201701026 xnews

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017 | www.x254.co








Reprieve for doctors as Court stops leaders jail STORY ON PAGE 3

Engage all stakeholders for credible and fair polls, IEBC chiefs told

T National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi (left) with new IEBC Vice Chairperson Consolata Nkatha Maina, Senate Speaker Ekwe Ethuro and IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati when the electoral commission bosses paid them a courtesy call at Parliament buildings today. They urged the commissioners to ensure the coming elections are free and fair.

he Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has been told to engage widely to ensure views of all stakeholders are taken in for a free, fair and credible election. Speakers of both the senate and the National Assembly told the new commissioners that it is their duty not to ignore any views if they are to deliver fair polls. The two who spoke at parliament buildings today morning when the new commissioners paid them a courtesy call, emphasized the need for wide consultations and putting everything on the table. “Do not just engage politicians, engage other political groupings however small they are and also other Kenyans who are the greatest stakeholders,” National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi said. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2



Stop issuing threats, Cord MPs to President THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017

A section of opposition MPs have told President Uhuru Kenyatta to stop threatening them. Mr Kenyatta yesterday while on a voter mobilization tour of Embu County issued arrest warnings to opposition leaders over what he termed talks of chaos. And the Cord lawmakers have taken issue with the directive accusing President Kenyatta of misusing his powers as the Head of State during his campaigns. Instead, the want the head of state to draw the line when addressing his supporters whether he is talking as a Jubilee presidential candidate or as the head of the executive. The opposition legislators said there should be a distinctive line separating the two and vowed to respond in equal measure if the President is talking as a Jubilee candidate. The MPs Opiyo Wandayi (Ungunja), Christine Ombaka (Siaya Women Representative), Florence Mutua (Busia), Simba Arati (Dagoreti North), Fred Outa (Nyando), Shakeel Shabir (Kisumu Town East), Oburu Oginga

Amani National Congress Secretary General Godfrey Osotsi is flanked by the Party’s Organising Secretary General Basil Mwakiringo and Wajir South aspirant Mohamed Ogle during a press conference at their offices in Nairobi today. They demanded that names of nine million Kenyans whose identity cards are withheld various centers be made public so that their owners can go for them.

(Nominated) and Richard Onyonka (Kitutu Chache South) asked Mr

Kenyatta to respect the Presidency warning that his utterances might

plunge the country into chaos. “President Kenyatta cannot be talking

IEBC to decide on mobile voter registration The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) will next week decide whether to have mobile registration stations in some parts of the country. IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati said today that they are considering using mobile registration to help pastoralists, people in prison and students get registered as voters. “We will have a decision by next week on mobile registration on the three categories of people; pastoralists, prisoners and students in universities who are our main target in the voter registration exercise,” Chebukati said today. He made the remark during a meeting with Speakers of Parliament in Nairobi today. Fafi MP Bare Shill appealed to the commission to extend the ongoing Mass Voter Registration in pastoralist areas. He said communities from the pastoralist areas are disadvantaged with the ongoing registration exercise as they are moving from one place to the other in search of water and pasture for their livestock due to drought that is currently ravaging most parts of arid Kenya. And the MP threatened to go to court if IEBC fails to extend the deadline of the registration which is scheduled to end on February 14. He also warned that people in the region might not participate in the forthcoming general elections if the situation is not handled well. “We cannot leave our animals to go and register as voters, how can you

as a Jubilee candidate while at the same time he is making Presidential decrees. He should stop threatening Kenyans with arrests and detention when Kenyans demand free and fair elections,” Wandayi who read the statement on behalf of the MPs said. Wandayi said it is a constitutional requirement that elections should be free and fair and therefore it’s unfair and uncalled for for President Kenyatta to use foul language directed at opposition leader Raila Odinga. Concerning the remarks Mr Odinga made over NIS involvement in the ongoing voter registration, Wandayi said it was the Director General of NIS to respond. Wandayi said the opposition and the government are equal opponents in the political arena and therefore no one is superior over the other. Mutua said if elections are free, fair and credible then peace will automatically come. “All issues raised about the voters register, sharing or ID numbers are critical and need to be adequately addressed by IEBC,” Mutua said. @sam_x254

Engage all stakeholders for credible elections, new electoral team told From Page 1

Speakers of Parliament; Justin Muturi (left) and Ekwe Ethuro in a brief chat with IEBC commissioners led by chairman Wafula Chebukati (right) at Parliament buildings earlier today.

expect a hungry person to register as a voter? He posed. “IEBC should therefore extend for us pastoralists the registration deadline,” Shill told journalists at parliament buildings today. He said his constituents are suffering due to the ongoing drought and prefer looking for food rather than registering as voters.

He accused the Cabinet Secretaries for Agriculture and Water and Irrigation for not giving the true picture of the suffering of people especially in Turkana and Fafi. “The two Cabinet Secretaries are not telling the President the truth, people are really suffering because of lack of water and food yet the two are telling Kenyans that the situation is under control,” an angry Shill said.

“People are sitting in Nairobi thinking everything is right while in the real sense people suffering as if we are not Kenyans who deserve to be assisted by the government just like other people in other parts of the country,” added the MP. He said schools in the region are now closing down due to lack of water and food for the pupils.

“Let people criticize you but let them know what you are doing. People will not necessarily agree with you in all that you say or do but at least make them aware of what you are doing,” Muturi advised. He reminded the commissioners who were led by Chairman Wafula Chebukati that it is their responsibility to do what they must do to deliver a credible poll. Senate’s Ekwe Ethuro said the commissioners are assuming office at a time when the electoral agency has credibility issues and therefore must strive to restore it. “You are coming in at a time when credibility issue of the commission is at stake. I urge you to be men and women of integrity that will conduct free, fair and credible elections,” Ethuro said. He reminded that IEBC chiefs about the high stakes in the coming elections. Chebukati on his part said the commission greatly needs the support of parliament in terms of legislations and budget. “We will greatly depend on you in terms of budget and also help us to formulate various legislations that will help us,” he said. He also repeated his assurance to the country that the new team is ready to conduct a free and fair election. “We are all committed to deliver a free and fair election. Next week all commissioners will be out in the field to monitor the ongoing Mass Voter Registration,” The IEBC chairman urged Muturi to reign on MPs not to incite Kenyans when campaigning in their various constituencies. “Let’s not incite Kenyans, everyone wants peace after voting and as a commission we also want people to go back to work peacefully after participating in elections in august,” Chebukati said. @sam_x254

