201702015 xnews

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WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2017 | WWW.x254.co








Jailed doctors freed

Lady Justice Wanjiru Karanja

Lady Justice Jamila Mohammed

Lady Justice Hannah Okwengu.

● ●Appeal Court orders immediate release of seven doctors’ union officials who were sent to prison on Monday ● Judges also order resumption of negotiations with a report back in one Story on Page 2 week.

IDPs back in the city over compensation Hundreds of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) are back in the capital city once again to demand for resettlement money promised by the government. The IDPs who camped outside Parliament said President Uhuru Kenyatta announced that Sh6 billion had been disbursed to resettle them. “The President said Sh6 billion had been allocated to resettle integrated IDPs. It has been two years since that money was disbursed but we have not received that

money yet,” one of the representatives explained. The IDPs further expressed fears that Sh4 billion out of the Sh6 billion they were promised was missing. They asked the President to intervene to ensure the Sh6 billion is intact. The families said they would not leave the city until the President ensures that money promised for their resettlement is released. “We have come here three times asking

for our money. But when we come here asking for our money we are always taken in circles, and yesterday we were roughed up because of converging to ask for our money. We will not leave here until the President tells us that we are getting our money,” another IDP demanded. The IDPs were those who moved to live with relatives and friends after the 2007/8 Post Election Violence in Kenya. MORE ON THIS STORY www.capitalfm.co.ke

Former IEBC chief executive James Oswago at the Milimani Law Courts in Nairobi where he was arraigned to face charges in relation to the Chickengate scandal. Mr Oswago and two others were later released on bond.



Reprieve as jailed doctors are freed The seven officials of the doctor’s union who were thrown in jail on Monday got a reprieve today after the court of Appeal ordered that they be released immediately. Lady Justices Wanjiru Karanja, Jamila Mohammed and Hanna Okwengu issued the consent order pending hearing of an appeal by the Kenya Medical Doctors, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU). They directed that the seven officials be unconditionally released to continue negotiations aimed at ending the current doctors strike which has left medical services in crisis across the country. “The appellants shall be released forthwith from prison pending the hearing of the appeal,” Justice Hannah Okwengu said. The developments came even as private hospitals closed down to join the strike in solidarity with their striking colleagues. It followed an order by the Kenya Medical Association that asked its members in private hospitals and universities to down their tools for 48 hours beginning today in solidarity with their seven colleagues jailed on Monday. Back at the Court of Appeal, lawyers argued that the jailing of the union’s officials had stalled negotiations to end the strike. The Council of Governors which sued the doctors for contempt of court that lead to their jailing was enjoined in the case as was the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) and

Lawyers Philip Murgor (left) James Orengo and Mutula Kilonzo at the Court of Appeal today where they successfully appealed for the release of jailed doctors’ union officials.

the Kenya Human National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR). Led by Senior Counsel James Orengo and Mutula Kilonzo, the lawyers put up a solid case for the jailed doctors saying negotiations to end the medics’ strike had hit a snag with their jailing by the Labour Court on Monday. Employment and Labour Relations Court Judge Hellen Wasilwa had sentenced Samuel Oroko, Ouma Oluga,

Daisy Korir, Evelyne Chege, Allan Ochanji, Mwachonda Chibandzi and Titus Ondoro The lawyers said they filed the appeal pro-bono in the interest of Kenyans at heart and not as politicians, as the two are both siting senators. The KMPDU officials have their hands full as they are expected to come up with a return-to-work formula in one week and report the progress made

before the court on February 23. Talks to end the impasse that is now in its 74th day will be spearheaded by LSK and KNCHR and they are expected to come up with the comprehensive report to end the doctors’ work boycott within the week. NASA co-principal Raila Odinga who was present during the ruling welcomed the Judges decision saying the doctors should not have been jailed

in the first place. “It is sad that this should be happening to our doctors and subjecting them to prison was not a solution,” he said. He called for the creation of an independent public health service commission akin to the Teachers Service Commission to mediate on the medics remuneration and working conditions in future. @harrison_x254

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The sour relationship between health Cabinet Secretary Cleopa Mailu and his Principal Secretary Nicholas Muraguri today played out in the open when they both appeared before the senate’s health committee. Dr Muraguri who was summoned to appear before the senators over insubordination after defying an order from his boss to lead the negotiation team over the current doctors’ strike denied the accusation and apologized for the misconception caused. The committee heard yesterday that Muraguri defied an order from the CS to lead negotiation in solving the current doctors’ impasse by sending another memo to Mailu appointing another officer to lead the negotiation. “I apologize for the perception caused that I defied my boss who is the Cabinet Secretary. We discussed with him and agreed that another officer lead the negotiation,” Muraguri said. But the CS immediately disputed the claim saying they never discussed such a thing. “Let it go on record in this committee that we never discussed anything,” Mailu told the senators. Nominated senator Zipporah Kittony told Muraguri that his action was clearly an act of disrespect to the minister. “To me it is clear that ignoring a memo from your boss is a sign of disrespect. What are you apologizing for,” Kittony asked the PS.

The differences between the two has been cited as the major hindrance to ending the doctors strike which entered its 73rd day today. COTU Secretary General who was leading the negotiations between the government and the doctors also pointed out that the deep rooted differences between the two health ministry bosses have been a major hindrance in ending the strike. However, Muraguri denied Atwoli’s assertions saying the entire ministry is concerned and committed in ending the strike. “That cannot be true because it is not in my interest and the ministry to prolong this matter. We are all concerned and every effort is being put in to end the strike,” Muraguri said. Senate health committee chairman senator Wilfred Machage urged the two to resolve their differences before the public gets in and help them. “Clearly there is a problem between the two of you and you better solve it,” Machage

said. “It is only the President who is the appointing authority who is able to bring changes at the ministry,” Machage added. Muraguri downplayed that he has a strained working relationship with the CS saying he is ready and willing to lead the negotiations and end the suffering of Kenyans caused by the strike. “I have a good working relationship with my boss, he is a team leader and besides he is my senior in the profession,” Muraguri said. Mailu informed the committee that the government had appealed the decision to jail KMPDU officials and they are waiting for the court decision. “I consulted the Attorney General and put a lean team, the appeal is being heard and we are waiting for the decision of the court later in the day,” Mailu said. The Court of Appeal already ordered for the jailed doctors to be freed immediately. @sam_x254


Bishops warn of possible post-poll chaos WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2017

Catholic bishops have warned about the possibility of the country sliding into chaos unless certain measures are urgently put in place. The Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops have cited ethnic incitement, fraudulent registration of voters and spread of malice among political supporters as the main concerns that could lead to violent confrontations. They have also mentioned skewed party primaries, possible technological failures during elections and failure by IEBC to adhere to the elections timelines as other potential factors that could plunge the country into post-election violence after the August 8 polls. If not properly checked, the factors may lead to erosion of the political stability and democracy in the country, they warned. Speaking during a breakfast meeting with media practitioners at Hotel Intercontinental Nairobi yesterday, Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops, Ecumenism Chairman Alfred Rotich said the country is already witnessing increased political tension and incite-full statements from politicians, something he said could lead to violent confrontations. “This year depending on how elections process is conducted there is a great potential to plunge our country back to violence and conflict as witnessed in post 2007/08 election skirmishes,” Rotich warned. He lamented that provocative statements from politicians will lead to fierce battles among supporters of different political factions. “It is important to put in place efforts so that the

