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WEEKEnD EDITIOn, FEBRUARY 10-12, 2017 | WWW.x254.cO







Uhuru tears into Kidero record in Nairobi campaign

President Uhuru Kenyatta waves to the crowd at the Wakulima Market along haille Sellassie avenue in Nairobi during his voter mobilisation tour of nairobi yesterday. Mr Kenyatta attacked Governor Evans Kidero;s development record and urged voters to eject him in August. STORY ON PAGE 2

MPs summon US investor over Raila bullying allegations The National Assembly has summoned Dominion Farms Limited chief executive officer Calvin Burgess over allegations that some ODM politicians have hatched a plan to kick him out of his multi-billion shillings rice farm in Siaya County. Burgess on Wednesday claimed that his harassment by the politicians is due to his failure to financially support cord leader Raila Odinga in the 2013 general elections. Speaker of the National Assembly Justin Muturi yesterday directed that Burgess appear in person next week before the committee of lands to shed more light over his claims of harassment by the politicians. Burgess accused Siaya governor Cornell Rasanga, Gem MP Jakoyo Midiwo and five members of Siaya County Assembly of pushing him to abandon the project. Others mentioned by the US investor include Kisumu Deputy Governor Ruth Odinga, Bondo MP Gideon Ochanda and some Siaya County ODM politicians. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2



Uhuru attacks Kidero’s record in Nairobi campaign tour

President Uhuru Kenyatta yesterday opened a scathing attack on Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero telling city residents to vote him out in the coming August 8, general election. During his tour of Nairobi’s Eastlands yesterday, President Kenyatta who addressed roadside rallies at various stops accused Dr Kidero of having done nothing for the city electorate since he was elected four years ago. He said Kidero has failed Nairobians and that is it time a Jubilee Governor is given chance to transform the city. “You know yourselves the governor you elected in Nairobi, what has he done for you in the last four years?” President Kenyatta posed to the jubilant crowd. “You have tried an ODM government and it has done nothing, despite having so much allocation every year. It is time you vote for Jubilee to head Nairobi County government so that you can see and feel real change,” he added. The President said the governor has nothing to show for the billions of shillings the county has received during his tenure at City Hall. At one point, the President who made stop-overs at Wakulima Market, Muthurwa, Kayole, Mwiki and Githurai among others, switched to vernacular (Kikuyu) as he urged voters to reject Dr Kidero at the ballot. Five aspirants have come out to challenge Kidero on a Jubilee ticket. They include former presidential candidate Peter Kenneth, Nairobi

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President Uhuru Kenyatta (in the center) addresses Nairobi residents at Mwiki during his voter registration campaign in the city yesterday. PHOTO: COURTESY

Senator Mike Sonko, MP Johnson Sakaja (Nominated), Dennis Waweru (Dagoretti South) and former Starehe MP Margaret Wanjiru. Uhuru’s attack on Kidero came barely hours after the Governor had dismissed his challengers as hungry job seekers who have no agenda for city residents. Dr Kidero said the contestants are not vying to offer services to people of Nairobi but rather to secure job opportunities and earn wages. “The people who are candidates for Governor of Nairobi now, are simply looking for opportunities to earn money,” Kidero said during

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an interview on Citizen TV’s Power Breakfast show today. President Kenyatta discredited Kidero’s government saying it is not business friendly citing City Hall askaris penchant for harassing hawkers and demolishing roadside kiosks. He said this has made life harder for young, hard-working people who depend on hawking and small businesses to eke out a living. “We want a government that will care for the plight of young people who are working hard to build the nation and not one that chases after hawkers and demolishes kiosks every day,” said Uhuru.

“You have suffered under an ODM County government so give us a chance and you will see how things will change.” he added much to the jubilation of Wakulima market hawkers. Mr Kenyatta however said he was not rooting for any particular aspirants within the Jubilee party maintaining that the people will decide on the candidate during the nomination. “We are not telling you to elect any particular candidate among the Jubilee aspirants, we will leave it to you to decide and as a party we will work with anyone you will nominate,” he assured. hillary_x254

MPs summon US investor over Raila bullying allegations From Page 1

Midiwo yesterday lashed out at Burgess accusing him of racism and frustrating the Sh4 billion project at Yala swamp. The Gem legislator said the investor has not paid his workers since November last year and has been exporting rice back to his country instead of feeding the neighbouring community. “We cannot allow an investor who exploit our people, Mr Speaker the investor is a racist and the project is no longer economically viable especially to the locals. People living around that area have become even poorer than before,” Midiwo claimed. “He claims that he has provided employment to the people while only 500 people have been engaged as casuals and have not been paid since November last year, that is exploitation that we will not allow as leaders from the region,” Midiwo said. Rarieda MP Nicholas Gumbo described Burgess as a selfish person who only came to make the local community poor. “He is just a selfish person who is making our people suffer and it will be selfish from our part as leaders if we can allow that,” Gumbo said. His views were shared by Bondo’s Gideon Ochanda who said the investor has had constant conflict with the community over the land. “There has been no peace between the investor and the locals, the county government had commissioned a survey but Burgess went to court to block it saying he was not consulted.” Burgess leased the land for 45 years and Ochanda warned that chasing him away before his term expires will attract legal consequences. “There are legal consequences if he is forced out and I don’t think the county government is ready for that. We will wait for him at the committee and hope all concerns will be addressed,” he said. sam_x254

President forms new authority to address city transport challenges President Uhuru Kenyatta has created the Nairobi Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (NAMATA) under the State Corporations Act to address challenges in the transport sector. In a statement, State House Spokesman Manoah Esipisu said the Authority will cover the counties of Nairobi, Kiambu, Kajiado, Machakos and Murang’a. According to Esipisu, the Authority is a consequence of various presidential interventions and directives issued since 2013 that are geared towards redefining the country’s capital as well as the wider Metropolitan Area. “NAMATA is a bold and visionary policy intervention that, for the first time in our nation’s history, provides a comprehensive and dynamic platform for addressing the decades-old challenges in the transport sector that have bedevilled the Metropolitan Area,” Esipisu said. He stated that the body shall formulate a sustainable integrated public transport strategy that will be the basis for the orderly development of the proposed Metropolitan Area mass-transit system, which incorporates both bus rapid-transit

and commuter rail. “These elements are part of the administration’s wider plan of improving Kenya’s transport infrastructure as a spur for social and economic development,” he indicated. The creation of the body is based on the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2013 between the National Government and the county governments of Nairobi, Kiambu, Murang’a, Machakos and Kajiado. “NAMATA is designed to, at long last, address this gap and provide the Metropolitan Area with a world-class

public transport system,” the statement said. “The Authority, as established by the Head of State’s Executive Order, is an interim measure pending the enactment of a Statute that will establish a fully-fledged Authority with expanded powers and a broader mandate.” He stated that the Metropolitan Area has experienced rapid growth over the last three decades but there has not been commensurate focus on providing sufficient and sustainable transport options for the area’s visitors and residents. MORE ON THIS STORY www.capitalfm.co.ke

