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Angelito… the cactus is walking. A story written by HANS FLEISCHNER

It was a beautiful morning and after a delicious breakfast, Angelito and Grandpa decided to take a little walk, as they do so many times. The sun was out shining and a gentle morning breeze, made going out very comfortable. They walked for while, talking about how delicious the breakfast was and how they were enjoying the sunshine and the soft wind. Arriving at a little hill, overlooking the wide empty space of a movie like landscape, they sat down and took in the scene. One could think, the landscape had dressed up for the day, getting ready for the filming of a Wild West movie. There was a wide empty stretch, where maybe horses would turn the earth into dust and some small hills

were rolling into the background, with tall mountains echoing the scene. And of course there was a cactus here and there. Tall beautiful cactuses. The wind slowed down a bit and the sun became more present with its warm smile. Suddenly Grandpa saw something strange happening in the far distance. Look Angelito, the Cactus is walking. Where? There! Angelito’s eyes followed Grandpa’s finger pointing into the far distance. Now he saw it and yes, there was a Cactus walking. Grandpa, this is funny, said Angelito, the Cactus is really walking.

The two gentlemen looked at each other, smiled and laughed, this is really funny. Well, what are we doing here? So Angelito and Grandpa decided to go and say hello to the Cactus walking away. As they walked slowly towards the Cactus walking away, they picked up some speed, to make sure not to miss the Cactus, because how many times in your life do you meet a Cactus walking away. Grandpa had never seen such a thing before and of course Angelito had never experienced in his whole life such an amazing scene, a Cactus walking away. As they got closer, already slowly running and only a few small soft hills blocking the full view, the Cactus

stopped and slowly leaned over and disappeared. Did the Cactus die? There was no shot. Did he have a heart attack? Does a cactus have a heart? Did he go to sleep? Maybe, let’s go and see. Grandpa and Angelito were not running anymore, but with big steady steps walked towards the spot, where they had seen the cactus disappear. Climbing up a little hill, the truth was unfolding in front of their big wide eyes and they smiled and laughed. We are Heroes. They became witnesses to a yet to be released big movie and the Cactus walking away was taking a rest, till it was time for him to get up and play his part in this big, big movie.

And Angelito and Grandpa had walked right onto the set of their yet to be released movie. Now if this isn’t destiny, what is? Angelito and Grandpa looked at each other, smiled and laughed. Looking one more time across the big, big movie set, they turned around and walked back home, where grandma was preparing everything for lunch. The two men stepped into the kitchen and almost fainted. Grandma as always had cooked a meal, that made the guys smile and sit down eagerly, making sure they didn’t look too hungry, because Grandma was very strict with her men and their table manners. Her heart was smiling, Grandpa being the mischievous rascal he always was,

from the day she fell in love with him and that was a good while ago. And Angelito was Angelito, what do I need to tell you. The meal was simple. This wasn’t the banquet of kings and queens, princes and princesses and all that goes with that, this was Angelito, Grandpa and Grandma and Grandma just knew how to cook. Smells, smells, smells. Tastes, tastes, tastes and a happy belly. Angelito toasted to Grandpa and Grandma, like a real big Angelito and he sunned himself in the smiles of his beloved Grandpa and Grandma. Wiping his mouth and thanking Grandma for the delicious meal, he announced askingly, Siesta?

And yes, siesta was a good idea and all three of them found a comfortable place to take a rest. But first Grandma quickly put away the dishes. Grandpa stretched out on the couch and Angelito went to his room. Afternoon. What an afternoon, after a real siesta. Grandma worked her magic and filled the noses of Angelito and Grandpa with smells, to wake up their senses and bodies, too. Maybe those smells could be called Royal Sweetness and judging from how the noses pulled up their bodies from their sleepy bones, Grandma not only knew her men, but also could go into business and maybe get rich with her cookies and cakes and hot chocolate delights.

If you want to understand, what Royal Sweetness means, just look at the faces of Angelito and Grandpa. Grandma knew and understandingly smiled. Time for the men to step out and see what news the afternoon had prepared for them. One news was good news, that there were no news, because Angelito and Grandpa sometimes enjoyed, that there was nothing, just them taking a walk and taking in the world around them, because the world was always full of little surprises and that’s the real big news that made up their lives. They slowly walked through the old streets, that Grandpa had walked with his grandpa, when he was a boy, saying hello to everyone along the way, till they arrived in the Town Square.

It was like stepping into an arena. It seemed like the whole world was meeting here today. Cafés, pubs, restaurants, shops, food stalls, souvenirs, household goods, clothes, shoes, musicians and at the far end, TEATRO CERVANTES. Angelito loved to pass by there and look at the pictures in the show windows. He hadn’t been inside, yet, so he made up his own stories from the pictures he saw. Sometimes he made drawings from what he remembered and sometimes he had dreams and made drawings from what he remembered of them. Reality, dreams, fantasies, all flowed together in one world, Angelito’s world and in his mind stories were built, that his brain shaped into wonderful little tales.

Grandpa was a wonderful audience. So Angelito made a world of grandpas and of course grandmas, too. Now if you think Angelito was getting lost in some fancy dreaming, then you got it all wrong, here was a man living his world to the fullest and he knew, what where dreams, what where fantasies and what was reality. You want to put Angelito to the test, he will give you a test, don’t worry and don’t hurry. Grandpa had noticed Angelito drifting into another world and brought him back, one day we will put on our very best clothes and fine shoes and visit TEATRO CERVANTES. Angelito smiled at Grandpa, with eyes shining and his mind flying and they walked back across the square, to sit down at their favorite cafe, to meet

friends of Grandpa and to sit down for an afternoon chat. Chocolate Eh. No ordinary chocolate drink, more like an espresso. For kids? Well it is not a cigarette or a glass of wine or some other kind of social drug, is it? Then what is it, if not an ordinary drug? Do I need some prescription? No. A recipe helps. It’s like that. You take a block of chocolate, carefully slice off some chips of it, boil it and serve it. Like an Espresso? More like Turkish coffee. For Kids? It’s chocolate, silly.

Okay, anyway it’s for Angelito and he gets his way somehow. Angelito had his Chocolate Eh, like everybody else had their espresso, their wine, their one shot what not, just sitting there taking in the world and the beautiful women passing by. The men sort of mumbled their approvals and at closer listening one could hear some crumbling mumbling, that didn’t sound so approvingly, but these sounds didn’t even make it to the front of their teeth, never mind the edge of the table. Those sounds sort of evaporated. Angelito learned men’s talk. And Angelito learned how to look without looking, especially when that one woman passed by, that let him know without anyone else noticing, it so seemed, that she was the one.

She was one year older, but to her, Angelito was Her Man, he had the presence of much older boys and she knew Men. Her dad, her uncles, her older brother and of course her granddad and then there was the butcher, not her type, but a man, the priest, also not her type, but a man and there was one of her teachers, history he taught, with a passion and if it wasn’t for all the numbers, the stories were exciting, he would be one of her men, her type he was anyway, but then there was Angelito, another Man altogether. She moved on and both knew, they would meet again, look at each other, talk with each other and maybe even play with each other.

Today they had felt each other, their eyes didn’t meet, but their hearts didn’t betray each other. The cup of Chocolate Eh smelled the aroma of tender, sweet emotions and was waiting for the day, when it would meet a like minded cup, to share the aroma of Angelito and his Woman, drinking from their delicious looks and dancing hearts. Grandpa had noticed Angelito was drifting into somewhere and so he very slowly got up and when Angelito looked at him, he smiled gently, nodded with his head and they started to head back home. With all the people around, they just walked next to each other, but after turning the corner, Angelito touched Grandpa’s hand and they continued down the street.

Stopping a few times to wish some friends a nice evening, they came closer to home, almost smelling dinner. Angelito looked at Grandpa and with a little sigh said to him, I think I found my Woman. Grandpa first thought to say, isn’t it a bit early, but caught himself remembering, how he had felt, first time he had met his woman and how his heart almost jumped out of his chest and all over the place. Looking at Angelito, seeing his little heart beat stronger and his breathing silencing his voice, he thought, my Angelito, what a boy and said nothing. They almost had reached home, when Angelito turned to Grandpa and said, but please do not tell Grandma.

I want to tell it to her by myself, when I am ready. Grandpa promised not to say a thing and they arrived home with Grandma being busy in the kitchen. Gentlemen did you have a nice afternoon, yes we did, Grandma and after dinner I will tell you all about it. Angelito and Grandpa went into the little garden in the back of the house and looked at the vegetables and flowers, to see how they had spent the day. They looked fine, but a little water surely would do them some good and Grandpa showed Angelito how to do it and also taught him a little bit here and a little bit there about the plants. After their garden work, they went back into the house and slowly got ready for dinner.

Grandma as always didn’t have to call them, the smell of the food made their noses like tour guides, leading them to their seats at the table. But first they washed their hands and made sure they looked like sitting down for dinner. They were not going out to have dinner at a five star restaurant, but the kitchen and the dining table definitely was Grandma’s territory and she had her rules. Dinner was simple, but Grandma was a five star cook, we must say chef, because what she did with the aroma, to make the nose, heart, stomach and imagination of Angelito and Grandpa go into a trance like culinary dance, can only be compared to a very exquisite Paris Perfume Presentation of the finest and newest fragrances.

Grandma had never been to Barcelona or Madrid, never mind Paris, but she knew how to cook. Almost finished with the meal, Angelito couldn’t help, but lick his lips, to taste the last moments of a delicious meal and to thank Grandma with the words, you are the Queen Supreme of our little Kingdom. What a compliment, what a history lesson, what a wonderful Angelito. Grandma smiled ever so softly, with a little tear peeking out, which was quickly being swallowed by a heartfelt, thank you Angelito, I am very happy, that you liked it. And how was your afternoon? Grandpa and me walked our usual route into town and stopped here and there to say hello to our friends.

Then, in the Town Square we stopped at TEATRO CERVANTES and I looked at all the pictures in the windows and thought, maybe one day you can watch me there, but I am not sure, yet, what kind of actor I want to be. After that, we went to our Café, Angelito looks at Grandpa, and I ordered Chocolate Eh. It was very tasty, but something was missing, maybe your cookies, Grandma. Well next chance I will make you cookies, with your chocolate drink. And then, I was watching people and thought, so many nice shoes, maybe I need nice shoes. Nice shoes? Do you need new shoes? You know Grandma, what happens, if I meet a nice woman, don’t I need nice shoes?

Nice woman? Well, it can happen, Grandma. Sure, it can happen Angelito, someone I know? No, no, no, I was just thinking, if I meet a nice woman, maybe I should wear nice shoes. Grandma wasn’t sure, should she smile, sigh or just hug and kiss her beloved Angelito, but she knew, something serious was on his mind, so she only said, next time you go to town with Grandpa, do some window shopping and then let’s see. That’s a splendid idea Grandma. Got up and gave her a big hug and kiss. Grandpa was just sitting there listening and thought, brave boy, my Angelito, he still kept his secret, just gave a little hint to Grandma.

Evening slowly came around, Grandma got Angelito ready for the night and Grandpa sat down next to his bed, waiting for him to fall asleep. Grandma went back to the kitchen to prepare some things for the morning, when Angelito asked Grandpa, do you think I need new shoes or should I wait till I know for sure, that she really is the right one for me. Wait. Think of her. Take a walk with her in your dream. Go to see the cactus walking away with her and drink some Chocolate Eh together with her. Angelito had fallen asleep with a little smile on his face and Grandpa could swear he was seeing him licking his lips, enjoying one more taste of Chocolate Eh. With Her? Grandpa carefully got up, so as not to wake up his sweet Angelito and

walked out of the room, when a voice made him stop. He thought he was dreaming, but could swear Angelito had just said, I wait. Looking, he only saw his peaceful little smile and maybe Her in his dream, laughing together, watching the cactus walking away. Grandpa was getting tired, too and slowly called it a day. Looking at Grandma he knew, she knew, what he knew and they said nothing, just smiled and went to sleep. Maybe they would see Angelito in their dream, with Her and his new shoes. I wait. With what? With the shoes.

Angelito was wide awake, ready to go, as if he had spent the night discussing the merits of new shoes and had come to the conclusion, that now was not the time to buy new shoes. With a serious face and breakfast in front of him, he turned to Grandpa and asked, what’s our program today, and Grandpa didn’t have to look very deeply, to see a smiling Angelito. Grandma just loved these moments, seeing her two men trading looks, which no words could match. Isn’t there a Fiesta today, she asked, with Flamenco and many other kinds of nice things happening. I think there is, said Grandpa and now Angelito was really awake and his eyes were sparkling. The day had started and since the best time to go to the Fiesta was af-

ter siesta, they got busy around the house. Grandma kept the ship on course. Grandpa had to take care of business in the garden and Angelito built a little scenery on a plot, that was all his own alone, where he could dig around the earth and move stones, some wood and toys around. His world. Looking at him from the distance, Grandpa thought Angelito was reenacting the scene, they had witnessed earlier at the movie set. And he could hear him say, Look The Cactus Is Walking Away. Somehow, he got the feeling, that Angelito was not talking to him, but to someone else. Who could that be? Time didn’t just pass, it flew like a bird going south and the two very

lovable guys looked like they had to do more, than just dust off their pants. As you know Grandma had her rules and who would want to break those, knowing, she was not only keeping the ship on course, but most importantly, kept those delicious meals coming, from the belly of the ship. So, the guys got themselves clean and tidy, to be able to sit down at the table, like two gentlemen. And lunch was being served. Needless to say, it was gourmet all the way, but let’s not waste our time at the table, because we still got to get siesta done, to be ready for Fiesta. Siesta also passed in a hurry and it was time to get all ready for Fiesta.

A little snack and the best clothes from the closet out, to be put on, ready for the guys to go to town. Grandma noticed Angelito looking down at his shoes. There was a little silver casket and Grandma got some of its content and put it into Grandpa’s pocket, where usually a nicely folded kerchief goes. Their eyes briefly met, before Angelito could notice anything, being still busy looking himself up and down, before he was ready to go. And ready he was and so was the town. People, people, people. And some stalls. One was full with shoes. Only shoes. Angelito saw one pair, Grandpa followed his eyes and yes, they were his shoes. Maybe, we should wait. Try them.

Angelito tried them on and if not an angel, someone must have put them there for Angelito to see them, because they just fit, with a little space for his busy feet to grow into. A look down at them, to make sure they were really for him, he raised his head and Grandpa was there waiting for him. Yes, what do you think Grandpa? Hmm, yes, perfect and handed him the money. Angelito looked one more time at his shoes and gave the money to the woman, who gave him a bag for the old shoes and had that little knowing smile on her face doing so. Women, but then, that what it was all about and shoes. What a different world it suddenly was, with the new shoes on.

Angelito walked and how he walked. Grandpa motioned to take the bag from him, so he could really walk and their eyes met and said it all. They walked to the Town Square to get a good view of the stage, where all the music and dancing was happening. Some folk songs, a little traditional, a little modern and a little funny. Sort of warming up for the real thing. Empty stage. Some chairs. A box. Guitars. Men. Voices. Women. Shoes. Colors. Sounds. Flamenco. Flamenco. Good God, this is one of those heavenly things, like Grandma’s Cookies and Chocolate Eh. And Shoes. Angelito was wearing new shoes, there must be a reason for this.