Bishop Alfred Rotich during a past press conference at the Office of the President along Harambee Avenue in nairobi. Bishops have warned of a possible slide into chaos if ceretain factors are not corrected in time.

past gains in regards to political stabilisation and democratisation is not eroded,” he cautioned. The clergyman said it is unfortunate that Kenyans have forgotten what dogged the country in the

run-up to the 2007 elections and its aftermath. As church leaders, he said they have taken the lead in ensuring there will be peaceful elections by cautioning clerics to avoid the inducement

Valentines Day: Inmates celebrate

and being partisan. He said bishops and priests have been told not to use the church services to campaign for their preferred candidates or allowing politicians to use the church podiums to campaign or make donations. “Bishops and priests have been advised not to campaign for any candidate or party. We are alert that there may be one or two priests who have engaged in political issues. We will train our priests,” he said. He asked politicians who are members of parishes should make their donations to the development committee ‘silently’. “The church should not be used for campaigns. Politicians of whichever rank in society should not be allowed to campaign in church,” he said. On his part, the Chairman of Kenya Editors Guild Linus Kaikai criticised churches for accepting and playing host to politicians. “Churches have become very well organised political rallies, we get invites in the newsrooms that politician X or Y will be at a certain church. Should we film you praying or what are your intentions,” Kaikai asked. “It is time as a church you kept off politics and politicians,” he added. During the event, the bishops announced that on February 25, 2017, they will launch a nationwide campaign dubbed “Lenten Campaigns” to call for peaceful and credible elections. The peace campaign will run for 40 days and end with Easter celebrations.

Ex-UN chief Ki-moon praises Kenya’s role in regional peace Former United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has commended the role played by Kenya in promoting regional peace. The former UN Secretary General specifically thanked President Uhuru Kenyatta for his personal initiatives in the search for peace in South Sudan as well as the restoration of stability in Somalia. “We are grateful for the role you and your country have continued to play in regional peace, particularly in South Sudan and Somalia. I encourage regional leaders to remain engaged in helping the two Horn of Africa countries,” Ban said. He was speaking last evening when he paid a courtesy call on President Kenyatta

A female inmate prepare for a fashion parade as part of an event ‘Love Behind Bars’ to celebrate the Valentine’s Day inside the Langata Women Maximum Security Prison in Nairobi, yesterday. The event was organized by a group of Kenyan gospel artists to extend a gesture of love to the inmates on Valentine’s Day. PHOTO: DANIEL IRUNGU/EPA


at State House, Nairobi. President Kenyatta briefed the former UN Secretary-General on the situation in South Sudan and Somalia. The President called for concerted efforts to end the crisis in South Sudan. On Somalia, the Head of State expressed optimism that the country would stabilise following the recent successful presidential elections. The former UN Secretary-General also appreciated Kenya’s support for the United Nations, noting that it is the only developing country where a UN headquarters was located. Ban retired last year after concluding his two-term tenure at the helm of the global body

President Uhuru Kenyatta with former UN boss Ban Ki-Moon at State House Nairobi last evening.



Jubilee MPs protest suspension of NYS cohort registration Four Nairobi MPs allied to the Jubilee party have registered their displeasure with the suspension of the registration of National Youth Service cohorts in their constituencies. The legislators in a joint statement issued at parliament buildings accused their opposition counterparts of politicising the matter yet the youths in their constituencies had benefited from the same exercise. George Theuri (Embakasi West), Waihenya Ndirangu (Roysambu), John Ndirangu (Embakasi Central) and James Gakuya (Embakasi North) accused opposition MPs of making false statements against the exercise. The registration of NYS youths using BVR machines was put on hold after allegations emerged that it was being used to compromise the ongoing mass registration of voters. An incident in Runda left many questions than answers on Monday after a NYS official was found registering youths in the area. But the MPs denied reports they could be engaged in illegal registration of voters in collaboration with the National Youth Service. “This is an exercise that has been ongoing and the youth in Cord constituencies had benefited from it, so now when it was our turn they politicise the matter. This is unfair,” said Ndirangu. He criticized the government for

NYS youths get registered at a past session. MPs have protested the suspension of their BVR registration.

suspending the exercise when it was just starting to benefit the youth from constituencies in Nairobi. “The NYS registration exercise started at the opposition constituencies and we did not raise a finger knowing that our time will come. Now the exercise has been suspended and our youth are not happy,” Ndirangu added. Ndirangu said in Kibra, 2,305 youths were registered under the program, Embakasi South represented by Sumra had 2,504 registered and

Ruaraka represented by TJ Kajwang had 2,739 registered. The NYS suspended the process until voter registration was completed yesterday as opposition claimed that the exercise was used to secretly register voters in order to bolster jubilee numbers ahead of the general elections. “Our scanners are fundamentally different and completely delinked from those of IEBC. We have 180 biometrics registration kits given to NYS for purposes of registering the

youth to work under different service cohorts. This has been done in 70 constituencies,” Youth and Gender PS Lillian Omolo said. Gakuya said the registration of youths into NYS had helped reduce crime rates in Nairobi as most youths get engaged. “We know how life is difficult in Nairobi especially for the youths and this NYS program is their only hope,” Gakuya said. @sam_x254

news brief

Republicans seek Flynn investigation

Leading members of the US Republican Party have joined calls for a wide investigation into the former national security adviser’s links with Russia. Michael Flynn quit on Monday over claims he discussed US sanctions with Russia before Donald Trump took office. On Tuesday, a White House spokesman said Mr Trump knew weeks ago there were problems with the Russia phone calls. But calls for an independent investigation have encountered a cold response from some senior Republicans. The development came as the New York Times reported that phone records and intercepted calls show members of Mr Trump’s presidential campaign, as well as other Trump associates, “had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year before the election”. However, officials spoken to by the newspaper said they had not yet seen evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia on the hacking of the Democratic National Committee or to influence the election. As well as an FBI investigation, both the Senate and House intelligence committees are already examining Russian involvement in the election. It is not yet clear whether the latest claims will be included in their scope.

Lawmakers reject changes to criminalise ogling MPs have today rejected proposed changes to the Sexual Offences Act which would have seen men who ogle at women face very harsh penalties. Members of the National Assembly voted overwhelmingly to defeat the bill prohibiting plea bargaining and collusion in sexual offences which help the perpetrators of sexual offences evade justice.

Busia Women Rep Florence Mutua who sponsored the changes to criminalise ogling.