President Uhuru Kenyatta signs a Bill into law. PHOTO: FILE


Paul Njoroge: Meet the gun-wielding senator who is never afraid to speak out his mind WEEKEND EDITION, FEBRUARY 10-12, 2017


enator Paul Njoroge was largely unknown to many Kenyans. At least until June last year when he received massive coverage in the media for telling Deputy President William Ruto to forget about Kikuyu support in his bid become the country’s number one in 2022. Nominated by then President Uhuru Kenyatta’s party, The National Alliance (TNA) in 2013, senator Paul Njoroge represents the disabled in the senate and has fighting for their rights since then. He however received serious backlash from members of his party who accused him of creating a wedge between President Kenyatta and his Deputy and by extension the larger Kikuyu community and the Kalenjins by claiming that the former would not support Mr Ruto in 2022. The senator however remained undeterred and maintained that the Deputy should not fully count on the Mount Kenya votes in reciprocation for supporting Mr Kenyatta both in 2013 and now in 2017. “I have nothing personal against the DP. I have no ill-feeling towards him. All I am doing is to warn him to be wary of the politicians who are cheating him that the Kikuyu vote is intact for his 2022 bid,” Njoroge told a press then. “There is a group of politicians from the Kikuyu community who are misleading Deputy President William Ruto that the community’s votes are his for the taking in 2022. These MPs are those who line up in his office every morning to receive money in exchange of this false hope. The MPs are diverting the DP’s attention from weighty national issues and what he is supposed to do for the people of Rift valley,” Njoroge claimed. The senator however did not start fighting for his rights recently as his political career goes back to the late

Nominated senator Paul Njoroge shoots in the air to disperse a crowd that had gathered at his petrol station in Naivasha on Tuesday. BELOW: Mr Njoroge again shooting at the same scene. He claims he had to shoot after goons chareged at him during the confrontation with Vivo Energy officials. PHOTOS: COURTESY

1980s when he joined pro-reform forces to demand for the return of multi-party politics. He unsuccessfully contested the

Naivasha parliamentary seat on Mwai Kibaki’s Democratic Party ticket in 1992. And despite being nominated by Jubilee, the senator did not shy

away from side with the opposition on the call to send the Issack Hassan led Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission bosses home. “IEBC is bad news,” he said shaking his head in disapproval. “They need to go home like yesterday. They wasted my six months.” And this week, Mr Njoroge was again on the limelight. This time, the senator clashed with a chief executive of a top energy firm in his Naivasha backyard. Vivo energy boss Polycarp Igathe had led his team in an operation to take back a petrol station Mr Njoroge operates in the town after he failed to abide by some regulations. But Mr Njoroge could here none of it. His youths clashed with the Vivo officials leading to an ugly confrontation that ended in a gun

drama where the senator shot into the air, missing Mr Igathe by just inches. His image was splashed across all newspapers holding a gun and videos circulated on social media while shooting in the air to disperse a crowd which according to him had been hired to bring down his Shell petrol station. Vivo Energy had hired the workers to confiscate equipment. Mr Igathe who is also the KEPSA chairman was at the station to effect its closure when he ran into the melee. “I paid Sh2.5 million to Vivo and I have insurance of Sh6 million. The fuel company decided to ignore a court order,” he said. The senator said he refused to pay any kickback during the signing of the contract while setting up the petrol station hence businessman who runs a petrol station in Naivasha paid millions of shillings to frustrate him. “It is a shame Vivo MD could hire goons to attack me and my workers while we were at the petrol station which I have every licence required to for its operation. It was after stones were thrown to me and the goons started charging at me that made me fire in the air as I could not have run to take cover due to my physical challenges,” senator Njoroge said in defence. The matter is now in court. While much is not known about Mr Njoroge’s family life, he held a traditional wedding in 2014 during which he solemnised his marriage to Patricia Wairimu. The ceremony referred to as “ngurario” took place at the bride’s home in Ngethu, Gatundu North and was attended by Senators Johnstone Muthama (Machakos), Wilfred Machage (Migori) and Muriuki Karue (Nyandarua). Njoroge hopes to return to the Senate later this year through another nomination. @sam_x254

State now withdraws bid to lower sexual consent age The government has dropped its bid to lower the age of sexual consent from the current 18 to 16. Leader of Majority Aden Duale (pictured right) yesterday withdrew the Bill on amendments to the Sexual Offences Act that would have seen the consent age for sex reduced from 18 to 16 years. National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi told MPs yesterday said that he had received a letter from Duale requesting him to withdraw the said amendments. “I have received a letter from the Leader of Majority requesting me to withdraw the proposed amendments,” Muturi said. A majority of MPs last week opposed the amendment saying a 16 year old is still a child probably under the care of her parents and

cannot be exposed to sex risks. Majority whip Katoo ole Metito had argued that the Bill was seeking to protect boys who have engage in sex with their agemates. But Seme’s James Nyikal said a 16 old is deemed to be biologically ready for sexual activities but socially he is not ready for the consequences. “The society is deemed to see 16 year old as a person who biologically looks ready but socially such a person cannot bear the results of a sexual activity,” Nyikal said. In Kenya, the legal age of an adult is considered to be 18 and anyone found to have sex with a person below that age is liable to 15 years in jail even if the activity was consensual. Had the amendments passed, teenagers aged 16 years could have consensual sex.



Abdullahi: Somalia’s ‘Mr Cheese’ president has a lot on his plate Somalia has a new, apparently popular president. His main challenges include making federalism work, reducing corruption and improving security. Somalia’s complicated electoral process is finally complete and the country’s new big cheese has his work cut out. Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed - known by the nickname Farmajo - is a technocrat, a former prime minister who served just eight months in office, but is a popular choice judging from the response to his victory on the streets. There was celebratory gunfire punctuating the night sky across Mogadishu, as the results from the secured voting hall at the highly fortified airport were broadcast to the nation. His nickname (derived from the Italian word for cheese - formaggio) was apparently inherited from his father rather than from a childhood love of Italian cheese as has been reported, but that’s perhaps a question for his first news conference. Mr Farmajo wasn’t favourite to win the presidential election - in some quarters he was one of the least fancied of the main contenders. Somalis may share one ethnicity, language and religion, but years of war have hardened the domination of society and politics by a complex family tree of clans, sub-clans, and sub-sub clans, and the differing loyalties and rivalries between them. Members of the Hawiye clan have dominated political leadership in Mogadishu for many years, and although presidents in Somalia don’t tend to win second terms in office, another Hawiye choice was available. By selecting a Darod from the more northern regions of Somalia, MPs from the upper and lower houses decided to vote for even greater change. Having joint American and Somali nationality, Mr Mohamed returned from the US only last Supporters of newly elected President of Somalia Mohamed Abdullahi ‘Farmajo’ Mohamed celebrate his victory in the streets of Mogadishu on Thursday. PHOTO: SAID YUSUF WARSAME/EPA

year to announce his candidacy. The father of four – his family is still in the US – derived his nickname Farmajo from the Italian word for cheese, formaggio owing to his love for the dairy product. He graduated from the University of Buffalo in New York state with a degree in history and master’s in American studies and was working for the transportation department in Buffalo when he was asked to return to Somalia as prime minister in 2010. He was first posted to the Somali embassy in Washington in the 1980s and was studying in the US when the civil war started in 1991 and he claimed political asylum. He was a popular prime minister during his brief tenure in 2010 and 2011, with a reputation for making sure soldiers were paid their monthly salaries. And with state finances allegedly being diverted to fund an expensively corrupt electoral process they will be hoping to jump to the front of the queue. Strengthening the national army and police force - in the new federal state that Somalia has become - will be probably his first challenge. “The real question is whether he is able to work with the federal member states or not,” said Matt Bryden from the Somali-focused research organisation Sahan. “If he is, then Somalia will move in the right direction and the institutions of government will broaden and deepen their legitimacy. “If he finds himself at odds with the federal member states then there could be political tension or possibly crisis, and we could lose a lot of time in building relations between the regions and the centre.” Seen by some as a nationalist and a centrist while prime minister, the success of what’s become a firmly federal project will depend on a change of heart. Devolution of power was strengthened

