WSA 2013 Catalogue

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Turning the United Nations WSIS targets on local content into global actions towards 2015

Colombo Sri Lanka

Winning Projects 2013

Excellence in e-Content and Creativity

Excellence in e-Content and creativity

World Summit Award Partners

Under the patronage of

UNESCO United Nations Educational, ScientiďŹ c and Cultural Organization

Strategic Partner

Sponsoring Partner

Hosting Partners Technology Partner

World Summit Award Grand Jury Hosts

Turning the UN WSIS targets on local content into global action towards 2015 World Summit Award Board of Directors Peter A. Bruck, Chairman, World Summit Award CEO and Chief Researcher, Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft, AUSTRIA

Christian Rupp, Federal Executive Secretary, eGovernment, Chancellery Office, AUSTRIA

Alexander Felsenberg, CEOFelsenberg Consulting, D端sseldorf / Berlin, GERMANY

Anya Sverdlov, Managing Director, Actis Wunderman, RUSSIAN FEDERATION

Dorothy K. Gordon, Director-General, Ghana-India

Lumko Mtimde, Chief Executive Officer, Media

Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT, GHANA

Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA), SOUTH AFRICA

Osama Manzar, Founder & Director, Digital

George Sharkov, Director ESI Center Eastern Europe, BULGARIA

Catherine Warren, President, FanTrust

Empowerment Foundation, INDIA

Jasna Matic, Special Adviser for Competitveness

Anne Githuku-Shongwe, CEO and Founder Afroes,

and Knowledge Economy | Ministry of Finance and Economy, SERBIA


Entertainment Strategies, CANADA

Manar Alhashash, Secretary General, Kuwait

Elizabeth Quat, Founder and Immediate Past

e-Award; e-Leader, UN GAID, KUWAIT

President, Internet Professional Association (iProA) CHINA

Latif Ladid, President, IPv6 Forum, LUXEMBOURG Rudy Laddaga Lopez

Effat El Shooky, Director of Online Distance Learning Program, Cairo Regional Center for Training on Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping in Africa -CCCPA- Cairo, EGYPT

CEO and Co-Founder, U-TOUR, MEXICO

Jak Boumans, Managing Director, Electronic Media Reporting, NETHERLANDS

Reshan Dewapura , Chief Executive Officer, ICT Agency of Sri Lanka (ICTA), SRI LANKA

Ralph Simon, CEO & Founder, Mobilium International, Chairman Emeritus & Founder, Mobile Entertainment Forum-Americas, UNITED KINGDOM WSA Board Members Emeritus: Alfredo Ronchi, General Secretary, MEDICI Framework, ITALY

Gabriel Deek, Director of Professional Computer Association, LEBANON

Event Partner

Official Event Management

Knowledge Partner

Digital Media Partner

Official Hospitality Partner

Co-Event Partner

Official Travel Partner

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


Welcome to Sri Lanka

The onset of the 21st century has ushered in an era in which the very nature of what it means to be human will be both enriched and challenged. In this context of rapid ­global development it is our duty to ensure that no country or citizen is left behind. We are proud to be associated with the World Summit Award (WSA), which since 2003, has been striving to do just that. The WSA has evolved as the international showcase for content industries that can inspire the information society worldwide. This new wired world has brought humanities together in unprecedented ways but at the same time it has the potential to distance nations by threatening their sovereignty. In the light of recent developments across the globe, the notion of cyber sovereignty is an increasingly salient issue and one that cannot be ignored. Sri Lanka, having successfully concluded the internal conflict, is currently engaged in multi-pronged socio-economic development with a hitherto unknown speed and degree of success. As Sri Lanka forges forward in this climate, it is my vision that every citizen will reap the benefits of the rapid technological changes taking place around us. In an endeavor to reach this vision, a project for making the benefits of ICT accrue to all,


especially the disadvantaged was formulated. Called the ‘eSri Lanka’ programme, the initiative succeeded in taking the dividends of ICT to every village and every citizen and re-engineering the way Government thinks and works. After successfully implementing the ‘e-Sri Lanka’ Development Programme, Sri Lanka is now journeying to the next level of the ICT Development agenda, ‘SMART Sri ­Lanka. I welcome you all to Sri Lanka and invite you to enjoy the warm hospitality of the o­ldest democracy in Asia. Mahinda Rajapaksa President of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

