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Aeroponic & Hydroponic Technology

Enhance horticulture production, augment

founded in London in the year 2002.

farmers, income and strengthen nutritional

We have invested in the renewable energies and


in green economy aiming at providing not only

Improve productivity by way of technology

products, but complete and cutting edge solu-

as Sterile Greenhouse and water use effi-


ciency through micro Irrigation.

We aim at creating a sustainable development re-

spects the environment and the humankind.

Support skill development and create employment generation opportunities for rural youth in horticulture and post harvest man-

Main objectives of Mission - Promote growth horticulture sector, through

agement, •

in the recent years allow to:

modern technologies to protect products, work and money;

The most important sectors we have covered

strategies, which includes research, technology

Protect the environment avoiding unnecessary waste;

promotion, extension, post harvest manage-

Solve serious environmental pollution;

ment, processing and marketing, in consonance

Improve the territory with particular atten-

with diverse agro-climatic features; •

Encourage economy of large scale and scope.

tion to Agricultural in the World which is very important for the survival of every people .


ITC Ltd is a Consultants and EPC Company

Mission & Vision


Sterile Greenhouse

Index 06 Food Production in The World 07 Sterile Greenhouse 10 The Structure of sterile Greenhouse 11 Sterile Greenhouse & led Light Solutions 14 Sterile Greenhouse & Automation 15 Aeroponic & Hydroponic Technology 18 Why “Sterile Greenhouse” 19 From producer To consumer 21 Sterile Greenhouse & Biologic Products 23 Sterile Greenhouse & Great Distribution 26 Advantage of Sterile Greenhouse 28 Our Services



Food production and the issue of agricultural

Protected crop systems have been increasing in

crops will be issues of great interest in the near

recent years thanks to the demand of consumers

future, given the growing demand for food

who want the guarantee of eating a good


product, of safe origin and because there is a

The statistics of “UN World Population Prospects”

need to reduce waste and save resources (water,

speak of a growing global population expanding

land, energy).

rapidly, which estimates that the threshold has

Other important reasons are climate change and

been crossed in 9 billion individuals around the

unusual weather events that cause great damage

middle of this century, compared to the current

to outdoor crops every year.

7 billions.

For all these reason we propose the Best

If we consider a cultivated area of ​​about 41 million

Technology to protect your crops, your work and

square kilometers (FAO), which cannot increase

youe money: The Sterile Greenhouse

due to many reasons such as urban development, desertification, deforestation, landfills, pollution

must be diversified and improved in order to optimize production per hectare. It therefore becomes essential to be able to increase agricultural production in all extreme conditions, also using non-fertile or noncultivated areas, desert areas

where there is

water scarcity, climatic zones unsuitable for crops in the earth. To do this, it is necessary to use technologies as Aeroponic and Hydroponic in Greenhouses where is possible improve production, protect crops, guarantee the final results of quality and nutritional values.


of land and groundwater, the food production

Food Producion in The World

The More efficienty tehcnology to protect crops

from the external environment and the absence

is The Sterile Greenhouse with Hydroponic

of pathogens.

and Aeroponic cultivation systems.

This technology is the best for the protection of

These systems are used to grow vegetables, fruit,

crops; you can have the guarantee of the result,

medicinal herbs, aromatic planst, flower etc....

because the product is not subject to attack

Hydroponic and Aeroponic techologies are

by insects, parasites or bacteria, which could

methods of growing plants without soil.

compromise the quality and quantity of crops.

The “Sterile Greenhouse” is a more advanced

We supply complete technology composed from:

technology of our Greenhouse.