through the electoral process with the selection of parliament’s upper house by federal member states. But there are unanswered questions over how state income will be distributed from port taxes or natural resources like oil. And the big failure of federalism so far has been security, and the inability of the central government to form a national army or police force that is trusted across the country and can effectively counter the threat of militant group al-Shabab. The Islamists have shown a growing capability during the electoral process - bigger suicide bombs and complex armed attacks in Mogadishu, as well as large-scale attacks on foreign military bases in the countryside. But they failed to stop the electoral process. The regional African Union intervention force, Amisom, has kept al-Shabab at bay, but troopcontributing countries are setting deadlines to leave. Foreign troops can clear al-Shabab out of towns and villages, but an insurgency can be beaten only if the vacuum left behind is filled - through the Somali government providing justice, rule of law and services such as health care and education. “The fight against al-Shabab is really about building state structures and government,” said Sahan director Matt Bryden. “The regional forces and the clan militia are doing the heavy lifting. It’s not being done by Somali national army or federal police, and there’s a need to adjust the international investment in the security sector to align it with reality.” There’s been a difference of opinion within the international actors in Somalia over whether to support centrally run security forces, or those delegated to the regions, where outsiders are not trusted. Corruption is something which needs to be tackled with a firm hand. Marqaati, a Somali non-governmental

Newly elected Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi ‘Farmajo’ Mohamed (C) after the votes where counted in the presidential election held at the international airport in Mogadishu, on Wednesday. PHOTO: SAID YUSUF WARSAME/EPA

organisation focusing on corruption, has criticised the electoral process. “The year 2016 was the worst year for accountability in Somalia as political actors sought to use whatever means possible to win the indirect elections process,” its recent report began. It claimed some presidential candidates paid $50,000 to $100,000 to MPs to secure their vote. There are many accounts and accusations of money being paid in exchange for votes, with a statement from the US, EU and UN before the poll criticising the lack of accountability. It was hoped that appointing more than 14,000 delegates to choose the 275 members of the lower house of parliament would restrict how much money was ploughed into politics, but it may have just increased the amounts involved. Even the UN’s special representative for Somalia, Michael Keating, admitted there were problems. “It’s not really a normal election, it is a political process with important electoral features,” he told the BBC. “Somalia doesn’t have the infrastructure that you need to have one person, one vote elections. So inevitably it is very difficult to control money flows. “The process has definitely been flawed in some ways - in many ways - but the result I hope will justify the effort that has gone into it,” he said. “There hasn’t been a one person, one vote election here since 1969.” And that’s another of the challenges facing the new president ensuring there’s a path towards full, democratic elections in four years’ time.


Drought now declared a national disaster WEEKEND EDITION, FEBRUARY 10-12, 2017

The Government has declared the current drought affecting 23 arid and semi-arid counties and pockets of other areas a national disaster. Speaking after being briefed on the situation on the ground by Cabinet Secretaries involved in drought management and food security at state House Nairobi, President Uhuru Kenyatta called on all stakeholders to support the Government by upscaling drought mitigation programmes. The President also called on the local and international partners to come in and support the Government’s efforts to contain the situation which has not only affected human being and livestock but also the wild animals. “Support from our partners would complement Governments efforts in mitigating the effects of drought,” said the President. He said the government would fast track and upscale its mitigation programmes to ensure the situation is properly contained. The President at the same time gave a stern warning to all who are involved in food distribution that the Government would take serious measures on those who would try take advantage of the situation to enrich themselves. “I will not tolerate anybody who would try to take advantage of this situation to defraud public funds,” said President Kenyatta. The President therefore, said all purchases of food and other requirements be done in a transparent and open manner and that all government agencies be involved to ensure Kenyans are not defrauded. “Let all investigative agencies including the Ethics and Anti-Corruption

Devolution Cabinet Secretary Mwangi Kiunjuri (center) distributes food to Marsabit residents on Tuesday alongside his Cabinet colleagues Eugene Wamalwa and Willy Bett. The government has today declared drought that is ravaging most parts of the country a national disaster.

Commission get involved in the activities being undertaken during this period. I don’t want the Government to be accused of taking advantage of this situation,” said the President. To stabilise the high prices of cereals, the Government would allow maize importation by the licenced millers but would strictly monitor the situation to

ensure it is done in a very transparent manner. In its phase two of drought intervention covering the months of February to April, the Government has allocated 11 billion shillings to carter for intervention in various sectors. Already National Treasury has release the first tranche of Sh7.3 billion while the county governments have provided

Sh2 billion. The government intends to enhance the interventions including doubling of food rations and cash transfers among other measures. Present were Chief of Staff and Head of Public Service Joseph Kinyua, Cabinet Secretaries Henry Rotich (Treasury), Willy Bett (Agriculture and Livestock),

Mwangi Kiunjuri (Devolution), Phyllis Kandie (Ministry of East African Community (EAC), Labour and Social Protection), Eugene Wamalwa (Water and Irrigation) and Principal Secretaries Richard Lesiyampe, Susan Mochache, Fred Sigor and Conservation Secretary Gideon Gathaara among others.

Youths spending half of their income on grooming alone Kenyan youths are image conscious and spend over 50% of their earnings on personal care items compared to other youth’s across the continent, a recent survey has revealed. The review by a Nairobi based digital firm Geopoll that study youth consumers’ habits in Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA) also indicated that Kenyan youths are upping their levels of education and are extremely optimistic about their future. GeoPoll rapid survey was carried out among youth between the ages of 18 to 35 in Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana and Uganda. “Youth spend over 50% of their earnings on personal care items and about 34% on their education,” the report says. In an article appearing on Africa.com on top ten trends in Africa in 2016 and beyond, beauty is listed as the number one trend with the hair industry estimated to be worth US$6 Billion.

It showed that Kenyan youths would save more to improve their level of education while they would spend 26 percent of their earning, with six percent set aside for entertainment and a sizeable number of them spending five percent on gambling. “Advancing in education is one of the most important pursuits for millennials with many saying that they save up to 10% of their monthly earnings towards it. This is in comparison to buying a car, a house or travelling,” the report says. “This is proof that young Africans are striving for financial independence, prosperity and believe in their own ability to charter their own course with a strong belief in the adage “Education is the Key”,” it adds. According to the report, although the youth unemployment stands at around 12 percent in Sub-Sahara, young Africans with jobs are taking charge of their future by saving towards education

Graduates take a selfie at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Science and Agriculture. A new survey shows that Kenyan youth spend more than half of their earnings on personal care. PHOTO: COURTESY

with over 34% of their monthly spend being set aside for this. Among the countries that were part of this survey, Ghana has the highest rate of youth saving towards education at 46%. Many young Africans who took part in the survey (51%) of them have jobs, however, a good number still depend on their parents for their upkeep at

32%. Close to 70 percent of Africa’s population now comprises of Millennials according to a 2011 Africa Development Bank report. Africans aged 16-34 account for 65 percent of the continent’s consumer spending (McKinsey 2013 report). Interestingly, the report indicated that among the Kenyan, gambling is

becoming popular among male African Millennials due to their high affinity to sports and the proliferation of local sports betting platforms. “This is still a very nascent industry since only 3% of youth consumers in the survey indicated that they spend part of their income on gambling,” it reports. hillary_x254



