February 22 2024 - Thursday Mail

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February 22, 2024

In this edition . . . . Announcements Message from the General Presbyter John Molina-Moore From the Desk of Heather Deacon, Dir. Of Business Affairs Tara Spuhler McCabe, Dir. Congregational Dev. & Mission Global Mission Partnership Grants Proposal Deadline – March 31 Ukrainian Family Needs a Paperwork Sponsor Network of Eastern Europe/Global Misson/MCC Capital Campaign Project Manager Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church Young Adult Transformation Collective DCYAV The Gathering (National Capital Presbytery) led by New Covenant Trust Company & Presbyterian Foundation February 24 – National Presbyterian Church (registration required) Planned Giving Presented by NCP Stewardship Committee March 5 – Zoom Spirituals of Lent: From Triumphant Entry to Resurrection Dr. Eileen Guenther March 10 – Church of the Covenant NEXT CHURCH National Gathering “On the Ground” April 8-11– Falls Church, VA

Announcements: Clifton Presbyterian Church celebrates the recognition of Lynn Stanton-Hoyle (HR) as pastor emerita. Please join us in prayers of thanksgiving for her years of faithful service. More information on the CPC website: https://www.cliftonpc.org/ .

SCOTLAND-SAINT MARK EVENT FEBRUARY 25 - The historic relationship of Saint Mark Presbyterian and Scotland African Methodist Episcopal Zion (AME ZION) church will be the topic of a panel discussion on Sunday, February 25 at 3:00 pm in our sanctuary. Lesli Foster, channel USA9, will moderate the discussion titled From Selma to Saint Mark and Scotland: How the Civil Rights Movement Shaped a Congregation and Saved A Community. The event will feature four panelists, some with first-hand knowledge of the events of that time when both churches and community activists like Joyce Siegel and our own Gordon Hawk came together to prevent County officials from condemning the Scotland community to sell it to a private developer. Scotland AME Zion is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the opening of its church sanctuary in 2024. Under the leadership of Pastor Evalina Huggins, the church has launched a $10 million dollar fundraising campaign to preserve the historic wood framed church on Seven Locks Road after a 2019 flood, while adding a new structure adjacent to it. Our surrounding community has become inspired to throw their support behind the church’s rebuilding, led by a generous gift and in-kind support of Mitchell and Emily Rales and the Glenstone Foundation. Saint Markers are encouraged to attend and spread the word about the Feb. 25 event in our sanctuary which is open to the community as well. For more information, contact Pastor Jay or Dick Pavlin

Save the date!

Gree�ngs! Lent is underway. Spring is around the corner (supposedly). I’m sure your calendar, like mine, is filling up at an alarming pace. And, while I hate to add one more thing to your calendar, I don’t think I would be doing my job if I didn’t do everything I could to shout from the roo�ops about what an amazing opportunity we have coming up this Saturday, February 24! We spend a lot of �me talking about money in our churches, and o�en from the vantage point of scarcity. There never seems to be enough to do all the things we feel called to do. We o�en focus on what we can’t do OR we focus on what we could do if only we had…. you finish the sentence. This Saturday we are invi�ng all of our clergy, all of finance commitee members, our Treasurers, our property commitee members, all of our trustees, and our investment commitees to join us in a �me of learning and reflec�ng around money, and specifically what we CAN do. Na�onal Capital Presbytery, Presbytery Founda�on and New Covenant Trust Company are joining to offer the first of its kind workshop en�tled Dreaming for Tomorrow While Funding Today. During our �me together we will consider topics such as aligning our investments with our values, spending formulas, and policies but through the prac�cal lenses of our unique congrega�onal context. We’ll be joined by the following leaders: Olanda Carr – Senior Ministry Rela�ons Officer and Regional Representa�ve for NCP of Presbyterian Founda�on, Rob Fohr – Vice President of Strategic Alignment for Mid Council Rela�ons with Presbyterian Founda�on, James Carey – Director of Investments with New Covenant Trust Company, and Brad Masters – Vice President of Client Engagement with New Covenant Trust Company. I cannot underscore what a wonderful and useful offering this is going to be for congrega�ons of any context: big, small, new, tradi�onal – there will be something for everyone! Join us Saturday, February 24 from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM at Na�onal Presbyterian Church in the Parlor. The registration link will remain open – please reach out with any ques�ons (hdeacon@thepresbytery.org)! Blessings, Heather