They said the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill sponsored by Busia Woman Representative Florence Mutua, was extremely punitive. If it was passed into law, according to the MPs, looking at a member of the opposite sex lustfully or making sexual advances towards the other person without their consent was likely to become a serious offence in Kenya. These and other controversial sections appear to have alarmed male MPs who held the numbers when the vote was put up today morning. Infuriated by the defeat, Ms Mutua walked out the chambers throwing hands as her colleagues watched in disbelief. “I want bounce back we cannot have a house full of chauvinism and bigotry,” she said. Last week, Mutua urged parliament to endorse the bill as it could help deal with the increase in number of out of court settlements that deny the victim justice and further see sexual offenders walk free even after committing crimes. “This Bill will ensure that an instance where a person who defiles a minor offers a goat or money to the parents to sort out the issue out of the court is a thing of the past. Sexual offences are a serious crime, which affects the victim mentally and psychologically for the rest of their lives,” Mutua said during debate on the Bill in the National Assembly on Wednesday. The bill which was to be an improved version of the

original law was to ensure police officers handling sexual offence cases get specialised training to handle the victims and the evidence, critical in convicting offenders. According to Ms Mutua, some of the proposed amendments in the law, included setting up specialised desks in police stations, to make it easier and “more friendly” for victims to report sexual offences, and also ensure crucial evidence is not lost, and stringent fines for those who collude to defeat justice, received overwhelming support as some proposals proved contentious. She caused a stir at the National Assembly when she said cases of sexual abuse were rampant in crowded ferries, where men made indecent contact with women’s buttocks and breasts. Even Speaker of the National Assembly Justin Muturi, found the clause “any contact with a person’s body parts including breasts, buttocks intentionally without penetration” as subject to abuse and open to misinterpretation. “One may be in a crowded public service transport and the driver applies emergency brakes, leading to people getting into contact, which is inevitable. We need to be careful to iron out some of those areas which might bring problems to those who innocently find themselves in such circumstances,” he said. @hillary_x254



WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2017 | www.x254.co



Rethink strategies to bolster economic growth, Treasury told Economists have urged the National Treasury to inject government funds into key sectors of the economy to boost the country’s spending which will, in turn, hasten economic growth. “We are calling for an urgent economic stimulus package that will involve targeted government interventions that will boost domestic demand in key economic hubs around the country,” said Ken Gichinga, Chief Economist at Mentoria Consulting. Gichinga explains that once the Treasury injects funds in key economic sectors, unemployed Kenyans will get job opportunities. He added that the move, if implemented, will ease the current tough business environment for corporates and increase spending across the country, thereby accelerating economic growth. In 2009, the government injected close to Sh22 billion into the economy after the 2007/2008 riots that followed the hotly-contested presidential election. At the time, global economic crises and drought had negatively affected the country’s economy. Now economists are calling for fresh strategies. Their move comes at a time when the country’s economic growth is projected to dwindle this year due to the August General polls and the protectionist policies of the US President Donald Trump. Kenya recorded an economic growth of 5.6 per cent in 2016, but this number is projected to fall to 5.7 per cent this

A Some of the 70 full-time employees of Chardust, a company that remanufactures charcoal dust - the waste produced during the production of charcoal - load recycled briquettes into bags at a Nairobi factory. The World Bank sponsored for profit initiative is creating sustainable jobs, reducing the amount of trees used for cooking and re-using 9 tonnes of waste daily. EPA/STEPHEN MORRISON year against an earlier projection of 6 per cent. Jane Kiringai, World Bank Senior Country Economist for Kenya says the country is not short of jobs but it is short of high productivity jobs, a situation she says is a great impediment to country’s economic growth. “Kenya is not short of jobs; it is short of high productivity jobs,” she says. “To increase the productivity of jobs in the

informal sector, policy interventions could be geared towards increasing access to broad skills beyond formal education, creating linkages between formal and informal firms, and helping small-scale firms enter local and global value chains.” Her sentiments to create more and better jobs correlate with those of other analysts, who say the government, through the National Treasury, must

National Bank unveils cash management solutions for Counties, Ministries

Commercial lender, National Bank has launched cash-lite payment solutions suite for county governments, Ministries, Government Agencies and Departments that support their business processes and cash management to cater for their collections requirements. The bank has developed solutions which are currently being used by Ministries, Government agencies and departments, Parastatals, County governments and Institutions of Higher Learning. “Our solutions which have come full circle to real time updates, now enable most government agencies to collect KEBS levy, sugar levy, excise duty, land rent, turnover tax, stamp duty, and motor vehicle fees,” said National Bank Managing Director and Chief Executive Wilfred Musau. “We currently collect on behalf of state agencies and our solutions are fully integrated to their ERP systems for real time updating of transactions as they happen and support in day to day reconciliation. This has been successful because of the host to host system connectivity

between the bank and these agencies and counties.” The Chief Executive said end consumers expect flexibility and a wide range of choices when it comes to how they pay for goods and services. “So we work with institutions and large organizations to give them the receivables solutions that let their customers pay how they want,” he said. The bank has provided a variety of options for payments including mobile money, smart cards, e-wallet and cash options, aligned with the continuing growth of mobile technology as well as consumers’ expectations for convenient mobile and online payments. The bank has also implemented a collections cash-lite system for various Institutions of Higher Learning which will cater for a cashlite environment within the university’s premises and campuses and other value add services like student registration and other school based customizations. @Dennis x254

reduce the cost of doing business, which is necessary for robust private sector growth. National Treasury Cabinet Secretary, Henry Rotich however, is banking on accelerating public investment to raise tax revenue that would reinforce the economy, a move that has put pressure on taxpayers struggling with high inflation. @enock_x254

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Deacons continues with EA expansion following launch of Two Rivers outlet Listed retailer, Deacons East Africa has today opened four new retail outlets, bringing the total number of stores to 39 across Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda. The retail giant opened its new Mr. Price, Mr. Price Home, Bossini and Adidas shops at Two Rivers Mall, the largest shopping mall of its kind in Africa. Speaking during the launch, Deacons East Africa Plc Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Muchiri Wahome was ebullient about the new store openings and their prospects for 2017. “Two Rivers Mall has an excellent catchment area for our brands, and our own internal research through the ‘Deal’ database and focus testing told us that having Mr. Price, Mr. Price Home, Bossini and Adidas at the mall will be what the residents of Runda, Muthaiga, Nyari and the environs want,” he explained. “This is just the beginning for Deacons and Two Rivers Mall: we will be looking at growing our relationship in the future and consider bringing more of our brands to the community,” said Mr. Wahome. The store openings come shortly after the company opened its second F&F shop in Africa, at the Sarit Centre in Westlands in under 4 weeks. This is part of Deacons East Africa’s strategy of being more responsive to the local market and gearing its offerings accordingly. This, said Mr. Wahome, will see the company weather the prevailingly tough economic environment. @enock_x254

Vivo Energy resumes operations at Shell service station following gun drama Vivo Energy has resumed operations of the Shell service station that was the scene of a scuffle and gun drama early February. The station in Karai, Naivasha, will now be run by a Mr. Hasnaim Noorani after Vivo Energy acrimoniously replaced former retailer Senator Paul Njoroge in a process that led to the Senator firing gun shots at Vivo managers. Vivo Energy Managing Director Polycarp had said the Senator had breached the terms of the contract including not having fuel and under capitalization, leading to the cancelling of the probationary contract. During the opening ceremony of the station, Vivo Energy’s Retail Manager Lena Munuve said the company will continue to invest in increasing tank capacities and open more Shell service stations in the country. Noorani, the manager of the station, said his team will ensure delivery of services to customer’s satisfaction and in line with Vivo’s standards. Earlier this month, Nominated Senator, Paul Njoroge brandished a gun and allegedly threatened

to shoot Vivo Energy employees. A video that made rounds on social media showed the Senator pointing his gun at Vivo MD, Polycarp Igathe at a Shell petrol station in Naivasha, Nakuru County. Vivo says it leased the piece of land in Karai, Naivasha from a Mr. Charles Kamau Njenga, and constructed the infrastructure that includes dispensing equipment, tankage, signage, paving and drainage. Senator Njoroge was appointed the dealer of the petrol station on October 2016 on probationary basis, but Vivo says he breached the terms of the probation by not stocking the station for a prolonged period. Igathe has since held a meeting with Njoroge at Hotel Pan-Afric on Sunday, February 5, where Senator Njoroge apologized and committed to inject Sh15 million, withdraw lawsuit against the company and cooperate fully with Vivo Energy as a dealer. He also promised to write an apology letter for threatening Vivo staff and withdraw an intention to sue the company.