Reprieve for doctors as Court spares leaders jail Doctors’ union officials got a reprieve today after the Labour Court extended the suspension of the onemonth jail term for the second time. Employment and Labour Relations Court Judge Hellen Wasilwa had given the officials of the medics’ union, the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Union (KMPDU), two weeks to conclude their salary negotiations with the government and call off their strike or be thrown into prison. That deadline elapsed today and Justice Wasilwa opted to extend it by five more days to allow KMPDU to consider calling off their strike which entered its 53rd day today. She also directed the Attorney General and the Council of Governors to respond within three days to the application filed by the officials yesterday where they sought an extension of the negotiation period with the ministry of Health over their pay demands. “I will take time to review the application before me and suspend the sentencing of the officials for five more days. What is before me is the contempt of court and not the negotiations. The extension thus is for you to call of the strike and not negotiations,” Justice Wasilwa ruled.

Seven officials facing the contempt of court charges include Samuel Oroko, Titus Ondoro, Allan Ochanji, Ouma Oluga, Hamisi Mwachonda Chibanzi, Daisy Korir and Evelyne Chege. Only yesterday, the officials through their lawyer Edgar Washika moved to seek an extension of the negotiation period and have the court temporarily halt their previously suspended jail sentence. They also wanted the court to order the Council of Governors and the ministry of Health not to frustrate negotiations or the officials on the subject matter. In her ruling on January 12, the judge had faulted the union of adamantly disobeying orders of the court while referring to a CBA which she said she was not aware of since the eight had failed to turn up in court as requested to explain themselves. The seven were expected to address the media later today to give a way forward following the court ruling. Talks to end the strike have severally hit a snag with doctors maintaining they will remain on strike until their demands are met. The government on the other hand has declared it has no money to implement the demands.


Doctors have insisted that talks to end the strike which began on December 5 would only proceed if the government is ready to discuss issues related to the CBA they negotiated and signed with the government terming it as ‘legally binding’. The CBA demands a 300 per cent pay rise, giving an intern a monthly salary of Sh325, 000 and specialists close to Sh1 million monthly pay. They have pressed on with industrial action despite it having @wilson_x254 been declared illegal by the Court.

Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Union Secretary General Dr Ouma Oluga smiles as he leaves the Milimani Law Courts after the Court suspended their one-month jail sentence by another five days.



School based learners risk degree annulment Graduates who earned their degrees through school based learning might have them revoked if it is established that they did not spend enough hours in class. Education Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i says such learners might not be getting quality education as is required. As such, he has directed dons to ensure the thousands of learners studying under school based programs spend enough hours in class for their degrees to be recognized. Dr Matiang’i did not however disclose when his ministry plans to start implementing the directive that may affect thousands who study during holidays or opt for evening classes after work. And going forward the varsities will not be allowed to hold graduation ceremonies unless they have met all standard requirements including having all students get their results on time. He also charged the Commission of University Education (CUE) to move with speed and take drastic steps to guard against the integrity of university education in the country. The commission is expected to hand in the universities’ status report by the end of this month. “Those teachers and other school based student must at all cost ensure they spend the minimum hours in class to qualify for their degrees. Otherwise we shall revoke your degree,” Dr Matiang’i warned. The minister spoke during the official opening of the 1st Chancellors Convention on University Education and Sustainable Development at the Safari Park Hotel in Nairobi on Wednesday. The objectives of the convention was to identify key challenges and constraints to future development of the University Education and its contribution to national development. According to the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) there are more than 290,000 teachers seeking higher education during the holidays.

Matiang’i urges dons to suspend their strike until March

Education Cabinet Secretary has today urged striking university unions to give dialogue a chance and suspend their industrial action until March 1 pending negotiations. Speaking while he met with vice chancellors from various public universities, Matiangi urged the lecturers allied to the University Academic Staff Union (Uasu) to resume their duties while negotiations for the implementation of the CBA continues. “We have urged the academic staff unions to suspend their strike until March 1st as talks continue,” he said. “I have asked all university councils to cease anything that will jeopardise the negotiation process.” Other unions that have threatened to strike include the Kenya Union of Domestic (Kusu) and the Kenya Hotels, Educational Institutions, Hospitals and Allied Workers (Kudheiha).

Eduication Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i speaks to journalists after the official opening of the 1st Chancellors Convention on University Education and Sustainable Development at the Safari Park Hotel in Nairobi yesterday. He warned school based learners to ensure their meet all course requirements or have their degrees revoked.

Dr Matiangi said the expected reforms were unavoidable given the concerns different stakeholders, including students, parents, and employers have raised. He said stakeholders have raised concerns about unqualified students being admitted to the academic programmes of the universities. “Time has come for us to undertake major reforms in our institutions of higher learning. We

must adhere to quality,” asserted the CS. He said stakeholders had complained about lack of and inadequacy of necessary resources for the support the students in their academic programmes, and unqualified, inappropriate and uncommitted academic staff disseminating information to students. The complaints also touched on students receiving grades that they did not deserve, or even, graduated from

academic programmes in which they did not fulfill the academic requirements. He said the envisaged reforms will address some of these concerns. “The reforms are necessary and are geared towards enhancing efficiency and effectiveness; meeting societal expectations; and keeping in tandem with the developmental changes and demands,” stated the CS.

Alarm raised over rogue nurses Kenyans have been put on notice over a clique of rogue nurses out to intentionally harm and inflict pain to patients they attend to. This emerged after a series of online conversations among self-confessed nurses exposed horrendous acts inflicted on unsuspecting patients they perceived to be rude. The shocking revelations by the clinical officers that elicited a huge uproar among Kenyans on social media have pushed the Nursing Council of Kenya (NCK) into action with immediate investigations launched. In a statement today, NCK has vowed to take action against the nurses upon conclusion of their investigations. “It has come to the attention of the Council that certain alleged nurses have engaged in unprofessional behaviour on social media through Facebook posts published between 21/1/2017 and 23/1/2017 inciting professional misconduct and advocating for delivery of nursing services in a manner that would endanger and unnecessarily harm members of the public,” the statement reads. NCK chief

executive Edna Tallam-Kimaiyo who signed the statement disassociated the council from the nurses and midwifery profession it represents. The rather disturbing Facebook conversations gravely exposed the incompetent and inhumane underbelly of Kenya’s public hospitals with persons tasked to keep Kenyans’ health in check behaving in the contrary. In the posts, the nurses plotted blatant acts of drug overdose, outright torture and neglect of patients assigned to them. “If you ever get yourself in hospital bed in a life support machine mmh trust me that nurse will unplug it just to charge her phone,” one post reads. “We also don’t like you patients sumbua (disturbing patients), saitan. Doris Kang’ish never go an extra mile for these ungrateful people,” yet another said. According to the council’s data quoted in the 2016 economic survey, Kenya had 73,562 nurses as of 2015. @sam_x254