Mahinda Rajapaksa, President of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka


WSA - Content

Fantastic Fruits: WSA13 Winners fascinate in their richness 6 Sri Lanka, Wonder of Asia! 8 Keystatements 9 Battle of the Maps: The 2014 Ad Game Changer 12 Trends, Facts, Insights 14 Participating UN Member States, Nominations, Winners 20 Winners e-Government & Open Data 23 e-Health & Environment 29 e-Learning & Science 35 e-Entertainment & Games 41 e-Business & Commerce 47 e-Culture & Tourism 53 e-Media & Journalism 59 e-Inclusion & Empowerment 65 WSA Grand Jury 2013 72 WSA Grand Jury Members 74 WSA 2013 Online Jury Members 80 e-Swabhimani 2012/13 82 WSA Global Congress 2013 84 WSA Eminent Experts Global Network 88 Arab e-Content Awards 2013 Winners 95

Imprint Editorial Team

Editor and Author: Text Management: Text Editing: Artwork & Layout:

Peter A. Bruck Christoph Seemann, Manuela Wagner, Nora Wolloch Hania Fedorowicz (Winners Descriptions) floorfour, Agentur für Kommunikation Produced by World Summit Award Office ICNM – International Center for New Media Leopoldskronstraße 30, 5020 Salzburg, Austria | © 2013 ICNM

WSA Project Team

Birgit Berger, Christoph Seemann, Manuela Wagner, Nora Wolloch WSA Global Congress Sri Lanka Team: Philipp Benedikt, Birgit Berger, Angel Chacon Orozco, Charlotte Dreyer, Birgit Kolb, Alexander Mattersberger, Christoph Seemann, Manuela Wagner, Nora Wolloch, Johannes Zeller The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of ICNM concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The identified authors are responsible for the choice and the presentation of the facts contained in this book and for the opinions expressed therein, which are not necessarily those of ICNM and do not commit either organization. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted, reproduced, utilized in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission of ICNM in written form. This edition has been published by ICNM.

Printed in Sri Lanka

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


Fantastic Fruits: WSA13 Winners fascinate in their richness Prof. DDr. Peter A. Bruck, Chairman of the WSA Board of Directors

The tree of Internet bears rich fruit in e-content The Internet today is like the trunk of a tree, it is the backbone of the developing Information society. Through wire-line and wire-less connections and information it branches out anywhere in the world and into every aspect of modern life. Information technology provides people on all continents with millions of leaves in terms of devices and applications. The tree blooms when good e-content blossoms shine. And it bears rich fruit when these blossoms mature. Not all of the fruit are good ones, some are even poisonous. Thus, it is most important to get the orientation one needs, what is good, what is making us strong, what lets our communities thrive. The winners 2013 of the World Summit Award are exactly that. They are the richest and most nutritious fruits in the ever expanding digital tree of the Internet, they provide orientation in the unique crown of eContent products. This book is not a map, but a catalogue of 6

answers: Which product is worth your attention, and which trend can one see? What is being developed in other parts of the world, where are commonalities and differences? How do producers and publishers of new applications and websites navigate between user interests and technological innovation? Finding the best in e-Content: World Summit Award meets the challenge since 10 years within the UN World Summit of Information Society process The World Summit Award (WSA) and its partners thrive because of our network of high-level experts in 198 UN member states who provide the knowledge to distinguish between high- and low-quality e-Content. WSA contributes to the United Nations and its mandate for the Action Plan on the World Summit on Information Society 2003 and 2005. It is our aim to find and promote the world’s best products on an international level to bridge digital divides and close the content gap between countries, within markets and

Fantastic Fruits: WSA13 Winners fascinate in their richness

regions. The winners of the World Summit Award 2013 amaze in many aspects, be it their innovativeness, their technical perfection, their design or their strategic value. Fast border crossers, curious robots and the environment of the Middle East Three winners of the WSA 2013 give a first insight into the richness and diversity present day e-Content has to offer and the huge variety of daily life aspects the winning products of 2013 address. The Sri Lankan Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) and Integrated Border Management System (IBMS) makes traveling to the island which hosts the WSA13 Global Congress incredibly easy. Getting a visa for the country with ETA is a matter of minutes and works efficiently and safely – even in rural areas. The data generated from the application helps to improve Sri Lanka’s tourism sector, one of the most important revenues of the island. And this is exactly what the WSA stands for: e-Content developed for local needs, but with a global perspective.

