year 7

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My project overview:

Over the course of year 7 I am going to learn lots about basic drawing techniques and have the chance to develop my drawing skills. Each term I will look at different aspects of drawing before putting all of these skills into project pr practice in June where I am going tto make a large final drawing

The biggerReferences picture‌ Critical & Contextual in Art


Autumn term

September to December

In this term you will be learning about the basic drawing techniques looking at the correct pencils to use, tonal drawing, shading, shape and mark making.


Spring term project



January to April


Summer term project



May to July

In this terms project, you will be putting all of your skills learnt so far this year together to draw groups of objects. The final piece of work will involve you making a large A3 size drawing.

In this terms project, you will be learning about texture, perspective, composition, and reflection. You will also be discovering the different types of words and their meanings used in the art world.

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