• Structure in steel and glass;

The structure provides an airtight seal towards

Technologic plant as clima control,

the external environment; the internal air is

fertigation, irrigation, led light, energy

constantly controlled by special machines that

renevable, automation systems;

carry out the treatment making it “sterile” to guarantee the total absence of contaminants

• Internal equipment for Aeroponic and Hydroponic growing;



The Best Technology to protect Crops

Sterile Greenhouse New Technology

The Structure


Sterile Greenhouse

10 The “Sterile Greenhouse” has been designed with a structure resistant to extreme weather conditions (wind, heavy rains, hail) but also protected from extreme temperatures (hot and cold) with integrated systems capable of creating a microclimate suitable for crops inside, independent from the outside. The structure is in special steel with spatial reticular technology. The double or triple glazing installed on aluminum profiles (curtain wall type) is an excellent thermal insulation of the structure in any climatic condition, offering a very high energy saving result. The steel structure is modular and can be customized on the basis to special requests. For a major investment we have designed an important building that is durable over the years and requires minimal maintenance. The energy needed to sustain the structure can be produced from different sources, applying multiple technologies together to support the day and night phase. We can use photovoltaic panels, wind turbines combined with current storage with lithium batteries, use “oil free” gas turbines, fuel cells. In a constantly changing and changing global market, the secret of success is “flexibility”. For this reason, the technical consultants are available to customize the structure and systems according to the crops to be prepared and the external climate.


Finely-tuned light recipes stabilize and improve

Light is essential for plant growth. Natural sun-

plant quality, increasing your yield even during

light is the cheapest source available, but for hor-

winter months.

ticulture it is not always attainable in sufficient

Energy-efficient LED lamps will effectively reduce


your electrical system load and running cost.

Therefore, the use of artificial light has become

In every project we will apply the optimum Led

very common in order to increase production

light system.

and quality.

Added value of Led Light for your crop:

Every plant has their own sensitivity for colors

Increased production

and intensity of light.

Shortening of the total growth cycle

Using the efficient light sources for plants, effec-

Better plant uniformity

tive light recipes are important to obtain the opti-

Better space utility

mal results in plant production.

Improved plant quality

We are able to control growth perfectly through-

Energy savings

out the entire year using the LED lighting system.

Better germination rate

LED luminaires complement natural light, sup-

Higher multiplication factor

plying the spectrum and intensity that fruit and

Higher survival rate in rooting

vegetables need without adding extra heat.

This can result in increased profit for you.



Sterile Greenhouse LED Light Solutions



Sterile Greenhouse

14 Automation systems are used and integrated in

Our mission is to lead the world in advanced crop

the Sterile Greenhouse to guarantee crops grow-

analysis and help companies successfully scale

ing with maximum efficiency and quality . Fully

their cultivation operations whith automated

integrated,automated systems optimize all cul-


tivation sub-systems into one easy to use dash-

Full Facility Management Platform

board. Future proof your operations by leverag-

All cultivation sub-systems, tasks, and analytics

ing our open architecture which integrates with

integrated into one complete management plat-

any sensor and any control system.


Automated systems identifies mission-critical

Individual Plant & Batch Tracking

operations and task management. Manages and

Track and trace every plant and every batch down

measure every aspect of cultivation to ensure

to room, bench, tray or rack location.

growing optimally.

Crop Analytics

Your Blueprint to Smarter Farming.

All data from every sensor linked to each plant

Full traceability, individual plant tracking, and

and batch automatically.

who did what task when. Sophisticated alerts

3D Microclimate Mapping

via SMS, email, and robo-call, remote control

Our 3D crop sensor network maps microclimate

and multi-site management accessible from any-

above and below the plant canopy for highest ac-

where you have an internet connection.

curacy canopy monitoring Variety Specific Production Recipes Define Workflow and templates for every plants you grow. Multi-Site Management Optimize accross one site or many. The database help you share the keys to success accross all your locations.

The Hydroponic cultivation system was also

tivation technique that aims to achieve the first

used in antiquity, just remember the Babylon

process innovation in agriculture.