What counts: local relevance with global excellence These three products showcase the importance for locally relevant, high-quality ­e-Content. Developers understand that different target audiences have different ­requirements. For example, a small community in rural Ghana needs other services than the citizens of a major city in Central ­Europe. The people behind the winning ventures of the World Summit Award 2013 demonstrate this. They know that in order to make a product successful, it has to be technically advanced and well designed. The products also need to be tailored to the living circumstances: age, gender, education, social situation, and many more factors.

Today, content flourishes especially in countries where English is not dominantly spoken by parts of the population. A good example is the WSA Award-winning Indian project which showcases the cultural richness of the state of Assam in a bilingual monthly magazine. In e-Health and e-Government winners demonstrate the potential of integrated services and multilingual operation. They show the direction for the next stages in development. WSA serves as a platform and promoter to this potential. WSA: Inclusive Information Society depends on best in e-Content The Austrian initiative World Summit Award was launched in 2003 in the occasion of the United Nations World Summit on the Information Society. The engine that drives the WSA is fuelled by the mission to contribute to an inclusive Information Society. Hence WSA partners with the key UN agencies in the framework of the UN Geneva Agenda and the Tunis Action Plan selecting and promoting the world’s best e-Content and innovative ICT applications. More than 160 countries from all over the world are actively involved in sharing the conviction that quality contents are essential for a true information society. WSA13 showcases 40 winners projects selected from 461 submissions on the basis of content depth and value added for their specific users. By doing so, reading the catalogue serves as an intensive journey through our eight contest categories: e-Government & Open Date, e-Health & Environment, eLearning & Science, e-Entertainment & Games, e-Culture & Tourism, e-Media & Journalism, e-Business & Commerce, and e-Inclusion & Empowerment. In each of these categories, five winners are presented. The tree of the Internet is rich

with fruit of the most diverse sorts: Nigeria, Egypt, Ghana, Austria, Estonia, Finland and Saudi Arabia show a strong development with two winning ventures each. The selection of the world’s best in e-Content has been made possible thanks to the expertise and dedication of the WSA13 Grand Jurors generously invited to Tallinn/ Estonia by The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and hosted by the Estonian Information System’s Authority, the Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications, the Centre of Registers and Information Systems and the WSA eminent national expert of Estonia, Mrs. Katri Ristal. The WSA visit took place in the framework of the EU Structural Funds’ program „Raising public awareness about the information society“ and was funded by the European Regional Development Fund. WSA is specifically grateful to the Government of Sri Lanka and the Information and Communication Technology Agency under the leadership of Mr. Reshan Dewapura who are hosting the WSA13 winners at the Global Congress. He and his team directed by Mr. Athula Pushpakumara and the WSA eminent national expert of Sri Lanka, Mrs. Chitranganie Mubarak are providing a unique celebration and demonstration of the richness of the fruit of Internet and the best crop of e-content in 2013. Together with my fellow members of the WSA board of directors and the WSA team in Salzburg/Austria, I hope you enjoy the wonderful harvest of global e-Content. Peter A. Bruck Chairman of the WSA Board of Directors

WSA e-Content & Creativity_2013


Fantastic Fruits: WSA13 Winners fascinate in their richness

The same applies to Ludwig. This Austrian winner is a game which features a little robot with a lot of curiosity, and also some feelings. Ludwig wanders an abandoned earth in the search for the last resources and learns a lot about physics on his way – and with him, the child that plays the game. Ludwig is a project that encourages children to learn more about their surroundings in a playful and never boring way – something that surely not only the kids of Austria will love. Developing a product with the use of up-todate technology, but with a very clear target audience: this is the winning formula for the Kuwait Official Environmental Portal “www.”. Providing an Environmental Explorer and a Knowledge Database, offers a wide spectrum of precious environmental information using geographic maps, GIS layers and data time series. With this, air and water quality, biodiversity, waste management and many other parameters can be checked. An efficient solution for an urgent matter!