Trump loses appeal to reinstate travel ban A US appeals court has rejected President Donald Trump’s attempt to reinstate his ban on citizens from seven mainly Muslim countries. The 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals said it would not block a lower-court ruling that halted the order. Mr Trump responded with an angry tweet saying national security was at risk and there would be a legal challenge. But the 3-0 unanimous ruling said the government had not proved the terror threat justified reviving the ban. The ruling means that people from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen with visas can continue to enter the US. And refugees from around the world, who were also subject to a temporary ban, are no longer blocked either. The case is now likely to end up at the highest court, the US Supreme Court. The three appeal judges rejected the argument, made by the Justice Department on behalf of the US government, that the president had sole discretion to set immigration policy. The court also said there was “no evidence that any alien from any of the countries named in the order” had committed a terror attack in the US. They said both sides had made compelling cases. “On the one hand, the public has a powerful interest in national security and in the ability of an elected president to enact policies. “And on the other, the public also has

An undated photo showing Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson. Reports say The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit unanimously affirmed a lower court’s ruling obtained by Attorney General Bob Ferguson, which blocks President Donald Trump’s Executive Order on immigration. ‘No one is above the law, not even the President,’ Ferguson said. ‘The President should withdraw this flawed, rushed and dangerous Executive Order, which caused chaos across the country. If he refuses, I will continue our work to hold him accountable to the Constitution.’ PHOTO: EPA

an interest in free flow of travel, in avoiding separation of families, and in freedom from discrimination.” But they said Mr Trump’s executive

order stripped foreign arrivals of their rights under the Constitution. Mr Trump responded to the ruling by tweeting his dissent, and then gave

an audio statement saying it was a political decision. The Justice Department, which made representations to the appeals court on behalf of the White House, said in a statement it was “reviewing the decision and considering its options”. Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson, who had sued over the ban, said it was a complete victory for the state. New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio said: “Here in New York - the safest big city in America - we will always protect our neighbours, no matter where they came from or when they got here. Those are our values.” Donald Trump’s lawyers did not make their case. According to three Ninth Circuit judges, they didn’t even really try to make their case. Rather than explaining why the temporary travel ban was needed, the administration argued that the president’s authority on immigration was so sweeping that they didn’t have to explain why the order was necessary. According to the court, the government was unable to say why Mr Trump’s ban addressed a pressing national security threat that a temporary stay of the order would worsen. The lawyers for the challenging states, on the other hand, convinced the judges that re-imposing the order at this point would create further chaos by infringing on the due process rights of those on US soil, regardless of their immigration status.

By issuing a unanimous, unsigned opinion, the judges avoid accusations of partisan bias, as one of the three was a Republican appointee. Mr Trump tweeted a sharp “SEE YOU IN COURT” following the decision but which court? An appeal to the Supreme Court seems likely, although a better move for the president may be to fight in the lower court until Judge Neil Gorsuch joins a conservative majority on the bench. The executive order, at the end of Mr Trump’s first week in office, had sparked protests and confusion as people were stopped at US borders. Then a week later, a federal judge in Seattle issued a temporary restraining order that stopped the ban in its tracks, after Washington state and Minnesota sued. The Justice Department appealed to the 9th Circuit in San Francisco, which heard oral arguments this week. Lawyers representing the US government argued that the ban was a “lawful exercise” of presidential authority. But the two US states said the ban had harmed universities in their states and discriminated against Muslims. The appeal judges did not rule on the constitutionality or the merits of the law, just on the question of its reinstatement. The lower court in Seattle must still debate its merits and there are other legal challenges across the country.

Chaos mar Zuma’s annual State of the Nation address

Punches were thrown in South Africa’s parliament as opposition MPs tried to disrupt the State of the Nation address by President Jacob Zuma. Members of the radical Economic Freedom Fighters’ party (EFF), all dressed in red, scuffled with security guards who ejected them from the chamber. Mr Zuma had twice got to his feet but was shouted down by EFF MPs. Outside parliament, police used stun grenades to disperse opposition and government supporters. Mr Zuma has been dogged by allegations of corruption and cronyism and widely criticised for his handling of the economy. Previous addresses by him have been marred by MPs demanding his resignation. As Mr Zuma entered parliament in Cape Town on Thursday he was met by chants of “thief ” by EFF MPs, who included their firebrand leader Julius Malema. Members of the governing African National Congress (ANC) countered them by chanting “ANC, ANC”. Amid raised voices and chaotic scenes, Speaker Baleka Mbete tried to deal with repeated interruptions and procedural questions. Mr Malema called Mr Zuma “an incorrigible man rotten to the core”.

He also turned on the speaker, telling her: “Your conduct has failed you. You are irrational, impatient, partisan.” Ms Mbete told the protesting MPs: “We have been patient with you, we have been trying to give you an opportunity to express yourselves but... it is being abused.” Security guards were called in and the EFF members were forcibly ejected. Members of another opposition party, the Democratic Alliance, then walked out, saying President Zuma was unqualified to hold office. A smiling President Zuma said “Finally” as he resumed his address, speaking about the economy and other issues. Mr Zuma had angered some MPs ahead of his speech by ordering the deployment of about 440 troops to maintain law and order in parliament on the day. Opposition parties condemned the decision as a “declaration of war”. It was the first time that troops had a security rather than a ceremonial role. Previous State of the Nation speeches have been marred by chaos in parliament. Since winning seats in 2014, members of the EFF have caused disruption by chanting and jeering at the president over allegations of corruption. In 2015, EFF members were removed from the chamber by security guards disguised as waiters.

Security officials remove members of the Economic Freedom Fighters during the State Of The Nation Address (SONA) by President Zuma in parliament, Cape Town, South Africa yesterday. More than 400 soldiers were deployed for the 2017 SONA, the 10th by President Jacob Zuma in his capacity as Head of State. PHOTO: SUMAYA HISHAM/EPA

WEEKEnD EDITION, FEBRUARY 10-12, 2017 | www.x254.co



State spending to supersede revenue collection by Sh900bn

Government spending is projected to exceed its revenue collections by Sh900 billion for the financial year 2017/2018, the National Treasury has revealed. Treasury Cabinet Secretary Henry Rotich says the Government is targeting to collect Sh1.7 trillion in revenue for the 2017/2018 financial year against a record budget of Sh2.62 trillion. The Treasury attributes the hike in budget spending to the approved increase in the salaries of all civil servants starting July 2017, which will see the government use over Sh100 billion to finance the programme. “The allocation is part of the harmonization of public sector salaries and allowances, including civil service pension, house and hardship allowances, recruitment of 10,000 police officers and 5,000 teachers,” reads a statement from State House. To tackle the fiscal deficit, the Treasury is planning to provide sufficient room to finance productive expenditure so as to sustain equitable growth, a move that would further bridge the gap between revenue collection and government expenditure. He said the government will further improve on its expenditure, enhance tax collections and reduce over-reliance on international debt to see the Sh900 billion difference between revenue collection and expenditure reduced by double digits during the financial year 2017/2018. “The Government is banking on the ongoing reforms in tax policy and revenue administration to improve revenue


backed by Sh1.69 trillion tax revenue. These developments come just as the government buckles under pressure to intensify tax collection after latest data show a balance of Sh859 billion that must be raised in the next four to five months. Treasury financials printed in December last year show that the Government had received a total of Sh473 billion in total taxes up to November. This is against a

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Uber rewards app users in bid to boost brand loyalty

