enjoy the tea time

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Benefits to dirnk tea The Art of tea


Tea Culture Chinese people are believed to have enjoyed tea drinking for more than 4,000 years.


ea is an important part unique regional variations. of Chinese tradition. As The original idea is credited Chinese society developed and to the legendary Emperor progressed, tea production Shennong, who is said to have has played a role in driving lived 5 000 years ago. His fareconomic development while sighted edicts required, among tea consumption has remained a other things, that all drinking practice of daily life. water be boiled as a hygienic The practice of tea culture can precaution. A story goes that, bring the spirit and wisdom of one summer day, while visiting human beings to a distant part a higher orbit. Tea “I say let the world go to of his realm, he has an extremely hell, but I should always and the court close relationship stopped to rest. have my tea.� to Chinese culture, In accordance and its study covers with his ruling, a wide field and has -Fyodor Dostoyevsky the servants very rich content. It began to boil not only embodies water for the the spirit of civilization, but also court to drink. Dried leaves the spirit of ideological form. from a nearby bush fell into There can be no doubt that it the boiling water, and a brown has been beneficial in enhancing substance was infused into the people’s social accomplishments water. As a scientist, the Emperor and appreciation of art. was interested in the new liquid, The history of Chinese tea is drank some, and found it very a long and gradual story of refreshing. And so, according to refinement. Generations of legend, tea was created in 2737 growers and producers have BC. perfected the Chinese way of manufacturing tea, and its many

Tea Categories Which one is your favorite?

Green tea has become the raw material for extracts used in various beverages, dietary supplements, and cosmetic items. Many varieties of green tea have been created in the countries where it is grown. These varieties can differ substantially due to variable growing conditions, horticulture, production processing, and harvesting time.

Herbal tea, is any beverage made from

Black tea is generally stronger in flavor than the less oxidized teas. Two principal varieties of the species are used – the smallleaved Chinese variety plant, used for most other types of teas, and the large-leaved Assamese plant, which was traditionally mainly used for black tea, although in recent years some green and white have been produced.

White tea comes from the buds and

the infusion or decoction of herbs, spices, or other plant material in hot water, and usually does not contain caffeine.These drinks are distinguished from true teas, which are prepared from the cured leaves of the tea plant. In many countries, ‘herbal tea’ cannot be used. These beverages are therefore labelled infusion or tisane.

leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. The leaves and buds are allowed to wither and dry in natural sun. The name “white tea” derives from the fine silvery-white hairs on the unopened buds of the tea plant, which gives the plant a whitish appearance.The beverage itself is not white or colourless but pale yellow, light to the taste, and is free shaped.

Rooibos, meaning “red bush”; scientific name Aspalathus lineari is a broom-like member of the legume family of plants growing in South Africa’s fynbos. This plant has very similar growth and flowers to the rooibos plant. The specific name linearis comes from the plant’s linear growing structure and needle-like leaves.

Japanese green tea is made from

the Yabukita cultivar of the camellia sinensis plant. Unlike Chinese green teas which are pan-fired, Japanese green teas are steamed giving them a more “vegetative” or “leafy” taste. There are large variations in both price and quality within these broad categories, and there are many green teas that fall outside this spectrum.

Tea Benefits O

olong is is a traditional Chinese tea.Most oolong teas, especially those of fine quality, involve unique tea plant cultivars that are exclusively used for particular varieties. The degree of oxidation can range from 8 to 85%,depending on the variety and production style. Oolong is especially popular with tea connoisseurs of south China and Chinese expatriates in Southeast Asia.


Long Jing


ike most other Chinese green tea, Longjing tea leaves are roasted early in processing to stop the natural oxidation process, which is a part of creating black and oolong teas. The actions of these enzymes is stopped by “firing” (heating in pans) or by steaming the leaves before they completely dry out.


ooibos, meaning “red bush”; scientific name Aspalathus linearis is a broom-like member of the legume family of plants growing in South Africa’s fynbos. The generic name comes from the plant Calicotome villosa, aspalathos in Greek. This plant has very similar growth and flowers to the rooibos plant. The specific name linearis comes from the plant’s linear growing structure and needle-like leaves.

u-erh or Pu’er is a variety of aged dark tea produced in Yunnan province, China. Fermentation is a tea production style in which the tea leaves undergo microbial fermentation and oxidation after they are dried and rolled. This process is a Chinese specialty and produces tea known as Hei Cha, commonly translated as dark, or black tea, this type of tea is different from what in the West is known as “black tea”, which in China is called “red tea”.

Rooibos Tea


Puer Chamomile


hamomile or camomile is the common name for several daisy-like plants of the family Asteraceae that are commonly used to make herb infusion to serve various medicinal purposes. Popular uses of chamomile preparations include treating hay fever, inflammation, muscle spasm, menstrual disorders, insomnia, ulcers, gastrointestinal disorder, and hemorrhoids。

Hairy Monkey


he leaves still show the “hairy down” on them which indicates that these leaves were plucked very early in the morning and within the first two weeks of the new season of growth. Even though this is a green tea, the visual appearance and cup liquor is so delicate that this is known as a white tea.

More than just tea

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