NEWS PICTORIAL EYES ON KOREA: US General Robert Brown, commander of the US Army Pacific, gives a keynote speech during a discussion at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC, USA, yesterday. Mr Brown stated during his speech that North Korea is his biggest concern as the unpredictable communist nation has aggressively forged ahead with its nuclear and missile programs. PHOTO: YONHAP/EPA

DAILY LIFE IN AFGHANISTAN: An Afghan girl poses for a photograph in Jalalabad, Afghanistan on January 25, 2017. Many Afghans are finding it hard rebuilding their lives after being deported from Pakistan. A current spat between the two countries has led to arbitrary arrests and deportation of Afghans who sort refuge in neighbouring Pakistan. PHOTO: GHULAMULLAH HABIBI/EPA

ART: A makeup artist makes-up a model during the final of the competition ‘The Best Makeup Artist of the Year’ in Moscow, Russia, yesterday. The organizer of the contest is School of art greasepaint ‘Estel Shine’ (Mosfilm). PHOTO: YURI KOCHETKOV/EPA

CRIES OF DENIED BAIL: Cambodian Beoung Kak lake resident representative Tep Vanny cries at the Supreme Court in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, yesterday after she her bail request was denied. She allegedly incited people to commit violence against public authorities during a protest near Prime Minister Hun Sen house in 2013. PHOTO: KITH SEREY/EPA

THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017 | www.x254.co



Regulator intensifies crackdown on unregistered HR practitioners The Institute of Human Resource Management (IHRM) yesterday embarked on a countrywide crackdown of unqualified and rogue human resource practitioners in a bid to enforce Kenya’s Human Resource Act. Since the inauguration of the Act, only a small fraction of HR practitioners had registered and acquired the mandatory licences almost three years since the Human Resource Management Professionals (HRMP) Act 2012 was operationalised. Yesterday, the regulator stormed various companies in Nairobi’s industrial area and clamped operations on companies and institutions that had not complied with the Act, leading to several arrests of top managers. At Cosmos Pharmaceutical Company, a Senior Finance Manager, Mr Paul Njuguna, who masqueraded as a HR practitioner, was arrested and taken to Industrial Area Police Station but was later released under unclear circumstances. IHRM Head of Compliance and Quality Assurance, Mr. Wycliffe Nyakina, who was leading the operation, told X News that Njuguna was arrested for execution of HR mandates, terminating employment of staff, recruiting, promotion and demotion of staff without due process. “He is accused of violating section 40 and 41 of Human Resource Act,” Nyakina said. Industrial Area’s Officer Commanding Police Division (OCPD) confirmed the arrest but held closed

Cosmos Finance Manager at Industrial Area Police station where he was arrested and later released for lack of enough evidence to arraign him in court. door discussions with Nyakina. OCPD did not disclose the reasons for releasing Njuguna. Mr Njuguna’s Lawyer, Queenton Ochieng’ said the IHRM Act violates his clients’ rights to discharge his duties. “We shall go to the judicial review to challenge the entire Act. The legitimate expectations of the Act was to weed out quack practice but not intimidate

employers,” said Ochieng. Nyakina said that they will be stepping up the crackdown on those who are not eligible to practise either as consultants or employees, in order to bring sanity to the industry. He said Kenya has over 5,000 professionals registered as HR practitioners, out of which only 859 have been issued with practicing certificates.

State should provide affordable, internet access to empower SMEs, experts say Lack of affordable, relaible internet access has left Kenyan businesses and consumers at the mercy of international markets, analysts from the African Development Bank (AfDB) have affirmed. The international lender has called on governments across the continent to provide an internet infrastructure that supports local businesses and gives otherwise small-scale traders access to foreign markets. The AfDB has noted that over the past decade, Kenya and its counterparts across the continent have seen rapid economic growth tied to a commodities boom that began in the early 2000s, followed by a commodities bust. “Africa’s dependence on commodities has put growth prospects at the mercy of international markets, resulting in varied, episodic and skewed economic development,”AfDB Market Analyts, Heinrich Krogman and Nkululeko Khumalo explained in a new report. The researchers state that a majority of African consumers and producers still face considerable barriers to doing business. The distances between consumers, retailers,

and upstream suppliers, in conjunction with poorly developed infrastructure, mean that markets are somewhat isolated from their immediate geographic location. This isolation also means that competition is limited which adversely affects price, variety, and ultimately restrains innovative potential. The consequential, overarching issue arising from this is the limited economic participation within and among African states. “The opportunity to market, buy and sell goods over the internet primarily offers consumers more convenience: more options are available, occasionally at better prices, and with more information,” said Krogman and Khumalo. The researchers explain that it also affords suppliers, notably SMEs, better market reach, as markets can be better targeted and extended beyond immediate location, at more affordable prices since overheads from traditional brick and mortar operations can be avoided and numerous business functions either automated or outsourced.