The guitars started, the voices joined, the women moved across the stage, floating, with short staccatos to let you know they were there. Men noticed, clapping with their hands in the rhythm, moving along, to work the floor with their heels, as if knocking on their loved ones hearts. Scene one, scene two, the audience is getting into the act, shouting, clapping, enjoying what is their very own. Young women, girls join the dance and there she was. The shoes, her name, Grandpa, but Angelito was waiting. And they danced. She looked into the audience and she found Angelito. She moved and worked the wooden floor with her precious feet, turned to make her dress fly, made her hair fly

and never took her eyes off Angelito. Her eyes were written across his brain, like Chocolate Eh, like New Shoes, like TEATRO CERVANTES, no, much bigger, they were everywhere. They were in him, he was in her, their eyes were all over them. The Shoes. They had a reason. But what was her name? Grandpa, we have got to get her name or I die. Grandpa just wanted to hug and kiss his Angelito, but he was a man now, so he couldn’t do that, especially not in front of Her. Let’s wait till after the performance. Don’t worry we will get her name and don’t worry, you will get your woman.

Do I need to tell you about the look in their eyes? The music was over, Grandpa and Angelito moved towards the stage, many people, but where were the eyes. There they were. And they met. Angelito moving slowly towards her and Grandpa graciously walking slowly behind him. This was Angelito’s day, he was just carrying the bag with the old shoes. They met. Thank you for your beautiful dance. Thank you for coming to watch us dance. Angelito looked, if his shoes were still shining. I know, she said, it is dusty here. Look my shoes are a little dusty, too. What is your name? Angelito. And what is your name?

Angelita and she laughed. Are you from here? We moved here recently and you? I was born here. Do you like Chocolate Eh? I love it. How about tomorrow in the afternoon and points towards the Café, where Angelito and Grandpa usually went. Okay. At Five. Five is fine with me. See you again tomorrow and thank you again for your wonderful performance. Thank you, it was my pleasure to dance for you. Their eyes didn’t want to let go, but there was always a tomorrow. And there was Chocolate Eh and her eyes were saying, with Angelito and across his brain was written, in living color, with Angelita.

What a day, couldn’t there be Fiesta every day and Sunday a day of rest. Angelita. New shoes. A new life had started for Angelito and he walked it. He walked the walk, with Angelita on his mind and some Flamenco in the way he stood, walked and turned. Grandpa kept his cool, gentle expression, but actually his heart was grinning from one side to the other. The old shoes in the bag thought, it was garden work from now on, but maybe there was a chance for a little hike to get some fresh air now and then. They had served Angelito well, maybe he will make a little monument for them, no tomb please, we love the sun and the fresh air and of course we want to see Angelito on his way into the new life.

Somehow Grandpa overheard the conversation of the shoes and said, don’t worry, Angelito won’t forget what you have done for him. The two men were heading back home and when the eyes of no one could follow them, Angelito asked Grandpa to let him carry the bag with the old shoes. He didn’t just carry them, he held them with both arms, like a baby, a puppy, a treasure, so the shoes knew, there was still some life ahead for them and relaxed with a smile. Before reaching home, Angelito started to carry the bag like any other bag and walked the walk. The shoes understood him well and he actually did them proud and Grandpa was feeling the same way.

Grandma saw them coming and waved her hand, as if some long lost friends had returned, but then there was a new life coming her way and she knew it and waved some more. The guys waved back and when reaching the house, they stopped, so Grandma could take it all in. She took the bag from Angelito and said, maybe you can use them around the garden or when you take a little hike out of town. Angelito smiled and gave Grandma a hug and a kiss, a little bit more like a man, rather than her boy. Stepping inside, Angelito let Grandma look at his new shoes more closely. Nice shoes, she said and he made a Flamenco move, saying, you should have seen her dance.

Grandma a bit naively asked, do I know her name? I don’t think so, she has just moved here and she danced just beautifully. So what’s her name? Angelita. And Grandma smiled, just taking it all in and enjoying watching her Angelito standing there tall. Well almost all said, so time to take off the new shoes and find a special place for them, but wait, first let’s dust them off and then give them time to rest. The old shoes? Why not put them next to the new ones, maybe the shoes got some stories to tell each other, after all shoes get around. Dinner, it will be ready soon, why don’t you guys relax from a hard and busy day in the town.

Grandpa and Angelito went to sit down in the garden and enjoyed the evening slowly setting in. Angelito thought, how about inviting Angelita to the garden and play with her on his plot, making shapes and things with earth and invent some stories. No, that’s rushing it and anyway she is a dancer, not a construction worker. Going out of town, that’s more like it, but first let’s enjoy Chocolate Eh, some conversation and then take it from there. Dinner, I make it short, because while the taste buds were still in tune with Grandma’s cooking, it was Angelita, that every other part of Angelito was focused on. Did you like your meal, Grandma asked teasingly.

Yes and Angelito smiled, because he knew, that Grandma knew, what there was to be known and he was happy in the warm, tender nest, that Grandma and Grandpa made for him. I think Grandma, this is a new chapter in my life. Sure it is, so take your time to open the book slowly and carefully and you will find many interesting stories to read and experience and we will be very happy for you to tell us all about it. You know Grandma, maybe I’ll write a book about it all. About you and about Grandpa. About Angelita, about everything. Maybe it will become a movie. Or how about a Flamenco story. Angelito’s mind was on fire and his heart kept the flames going, a bundle

of lovable energy and remember Grandpa’s and Grandma’s Angelito. All that energy actually got him ready for a good night’s rest and who knows what his dreams would bring him tonight. You guess, I guess, why guess. What a night, Angelito got up as if he just had lived a whole life and was really hungry from all that living. Good morning Grandma, where is Grandpa? He went out to get some fresh bread, because he thought you might be really hungry. Hot damn, how would he know and there was smiles all over the kitchen. Angelito hardly had rubbed the last traces of sleep out of his face, when Grandpa came back with the good

smelling bread and breakfast was taking over all his senses. He really was hungry, after all, living a whole life in one night does get you around and can make you quite tired. Energy back in his well travelled body, the day’s plan was discussed. A little walk near the house was a good idea and would make everybody happy. Then a little lunch, since breakfast was bigger than usual. Siesta of course and depending, when Angelito would wake up, maybe make a little house from the earth and the wood in his very private corner of the garden or simply get ready for his five o’clock date.

So the day started and the threesome took their walk to take in the fresh air and a warm sun. Not much was there to be talked about, so they happily walked and looked around. Enjoying their being together, where words would have only interrupted what they knew already anyway. Time came to go back and they enjoyed the thought of another, if only simple meal prepared by Grandma. Words stayed silent, just thoughts filled the room and Siesta was waiting to let them rest and get Angelito and Grandpa ready for the afternoon. They rested well, so the house made of earth and wood had to wait till tomorrow or more and the time was spent getting ready to look good.

It wasn’t Grandpa going out for a date, but he added some dash to his appearance and Grandma kept her smile to herself and concentrated on getting Angelito ready to go. He of course put on his new shoes, even so she already knew them, but then, this date wasn’t about shoes, was it. Grandma had read his thoughts, so she made sure, his shirt was ironed well and dabbed some perfume here and there, just a little, enough for Her to smell it, but not too much to make it seem, as if he was dying for her. Angelito looked really cool, only his heart was getting hot, but then walking to the Café, would give his heart a chance to slow down. He wanted to be able to enter the Town Square perfectly relaxed.

Off they went, not forgetting to say goodbye to Grandma, but with their radar totally zeroing in on the date. Who was boy and who was man? Well, how many times do you have a date with a Flamenco dancer. Not often and then it was the first date of his Angelito and Grandpa was back at his very own first date, when he met Grandma, so you understand, I am sure. Before they turned the corner into the Square, one last look at each other, a little smile, yes we look okay, the shine of the shoes a bit dusty, so off with the dust and ready we are for the Entrance. Approaching the Café, they could see some empty tables and in the distance they saw Angelita coming.

Was this her mother, or maybe one of her aunts. Soon we will know. The men chose a table and the women were happy with their choice, because from there they had a nice view of the Square. Nice light, soft, warm air, what a date. It was one of her aunts and Angelito could swear she was one of the dancers, but today the dress was different and the hair and make up, too. But remember he had a date with Angelita, so forgive him, if he was looking more at her and in no time had her eyes again written all across his brain and his heart and his belly, with butterflies flirting in the soft, warm air. This was enough dating stuff, for a grown man to faint.

How did this Prince, Mr. Cool, Sweet, Tender Gentleman, our Angelito the Great, do it, not to fall off the chair? Well Ladies and Gentlemen of your wonderful Audience, this is one of the great secrets of life and Grandpa and Grandma only, maybe knew it. Chocolate Eh, Angelito asked Angelita and it was Chocolate Eh for everyone. Slowly, slowly, everyone got into the chocolate mood and it was time for Angelito to make the next move, to make sure, there would be another date and not just a friendly, till soon. Remember the cactus Grandpa? Yes, I remember, where was that? Near our home, you remember? Oh yes, now I remember.

What cactus, asked Angelita, not sure, if this question was ladylike, but she, too, wanted more, than just one chocolate date. It’s a little secret and if we are lucky, we can discover it, first time we go to the movie set. Movie? Yes, Movie. Shall we go there? Yes, I want to. They decided to meet the next afternoon at Angelito’s home and then altogether go to the movie set. If you don’t hear it, you know it, two hearts were working overtime and Grandpa and the Aunt very diplomatically called this date a day, to let these two little lovers dream their way to the next one, at the movie set.

They waved good bye and now their eyes were written across each others brain, heart and tender soul. Was I doing alright, Grandpa? You were doing just fine. You think he loves me, Auntie? What does your heart say, Angelita? And the two women looked this knowing look and smiled. I’d be a liar, if I told you, that look was just another look and not the kind of look, any man, maybe almost any man, would want to wrap around his heart, shoulders, head, stop it. It is Angelito’s time and Angelita wants to share it with him. The two Men walked and you should see them walk.

Grandpa never thought his love for Angelito could become any bigger, than it always had been, but he loved him even more, seeing him grow with every beat of his heart. My Man, my Angelito. Welcome back, you seemed to have been gone for a long time, Hungry? Angelito couldn’t talk, he wasn’t back home, yet. Grandpa and Grandma exchanged one of those glances. She was so beautiful, Grandma. And her Aunt was nice, too. Forgive me, but I forgot the taste of the Chocolate Eh, most important, we meet again. How was she dressed? Grandma, I didn’t see anything.

I only saw her, her eyes, you will see her soon, right Grandpa? Yes, they are coming over tomorrow and we go together to the movie set. Hungry? Yes, hungry and the room was filled with smiles again. Morning came and it promised to be a nice day. Grandma could see Angelito’s mind in the afternoon and his body taking in the breakfast and his feet moving to the garden to play. He built a castle for his Princess and he went unusually careful about it. He thought of Angelita at every step he made and when he was finished, he was very happy and proud. Grandpa was busy with the vegetables and all the other plants.

Watering them and looking closely at how they were doing and touching them with his wise hands. Both done with their work, they walked back into the house to clean themselves and to get some things ready for the afternoon. Grandma made a light lunch, thinking siesta would be short and anyway Angelito didn’t really have his mind on eating much. Siesta was short, because the guys didn’t want to idle the afternoon away, since this was no ordinary afternoon. They got dressed casually, hoping the women would do the same. The women came. Dressed casually, with a difference, since this was no ordinary afternoon.

Ready to go, they agreed to be back late afternoon and Grandma waved them gently into the distance. Angelito and Angelita walked up front and Grandpa and Auntie followed them slowly, leisurely taking in the relaxed afternoon atmosphere. They came close to the place and the eager eyes of Angelito could make out the Cactus. A cactus that didn’t really belong into this landscape. After all it was for a movie, that played in a distant country and this was a movie set, not real life. Now Angelita also could see it and they slowly walked closer, so as not to disturb it, as if it was a sleeping lion. Before they got close enough, to be able to make it out for what it really was, it started moving.

Angelito, the cactus is walking away, exclaimed Angelita and now he fell down, let’s see what happened. They walked a bit in a hurry to the spot, where they had seen the cactus disappear. When they finally got there and Angelita realized, that it was something made out of wood or something like that, she said, this is funny, it really looked so real, it really is like something on a stage. Thank you for showing me this, I’m so happy, clapped her hands with joy, jumped around and gave Angelito a kiss. Angelito wanted more, but he smiled blissfully and said, I am glad you liked this little performance. They turned and walked back. Taking the lead again and Grandpa and Auntie following them.

Slowly and leisurely, with a difference. Angelito and Angelita shared something, beyond Chocolate Eh. A Walking Cactus and no matter how many people had seen this happening before, for them, it was like sharing a sweet secret. And sweetness was in the making. Angelito and Angelita were holding hands and walked down the aisle between their heartbeats, not feeling their steps, not hearing the dusty road, just smelling the aroma of a late afternoon, filled with a familiar scent. By now their shoes were quite dusty, but that was of no immediate concern to them and besides, their hearts and noses followed the scent of chocolate.

Grandma had worked her magic and Angelito thought she had added a spark or two, to celebrate the day. Angelita felt right at home and her Aunt was charmed, too. And Grandpa was reminded again, why he loved her still or is it more, after all these years. Cookies not only her prince and his princess loved, but everyone, including Grandma. She ate them with such pleasure painting her face, that you could taste them by just watching her. Angelito was so very happy and was even happier to see Angelita feel so much at home and her Auntie was like family, coming around for an afternoon chat. Grandpa bathed in the warmth and laughter making the rounds.

Angelita looked at her Auntie, Angelito wants to show me the house he made. Auntie nodded that unnoticeable nod and Prince and Princess went out into the garden. When did you build it? Oh, this morning, do you like it? Yes, can we live here together? Sure, why not? Grandpa and Grandma will not say no. I must ask my Auntie, but I think she will agree. She likes you. Yes I like her, too. We can make a big family and invite friends to our parties, what do you think? I like that, we will have nice parties, I am sure. The sun kissed the afternoon goodbye and was getting ready for the evening. Grandma gave Angelita and her Aunt a little bag with cookies to take back home.

In return they invited Grandma, Angelito and Grandpa to come over to their home on the weekend to meet their family. Time to say goodbye, some kisses, many smiles and lots of waving, telling each other, we see you soon. Standing there, till Angelita and her Auntie disappeared in the distance. I have to go to the garden to fix some things at the house. Angelito made another room and planted a tree, looked at the work done, decided it was fine and joined Grandpa enjoying the setting sun. Weekend always comes and there was more than the delicious smell of Grandma’s cookies in the air. Grandpa knew something really important was going to happen.

Angelito put on his new shoes, to make another big step into this big bright space in front of him. When they arrived at Angelita’s home, it seemed like there was a fiesta going on, only there was no stage, just a lot of people. Angelito asked, is there a special holiday today, since he never really kept track of them, seeing his whole life as one big birthday present. No, but on weekends, there are always more people coming together, than during the week. Angelita slipped into the role of the hostess of the house and motioned Angelito, Grandma and Grandpa closer to the action. Grandma was still holding the basket full of cookies.

She saw Angelita eating them with her eyes, the smell of the freshly baked cookies entrancing her. The basket, as if suspended in the air, moved from Grandma to Angelito and he gave it to the eyes all written across his brain. Grandma made them for you and your family. Thank you and her bright, brilliant eyes were making Angelito dizzy. He was high, luckily his new shoes didn’t have any wings, because he was ready for take off, together with his Angelita of course. Okay, okay, let’s get real. Angelita showed the basket around and with some hands motioning towards it, she said, not yet, not yet and put the basket on the table.

Now she formally introduced Angelito to her family, holding his hand and pointed to Grandma and Grandpa, they are my new friends, they showed me the Cactus walking. Angelito was gleaming and he could have died of joy, if it wasn’t so much nicer to stick around for the cookies and the royal sweetness holding his hand. Was it hot? Was I sweating? Is she sweating? Their hands were melting, like chocolate cookies, deliciously. The crowd, there really was a lot of folks standing, sitting, moving around, took it all in, with a stoic smile. A guitar was strummed, someone jokingly played a roll call, like an opening ceremony and many voices welcomed Grandma, Grandpa and Angelito.