Treasury Cabinet Secretary, Henry Rotich speaking at a past event. collection, even as it limits borrowing to international markets,” said Mr. Rotich. Statistics from the Treasury show that budget expenditure has increased to Sh2.62 trillion in 2017/2018 down from Sh2.48 trillion it was in 2016/2017 fiscal year. Initially, the Treasury had projected that Kenya would spend Sh2.275 trillion in the next financial year, saying it would be

MEAN 103.6994 129.7311 110.7881 7.7198 34.5711 21.5527

target of Sh1.3 trillion set for the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) by CS Rotich under the current budget. The KRA has been falling short of its ambitious collection targets. In 2015, the Authority blamed a slump in tax earnings from Pay as Your Earn (PAYE) for its inability to raise Sh1.2 trillion. @enock _x254

Technology firm, Uber Kenya today bought ‘nyama-choma’ lunch for its app-users in Nairobi and Mombasa as part of an edition on marketing campaign to delight Uber riders. The campaign which ran for only 2 hours (12pm – 2pm), was accessible to Uber users in specified locations within the two cities in the country where riding app Uber operates. Uber Head of Marketing, Dip Patel said, the move was to create a brand loyalty among its customers as it makes them excited. “At Uber, we are always looking for innovative, engaging and creative ways to create excitement and brand loyalty among our consumers they are after all, the reason we do what we do,’’ said Patel. “At the touch of a button over lunchtime Uber riders today received a delicious, hot plate of ‘nyama choma’ without having to leave their offices or their homes,” he added. Those who received lunch were Uber customers from Westlands, and the Nairobi Central Business District while Uber served customers across Mombasa County. “Whilst we would like as many of our riders to benefit from this campaign, the free choma will be available on a first come first served basis. Only users who are within the coverage area will be able to see the UberCHOMA banner,” Patel said hours prior to lunch. A similar campaign took place across Kampala and Dar es Salaam, the other East African cities with an Uber presence. Acting General Manager for Uber in East Africa, Loic Amado, said” “This campaign is just one way of celebrating the vibrant East African culture and connecting with our consumers in a different and memorable way.” @enock _x254

KLM boss Pieter Elbers resigns Youth spending a third of their income on investments as job crisis worsens from Kenya Airways Board Pieter Elbers, Chief Executive of KLM Airways, has resigned from the Board of Kenya Airways. The Chairman of KQ Board Michael Joseph says Mr. Elbers’ resignation has been necessitated by his heavy responsibilities and additional commitments as President and CEO of KLM. Joseph said Elbers will be replaced by Mr. Jos Veenstra who has been an alternate nonexecutive director on the Board since 2005. “Veenstra is a Chartered Accountant and is currently the VP Mergers Acquisitions and Holdings for Air France/KLM, responsible for the monitoring of Air France/KLM’s corporate holdings,” said Joseph. “On behalf of the Board of Directors of Kenya Airways and management, I wish to take this opportunity to offer Mr. Elbers our most sincere appreciation for his dedicated contribution, support and service over the last 4 years as a Director of the Board of Kenya Airways and wish him every success in all his future endeavours as we welcome Mr. Veenstra to the Board as a substantive Director,” he added in a statement.

The announcment comes just as the National carrier saw its passenger numbers increase by 4.8 per cent in the third quarter of 2016 to stand at 1.12 million. The troubled airline has continued to reaffirm its progress towards recovery amidst a series of losses in recent years. Elbers was appointed by KLM in 2013 to represent the airline’s stake at KQ and was a member of the corporate governance and nominations committee, while Veenstra seats in the Board’s Audit and Risk Management. Elbers’ resignation comes just two months after it was announced that KQ CEO Mbuvi Ngunze, who resigned in November, is set to leave the airline for good in March this year. Joseph said in November that Ngunze would remain until a successor was found. At the time, Joseph confirmed that the selection process for the next chief executive has already begun and the process will be completed in the first quarter of 2017.

The country’s youth spend about a third of their income on investments, a study conducted in January by digital research firm Geopoll has found. The analysis, which was carried out in January this year, discovered that an estimated 26 per cent of a young person’s income will go towards building their financial future. These developments come just as Kenya is grappling with a youth unemployment crisis that seems to get worse each year. A World Bank analysis reports that Kenya has the largest number of jobless youth in East Africa. The report says that nearly one in every five Kenyan youths of working age has no job compared to Uganda and Tanzania where about one in every 20 young people is jobless, a trend that has encouraged millennials to put more effort in planning for their future. Unemployment among Kenya’s youth is now estimated to stand at 17.3 per cent compared to six per cent for both Uganda and Tanzania. Meanwhile, Geopoll research indicates that the youth spend more 55 per cent of their earnings on personal care. It reveals that majority of youth between the ages of 18 and 35 years spend a huge amount of their earnings on items that boost their self-image. The study says that youths put 26 per cent of earnings on

investments, six per cent on entertainment and five per cent on gambling. Other items accounted for seven per cent of the total income The survey is part of a series on African millennials in which GeoPoll seeks to understand the habits of the continent’s youth. The survey was done in Nigeria, Ghana, Uganda, South Africa and Kenya. About 51 per cent of the youth who took part in the survey are employed with 32 per cent relying on the support of parents or guardian. The data was released ahead of a visit from a German delegation that is seeking to strengthen the European country’s investment ties with Kenya. German Development Minister Gerd Muller said in a recent address that his country intends to create jobs for Africa’s unemployed youth. “By 2050 Africa’s population will double and then account for 20 percent of the global total, with the average age being 18. Europe has a shared responsibility to give this young generation economic opportunities on the ground,” Muller said in a statement issued earlier this week. “We need to see progress against corruption. and legal certainty has to be created for companies.”



Infrastructure investments to boost economic growth - WBG WEEKEND EDITION, FEBRUARY 10-12, 2017

Improving conditions for people and businesses in Kenya’s cities by aggressively investing in infrastructure and reforming land markets is the key to fast-tracking economic growth, job creation and improving city competitiveness, the World Bank has said. A report by the global lender dubber ‘Africa’s Cities: Opening Doors to the World’ states that for Kenya to grow economically, it must open its doors and connect to the world. “The first priority is to formalize land markets, clarify property rights, and institute effective urban planning that allows land to be brought together,” read the report in part. “The second priority is to make early and coordinated infrastructure investments that allow for interlinkages among housing, infrastructure, commercial, and industrial development.” World Bank Vice President for Africa, Makhtar Diop said Kenya needs to have more affordable, connected and liveable cities, a move he says will improve the economy and grow social dividends from urbanisation. The report notes that Africa is urbanizing at as incomes grow at slower rates than other developing regions with similar urbanization levels. Rapid urbanization, coupled with lower incomes has meant that capital investment in African cities has remained relatively low in the region for the past four decades. The report emphasizes that investments in African cities’ infrastructure, industrial, and commercial structures have not kept pace with concentration of people, nor have investments in affordable formal housing. The analysis adds that the potential for coordinated investments in

Rapid urbanization, coupled with lower incomes has meant that investment in African cities has remained relatively low in the region for the past four decades. infrastructure, residential, and commercial structures is great and has the potential to connect people with jobs. It has also emerged that city dwellers pay around 35 per cent more for food in Africa than in low-income and

middle-income countries elsewhere. Overall, urban households pay 20 to 31 per cent more for goods and services in African countries than in other developing countries at similar income levels. In addition, urban workers in Africa

are also forced to pay high commuting costs, or they cannot afford to commute by vehicle at all, and the informal minibus systems are far from cost efficient, leaving many to have to walk to work limiting these residents’ access to jobs. @enock_x254