Sri Lanka, the Wonder of Asia! Set in the Indian Ocean in South Asia, the tropical island nation of Sri Lanka is a place where nature’s beauty remains abundant and unspoilt. Sri Lanka packs into 65,610 square kilometers 1,330 kilometres of coastline – much of it pristine beach, 15 national parks showcasing an abundance of wildlife, 500,000 acres of lush tea estates, 250 acres of botanical gardens, 350 waterfalls, 25,000 water bodies and more. Few places have as many UNESCO World Heritage Sites (eight) packed into such a small area. Its 2500-plus years of culture can be discovered at ancient sites filled with mystery. Legendary temples boast beautiful details crafted by artisans through the centuries. ‘Endless beaches, timeless ruins, welcoming people, oodles of elephants, killer surf, fun trains, famous tea, flavourful food’- Lonely Planet Guide, 2013


And then there is more …. Dazzlingly white beaches ring the island so that no matter where you go, you will not be too far from a sandy gem. If you want a change of scenery, away from the tropical climate of the coast, visit the central hills beckon with its verdant tea plantations, rain forested peaks and alluring waterfalls.

That’s not all … Sri Lanka continues to lead the world in high – value niches, including fast fashion and ethical apparel in the clothing industry, solid tires and surgical gloves in the rubber industry, single origin teas in the tea sector and activated carbon in the coconut sector. Since colonial times, the country has ­excelled in education quality and enjoys a

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013

literacy rate of 93%, highest in the region. ­Current level of IT literacy is estimated to be 35% and the Government aims to increase it to 75% by 2015. Sri Lanka’s competitive advantage also lies in the soft skills of its people who have been born on a small island with a cultural melting pot history. Sri Lanka is today capitalizing on a firm foundation of peace and stability to achieve rapid economic growth. Colombo, the commercial of hub of the country is a competitive and dynamic city reflecting the country’s aspirations of becoming an upper middle income economy and global hub. This is an island of magical proportions, once known as Serendib, Taprobane, the Pearl of the Indian Ocean, and Ceylon. Discover refreshing Sri Lanka!

LI Yong

Reshan Dewapura

Director General of UNIDO

CEO, Information & Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka

Youth are a great source of creativity and innovation. If equipped with the needed skills, technology and investment to turn their ideas into successful businesses they can become drivers of economic growth and job creation in their societies. The past years have been marked by the events of the Arab Spring which are believed to be, inter alia, the result of unequal access to economic opportunities and high unemployment rates among young graduates. Young people demand to be actors of the socio-economic development of their societies. We should work towards an enabling environment to unleash the productive potential of young women and men. This will require the joint efforts of the international community, governments and the private sector. Together we can support youth worldwide to fulfill their aspirations and turn their innovative ideas into action. Information and communication technology is a key tool for development. It contributes to increased productivity and helps stimulating a competitive knowledge-based economy. Through ICT we can fast track sustainable growth and employment opportunities, particularly for the youth.

We at ICTA are proud and honored to host the 6th edition of the World Summit Award Winners Events here in Sri Lanka. Capitalizing on the firm foundation of peace and stability made possible by the vision and direction of His Excellency Mahinda Rajapaksha, Sri Lanka is today on a path of rapid economic growth. The ICT Policy of the Government of Sri Lanka has been both ambitious and successful. The e-Sri Lanka Initiative, the flag ship programme of the ICTA has contributed to creating a more effective, citizen centered government while paving the way for accelerated growth and increased employment by making the country a favored IT/ BPO destination and empowering communities through affordable access and relevant digital content. It is in this environ-

ment that Sri Lanka is today hosting this very prestigious and significant international event. We are living in an era where the pace of technological change is getting faster and faster, unaffected by any man made or natural catastrophe the world has had to face. It is important that all nations draw on these developments to improve their economies and empower society. The World Summit Award makes this possible by bringing 150 countries to one common platform to share experiences, exchange ideas and above all to recognize the innovative skills of a multitude of developers from all corners of the world. We are proud that in our short association with the WSA, Sri Lanka has had seven products that stood tall among the hundreds of nominations that came in from countries across the globe. The WSA winners’ events and the WSA Global Congress will constitute the highlight of the Country’s ICT Week. It is an unparalleled opportunity to share expertise and experience and planning for the future. I would like to extend a very warm welcome to everyone to our beautiful country – Sri Lanka.