The music, the food, the drinks, everything was mixed into a rhythmic cocktail, no stage, no audience, everybody was on stage and everybody was the audience. Angelito had two homes now. Grandma and Grandpa forever. And whatever the wind, the sun, the rain, the moon, the dust, the music had planned for him, Angelita and her family would be in his blood, forever. He smiled and he saw the Cactus walking away, smiling back at him and he knew, there would always be magic in his life, by whatever name. The music brought him back and Angelita was there, with her eyes saying more than could fit across his brain and her bothers and cousins took Angelito into their midst and taught him some moves.

He got a hang of it really fast, like he never had done anything else in his tender life and started dancing. He moved like he had seen the dancers do at the fiesta, but then he just moved with Angelita and they danced. The singers, the guitarists, the dancers, cheered them on, lifting them off their feet, them floating through the space, the earth becoming clouds, so heavenly beautiful, their bodies showing the colors of their hearts, from trembling beats to mellow sighs. Love was in the making, no, more, it had taken roots, in their lives, their moves, their eyes, written all over. The music guided them and others joined, for Angelita and Angelito to move and to make room for others to

color the space, together breathing the air of their making. The night was theirs, if only in their dreams, yet, but the world definitely belonged to them and everyone was joining them in their passage to find deep emotion and a passion for life. Remember the day, remember the night and remember they had to go to sleep, so they very graciously moved to the gate, Angelita’s family waving Angelito, Grandpa and Grandma into the dark streets of their town, knowing they will meet soon at the gate of a new day. Sunshine over the movie set in the distance, with maybe the cactus walking again or just waiting for his call. Sunshine also for Angelita and her Aunt coming to visit Angelito in the late afternoon, with Grandpa busy in

the garden and Grandma turning the kitchen into an aroma spa. Angelito saw them in the distance, coming towards him and his heart started to dance with the music in his ears and her eyes spelling every letter colorful. As they were coming closer, Grandpa and Grandma were joining Angelito to welcome them. No sound, just two little hearts singing their melody and three seasoned hearts beating the drum and bass line for the melody to lean into and dance, a dance they knew all so well. Grandma, Grandpa and Auntie took their seats around the table, that had seen a lot of life and was always eager to see more of it.

Angelito and Angelita went out into the garden. I have built a new room and planted a tree at my house. They stood in front of it. Is this our bedroom. You like it? Yes, we just need some curtains and it will be perfect. And the tree? It will give us fruits and a nice shadow. We can make a small picnic and invite our friends. Yes and enjoy some music, too. Angelito. Yes. I have to pee now. Okay. You watch. Okay. Angelito was watching Angelita, watching, that no one was watching Angelita. Is she telling me something? You pee now, I watch. So Angelita was watching Angelito, watching, that no one was watching Angelito. Finished. They watched their two little rivers make a little pond and disappear in the soft, friendly earth.

Finished. Their hearts met, their eyes met and their hands met. I love you. I love you, too. Let’s go into the house. They went into the house and warm looks and a wonderful sweet, warm aroma invited them to the table. Maybe they were the same cookies, but the taste was otherworldly and everybody knew, why that was so. We will have a performance next week in another town at another fiesta. Do you want to come with us? Angelita and Angelito just gazed at Auntie, Grandpa and Grandma. Yes. Really? Yes, I want. We will stay overnight, so Grandma will pack some things for you and together we come back here.

Okay and we can take some cookies, too. Looking at Grandma, who already was thinking of a special recipe. Time for Angelita to go and what seemed like a moment of eternity, they kissed and she touched his heart and Angelito thought, cool, I can do that, too and was rewarded with her beautiful smile and yes, her eyes written all over him. Waving them good bye, they turned one more time to wave till soon and walked, the walk to walk, swaying, with the light carrying them home. I must draw a heart now, said so and went to his house out in the garden. With a little twig he drew a heart into the ground and could feel the heartbeat, that had become his companion from the day he met Angelita.

Next week took a while, but it arrived. Grandma made a variety of cookies, put them carefully into a box and tied it with a string. Angelito looked at Grandma and felt proud. This was a very nice present for Angelita and her family. Thank you, everybody will be happy and Grandma simply smiled. Did you draw a heart for Angelita? Grandma couldn’t mean the one he drew in the garden, so he got some paper and color pencils and started to draw a new one. First he drew the heart, big and red. Then some grass, bushes and trees and yes, of course, a cactus. There was a sun, a crescent moon and many stars, a few clouds and their house with the tree.

Anything else? Well, there was no more space, but there would be a day and for sure, enough time, to make a new drawing for Angelita, somehow. He looked at the drawing in many ways, showed it to Grandma and signed it with “Angelito”. Angelita also had made a drawing. A big, red, dancing heart. A guitar, a chair, a box, a stage and she dancing. Signed “Angelita” across a deliciously smiling kiss, placed in the lower right hand corner of her drawing, like a seal, wrapping their tender hearts. Here they were, holding each others drawings, having fallen asleep in the back of the car, their heads resting, supporting each other. The cookies in the meantime, were resting on the lap of Auntie, held

carefully, so as not to suffer any damage during the trip. Grandma and Grandpa had sent off their Angelito on his first trip, well prepared. He carried a little trunk, with nice black trousers, his still new, shining shoes, a white shirt and a light jacket in it. A toothbrush, toothpaste, a soap and a little towel. Yes and some socks and underwear. Arriving at their destination, everybody gladly got out of the car, to stretch their bones. They had arrived in a town, not unlike their own, with plenty of green around, where the fiesta was being held. Angelita and Angelito walked a little away from the crowd into the green.

Away from the eyes, but near enough, not to get lost and also to still hear the voices and sounds of getting ready for the performance. Angelita took off her panties and Angelito thought, is she going to pee again, but no, she was just lying down, enjoying the thought of Angelito being next to her, them not really being alone, but together alone enough. Touch me there and those three words, made his heart shoot to his brain, into his pants, back into his chest, him chasing his heart to keep still, so he could gently touch her there and he did. First her belly, then her little hill and then her turning towards him, opening and closing her legs, to keep his hand there, to feel his heartbeat.

Angelito tino tono tuna to was throbing, but had to wait. I will touch you there, when we are really alone together, more alone and more together. This was really beautiful, more, we must say luxuriously magnificent. This was more, than the best cookies, Grandma ever made in her whole life. Angelita, Angelito, they could hear, from what seemed a very far away distance. They kissed, she put on her panties and together they went back, to where everybody was getting ready to have lunch. Lunch and a few cookies, to leave some for later. Everybody wanted those delicious cookies Grandma made especially for this occasion, but to dance with a full

stomach, even after a good siesta may not be a wise thing to do, so the life span of the cookie box was extended. Fiesta, after a little siesta, was starting to take over and since the stage was out in the green, the whole event took on the character of a picnic with music and dancing. Very relaxed. Angelito sat up front with family and friends, that had come along or were helping with the preparations. The setting was really quite different, from when he had seen Angelita for the first time. All the green made him feel, like he was in another world. He didn’t notice the stage as much as he was taking in the surrounding and the different atmosphere.

The music woke him up, but he really woke up, when Angelita came on to dance for him and now there were more than her eyes all over him. In his mind he was dancing with her and his body went through motions, as if he was right up there with her. They danced this magical dance, unbeknownst to anyone, but maybe their guardian angels, who for all we know were dancing along. It was a nice Fiesta, a very nice one really and Angelito was wondering how long he had been gone from Grandma and Grandpa and his mind traveled back to them, telling them how happy he was. Angelito, we will go to a restaurant, where they have upstairs some rooms for us.

Back to reality, a very nice reality and Angelita was again close to him. The Restaurant, wasn’t just a restaurant, but a place with a stage and some floor space to dance, where you could also put chairs and tables, whatever the occasion called for. Another new world for Angelito. The children had their rooms and the grownups had theirs, so everybody had space to put away their clothes, bags and Angelito his little trunk. There was still plenty of time till dinner, so some rested in their rooms and others relaxed in the restaurant’s spacious garden. Dinner came, but first Angelito put on his nice clothes and Angelita helped him to look nice.

There was a table for all of them, but some were already backstage and people from the town slowly came in and the place got quite crowded. This was eating, drinking, playing music, singing, dancing, all woven seamlessly into each other, with time passing and everybody forgetting there was a time to go home and sleep. Last act. Everybody was on stage, like a chorus line, with Angelito next to his Angelita and some other kids joining in. And they all danced, some solos, but mainly it was a cascade of sounds. From the feet, the hands, the guitars, the percussion, the voices. This was life. The rest was resting and getting ready for life, at least for right now and maybe later.

The dancing went to rest, but that didn’t stop the spirits from dancing. Angelito, we are alone. Angelito’s heart jumped into his throat and he couldn’t say anything. Angelito? Yes. Are you sleeping? No. He hoped, his whispering voice didn’t sound like choking, because he was. His heart was beating so hard, making his ears feel like a boom box. His chest was exploding. Was Angelita hearing, seeing all this? Angelito? Yes. His voice was back and he could hear a sound other than his heartbeat. Angelita was getting up and coming over to him.

Angelito tino tono tuna to was rock solid ready for whatever was next. She kissed his cheek and her sweet breathing drove him nuts, tono tuna tino to. Her hand was touching his face gently, slowly moving down his chest. Stroking his wildly beating heart and proceeding to his belly. Tono, tono. Tino, tuna, to, to, to. And open was his fly. Her hands were nothing he had ever felt before, on any part of his body. They were everything, a man could dream of and Angelito hadn’t dreamt any thing like this before. Now this was life all over again. Was there more?

You are my hero, Angelito, she whispered into his ear. And her hand softly caressed his hard rock statue of liberty. There surely was something in the making. He had touched her there, carefully. Now she touched him there carefully and more. Let’s be naked and they took off their clothes. Now even if you were paying me, after singing a christmas carol out of tune, I wouldn’t tell you anymore. Why? Because St. Papaya and St. Pepino had just made their entrance and they were not going to let any apple story spoil their trip. Because their trip was going to become a very long journey.

With many mountains and valleys to cross and rivers, maybe oceans, too. But before that long journey even had started, they had fallen asleep, naked. When they woke up, they jumped into their clothes, washed their faces and went downstairs, where Auntie and a few others were already having breakfast. Still somewhat sleepy, they started to eat and in no time everybody had gotten up and joined them at the table. Breakfast wasn’t so important, Angelita was, the life was and getting back home to Grandpa and Grandma was. But now, that he was fully awake, thanks to the breakfast, everything was important and his senses were everywhere, especially with Angelita, I’m sure you understand.

All instruments, bags and Angelito’s little trunk stowed away, the road had the happy crowd again. Talking, talking, talking turned into singing, chanting, clapping and it was like the first honeymoon for Angelito and Angelita. And the weather was great. When they arrived at Angelito’s home, Grandma and Grandpa were standing there, to welcome them. It was still early, so they gladly accepted their invitation to come in, before heading home. With all the people and joyful commotion, Grandpa and Grandma didn’t really get a chance to notice the new life, that was coming their way. But they would soon, because with all the life, there was also love in the air.

Angelito? Grandma looked at Grandpa and Auntie said, in the garden. They were there, no not this time, but looking at the house and fixing some things, like every house needs some fixing some times. After they finished doing that, they walked around the garden and Angelito told Angelita, what he had learned from Grandpa and in return she told him, what Auntie had taught her about plants. They were a sight, more than words could describe, seeing wasn’t telling it, they were in love and living it. You knew more, by sharing that feeling, than by spelling it out. But singing could do it, because there was poetry and melody and that unmistakable rhythm of life.

And so they sang and evening came. The pantry was looted to prepare a simply meal to feed everyone. And did I forget to mention it, Grandma simply worked magic again. This was the perfect final act for an exciting two days. They seemed to have lasted for ever and meant a lifetime to Angelito. So much life in just two days and still breathing. The good byes were a ceremony to be seen. Only curtains were missing. Otherwise all the excitement of a wonderful play. Only better and real. No sad looks between Angelito and Angelita, just pure passion, till soon and if they could have exchanged their hearts, they wouldn’t have missed a beat.

Love, you know anything better? Time to sleep, even forever lovers need some rest. Angelito was up early and out in the garden working on the house. Some fixing, some arranging, some gardening, he wanted Angelita to feel at home and if she had some wishes, it was easy for him to arrange things. The smell, the voice, breakfast is ready and the day was starting, with one difference, Grandma thought, Angelito looked taller and she smiled. Grandpa took his seat and after some silence asked, any plans for today? Just a little walk. How about going to the movie set? Fine, sounds like a good idea.

Breakfast done and the table clean, Angelito said, I want to show you something and went to his room. Grandma and Grandpa were a wonderful audience, they were curious, but not inquisitive. They waited. Angelito with a drawing in his hands came back to the table and placed it against a vase, so both of them could see it clearly. Angelita drew this for me and he became a bit taller again. Grandma was smitten and Grandpa, too, showed his pleasure. The energy of Angelita and her family came back to the room through her drawing. Are you happy? Very. She is the love of my life.

And if not taller again, his chest seemed to grow, with every breath and every heartbeat. Our Angelito. The warmth of Grandma and Grandpa filled the room and Angelito slowly came back to join them, as the boy, that he was, but a little taller. He was breathing Angelita and walking with Grandpa to the movie set was like many journeys in one. Of course nothing could beat that first time, when he saw the cactus walking away, I mean they make movies out of stuff like that, short ones maybe, but movies. Comics for sure, Angelito could imagine many drawings and stories, maybe there was a career in it for him. T-shirts, oh my God, a whole industry. And then, there was Angelita.

Her eyes, her voice, her dancing, her touch and the way she just did things. And then there was The Cactus. Listen, what else does a man need. A woman he loves and who loves him. A great idea for a business and the talent to make it happen. And Grandpa and Grandma there with him, all the way, may they live forever. What do you think Grandpa? Well ask me and Angelito told him what he had just thought about. Grandpa was always very proud of his Angelito, but this was beyond anything, he could have ever imagined. Angelito the entrepreneur, a giant in the making and a woman in his life.

I think it is a wonderful idea and you should go ahead with it. I’m with you and am sure Grandma will be, too, but let’s talk to her. And how about Angelita, what do you think? Grandpa was smitten, honored and very happy to live these moments with Angelito. What does your heart say Angelito? I love Angelita with my whole heart. Then that’s what you will do. Did you tell her already? We did and we kissed, too. There will be many nice things for you together with Angelita. Yes, we touched each other.

There are many new things to discover together with Angelita. Yes, we peed together. There are many new challenges for you to master together with Angelita. Yes, we will have a great life together. I must talk to her about all this. We must talk more about many things together. Grandpa, her eyes, her voice, I can’t tell you, how much I love her. The way she moves, the way she touches me, I can’t tell you, it is out of this world. Grandpa was floored and if he could have imagined to love his Angelito more then ever before, it was now.

