Village News Magazine's "Love" edition for February 2019

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Where's my flying car? 5 futuristic concepts drivers want most Do you remember being a child, sitting in front of a glowing television? Eyes wide, legs crossed and a little bowl of marshmallow-filled breakfast cereal in front of you? The familiar theme song would play, color would fill the screen and there they'd be - that futuristic family in a flying cartoon car. It was an incredible sight, one that filled us with wonder and excitement, and the hope of having our very own airborne automobile by 2020. Sixty-eight percent of Americans believed that dream would turn into reality, according to Hankook Tire's Gauge Index Survey. And while we wait for that innovation to come to mass-market fruition, the reality of putting your car on autopilot from A to B is right around the corner. Here are five more futuristic expectations drivers have set as they look down the road:

And of course, there's an app for everything. Now just imagine ... how easy would it be if your car couldn't just tell you it's time to take it in, but get the job done for you?

1. Expectation: Tires that never go flat. According to the Gauge, more than one third (35 percent) of Americans consider the run-flat tire to be the biggest tire technology achievement in recent history. Another 44 percent are looking to see self-repairing tires as an imminent innovation. The reality is, as automotive technology continues to drive forward, tire technology is rolling along right beside it. Tire manufacturers are looking to improve performance and sustainability through inventive designs like the Hankook Kinergy AS EV, engineered to accommodate the complexities of modern electric vehicles.

4. Expectation: Driverless vehicles for everyone. Autonomous vehicle technology is certainly speeding forward, and there are some who argue it will help create a safer drive down the road. The survey found that men are nearly twice as likely to opt for selfdriving capabilities as women (40 percent versus 24 percent). Those who aren't looking for cars to drive themselves may like their vehicle to be smart in other ways - like when it comes to their coffee order. Millennials, for example, are significantly more interested in seeing cars be able to automatically order their morning coffee than other age groups (15 percent).

2. Expectation: A distraction-less drive. There has been plenty of advancement in tools to downplay distracted driving - think Bluetooth, "Do Not Disturb" and similar functions for our mobile devices. It's too bad there hasn't been a way to keep our eyes off the other drivers. More than half (58 percent) say that other people's bad driving is their top distraction on the road. Autonomous technology such as lane keep assistance and automatic emergency braking help compensate for those distractions.

5. Expectation: Lots and lots of legroom. As we look toward the future of car autonomy, it's clear that Americans would love to kick back and occupy themselves when driving is no longer a responsibility. According to the Gauge, would-be drivers would spend their commutes sightseeing (39 percent), taking a phone call (33 percent) or eating (28 percent). So while today's reality might not include a table in the car itself, futuristic concepts may include just that!

3. Expectation: Cars that can take care of themselves. Nearly half of Americans (48 percent) would love to see their cars equipped with self-maintenance capabilities. In reality, today's maintenance technology is sophisticated and can predict things like how far you can go until your next oil change.

There's no telling how long it will take to get us to a flying future, or even a fully self-driving one. But there's also no denying that vehicle and tire technology has come a long way from the days of the horseless buggy and wooden tires, and we can expect some fascinating futuristic tech to come.

Welcome to the February edition of Village News Magazine. February is a very special “love” month. It is, after all, Valentine’s month. A time to tell that special person in your life how much you love and care for them. Personally, I think we do that every month but Valentine’s Day is a special treat for each of us. Let’s take a look at what’s going on in February. February 2nd is Groundhog Day. One of the funniest movies ever is by the same name staring Bill Murray. Punxsutawney Phil, emerges from his burrow and looks for his shadow. The tradition goes that this day, is used to help determine how many weeks of winter might be left. Sunday the 3rd means SUPER BOWL. The Super Bowl is one of the most watched television events in the United States. Some of my best memories come from hosting Super Bowl parties. Great times and great food! Monday February 4th is World Cancer Day. World Cancer Day aims to save lives by raising awareness and educating the population about cancer. The day also serves to pressure governments and individuals to take action in order to prevent, treat and control cancers. Chinese New Year is February 5th. The 9th is National Pizza Day (count me in). The 10th is the Grammy Awards. The 14th (Thursday) is Valentine’s Day. Time to Please view this publication online spoil that loved one even more. President’s Day is the 18th. National Love your pet www.VillageNewsVA.Com day is the 20th. As if we don’t love them enough. Friday the 22nd (good thing it’s Friday) is National Margarita Day. Sunday the 24th is the Academy Awards night. Busy month for sure. We hope you enjoy this month’s issue of Village News.