Gardens, the floods of the Nile, the floating gar-

The plants, with free roots in every vegetative

dens of Mexico City; they are all examples of hy-

phase, are placed on special perforated panels

droponic systems.

intended only to support the plant; these pan-

The Hydroponic cultivation systems have been in

els rest on a non-toxic plastic channel which, in

use for many years and are booming worldwide.

addition to supporting the panel and the plant,

In Hydroponics, plants are grown in a substrate

isolates the root from the external environment.

that replaces the soil, such as rock wool, clay, per-

The nutrient solution is sprayed, according to

lite, coconut fiber and are fed with a mixture of

precise timing, directly on the root system, man-

water and nutrients usually with the closed cycle

aging to recover and reuse, the one that is not




The Aeroponic system is a highly advanced cul-


The plants grown on the soil continuously devel-

Therefore this solution guarantees a considerable

op their roots, so the energy dedicated for their

saving of water, up to 90% and more, compared

development limits the growth of the plant.

to that used for traditional crops in the field or on

With Aeroponic and Hydroponic technolo-

the ground, where the greater quantity of water

gy, water and nutrients are supplied directly to

is dispersed in the soil.

plants, freeing them from unnecessary energy

Aeroponics and Hydroponics technology helps to

expenditure and thus giving a better balance

reduce the pollution of fertile soils and ground-

between roots and trunk, with a faster result in

water, resulting from the use of fertilizers and

terms of growth and optimal performance.

chemical treatments normally used for the pro-

Water and nutrients not used by plants are

tection of crops grown on the soil.

filtered, purified and re-inserted into the cycle.

Sterile Greenhouse Aeroponic & Hydroponic Technology

“Why Sterile “


Sterile Greenhouse

18 The “Sterile Greenhouse” is a more advanced

The design and construction of the plants in a

technology of our Greenhouse.

Greenhouse are very important and sensitive

The structure provides an airtight seal towards

matters. The technological systems are designed

the external environment; the internal air is con-

to be perfectly integrated with the structure and

stantly controlled by special machines that carry

to favor the growth of crops in the Greenhouse.

out the treatment making it “sterile” to guarantee

The Technologic Plants supplied with the Sterile

the total absence of contaminants from the exter-

Greenhouse are:

nal environment and the absence of pathogens.

Heatin system from air, water or electric wire;

In the sterile greenhouse, personnel access is

Fertigation application systems;

allowed only with special clothing that guaran-

Cooling systems;

tees maximum hygiene and attention to prevent

Shading and screens to protect crops;

product contamination.

LED Lighting to support and speed up the growth crops;

This technology is the best for the protection of crops with which you can have the guarantee

ture; humidity, fertigation and brightness;

of the result, because the product is not subject to attack by insects, parasites or bacteria, which could compromise the quality and quantity of crops.

Automation system to ceck indoor tempera-

Computerized systems for automatic and remote control of all installation.

The Sterile Greenhouse can be organized

For example if the crops are tomatos you can

with a shop to sell fresh products to the final

produce sauces, past, preserved tomatoes


etc‌ A shop inside the Sterile Greenhouse

Non only fresh products but also sub-product by processing them from industrial plants. We

can make project

and supply with

equipment’s Greenhouse, industrial plants to processing the products after collection. So you will be able to produce and to sell fresh products and sub-products transformed by the crops.

will complete the life cycle of the products. In the same time it may be intersting to open a restaurant, or bistrot where offer prepared fresh products, produced in the Greenhouse, for lovers of vegetarian culture and therefore fruits and vegetables. We remember that the crops produced whith our Sterile Greenhouse, will be better than Biologic !!



Sterile Greenhouse From Producer to Consumer

Biologic food are produced, prepared, and

Antioxidant content

processed without the use of any pesticides,

The positive effects of antioxidants on overall

chemical fertilizers, or chemical preservatives.

health have been established in a number of

The general public belief is that organic food is

scientific studies, especially those derived from

healthier compared to the conventional ones, and it’s the primary reason for its increased demand over the past decade.