Capital Group partners with Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry in move to empower SMEs The Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) and Capital Group have partnered to launch a platform that seeks to empower Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). The project, dubbed Learn, Network and Grow (LNG), aims to build the capacity of entrepreneurs and drive SMEs towards sustainability through a series of workshops and expos in eight regions across the country. The regional workshops will culminate in a grand conference and expo in Nairobi that will include a series of seminars and networking events. LNG, which was born out of the need to address growth constraints, will create new opportunities to network and markets for entrepreneurs at the

county and regional level. A Kenya National Bureau of Statistics report revealed the country’s 2.2 million Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) shut down in the last five years including 2016, with SMEs in wholesale and retail trade, repair of vehicles and motorcycles sector hardest hit. The main reason cited for business closure was shortage of operating funds owing to increased operating expenses, declining income and losses incurred from businesses. Apart from credit, other challenges faced by these MSMEs include lack of markets and local competition. The Chairman of the KNCCI, Kiprono Kittony, says LNG will focus on capacity building, partnerships with county governments and the advocacy

agenda. “SMEs are really the driving engine of the world’s economy and they contribute 99 percent of the Chinese economy and 60 percent of China’s GDP. The role of the SMEs in the US, UK, in Germany, India, Brazil, Malaysia, Korea, South Korea and all the strong economies is because they have developed an environment that SMEs can be nurtured in,” says Kittony. Speaking at the launch of LNG in Nairobi, Capital Group Managing Director Cyrus Kamau, said SMEs have the potential to create more jobs and drive innovation if well facilitated and empowered. “Our role as the media is to champion those issues (SMEs face) that propagate the

growth of this sector that would bring positive change to our economy,” said Kamau. “Together with KNCCI, we felt it is time we dealt with a category of business (that) once given more of impetus, would be the driving force in changing the fortunes of our Kenyan Republic.” A key component of LNG is creating structures and building blocks for business owners to do business with county and national government, a point Capital Group Chairman Dr. Chris Kirubi emphasized. Kirubi said the Government’s policy of BuyKenya-Build-Kenya, which gives local producers a 40 per cent preferential quota in all government supplies, is enough to create many small and medium enterprises.

Renault Kenya unveils new mid-sized SUV

Renault Kenya has released its new Kadjar SUV into the local market. The French brand’s mid-sized SUV now enters a hotly contested local segment comprisingother brands in its category. The new Renault Kadjar comes at a competitive price for cars in its category with outstanding features that will offer the best driving experience for car enthusiasts in Kenya. Speaking at the launch of the car, Renault Brand Manager, Jonathan Dos Santos said that the Kadjar enters the market at an opportune time when Kenyans want value for their money and are looking for models that meet their immediate motoring needs. “This car defines innovation, on the technology front, “the Kadjar boasts of easy park assist, LED daytime running lights, dual zone climate control, electronic parking brake, keyless entry and voice activated controls, amongst much more,” Dos Santos said at the launch. “It’s absolutely stunning to look at with some striking features that are further enhanced by the awesome LED daytime running lights”. You will be hard pressed to get a better deal on a mid-sized SUV,” he added. At the same time, Renault has unveiled the New Duster model as it rumps up its motor offering for the growing Kenyan middle class. The new improved model duster has a new face-lift and is now available in 4x4 manual and in 4x2 automatic by end of 3rd quarter.” “These new enhancements perfectly complement the New Duster, while it retains its iconic crossover-style body shape, this is one of our best models and has a great history in global markets”, Dos Santos said. In line with the advancements in technology in the industry, the new Duster is equipped with a new rearview camera with guidelines, new automatic air conditioning, a new window with anti-pinch and new multimedia 7” touch screen. In a bid to enhance the safety of its users, the New Duster has a host of active and passive safety features including ABS, EBD with Brake Assist, Dual Airbags, ESP & Hill start assist. It is also equipped with front driver and passenger airbags as well as a visual and sound signal to alert passengers in case they forget to buckle up. The Kadjar sits above the Duster compact SUV in Renault’s lineup, measuring 4.45 metres long, 1.84 metres wide and 1.6 metres tall. Some semblance of off-road ability is assured thanks to its 190mm ground clearance, front and rear skid plates and approach and departure angles of 18 and 25 degrees respectively. @kevin_x254


Ecobank in bid to grow customer base by 900 percent in 3 years


Ecobank Transnational, a pan-African lender with operations in Kenya, plans to increase its customer numbers by 900 per cent within the next three years. The lender plans to increase its customer base to 100 million by 2020 from 10 million now, using technology to hit that goal, CEO, Ade Ayeyemi said on Thursday. The move comes just as local lenders are adopting new technology and resizing their staff to cut costs amid a challenging banking sector environment. Recent data from the International Monetary Fund and sector regulators shows that lenders in Sub-Saharan Africa have been using mobile and Internet banking to recruit new customers, cut operating costs and create new income sources. Speaking at the launch of Ecobank’s new mobile banking application in Kenya, Ayeyemi said this would help the group reach more users in 33 African nations where it operates. The application will let users move funds and buy goods across its markets, helping to boost trade in Africa and creating more of a single market on the continent, the CEO of the Togo-based institution said. Ayeyemi said the Ecobank mobile banking platform would first focus on customer transactions and boost savings, before offering loans. Studies show that about a third of people in Sub-Saharan Africa have bank accounts. Ecobank’s move comes just as Kenya’s banking sector experienced a core earnings growth of 15 per cent for the nine months ending September 2016, despite the challenging economic environment, a new report by Cytton Investments confirmed. The growth was attributed to new innovative products and channels as

well as increased financial inclusion and growth of Kenya’s middle class. The report credits agency and mobile banking models with the reduction of operating expenses and improved efficiency. “Growth for most banks with regional subsidiaries was driven mainly by the Kenya businesses as their regional operations underperformed,” states the analysis.

Deposits grew faster than loans at 7.7 per cent, but lower than the 5-year average of 14.9 per cent while nonperforming loans continue to be a concern in the sector. Cytonn’s Investment Manager, Maurice Oduor has since said banks will now have to diversify their revenue beyond interest income as a result of capping of interest rates. “We are likely to see increased cost

of funding and reduced yield on assets which translates to a reduced net interest margin affecting the profitability of banks,” Oduor explained. Other key issues that will impact the sector moving forward include increased mergers and acquisitions, as well as cost cutting measures, which may include job losses and increased regulation.

CFC supports local innovators working to boost community development The Common Fund for Commodities is seeking applications from Kenyan innovators as the international group moves to support organizations and enterprises engaged in commodity value chains in its member countries. CFC provides a range of financial instruments in support of business activities in the field of commodity development, including agriculture, minerals and metals in Developing Countries that, besides giving a sound financial return, also deliver a measurable social and environmental impact. The organisation seeks to create employment (particularly for youth and women), provide sustained increase in household incomes, reduce poverty, and enhance food security. CFC also aims to enhance production and productivity, achieve higher local value addition; improve competitiveness of producers, producer organisations and small and medium sized industries, support the financial sector development. The group plans to enhance production taking into account the environment and its long term possibilities for the same, or increased use of productive resources while maintaining or reducing the impact on the environment. CFC supports implementation of activities along the value chain that are innovative, scalable and replicable. It also supports activities that are financially sustainable and have a potential measurable positive socioeconomic and environmental impact on the stakeholders in commodity value chains. The Common Fund for Commodities is an autonomous intergovernmental financial institution established within the framework of the United Nations.