Golf Tips 5 Golf Tips: Tips and Tricks

Education Education 4 7 10 12

Fashion Trends Real Estate: “And the survey says” Computer Mandate Simple Bathroom Installation

FEATURE FEATURE 11 Just How Good Was That Smoked Turkey - Harris Teeter 13 Annual Tunnel of Love

Neighborhood Neighborhood News News 8 Natural Virginia Beach The Painted Bunting

Culture Culture 15 Gourmet SELECTS: Lobster Salad & Creme Brulee 5 COCKTAILS On The House: Bermuda Hundred


11 Golf Humor


February 2019

Suiting has taken the ready-to-wear world by storm, and while suits of all kinds are here to stay, it's the shorts suit that we are looking forward to wearing come the warmer spring and summer months.

This is one spring/summer trend that started bubbling up immediately after editors and influencers saw it come down the runways, so we suggest buying into the trend sooner rather than later.

Remember to Act 4V

February 2019

& Stay Classy!

To have a great golf swing, you need to combine several things first. Your body though, is what provides the real power in the swing. If you can fully understand this, then you can have a powerful swing as well. You need to use your body as the main source of power when you swing, and not your arms, as many golfers do.

TIP THREE: It is important to remember that each golf club is designed with a specific loft, and you should not fight it, but use it. Allow the loft of each club to do the work for you. When you hit a golf ball, you have to hit down on it and through it as well, which will allow the club to lift the ball naturally.

TIP TWO: Focusing on your knees during your swing will maintain the proper power and balance throughout the swing. It happens easily that your knees come closer together while you shift and rotate during the swing. Keeping the distance between your knees consistent while swinging, will generate more power, improve accuracy, and your balance will improve too.

TIP FOUR: To find the sweet spot on each of your golf clubs, you need to practice a lot until you manage to strike the golf ball right at the base of your swing’s arc. You will feel a clear difference when you strike the ball in the sweet spot, and it will be noticeable in the distance of your shots as well.

BERMUDA HUNDRED INGREDIENTS 1 1 2 oz. gin, preferably Commonwealth 1 1 2 oz. pineapple juice 3 4 oz. Campari 1 2 oz. fresh lime juice 1 2 oz. orgeat Brandied cherry, for garnish DIRECTIONS Combine gin, pineapple juice, Campari, lime juice, and orgeat in a cocktail shaker filled with ice; shake vigorously and strain into an ice-filled old fashioned glass. Garnish with a cherry.


February 2019


February 2019

In its simplest form a land survey is performed for the purpose of locating, describing, monumenting and mapping the boundaries and corners of a parcel of land. There are many different types of surveys that are used for different purposes. These are the most the most common forms of land surveys:

sites, streets and highways, subdivisions, stores and playgrounds.

Location Survey- This type of survey shows the property lines and locates any and all improvements on the lot, using the legal description and any recorded easements, right of ways, etc. A location drawing is not based on markers at the property and is accurate up to one foot in each direction. When it comes to obtaining a mortgage and title insurance when purchasing a home, a location drawing is primarily the only requirement.

When you buy, build, or modify your property, you don’t want surprises that can cost you major time and/or money. Get a survey done up front (exception: if you are buying a condominium unit, you generally do not need a separate survey because a survey has already been done as part of the plans which were recorded with the condominium documents). Your home is one of the most important investments of your lifetime and is worth the comfort and security of knowing that what you see is what you’ll get. Please contact me if you need a recommendation for a local surveyor or any other assistance with buying, selling or investing in real estate. I am always here to help!