“This is a sorry state given that there are about 25,000 human resource professionals practicing in Kenya., he noted. Anyone found practicing without IHRM certification faces prosecution, which would lead to a fine of Sh200,000 or a jail term of two years or both as provided for under the Act. @hillary_x254

MEAN 104.0028 131.6211 111.7839 7.8517 34.5184 21.5380

BUY SELL 103.9028 104.1028 131.4717 131.7706 111.6628 111.9050 7.8416 7.8618 34.4371 34.5997 21.4692 21.6067

We will not touch IMF emergency funds, government assures lender

Kenyan authorities have said they do not intend to draw on the International Monetary Fund’s $1.5 billion (Sh156 billion) emergency facility unless there is a balance of payment emergency caused by external shocks. On January 25, 2017, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) completed the first review of Kenya’s performance under the program supported by the StandBy Arrangement (SBA) and an Arrangement under the Standby Credit Facility (SCF). The 24-month SBA/SCF, with a combined total access of SDR 1.06 billion (about US$1.5 billion or Sh156 billion), was approved by the IMF’s Executive Board on March 14, 2016. The Kenyan authorities have indicated that they will continue to treat both arrangements as precautionary, and do not intend to draw on the SBA and SCF arrangements unless exogenous shocks lead to an actual balance of payments need. Following the Executive Board discussion on Kenya, Mr. Tao Zhang, Deputy Managing Director and Acting Chair, said: “Kenya’s economy has continued to perform well. Real GDP growth increased in 2016, inflation remains within the target range, and the current account deficit has narrowed. However, interest rate controls are likely to reduce access to credit, weighing on growth.” Mr Zhang added that authorities are taking actions to strengthen financial stability and to enforce reporting requirements. @Dennis_x254

State cancels sale of 15-year Treasury bond worth Sh30 billion

The Government of Kenya has cancelled the sale of a re-opened, 15-year Treasury bond worth up to Sh30 billion, the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) has said. The announcement was made yesterday despite the fact that the lender did not give a reason for the cancellation. Traders said this was the first cancellation of a bond auction by the bank in recent years. It cancelled the sale of 364-day Treasury bill at the start of this month, they added. The move comes barely a month after the CBK cancelled 364-day Treasury bill auction. Treasury bill auctions can be cancelled when investors fail to bid or when they demand higher yields that the government may then reject. The government was able to raise only Sh2.2 billion out of a targeted Sh16 billion in primary Treasury bill auctions during the last week of December as investors kept off the market following the Christmas break. These developments come just as investors lost Sh153 billion at the Nairobi Securities

Exchange (NSE) in just 17 days of trading in 2017. The NSE 20 index, an indicator that measures the performance of Kenya’s top 20 stocks, yesterday sank to another low of 2,855.81 points. Commenting on the fall, Standard Investment Bank head of research Francis Mwangi said most stocks that posted negative returns last year have continued on the same trend this year. “Foreign investors are still dominating the market. Most investors are being conservative because they do not know the direction the share prices will take. This may be due to elections, currency movement and because of the banks’ poor performance,” said Mwangi. The CBK describes Treasury bonds as a secure, medium to long-term investment that typically offer an investor interest payments every six months throughout the bond’s maturity. The regulator terms Treasury bills as a secure, shortterm investment, offering an investor returns after a relatively short commitment of funds. @enock_x254



Nairobi maintains top spot as regional business, MICE capital THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017

The Kenya Travel Hospitality Report released by Jumia has seen Nairobi defend her throne as the region’s business and meetings, incentives, conferencing, exhibitions (MICE) capital while Mombasa and Rift Valley take the lead as the country’s leisure and recreation holiday centers. The report further sheds light

on major travel trends in the country, looking at how the local sector compares with counterparts on the global map; its rapid development, impending barriers and the impact of technology on the changing domestic travel landscape. “The findings are compiled from data gathered from

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the 2000 plus Kenyan hotels partnering with Jumia Travel, showing not only an increase in the absorption of technology in the sector, but also remarkable growth in domestic travel spending,” remarked Jumia Travel Country Manager, Cyrus Onyiego, during the launch. The research shows Kenyans still prefer the good old

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laptop when it comes to hotel searches, accounting for 59 per cent of traffic to the website as compared to the 37% mobile sourced traffic and a meagre 4 per cent logging to the travel platform through tablets. The trajectory is almost duplicated

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when it comes to placing actual bookings; 70 per cent of visitors book via computers while the remaining 30% click on their smartphones. Interestingly, and perhaps contrary to conventional belief, there are more men visiting the website at 60 per cent in comparison to women who take up 40 per cent. The annual report also breaks down the means of payment, in a bid to understand what is influencing the traveler’s choice; for instance and despite the continued adoption of mobile payments, 52 per cent of guests still opt for ‘pay-at-hotel’, a notable increase from the 47 per cent recorded in the premier report(2015). Mpesa, as the major mobile money transfer platform takes up 32 per cent of overall hotel payments, while 15 per cent of the local domestic travel consumers pay via card. It also emerged that 44 per cent of domestic travellers used their gadgets for hotel and destination searches barely a week ahead of set travel date; a small fraction of travellers however seem to prefer planning ahead of time at 7 per cent for more than two months (prior to travel date) and 15 per cent for one-two months. However, it’s worth of note that once settled on the hotel, more than 20 per cent will book a week in advance, while same day booking (less than 24 hours) carries the day at 25 per cent. In what now seems like a trend and lifestyle devotion, Kenyans still prefer staying in three star hotels as compared to any other rating. This however, is a sharp drop from 2014/2015, where three star accommodation recorded a 50 per cent share. Two star hotels seem to have bitten into the share, to exhibit a sharp rise from the previous year to the current 31 per cent. “Through the last 3 years we have developed a unique solution for hotel managers to gain online visibility even when they are not connected to internet, by virtue of joining our platform, this enables them to get bookings which are actualized through our customer service team and travel advisors,” noted Estelle Verdier, Managing Director for Jumia Travel-East & Southern Africa.

The fact that the platform has also adapted the use of local languages such as Swahili, Yoruba and Amharic, as well as established local offices across the continent has also highly boosted their partner-customerrelations due to improved access and proximity. Under destination search, the report also captures expert insights from Carmen Nibigira, the Chief operations Officer at East Africa Tourism Platform, (EATP). Carmen notes that 53 per cent of Kenyan Tourism is purely domestic and points it as an encouragement to the rest of the EA nations to aggressively market tourism at the local and regional level. “EAC partner states simply complement each other, hence the need to repackage the bloc as a single destination” This, as she explained has been highly boosted by the adoption of the single EA passport, which she says adds value to any tourist visiting the region. Carmen also observed the need for respective tourism boards across the region to shift focus from traditional source markets and aggressively target the local and regional traveler. Further insights by Issa Latiff, the head of sales at the newly opened Royal Tulip hotel emphasized on the need for hoteliers to take care of the new age business traveler by installing updated conferencing facilities and extending personalized service. Latiff aptly noted that “Nairobi is more than qualified and equipped to meet the growing MICE demand” The report further discusses the place of Travel and Tourism on the global economic, social and cultural map, noting that the 1 billion economy recently hit 1.3 billion international arrivals, and continues to exhibit growth, even when faced by multiple challenges. According to the UNWTO, tourism contributes 10 per cent of the global GDP, while accounting for 1/10 jobs. These figures were well portrayed locally, with the sector taking up 1 out of 1every 1 jobs and contributing to 10 per cent of Kenya’s 2015 GDP. @kevin_x254