The two men talking, it will make Grandma’s heart dance and her hands work some more magic. It was time to walk back and to connect with that magic, smelling it, tasting it, loving it, all in one finely wrapped package. Thinking of it, the two men walked a bit faster. Grandma was already waiting for them and waving towards them as they came down the road. As they came closer, the road was filled with the magic, that was awaiting them at the kitchen table. Grandma knew, as Grandmas always know, that there was a story coming her way. And after washing their hands, the two guys were almost bubbling over,

but first they dived into Grandma’s magic and tried to chew slowly, like it was another nice meal. Well it was, but there were so many nice stories and even Grandpas after a lifetime of stories, when there was a story to tell, they too wanted to tell. Grandma was waiting. If she would have asked just a simple question, the guys probably wouldn’t have stopped talking. The magic well chewed and digested, the story began to unfold. Remember there were many little details to make up this one story and Angelito and Grandpa went back and forth telling it, one by one. Grandma was taking it all in and in her mind she was baking a cake with

many layers of delicious details for a lifetime to last. Grandma’s face was one big gentle smile and looking at Grandpa, their eyes a bit misty said, look over, under, yonder Walter and Adoncia, here is Angelito, your boy and he is arriving. Angelito knew, there were big news coming his way, but why ask, Grandpa and Grandma will tell him in time. What a perfect moment to call for a siesta, for their bodies and minds to rest and to enjoy an afternoon snack with a special meaning. As all siestas go, it was very quiet. If it was busy and noisy before and maybe after, when it was siesta, it was very quiet. Even the sun looked lazy and sleepy, waiting for siesta to be over, to get

something nice to drink and maybe a cookie. Cookie, cookies. Grandma had turned the kitchen back into a cookie aroma factory and without a word of anything, her men came to the table, all smiles, trying not to grin. I made Chocolate Eh, tell me Mr. Grandpa and Mr. Angelito, if you like it or if I loose you as my best customers? Chocolate Eh and Cookies, Angelito was in paradise and his mind was traveling to his Angelita. With every sip of Eh and every little bite off one of Grandma’s very delicious hand made Cookie dreams, he looked like kissing his Angelita. Her eyes were written all over him and his face was becoming a lovely landscape of sweet emotions.

In Love, my dear Mr. Angelito? Yes, Grandma and his eyes were gleaming over to Grandpa and one big smile was embracing them all. So here they were, sitting around the table, in the aroma factory, the magic kitchen grounds and the smiling arena. Let’s keep some cookies for Angelita. Good idea, when will you see her again? How about tomorrow? Sure, then I can make some more cookies and maybe some sweet bread for her family, too. Afternoon was flying with tomorrow on his mind and he sat down to draw a picture for Angelita, them sitting next to each other, looking over the movie set.

Sun slowly going home, Angelito helped Grandpa with watering the plants and the time to settle in for the evening slowly got a hold of them. Whatever was for dinner today, Angelito was already with tomorrow. Even breakfast was already out of the way, only Angelita traveled through his mind, with her touch all over him. Dinner. If one could ignore the longings of the stomach, no one could resist the smell of the kitchen, where Grandma had worked her magic again. She really was an aroma magician. Angelito slowly came back to the reality of what was on the table in front of him and enjoyed every bite, saying thank you to Grandma for all the good tasting food.

Breakfast. The stomach beat the nose and Angelito was at the table in no time. New shoes? Maybe just casual will be fine and the sweets will make Angelita very happy, I’m sure. Off they went, Grandpa, and still, his Angelito, with a bag full of sweets. It was a nice morning and before they turned, they looked back and waved to Grandma one more time. As if planned, just as Angelito and Grandpa were knocking on the door, Angelita and her Aunt were ready to go to the market, to buy a few things. Come in, we will be back soon. Said and done, handshakes, hugs and some music in the air. Actually they were preparing for a performance at someone’s wedding.

Angelito put the cookies and the sweet bread into the kitchen and in no time Angelita and Auntie were back, so he could officially give Grandma’s present to them. And waiting for a little private moment, he gave Angelita the drawing he had made, them sitting together looking at the movie set. Wait a moment, I have got something for you, too and went to get it. She came back with a drawing, that showed them looking at each other, with hearts and stars all around them. They looked at each other, said thank you, kissed a little kiss and ate each other up with passionate looks, like real lovers do. Angelita’s heart went up to her head, Angelito’s heart down into his tummy and when their hearts came back to

their usual working place, she took his hand and they went into the garden, to sit down. We must talk. Yes. Where can we be alone? At my place, Grandma and Grandpa know everything. Yes, Auntie, too. Today is very busy, so I will ask her, when we can come to your place to visit. They got up and joined everybody ready to have some cookies and sweet bread with coffee, hot chocolate and some juice. Angelita looked at her Aunt and without much else said, it was decided, that they would come over the next day in the afternoon. Since it was getting close to lunch and for sure Grandma was waiting for them, Grandpa and Angelito got ready to leave and with a joyful, see

you tomorrow, waved good bye and headed home for the magic smells. Angelito and Angelita were so much in their own world, which everyone could see, that for a moment they had been too shy to kiss, but then, there was tomorrow. I hope you didn’t eat all the cookies and you are ready for lunch. Did I promise you magic smells. The guys took a deep breath, making their noses smile and dance and could only say, Yes. How is Angelita and her family? Fine, just fine, they perform at a wedding party today, so they were very busy and we couldn’t talk. She is coming over tomorrow afternoon with her Auntie, is it okay?

Fine, Angelito, just fine, you have plenty of time and space to talk with each other. Ready for lunch? Ready for lunch, Grandma. And siesta, too, because every siesta is welcome, but this one had a special meaning, with Angelito’s head and heart full of Angelita and tomorrow. This was a very fine afternoon and Angelito was full of energy. House or drawing. House first. Angelito went out into the garden and walked towards his little plot, like something very important was on his mind. There was, renovating, rebuilding or starting from scratch.

Here was an architect in the making and a man that wanted his woman to be happy, so with Angelita’s words in his ears and her dancing, kissing and touching, motivating him, he started. He took down the roof, added one floor to the main building and built another room opposite the one he had built a week or so ago, that way ending up with a main house and a left and a right wing. A critical look at the work done and a satisfied smile crossed Angelito’s face. Well, now some finishing touches. He decided not to change the exterior look, since then, he would have preferred, to built a completely new house. Next time, this time more space for Angelita, the kids, maybe Grandma

and Grandpa and occasionally some family visitors or friends. The idea just made him happy and proud and he seemed to have grown a bit again, but that probably only Grandma would have noticed. One more look, yes, a little pond, that will do and if anything else was missing, he would want to do it together with Angelita, surely she had a good idea and he loved to please her. Done, done, done, well done. Ready for a snack? Sure, always ready for a snack, especially after all that heavy construction work done. With a proud and thoughtful look on his face he walked back to the kitchen. All done? Yes, all done.

And a big smile lit up his face, looking like he was smiling for two. I think before dinner I will make one drawing and then call it a day. Yes, there is enough time till we eat and if you want, you can still do some drawing in the morning. Drawing. Some thinking and then Angelito connected with what he had just been doing. The House. He started by drawing the house as it was looking now, with the pond, the tree, himself, Angelita, her Auntie, Grandpa and Grandma and two kids, a boy and a girl, not unlike Angelito and Angelita. Something else? Maybe a dog or a cat? There was no dog or cat in his life and he didn’t see any around Angelita’s

house, so maybe better wait and let’s see, what Angelita says. Looking at his drawing, he was pleased and for a final touch he added some grass. Something missing? Maybe a fence? Well, but then it would all look a little bit crowded and he liked the open atmosphere. A bush? Okay a bush, so he drew a bush. That bush got him thinking, but then, that would get us carried away, so let tomorrow come, let life be wonderful and maybe even bring some surprises. Morning came and it felt like a very nice day and Angelito didn’t seem to be in a hurry to do anything.

Drawing, not really, but garden maybe, taking a walk with Grandpa, looking at him, smiling, garden. Grandpa had been busy earlier, so he just sat down and looked across the garden, enjoying the morning. Angelito, I have a look at the house, walked to his plot and surveyed the scene. Looking at him from the distance you couldn’t tell, if he was an architect, a photographer or a real estate agent, but then he squatted down, resting his head in his hands. Then he sat down, resting his head in his hands. Then he got up, ran his fingers through his hair and sat down again, resting his head in his hands. Grandpa quite amused, watched Angelito go through his motions and knew it was more about Angelita, then the house, but then the house

became more and more about Angelita. So it was about the house and it was about Angelita, the two became inseparable, it was Angelito’s life now. He was happy with his house. He was happy with Angelita and he wanted to show more of his happiness to her. Looking around he saw some flowers. Grandpa read his thoughts and slowly came to help him with the flowers, selecting the ones that were ready to be plucked. The right way, to make sure there will be nice flowers again. Angelito sort of infected Grandpa with his silent exitement, for Grandpa to almost take over and do it all by himself, but this was Grandpa and this was his Angelito.

Two men, flowers and one woman, watch this. Grandpa and Angelito were always a sight, if there was camaraderie, it was them, if it was wisdom, it was them and if it was mountains full of love, it was them. So here they were, picking and plucking flowers to turn the house into a welcoming committee. What a sight, what a pleasure and Angelito hugged his Grandpa and gave him a big kiss. There were flowers actually planted, I mean replanted, from the big world into the little world, there were flowers in a drinking glass and there were flower petals for our two lovers to walk across. Lunch, no hurry, but ready and the three sat around the table, really all

full with expectations, about what the afternoon will bring. The afternoon brought brightness into an already well lit home. Angelita and her Aunt came, dressed colorful, with flowers in their hands and smiles from beautiful to very elegant. They really filled the room with colors and without a sound there was music in the air. The greetings went from handshakes, to hugs to kisses, to all smiles. I want to show Angelita the remodeled house. Sure and then come back in for a snack. Snack, sure Grandma, snack, cookies galore, who could ever resist that.

Angelito gentlemanly lead his Angelita to the house and with a sweeping hand movement said, I made this for us, do you like it? Angelita wanted to say wow, but that was not really ladylike, so she just kissed her Angelito with all her passion and they almost fell into the grass, but smilingly and laughingly did not. Yesterday afternoon I was rebuilding it and today Grandpa helped me with the flowers. Thank you, come let’s go and say thank you to Grandpa, too. Their hearts filled with joy lit up the room some more and Angelita went to Grandpa, gave him a kiss and said thank you.

You are welcome, but I was just assisting Angelito, the official house and garden architect. Cookies? No need to ask, they were the salt, the earth, the life of their love. They devoured the royal sweetness and anticipation filled the air with sweet electricity. I want to show you my new drawing. (not what you think, just the drawing) They went to Angelito’s room and he proudly presented Angelita the new drawing. It’s for you, you like it? I love it and another kiss came Angelito’s way.

I won’t tell you, but it was with so much passion, only a real man like Angelito could take it all in. Boy, Good God, what’s next? Shall we go into the garden and make some drawings? Great idea. So they took all the things needed to make new drawings and went to the garden. We be in the garden drawing. No smiles, very serious, they meant business and when they were outside, Grandma, Grandpa and Auntie allowed themselves a very big smile and celebrated it all with a hearty bite into another very delicious cookie. Angelito and Angelita sat down at the far end of the garden and she put the drawing board across her lap.

She started to draw an ocean and some clouds, then the sun and her heart, like a big ocean liner plowing the waves. Angelito looked on and got excited. Angelita moved the drawing board over across Angelito’s lap and as if by accident touched his knee. Accident, sure young lady and since Angelito didn’t say anything, but showed some excitement, Angelita just had to proceed from there. And so her tender, soft, small hand wandered up his thigh and his statue of liberty raised its head curiously and became a solid hard erected flagpole, with a flag flipping and flapping in the warm, hot, hotter wind, to get ready for battle juice royal and Angelita stopped, not really, but kept her hand still for a moment and then caressed

his thigh so deliciously, that his balls started dancing, flamenco, rumba, cha cha cha, who cares what they were dancing, they were dancing. And now ladies and gentlemen, generous audience, mind your own business, because Angelita is going all the way. Loving her Angelito’s heavy breathing and soaring heartbeat, she moved her tender, soft, small hand into his pants, to find the dancing balls and his erected statue of liberty standing in full gear awaiting the royal visit of Angelita’s hand. Angelita loved Angelito and her heart started pounding and slowly felt her lovers balls, holding them, her precious jewels and curling her fingers around her Angelito’s flipping, flapping flagpole, moving up and down, up

and down and up and down, till her Angelito came and she rested her head on his shoulder, her body trembling. Her hand all wet, she kept massaging her Angelito, taking in his pleasure and feeling her blood rushing through her body like an ocean full of waves. They had arrived and were deeply in love. Was there still time for some drawing? Sure, there was and Angelito went ahead drawing a big heart with a big smile and a tall chimney. A chimney? A chimney. Sending many little white clouds into the sky, all smiling. Angelito and Angelita opened their eyes and their tender souls melted into each other, knowing so much more of what they meant for each

other and how much more there was to know. They were off to a good start and with Grandma, Grandpa and Auntie on the board of directors, their enterprise was a very promising one. Looking at their drawing, they smiled, giggled and got ready to go back into the house. Angelita held a hanky in one hand and the drawing in the other and Angelito sort of covered himself with the drawing board and held the pencils across the board for added support. We just put the things away and went to his room. He changed his clothes, with Angelita almost getting romantic, but then how to stop, so only a coy eyes all over fondled Angelito everywhere and they were ready for their entrance.

Drawing in hand they came to the table to show it. Very nice and you are all dressed up. We would like to go for a little walk. Okay, but not too far, so we can see you and anyway it is getting late, time for dinner. Can Angelita stay for dinner? Looks, smiles, and, yes, Auntie, too? If grown ups can be charmed by children, the three were falling apart, holding back their joyful laughter. The Lovers went for a little walk, they needed, to cherish their new life and also to come down a bit, because all they wanted was to be alone and cuddle somewhere, but a walk was good, too.

There really was so much to talk about, but now their tender souls needed peace and harmony and they gave it to each other by just walking, slowly, as if on an endless promenade. Before the road made a turn, they looked and saw Grandma waving them to come back, good in a way, because they might have lost themselves in dreaming. Their legs could have carried them too far, with their heads in the sky and their hearts cruising through the wide soft ocean of their love. They ever so slowly walked back, letting the setting sun sooth their minds and the soft wind carrying them to the magic palace of smells and tastes and the members of the board waiting to have dinner with them.

Dinner. I know you are getting hungry and want to eat the food off the pages, but this is about Angelito and Angelita. When they were sitting down, the table almost melted. The directors were holding on to the plates, otherwise they might have floated away with all the tasty food. And then they started eating and had a grand time. Time to go, yes, but let us walk with you, it is late. Alright, thank you. Off they went, like for an evening on the town. Arriving comfortably at Angelita’s home, they thanked each other for the evening, a see you tomorrow, one kiss, to keep under the pillow and the curtains closed.

Good night! Good night, what a day, what a life, what an Angelita. Angelito, Grandpa and Grandma walked back without a word passing their lips. Only when they were far away enough from Angelita’s house, they looked at each other and the smiles spelled all the words out loud. Love, smiles, gentle touches, eyes full of joy for Angelito and Angelita. A gentle, peaceful night set in and sleeping, dreaming and waking up was a very smooth ride and Angelito was ready to take on the world. Grandpa can we go and watch a football game or maybe a bullfight? Bullfight? I think there is a football game today in the afternoon, how about that?

That would be nice. Can I wear my casual clothes? Sure, why not. Have you ever played football, when you were like me? Yes, I did. Where you a good player? Not so good, but I enjoyed playing and being with my friends. How about bullfight? Where you playing that, too? No, but sometimes I enjoyed watching it. Which game you like better? Football or bullfight? It’s difficult to say, because it is really difficult to compare. Why? There are some similarities, in both cases there are solo and team players, but in football, when you loose one time, you can win the next time, but

in a bullfight, when you loose, you can never win again. Why? Because in a bullfight the bull gets killed, so of course he cannot fight again and if a torero gets killed, also of course he cannot fight again. Who gets killed more often, the bull or the torero? The bull. Why? Because the torero has helpers and he has a sword. Is that fair? It’s like life. That sounds complicated. How is life? Well, life is many things. Like what?