Boundary Survey- A boundary survey is done by a crew of surveyors, actual property corners are marked at the property, and lines are determined where they actually are, not by the recorded plat (but checked against it). There is little to no margin of error on a boundary survey. ALTA/ACSM Survey- An ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey is a comprehensive boundary survey that adheres to the national standards adopted by American Land Title Association and National Society of Professional Surveyors. Specifically designed to satisfy the particular needs of lenders, corporations and title companies for the development of commercial properties. Construction Survey- Construction surveys generally entail the laying out and staking of various features and structures such as buildings, curb and gutter, and various utilities. Site Planning Survey- This type of survey is a combination of a boundary and a topographic survey. It is generally used to design house lots, commercial & industrial

Subdivision Survey- This survey is used to divide a parcel of land into smaller lots or tracts. It must be recorded by the local government agency and is used to design streets, drainages and lots. Topographic Survey- This type of survey locates topographic features that include utilities, ditches, roads, water courses, embankments and contours.

Need more information? Call me today for a professional consultation.

Karen Adcock

REALTOR®, licensed in Virginia Keller Williams Realty Town Center One Columbus Center, Suite 1100 Virginia Beach, Va 23462 Direct: 757-632-3237 23 Years Experience


February 2019

By Pam Monahan

The Painted Bunting - A Trophy Bird I am a trophy hunter. Although my weapon is not a gun, it is a sophisticated digital camera with a long, sharp, powerful lens. I don’t care for the word “hunt,” but that is what I am doing, as I patiently stalk birds or animals or sit for hours awaiting their appearance. I actually own a hunting blind but generally I use my Honda Pilot for that purpose. I dress in hunter camo clothes, when I am in the field, purchased in the hunting /fishing section of local retailers. The trophy I was after to begin the New Year of 2019 was a songbird; the beautiful Painted Bunting. The male bunting wears a coat of many colors. Male Painted Buntings are so stunning that they have been called "nonpareils," which means “having no equal” in French. The female is a beauty also, one of the few bright green birds in the wild. Despite the male’s brilliant plumage, Painted Buntings can be hard to find. Their range is more limited than those of other buntings. They are shy birds that prefer thickets and brushy cover. Painted Buntings are a bird of the South, breeding from coastal North Carolina to northern Florida. They migrate at night and usually spend the winter in Florida and the northern Caribbean. So, when they show up in Virginia during winter, it is most unusual but a very exciting event. Sightings are so rare that the locations are not always shared as local birders, bird enthusiasts,

and bird photographers are known to flock to these locations just to catch a glimpse of or to photograph these rare visitors. I did actually have the opportunity to photograph some Painted Buntings at a local residence in VA Beach in 2018. That location was confidentially shared with me and I was able to return there again this year. But, I also did some detective work and found a second local private residence where the buntings were visiting this winter. This visit turned out to be very special as I was able to share it with a good friend and neighbor. Plus, it turned out that I had previously met the property owner! It was cold and breezy when my friend and I arrived in Chesapeake that first week of January. I was dressed in camo, of course. She needed an extra layer so I loaned her an extra jacket, camo, naturally! We looked the part of hunters; 2 silver haired ladies, one armed with binoculars and one with a big camera with a long lens! We sat down in a couple of porch chairs and waited for our “prey.” It took over an hour in frigid temperatures but the magnificent bird suddenly appeared before us! Good thing we didn’t blink, or we would have missed it! We had about 25 seconds with it, then it vanished in the


February 2019

Front Row L to R: Claudio-Meat Mgr., Allen-Asst. Mgr., Marie-FloMgr., Tracy-Fresh Foods Mgr.


