10 quick seo tips for doing good online business

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10 Quick SEO tips for Doing Good Online Business Before we start with the SEO tips for doing good business, there is one question for you. What do you understand by the term Search Engine Optimiz ation? Here is a brief about it: Search engine is the base to promote any web page or a website. It is important to optimiz e the web pages as per search engines so as to get unpaid or organic traffic of potential customers. In this process, certain amendments have to be made from time to time to get the higher rankings & then maintain them.

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▼ ▼ 20 13 (3) ▼ ▼ Octo ber (2) Latest Tips o n SEO fo r Small Businesses-Part 2 10 Quick SEO tips fo r Do ing Go o d Online Business ► ► September (1)

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Well, to help you out in this optimiz ation, here are the top 10 tips as promised. Quickly browse down and grasp them: 1. Domain name & Keyword: If you can include the most relevant keyword of your business in the domain name, then the results would be in your favour. 2.

Post URL & Keyword: If you are posting an article, blog, or any other write- up, and PDFmyURL.com

there isn’t any keyword in the blogger, then it is advisable that you use the title in the permalink. 3. Met a t ags & Keywords: This is our third tip, and it is again related to the keyword. You would have by now understood how important the keyword is in SEO. The SEO company has to carefully work on meta tags, (title tags, headings, & meta description) from the perspective of keywords. Keywords must not be overly used in the body, it would work well if only one but smarter keyword is weaved within the text. 4 . Image opt imiz at ion: Images are not just a piece of attraction on the webpage; these rather play a crucial role. Any image is un- optimiz ed, if there is no alt tag or title. It must also be in the minimum possible siz e; otherwise the page loading speed would get affected. Today, several graphic designers are taking heed of lossless optimiz ation for images to reduce the image siz e without any compromise on quality factor. 5. Game of int erlinking: Interlinking the keywords or webpages is one of the most effective ways to boost the ranking of the page. But while doing so, take care of few aspects into consideration; i.e. (a) links contain keywords; (b) no keyword is used more than twice for the same page; and (c) for outbound links (liking with other’s website) make sure that it is a “good website’ and is relevant for your business. 6. Work on websit e opt imiz at ion: If your choice is cust om web design, then thoroughly ensure that it is optimiz ed properly and no aspect is laid behind. Pay special attention towards the loading speed, & the page siz e shouldn’t ideally cross 100k. If it is exceeding this limit, then try to cut upon the unimportant scripts & meta tags. To keep a check upon the loading speed, you can take assistance of Google Page Speed tool. 7. Websit e submission t o search engine direct ories: Have you created the account on Google Webmaster & Google analytics for website or site map submission? If not, then better do that, as it is of great help in tracking the rankings & various other important details. 8.

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any prof essional websit e, you would not only notice the easy to navigate & user- friendly structure, but also a specific navigation structure for search engines. Several web developers add breadcrumbs for internal sitemaps along with Xml sitemaps for search engines. 9. Qualit y & Relevant Cont ent : If you want to retain the traffic & avoid the bounce rate, then content is there for your rescue. Be original in approach & come up with the fresh & informative content to engage the visitors on the webpage. The content should always be written by keeping readers interest & requirements into perspective. 10. Advant age of Social net work: Social media is contributing a major part towards the growth of the online business. By having company’s accounts or social profiles on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn etc. one can add a powerful boost to the business growth. If you strategically work upon these tips, then it wouldn’t be difficult to get higher rankings on search engines and maintain it efficiently. You must look up for professional SEO & Web design services in Ariz ona and get the expert assistance for promoting your business. Posted by Xavagemarketing at 00:22 +1 Re c om m e nd this on Google Labels: affordable website design, best seo company , pay per click company , search engine optimiz ation, SEO. Web design, web design firm, web development

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