Like sleeping, eating, washing, drawing, like that. Anything else? Sure. Many things. You will tell me? Sure. Many things you already know and many things you learn every day. That’s life? That’s part of life and every day we live, we learn. And when we die? It’s kind of over, but don’t worry about that. I don’t worry, anyway I am busy, I think I must make a drawing and then look after the flowers in our house. Grandpa was thinking, our house and then he remembered Angelita and

how he had helped Angelito to make the garden pretty, for Angelita to be happy. Angelito paused for a moment and then decided to look after the flowers first. The petals were ready to be replaced, but he liked the look, so he left them for the moment. The flowers in the glass were not going to get any prettier, so he took the glass, removed the flowers and then sprinkled the remaining water around. The flowers planted he gave some fresh water. Looking one more time, he felt the petals were a little sad, removed them, also, leaving his garden ready for another visit from Angelita. Drawing. What to draw? Okay, my day today. So many things to draw. Wait. Thinks.

Okay. Football stadium. He had passed by it before and still remembered the big entrance and the many people going in, so he drew that. Two people, he and Grandpa, he drew more clearly, after all it was about them going to the stadium and he simply knew them best. Luunch! What, so late already? He ate and smiled, not really noticing the taste, but enjoying eating and looking at Grandma. You like it? Yes, I am thinking. From the look in his eyes, she could tell, that he was somewhere else. She wanted to hug and squeeze and kiss him, but then, he was somewhere with someone and didn’t she know it.

Siesta was called for to gather some strength for the football game. Angelito stretched out on the bed, covered himself with a light blanket and closed his eyes. Somewhere out of the blue, his hand traveled slowly down his belly, briefly stopping and then moving on. The statue of liberty was sleeping, a little bit like an old flower, so he touched his flagpole and noticed it was moving. What a miracle. What’s next? How did Angelita do it? He did, like she did and enjoyed it. Up and down the flagpole went his hand. Oh wonders, the flagpole flippy, flappy became harder and his statue of liberty became fully erected. Now it really felt good. Thinking of Angelita and how she danced and smiled at him, he kept on traveling up

and down, up and down, up down, up down and oops, splishing and splashing, he came, playing some more, till the burly fellow went curly. He was all wet, of course, so there was a new game plan necessary for times like these, but for now a little sleep would do. Ready? Holy cow! Already? In a minute. Off the pants, on the new ones, really no time for anything else. Ready! Football. A big day out. Grandpa and Angelito walked to the stadium. When they arrived, there were already many people waiting to go in and quite a few were lining up for the tickets. Tickets were no problem, because Granpa knew someone, so in no time

they were able to join the crowd slowly starting to enter the stadium. The stadium. It wasn’t very big, but it was a stadium and it was the first time for Angelito to see a football game for real. Before he always only heard people talking about it or was listening to some excited speaker on the radio, who would get everybody even more excited, listening to his fabulous stories. He had heard fabulous stories about the teams from Madrid, from Barcelona, from Valencia, you name it. Today it was only two local teams, but it was real and he liked the excitement filling the stadium as more and more people came to see the game. Alright. Here we go. The two teams were coming in. They both wore very

colorful jerseys. Colors danced around his brain, Angelita, flowers, but now it was football. Grandpa, who is we? We are the Red ones. And the others? They are playing against us. Who wins? Let’s see. The game started and first Angelito was looking only at the ball, being kicked all over the place and the crowd shouting this and that, telling the players what to do and who was in the best position to shoot and to be careful of that player standing all alone waiting for the ball, to kick it in. He heard them shouting many names. Were they friends? Did they know them? Slowly, slowly, Angelito started

to see the game and he started to look at his Reds. There was one guy, he looked strong and he was fast and every time he came close to the goal of the others, there was more than one player attacking him, to stop him. The game became really very exciting, like on the radio, Angelito became his own very excited reporter, the people were shouting louder and louder and then suddenly his player was passing one, two, three players and with only the goalie in front of him, he made one more move, tricked the goalie and with a strong, sharp shot, kicked the ball into the goal. Everybody went crazy, goal, goal, goal. 1:0, Angelito will forever remember these numbers, it was Magic, Choco-

late Eh, Cookies, Angelita, his Pepino turning into a fountain and now 1:0. The Reds won 2:1 and Grandpa with his Angelito left the stadium, among a very excited crowd, which seemed to grow bigger, with every story, that the people were telling each other about the game. Listening to all the stories, it seemed like they’d won 10:1, but 2:1 was fine. There would be many games, winning, losing, drawing, but for Angelito there would always be that first time, 1:0 and every other game was measured according to that very first magic moment. How was it? Fantastic! Who won? We did. 2:1

Did you like any of the players? Yes, he shot the first goal. How about their jerseys, did you like them? Yes, they were very beautiful. Do you remember the colors? Yes, yes, red, they were red. All red? Angelito looked at Grandpa. No, shoes, socks and shorts were black, but we call them The Reds. And the others? The others? I don’t remember. Looks at Grandpa. Ah yes, green and white. Green jersey, white shorts, socks were green and white and shoes were black.

Grandma, while she was listening, slowly served dinner. Let’s eat and raised her glass, to The Reds, Grandpa silently, but with a smile raised his glass and then Angelito, to The Reds and his mind started running with his favorite player and goal, 1:0. Dinner eaten, Angelito wiped his mouth and exclaimed, we did it. Grandma looked at Grandpa. Did what Angelito? Angelita and I did it. What? You know what, that. That what? That, that boys and girls do, when they do that. Did you like that?

It was wonderful. I think it is like Chocolate Eh, your Cookies, The Reds, The Cactus Walking, with Angelita and me, too. Me, too? First Angelita did it a little bit, next time she did a little more and it was wonderful and then I did it a little bit and some more and it was wonderful, but with Angelita it is wonderfuller. Grandma almost cracked up laughing, if this wasn’t such a serious subject and Angelito wasn’t telling it with such a serious expression in his face. She didn’t dare looking at Grandpa, or she would have burst out loud, laughing tears of joy, her Angelito, boy, oh boy, oh boy.

Angelito’s mind was traveling and a gentle smile lit up his face, he had to tell Angelita about the football game. What are you smiling about? I must tell Angelita about The Reds. That’s a good idea and Grandma was able to catch her breath and swallow the laughter. You maybe could see her tomorrow afternoon? Would you like that, asked Grandpa. Yes, that’s a good idea. I will make a drawing for Angelita. She will like that. A day full of excitement and a night to dream about it and maybe more. The night was full of dreams. Angelito saw himself passing through all the

important events of the last few weeks, from seeing Angelita for the first time, to meeting her again later in the afternoon. Cactus Walking, Fiesta, Cookies, Football, First Kiss, New House, Drawings, Grandma, Grandpa, Auntie and some people, he couldn’t really recognize, but felt like he knew them. He woke up, feeling like he would see them again, waving them good bye and saying see you tomorrow. Sounds in the kitchen and the morning sun welcomed Angelito to the new day and ready he was, in no time, quite hungry, after all, he had been doing a lot of living in his dreams. Good Morning! Good morning. He was basking in the warmth of his Grandma, breathing in the life of the always cozy and welcoming kitchen.

Grandpa came back from the bakery with some fresh bread, turning the kitchen into a world of aromas. What with the bread? Angelito had a portfolio of tastes and smells passing in front of his eyes, through his mind, down into his belly and back into his brain. I want jam with my bread, please and his eyes were sparkling with all the delicious anticipation, that Jam, Grandma, Grandpa, Angelita, this whole beautiful morning, well life, had in store for him. What a store, full of goodies and a line of surprises waiting outside. It was delicious. Angelito really was celebrating this morning, his life and meeting Angelita in the afternoon. Drawing, yes drawing, but first a quick look at the house and the garden.

It was fine, just needed a little bit cleaning, so all the time for drawing was waiting for him. Football. He wanted to tell Angelita about the football game. So he started by drawing the stadium, the big gate, a few players, his favorite player, the ball and 1:0. He was like in a trance, everything was flowing seamlessly into one gentle stream, the football game, the dreams, the bread with jam, the drawing, lunch and siesta coming and then seeing Angelita again. Like I said, he was in a trance, so lunch and siesta came and went and it was time to get ready and visit Angelita. Grandpa and Angelito looked like they were going onto an expedition or wedding or something like that.

The two well dressed gentlemen were seen off by Grandma, who always loved to see the two together, when she wasn’t busy loving her Angelito. He carried the drawing in one hand and some flowers from the garden in the other, to give to Angelita. Grandpa schlepped a basket full of homemade baked goodies, also some jam made from fruits growing in their garden, for the afternoon snack. They arrived at the house, the drawing and the bakery were fine, but the flowers were asking for water. Grandpa and Angelito stepped inside and were welcomed by the family. Angelita came towards Angelito and here were those eyes again, written all over and now the flowers, too.

The flowers are for you, please give them some water. Thank you, I will put them into a vase right away. Come with me. Grandpa handed the basket to Auntie and Grandma’s magic was receiving thanks and music to dance to. The flowers got their water and looked refreshed right away. The drawing was eyed wide and started to tell Angelito’s story. Angelita’s eyes were traveling across the paper and before she could ask a question, Angelito started to talk, sounding like the guy on the radio. Listening to him, she saw him running across the football field in his red jersey, black shorts, socks and shoes. Leaving every defender behind, stunned in disbelief and the goalie

trying to save his team from the inevitable, but no chance, her Angelito kicked the ball and it was the most beautiful goal, 1:0. And now it was Angelito’s turn to be stunned, because Angelita said to him, shut up I want to kiss you, got a hold of him and gave him the biggest kiss ever. That was better than 1:0, he thought, held her tight and when they came up for air, their eyes were full of a million stars. 10:0? They went to the garden, found a place to sit down and put their heads together, taking in their love, their life, their dreams. Last night I had a long dream, Angelito started telling. Angelita was waiting for the story.

And she listened to the whole story and said, me too, I also had a long dream, not the same, but similar. You were there with me, walking, talking, sitting down, starts laughing and yes, then too, there were people I didn’t know, but felt close to. I was wondering, but then I got busy, maybe they will come back and then I will ask them who they are. They had found something, that brought them closer, a question, they didn’t know the answer to, but felt it was something important. But right now the important thing was, were there any sweets left? They joined everyone around the table and found some sweetness smiling at them. Needless to say, their tummies wanted some smiles and enjoy some of those sweet delights, too.

Angelito, ever the gentleman, gave one sweet to Angelita, ‘here is one for you’ and in return received a smile and eyes written all over him and one sweet, ‘and this one is for you’. Some more sweets and sweetness traveled between them, before the sun smiled at them and said, sweet lovers, people mine, it is getting late. Throwing long shadows, Grandpa and Angelito waved back at Angelita and Auntie for a long time, not really wanting to leave. Grandma was waiting and her warmth and sweetness had them back. Are you hungry? They were. How was it? We talked about our dreams. Dreams? Yes, we almost had the same dream. I wait till tomorrow, maybe I have another dream. You will remem-

ber? Yes, I can draw it, too and then tell you a story. I wait till tomorrow, said Grandma and started to serve dinner. Angelito was dreaming. It was a slow dream. He was walking with Grandpa, watching the cactus walking away. Angelita was waving at him and giving him a kiss. Auntie and Grandpa stayed behind, looking at them softly. There were many people and one great looking guy running, a goalie, a kick, a goal, 1:0. In his mouth was a delicious cookie, Grandma had baked it and she was smiling. Grandpa gave him some flowers for Angelita. Angelito stood in front of his house, looking at the cactus walking away and two people coming towards him. A man and a woman. They both were wearing clothes, he had never seen

before. The man had short, red hair, combed back. The woman had thick, wavy, black hair, flying in the wind and she carried a gun around her shoulder. He had seen a gun before. They stopped. They looked familiar. Were they the same people he had seen in his last dream. He must ask Grandma, maybe Grandpa knows. He woke up, full of anxiety, his heart pounding, his eyes wide open or was he dreaming. Good morning. The voice of grandma. Did he oversleep? I must make a drawing. Come, have breakfast first. The smells, the tastes, he was back in the world of Grandma, Grandpa, hmm, and Angelita. I had my dream again, I will make you a drawing and then tell you the story.

Take your time, I can wait. It is a beautiful day, you can draw in the garden and enjoy the morning. Grandma’s words were soothing, because Angelito was still a little excited from what he had seen in his dream and thinking of the drawing, his brain got busy. He went outside and started drawing. First he drew some hills. Then the cactus. Then Angelita. Yes, the football player in red and black and 1:0. A cookie, because he loved Grandma so much and also Grandpa with the flowers for Angelita. And then the two people he didn’t know, but felt familiar with and yes, the gun, he didn’t forget that. Look Grandma, sit down please.

Angelito put the drawing on the table, so he could explain everything easily and let the story weave in and out, of what seemed like a story board. He pointed out the cactus, remember Grandpa and I told you about him, first time we saw him walking away. This is Angelita and here is Grandpa with the flowers. Also one of your delicious cookies and he said it, as if one was just melting in his mouth, licking his lips and then here are the two people. I met them, was it two days ago, in my dream before and Angelita had a similar dream, but I don’t know them. Angelita also said, she didn’t know the two people in her dream.

Do you know them? And why does the woman carry a gun? And the man has red hair, do you know him? Grandma looked and listened carefully. Then she took the drawing to look at it more closely and said, I think I know who they are, but give me some time to remember and if they visit you again in your dream, make another drawing, it maybe will help me to remember. Of course there was lunch and siesta, but that didn’t seem to matter today. Grandma didn’t say anything and neither did Grandpa, they just knew. Angelito wasn’t paying too much attention to anything right now. He wasn’t gloomy, was he thoughtful? His face lit up, here was Angelita and Auntie, out of the blue, coming to vis-

it them and some sweet rolls for the afternoon snack. Now, if there was some thinking, daydreaming, maybe even worrying, it all flew away, because now was focus time, Angelita, sweet rolls and something to talk about. While Grandma prepared the table for the afternoon sweetness pow wow, Angelito and Angelita went out into the garden and found a cozy spot to sit down and talk. Did you have a dream? Yes, I did. Did you see again the people, you didn’t know? Yes, why? I did and the man had red hair and the woman carried a gun. A gun? Yes, a gun, but I do not know why. How about you? Well, there was no gun, they were happy and they looked like they were going on a trip.

Are they the same people, just changing clothes? No, the man didn’t have red hair. Why? I was just thinking. Did you tell Auntie? Yes, she said maybe she knows them and I should wait till they come back again and tell her more and then maybe she can recognize them. Me, too, I am waiting and Grandma said, maybe then she can remember, because she thinks she knows them. That’s exciting, maybe they are friends, your two people and my two people. Yes and we can have a party, Grandma makes nice sweets and your Auntie makes some music and we all sing and dance. Angelito, Angelita! Reality was back, sweet reality and they were quick to taste it. Yes, we are coming! Grandma, Grandpa and Auntie had talked about the children’s dreams and without a moment of doubt,

agreed to wait for that one more dream and then tell them, in the most gentle and beautiful way possible, the truth. One thing they were very sure of, that they wouldn’t lie to them, just paint the reality little by little, so that they could fit it into their lives and draw strength from it. Not an easy task, but necessary and it came out of their deep love and also concern for Angelito and Angelita, who were so beautiful and had a great life ahead of them. And not to get caught of what they had been talking about, Auntie asked Angelito, would you like to join our party tomorrow? Party? Yes, birthday party. Angelita has her birthday? No, her cousin and we want you to come.