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PROPERTIES TO LET OTHAYA ROAD – Kileleshwa An Executive and spacious four bed roomed town house (all ensuite) with a family room, study room, dhobi area, spacious kitchen and servants’ quarter on a beautiful garden. Ksh 250,000pm MIREMA DRIVE – Kasarani An executive six (6) bed roomed (Three en suite) double storey residence on ½ acre plot with a borehole water in addition to the Nairobi Water Co Water Ksh 120,000pm MANDERA ROAD-Kileleshwa An executive four bed roomed maisonnette (Two En suite ) with servants’ quarter Ksh 100,000pm TATE APARTMENTS – Off Dennis Pritt Road A three bed roomed Apartment within a very secure court (All en suite) with servants’ quarter Ksh 90,000pm NGONG ROAD & VALLEY ARCADE Executive two bed roomed Apartments on 24-hour security. Ksh 65,000pm IMARA DAIMA – Mombasa Road Two bed roomed bungalow within the main Estate Ksh 25,000pm PARK ROAD – Ngara One and two bed roomed flats Ksh 18,000pm and Ksh 22,000pm respectively KIAMBU TOWN – On the main street One and two bed roomed flats Ksh 10,000pm and Ksh 14,000pm respectively PANGANI – Off Juja Road One bed roomed Flat – Secure Ksh 10,000pm OFFICES TO LET DAYKIO PLAZA –Next to Nakumat Prestige Ngong Road Executive self contained office suites ranging between 858 sqft and 2100 sqft with ample parking within a clean secure environment; Call for details WESTLANDS – Next to Unga House Secure office suites measuring 686 & 718 sqft @ Ksh 70.00 per sqft pm – Only two remaining NAIROBI WEST OPP T-MALL – Off Lang’ata Road Ground floor space measuring Appr 3700sqft with wash rooms, strong room, parking area suitable for bank, show room etc. Ksh 400,000pm HOUSES / FLATS FOR SALE DONYO SABUK ROAD – Off General Mathenge road A piece of land measuring 1.7 acres with an old house suitable for Apartments Ksh 500m KIAMBU ROAD – Muthaiga North Beautiful ½ acre red soil fully serviced plot on tarmac within a gated community Ksh 50m RIDGEWAYS ROAD A corner red soil plot measuring ½ of an acre Ksh 50m KIAMBU ROAD – Behind upcoming Quick Mark Supermarket Beautiful red soil ½ plots near the main tarmac road Ksh 30m each GARDEN ESTATE – Off thika Road Residential Red and Black soil plots measuring ½ acre; Ksh 35m and Ksh 30m respectively GUANCO ESTATE – On Banana Road off Northern Bypass A four bed room residence (master en suite) with Servants’ quarter Ksh 12.8m



AfDB backs Sh9bn kitty to boost CBA funding to Kenyan SMEs THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has approved a $90 million (Sh9.4 billion) financial package comprising a $50 million Line of Credit and $40 million Trade Finance Line of Credit to Commercial Bank of Africa Limited (CBA), Kenya. The funding will be channelled to SMEs and local corporates in infrastructure, trade and other transformative sectors in Kenya. AfDB officials said the kitty is set to provide liquidity support to expand financing to local corporates involved in value-addition in the trading, manufacturing, agriculture, infrastructure, transport, and construction sectors, among others, a move that would further create job opportunities and facilitate financial access to businesses. This intervention will contribute to CBA’s efforts to broaden access to its services, thereby reducing financing constraints faced by SMEs and local corporates in Kenya. It also seeks to reduce Africa’s trade financing gap. The package will promote private sector development as well as support broad-based economic growth. It will also contribute to CBA’s endeavour to complement the efforts of various partners such as the Government of Kenya’s Long Term Development Strategic Agenda and Vision 2030, which seek to revitalize the economy by developing infrastructure and improving access to affordable credit for SMEs. This transaction is aligned with AfDB’s Ten Year Strategy 2013-2022, as well as the Bank’s High 5 strategic priorities,

African Development Bank (AfDB) President, Akinwumi Adesina delivers a speech during the closing of the African Development Bank 50th anniversary forum in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, 29 May 2015. EPA/LEGNAN KOULA

including Industrialize Africa, Integrate Africa, Feed Africa and Improve the quality of life for the people of Africa. The lender said it will help increase enterprise development and competitiveness through expansion of the economic base. This will be made possible by enhancing access to financial services and expanding access to social and economic infrastructure,

which will thus contribute to inclusive growth. Established in 1962, CBA is the largest privately-owned Kenyan bank with operations in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. It is ranked as a Tier 1 bank by the Central Bank of Kenya and is the 6th largest of 43 banks in the country. The bank target customers include corporates, institutions, SMEs and the

quality end of the personal banking market. Outside its 19 million mobile platform customers, CBA offers a variety of conventional, as well as digital banking products and services and has a broad client base spanning different sectors including telecommunications, manufacturing, agriculture and construction. @enock_x254

Private, healthcare sectors set for boost as Kenya hosts high level international summit on innovation

Kenya will for the second time in three years host a high level international summit organised by The Economist Events on February1 2017 in Nairobi. The day long summit themed ‘Driving economic and health-care innovation for tomorrow’s Africa’ is expected to bring together local and international delegates drawn from the private sector, the business community, African governments, media and international bodies. According to the organisers, the highlevel summit will explore how African economies can effectively innovate and navigate through the challenges experienced in health care, infant health, infrastructure, productivity, education and make changes in their already established systems. “The ‘Innovating Economies’ Summit will bring together institutions, investors and innovators from diverse industries with policymakers from across the continent to discuss the changes and benefits brought on by

high-tech inventions and technology as well as policy interventions and business processes that add value and solve real challenges,” said Sunayna Sethi, Senior Programme Editor at The Economist. Nairobi’s bold growing profile as an innovation and entrepreneurship hub informed the decision to have the summit held in the city. Sunayna is of the opinion that Kenya has emerged as a continent-leading country for innovation, making Nairobi the natural choice for a conference that focuses so heavily on innovation and the technology sector. “Nairobi has been described by many as ‘Africa’s Silicon Valley’, with an established tech scene and startup incubators like iHub, which has spawned over 1,300 jobs. Technology accounts for over 8 per cent of Kenya’s GDP. The Kenyan government has also shown commitment to growing the sector even further, improving IT infrastructure and making it easier

