DES 116 Elytra

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Process Manual

Elytra provides ladybugs for consumers who have garden under pest damage. Elytra’s tagline is to treat your garden in an environmentally friendly way by using biological control method. At the same time, Elytra urges to provide a safe transferring package for ladybugs so that a high percentage of them will be healthy when they are released to the garden.

Case Study


Incect case study Scientific name:


Hippodamia convergens

Convergent lady beetles are commonly used as beneficial insects in gardens. They are useful for the

Common name:

biological control of aphids. Each lady beetle can

Convergent lady beetle, Ladybug

consume 50-60 aphids daily.


Packaging idea:

Convergent lady beetle is one of the most common

The bright red and black colors of convergent lady

lady beetles in North America. They are easily

beetles gave me inspiration for my color palette.

recognized by their bright red elytra (wings) which

The interesting shape of the beetle also inspired the

usually have 12 black spots.

shape of my packaging.

Logo Design

Preliminary Sketches

Elytra is the name of a pair of wings of ladybugs. Firstly, we want our consumers to recognize that we sell ladybugs by seeing our logo for the first time. Then, we use the element of ladybugs and leaf at the same time to tell our consumers that we use ladybugs to treat their garden in an environmentally friendly way. Finally, we simplify our logo by deleting the circle patterns to make our logo looks more clean and recognizable.

Finalized Logo

• black & white color •

• one spot color •

• small logo •

Font: Circular abstracts

CMYK (58, 0, 47, 0)

CMYK (71, 63, 64, 66)

RGB (104, 196, 161)

RGB (41, 43, 42)



Business system

Elytra uses the ladybugs pattern in the business systems, including letterhead, envelope, business card and brochure. A big transparent ladybug is shown on the front and many are shown on the back. The main color is red to represent what we sell. We also add a green spot color to our design to tell our gardeners that our product is green and can protect their garden.

• letterhead 8.5” x 11” •

• business card 2” x 3.5” •

• envelope 4.128” x 9.5” •

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• brochure 8.5” x 11” •

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Creative Brief


Project Strategy

Ladybugs are cheap and effective for the garden.

Elytra develops the carried safe package for the

They are one of the most widely used beneficial

ladybugs so that they can be carried back to the

insects for controlling pests, such as aphids,

garden without death. The package will be small

leafhoppers, scales, mites and mealy bugs in bushes,

and easy to carry. At the same time, it can protect

shade trees, greenhouses or gardens.

ladybugs from the external collision.

Project Objective


Elytra provides ladybugs for consumers who have

The orignal package for transferring ladybugs is

garden under pest damage because ladybugs are

very crude. Hundreds of ladybugs are placed in a

excellent aphid predators. We design the package for

small cotton sack without a protecting box. Therefore,

our consumers to carry our ladybugs back to their

some of the ladybugs are dead when they are on


the way. Elytra urges to provide a safe package for ladybugs so that a high percentage of them will be

healthy when they are released to the garden.

Message Elytra’s tagline is to treat your garden in an environmentally friendly way by using biological control method.

Audience Our first audience is gardeners. According to the research, women gardeners prefer to take a more nurturing and hands-on approach to the garden than men. The package will be more visible and cute in order to attract women costumer’s attention.

Packaging Design

Sketches and Prototype

At first, Elytra was considering the shape of the box. We had a hexagon shape sample and a circle shape sample. We figure out that circle shape is more suitable for us because it is cute and will be more look like a ladybug so that our consumers can easily find it when they go into the shop. We also design a handle so that our consumers can carry them home without using plastic bags. Then we have our 3D shape sample. We cut a hole in the middle of the package to allow our ladybugs breathe. The package uses thick paper to protect ladybugs while they are traveling.

䰀椀瘀攀 䰀愀搀礀戀甀最

• label design •

Final Package

We add the ladybug pattern on the front of our final package. We also add the web inside the package to let our ladybugs breathe. The back of the package is the release instructions to help our consumers release ladybugs in a correct way. We also used our company’s pattern and logo to increase the consistent across the package. The diameter of final package is 5�.

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