There will be many children, family, friends and party. Can Grandma and Grandpa come, too? Ask them. Bright, shining eyes made the round and smiles, a couple of looks and the decision was party. Angelito and Angelita eyes were already running, dancing, jumping, only their bodies were seemingly still sitting on their chairs. The sweets and drinks went into their tummies almost unnoticed and when Grandma saw the joy in their eyes, she didn’t ask, did you like your snack, but just let their fantasies fly. Party. Grandpa carried, I mean really carried the basket full of magic goodies and Grandma and Angelito carried flowers.

Grandma for Auntie and Angelito for the one in his life, his love Angelita. The party spilled out onto the street or was it people coming and going? It seemed as if half the town had come to celebrate birthday. Where were the eyes? Here she was. Angelita was dressed up like the first time Angelito saw her on stage, only this time there was so much more. It was not just eyes written all over Angelito, it was life. Aura? Do we know this word already? Never mind, this isn’t school, this is party time and they were in love. His eyes were shining, like a polished Cadillac and his shoes, too, a little dusty though. He gave the flowers to Angelita and she was smelling all these wonderful

fragrances, making her mind dance around and around. Was it the flowers, was it Angelito, was it love, was this a fantasy story? Grandma as grandmas go, didn’t leave anything to chances. In all fairness, yes, there were the flowers and of course there was love, but there also was Grandma, who put a little smell into the shirt, a little smell into the hair and a little smell here and there on Angelito, a carrousel that made the nose, the brain and the heart of Angelita dance. Was this fantasy? No, this was really fantastic and it was party time. Are you joining the party? Come on in. No presents? No problem. Bring your heart and your loved ones, too.

What’s a real party, without kids running around. This was a real big party, with plenty of running around. Angelito caught himself being a bit shy, but then he remembered the football game. Red jersey, black shoes, socks, shorts and1:0. He looked for the ball, instead he found the boys playing bull fight. Standing there, he felt he could do it. Angelito charged at the torero, ran him over, 1:0, he thought. No, no, no, watch. Okay, it was just a game, no winners, no losers. The girls dancing, playing bulls, toreros, the boys taking turns, going for their skirts and the girls teasingly letting the boys horns push into the empty sky. Swish, swash, swoosh.

El toro. The kids enjoyed themselves, no winners, no losers, just fun and then the music. Serious, with that invisible tease making the rounds, serious and great fun. Guitars, boxes, hands clapping, voices rising from the deep, dancing, fun doesn’t really describe it. Pleasure? Sure, but does that spell it? Pleasure in every possible way of spelling it? Yes, okay, maybe that describes it. Angelito in all this excitement and commotion looked for a chance to tell Angelita about his dream. Dream part three. Angelita also had dreamt about the two familiar people, this time, getting on a train.

In Angelito’s dream there was no train, but silence and a very warm, comfortable feeling, he had never felt before. It wasn’t the sun, it wasn’t the wind, it was in, around, from the heart. Thinking of it, made his heart beat stronger and feel the warmth again. Tell Grandma, Grandpa and Auntie? Not today, maybe tomorrow, when it is more quiet. The sounds softly were weaving into the wind, bringing some evening, with Angelito and Angelita cherishing their dreams. Dreams, that would shape, guide, remind them of their lives. Maybe awesome, actually more than that, inspiring. Their hearts fueling their brain, knowing before seeing,

leading their steps surely beyond anything they could talk or sing about. And when their hands touched, a togetherness rushed through their bodies, bigger than the sounds, the crowds, the cookies, more like 1:0 and a little bit of what they knew already. Food, dinner, their minds way beyond their mouths. Chewing, tasting, swallowing, actually remembering, that they were eating, more like traveling on a distant road. Nice light, wind playing with the dust, like cleaning it, making space for Angelita and Angelito to walk, thoughtfully and full of that rush. Time to go. Sure, there is always a time to go. Their homes were not that far apart.

Far enough though, to say, “Good Night”, to part, to sleep, to dream, to be together with their families. Did they kiss? Truth, they kissed, with their hearts and said, I love you, for no one to see, even their smiles were somewhere else, Grandma could see, Auntie saw and Grandpa did, like he didn’t see. That was a nice party and tomorrow I will tell you my dream and Angelita’s dream, too. There is a far road to go. Angelita? Yes, hello. Aren’t you sleeping? Yes, I am sleeping. Are you not sleeping? Yes, I am sleeping, but what are you doing here? Would you like to go for a walk? Okay, but now? Yes, now, because we are alone and nobody can see us. Okay, shall we bring some cookies and maybe water? You want? You? Maybe

when we are back, we are not going that far, so later will be fine. The landscape was bathed in soft, warm light. The wind was invisible, not touching the road. Was it silver, water, air, winding through the hills? Very gentle hills, like lazy waves. Shall we move, shall we dance, shall we travel, shall we embrace and kiss Angelito and Angelita. They stopped for a slow moment, to embrace and kiss, cherishing the rush, being alone together. The road carried them. Did they walk? They looked down at their feet, smiled and continued walking down the road. Their Road? A road?

For now it was the road, leading to the place, where they could see the cactus walking away. The cactus was not standing there, nor walking, it was like a cloud turning into a misty, warm fog, to clear, for two couples to meet, greet and walk on. Did they know each other? Angelito and Angelita looked, but there was no one to see. Did they wave at them? Did they smile? Did they blow a kiss? They felt close, like they knew them. Did they know them? Angelito looked at Angelita and woke up, knowing crystal clear, that this was unbelievably important. 10:0, 10 times 1:0?

The arithmetics of it made him go back to sleep again, tomorrow, maybe tomorrow, better still. Breakfast? Did he sleep? Where was Angelita? Was it a dream? So real. Breakfast, now he really needed it. Where have you been? Grandma’s voice cuddled him and the morning had Angelito back. Little sleepy still, but no hurry, to let the rush slowly flow in, to fill his heart and mind to be really back. What a dream. Angelita had told me yesterday her last dream and now I was with her, seeing the two, no four people, you and Auntie maybe know. I also had my third dream before, will you tell me now? How was your third dream?

Beautiful, very beautiful and very important. Important? Yes, important. There is something for me and of course Angelita in the far distance, I can’t see, but I know. And beautiful? Yes, very beautiful. In my whole life I haven’t seen such light and felt such warmth. Angelito rushed into Grandma’s arms and cried, bitterly. Grandma started weeping, there was no way to hold back the tears anymore, without lying to herself, to Angelito, to Grandpa. Grandpa wanted to scream, cry, kill. There was no space between his teeth, his jaws were locked in pain, hate, anguish.

His eyes couldn’t see, just feel the tears, swelling the gates, burning his soul, soothing nothing. His hands wrenched to fists, his guts on fire, his only thoughts were to kill those fascists, tearing them apart, like old stinking rags. He cried. Choking. Weeping. For the sake of Angelito, but also himself, not breaking down, burying his face in his strong hands, when two small hands touched him, wiping away his tears. The fascists stole his daughter, the mother of Angelito and now he knew, he must not let them steal his tears. The gates opened and a stream of fire washed away his pain, giving him the strength to hug and kiss his Angelito. Grandma gently stroked his hair, resting her hand on Grandpa’s shoulder, to give him love, strength and solace.

The salty tears turned into honey sugar and sweetness returned to the room. Now you can tell me, looking at Grandma and turning to Grandpa. Their eyes still, again misty, Angelito says, don’t cry, I know, they are my Mom and Dad. Hugged and kissed Grandpa and hugged and kissed Grandma that much more. I must tell Angelita, shall we go now. Grandpa had his boy back and didn’t want to stop him. Let me get ready. Oh, yes, I must get ready, too. Two gentlemen ready to go. Smiles returned to their faces and Angelito asked, are you coming with

us, but Grandma needed some rest and also take care of the house. Flowers, cookies, maybe the thing to do, but this was bigger than anything. Angelito grew with every step he made. 1:0, 2:0, maybe 3:0. No numbers were big enough to measure his steps, his heartbeat, his desire to tell Angelita. She was waiting for him. He could see there had been some tears and when she saw him, she knew and embraced her Angelito. Angelita, I was dreaming about us. I know, I was there. Did you see them? Yes and I know them now and you? Yes I know them now, too. On Sunday we will make a party for them, tell Grandma, will you?

Of course, we must be all together. Everyone was there, people Angelito knew from before and many new faces, he had never seen, not even in town at the Cafe or the market or during the Fiesta. It was a party and with all the people, it was really a Fiesta. Somehow everyone knew why they were there. Imagine Birthday, Wedding, Funeral Party, wrapped all in one, shaken like a good cocktail, with dices rolling and tumbling across the stage of life, telling us stories. And a voice started to call, to sing, to tremble, to shout from the bottom of the singer’s soul, running down the spine of everyone. Reaching their very Soul, releasing voices in agony.

Reaching the hearts and spirits of many, joining the singing, chanting, clapping and dancing. The fingers of the musicians stirring the guitars to release sounds of heaven and hell, of every fiber that make up our existence. And the sound of the boxes moved by knowing hands, shook the people to the bone, to relieve them in a dance of life and love. With all these thousands and thousands and thousands of people around, Angelito and Angelita found a place to sit down, alone, looking into nowhere. We cry tomorrow, we laugh tomorrow and we love tomorrow. Today, let’s just sit here.

Silent tears were running down their cheeks, their heads resting against each other for comfort. Like in a dream, they heard their names being called. Their tears drawing little rivers across their cheeks, disappeared like drops of rain in the desert. They kissed each other and gently wiped away the last tear to say, see you tomorrow. Got up and joined the people, the music, the laughter, that for a while had seemed so far away. Their eyes lit up, because there was Auntie with a cake. And they were asked to carefully slice the first two pieces.

Whose wedding, whose birthday, just the same, it was a delicious looking cake and everyone cheered them on. The sweetness of the cake and the love of their families and friends, wiped away any sadness of salt drying up on their cheeks, to give way to their beautiful smiles and a cakeness sweet kiss, applauded by laughs and hands clapping with joy. And then there was some more, not right away, but a few days later. Angelita and Auntie came to visit for the afternoon and Angelito was delighted of course. What he didn’t know, they were going to stay for dinner and breakfast, too. But this was afternoon and after a little rain shower, the earth was breathing and the sky was welcoming them with some clarity and nice color.

Do you like the sky? Yes, I always look at it and also the clouds, because I always find some animals floating passed our house. And you? There are so many blues and I imagine wearing them as silk dresses. The clouds I like to sit down in, like big, soft sofas, looking around and watching my family and now you and me. Talking like that, they passed quite some time, literally talking themselves into the sky, sitting on a cloud, looking at Grandma, Grandpa and Auntie enjoying drinking their coffee. We are lucky we have Auntie, Grandma and Grandpa. Some children are not so lucky, they live only with other children and some people, who cook and take care of them.

Yes, we are lucky, maybe we can make a party for the other children, what do you think? Nice idea, I am sure they like cookies, too. Maybe later we can talk about it, maybe after dinner. Dinner. Eating slowly, but their eyes were already talking. Yes? After dinner? Yes, after dinner. After dinner. Angelita and I thought, maybe it is a nice idea to make a party for children, who don’t live at home. Maybe we can dance for them, too and Grandma, can you make some cookies? Grandpa smiled and thought, how about a football game? Auntie took it all in, wondering, if this was already the time to do such a thing, but it was worth thinking about it and she was happy, that the children came up with the idea.

I think, that is a very nice idea and we should talk and think more about it and then make some plans, what do think? Grandma and Grandpa agreed and you could tell, that in their minds, they already had the party in front of them and a football game, too. 1:0. Angelito and Angelita were happy and their bright eyes were beaming the stories racing through their brains, when Grandma said, want to play some more outside, before it is time to go to sleep? Nice idea, they thought and went outside. They took a little bench and carried it to their house, sat down and looked at it. As love and life goes, without even having to close their eyes, they were sitting in their garden.

Looking into the sky, holding hands and letting their eyes meet and talk. Romantic? Sure and for real, or do you think, I am making this story up? No, it is for real and the most delightful earth for romantic flowers to grow and grow and grow. And before anyone called time to sleep, their eyes were telling them, it was time to brush their teeth, wash their face and go to sleep. Is this paradise, pre, pre, pre, pre honeymoon or just happening. No one said anything. They did as grown ups do, used the toilet, used the bathroom and changed for the night. Turned of the lights, went to bed and cuddled. Are you sleeping? No, I’m thinking. Mum and Dad? Yes, Mum and Dad.

You think they are sleeping now? It’s late, but maybe they are talking. I wonder, if they come back to meet us sometimes? I’m sure they will. You are sure? Very sure. But they are far away. No, not really. They are like stars, they are always there. Sometimes you see them better and sometimes you cannot see them at all, but they are always there. You believe that? Yes, I believe that. You think they talk to God sometimes? Grandma didn’t say anything about that and she knows everything. Can I say something sad? Angelita started to cry, very softly, no one could hear it, not even Angelito, but her body was trembling and she was moving closer, holding him tightly.

Her tears were not stopping and she silenced her sobbing, by burying her face into Angelito and he couldn’t hold back anymore and started to cry, too. Like Grandpa, he didn’t want to show his sadness and pain, but he suddenly was so sad and glad he was with Angelita and the two sobbed into each other, relieving each others pain, wiping off their tears and breathing heavily. Magic happened, Angelito thought, because Angelita put her legs in such a way, that she could rub her Papaya against him, making his Pepino standing like a guard in front of The Palace. The Palace of their dreams, of their lives, moving slowly together, like two beautiful, gentle magnets, trembling from their delicious electricity, falling asleep deliriously, not knowing, was it real or just another sweet dream.

One of these mornings, after a long stormy night, Angelito and Angelita entered the day in a rather tussled look, but sweet as ever. Rubbing their eyes, Grandma suggested some cold water to take the night out of their faces. They obliged and came back with a refreshed look and a smile, with the morning kitchen aroma tickling their senses. Birthday, wedding, happy cake. No, a beautiful morning, celebrating them, Grandpa, Grandma, Auntie, Angelita and Angelito being together. And the spirit of those, smiling from the distance, bringing them even closer. How was your night?

Stretching, yawning like lazy lions, actually more like puppies, they smiled. Very stormy. Did you dream? Did we dream? So many dreams. I am tired, like we walked all night. Yes, like dancing without stopping, there is still music in my ears. Grandma, Grandpa and Auntie had them back and showered them with smiles, laughter and kisses, really waking them up. Good morning, where have you been? We were dancing and our parents were watching us and you, too. We were dancing for everyone, but our eyes were seeing only you and our parents. It was great and everybody was happy and after the performance, we all went for a walk.

Thinking for a moment, they continued, we walked to the movie set and watched the scene of: The Cactus Is Walking Away We all loved it, it was magic. We all knew it was a movie, but it was so real and we all just loved it. Any more dreams? Angelito and Angelita looked at each other and smiled, then very seriously answered, do you remember, no I don’t remember, I think we just slept all night long, maybe that’s why we are still sleepy. But now they started to really wake up, because their talking and remembering the whole night, got them busy and hungry and their focus was on smelling, tasting all the good things in front of them and starting a new day.

Bullfight. There were always bullfights in town and there were always announcements of the bullfights around town, but somehow on this day, one such announcement caught the eye of Angelito. Grandpa can we go and see? There is blood. I’m not afraid. The bull always dies. Well, is that good or bad? Sometimes the torero gets hurt, sometimes he even dies. Really? When? When he makes only a little mistake. Like what? Misjudging the bull for just a little moment. Making a little misstep and the bull gets a chance to reach the torero with its horns. It’s a fight not a game and every mistake can be deadly. You want to go? Yes, I want to go. You want to ask Grandma? Okay, I will ask her. Grandma wasn’t too happy and she said and asked the same things

Grandpa did, but she saw, that Angelito really wanted to go, so she said, if you really want to go, than you should go. Should I asked Angelita, if she also wants to go? Maybe next time, after you made her a drawing. That’s a nice idea, I make a drawing for Angelita. The Trumpets, The Gate, The Bull, The Arena, The Horses, The Torero, The Earth, The Sky, The Sun, The People, The Food, The Drinks, The Ole, The Blood, The Sword, The Ears, The Knife, The Balls. The Colors. The the The, The the The The The. The Drawing came totally natural to Angelito, it just flowed out of his veins, with every beat of his heart, the strokes of his imagination carved the drawing into the paper.