Biologic foods. Latest studies propose that the consumption of obiologic food can contribute to more intake of nutritionally advantageous

The choice of consuming organic foods is thus

antioxidants and limited exposure to heavy

a growing trend in the world of today following

metals. The positive impacts of antioxidants

the realization of healthy self improvement



prevention of heart disease, cancer, vision

Better overall health

problems, premature aging, and cognitive

Because organic food is not produced or






processed by the use of chemical pesticides

Better taste

or chemical fertilizers, it does not contain any

Apart from nutrition, the mineral and sugar

elements of toxic chemicals, toxic metals and

structures in organic foods are tasty because

may not affect human health in harmful ways.

they does not contain any elements of toxic chemicals or toxic metals. The use of natural and environmentally friendly agricultural production techniques is revealed

Sterile Greenhouse & Biologic Products

to be the reason for the better taste in biologic food products. It is commonly reported that the taste of organic vegetables and fruits are of higher quality compared to those that are conventionally grown. Biologic products lessens the long-term human health implications caused by air, water and soil pollution.




Greenhouse cultivation can provide highquality product all-year round with an efficient use of resources. The enhanced awareness of environmental pollution the increasing demand of healthy foods and last, but not least - the shortage of resources like water, are forcing the growers to introduce more sustainable growing techniques. The reduction of production costs and an improved marketing of traditional vegetables seem more needed than looking for new crops. In general, greenhouse growers must aim to produce, in an environmentally friendly way, high quality standard products, the use of modern greenhouses (with better climate control and more advanced growing technologies suchas drip fertigation, hydroponics and integrated pest management) and seawater for irrigation are the most relevant aspects of this development. Proper education and training of growers are also needed and eventually a new


generation of entrepreneurs, less conservative and more professional. Marketing Policy The development and success of protected horticulture does not hinge on growing technology only. A comprehensive marketing policy must be implemented in order to reduce transportation costs, supply the market, in particular the big supermarket, with labelled and qualitycertified products. The commercialisation of innovative products may support the growth of the sector. For instance, fresh-cut (also named ready-touse or processed fruits and vegetables may represent added commercial value.



Sterile Greenhouse & Great Distribution



Sterile Greenhouse

WATER SAVING UP TO 90% In the Sterile Greenhouse irrigation system allows to dose the water In the quantity required by the plant nutrition. The excess not absorbed is recirculated, so ther are not produced unnecessary waste. This irrigation system called “closed loop� represents considerable advantages both in economic and environmental terms.

REDUCE POLLUTION Aeroponic and Hydroponic cultivation technique help to reduce the pollution of soil and groundwater; the crops growing in the Sterile Greenhouse are not subjected to chemical treatments, fertilizer or pesticides; treatments increasingly used for crops in the soil unfortunately not subject to strict controls.

INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY The ability to increase the productivity for more that 40%-60% in the Sterile Greenhouse depends from the constant microclimate throughout the year, ensured by technological systems that are integlar part of the structure; between the technologic plants installed in the Greenhouse, we remember the LED Lighting system that emits light of wavelengths favorable to photosynthesis and consequently accelerates the growth of plants.

QUALITY GUARANTEED The products grown in the Sterile Greenhouse are of excellent quality; all plants are regularly verified to ceck absorption of nutrients; the plants growing on the soil absorbs all typs of pollution of air, soil, and groundwater and chemical treatments. For this reason the products grown in the Sterile Greenhouse can be considered superior of quality that those organic.

ZERO ENERGY CONSUPTION The Sterile Greenhouse is equipped with renewable energy plants such as solar panels, wind turbines, geothermal technology, biomass, fuel cell, energy storage. With this systems the Sterile Greenhouse will be able to produce electric energy necessary for his sustenance.

GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS Inside the Sterile Greenhouse there is a constant microclimate throughout the year. This is good not only for crops but also for the staff which work inside, in optimal climate conditions and environmental hygiene.


Our Services


Sterile Greenhouse

• Feasibility Study; • Business Plan and Report ; • Design and Planning; • Installation , Construction and Commissioning; • Technical Training; • Support after Sales; • Support and Proposal Financial Solutions.



Sterile Greenhouse

International Technical Consultants Ltd 14 - Chillingworth Road- N78 QJ - London (UK) -

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