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WSA - Keystatements



Irina Bokova Director-General UNESCO

Ahmad Alhendawi United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth

The World Summit on the Information ­Society (WSIS) is bringing UN organizations and programmes together around a common goal: to channel the great potential of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to everybody. Partnering with governments, private sector and civil society in over 160 UN Member States, the World Summit Award supports the implementation of the UN agendas for Information Society and Development of the Information Society, and the Millennium Development Goals of ending poverty, hun-

ger and disease, providing education for all, saving the environment, and giving a fair share to women through the use of ICTs. Responding to rapid changes in the information society, the World Summit Award initiative emphasizes cultural diversity and identity, the creation of varied information content, and the digitalization of educational, scientific and cultural heritage. It aims to make the benefits of the new information society accessible and meaningful for all. Unfortunately I am not able to be with you in person, but I did visit Sri Lanka earlier this year and am very happy for those of you who have the chance to see this beautiful country and participate in the World Summit Award Global Congress. Therefore, from a distance this time, I am particularly happy to congratulate the 2013 winners and I wish you great success with the forthcoming congress in Sri Lanka!

I wish to congratulate each of the developers who have taken part in the WSA 2013. Each of you is a winner – a winner for inclusion and innovation, a winner for building stronger knowledge societies. We need precisely these kinds of initiatives, to harness the power of new information and communication technologies for more sustainable and just development. UNESCO’s position is clear – we must move forward together, by giving everyone an unhindered voice through new technologies and media, by respecting cultural and linguistic diversity, by promoting the rights, dignity and capacities of every woman and man.

Walda Roseman Chief Operating Officer, Internet Society

It’s exciting to see the energy, the ideas, and the increased richness of the Internet that is unleashed through the creativity of Internet citizens from across the globe. The Internet Society believes the Internet is for everyone, and we applaud the World Summit Awards and its initiatives to showcase the power of local content and diversity on global issues.



Mukhisa Kituyi

Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Secretary of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)

Secretary-General of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

Today more than ever, information and communication technologies (ICT) have the potential to provide new solutions to the many challenges faced by modernizing societies around the world. The innovations seen here at World Summit Award 2013 provide new tools in the fight against poverty, inequality, and heightened vulnerabilities arising from climate change. As the global community shapes the post2015 development agenda, it is imperative that we harness the power of ICT as a critical component of innovative and sustainable development solutions that enhance our ­resilience to future risks. I thank all participants for their pioneering contributions towards this end. In particular, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to the winners of the World Summit Award.

I warmly congratulate the winners and all the participants in the 2013 World Summit Awards. ICTs are an integral part of UNC­­

Fadi Chehade President and CEO of ICANN

“At ICANN, we are helping to bring the next billion Internet users online. Thanks to the New generic Top-Level Domain Program, we will soon see the deployment of more than 1,000 new domain extensions. What is exciting about this program is that many of these

new gTLDs are in scripts other than English —they are in Chinese, Arabic and Cyrillic among others and they surely will change the linguistic character of the Internet. The young talent and entrepreneurial spirit highlighted by WSA is exactly what will be needed to harness the opportunities that will open as the Internet expands, develops, and transforms. These young talents will change the quality of local Internet content – in both English and non-English scripts – and this will have global impact. This is why ICANN is a proud supporter of WSA.”

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013



Dr. Noeleen Heyzer

TAD’s work programme because of the crucial role they play in enabling countries to move towards their economic and social development objectives. UNCTAD carries out research on ICT’s, monitors trends related to the digital divide, and advises countries on how to design and implement e-government strategies that allow them to better participate in the global information economy. The winners of the World Summit Awards symbolize the participation by thousands more in the creation of top-quality digital content that pushes forward crucial contemporary issues.

Battle of the Maps: The 2014 Ad Game Changer

Gary Schwartz, President and CEO of Impact Mobile, gives some insight into the world of online map applications...


Battle of the Maps

Of all the widgets and long-forgotten apps on your phone the one with most mobile mindshare is your map app. We have become a mobile society, and in the 2010s, map apps personify our wanderlust. When we open our mobile map, we have intent, direction and purpose. It is vitamin “M”: the ultimate upper and highly addictive. And map real estate is hot: Apple buys Locationary, Embark and HopStop; Google buys Waze; Bing is rumored to be in talks with FourSquare; Zillow, the map real estate tycoon, buys EasyStreet, and indoor mapping app company Aisle411 raises a hefty seed round in the valley. As OEMs beef up their services, we are entering a new phase of map building. Location has always been a data grab. Now, the industry is starting to focus on monetising subway stops, street corners and highways across the world. The principal challenge is that maps are a new and unique advertising paradigm, and the incumbent search business models, mostly designed for the web’s previous era as a stationary, desktop experience may need to be adjusted.