Greetings People! The National Capital Presbytery is 103 chartered churches and 6+ New Worshiping communities as a Presbytery. Way back in March of 2014, our Presbytery leadership (many in your positions) participated in the LANDSCAPE. This tool provided needed feedback and benchmarking that informed how our Presbytery organized itself and mission for the past 10 years. We are due for another Landscape check-in! Many of our churches have participated in the CAT (Congregation Assessment Tool™) with Holy Cow. This format is similar BUT with a particular lens into the larger organizational body of our Presbytery (AND it takes only 15-20 minutes to do). Your participation in this survey supports directions on resourcing, programming, and budgeting of our Presbytery. With this tool, we can measure the satisfaction and energy in our Presbytery with our congregational leadership. Identify the critical success factors for improving our organizational climate. Discover where members would like to go in the future, and gauge readiness for change. Here are some FAQs Who should take the survey? All Minister Members of NCP (Ordained, Specialized, Retired, NWC leaders); Those who have been recently registered at Presbytery Meetings as Commissioners in 2023 and into 2024; those who currently sit on any NCP Council, Committees, Networks, Teams. Who else can take the survey? members in the NCP chartered churches are welcome to take the survey as directed by their pastors and clerks of session. The Landscape follows SKIP LOGIC so that members of congregations who have not served on Presbytery level committees etc. can focus on congregational-based questions. How long will this take? From 15-25minutes. These are multiple-choice clicks to make. You want to think about it but not too much. Can multiple people sharing email addresses, or the same device take the assessment? Yes. We do not lock the assessment by email address or IP address just so that people who share email addresses, e-readers, computers, etc. can each take the assessment. What if I cannot take this online and need a paper assessment? Please contact LaJuan Quander lquander@thepresbytery.org for directions on how to receive a printout and who to contact so that your responses are taken. Here is a link to the History of the Church Assessment Tool in case you want to know more details about the tool and its science! https://holycowconsulting.com/history-of-the-cat-congregation-assessment-tool/

The Landscape link is open now. After completing it, notes will be provided as to the next steps, with communications conveyed to the whole Presbytery. Thank you again for your continued participation and faith in our connectional church of Jesus Christ. Peace and Peace and Courage, Rev. Jeri Fields, Rev. Chris Deacon, Moderator, Rev. Tara Spuhler McCabe

Next Deadline for Global Mission Partnership Grants Proposals The Global Mission Network (GMN) is soliciting applications for the National Capitol Presbytery (NCP) Global Partnership Grants program from congregations for new cooperative initiatives between congregations and their global mission partners. The next deadline for grant applications is March 31. The program supports interactive, hands-on global mission projects with impact on the community. Preference will be given to new initiatives; applications may be submitted for continued funding in years two and three of a given project. Some preliminary work should be done to assess feasibility before applying, so that the project has a reasonable chance of success and some way to measure when success has been attained. Priority will be given to projects where there is an established relationship and a high level of confidence in the incountry team and where there is a plan for project sustainability. Projects with Presbyterian ecumenical partners are encouraged, but this is not a requirement. This is a matching grant program; the contribution of your congregation toward the project in both money and labor will be considered. A congregation may submit only one application each year. Travel costs will not be considered, nor will reimbursement grants. Grant proposals requesting up to $5,000 will be considered, for $5,000 in matching funds. A written report and presentation will be required in the year following the award outlining how the funds were spent, the progress of the project to date including impact on the community and plans for the future. Partnerships with grant awards will be required to provide information to be included in the NCP Global Mission Partnerships Directory, available for download on the NCP GMN webpage at https://thepresbytery.org/the-work-of-thepresbytery/committees/mission-coordination/global-mission-network Proposals are due to NCP by email by March 31 to Judith Dahmann (jdahmann@mitre.org) using the NCP standard application (download from www.theprebsytery.org) and addressing specific questions for global grants (part 2). For more information contact Judith Dahmann (jdahmann@mitre.org).

Ukrainian Family Needs a Paperwork Sponsor to Apply for a Two-Year US Refugee Visa – An Opportunity for Hands-On Ministry This is the Pliscko Family. They need a paperwork sponsor to be able to receive a temporary refugee status and work in the United States under the United for Ukraine program (UforU). If you’re a US citizen and would consider helping a hard-working couple and their three children from Ukraine to escape from war, please read this document for more details.

Pliscko Family Mykola and Olena Pliscko and three children are from the Odesa region, which was massively bombed for the past 6 months. The Plisckos are active members of a local Baptist church in Odesa. Wherever they can find sponsorship and legally come to the US, they would go to Philadelphia/East Greenville, PA area where their best friends live and work (that family also came to the US with the UforU program over a year ago). The Ukrainian family in the Philadelphia area would help the Plisckos find work and housing, and there is a Ukrainian church in the area as well. We also have several people and churches who committed to support Pliskos financially ones they arrive to the US to cover first few months of rent and other basic expenses. All they need now is a paperwork sponsor to apply for United for Ukraine program. The Plisckos have basic English abilities. Mykola is a professional construction contractor, and Olena is a music piano teacher. Mykola has a driver’s license and has a preliminary agreement about employment in the constriction firm where his friend works. They also have savings to purchase a car in the US. The couple is very committed to their country, but recent circumstances have forced them to seek safety abroad. The family is ready to cover their flight tickets costs. Also, Mykola can legally leave Ukraine. The expectation of a potential paperwork sponsor would be to file a I-134a form on USCIS website. The friends of the Plisckos in East Greenville indicate there are numerous people in the local Ukrainian community who can help with interpreting and help potential sponsor with completing the I-134a form. NOTE: Supporters in the US have offered to contribute to the transition expense the family will incur. All the family needs now is someone to complete the paperwork to help them obtain a refugee visa. (Financial contributions to assist in the family’s support are still welcome.)