That’s what YOU want to hear! When it comes to selling condos and homes in West Neck, NO ONE has sold more than REALTOR

As a REALTOR who has participated in more than 400 sales in West Neck, Karen is the community’s #1 REALTOR® in condo and single family home sales! ®

When it comes time to sell or buy, be sure to contact Karen, one of... “The BEST in the Business!”

Karen Adcock

REALTOR, licensed in Virginia Keller Williams Realty Town Center One Columbus Center, Suite 1100 Virginia Beach, Va 23462 23 Years Experience

Direct: 757-632-3237

The Computer Mandate

Happy Valentine’s Month Village News Readers.

eliminating them before they do damage to your hard drive and interal section.

If you check your computer, this is the month for cleaning. The start of dust in the air and into your computer.

Call me to arrange a once over for your computer needs. We’ll clean the dust our, make sure you’re up to date with protection and take care of your needed installations.

There haven’t been a lot of changes recently to the computer industry and one thing remains constant is the threat for viruses. If you don’t have virus protection on your machine it’s time to get it installed. I can do this for you or you can Google it.I recommend McAfee Multi Access. It does a great job of finding and

I always say: We're always available to Village News readers for a quick analysis of your equipment. Just give us a call at 497-1620.


February 2019

Remember our motto: David “Can-Do!”

Just How Good Was That Smoked Turkey? Our family couldn’t get together this year for Thanksgiving. A tradition that hasn’t been broken in decades. So we all decided to celebrate on January 3rd. My son was on vacation for that week, my daughter-inlaw who had been ill was feeling great. Her mom was free for dinner and had never been to visit our house (heck it’s only been 9 years since my son married her daughter) and we were feeling good about the whole thing.

So off I went to Harris Teeter Courthouse Market place to buy a turkey. As I told you last month, I knew most of the managers there by first name. I found Claudio Rodriguez the meat department Manager cleaning one of his displays. I told him of my plans for a belated Thanksgiving and asked for his help. They had gone through almost all their Turkeys for Thanksgiving. What was left were 20 pounders and up. I want to smoke the turkey in my smoker and told him I needed one around 16 pounds. He immediately pointed out a turkey. 16 pounds. PERFECT! He picked it up and put it in my basket saying, “you will never find a more tasty turkey than this. He pointed out how being organic, it has never had injections, was grown on a run free farm and never mistreated. I was sold. I let it thaw in my refrigerator for 5 days. I had purchased marinate to inject into the bird for more flavor. Once it was thawed, I cleaned it (remembering to take the stuff inside out and toss it), put butter and salt under the skin and injected it with one bottle of the “sauce.” Boy did it plump up. I put it back in the refrigerator covered with foil to marinate for 24 hours. Next morning, I let the smoker heat to 250 degrees and put the turkey in at 8am due to come out at 2pm. Unfortunately, my daughter in law became ill and couldn’t make it. My son had to stay home and take care of her. Her mom had a long way to drive so we did the only natural thing we could. We called the get together off. Andrea (my wife) and I had the turkey which was amazing, rolls and 20 deviled eggs. We ate10 between us. Though we missed having the family, there is always another time we can do this. I personally thank Claudio Rodriguez at Harris Teeter for all his help. This is my favorite store as you know. When you see me there, please say hi!