Motoring Deals WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 15, 2017

Federal-Mogul Corp vows to create new jobs, stamp out counterfeit spare parts Leading global motor parts manufacturer, Federal-Mogul Corporation says it will spend 25 per cent of its Africa marketing budget share in Kenya as it eyes regional expansion. The kitty would be used to create employment opportunities and intensify the fight against counterfeit goods. The firm will invest in advertising, branding, events and

market research while equipping its regional distributors. The US-based multinational company says it is planning to increase the uptake of its premium spare part market brands, which include ANCO wiper blades, Champion spark plugs, wipers, filters and other engine parts. Federal-Mogul’s Africa Regional Sales Director, Heath Stow says the company has focused on Kenya for the

last one year following interests from distributors. “We realized there is a desire for quality parts, desire for reputable brands. And with that in mind, we have put a lot of effort into understanding this market and bringing the right solutions. So in Kenya we would hope to grow double digit figures in the next four to five straight years, and we may need to secure up to 10 solid distributors,” said Stow. Stow added the company might appoint a local Country Manager in the near

future to take care of the market and also lead in anti-counterfeit strategies. “In addition to registering our brands, we aggressively combat counterfeits by working with our distributors to identify counterfeits and by following necessary procedures to eradicate counterfeits,” Stow explained. Kenny Mundry, the firm’s Regional Sales Manager says Federal-Mogul’s parts covers 90 per cent of car brands in South Africa and 70 per cent of cars in Kenya, adding that they have made the parts affordable enough even for the

public transport industry. Federal-Mogul Motor Parts is a globally recognized provider of spare parts known for a wide range of parts and exactly the same as your car’s original parts. Federal-Mogul Motorparts sells and distributes a broad portfolio of products through more than 20 of the world’s most recognized brands in the global vehicle aftermarket, while also serving original equipment vehicle manufacturers. @enock_x254

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WTO forum to address digital applications in tourism sector WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 15, 2017

The United Nations World Tourism Organisation is from today hosting a three-day conference; the very first convention on “Smart Destinations” in the Murcia region of Spain. This conference comes just a few weeks after the presentation and launch of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development. The smart destination conference will bring together government representatives, private sector entities, researchers and academics as well as tech centres from across the globe. The participants are expected to address, among other topics; digital applications that make it possible to offer increasingly customised services and to differentiate tourist destinations that provide added value while preserving the natural, social and cultural environment. “It will be impossible to capitalise on the potential of tourism in aspects such as job creation and socio-economic development if we do not commit to and move towards sustainable practices that are respectful of the environment and local communities,” UNWTO Secretary-General Dr Taleb Rifai explained. The Smart Destinations can be seen as a response to the rapid wave of e-tourism; calling for providers who are able to customise solutions to enrich a customer’s experience at all stages; before, during and after their trip. The rise of smart cities and the growing need to manage urban tourism while protecting both culture and heritage are also some of the factors that inherently call for adoption of modernday tech solutions owing to the need for crucial balance between development and environmental sustainability. To

A Tourists walk past a billboard welcoming Pope Francis to the country at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA), in Nairobi, Kenya, 23 November 2015. EPA/DANIEL IRUNGU this end, the Conference will host an academic block presenting in-depth research on tourism in the 21st century; to chart the way forward on sustainable practises and principles. According to Rifai, these themes, which are priorities of the work of the World Tourism Organization, define 21st century tourism: committed to ecosystems, local cultures and to economic and social development. “The World Wide Web has drastically changed the way we travel, to stay

competitive, entrepreneurs must develop technologically-feasible and highly adaptive solutions through all the stages of travel,” Paul Midy, the CEO for Jumia Travel commented. Midy, was part of the panellists spearheading discussion on ‘Technology and design of new touristic products’ during the just ended UNWTO-INVESTOUR forum. The three-day event will conclude with the reading of a manifesto summarising the contributions of the participants,

which will form the basis of the first UNWTO report on smart destinations. Having been named on the list of world’s top “Smart Cities” Nairobi is often referred to as the African tech capital. Jumia Travel has stated that it will, therefore, be interesting to see the stakeholder’s views on how the city’s digital ecosystem can actively and positively impact on travel and tourism. @kevin_x254

Controlling fishing habits will boost revenue, improve food security, says World Bank Fishing less and adopting better practices within the sector could create a much-needed revenue stream in Kenya and other developing countries as it further improves global food security, a new World Bank Group report reveals. “Reducing the global fishing effort would allow fish stocks to recover from overexploitation and lead to increases in the weight, value and price of fish landed thus boosting the profitability of the fisheries sector,” reads the Sunken Billions Revisited study from the World Bank. The report comes at a time when humanitarian organization, the Human Rights Watch (HRW) has found that Lake Turkana’s water levels have dropped about 1.5 meters in the past two years. The organization recently confirmed that the shoreline

has receded as much as 1.7 kilometers in one key fishing ground since November 2014. Felix Horne, HRW’s Senior Researcher for Ethiopia and Eritrea, says the developments will seriously affect food supplies and livelihoods in the Omo Valley and Lake Turkana. Meanwhile, the World Bank analysis states that fishing effectively would lead to more fish being caught and landed, because stocks would have recovered to healthier levels, thus helping meet growing global demand for seafood and improving food security in many countries around the world. Laura Tuck, World Bank Vice President for Sustainable Development says: “Moving toward more sustainable fisheries management, through approaches that are tailored to local conditions, can yield significant

benefits for food security, poverty reduction, and long-term growth.” The study, which examines the mismatch between the increasingly high levels of effort put into fishing and stagnant or even declining fish catches, shows the incremental benefits that could be derived from global fisheries reform. The report emphasizes the urgent need for reform and the important economic gains that could be made through a more sustainable management of the world’s fisheries. While the report makes a strong case for investing in the recovery of fish stocks, it does not prescribe a particular reform path but shows how possible it is to reduce overfishing through locally appropriate reforms that ultimately improve the livelihoods and job security of coastal populations.