for entrepreneurs to set up their own start-ups” said Sunayna. Recently, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) warned that economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa will slow to 3 per cent this year due to low commodity prices urging them to diversify away from an over-reliance on revenues from natural resources and transition to services and knowledge based economies to ensure sustainable progress. “There is a need for innovation in the literal sense. A need to make changes to established economies and their frameworks by introducing new methods, ideas, and products. These are some of the areas to be deliberated upon in the Nairobi summit,” adds Sunayna. Amrote Abdella, Regional Director for Microsoft’s 4Afrika initiative said, “Innovation is the cornerstone of Africa’s growth into the digital age. Through affordable access to broadband, skills development, and

investment in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, Africa can become a net exporter of value-added goods and services in this knowledge economy. As we enter the 4th Industrial Revolution, it is critical that Africa becomes a producer, and not just a consumer of technology.” The Economist believes that such a conference could not have come at a more opportune time. The ‘Innovating Economies’ summit is focused on two areas of innovation – innovation for economic growth, and innovation in health-care. The high-level meeting has the potential to transform African economies, which have experienced incredible growth during the past 15 years. The summit will focus on the role of innovation in transforming established economies and how governments can foster innovation in order to ensure growth, and increase productivity and efficiency. @enock_x254

Bank of Africa shuts down 12 outlets as hundreds face job losses Hundreds of employees in the banking sector are set to lose their jobs after the Bank of Africa announced plans to close a third of its branches countrywide. The lender has termed as the move as part of cost cutting measures aimed at saving over 9 per cent of its Sh2.5 billion operational costs. According to analysts, more bank employees, especially tellers, will lose their jobs in the first half of 2017 once lending institutions fully embraced digitization. The banking sector crisis is attributed to last year’s Banking Amendment Act 2016 2016, which capped lending interest at just 4 percentage points above the CBR’s 10.5 per cent rate. Bank of Africa Managing Director Ronald Murambii says the move to shut down 12 of its outlets came as more customers embrace digital banking. “The closure of 12 of our outlets is not attributed to the cap lending law signed in 2016. We have witnessed a drop in footfall as most of our customers have embraced digital banking. That’s why we have to merge our branches from 42 to 30,” said Murambii. Experts project that teller jobs in the banking sector across the country will not be there in the next 15 years. According to a Central Bank report dubbed ‘Banking Supervision Annual Report, 2036’, bank employees have been losing their jobs since 2015, especially in clerical and secretarial units as lenders automated their systems to improve operational efficiency. These developments come at a time when the World Bank and other international bodies expect Kenya’s economy to expand in the coming months, creating more jobs in various sectors. In 2016, the country’s economy grew 5.9 per cent up from 5.6 per cent the previous year. @enock_x254





Facebook Live

exposes the dark side of the human experince


hen Facebook Live went, so to speak, live in 2015, the feature’s main purpose, as Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, put it was to ‘connect’ people, even the social media site’s clunky tagline is ‘Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life.’ As inelegant as the catchphrase is, there the word is again, ‘connect.’

Katelyn Nicole Davis livestreamed her own death; the entire video took 42 minutes and on livestreaming apps and it certainly won’t be the last. One of the more famous instances that streaming videos have been used is in exposing police brutality and

brought the world, it would be a stretch to say that it has helped all its users gain an intimate knowledge of the people in their lives. We post pictures, write updates, check to see how much traction the post has gained and try to one-up the personal best records in our minds. What’s strange is that Facebook has become the point of

Castile in July 2016 made international headline partly because, his girlfriend Diamond Reynolds, who was with him as it happened, used Facebook Live to stream

for help.

occurences on livestreaming apps are happening at an alarming rate. Last year Marina Alexeevna Lonina used Periscope, Twitter’s live stream capabilities, to air

33-year-old Frederick Jay Bowdy both took

the Black Lives Matter movement and in that way, did help shed some light on their


goes MIA on social media after KQ troll


Gospel music artiste Willy Paul has been on the receiving end lately falling victim to online trolling, not once not twice but almost every time he posts pictures or releases a new song. After posting a photo on social media which he took with a KQ hostess and being seriously trolled, Willy Paul has suddenly gone quiet and has avoided social media. Perhaps it’s in preparation for the next round of trolling. The ‘Tiga Wana’ singer h a s been accused by social media enthusiasts of being more of a socialite than a gospel music artiste. He has also been branded ‘fisi’ for posing with women in most of his photos.

the rape of her 17-year-old friend and in June Larossi Abballa, an ISIS supporter, broadcast the attack and murder of two French citizens as he held the victims’ son hostage. remains the pure joy of “Chewbacca Mom,” Candace Payne as she delights in the sounds her costume mask produces, but it’s obvious we can’t have the good without the bad. Although most of the videos shared on livestreaming apps are mundane, a user could easily and unexpectedly stumble onto something disturbing. One popular user on Periscope is a media company by the name of United Crawlers that follows and reports on crime, accident and disaster scenes live. Livestreaming apps play on our voyeuristic tendencies, sometimes it’s great to see what the world is watching, sometimes it’s just not. @christine_x254

Jaguar denies campaign poster, to stay put at NACADA

Celebrated musician Charles Njagua Kanyi popularly known as Jaguar has said he is not ready for national politics yet. The ‘Kigeugeu’ hit maker has denied making and circulating campaign posters that allude he was vying to be Member of Parliament Starehe constituency on a Jubilee ticket. The campaign poster that endorses Jaguar has since gone viral on social media. ‘I have not resigned from my position in NACADA, which simply tells you that I am not delving into politics,’ Jaguar said. The Starehe constituency Member of Parliament race is one to watch as it has attracted activist Boniface Mwangi who will be seeking election as an independent candidate. Millionaire Business man Steve Mbogo will also be on the ballot on an ODM ticket as incumbent Maina Kamanda is set to defend the seat on a Jubilee ticket.



to face Keke Palmer in court Actress KeKe Palmer is not letting Trey Songz walk. The beauty is now standing up for herself in her beef with Trey Songz and is contemplating going the legal way. The actress, who claims she was “sexually intimidated” and secretly filmed by Trey for a music video after she repeatedly told him she did not want to be a part of, is taking their fight off of social media and into court. The actress says she did not want to be a part of the video as she had been drinking and was not in her full senses and was not sure that would be good for her brand.