He started out by drawing the entrance to the arena at the bottom of the paper. In the upper left hand corner he put the trumpet and to the right he put the sun. Between the trumpet and the sun there were many faces. There was a horse dressed, making it look like made of wood and the man like a knight. He only knew this from pictures, not from his life. The bull, the torero, the blood was in the middle. Lots of red. The cape, the sword and lots of red. His hand was holding the pencils tightly and almost painted everything red, but there were so many colors. In his mind the colors were like stars, racing across the deep red midnight sky. The sky was changing colors,

from blue to black to red, as his thoughts made his hand hold the pencil like a knife. The sun, a glistening yellow, let the cold sword pierce the big black bull, turning the warm earth into deep red blood and ashes taken by the wind to darken the sun. Was this a drawing for Angelita? Well, with Angelito telling her the story, like the guy on the radio telling everybody about the football game, she surely could imagine, how it was. Anyway, maybe somebody in her family had already talked about it, so she will understand his drawing. Angelita wasn’t at home, but would be back soon, so please come in. Compared to his quiet home, there seemed to be fiesta time, every time

he visited, something he really enjoyed and felt inspired by. The boys were kind of practicing and Angelito watched them closely, as they made their dance moves, wondering, don’t they look like toreros? He loved their elegance and their smooth, skillfully executed moves. No cape, no bull, no sword, no blood. Angelita was back and their eyes locked, with their hearts dancing that dance, smooth, soft moves, embracing gently, touching in eternity. I brought you a drawing. You are an artist Angelito. Was there a lot of fighting? Why? The colors. It was very exciting. You like the drawing? Yes, do you think we can go there again, together?

I think so. Will Auntie come, too? I must ask, but maybe you, me and Grandpa is okay. They went and with Angelito’s drawing and his story like a movie running through her mind, she looked at the gate and the drawing unfolded into reality. This was bigger than Fiesta and she could feel the energy from the earth going up her legs, through her spine, into her brain. She was ready to dance, but this was not her stage, so many people, maybe one day, she will be on a big stage. Angelito, Angelita and Grandpa found their seats and waited for the movie to start. A real movie, from which everyone could take the script home with.

A script written in time, stone, paper? Something for now, maybe later or forever? Angelita was always eager to know and asking many questions, but now let’s look. The trumpet, the Colors dancing, The Gold and Silver sparkling in the sun. The Men, The Capes, The Bull. Ouch, The Blood. Angelita and Angelito looked at each other. She was so beautiful, but this was not the right place and time to kiss her. Angelita was getting excited, she moved with the action, as if it was a dance.

Angelito adored her, but this was not the time and place to kiss her or even just hug her. Ouch, more blood. Now this was getting messy, but still exciting. Ouch, ouch, wow, now it is getting very serious. Angelita’s eyes were focused, very focused and she was waiting for the end. Will it be elegant? The bull looked angry, does he think? From the excitement racing through the people you could tell, that the climax was coming soon. Noise, Cape, Blood, Torero, Ouch and the bull sank to his knees. Was he dead now? An eternal moment of silence and then a roar of approval for the torero. The ears. For dinner? No, for trophy. Another fight? Maybe.

Grandpa, Angelito and Angelita walked home. And after all the excitement, the quiet welcome from Grandma and Auntie did the children good. Especially Angelita sort of had to slowly come down, to be her very own excited self. Angelito eyes still showed all he had seen and wanted to tell, but their was this silence and so he waited for his heart to slow down. Smiles were warming the room and Angelita started to tell what she had seen, actually she was dancing it and Angelito without saying a word, through his body, was commenting and adding to her story. The experience was deep, bonding and maybe their next dream.

Another Drawing? We’ll see. Slowly, slowly they came down to the reality of the kitchen. Food. Ready, or a little later? Sit outside to watch the evening sky? Sure and then we have dinner. Angelito and Angelita went outside. It was like a ceremony, after some initiation. They needed the quiet and just sat down, Angelito comforting Angelita, making him feel bigger and knowing, this was still not the right time and place to kiss her, but then they had a lifetime time to do much kissing, but not now. Dinner. Still quiet, but once the taste buds got a hold of all the deliciousness, the smiles painted their faces and they

were really back and their voices in unison exclaimed, Grandma you are a magician. Love and laughter brought them into the arms, that naturally were still their home. It was time for Angelita and Auntie to go and Grandpa and Angelito offered to accompany them, which they gladly accepted. The truth being, that Angelito and Angelita didn’t really want to part and this was a nice way for them to ease into the night. Grandpa and Auntie more than knew that and happily let them have that time together, wondering if it was all that good an idea to have gone to the bullfight. Life will tell, or a dream. A dream, The Dream, the dream of dreams, who knows, but they did have

a dream and had to tell each other right away. Angelita urged her Aunt to go with her to Angelito’s house. It was very important and she couldn’t wait till the afternoon or worse the next day. Auntie was busy, so Uncle was going to take her there. It will be okay? Yes, because Angelito is waiting for me. When Angelita knows she knows and Uncle could see, not just sense, the urgency for Angelita to see Angelito. It was urgency pure, because when they arrived, Angelito was as eager to tell Angelita his dream, as she was eager to tell hers to him.

They almost forgot to say hello to each other and Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle respectively. They did and off they went into the garden. Watching them from the distance, you couldn’t tell, was it two kids, two grownups, a couple of birds, cats or puppies. It was all of them, their voices, their arms and hands and bodies was telling, very telling. Telling what? They were telling each other their dream and there must have been quite some turmoil in their dream, because if they were two chickens, there would be feathers all over. Their dream, actually dreams, but because they were so identical, they felt like they had shared the same dream,

with slight variations, was about their parents and the bull. The Bull was huge, like a big black cloud and he destroyed everything in his path. There was no torero or toreros to stop him, no cape, no sword, but a lot of blood, a lot of noise, screams, pain, agony, deadly silence. In that deadly silence Angelita saw her happy parents vanish, with not a moment of a chance to wish them a safe journey and Angelito saw his Mum go one way and his Dad the other. They had enough time to embrace and kiss good bye, but he couldn’t tell were they where going. Angelita and Angelito felt a heavy load, like in their dream.

A burden that slowly came off their shoulders. It was their love, that made them stronger, to carry, to shake off and to move on. All they could do right now, was to hold each others hands, kiss once, but good, get up and go back into the house, to join everyone at the table. Now we know more. The Bull is like something, that took our parents away. There was pride, deep pride, because they knew something, nobody had taught them and Grandpa, Grandma and Uncle gave them their warmth, for their young lives to stay young for some more time, before they would get to know more. Actually we could ask you now to tell us some more, but there will be another day, maybe better.

The warmth and pride mixed, to make a wonderful strong cocktail, for Angelito and Angelita to drink from. A new taste, good to know it was there, when they needed it, like the smiles, hugs and warmth of Grandma and Auntie. There was something in Angelita, that told Auntie, it was time to tell her more about her parents. Where to start? That her father, was her younger brother and how much he loved her mother? That she didn’t want to let them go that day? Okay, maybe this one. They were great dancers and they met at a fiesta, remember, just like you and Angelito did. Your mum joined us and she and your dad were loved by everyone.

When they danced, people couldn’t really tell, were they lovers or simply wonderful performers? Of course they loved the adoration and of course they were lovers and of course they loved to tease everyone into believing, whatever they wanted to believe in, but most importantly, the were great dancers and a great couple, a very powerful couple. You really have both of them in you. And where did they go to? There was war, many of our friends and some of our family went to fight. Some came back and told us stories, some never came back, but we heard stories and some we don’t know anything about, not even stories. Auntie’s guts turned into a knot, but she kept her composure and continued with the story.

Your mum and dad wanted to help. They were dancers, not fighters, but they wanted to help. They thought fighters also have to dance and sing and laugh, not only fight and that way they thought, they could help. Or maybe write letters or help the doctors or maybe cook. So? So, I was worried, but couldn’t stop them. I thought many things, many times, what I could have done or done differently, but I have no answer. She started to cry, silently, her tears trying to stay back, but there were too many and so she cried. Angelita bit her upper lip, trying to be brave, but what was there to be brave about and so she cried, embracing her beloved Auntie, crying a river, turning into a warm ocean of love.

The big woman and the little woman looked at each other, wiped each others tears off, smiled, kissed, hugged the hug and let a big sigh tickle the air into an even bigger smile, sending a warm breeze comforting them. Next time you tell me some more? I will sweetheart, bless you. Grandma I had this dream, when Mum and Dad kissed each other. After that, I don’t know. You tell me some more? A little. There was war. Your mum was fighting to defend the Republic and your dad came from far away to help her and her friends to fight. But Mum had a gun and Dad didn’t. Why? Or was my dream wrong? Your dream was right. Mum used a gun to defend, what she felt and thought were her rights.

And your Dad was helping people, who got hurt fighting. He didn’t shoot, but he had to be careful not to get shot at, while helping others. That sounds complicated. War is complicated, but peace is complicated, too. And what is not complicated? What a question and no easy answer in sight. Nothing is really not complicated, just as nothing is really only complicated. Remember, when you sometimes are watching the sun? Yes. Everyday it rises and everyday it sets. And every day you get up and everyday you go to sleep. That’s easy.

No, that’s very complicated, but we can learn to understand it. And after we think, we know all the answers, some new questions come to us and we are looking for the answers. Your Mum and Dad answered some questions, but some questions they couldn’t answer, maybe you will find a way to answer them, but don’t hurry, take your time, sometimes the answers will come to you, while you are growing up, living your life. Thanks Grandma. And if I have a question, can I ask you? Sure, it’s my job and smiles, and because I love you. Is it a hard job? Sometimes, but I love it. I love you, too, but now I must fix the house. Said so and went to work.

Grandpa, Grandma and Angelito got dressed, ready to go to the theatre. Auntie and Angelita looked, what’d you say, marvelous, ready to join them, going to the theatre. The premiere of a new movie was on, TILL EULENSPIEGEL and the children were very excited. It was the first time for them to visit a theatre. Flamenco, Football, Bullfight, Cactus Walking and now, watching a movie at the TEATRO CERVANTES. Many people were there, dressed to kill, greeting and complimenting each other, knowing this was a special day and Angelito and Angelita couldn’t wait to get into the theatre. Till Eulenspiegel was a real person, a long time ago, today people maybe only remember him for some of his jokes, but he was much more.

Looking at him from here, he maybe could be described as somewhere around The Brave Soldier Schwejk, Karl Valentin, Charlie Chaplin, Abbie Hoffmann, Joseph Beuys, Durutti and so on. Every country and time has a person befitting or not, the historical circumstances. It was a serious movie, for sure. And there were not too many children in the audience. So Angelito and Angelita looked very special, as children among so many grown ups, having watched a serious movie. Thinking of it, they felt quite grown up themselves. Was he a bad man? No. But he was fighting against us. Yes. But more than that. More than what?

He was like fighting for freedom, also for us. Okay, one of those complicated things. Another question? Okay, so can we say, he was fighting for the freedom of all the people? Something like that. Okay, but you tell me more next time, okay? Sure, there are many things to tell. Maybe you can make a drawing and then ask some more. Mmh, nice idea, I’ll do that. Maybe Angelita and I can make a drawing together. Yes, that will be interesting.

That drawing would be another step on their way together, with many steps to come and go, come and go. Adoncia had met Walter pretty soon after he had arrived in Spain from France. She helped him and many of his companeros to adjust to the new realities and the days to come. He was shy and she was sweet, just the opposite of what they were facing in the battles to come. They never fought side by side. Adoncia was fighting on many fronts and Walter was in the beginning a medic and as the war wore down, kind of a rearguard. They didn’t meet that often, but they met and their meeting became to mean Angelito.

Walter never got to see Angelito and Adoncia never was able to say good bye. They didn’t part, they were torn apart. Walter as many of his compatriots, companeros, friends, known as well as unknown, crossed the mountains, that would become very soon for many Europeans, the border to cross to freedom, passing through Spain, Portugal and onward, their last chance to escape from Nazism. Having lost a war, they saw as a last chance to stop the inevitable, the war that raped Europe and more and meant going down to the abyss of more than one civilisation, the next station in their life was Gurs, in the south of France, in view of the mountains passed.

For Walter, who never spoke much about the past, a past he had left and didn’t desire to go back to, that abyss was looming outside the gates of the internment camp. The stations in that abyss were, Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Mauthausen, to name a few, stations many traveled, with no ticket to return. There was a light and it was shining in London and thanks to that, Walter was spared that dreadful journey, surviving it or not. Adoncia’s war wasn’t over, yet and she fought on. A fight she lost, but a war she helped to overcome, by planting a new life, body and soul. What was it, that she remembered, what was it, that she had heard or what was it, that she was imagining.

Auntie wasn’t sure anymore, her pain, sometimes hate, made her go blank. Many times her mind played tricks on her, was it a dream or was it reality. What kept her grounded and alive, was her dancing, where reality and dreams could meet, where she could express her love, her pain, her sorrows, her joy and where she could meet everyone in body and soul. She knew Angelita would want to know more about her parents anytime soon and she was not going to lie to her, to make up some story for her, to kind of being able to live with it. She would tell her the truth of her own agony in small measures and encourage her to wait for the time, when she openly could search for the truth, to find the one or many truths.

The truth to live with and to build her own life with. One thing she could give her without any hesitation of when and how, was the knowledge of dancing, because she had it in her and it was a beautiful way to celebrate life and her love for the ones she knew and the ones she never got to know, but knew where living in her heart. Angelita asked and Auntie told her how much and at the same time how little she knew, but that the most beautiful way for them to celebrate life, was to dance and sing and reach out to the people in the audience and also to the people near and dear, watching them, from far away. Angelita was deeply touched, looked, smiled and gave her Auntie a big hug and said, I love you a million times.

Drawing together wasn’t that easy. So they first looked at the white paper in front of them, looked at each other, thinking what would be the best way to start the drawing or better even, what should they be drawing together. Their parents? How? Okay. Angelito and Angelita decided, that they each would draw their parents, how they had seen them in their dreams and that they all would meet in their reality, keeping them in their hearts and taking them with them wherever they were going. But before they started, they realized, that to draw on one big paper, maybe was not a good idea. One look, two looks, yes, let’s make a book, a picture story book. This really got them started and they made many little pages from the one

big paper. Now their minds were flying, with their hands becoming busy to find a place for their thoughts on the many smaller papers. The first few drawings were done fast, the images coming from their dreams, like feathers, leaves out of the sky. And then came the stories, the stories they were told, the stories they imagined, the stories, that brought them all together. The first little, thin book was ready, maybe chapter one? One look, two looks, eyes written all over each other and a kiss, so deep down from their hearts, that their lips were trembling with every heartbeat. Angelita looked at her Angelito and he just died, he loved her so much.

Chapter one, with their life writing volumes, pages after pages. Drawing, writing, singing and dancing. Yes, dancing. Dancing to be together, dancing together with others, dancing to make others dance, dancing to bring everyone together to dance, from far to near to everywhere. Many artists came to support the Spanish Republic. Paul Robeson was one of them, known beyond any borders and Angelita’s parents were among the many untold of heroes, who lost their lives, without anyone being able to really tell their story. Maybe Angelito and Angelita could, through drawing, singing, dancing, laughing, loving and moving on with their lives.