Reducing the global fishing effort would allow biological processes to reverse the long-term decline in fish stocks seen in many parts of the world. About 90 per cent of marine fisheries monitored by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) are fully fished or overfished, up from about 75 per cent in 2005. Fish stocks are also under pressure from pollution, coastal development, and the impacts of climate change. The World Bank has vowed to help developing countries improve the management of their fisheries, invest in sustainable aquaculture, and manage competing pressures on coasts and oceans, to improve the livelihoods of coastal communities and put growth on a more sustainable and resilient footing. @enock_x254

Food prices will soar as cereal supplies dwindle, FAO warns The prices of staple crops such as maize and sorghum are soaring as cereal supplies dwindle in Kenya and across the East African region, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has said. In a statement issued on Tuesday, the United Nations body warned that a sharp increase in food prices could lead to renewed hunger in the region. Prices of staple cereals have doubled in some markets, reaching record and near-record levels in swathes of Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda and Tanzania, FAO said. “Sharply increasing prices are severely constraining food access for large numbers of households with alarming consequences in terms of food insecurity,” FAO Senior Economist, Mario Zappacosta said in a statement. The trend is hardly new in the region and some economists have blamed governments for failing to implement effective food security policies that could stem the crisis. In January 2014, the Government of Kenya declared an impending drought with an estimated 1.6 million people affected. After a poor performance of the long rains between March and May 2014 in the arid and semi-arid zones, the drought situation continued to affect both pastoral and marginal agriculture livelihood zones with an impact on households’ food availability as well as livestock productivity. The situation continued to worsen due to the increase in food price. This year, President Uhuru Kenyatta declared the drought a national disaster just as 12 million people in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia are at risk of hunger due to recurring droughts, according to new data from the FAO. The government had budgeted Sh21.5 billion to support 1.3 million people up until the end of July. Faith Atiti, Senior Economist at Commercial Bank of Africa, said poor rainfall in the coming season could be catastrophic for the economy if it stokes inflation past a government target of 7.5 per cent, with commodity prices already under pressure from a declining local currency and rising value of crude, according to. In Kenya prices of maize are up by about a third, FAO said. Trends in East Africa were in contrast with the stable trend of the organisation’s global Food Price Index, which measures monthly price changes for a basket of cereals, oilseeds, dairy products, meat and sugar, FAO said.

M-Pesa customers to receive real-time transaction costs



Telecommunication services provider Safaricom has announced plans to update its mobile money transfer service M-PESA to enable customers to automatically receive information on the cost of each transaction. As part of its drive to enhance pricing transparency on the payment platform, the updates will be made available to all 24 million M-PESA customers in three phases, with the first phase starting this week. “As we align with recommendations made by the Competition Authority of Kenya (CAK), we hope that this latest innovation will enhance the customer experience on the M-PESA platform. This follows a number of proactive enhancements we have delivered on M-PESA such as ‘Hakikisha’ which have reduced the number of erroneous transactions,” said Stephen Chege, Director of Corporate Affairs at Safaricom. Set to be rolled out in three phases, customers will first receive notifications on charges paid for a transaction as part of the M-PESA confirmation message. In the second phase, customers will receive a pop up message informing them of any charges prior to the transactions, while the third phase will see the service being made available to value-added M-PESA financial products including M-Shwari, KCB M-PESA, Okoa Stima and M-Tiba. The second and third phases of the update will be rolled out in the coming months. Safaricom has in the last six months implemented a range of technical upgrades and tests in readiness for

A man counts his money after withdrawing the cash with his mobile phone at an M-Pesa service outlet in Nairobi, Kenya, 05 February 2016. EPA/DANIEL IRUNGU the customer-friendly developments that alert them as to how much they are spending per transaction, with no downtime to customers. The changes are part of the enriched second generation M-PESA system

which was implemented in April 2015. In addition to increasing M-PESA’s transactions capacity, the new system has improved system stability, enabled the support of more features and the rollout of new features on the system.

Most recently, Safaricom announced that it would be removing all transactions costs for amounts under Sh100 under the M-PESA Kadogo proposition launched in November 2016. @kevin_x254

Turkish retail brand LC Waikiki to open fashion store in Nairobi as firm eyes EA expansion

MLC Waikiki’s Country Manager (Kenya)Kremena Pencheva addressing the media during the opening of the first store in SubSaharan Africa at Two Rivers Mall in Nairobi.Photo: Edwin/Xnews

LC Waikiki, one of the world’s leading fashion retail brands will tomorrow, February 16, 2017, open its first store in Sub-Saharan Africa at Two Rivers Mall, in Nairobi. The move is part of its growth strategy and entry point into the African market. “We are investing $1.5 million (Sh155.5 million) in opening the 2000 square meters in Two Rivers Mall, with 30 employees. Kenya is very important to us, with a stable economy and we see this store opening as a gateway to growing our footprint in the country and the larger African market,” said LC Waikiki’s Country Manager, Kremena Pencheva. The entry into the Kenyan market is seen as a step towards increasing its footprint in Africa, with the store in Nairobi being the main launch pad. LC Waikiki has a target to reach 1,500 stores all over the world by the end of 2023 from its current 750 stores. Mrs Pencheva said the retailer is planning to open at least two more stores in Kenya and is already

scouting for locations in Nairobi and considering Mombasa. The retail chain specialises in quality clothing and accessories for men, women and children of all ages. It offers a wide range of accessible yet stylish clothing to suit different styles and tastes, allowing its customer enjoy the advantages of affordable fashion under its philosophy ‘Everyone deserves to dress well’. LC Waikiki is in 35 countries. It opened its first store outside Turkey in 2009 in Romania, and since then has expanded rapidly across the globe. The brand has stores located in Albania, Azerbaijan, UAE, Belarus, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Armenia, Morocco, Georgia, Iraq, Iran, Kenya, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kosovo, Macedonia, Egypt, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Russia, Oman, Ukraine, Lebanon, Qatar, Serbia, China, Bahrein, Tunisia, Jordan, Algeria, TRNC, Turkey and now Kenya. @kevin_x254

Kenya lauded for clean energy sector reforms as state moves to stem runaway power prices The World Bank Group (WBG) has praised Kenya for helping lead the continent in the adoption of clean energy solutions. The commendation comes just as drought has pushed up the cost of generating hydro-power in Kenya with the resultant hike in fees trickling down to consumers. Kenya is currently working to reduce its reliance on diesel powered generators, which are harmful to the environment. The government, through its Energy Ministry, is banking on both wind and geothermal energy to power the national grid. However, a ravaging drought has seen Kenya rely more on diesel, instead of hydro power, which usually accounts for roughly half of the country’s installed capacity. However, the state is strongly pushing for a shift to other alternative resources of electricity generation. By 2030 hydro power will only account for 5 per cent of total capacity at 1,039 megawatts (MW). The Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) this month raised the foreign exchange levy (a power tax that is dependent on the shillings performance against the dollar) to Sh1.28 per kilowatt hour (kWh) of electricity consumed in February from Sh0.84 per unit a month earlier. The forex levy is the highest since October 2015 and will see consumers pay an extra Sh288 million for electricity consumed this month compared to January. It has emerged that Africa is the least electrified continent in the world, with some 600 million people living without power. It has emerged that an estimated 40 per cent of African countries surveyed do not have strong policies to address this situation, the World Bank said. Some exceptions include Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and South Africa. Forty per cent of 111 countries surveyed by the World Bank had strong policies to improve people’s access to reliable and affordable energy, make industries and homes more energy efficient, and increase countries’ use of renewable energy, the bank said. They include China, India, Vietnam, South Africa, Brazil, Mexico and Turkey, which have emerged as leaders alongside developed countries. The energy goals are enshrined in a set of international sustainable development goals (SDGs) agreed in 2015 to curb poverty and end @Dennis_x254 hunger.