Germany vows to improve Kenyans’ living standards at GABS forum Germany is making moves to improve the living standards of Kenyans and millions of people in Sub-Saharan Africa, a delegaion of the country’s representatives have confirmed. Over 400 representatives backed by top politicians are attending the GermanAfrican Business Summit (GABS), which comes to a close today, Friday, February 10, 2017. It has emerged that Germany wants to improve standards of living in sub-Sahara Africa as the country’s government moves to control the high influx of migrants and refugees from Africa. Berlin had said in order to reduce the number of people forced

to flee to Europe, living conditions in sub-Saharan Africa must be improved. “If we do not solve the problems in Africa, they will come to us sooner or later,” said Mueller a few weeks ago. Germany allocates only two to three per cent of its overall foreign investment to Africa, which is considered very low. The German delegation has vowed to increase investments in the region going forward. The delegation is led by the country’s Economic Minister, Brigitte Zypries, and Development Minister, Gerd Mueller. Germany’s Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel is also lined up as a speaker at the forum. On the African

side, high ranking politicians from five different countries are attending the forum along with the host nation Kenya led by President Uhuru Kenyatta, who is opening the three-day summit. In the run up to the summit, the German side already made their intentions clear. “The German economy is missing out on this market,” said Development Minister Mueller a few weeks ahead of the Summit. “Even though we are continuously talking about Africa as a continent of opportunities, the German economy has to play an enormous catch up,” said Heinz-Walter Grosse, Chairman

of the Sub-Saharan Africa Initiative of the German Economy (SAFRI), the organizers of the summit. Grosse emphasizes that more and more foreign companies are taking keen interest in Africa. GABS aim was to focus on Africa’s economic potential and discuss future trends in AfricanGerman cooperation. The continent is the world’s secondfastest growing economy after East Asia. In 2015, African economies grew by 3.6 per cent, higher than the global economy with 3.1 percent. East Africa has become the continent’s growth engine with an average growth of 6.3 percent in 2015.

The conference was organized by the Sub-Saharan Africa Initiative of German Business (SAFRI) with its sponsoring organisations – the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK), the Federation of German Industries (BDI), the Federation of German Wholesale, Foreign Trade and Services (BGA) and the GermanAfrican Business Association (AV) in cooperation with the Network of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Sub-Saharan Africa (AHK), with the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Kenya serving as the organiser on site.





Big Kev has been a mainstay in the entertainment industry for over two decades and the news that he has had recurrent brain tumours for 8 of those years has been a shock to many. Here is what you should know.

things you should know about the brain tumour

●Men are more likely to get deadly brain tumours than women A few studies have gone on to try and explain why this is so. Washington State University journal The Source claims, researchers found that retinoblastoma protein (RB), a protein known to reduce cancer risk, is significantly less active in male brain cells than in female brain cells. Males have a lower five-year survival rate; that is, percentage of patients alive 5 years after t h e

disease has been diagnosed, when compared to females with brain cancer. ●Headaches are usually the first sign of brain cancer Although obviously not every headache you have means that you should go worrying yourself. These headaches tend to be severe, debilitating and cannot be reduced with over the counter painkillers. Abrupt movements such as coughing and sneezing would make the pounding worse. They are caused by a rise in pressure in the skull. ●A brain tumour can affect your sense of smell Some people have claimed that the smell of ‘burnt toast’ has plagued them before realising that they had brain cancer but research shows that there is no particular smell to watch out for. The onset of a stroke can mirror this effect too. Cancer could even affect your ability smell anything all. ●Brain cancer can take on a psychological aspect Changes in a sufferer’s behaviour such as mood swings and hallucinations have been known to happen. This depends on the part of the brain the tumour is putting pressure on. The frontal lobe of the brain is responsible for behaviour, personality and mood. If enough pressure is put on this area, there could be a noticeable change in behaviour from an ailing person. ●The cause of brain tumours is not known Ap ar t from


HOT TOPICS Eviction Fever Sets In for Big Brother Naija Five With last Sunday’s eviction still fresh in their memories, the Big Brother Nigeria housemates are at it again with the next evictions set for Sunday 12th February. At the end of the nominations, ‘Biggie’ called out CocoIce, TTT, Bisola, Debie-Rise and Bassey as the housemates with the highest nominations. As expected, HoH Efe was called on to save one of the housemates and replace with another. In less than 20 seconds, Efe opted to save TTT and put up Gifty in his place.

is battling

@kevin_x254 Ex-beauty queen Wema Sepetu has made bail. The actress who appeared in court on Thursday 10th February 2017 pleaded not guilty before senior magistrate Simba at Kisutu Resident Magistrates’ Court. The accused was granted bail on condition that they avail two reliable sureties who will sign a bond of sh 5million each. Wema was facing one count of possession of narcotic drugs. The accused who was arrested together with her housemaid was found in possession of bhang at her residence. The accused’s attorney Mr Msando told the court that the charges were bailable for they are not highlighted under the Drug Control and Enforcement Act and thus asked the court to release Wema on bail. The case has adjourned to February 22, this year, when it will come for the mention.

having a genetic slant towards it and being exposed to carcinogenic materials the root of brain cancer is still shrouded in mystery. The fact that the brain is well-protected from exposure to harmful materials makes understanding the cause harder. ●Early detection will save your life The most deadly type of brain cancer is Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) with a survival rate of 14% – 17%. Some other cancers such as Oligodendroglioma have a survival rate of 85% with early detection, while Ependymoma has one of 91%. A fundraiser for Big Kev’s medical expenses will be held today at the Carnivore but the public can contribute through MPESA Paybill number 880100, account number 7839240019 for any amount starting from Sh.10.

Wema Sepetu pleads not guilty, out on bail

Big Kev fundraiser dinner set for tonight Entertainment industry bigwigs, friends as well as the political class is set for a fundraising dinner in aid of events guru Kevin Ombajo who is popularly known as Big Kev. The ‘tembeanaBigKev’ initiative seeks to raise funds to help Big Kev receive palliative care throughout his healing process. Comedians Churchill Ndambuki, Eric Omondi, Felix Odiwuor aka Jalang’o as well as musicians Avril, Esther Wahome and Daddy Owen are part of the team that spearheaded the initiative. Big Kev has previously had other successful surgeries in India to remove tumours from his head.





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First lady half marathon cancelled due to ongoing doctor’s strike

The fourth edition of the First Lady’s Half Marathon that was scheduled for March 12 at Nairobi’s Uhuru Gardens has been cancelled. This is after Kenyans on social media requested her to cancel the half marathon due to the ongoing strike of doctors. “I have never been willing to politicize this agenda. As a consequence I feel it necessary to cancel the First Lady’s Half Marathon this year. I was preparing to celebrate with Kenyans to say thank you for running with me and for supporting Beyond Zero. You have all made a huge difference to the lives of thousands of women, men and children, in our great nation,” the First Lady said in a statement on Saturday. “My ultimate purpose was to ensure that no mother or child lost their lives unnecessarily and I believe that this is something which should be owned by all of us.” The First Lady thanked all who have supported in the initiative of the Beyond Zero campaign that saw her equip mobile clinics in all the 47 counties to reduce mother and child mortality by increasing access to healthcare. “Four years I ago, I asked Kenyans to join me on a journey: a marathon to end maternal and child mortality across the country. Over the last four years, we have worked together—we have run

First Margret Kenyatta (center) in action during the third edition of her marathon supporting the Beyond Zero campaign. She cancelled the fourth edition of the marathaon owing to the ongoing doctors strike.

together bonded by our shared conviction that no mother should die while giving life and that every child should live to see their 5th birthday,” She said. Hillary Kiprono and Leonida Mosop won the first edition in the men’s and women’s races

respectively. 2015 saw Moses Kosgei and Georgina Rono take the honors while Wilfred Kimitei and 2013 Amsterdam winner Valentine Kipketer dominated last year’s event.

