Rock Magazine Fall 2011

Page 40

ROCK Athletics

Dear Di ary, a k s a l A o t h t r o n We’re heading Slippery R head cros ock University s John Pap -country coach a diary chr kept the following o trip to Al nicling the team’s a student-a ska. Papa took 42 t this fall to hletes to Alaska “ bountifu compete in the America’s l beauty” of last wilde rness.

A u g. 31

Sep t. 1

e hotel at 8 a.m. to e awoke and left th W . ka as op Al to p of our tri ist area called Flatt Welcome to a diary head to a local tour bit of a ite qu ing with along. ountain. It was rain M Thanks for reading ad he , it to ain y nt da ou to the m ck early When we arrived at We left Slippery Ro g. fo ot N e. in had ra ag e or th ch t fog, bu r flight to An ’t visible due to the sn wa to Cleveland for ou ry ve t a chalbu to t, led gh at fli d a trail th e six-hour stopped. We followe real excited about th s. ur ho e re th about p. ging hike that lasted len excited about the tri s il, wa tra It g e. on ag wr or e t on th . in Anch e of the athletes go m We arrived at 4 p.m So ur ke fo hi a e is Th . ere ep degrees. Th tremely ste and that trail was ex raining and about 53 ever, we all had so a, ask Al in erately difficult. How ce od m ren s wa ll hi e th up hour time diffe s. nt to s a killer on the leg adjustment. We we e hike back down wa th to make a bit of an n. ru t sy ou ea ab an e se do could only chorage to Due to the fog, we Kincaid Park in An bit oose while m ur fo ed rection. We were a ter di un y co an -100 feet in 50 Our runners en t n’ op do att st Fl ju at u th Yo . we know in the park ppointed, because sa di we did an easy run out e. ok on lo t see ea u gr yo a osed to be oose is until pp su s wa ain nt ou M realize how big a m ive. e area. oose were not aggress int for the Anchorag in po Fortunately, these m n In eld the hotel, irfi Fa e th tled into , we went back to ke hi r ou r te Af After the run, we set t. to ea and then headed to nt to get something epared for the race pr Anchorage, then we rtu po op of ty en p we had pl the bookstore. Throughout the tri perature on, halibut and m sal as ch su out, finally. The tem od e fo m ca n su e Th nities to eat sea s it wa grees at race time – ed and hungry, and nt up to about 60 de we crab. We were all tir e. tim ck Ro ery ght Slipp only 8 p.m. –­ midni



Fall 2011

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