signs you need to hit the gym


Breaking down the



emember the days when hard drugs used to be something people on TV would do and had nothing to do with you? Well those days

going around about drugs and the many foreigners that have been arrested in not just Kenya but Tanzania we are here to give you a quick rundown of these events. ●Kenya and East Africa at large has become a key stopover in the drug trade. Kenya and Tanzania’s location and access to the sea have incorporated the countries into the ‘Balkan and Southern Route’ that stretches from Afghanistan all the way to Europe. ●In this seizure nine people involved in the smuggling were apprehended and heroin worth


these suspects were extradited to the US where they will receive their sentencing. Akasha, who are brothers and Kenyan nationals


maestro decided to throw in his two cents in Adele’s sweeping Grammy victories. Speaking to the Australian Associated Press 69-year-old Santana said, “I think that Adele won because she can sing, sing.” When probed by a reported he added, “With all respect to our sister Beyoncé, Beyoncé is very beautiful to look at and it’s more like modelling kind of music – music to model a dress – she’s not a singer, singer, with all respect to her.”And continued, “[Adele] she doesn’t bring all the dancers and props. She can just stand there, and she just stood there and sang the song and that’s it. And this is why she wins.”


Carlos Santana is not here for Beyoncé The Mexican guitar

whose father was a noted wealthy drug baron, Indian national Vijaygiri Goswami and Pakistani citizen Gulam Hussein, reports Nation. ● Drug Enforcement Administration--a United States federal law enforcement agency under the U.S. Department of Justice, tasked with combating drug prison if convicted. ●Other individuals nabbed for possession are two South African soldiers, Nelson Vivian George’s Domingeuz and Nedy Conrad Rodney Micock who are both from the Seychelles, a law student and an Standard reports that key drug distributors were as Swaleh Yussuf Ahmed Kendereni, his wife Asma Abdalla Mohamed and in-law Farida Omar Said, found with 15 kilogrammes of heroin. ●

Eric Omondi surprises fiancée with ‘beauty room’ for Valentine’s Day

Well we can’t say he’s not romantic anymore. Eric Omondi outdid himself and it’s going to be a tough one to top but he did buy her a Mercedes last year so there’s that. He sprang a professional vanity mirror, dressing table and walk-in closet on Chantal who seemed to be genuinely touched by the gesture if the ‘awwws’ are anything to go by. The comedian says that he had lied to her about the door to the room being broken to lead her attention away from

the goings-on in the room. “Nailed it, It took us 3 weeks...We had to lie to her that the door was broken...We built the beauty room (for her) every time she stepped out, “ he writes.

Crime released a report in 2015 that showed that in July 2014 Kenyan police found 342 kg of heroin in the tank of a ship in Mombasa making it the biggest ever single seizure of drugs in the city but is nothing in Malindi and Mombasa in 2004 which stands as the biggest drug bust in the country. ●A number of individuals have been marked as persons of interest including Gideon Mbuvi, the Joho Brothers, Harun Mwau and William Kabogo. A few Tanzanian celebrities have also been accused of being involved in the drug trade, claims that have been vehemently denied by Wema Sepetu, Khaleed Mohamed (TID), Winfrida Josephat (Recho), Khery Sameer (Mr Blue), Hamidu Chambuso (Dogo Hamidu) and Rashid Makwiro (Chid Benz). @christine_x254

Rok Studios’ Original Series ‘Single Ladies’ Premieres in time for Valentine’s Day

Rok Studios, the award-winning Nigerian film studio, is now airing their latest original series, Single Ladies. Directed by actor-turned-director Desmond Elliot, the all-star series follows the lives of five single young women, Mara (Mercy Aigbe-Gentry), Tochi (Mary Njoku), Bidemi (Grace Amah) and Maimuna (Padita Agu), as they navigate the scary, exciting world of dating in Nigeria to find ‘Mr Right’. The search for such a man has so far been unsuccessful for these five young women from traditional Nigerian families. It is a race against time to snag one for keeps. We follow their friendships, the men they meet, their relationships, their break-ups, their highs and their lows; their successes and failures; their laughter and tears as they search for ‘The One’.






to keep children busy when you are eating out

Children are unpredictable, excitable and generally handful. They can be hard to manage in the comfort of your own home so it becomes something of a pipe dream thinking about dealing with them in public. But not to worry here are some tips to make sure your family night out goes smooth.


It can be tempting to just hand over your phone, tablet or other electronic device their way and hope they keep quiet but that is an extremely unhealthy habit. Keep children busy with children’s

toys. Bring a colouring book, portable toys and other games that they can enjoy at the table without causing too much of a fuss and without putting your expensive smart phone at the mercy of a tantrum.


Despite what many people think, it is important to have a conversation with your children, that is, if they can talk, and they too in turn enjoy the interaction. Talk to them about their day and other things that take up their time. Children are the most entertaining conversationalists and if anything it

will help you strengthen your bond with your child.


It’s not an exaggeration to say that some restaurants view children as pets. Some places are just too fancy to bring a child (or pet) and this might throw your entire dinner plans that wherever you choose to go with your child is accommodating. Some restaurants even have kids’ menus and activities children can do as they wait for their meal.


signs you need to hit the gym ASAP

ways to incorporate fairy lights into your

@christine_x254 Sweating is uncomfortable but it’s also healthy under the right circumstances. Do you remember the last time you broke a sweat? If not then it’s time you started reading.

good you’ll switch off the actual lights just to use them more. ●Use them to create sections between to rooms that do not have a physical separator. They also look better than using a curtain of beads or an old bedsheet. ●Hang them along the walls of a corridor to make your hallway look like an enchanted cave. Just make sure to give enough space between each strand depending on the overall look you are going for. ●String them along the banister of your stairs to downstairs in the middle of the night. @christine_x254

Use them to create sections between to rooms that do not have a physical separator.

You get sore doing the easiest activities

Taking a walk, going up the stairs, having sex…everything seems like too much work and that is a problem. Taking a light brisk walk like going to the shop and coming back should be easy and actually fun because you are getting some fresh air. If people can run 42-kliometere marathons you should be able to run a few meters before giving up.

You get winded all the time

This like the advice above, should not become a hobby of yours. Being out of breath is also a natural result but not due doubt one of the best examples of realizing that you are not in tip top shape.

You cannot do a push-up

Push-ups are like unicorns, their existence is merely a concept that you cannot prove. If you agreed with this sentence you need to go the gym. Yes, they are very hard to do but they are not impossible. Getting a few out of the way, with the proper form of course should be something that is doable.

Your feet are swollen

Swollen feet should only be something that the elderly and people with serious medical conditions complain about. Not getting enough exercise could land you in this same spot. Get moving and save your feet some discomfort.