January 2019

Craving a more beautiful bathroom? Resolve to make this the year that you finally create the bathroom of your dreams. Fortunately, you don't need a major remodel. Consider these ideas for simple changes with big impact. With a little planning and effort, you'll add to your home's value and functionality, while getting the "Pinterest-worthy" bathroom you know will make you smile every day. Project 1: Fresh, eco-friendly styleTransitional style is today's most popular bathroom style, according to the National Kitchen and Bath Association, and with good reason: almost limitless design potential. The American Standard Town Square S bathroom collection, inspired by classic American architecture, makes it easy to create a 'put-together' look in bathrooms of all sizes, with a full suite of fixtures and faucets that are easy to install for a stunning refresh. Performing beautifully, you would never guess just how much water the Town Square WaterSensecertified faucets save: almost half the water of regular faucets! There is nothing better than a beautiful new bathroom that is as easy on the eyes as it is on our water resources (not to mention the little extra cash you get to keep in your wallet when a lower water bill arrives!). Project 2: Modern flooring. When you look down, do your bathroom floors leave something to be desired? Redoing the flooring is a simple weekend project that will transform the space. Tile is a great bathroom flooring choice because it is so versatile and longlasting, and can be created to look surprisingly like other materials, such as wood, creating unique looks that wouldn't typically be possible for the bathroom space. Want to step it up? Consider heated flooring to add comfort and a touch of luxury. This top trend works with a variety of different types of flooring material. Project 3: Customizable shower. A restorative shower experience is at the top of the list for a new bathroom must-have. Intuitive products like GROHE SmartControl make it easy to control the precise amount of water with a simple push of a button. A turn of the dial allows for accurate control of water volume and temperature. This makes it easy to change modes quickly, from when you want less water while soaping up to when you want more water to rinse off. Project 4: Personal pampering Bidet seats and toilets are a smart bathroom upgrade for a wellness-focused


February 2019

home. Drawing on Japanese traditions and technology, water cleans more thoroughly than toilet paper, so it's more healthful for all users. A great option is the DXV AT 200 LS SpaLet with its heated seat, soft night light, fully-automatic cleansing wand and adjustable water temperature settings. This bidet toilet will also score bonus points because it is designed for fast and easy installation, so you can create your spa bathroom retreat a lot sooner than you think!With these project tips that involve simple product installations, updating the look and feel of your bathroom won't feel like an overwhelming undertaking.


February 2019

2019 Combo Associate Memberships ALL of 2019 for the low price of $299 or $29 per month* (Limited Combo Associate $199 year/$19 per month Includes Heron Ridge, VB National & Riverfront Golf Courses Call For Details (757)426-3800

If you or a loved one is living with cancer, always remember - there's strength in numbers. In fact, there's an entire community of patients, doctors, nurses, caregivers, researchers, payers, policy makers, advocacy groups and many, many others behind you - all working hard to help transform cancer care from one person's disease into a true community effort. That's the primary purpose of a new program called YOUR Cancer, to spotlight the countless individuals and organizations that have played crucial roles in supporting those facing cancer. It seeks to celebrate the advancements that personalize and improve treatment, access to care and patient support across the nation by bringing together the entire cancer community to pursue the common goal of eliminating cancer as a cause of death. And not just people living with cancer, but everyone helping to create a brighter future that ultimately makes YOUR Cancer, OUR Cancer. "A cancer diagnosis can be devastating, but it's not a journey anyone should have to travel alone," notes Rose Gerber, Director of Patient Advocacy and Education at the Community Oncology Alliance. "There's strength in numbers, and in our case, that means bringing together the researchers, physicians, nurses and everyone who extends a supportive hand. Above all, knowledge is power. So it helps to highlight the incredible advancements being made that make a difference in the lives of people with cancer, as well as for their loved ones." 14

February 2019

Dinner & Dessert Good Enough to EAT! 1 12-ounces bottle pale lager 2 1 1/2-pound live lobsters 1 pound new potatoes or small Yukon Gold and/or red-skinned potatoes, scrubbed 1 tablespoon kosher salt, plus more 1/4 cup red wine vinegar 1 tablespoon sugar 1/2 medium red onion, thinly sliced 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1/4 cup olive oil, plus more for drizzling 1/2 cup fresh mint leaves 2 cups frisée (optional) Freshly ground black pepper PREPARATION Bring beer to a boil in a large heavy pot. Add lobsters, cover, and steam until shells are bright red and meat is cooked through, 10–12 minutes. Remove from pot with tongs and let cool 10 minutes. Crack shells; remove meat from tail, claws, and knuckles. Meanwhile, place potatoes in a large saucepan and add water to cover by 2"; season with salt. Bring to a boil and cook until tender, 10–12 minutes; drain. Transfer potatoes to a large bowl and lightly crush with a fork. Bring vinegar, sugar, 1 tablespoon salt, and 1/2 cup water to a simmer in a small saucepan. Add onion, remove from heat, and let sit 5 minutes; drain. Let pickled onion cool. Whisk lemon juice and 1/4 cup oil in a medium bowl; season with salt. Add mint, pickled onion, potatoes, and lobster meat; toss to coat. Add frisée, if using, and toss to combine. Drizzle with more oil; season with pepper and more lemon juice, if desired.