Everton can convince Belgian striker Ronald Lukaku to stay - Koeman Everton’s improved performances can convince striker Romelu Lukaku to stay at the club, says boss Ronald Koeman. The Belgium international’s agent has said a new deal at Goodison is close to being agreed. “If players see a future in the club and the team is improving and getting stronger every day that is always a plus for them to stay,” Koeman said. “That is what we need to show him so he is convinced the short future is at Everton.” The Toffees were ninth following defeat by local rivals Liverpool on 19 December but have since gone seven league games unbeaten and sit seventh. Earlier this season Koeman said Lukaku would need to leave Goodison Park to fulfil his potential but in December the player’s agent, Mino Raiola, said a contract extension was 99% done. The 23-year-old is the Premier League’s top scorer with 16 goals this season and scored four against Bournemouth on Saturday. “I didn’t speak to the board about Romelu. If his agent mentioned he likes to stay and he will sign a new deal that is perfect for Everton,” Koeman said. “We know everyone has their own ambition - that’s only human - but we want to keep the good players and he is one of those. “He is top scorer in the league at the moment and is playing at a high level and is so clinical it would be difficult to find a replacement for him, and for that I hope he will stay.”


Arsene Wenger: Arsenal manager refuses to concede title fight is over


Arsenal must believe they can still win the Premier League title this season despite a 12-point gap to leaders Chelsea, says manager Arsene Wenger. The Gunners, who last won the league in 2004, slipped to fourth after a 3-1 defeat at Chelsea last Saturday. Wenger’s side host Hull City on Saturday (12:30 GMT) having lost four of their past nine league games. “It is never over,” said the Frenchman. “Even if you [the media] think it is, I don’t - we can’t think like that.” Just five points now separate secondplaced Tottenham from Manchester United in sixth. Wenger added: “We’re in a pack that is very tight and the fight for every position will be massive, maybe more this season than before. “If it is over for us, it is over for everyone else as we are all in the pack. “Chelsea have an advantage, they do not play in Europe, they play for nothing, they do not play midweek games and are in a strong position.” Arsenal’s defeat by Chelsea came

four days after they had lost 2-1 at home to Watford. Some fans have called for Wenger to leave, with one holding up a poster at Stamford Bridge telling the Frenchman: “Enough is enough. Time to go.” Club legend Ian Wright said last week the 67-year-old, who has been in charge since 1996, has some “serious thinking to do” about his future. “What is important is we focus on the next game and do not give too much importance to one fan,” said Wenger. “It’s not me at stake, it’s Arsenal Football Club. “Our fans have been consistent and have a high level of expectation, as I do, but I don’t feel you can be a fan until last Tuesday and then not be behind the team any more - it doesn’t make sense. “Even if we have had two disappointing results, I want the fans to be behind the team. Focus on what we do well. They were great players last Tuesday and they are still great players.”

Arsenal’s manager Arsene Wenger arrives for the English Premier League soccer match between Swansea City and Arsenal FC at the Liberty Stadium in Swansea, Britain, 14 January 2017. EPA/ALED LLYWELYN



Uefa will ask for 16 places for European teams for wold cup 2026

European football’s governing body will ask for its teams to be given 16 places at the expanded 48-team 2026 World Cup. Uefa will also request that the European teams who do qualify are kept apart in the first stage. The new-look tournament will begin with an initial round of 16 three-team groups, with 32 qualifiers going through to the knockout stage. Thirteen European teams qualified for the last World Cup in Brazil in 2014, which was won by Germany. Uefa president Aleksander Ceferin said the requests are “realistic”, and it is his desire for every European team to qualify from the first round. Fifa is expected to confirm the quotas for each continental governing body in May. Ceferin was speaking at a meeting of the Uefa Executive Committee in Nyon. All members of the committee agreed with the proposals. Other proposals approved at Thursday’s meeting included: Fifa’s members voted unanimously in favour of the World Cup expansion in January. The number of tournament matches will rise to 80, from 64, but the eventual winners will still play only seven games. The tournament will be completed within 32 days - a measure to appease powerful European clubs, who objected to reform because of a crowded international schedule. Fifa president Gianni Infantino said the World Cup has to be “more inclusive”, adding: “Football is more than just Europe and South America, football is global.”



14 First Lady marathon cancelled due to strike

Leicester City’s Demarai Gray (left) and Manchester United’s Juan Mata (right) vie for the ball during the English Premier League soccer match between Leicester City and Manchester United at the King Power Stadium in Leicester, Britain, 5 February 2017. PHOTO:TIM KEETON/EPA


Leicester City stare at relegation

ight months after celebrating a Premier League title win that ranks among the greatest of all sporting achievements, Leicester find themselves firmly mired in a relegation battle. Manager Claudio Ranieri this week received a vote of confidence, the club insisting he retains their “unwavering support”. But Leicester’s fall has been a dramatic one, leaving them one point and two places above the bottom three. So what has changed for the champions, and why are things going wrong for a manager who only two months ago was named coach of the year at the Best Fifa Football Awards? It is 79 years since the top-flight title winners have dropped into the second tier 12 months after winning the league, but that is the prospect facing Leicester after the worst title defence ever seen. The Foxes have yet to win away in the league all season and have started 2017 with a run of five league games without a goal. No other top-flight team has endured such a miserable run since Tottenham, 31 years ago. It is a staggering contrast to their results

in 2015-16, when they lost only three league matches throughout the campaign. In fact, at the start of this season, they had lost only three times in their previous 47 Premier League games. And don’t forget - they did not just win the league last season, they ended up walking it by 10 points. But since August things have unravelled fast and they have lost 13 out of 24 matches, winning just five times. Would you be surprised to find out Jamie Vardy’s conversion rate is actually better this season than it was during the title campaign? Vardy scored 24 Premier League goals in 2015-16, form that saw him named Football Writers’ Footballer of the Year and shortlisted for the Ballon d’Or and Fifa’s own player of the year award. This season he has only five league goals, three of which came in one game against Manchester City, and has scored in only one league game since 10 September - a run of 17 matches. While the evidence points to the lack of a supply line (fewer shots, fewer chances), there has also been the suggestion Vardy is not making the runs that proved so

successful last season. Ian Stringer, who covers the Foxes for BBC Radio Leicester, said: “Jamie Vardy haring around is a sight to behold, but it seems rare this season. “I think that’s due to his chances being few and far between; he can’t run in behind if he’s not being slotted in.” The stats actually show that Vardy is working as hard as last season - covering exactly the same average distance per game - and he is even making more sprints than last year. The ball is simply not finding him when he does. And certainly not in dangerous areas. Riyad Mahrez’s attacking excellence in 2015-16 earned him the PFA Player of the Year award, as well as seeing him named BBC African Footballer of the Year. That recognition came after a season in which he scored 17 goals and provided assists for a further 11. This year, his return from 22 matches is three goals - all penalties - and two assists. Last season, many of his goals and assists came from trickery and mazy dribbling. This season, he is simply not showing those same skills.

Published By Xtra Publishing Limited, Chancery Building, Valley Road, Nairobi | Printed at The Standard Group Centre, Mombasa Road, Nairobi. Paul Marshall-CEO, Fred Bunei-Finance Manager, Josiah Musee-Advertising Manager, Peter Obuya-Editor

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