WSSM - Yoga by Zofia... Wtr/Spr '12

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OGA Dancing on the Lake

Dancing Shiva Pose (Natarajasana)

On the beautiful and magnificent Lake Tahoe in California

By Zofia Karubin -- Certified Yoga Instructor

Life is a dance, and when we are focused and peaceful within, then it’s much easier to glide through all of the challenges we face each day. Yoga is all about improving our lives on all levels; and the Dancing Shiva pose helps us to keep the inner peace and balance, so that we may dance through life, and enjoy each day, and keep our body, mind, and soul ready for the next wave of adventure. When we practice Yoga before going out for a surfing session, it prepares our body to take on the waves; and when we practice Yoga after surfing, we help our body to restore and regenerate. The Dancing Shiva pose is really great to do anytime. It allows us to get grounded and become very aware of our body, and it gives us such a great stretch. The Dancing Shiva pose is fun, but may not be so easy at first. Balance a little on one side, then do a little on the other side. Keep repeating the pose on each side, little by little, and you will see your body naturally go deeper into the pose by allowing you to stay balanced for longer periods of time, without forcing your body in any way.

(If you have any health concerns, check with your health care provider before doing this or any exercise program)



 Warm up by rolling the neck around gently, rolling the shoulders up

 Helps to improve balance, focus, and concentration. Also

and back, twist your body to the left and right gently. Be very gentle with your body and don’t force anything.

 Allow your body to relax and stay focused as you do each step of the pose.  It’s very important to be connected to your breath at all times and keep breathing deeply.


Ground yourself, feel the Earth beneath your feet, focus on one point in front of you. Lift one arm up to the sky, close to the ear. Keep breathing deeply.

strengthens arms, shoulders, and legs (thighs, calves, knees and ankles). This pose nourishes your nervous system, your hips and spine through gentle movement, and helps to enhance your mood. By opening and stretching the chest, it expands the lung capacity as you breathe deeply.


Balance on one foot, then bend your other leg behind you and grab your foot, ankle, or calf comfortably. You can grab either the inside or the outside of the foot, whichever is more comfortable. Keep breathing deeply. Stay here in this pose with ease, and repeat on the other side. Keep repeating on each side till you’re ready for the next step.

Zofia Karubin is a certified yoga instructor who resides in Los Angeles, California, where she loves to surf and do yoga on the beach. She has been teaching yoga classes for adults, teens, and children for over a decade. Zofia’s life-long passion for yoga has been passed down from her mother who is also a yoga teacher. Learn at your own pace, how to incorporate yoga into your busy lifestyle, through the online collage of yoga routines by Zofia from previous issues of WSSM. Go to Photos by On It Pro, We give you the edge, the rest is up to you!

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Kick back with your foot and stay balanced, gently pivoting at the hips. The hips should be evenly balanced. Keep breathing deeply, focused on one point in front of you. Feel the stretch, the balance, the focus, and strength you’re experiencing in this moment. Stay here in this pose with ease, and repeat on the other side. Keep repeating on each side till you’re ready for the next step.


Do this step only when your body allows it, don’t force anything. Keep kicking back gently with your foot. As your body naturally pivots forward, your upper body will eventually be parallel to the ground. Stay here and enjoy the beauty of the moment as long as comfortable, and repeat on the other side. Finally, when you’re ready, go into a simple forward bend pose (sitting or standing) for counter-balancing your body – bring your head down toward the knees, relax the head and neck, shoulders and arms, and place your hands down on the ground or your ankles. Breathe deeply as you feel your back gently stretching. After a few breaths, come back up slowly as you inhale; carefully rounding the back, rolling up slowly, until your back is upright and exhale. Stay here and enjoy the beauty of the moment for as long as comfortable, then inhale and come up to a standing position, and repeat on the other side. 

Namaste: My inner light bows to your inner light.

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