join Serbian side Red Star Belgrade on a six month renewable contract after being dropped by South African side Baroka. Aucho who also played for Tusker FC left Gor for Baroka in June last year, but he was considered surplus to requirement by the South Africans who released him while he was on national duty with the Uganda Cranes at the African Cup of Nations. Uganda Cranes head coach Milutin Sredojevic who hails from Serbia was elated with the news of the midfielder joining one of his boyhood clubs. He tweeted; “Coming to coach in Africa I had a dream to have a player for my childhood team RED STAR BELGRADE. My dream became reality through AUCHO KHALID.” MORE ON THIS STORY www.capitalfm.co.ke

Chinese Super League in 2015 and they finished fourth in last season’s second tier league, missing promotion

back to the top. They finished behind Tianjin Quanjian and Olunga’s new club Guizhou Hengfeng who finished

first and second. Their best performance was in 2003 when they won the top tier league.

Harambee Stars winger Ayud Timbe in action for Kenya against Zambia during a past Caf clash at the Nyayo National Stadium in Nairobi. Timbe has moved from Belgium to China. PHOTO: CAPITAL FM



Barca’s Neymar to stand trial Barcelona player Neymar and his club will stand trial on corruption charges over his transfer from Brazilian team Santos, after losing a final appeal. The case relates to a complaint from Brazilian investment group DIS, which owned 40% of Neymar’s transfer rights. It claims it received less money than it was entitled to when Neymar joined Barca from Santos for £49m in 2013. Santos, Neymar’s mother and a company run by the 25-year-old footballer’s parents will also face charges. “Santos FC, Barcelona FC, Neymar, his mother Nadine Goncalves and N&N, the family company, have lost their appeals to have charges of fraud and corruption dropped,” the Spanish High Court said in a statement. They cannot appeal against the court’s decision. Prosecutors are seeking a two-year prison sentence and a fine of nearly £8m for Neymar. However, even if the Brazil international were found guilty he would be unlikely to go to jail. Under the Spanish legal system, prison terms of under two years are typically suspended. Prosecutors are also seeking a fine of about £7.2m for Barcelona and £5.6m for Santos. Barca thought they had brought the affair to a close when a judge archived the case

Barcelona’s Brazilian forward Neymar Jnr.


in June, but Spain’s public prosecutor successfully overturned the ruling in September, allowing the case to proceed. Neymar’s Barcelona team-mate Lionel Messi

was sentenced to 21 months in prison for tax fraud in July of last year. He has appealed against the sentence.

Embu Stadium eagerly awaits KPL inspection

Embu Municipal Stadium will have to wait a little longer to know whether they will host top flight matches. A team of Kenyan Premier League (KPL) officials are expected to inspect the facility in two weeks’ time to decide whether they pass the required standards to host KPL matches. The county is anxiously waiting to be given the green light especially now that the KPL/Football Kenya Federation stalemate that has delayed the start of the 2017 is almost coming to an end. Should the stadium which has been shut for two years be opened, it will come as a huge relief for most KPL clubs which have been affected by the closure of the two main stadiums Kasarani and Nyayo currently undergoing renovations in preparations towards the IAAF World U18 Championships in July. The County Director of Sports, Patrick Njagi disclosed that they have received several offers from Nairobi based clubs who are seeking alternative venues ahead of the new season’s kick off. “The offers are ticking in each day. We just hope we get the pass to open the facility,” Njagi said. Recently, domestic giants AFC Leopards played against an Embu All Star team at the stadium in a friendly tie as County officials attempted to woo the multiple league winners to consider the facility as an alternative home ground. Ingwe have since moved to Machakos County’s Kenyatta stadium ahead of the new season. Embu County believes the standoff between KPL and FKF was a blessing in disguise as it will allow time for inspections to be done. “Had the league kicked off two weeks ago, then our plans of hosting league matches here will have been thwarted? Now we have to close our finger and wait,” he said. The teams that have been affected by the renovations include, Tusker FC, Mathare United, Posta Rangers and AFC Leopards. New comers Kariobangi Sharks are likely to join that category.


Walcott nets 100th as Arsenal beat Sutton


Arsenal avoided an FA Cup giantkilling and spared manager Arsene Wenger further pressure with a hardfought fifth-round victory over nonleague Sutton United at Gander Green Lane. Wenger made seven changes from the side thrashed 5-1 at Bayern Munich in the first leg of their Champions League last-16 tie - and his players had enough to see off a team 105 places below them on English football’s ladder. Lucas Perez’s cross-shot gave Arsenal the lead after 26 minutes and Theo Walcott doubled the advantage from close range 10 minutes after the break with his 100th goal for the club. Victory set up a home quarter-final with another National League side, Lincoln City, who beat Burnley on Saturday. Sutton had their moments, particularly when Adam May wasted a first-half chance from keeper David Ospina’s poor clearance, and Roarie Deacon’s fierce 25-yard drive struck the bar in the second half. The result may have gone against them but the hosts emerged from this tie, and this FA Cup run, with huge credit. “The support we’ve had has been amazing. Everyone here is a volunteer, remember that. We’re not a League Two club in non-league, we’re a traditional non-league club,” said manager Paul

Arsenal captain of the night Theo Walcott celebrates after scoring the 2-0 goal during their FA Cup fifth round match against Sutton United at the Gander Green Garden last night. PHOTO: COURTESY