YouTuber promises to release

It really is a new day. Google has money and everybody wants it. Since YouTube turned into a money minting machine vloggers pop up every day looking to get their big break but this one, this is new. Lena Nersesian aka Lena the Plug, a popular but relatively new vlogger made the announcement that she would put out a sex tape if her subscriber count reaches 1 million. Her YouTube channel consists of videos taken with friends having discussions—mostly about sex—and

innovative ways to make money on campus ACADEMIC WRITING

For some people it’s torture, for some it comes naturally. If you belong to the second group then there’s an idea.


if she reaches 1 mil subs

other meandering topics. Clearly Lena the Plug is looking to go viral, which she has, but also seems to want a cut a cheque real quick. The alleged sex tape is supposed to include fellow vlogger Adam22. Although the YouTuber says she has no desire to get into porn, “I don’t want to do porn and I really have no interest in doing it,” she insists that a dirty movie sounds like a ‘cool’ idea. “But a sex tape with someone that I’m seeing and totally comfortable having sex with — that sounds cool to me.”


Old computers, sound systems or TVs & fridges can give you some spare cash when you need it.

Maseno Univeristy students vow to take to the streets in solidarity to their lecturers


If you have the skills to do this work then it could be a great launch pad for an actual career while you are still in school.


ike many other universities it seems, lecturers are not happy with their pay. Students at Maseno University have claimed that they will join in with their instructors and raise some pitchforks in a strike. The students allege that they have been sitting idle since the semester started at the beginning of the year, with some even opting out of attending school at all. Kenya University Students Organisation SecretaryGeneral Fred Majakos in statement to the press relayed the students’ frustration with the government, “If the strike persists for more than a week, we will join the lecturers [and] make some other decisions as deemed necessary by the students.” According to the Nation, lecturers have taken up other activities such as starting transportation businesses to make ends meet.

HOT DATE @christine_x254


The last-ever show at Thursday Nite Live at Choices will feature afro-pop sensation Vereso. It’s been 5 years since the show’s inception and Roots International is bowing out of Choices with a bang. The show will now move to J’s Fresh Bar & Kitchen in Westlands on Muthangari Drive with the first show presenting the legend himself Makadem. But show up this Thursday to bid adieu to Choices as we embark on a new Thursday Nite Live journey.

to perform at last Thursday Nite Live at Choices


n some hilarious, but if we really think about it sad news, the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 might be lauded for its affordable cost, but the fitness tracker cannot read stats off of black people. Particularly the band’s heart rate monitor seems to be prevented from receiving information from users who have dark complexions. Many users on fitness and tech forums have launched complaints against the device for this very reason. In a discussion on Miui Forums titled, ‘Xiaomi Mi Band 2 is seemingly incompatible with dark skin’ there are a number of users who report that they are suffering from this problem. One user named Ara12321 says, “Heart Rate measure is not working on Black skin, but when it kept in the palm, it is working fine. Please resolve this issue quickly.” Jugal@JS another member states, “I too bought my mi band 2 it’s nice and working well except the heart rate is

not working on my hand as I’m black but it works on my finger tips and if I keep 1cm above the wrist, it works. I didn’t have a solution, help me to resolve.” There are some buyers suggesting that the solution to the problem might be met by putting white paper in between the skin and the sensor while another states that all that is required is an update, which has failed to create any changes for some. Complaints on these forums have been posted since October of 2016 and while Miui claims to be working on the issue maybe the $20 [Ksh.2080] is not worth a repeat purchase.

Xiaomi Mi does not recognize Band 2 dark skin




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Farouk Miya scores for Uganda as Egypt seals quarters slot Farouk Miya scored to help Uganda avoid the embarrassment of exiting the African Cup of nations without a goal even as Egypt confirmed their quarter final slot with a slim victory over Ghana in Group D. The victory means the Pharaohs qualified as group winners ahead of Ghana who had already sealed their place in the last eight. Mohamed Salah provided the decisive moment, lashing in a free-kick through a gap in Ghana’s defensive wall. A mistake by Ghana keeper Brimah Razak presented Marwan Mohsen with a chance to double the lead but he shot over. Daniel Amartey missed Ghana’s

best chance, heading wide from Christian Atsu’s free-kick to the back post. The result means Egypt will face Morocco and Ghana will take on DR Congo in last-eight matches on Sunday. Record seven-time African champions Egypt knew a point would be good enough to take them through to the knockout stage and, after Roma forward Salah put them ahead, they were content to sit back and protect their position. But for all Ghana’s increased possession, Avram Grant’s side not helped by the loss of captain Asamoah Gyan to injury on 40 minutes - could not find the cutting edge up front to get back on level terms. And when it appeared they

might break through after Atsu’s excellent jinking run had earned him a good shooting chance, the ball bobbled up off the much-criticised Oyem pitch and bounced off his shin as he took aim. Emmanuel Badu’s low drive from 25 yards brought a decent save from Egypt’s 44-year-old goalkeeper Essam El Hadary, and the Nations Cup’s oldest ever player was also equal to Jordan Ayew’s fizzing effort late on. Given Ghana’s lack of goal threat, Grant will be concerned that Gyan’s injury will rule the striker out of the match against DR Congo. Egypt will take confidence from inflicting a first defeat on Ghana in Gabon - it was also

Mohamed Salah of Egypt (10) celebrates a goal with teammates during the 2017 Africa Cup of Nations match between Egypt and Ghana at the Port Gentil Stadium in Gabon last night. PHOTO: CHRIS RICCO/EPA

the first goal the Back Stars had conceded at the tournament. Meanwhile, Uganda finally found the back of the net at the competition to avoid inclusion in the list of blunt teams to have graced the tournament. Farouk Miya smashed home the Cranes first goal in the

competition since 1978 as the Ugandans bowed out of the 2017 edition with some respect. That goal also knocked Mali out of the competition. Alain Giresse’s side needed to win to have a chance of making the last eight, but would have been eliminated anyway because

of Egypt’s victory over Ghana. On a waterlogged pitch, they struggled to find a way past Uganda, who were already out following two defeats. But after Farouk Miya smashed in Uganda’s first Afcon goal since 1978, Yves Bissouma swerved in a free-kick.


