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In today’s fast-paced world, it is not unusual to come across countless charitable organisations that aim to make a positive impact in people’s lives. Out of the numerous foundations that exist, there is one that stands out – Food Aid Foundation. This non-profit organisation has been recognised for its remarkable work by being awarded the Maxis Award

Food Aid Foundation is a food bank in Malaysia, under a non-profit, non-governmental organisation, incorporated in 2013 where they rescue surplus food from the supply chain and distribute food to people in need. Moving forward with the objective of providing food and basic necessities to the less fortunate and homeless in Malaysia. The foundation’s mission is to help those in need, regardless of race, religion or background, to achieve a basic standard of living. They believe that everyone deserves access to food, shelter, and clothing, and they are determined to make that happen.


They have started a challenging beginning from zero to the construction of “Central Kitchen”, by ensuring food safety and hygiene requirements are met before being distributed to the communities. With the commitment of their supportive partners, volunteers, and staff, they have served over 865,000 people and families. Conforming to their driven spirits in giving back to the community, no other would be as deserving of this award. This success is simply the result of cohesive teamwork in trust and understanding from sponsors and donors to support the unfortunate communities.

In conclusion, Food Aid Foundation is a shining example of what a charitable organisation should be. Their mission is to help those in need, and they have demonstrated that they are dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of others. The Maxis Award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the Food Aid Foundation, and it is a deserving recognition of their efforts. The foundation’s work should serve as an inspiration to others, and it is a true honour to have them included in this commemorative book.