DIY @christine_x254


●Turn your bedroom into fantasy land with the light. You can tack them onto a wall, drape them into a canopy shape or even just hang them from a top bunk if you are lucky enough to claim the lower bunk. ●Hang them around your mirror to get that superstar treatment. Create some softly lit perfection using the lights and arrange them at the perimeters of your bedroom mirror. ●Use them to light up the garden during gettogethers, amp up your décor with fairy lights and your guest will leave envying your back yard. ●Put them into some glass jars and make them into centerpieces for your tables. They’ll look so

Add some rustic charm to your home with this wooden wall shelf Take second and look at how classy and minimalist this shelf is. Would you believe that you can make this ingenious piece of furniture with things found lying around the house? It’s easy all you need is a square or round piece of treated wood—one that has been protected from moisture damage and

the like—a length of rope preferably white or grey because they are easier to blend into décor) and a drill. The next step could go would be to drill 4 holes in each of the corners of the square piece of wood, thread the rope and tie a large enough knot on the

underside to make sure it’s secure. The second method would be to use a stapler and staple the ends of the ropes together on the underside of the piece of wood. This would work better with the round piece. Find a place to hang it and there you have it.



Bolt is world’s best Sportsman Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt was crowned the sportsman of the year as he joined Simone Biles in claiming the top accolades at the Laureus World ports Awards in Monaco last night. Bolt secured the accolade ahead of a star-studded list of nominees, including world tennis No. 1 Andy Murray, Real Madrid forward Cristiano Ronaldo and Cleveland Cavaliers star LeBron James for his achievements in 2016. The eight-time Olympic sprint champion and four-time Olympic gold gymnast Biles were named sportsman and sportswoman of the year for 2016. Britain’s Rachel Atherton won the action sportsperson of the year award for her downhill mountain biking feats while Leicester City won the spirit of sport award for winning the Premier League. Atherton, 29, became the first rider in history to complete a perfect downhill World Cup season and then won a fourth World Championship title a week later. Leicester boss Claudio Ranieri and captain Wes Morgan were in Monaco to collect the spirit of sport prize, awarded after the Foxes, 5,000-1 outsiders, won the Premier League by 10 points last season. Bolt won three gold medals at Rio 2016

Usain Bolt is mobbed by other athletes among them Leicester City manager Claudio Ranieri and Captain Wes Morgan during a selfie time in Monaco last night.

in the 100m, 200m and 4x100m relay. That took his all-time Olympic medal tally to nine but last month he was asked to hand one back after Jamaican

team-mate Nesta Carter tested positive for a banned substance. Carter was part of the Jamaican quartet that won the 4x100m in Beijing in

2008. Biles’ four gold medals at Rio were in the team, all-around, vault and floor exercise events. Nico Rosberg, who quit Formula 1 in December five days after being crowned world champion, received the breakthrough of the year prize. Other award winners Team of the year: Chicago Cubs, who ended a 108-year wait to win Major League Baseball’s World Series. Comeback of the year: American swimmer Michael Phelps, who won his 23rd Olympic gold in his final Games in Rio. Sportsperson of the Year with a disability: Beatrice Vio, Italian wheelchair fencer who won gold at the 2016 Paralympics. Sport for Good Award: for Sporting Inspiration: The Refugee Olympic Team, who competed at the Rio Olympics. Best Sporting Moment: Barcelona Under-12 team whose players consoled their distraught Japanese opponents at the end of the Junior Soccer World Challenge in a touching show of sportsmanship. The Laureus Sport for Good Award: Waves for Change.

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4.20 15/02 13:30 6029 Corum Belediyespor v Cizrespor 3.60 15/02 13:30 6030 Altay Izmir v Erzin Belediyespor 4.00 15/02 14:05 5613 East Bengal FC v Lajong SC 4.60 15/02 14:05 5614 Minerva FC v DSK Shivajians 2.88 15/02 16:00 7303 Avenir S Marsa v Africain 3.05 15/02 16:25 4319 Hatta v Al Ahli Uae 4.45 15/02 16:35 5615 Mumbai FC v Mohun Bagan AC 3.10 15/02 16:45 4223 Lekhwiya SC v Umm-Salal SC 5.40 15/02 17:00 3023 FCF Juvisy - Essonne v Lyon 7.80 15/02 18:00 3763 Ismaily SC v Al Ahly Cairo 3.35 15/02 18:00 3860 Leixoes SC v AD Fafe 3.05 15/02 18:00 3861 SC Freamunde v FC Famalicao 2.84 15/02 18:00 3863 CD das Aves v Gil Vicente FC 3.65 15/02 18:00 3864 Sporting Braga B v FC Vizela 3.20 15/02 18:00 3866 FC Penafiel v FC Porto B 3.25 15/02 18:00 3867 Sporting Lisbon B v Varzim SC 3.10 15/02 19:15 4321 Al Shabab Al Arabi v Al - Ain 3.64 15/02 20:30 2886 Orlando Pirates v Bidvest Wits 2.77 15/02 21:00 3764 El Zamalek v El Entag El Harby 4.10 15/02 21:00 4389 Boavista RJ v Ceara CE 3.25 15/02 21:00 4824 FC Homburg v Eintracht Trier 3.20 15/02 21:00 5315 Mogi Mirim SP v Juventus SP 3.30 15/02 21:30 1365 Standard Liege v KV Kortrijk 3.85 15/02 22:00 1069 Ituano SP v Sao Bento SP 3.35 15/02 22:00 3868 Academica Coimbra v SC Covilha 2.87 15/02 22:45 1224 Macclesfield v Barrow 3.20 15/02 22:45 1310 Billericay T. v Needham Market 3.70 15/02 22:45 1335 Aberdeen v Motherwell 4.90 15/02 22:45 2338 Real Madrid v Napoli 4.35 15/02 22:45 3601 Bayern Munich v Arsenal 4.50

0709942101 | 0709942102 | 0709942103

Manchester City forward Gabriel Jesus is set to be out of action for some time after he broke a metatarsal in Monday’s 2-0 Premier League win at Bournemouth. The 19-year-old was taken off in the 15th minute at Vitality Stadium after appearing to pick up the foot injury. City said in a statement: “He will undergo further examinations in the coming days to establish the extent of his layoff.” The Brazil international, who completed a £27m from Palmeiras in January, has played five times for City. Jesus was hoping to become the third City player to find the net on each of his first three Premier League starts, having scored at West Ham and two against Swansea. The other two players to have achieved that feat are former striker Emmanuel Adebayor and current midfielder Kevin de Bruyne.