United for Ukraine The United for Ukraine program, announced by President Biden for Ukrainians over a year ago, and implemented by US Department of Homeland Security provides a pathway for displaced Ukrainian citizens and their immediate family members who are outside the United States to come to the United States and stay temporarily for up to two years. This program quickly grants Ukrainians a legal status, work permits, health insurance, and some benefits like food stamps. The process is straightforward, there are about 13 pages in the application. The turnaround time for the application review is not long, but can take up to 2 months. The potential sponsor must qualify, then the family receives visas and permission to travel to the US within a period of time after approval. The official website of the program is: https://www.dhs.gov/ukraine

To volunteer as a paperwork sponsor for a family, to assist the family financially, or to ask questions, please contact Nadiia Khomaziuk from U.S.-Ukraine Business Council at ‘nkhomaziuk@usubc.org’

Request for Interest Capital Campaign Project Manager

Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church of Washington, DC (CHPC) is undertaking a multi-phase capital project. The Capital Campaign Project Manager (PM) will oversee the first phase of the capital project. The PM will be awarded a 6-month contract (~10-12 hours/week), with a total cost to the church of $26k, to be disbursed on a monthly basis. This first phase will cover the completion of a master plan. The PM will be the primary "staff" for the Capital Campaign Steering Committee and will help the committee with calling meetings, setting agendas, as well as forming Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for Architects and Contractors. We envision following a three-phase process that the PM would support (see Further Information below). The first phase, which is encompassed by this contract, is the development of the scope of what is to be accomplished by the CHPC Capital Campaign Steering Committee regarding alterations/changes to the CHPC facility. This will result in a Master Plan for the capital project going forward. This first step is to be completed and presented to CHPC’s governing body (the Session) no later than September 2024. The PM will be guided by, and be accountable to, the Capital Campaign Steering Committee; however, the day-to-day point of contact will be CHPC Pastor Rachel Landers Vaagenes. The PM will have responsibility for making recommendations to and/or acting on behalf of the Committee and Session on: –Development and/or assembling the initial cost estimate for the scope of work.

–Development of RFPs, negotiation with and selection of contractors and consultants. –Overall management of any permitting process necessary to phase one. –Review of invoices and authorization of payment for services, if necessary, in phase one. –Coordination of responsibilities and division of scope between contractors. Further Information We see the PM as integral to our efforts, and, if mutually agreeable, this individual will be with us to the completion of the capital project. We envision that, once the first phase master plan is approved, another contract will be formulated to encompass the second phase, a definition stage wherein the scope is further defined to enable RFPs to be developed and any needed permits to be obtained. The third phase will encompass execution of the defined work. The PM will manage and monitor costs, scheduling, and progress so that work is completed on time and on budget. To apply, please contact admin@capitolhillpreschurch.org.

Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church 201 Fourth Street, SE, Washington, DC 20003 TEL (202)547-8676 www.capitolhillpreschurch.org

is now a member of the Young Adult Transformation Collective, an ecumenical ecosystem for connecting and resourcing programs like ours with a deep passion for transforming the lives of youth and young adults. Visit our website here.

young adult transformation collective

s i h t n i jo l a n o i t a m r o f trans ! y t i n u comm

applications for this transformative year open now! One year opportunities for young adults ages 18--35 are available in Albuquerque, Asheville, and Washington, DC. Please share the application far and wide! And reach out to Rev. Blair Moorhead at dcyavprogram@gmail.com if you have any questions!

National capital Presbytery

The Gathering "Dreaming for Tomorrow While Funding Today"

led by New Covenant Trust Company & Presbyterian Foundation

Saturday, February 24, 2024 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

National Presbyterian Church (The Parlor) 4101 Nebraska Avenue, NW, DC (light refreshments provided)

Sessions include: • Aligning Your Investments with Your Values • Maximizing Funding for Ministry through Wise Asset Allocation and Spending Formula Strategy • Finance and Investment Committee Governance and Policy register HERE by February 16

•• •• • •

Nationa I Ca pita I PRESBYTERY


“Spirituals of Lent: From Triumphal Entry to the Resurrection” A lecture with music by

Dr. Eileen Guenther Professor Emerita of Church Music

at Wesley Theological Seminary and author of

In Their Own Words: Slave Life and Power of Spirituals

Sunday, March 10 at 3:00 PM The Church of the Covenant (PCUSA) Fellowship Hall (parking lot level) 2666 Military Road, Arlington, VA

















REGISTER TODAY www.nextchurch.net

April 8-11, 2024

A Church Gathering for ALL Leaders

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