Maps and Metadata Google+ Local launched in 2012, allowing users to post reviews and images into pages hosted by third party sites. This year maps are becoming more customized, providing location-specific information on points-ofinterest. While Google has maintained a focus on road navigation with its 2013 acquisition of the crowd sourcing road-warrior Waze software, the operative term on the new Google map is “explore.” Explore photos, recommendations, and restaurants. Google announced local advertising. Google Maps now allows short sections of advertisements to be placed directly onto the map itself. Local advertising is one of Google’s core businesses and Google Maps ad purchases are made through the same Google AdWords auction that buyers are already very familiar with. For Google this is simply a terrestrial version of browser-based search. When a consumer enters “Starbucks” in her browser, she finds links to buy “Starbucks Instant Coffee Bundle” on When a consumer

Don’t forget the Big Apple Apple recognized the value of maps and knew that they had a Trojan Horse lurking in their mobile operating system in Google Maps. Google’s map app had become the dominant phone top service with the most unique visitors of any app in-market. When Apple launched and preloaded its own proprietary map app in August 2012, Google’s traffic dropped making Facebook the winning app for unique impressions as well as time spend. (After a few geographical faux pas) Apple started to establish its own relationship with the map consumer. But Google Mappers are loyal. When Google launched its new map app for iOS 6 in December there was a 30 percent rush of Apple folk upgrading to the new operating system ( Affinity to a map app had influenced these consumers’ mobile behaviour. Quite remarkable. However, Apple is committed to build a map following. While the company no longer needed to pay licensing to Google, which was good, the key reason for ousting Google Maps was that maps had become a data pillar. By replacing Google, Apple had direct access to a wealth of consumer data and potential advertising revenue. Yahoo! Maps, Bing Maps, Nokia Maps, and MapQuest all use the NAVTEQ electronic map feed (best known for its automotive navigation services), and like Apple now, they own their own consumer data layer, which is crucial for generating advertising and marketing revenue on maps. Bing is the major map contender. In September, the company added 13 million square kilometers (316TB) of aircraft and satellite

photography to its service. Microsoft’s large investment in Facebook in 2007 ($240 million) led to the 2013 decision to adopt Bing as Facebook’s mapping and search provider. To do this effectively, and compete with the market-leader, Google, Bing needs to beef up and differentiate its map offerings. Bing has already rolled out “Local Scout” which helps consumers find food and fun across all its screens. Rumors of a FourSquare acquisition (or possibly financing) may be part of this grand strategy. With the proliferation of WiFi networks in retail, vendors such as Cisco drive mobile mapping solutions for shoppers that join the free network. The maps allow for hyper-local, custom mapping that includes restroom as well as promotional information on retail stores. All of these digital map offerings are entering the mainstream at a time when advertisers are questioning consumer engagement on mobile, and trying to understand how best to follow their consumer in a contextual and relevant manner. Brands and retailers are reevaluating the way we sell and, more importantly, engage across multiple screens. Their assumptions on path-to-purchase, built during the era of the desktop web, are no longer fully valid and reliable. The classic consumer narrative of home-to-store has changed and retailers and brands can no longer simply hire a Director of Shopper Insights and hope for the best. Advertising and marketing is about providing a consistent message at aisle, and checkout, wherever the shopper finds the retailer. If the advertisers wants to get back in the game, possibly the most exciting place to be right now is on the map. When the consumers and shopper opens their map app when they have the intent to meet someone, go somewhere or buy something. All this drives commerce. Maps provide unadulterated path-to-purchase.