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15/02 13:30 6024 Kocaelispor v Manavgat Evrenseki

City’s Gabriel set for long absence



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1.83 1.58 1.73 1.98 1.60 1.55 2.26 1.66 3.80 4.00 1.60 1.60 1.45 1.67 1.66 1.74 1.73 2.40 1.58 1.65 1.72 1.88 1.70 2.76 1.74 1.43 1.85 2.32 2.28 2.40 2.25

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Ancelotti praises Wenger ahead of clash Bayern Munich boss Carlo Ancelotti has spoken of his “respect” for Arsene Wenger and backed the Arsenal manager to deal with recent criticism. A faltering Premier League title challenge has led to increased speculation about the Frenchman’s future, with some Gunners fans calling for him to leave. Ancelotti believes Wenger should be praised for the job he has done. “He built a strong identity and a good style of football,” said the Italian. “Wenger has the experience to know that in our job it is normal to be criticised. For this reason he has no problems. 0“I have a lot of respect for the job he has done at Arsenal.” Former Chelsea boss Ancelotti was speaking ahead of tonight’s Champions League last-16 first leg tie between the sides in Germany. With Arsenal fourth in the Premier League and 10 points behind leaders Chelsea, success in Europe and the FA Cup is looking increasingly likely to be the Gunners’ best chance of securing silverware this season. Arsenal face a tough test against a Bayern side they have met three times at this stage of the competition since 2005, losing on each of those three occasions. However, Wenger believes his side possess the experience to cause their opponents problems.

Bayern manager Carlo Ancelotti and his Arsenal counterpart Arsene Wenger. The two will lead their charges in a Champions League clash at the Alianze Arena tonight. PHOTO: EPA

“We know we play against Bayern who, basically, listening to you (reporters) are favourites,” he said.

“We have to be very positive on the fighting front and playing front.

“When you look at their record they are always in the last four. It is a massive challenge but we are capable of dealing with it.” Goalkeeper David Ospina will start at the Allianz Arena. The Colombian, 28, featured in all six group matches and Wenger confirmed he will keep his place ahead of Petr Cech. Arsenal forward Lucas Perez will miss the game because of a hamstring injury. Bayern Munich midfielder Xabi Alonso missed training on Monday with a knee injury but is fit. Mesut Ozil is also in the Arsenal squad for the trip to the Allianz Arena but recent reports suggest he could be dropped for the game because of poor form. Germany international Ozil has not scored for the Gunners since 10 December. Bayern defender Mats Hummels expects to face his international team-mate, saying he is a “worldclass player”. “For me it was a surprise that Mesut is doubtful to play,” said Hummels. “He is someone who is always put on the field. I think he will be on the pitch from the first minute because he is a world class player.” This is the fourth time Bayern and Arsenal have met at this stage of the competition since 2005, with the German side progressing on the past three occasions.

wednesday 15th february 2017





PSG dismantle Barcelona

Catalans boss Luis Enrique concedes his side were inferior as he takes responsibility for one of Barca’s heaviest defeats


ngel di Maria scored twice as Paris StGermain stunned Barcelona to leave the Spanish side in danger of failing to reach the Champions League quarter-finals for the first time in a decade. PSG dominated this last-16 first-leg tie throughout and took the lead through Di Maria’s curled free-kick. Julian Draxler added a second with an angled drive before Di Maria curled an effort into the top corner. Edinson Cavani then sealed a famous win with a powerful fourth. A lacklustre Barcelona - with Lionel Messi, Luis Suarez and Neymar largely anonymous - did not produce an effort of note until seven minutes before the end when Samuel Umtiti headed onto the post. The defeat leaves Luis Enrique’s side with an almighty task to stay in the competition when they host PSG in the return leg on 8 March. No side has managed to overturn a four-goal first-leg deficit in the history of the Champions League. Barcelona breezed into the knockout stage by topping Group C, winning five of the six games they played. Their one defeat was also the

FC Barcelona’s Lionel Messi and Neymar react during their 4-0 thrashing by PSG in Paris last night. PHOTO: ETIENNE LAURENT/ EPA

only time they conceded three goals in a groupstage game, when they lost 3-1 at Manchester City. At least in that match they managed to score - Messi putting them ahead at Etihad Stadium - but at the Parc des Princes on Tuesday they barely troubled Kevin Trapp in the PSG goal. The visitors regularly squandered possession and looked lethargic throughout. When they have not been at their best in the past, their star players have stepped up. But on this occasion they offered nothing. Messi, so often capable of creating something from nothing, made uncharacteristic mistakes and was at fault for PSG’s second when he lost the ball to Draxler, who then played a one-two with Marco Verratti to slice through a static defence and put the French side in control. It was one of the worst Barcelona performances in recent memory but PSG were also at their absolute best and, in truth, could have won by an even bigger margin. They finished the game with 16 shots on goal, 10 of those on target. Barcelona boss Luis Enrique accepted the blame for the heavy defeat. “It was a disastrous night for us; we were clearly inferior,” Enrique said “I’m responsible for this.” PSG have long been the dominant force in French football, winning their domestic league title every season since 2013, but they are yet to transfer that form into Europe.

Paris Saint Germain’s Angel Di Maria (L) celebrates with team mate Marco Verratti (R) after scoring the 1-0 lead during their UEFA Champions League round of 16 first leg match against FC Barcelona at the Parc des Princes Stadium, in Paris, France, last night. PHOTO: YOAN VALAT/EPA

They have never progressed beyond the quarterfinals but dominant wins home and away against Chelsea at this stage of the competition last year suggested they had finally joined the continent’s elite, only for them to then lose against Manchester City. Unai Emery, PSG’s Spanish manager, had faced Barcelona 23 times before in his coaching career and won just once. But Emery has form in Europe. He led Sevilla to three successive Europa League titles from 2014, getting the best of the players at his disposal and that is proving to be the case at PSG. Cavani now has 34 goals in 32 matches while Di Maria is producing consistently what he only managed in flashes at Manchester United. Draxler, who underperformed at Wolfsburg, has excelled since his January move to the French capital. All three were key to Barcelona’s downfall and this could prove to be a watershed moment for both PSG and Emery. “I think this makes PSG a threat in the competition,” former Manchester United defender Rio Ferdinand told BT Sport. “Mentally they will go on again and they will believe now they are capable of winning this tournament by beating one of the best teams.” Barcelona were one of the favourites to win the Champions League at the start of the season but

will now need to produce one of the greatest comebacks in football to stay in the competition. They are more than capable of scoring goals for fun at the Nou Camp, having hit three or more in six of their previous seven games. Borussia Monchengladbach were the last side to visit Barcelona in the Champions League and they lost 4-0 in December. But PSG possess much more quality, with Di Maria and Cavani more than capable of scoring an away goal that would surely put the tie beyond Barcelona. It is sure to be one of the toughest tests of Enrique’s Barcelona career to date. Elsewhere, Kostas Mitroglou gave Benfica a one-goal advantage in the first leg of their Champions League last-16 tie with Borussia Dortmund. The Greek international scrambled in the decisive goal for the Portuguese champions from Luisao’s header in the second half. Dortmund’s Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang hit a penalty straight at keeper Ederson after Ljubomir Fejsa handled. The German side were the top scorers in the group stage, but failed to find a way through a stubborn home defence. Tonight, Arsenal comes up against Bayern Munich in Germany while holders Real Madrid host Italian side Napoli.

Published By Xtra Publishing Limited, Chancery Building, Valley Road, Nairobi | Printed at The Standard Group Centre, Mombasa Road, Nairobi. Paul Marshall-CEO, Fred Bunei-Finance Manager, Josiah Musee-Advertising Manager, Peter Obuya-Editor

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