6 egg yolks 6 tablespoons white sugar, divided 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 1/2 cups heavy cream 2 tablespoons brown sugar Preheat oven to 300 degrees F. Beat egg yolks, 4 tablespoons white sugar and vanilla extract in a mixing bowl until thick and creamy. Pour cream into a saucepan and stir over low heat until it almost comes to boil. Remove the cream from heat immediately. Stir cream into the egg yolk mixture; beat until combined. Pour cream mixture into the top pan of a double boiler. Stir over simmering water until mixture lightly coats the back of a spoon, about 3 minutes. Remove mixture from heat immediately and pour into a shallow heat-proof dish. Bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and cool to room temperature. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour or overnight. Preheat oven to broil. In a small bowl combine remaining 2 tablespoons white sugar and brown sugar. Sift this mixture evenly over custard. Place dish under broiler until sugar melts, about 2 minutes. Watch carefully so as not to burn. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Refrigerate until custard is set again.


Remember you eat with your eyes first You should enjoy the food you eat.

Here, Village News Shows you how.


2019: The Year of the Space-Age Home In 2019, the "space-age" home will become a reality with modern innovations that are poised to change the way we think about luxury, elegance and comfort. Incorporating advanced technology into your home is essential when elevating its overall style, design and functionality. What better way to create a futuristic environment than by living like an astronaut in your own home. You can do exactly that with the new Flotation Tub with ZERO DIMENSION from TOTO. Made from proprietary Galaline man-made marble, the stylish tub combines a luxury spa aesthetic with space-age technology that simulates zero gravity by offering bathers a weightless experience. After more than a decade's research, TOTO discovered that a unique posture - with the reclining body stabilized and the hips, knees and ankles flexed - reduced the joints' mechanical energy/load to nearly zero. Astronauts sleep in this position; it enables the most relaxing rest possible. Cerebral blood flow studies show activity in the left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex - the part of the brain responsible for language - is dramatically reduced, enabling a meditative state. With the TOTO Flotation Tub as a bathroom focal point that showcases luxurious design, add sleek accessories to enhance your space, such as a smart mirror that doubles as a TV monitor. Imagine checking the weather as you put on your makeup or watching the news as you shave, creating a dual functionality and must-have futuristic design component. Space-age aesthetic is all about blending minimalistic features with high-tech devices, 16

February 2019

allowing for a seamless transition between design and innovation. But why stop with just the bathroom? Consumers will continue to see a vast range of technological innovations throughout 2019, inspiring home transformations that are out of this world! To reach new worlds, innovation is key, especially when it comes to energy efficiency. For state-of-the-art elements both inside and outside your home, consider installing the highly anticipated solar windows that will collect solar energy while remaining transparent. The windows utilize photovoltaic technology, similar to what's being incorporated into solar blinds and solar roofs. These kinds of energyconscious building materials will add a spaceage look and functionality to your home, bringing you into the next century. Make everyday life more efficient with a home automation system, a rapidly growing innovative technology that allows users to manage various household settings with one single command. Users have control of their entire house at their fingertips including their security, lighting, climate and entertainment systems, even their household appliances. By incorporating an innovative and design-forward centerpiece like TOTO's Flotation Tub, along with additional subtle, sleek tech accessories and gadgets into your living space, the space-age, futuristic home can become your reality.


February 2019

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