Narrative: Going beyond advertising So what is the new advertising paradigm for maps? Maps have layered functionality: terrain, roads, satellite, traffic, public transport

and images. Then there is the exploration layer: recommendations and general pointsof-interest. And now Google has provided an additional local advertising layer. However, adding an advertising layer may not prove to be effective in a map environment. There is more value to the exploration layer. Yes, maps help us move in a utilitarian fashion from Point-A to Point-B and that is why Waze and other transit acquisitions have been so important. But maps also have a very non-utilitarian function. Maps help the consumer to simply “explore” and this is what will ultimately connect map users to brands and content owners. Maps tell stories because precisely they have a beginning and an end, and are defined by intent and clear purpose. Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook already situate the user’s photos and comments at a latitude and longitude: a country, a city, a bar. However, these social graphs are not map applications and location is an important but secondary metatag. The opportunity is to build a new bespoke map layer for brands and content owners. Think map first. Startups such as Findery and CityMaps have map based UGC (user-generated content) engines. Where is the content input engine for brands? How can brands visualize content and actively map this data across all their customers’ screens? One company called Mapiary, based out of Singapore, is developing the tools to allow brands and retailers to layer rich navigation onto the map. How can Unilever’s Becel margarine be more relevant to power walkers globally? Or how can Heineken weave narrative into a city pub crawl? Diageo can map a DJ tour for Smirnoff. The NYTimes can map their 36-Hour travel series in a rich contextual manner. This is new digital cartouche and as important as the underlying map. Where is the new vision of brand advertising? After all the innovation that Lars Rasmussen (Google Maps) and John Hanke (Google Earth) brought to maps we surely need to go beyond paid search models and allow owned content to become a rich and valuable layer in the 2014 map.

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


Battle of the Maps

enters Starbucks in Google Maps, she finds local Starbucks to get the real deal (or if Tim Hortons is bidding, an ad for a competitively located Timmy’s coffee store). Both these use cases involve path to purchase. One is virtual, the other is proximal. Google hopes Map-based ads will follow the same digital success that Google has had with its search-based ads. Instead of auctioning AdWords at point-of-search, Google auctions ads at point-of-navigation.

Trends, Facts, Insights In the year of 2013, it has become a challenge to develop high-quality e-Content that stands out on the market: the competition is huge. Five high-ranking WSA experts speak about the chances and trends in the ever-growing business.

People do not use social media like they should. Chitranganie Mubarak, Senior Programme Head of ICTA Sri Lanka Broadband connection countrywide, e-content developed for very specific local needs and the appropriate handling of social media: Chitranganie Mubarak speaks about the latest developments in her countries e-content sector.

The next big thing in e-content Mobile is coming up really big in Sri Lanka. We have a mobile penetration rate of well over 100 percent, and there are a lot of initiatives promoting mobile phone apps now. New social media apps, means of accessing, government online services and e-commerce programs are getting developed all the time. You can buy smartphones for less than 100 Dollar in Sri Lanka nowadays

Content, designed for a Sri Lankan audience A lot of the mobile operators try to be the driver of innovation. They are actively searching for progressive e-content, and they engage a lot of people in developing it. Another big factor is the creation of content which is designed for the Sri Lankan audience only. No one else in the world speaks our language, so it is still hard to find content which is relevant for us and is not written in English. Developing this local e-content is important: it makes people feel comfort-


Trends, Facts, Insights winner_ e-Business & Commerce

able using something which they can relate to easily.

Open data: a true challenge We need to have more government services and open data online – this is what the people need. Especially the governmental institutions on a local level frequently ask for help in their IT work; it gives them a lot of prestige to be progressive in this point. This is a true challenge.

The many opportunities of social media People do not use social media like they should. It’s all about socializing, but there are so many more opportunities. You can use social media for marketing, business and commerce, especially in small time ventures. Like, bake your own cakes at home and promote them via social marketing. Besides that, what people still do not understand: do not tell people something via Facebook which you would not tell them in real life!

WSA friends share their views about high-quality e-Content of tomorrow

Christian Rupp, Spokesperson of the Federal Platform “Digital Austria” in the Austrian Federal Chancellery What are the most recent trends in e-content, where does the ­innovation come from, and what are the risks and opportunities of a digital society? Christian Rupp gives some insight.

Amazing innovations in e-Health

Small countries, big solutions

The e-Health sector is getting more and more important, and the innovations in this field are amazing. For example, with certain apps, you can hold your smartphone to a box of medication and you will get the information where, when and by whom this medication was produced, and much more. With products like this, e-health will dominate the industry in the next 10, maybe 15 years.

