Supercharge Immunity & Health - Scientific Proven Techniques

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Supercharge Immunity & Health - Scientific Proven Techniques “You can have all the riches and success in the world, but if you don't have your health, you have nothing.”


INTRODUCTION We all have the power to turbocharge our human capabilities and needn’t look far for everyday examples of the human potential to overcome the seemingly impossible from reversing terminal illness, eliminating chronic health conditions, to pushing the limits of our physical and mental abilities. Today we will focus on simple techniques that have been scientifically proven to reduce stress, boost immunity, cognitive function, energy, libido, mood, intuition, clarity and even stave off infection from illness and disease. These practices can be incorporated once a day, require little to no time, and best of all don’t come in expensive pill form.


Give your Immune a Boost with Heart Coherence

This simple technique combines touch, slow breath and mindfulness and in as little as 5 minutes of practice has been scientifically proven in numerous studies to effectively.

Reduce stress levels and anxiety Improve blood pressure Improve immunity via increases in antibody production Improve cognitive function and intuition Increase levels of anti-aging hormones & Create lasting emotional stability


Take These 3 Easy Steps: 1 - Sit Down in a comfortable position where your back is supported, and you won’t be disturbed. 2 - Using either hand or both hold them over your heart centre so you can feel the sensation near your heart centre and close your eyes. Listening to relaxing music is optional. 3 - Start by breathing in deeply, inhaling in slow, steady breaths through your nose and exhale through the mouth with a count of 6 seconds in, 5 second hold, 5 seconds out.


Meditate to Create More Flu Antibodies The online journal of Psychosomatic Medicine reported on a study that showed that meditation increased the body’s ability to create more antibodies that responded to a flu virus. An eight-week clinical training program in mindfulness meditation was given to some office employees; the control group did not meditate. After exposure to a flu virus, it was found that the meditating group had produced more antibodies than the control group and were showing far fewer flu-like symptoms overall. The findings suggest possible effects of mindfulness meditation on specific markers of inflammation, cell-mediated immunity, and biological aging.


Mindfulness Meditation in 6 Steps: 1 - Get Comfortable. Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed. 2 - Get in position. You might try sitting cross-legged on a low cushion on the floor, or upright in a chair. 3 - Get relaxed. Close your eyes. (eye mask or noise-canceling ear muffs work well) 4 - Focus on your breaths. Inhaling through nose, exhaling through the mouth 5 - Bring your thoughts back to centre and only on your breath. If the mind starts to wander, just calmly bring your focus back to the breath 6 - Make a commitment to always bring your attention back to your breath and be at ease.

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