Doswell. Their opponents were however on a hiding to nothing after a turbulent week in the wake of their Champions League mauling in Munich, which leaves them

on the brink of elimination in the last 16 once more. And they walked out of Gander Green Lane with speculation mounting over the future of Wenger and familiar


questions being asked about Arsenal’s stomach for the fight when the season reaches its pressure points. Their performance was uncertain and hardly designed to banish the criticism,

although allowances must be made for a tricky artificial surface that was heavily saturated before kick-off and again at half-time. It was simply a question of getting the job done and avoiding embarrassment. There was never going to be any credit in this for Arsenal. And on that basis this can be judged a satisfactory night. Wenger’s troubles were illustrated by the swarm of photographers that surrounded his dugout when he made his entrance - usually the sign of a manager under scrutiny. The Frenchman, like his players, just needed to get out of Gander Green Lane unscathed and not fall victim to any further humiliation after the harrowing encounter in Munich’s Allianz Arena. “We did the job. It is very different on this kind of pitch. It was not an easy game at all. We have to give them credit because every error we made they took advantage of. They played very well,” Wenger said. This was not a sparkling Arsenal show but they now have what looks like an inviting path to Wembley. Lincoln may have ousted Burnley, but it takes a huge leap of the imagination to see them denying Arsenal and Wenger a place in the FA Cup semi-finals. Arsenal still have the chance to add to their tally of 12 FA Cup wins - and Wenger to his total of six.



P 14

Barca have no ‘plan B’ to boss Enrique

Barcelona have “no plan B” to Luis Enrique, whose future as manager will be decided in April, the Spanish champions’ president says. Enrique’s contract expires at the end of this season, and some fans booed him during Sunday’s 2-1 win over Leganes. “The priority is still for Luis Enrique to continue,” Josep Maria Bartomeu told Catalan broadcaster TV3. “In the last few years, he has won almost all competitions. The Barca supporters are very happy with him.” Former Barca and Spain midfielder Enrique, 46, was appointed in 2014. He won the Champions League, La Liga and Copa del Rey in his first season in charge, adding a domestic double last term. But this season has been more difficult. On Tuesday, Barca were beaten 4-0 in the first leg of their Champions League last-16 tie with Paris St-Germain. Sunday’s win over Leganes, secured with a 90thm i n u t e Lionel Messi penalty, ensures they remain a point behind La Liga leaders Real Madrid. “We will speak to Luis in April to see how he feels. There is no plan B,” Bartomeu added. “He is doing an extraordinary job and now we enter the most important stage of the season.” Madrid, who have not won the league since 2012, beat Espanyol 2-0 on Saturday. They have two games in hand on Barca - the first of which comes on Wednesday at 17:45 GMT, away to Valencia. Barca, who have already set up a Spanish Cup final with Alaves, play the return leg of their tie with PSG at Camp Nou on 8 March.




Walcott nets centurion in win at Sutton United

City tackle lethal Monaco M

anchester City manager Pep Guardiola wants his players to embrace the pressure of their Champions League last16 tie against Monaco - even though he knows the club’s critics will “kill them” if they do not progress. Ex-Barcelona and Bayern Munich boss Guardiola has won the competition twice as a coach, and never failed to reach the semi-finals in seven attempts. “To be here is not easy,” he said. “I want to convince the players to enjoy that moment. It is beautiful.” While Guardiola’s previous two employers have been European champions 10 times between them, City reached their first semi-final last season and have progressed to the knockout round only four times. “People can think Manchester City have to be here but a lot of big clubs are not here,” said the 46-year-old. “We are lucky guys. “Our recent history is quite good but over the long history, Manchester City was not here for a long time. “All of Europe will watch us, to analyse us, to

kill us if we don’t win or say how good we are if we do.” City midfielder Kevin de Bruyne goes into the game having scored five goals in 32 appearances for the club this season. Last term - his debut campaign having joined from Wolfsburg for a club-record £55m in August 2015 - he scored 18 goals in all competitions. The 25-year-old Belgian says he is not interested in the figures because he is “playing better” this season. “It doesn’t bother me at all that I haven’t scored as often,” he said. “Not everyone sees I am playing lower on the pitch. “I know how well I am doing for the team and if we can win a title, I will be very happy.” Manchester City captain Vincent Kompany will feature as he is still recovering after injuring his knee against Crystal Palace in November. Guardiola is expected to decide whether to start Claudio Bravo or Willy Caballero in goal. And with Gabriel Jesus out for up to three months after breaking a bone in his foot, Sergio Aguero is expected to keep his place in attack. The Argentine failed to make an impression as

City were held to a goalless draw at Huddersfield in the FA Cup fifth round on Saturday. However, the Argentine has scored 18 goals this season, including three in the Champions League, and Guardiola has reiterated his importance to his side. “Sergio has enough experience,” he said. Monaco midfielder Gabriel Boschilia is out with the cruciate ligament injury that is set to sideline him for the rest of the season. The French Ligue 1 leaders are the highestscoring team in any of Europe’s main leagues, with 76 goals in 28 games. Striker Radamel Falcao returns to England having scored 19 goals in 25 appearances in all competitions this season. The Colombian, 31, scored four times in 29 appearances for Manchester United during the 2014-15 season, and just once at Chelsea the following campaign. “Monaco are the most successful team in Europe in terms of scoring goals, so this is a tough draw,” said Guardiola. “We are looking forward to playing against them. They are a really good team.”

Published By Xtra Publishing Limited, Chancery Building, Valley Road, Nairobi | Printed at The Standard Group Centre, Mombasa Road, Nairobi. Paul Marshall-CEO, Fred Bunei-Finance Manager, Josiah Musee-Advertising Manager, Peter Obuya-Editor

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