Chocolate Eh, they knew. La Pasionara, No Paseran, they would learn about later. Adoncia had written a letter, a kind of testament, for Angelito to find out a few things about his father, the few things she knew from the time she was with him and a few more things she had heard about him from their friends. About herself, Grandma and Grandpa would tell him as much as they knew or felt was important to pass on, to give him strength and keep her in his heart, dancing, since while she was no dancer compared to Angelita’s Mum and Dad, she still loved to dance and singing, too. The letter was written in Spanish, of course and it was Angelito’s choice, if ever, to translate it for his friends around the world or even publish it.

But that’s rushing it a bit, right now Angelito was thinking of doing something together with Angelita, that would make her happy, something that they would remember forever and could come back to for many years, more years he could imagine counting, well forever, right. Right. A good place to start was at the movie set, or maybe the garden, well it became the kitchen table, with Grandma, Grandpa and Auntie joining them and listening to many ideas. Watching a bull fight together, a children’s wedding party, going up a mountain, making Chocolate Eh and Cookies for all the children they knew. Then Angelita threw the last dice. I want to see, touch and taste the ocean and maybe wet my feet.

Is that possible. That was possible, but needed some planning. Angelito was all man now and said, I will draw a plan. The plan was a long story, like a script for a movie set. Angelita was watching him and adored him for being such a gentleman, making this all for her and also Auntie, Grandma and Grandpa. There were all five of them, with bags, baskets and a little trunk. There was a bus and then a train, with them all looking out the window. Then there was a little hotel and a garden and table to drink some soda. There were some trees and parasols for the shadow.

And there was the ocean and the sky and the sun and a ship and two birds. And Angelita and Angelito standing in the water, just a little bit, waving at the ship in the ocean. Well that was quite a story and a nice plan. Her man made a very nice plan. She decided right there and then, what she was going to tell him, when they were standing together in the ocean, their ocean, their life. The journey was quite some trip and they were rewarded for the bumps, sweat and crowds, with the ocean. You don’t want to know about the hotel, you do not want to even drink a soda now, you just want to hear, what Angelita says to Angelito standing together in the ocean, their ocean. This is for us forever and kissed him.

Angelito thought, can’t argue that and kissed his wonderful, beautiful, eyes all over Angelita. And Grandma, Auntie and Grandpa were delighted watching it all from the table in the shade, taking it all in, the sodas, the sun, the sky, the ocean and Angelito and Angelita standing there, in their ocean, in their life. The letter was kept in a save place, which not only Grandma, Grandpa, but now also Angelito knew. Why save? Because these were times, where being the son of a Mum and Dad, that had been fighting for The Republic, filled him with pride, a pride, which had no definitive shape or purpose, a pride, that made him walk another bit taller, but a pride, which he couldn’t really talk about to anyone.

Being in on a secret with his beloved Grandpa and Grandma, made it very special, so special, he proudly would keep it to himself. Maybe he could tell Angelita a little bit about it, but then, maybe that was a little bit too much. It could expose him and herself to dangers and maybe their families, too. Dangers, that were beyond their young imagination. So save, yes, keep it save for later. To be sure, before he was planning to tell Angelita something about his secret, he would ask Grandpa and Grandma for permission. Yes, that was a good idea and he felt proud about himself, having made that decision.

Angelita, too, felt, that what she knew about her Mum and Dad, wasn’t something, she could talk about with just anyone. Auntie had not impressed that on her, but the silence surrounding her mum and dad, told her to keep silent about them. That silence and what she felt from Angelito, drew her closer to him and wanted her to share so many more things with him. She was yearning for them to grow up faster, so that she could share in silence the many things, that drew her closer to him, but also to overcome this silence and speak freely about, what made her feel one with him. She was very sure, Angelito was feeling the same way.

Maybe he would express it through his drawings, maybe through his words, whatever, he would share with her, what was dear to them. Angelita was very sure of that and she could feel, how she loved her Angelito some more, a little more, than before. I love you Angelita. I love you Angelito. What do men say first and what do women say first? First, second, third, all the same. Their eyes were all over them, wrapping them in a blanket full of love and devotion, like the ocean, only warmer. Flamenco in the time of great social upheaval. Was this something to think about?

Was this something to write a single sentence about or was this something, one could only express through dance. Dance as One, dance as a couple, in a group, on a small stage, in an opera house. Was there an answer? Angelita started to think. Was this a political question? Was this something about life? Something very deep, she maybe could not ask or even start to think. How to say, something psychological? Philosophical maybe? Was personal enough? People? People dancing? She remembered what Auntie had said and her tears. That’s people, her people, her family and she loved Auntie.

Still only personal? Sentimental maybe? But she could feel deep emotions. Who to talk to? Auntie? Angelito? Grandma and Grandpa? All of them. This was her new family. This was her new life. Walter and Adoncia and of course her Mum and Dad, they all were her new life. She could find her answers there. Think, speak, dance. She laughs, because she forgot singing, clapping and those guitars, el guitarristas. He! Eeh? Yes, she will think, speak and dance. She will tell Angelito first and then decide together when, how, what. This is big Angelita.

Let’s talk with Grandma, Grandpa and of course Auntie. Angelita smiled at Angelito and yes, Them, too. In their spirit, through their spirit, with their spirit and in our dreams. This is big Angelita and Grandpa’s voice never sounded so deep before. Auntie and Grandma nodded approvingly, comforting her and giving her strength with a very warm and gentle smile, this is big Angelita. Angelita was love all over and she could feel her thoughts growing. What is the best way to start? Dance, because the times may not be ready for the words.

Dance to inspire the music, dance to make the voices find sounds, dance to make the hands weave the rhythm, but no words, not in these times. Let the words be like flowers, hide in winter, raise their heads in spring, smile at the sun in summer and go to sleep in the autumn. Our springs and summers now, are not ready, yet, for our flowers, give them time and they will embrace your words, when they are ready. So dance and draw and eat and smile and let your love blossom, Angelita and Angelito and your dreams will wake up to a new reality. Angelito and Angelita wanted to hug Auntie, Grandma and Grandpa and the kitchen table all at once, they were so happy.

We go dream a little bit and went to the garden, kissing everyone, one by one, as if going on a journey. The garden wasn’t that big, but big enough to find a spot to sit down and start dreaming. Dreaming of what? Well, no real dream starts out like that, this wasn’t about daydreaming, this was about a real dream. Okay, let’s start out by sitting down, holding hands and putting the heads together and breathing slowly. They fell asleep, they really did. Angelito and Angelita were sleeping. There was a stage and many benches. Mum and Dad dancing. Of course music, voices, hands clapping and an audience cheering them

on, applauding them, enjoying every turn they made. But only Mum and Dad dancing. Everybody and everything else, could be felt very strongly, but not seen. One thing, wrong word. One picture, not so good word, but what they could see and feel very, very strongly, was them, Angelito and Angelita sitting between Adoncia and Walter. Mum with her gun and Dad with his red hair and army coat. They were altogether, very real. Mum and Dad’s dancing was so beautiful and when they finished, the crowd went wild and then the unbelievable happened. They smiled and with tender gestures of their arms and hands, invited them

to come up on the stage, to join the dancing. Adoncia and Walter moved closer to each other and watched Angelito and Angelita join her parents in their silent motions across the stage. Maybe there was a little wind, but could you hear any other sound? Did the dresses of Mum and Angelita make a sound? Maybe not. Could you hear their breathing? Maybe not. But you could see them moving very elegantly. But no sound, yet. Suddenly, like battle noise, every sound, guitars, hands, voices, boxes, called everyone to attention. Silence. Only the soft brushing of the shoes leather soles across the wooden stage, tickled the air and made the hearts beat faster.

Then all hell broke loose. Angelito and Angelita centerstage. Fucking, Gorgeous, Beautiful. Mum and Dad Very Elegantly Leading Them Across The Stage. Back And Forth, Like The Movement Of The Ocean. Then Stepping Back. Giving Them The Stage, Supporting Them. Angelita and Angelito danced, so fucking gorgeously beautiful, it tears my heart apart and I cry. They came back from their dream, exhausted, sweating, looking at each other, kissed, embraced and cried. What happened? We danced and everybody was there. And everybody knew, even the table did and invited them to sit down.

There was a table already reserved for us. A popular restaurant, quite noisy, but known for its tasty food. We had never met before, just written a few mails, but became close quickly, like we had always known each other. You’d say of course and we’d say of course, but then it could be different, too. Life has been written so many times and every time you know, you suddenly know nothing and start again, only to hear someone saying, yeah, I know. So a good way to start was to say hello, because we were happy to meet each other and we knew each other. At first it was, tell me, but then, there was so much to tell. We started by ordering some food and wine and mineral water.

Food is always a good topic to talk about. Did I cook? Not really. And you? Angelita does, my daughter does. Sometimes friends come over and we have some kind of cook in. Spanish? Yes, Spanish, but we always try a little bit of this and a little bit of that. We like spicy, so we look for many different spices from around the world and then look at a cook book or someone knows a recipe or just try. It is always fun, we like to eat. You? Me? Yes, usually with friends, their homes or eating out. Was Walter a cook? No, not at all. Your mum? Kind of, dad always said, she makes the best soups. My aunt really was the cook. On weekends. The family got together on weekends and the kitchen was all hers. She

loved to cook and my mum helped her, but really let her do it, because she didn’t like to clean the fish or the chicken. That wasn’t her thing, but my aunt just loved it, guts and all. Did dad tell you much? Not so much, but the few things he said, made it seem like he was happy. I think he really was happy, because he was with many enthusiastic people. He must have seen and experienced many difficult things, but he either didn’t want to speak about it or just didn’t want me to feel the hardship. Much later he said a few things, that showed me some sadness, maybe even disappointment, but he didn’t want to say too much, he spoke about it all in a lighthearted manner. One time, I had read a book about the war and I asked him some questions.

Suddenly, literally out of nowhere, a friend of his called me and said, how you dare accusing me of having executed some of our Spanish comrades. I hadn’t even faintly hinted at that, I had just asked some questions, so now I knew, what I had read was true and they had known all along, but had never told me about it. I think that was part of their sadness. I later saw a movie by an English director, where he showed that situation. It was a movie, but to know, that the events he showed were true, made it sad and painful. Did dad ever regret having come here? No, not for a moment, I think it gave him strength. He felt it was his duty. He had risked his life and he never bragged about it. Did he receive any medals?

Not that I know of, but his friends respected him. We had decided to meet again at the opening. The exhibition was about the passage many people made, crossing the mountains from France to Spain and onward to an uncertain future, but a step towards freedom. Before that, people had gone from Spain to France, escaping prison, torture, certain death, maybe all in one, to find many roads waiting for them. Every one was full of darkness, with only the light in their spirit guiding them. For some the light became brighter, at least they had survived. For others, life took turns, they didn’t even know the script of. They didn’t know the plot, they didn’t know the writer.

Before they had a chance to read the outline, it was torn up into their face. The ones who lived to tell, told the story in full, little by little, not at all. It was too heavy for them to live it again, by talking about it. But like a magic puzzle, the stones at least showed the foundation of the house, they lived, for later to be built or to be left untouched. Untouched, for it to maybe leave without pain. Untouched, for it to be healed, by the light of many, to be built, because forgetting doesn’t create anything, but a shallow taste. And everyone I know, likes their food, their life to taste good and some I know, prefer not to eat, than to eat shallow tasting food.

Food. Luckily there was more than one restaurant in the neighborhood to choose from and we went to a quiet one, to be able to relax and breathe and feel. What’s the exhibition for you? It’s kind of bringing our dad home. And your mum? She is free, she is at her best being free, I know no better name for her. There is another story? There is always another story. Some I am writing, while I’m writing. Are you writing a story? Maybe I should, turn my drawings into books. Angelito told me about his drawings, his dreams and we kind of came to build a table for our dad to sit down and tell us about his life. Another story?

Not today, maybe tomorrow. You mind? Dad wasn’t much of a talker, I mean he enjoyed talking, making jokes, reading newspapers, books, talk about many things, but not so much about himself. But this much he let us look into his cards and we were all eyes and ears. He lived on a nice street, not Boulevard, but Main Street, Taborstrasse. Next to a church and just a short walk across the river to where he worked in a Men’s Cloth Store. He was color blind, but could make out really well the different shades of black, brown and blue, so he had a perfect eye for choosing cloth for men’s suits.

White Gloves, white gloves when driving the store owner’s automobile. Quite Dandy and he was a shy, handsome man. Politics. Left. Away from the traditional life of his father and far away from the stifling air of an ever dragging on old society. Prison. Two main lessons. The usual suspects couldn’t understand, why anyone would go to prison for one’s beliefs. Stealing, killing, fine, but politics. Lesson number two, how to make a chess set from bread and shoe paste. Use the bread like clay and blacken the figures with the shoe paste. How did they make the white figures. Toothpaste? Use white bread? Is this an intelligence test, a quiz or what? You win, I don’t remember.

Wait, wait. You have to chew the bread and then from that dough like state treat it like clay, to make the figures. Anything else? Yes, play chess. Going to the Public Toilet, not speaking nor reading French. In Paris, on the way to Spain. Wait till a guy comes out. Spain. Drink wine from a bag, with it going all over you, but not into your mouth. Women. Should he talk about that? Maybe later. Anarchists? Maybe they were right, but if they wouldn’t have burnt churches. You and churches?

Well, they are nice and cool in summer and then maybe there was another way to show the people the role the Church played, together with the Landowners and the Traditional Politicians and so on, to keep them poor. London? Foggy, but free. Crossing the street, with the red light asking him to stop. He didn’t, because for him it was green. Remember he was color blind and the lights were in reversed order, from what he was accustomed to. Going back to Vienna. Why, you had a nice life in London. Vienna was home and he wanted to help build a new society. Wishful thinking? Self betrayal? Convenience? Friends? Duty?

Because the family he had left, mainly his father, wasn’t any more there and anyway, nothing for him to go back to. One sobering experience, maybe lifelong dilemma was for him, that he had left a petty bourgeois home, only to end up returning to a Petty Bourgeois Left. It wasn’t of his making, he really was a better person, emotionally, intellectually, socially, politically, really. He should have left, but he didn’t. It was his family and he was afraid to be alone. He had choices. How many? Would he do it differently today? Most important, he survived, he didn’t kill anyone and helped others to live. Papa Joe or was it Uncle?

When he died, we heard it over the radio. I was little, but the silence was telling. It wasn’t my papa and it wasn’t my uncle and we were going to the park to play, but the silence was telling. Were my parents sad? Were they relieved? Were they scared? What’s next? That was Papa Joe’s game. You’d never knew what was next. You believed one thing and died for it and next you’d get killed for what you believed and died for. All in the name of Papa Joe or was it Uncle. Dad was against personality cults, against worshipping icons, but couldn’t really set himself free.

Was he too young, when he entered the world of politics, was it the times, was it him, his friends, his family? Was it the very thought process, that caught him flatfooted. Mind you, he was a bright man, but emotionally somewhat stuck in some old track. Again. The Times? The Life? His Time? His Life? Age old questions? Serving a system, that wasn’t serving him, for that matter no one, but a few. Some of his friends? The Anarchists, if they wouldn’t have burnt churches. Dad had a troubled soul, but a soul and for that soul and for the good in his spirit we should remember him, that’s much better, than what some of his friends were worth.

Worth? Worth, you mean worse? Well, for the better of it. Cheers.

Hans Fleischner, 2024 February, Vienna.

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