Saints await at Wembley as United, Hull battle Southampton reached the EFL Cup final at Wembley with a fully deserved victory over two legs against Liverpool - crowned by Shane Long’s late winner at Anfield last night. Claude Puel’s side, defending a 1-0 lead from the first leg, should have put the tie out of Liverpool’s reach inside the first 45 minutes but Dusan Tadic’s close-range shot was blocked by keeper Loris Karius and captain Steve Davis blazed another great chance wildly over. Liverpool raised the tempo in front of the Kop in the second half but Daniel Sturridge wasted their two best chances, Fraser Forster acrobatically hooked an Emre Can shot off the line and the hosts also had a late penalty appeal turned down when substitute Divock Origi tumbled under Jack Stephens’ challenge. But Southampton broke clear in the closing moments and Long finished convincingly from Josh Sims’ pass to send them into the their first final in the competition since 1979, where they will meet either Manchester United or Hull City - a feat achieved without conceding a goal. Manchester United travel to Hull tonight with a two-goal advantage from their first meeting at Old Trafford. Hull will be without midfielder Ryan

Southampton striker Shane Long (right) celebrates in front of travelling fans at Anfield after he scored the winner against Liverpool during their EFL Cup semifinal second leg at Anfield last night. PHOTO: EPA

Mason, who suffered a fractured skull at Chelsea, as they look to overturn the deficit to reach the EFL Cup final. Centre-back Curtis Davies is also out with hamstring problem, but new signings Lazar Markovic and Omar Elabdellaoui could make their debuts. Manchester United defender Marcos

Rojo is available after missing the league draw at Stoke through illness and Luke Shaw could start but Eric Bailly is still unavailable. The Ivorian is returning to Old Trafford after his side’s elimination form the Africa Cup of Nations but will not feature at Hull. Red Devils manager Jose Mourinho


says the club face a fixture logjam should they avoid defeat against Hull and reach the final at Wembley. The final, against Southampton, takes place on 26 February, the date which United were originally scheduled to face local rivals Manchester City in the Premier League.

“I know that it’s going to be hard if we go step by step,” said Mourinho. “The match against Manchester City I’m sure they will choose an amazing moment, difficult for us, to make us play against them,” added the Portuguese manager. Back at Anfield, Liverpool’s laboured performance was in stark contrast to the all-action attacking displays that briefly took them to the top of the Premier League earlier this season. Jurgen Klopp’s side looked jaded and have lost their way, with only one win in seven games this year, a third-round FA Cup replay victory at League Two Plymouth Argyle. Liverpool look shorn of threat without £34m summer signing Sadio Mane, away at the Africa Cup Of Nations with Senegal, and lacking an alternative plan when teams as disciplined as Swansea and Southampton have been in inflicting two successive home defeats. Sturridge felt the frustration of Liverpool’s supporters for a poor performance and two missed chances, while substitute Origi looks short of confidence. Klopp’s decision to play Can and Jordan Henderson together in midfield backfired badly and his decision to leave out Georginio Wijnaldum was questionable.



Real Shock

Evra switches from Juventus to Marseille

Patrice Evra has joined Marseille on a free transfer from Italian Champions Juventus. The 35-year-old former Manchester United fullback has signed an 18-month contract with the Ligue 1 club after being released from the last six months of his Juve deal. Evra, who has 81 caps for France, has played only three times for the Italian club this season. He returns to the French league after 11 years away, having played for Monaco from 2002-2006 before joining United. “I know Evra well from the French team,” said Marseille midfielder Remy Cabella. “He’s a captain who binds the group together and talks a lot. He’s a great player.” Juventus coach Massimiliano Allegri had nothing but praise for Evra. “He had a great two and a half seasons with us,” he said. “He’s a great champion, a great professional and I’m sorry he’s left. “But we talked and we came to this decision. I have only positive things to say about Evra. “He played for 10 years at Manchester United, he came to Juventus and was a very important player for us.” Evra has featured in five Champions League finals, winning with United in 2008. He is also a five-time Premier League winner and had two championship medals with Juventus in Serie A.



15 Salah scores as Egypt leapfrogs Ghana


Real Madrid’s Portuguese attacker Cristiano Ronaldo reacts during the Copa del Rey quarter-final second leg match against Celta Vigo at Balaidos stadium in Galicia, Spain last night. PHOTO: LAVANDEIRA JR/EPA


elta Vigo stunned La Liga leaders Real Madrid to reach the semi-finals of the Copa del Rey with a 2-2 draw at the Estadio de Baladois in Vigo last night. The draw means Celta Vigo who are eighth on the La Liga standings progress to the semi-finals after a 4-3 aggregate win following their stunning 2-1 win of Zinedine Zidane’s men at the Bernabeu last week. The hosts went ahead on the stroke of half-time when away defender Danilo converted the ball into his own net. But World Player of the Year Cristiano Ronaldo got the visitors back into the tie with a brilliant free-kick. But the parity lasted another 23 minutes before Daniel Wass drilled in a low finish to restore Celta’s lead. Lucas Vazquez headed in Real’s second in the last minute of regular time but it was not enough. Celta Vogo, coached by Argentine Manuel Eduardo Berizzo, will now meet one of Alaves, Athletico Madrid and either holders Barcelona or Real Sociedad. Barcelona will be looking to make it through to the second leg tonight, when they face Real Sociedad at the Camp Nou. Luis Enrique’s side won the first leg 1-0. Atletico made the semi-finals after a 2-2 draw against Eibar, progressing 5-2 on aggregate, and were joined by Alaves after their 2-0 aggregate win over second division side Alcorcon. Zinedine Zidane’s Real Madrid saw their 40-match unbeaten run brought to an end by Sevilla earlier in January. They have now won just once in their past five games in all competitions. “We played a good match but in the end it wasn’t possible to advance,’’ said Zidane. “We are disappointed, but we have to keep working and focus on the competitions we can still win,” he added. Real have also failed to reach the last four of the competition for the past three years, following defeat by Atletico Madrid in the last 16 in 2015 and being expelled for fielding an ineligible player last year.

Published By Xtra Publishing Limited, Chancery Building, Valley Road, Nairobi | Printed at The Standard Group Centre, Mombasa Road, Nairobi. Paul Marshall-CEO, Fred Bunei-Finance Manager, Josiah Musee-Advertising Manager, Peter Obuya-Editor

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