Nowadays, small countries find solutions for the whole world, like Estonia, where Skype was invented. In e-content, everyone can fulfill his creative idea from his home garage. But, it is the duty of the governments to identify ideas which have a high potential, and to promote them. And this is something which does not always work in developed countries like it should. The smaller and more centralized a country is, the easier the implementation gets. But, even if you live in a small country, you still need the will and the means to establish an innovative idea. The society needs the courage to change something in order to recognize what can be gained by innovative online solutions.

e-Government: a sector in its infancy Machine-to-machine communication is getting more important; for example in the automobile industry. E-Government is another important field; however, this sector is still in its infancy. We will have to see if e-Government products will be able to assert themselves on the market, since up till now, the big business players tend to not recognize eGovernment as a real opportunity. But, ever since we started to publicize certain data, the number of apps which use this data in one way or the other started to explode.

The demands of your target group If you think that you have a good idea, you always have to ask yourself: is this innovation of mine desired by a number of consumers, and if that is true, by whom and where? The Estonians, for example, do it right: There

are firms here that produce e-content for consumers in Tanzania because their product works exactly for the regional wishes and requests of these people. If you choose to do something like this, you have to inform yourself very well about the demands of your target group, and about the legislative situation in this specific regional area.

Huge potential in developing countries Since a lot of e-content is not yet implemented in developing countries, the potential in these regions is huge, and by that, also the creative potential. Still, the quality of econtent in the developed countries is usually very high, but nowadays, I can acquire these high quality standards in developing countries as well and be flexible. Also, in developing countries, startups often get better promoted than elsewhere. What we all have to learn is the ability to make mistakes: try something new, see if it works or if it doesn’t. If we don’t do that, we will be conservative and not creative.

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013 _2011


Trends, Facts, Insights

In e-content, everybody can implement his creative idea from his home garage.

WSA friends share their views about high-quality e-Content of tomorrow Young producers set the standards. Dorothy Gordon, Director General of the Ghana India Kofi A ­ nnan Center for Excellence in ICT A lot of opportunities, many challenges: Dorothy Gordon shares her views about the development of e-content in an emerging market.

Content for special local needs

Active communities

In Ghana, we see that adaption to global norms is more and more common when it comes to digital product design. On the other hand, more and more content gets developed for special local needs.

Young producers are on the cutting edge – they set the standards. It is the young people who have the ideas, not some old grey-headed guys. Young people have active communities across the continents. No problem for a young producer from Estonia to do some business with his friend over in Argentina!

Combinations of old and new media The digital divide is a critical issue in­ Ghana, when you think about the differences in bandwidth connection speed. This also affects the content gap. On the other hand, this reality results in some interesting combinations of old and new media, where for example Radio, TV and Apps work together to reach different market segments. This leads to the creation of some really innovative products.


Trends, Facts, Insights

The drive is coming from women The special task for us is to bring more women online with content that meets the women’s personal needs. And this has to be content which uses our first language, not English – the internet is still too western orientated. The women have to learn to not only use, but also to actively create content for their own needs. The drive is indeed coming

from women themselves, and a lot of genderrelated initiatives are on their way.

A rapidly moving field I am pretty impressed with the technological skills we have here in Ghana; our social marketing is very advanced. But our young producers have to learn how to talk to investors, to go where real business gets done. The ICT industry is a rapidly moving field. Building up a stable business in this field means that you have to acquire some commercial skills. Try to focus on the distinctive features of certain markets, understand your audience, and find a way to keep your business initiative sustainable.

WSA friends share their views about high-quality e-Content of tomorrow Emerging markets developing cool stuff: an important trend indeed.

Colloquial contextual relevance The secret of stars like Madonna and Lady Gaga is that they really know how to reach their audience. Take Lady Gaga, for example. She has more than 40 million followers on Twitter, which is massive. And she has these 40 million followers because she knows how to connect with her audience. Colloquial contextual relevance is the key. When Lady Gaga sings a song in the Estonian language, everybody in Estonia will start to like her; the people feel a link to her. You have to find a contextual relevance, like talking to your audience in their native language.

Connect with your audience Young ICT entrepreneurs can use this colloquial contextual relevance in exactly the same way: connect with your audience, create some entertainment input. For example, when you do a project in Ghana, get a prominent Ghanaian footballer to tell the people how to use this product. They will listen.

The role of the emerging markets An important trend indeed: emerging markets developing cool stuff. Did you know that mobile money was invented in Kenia? You could buy a Coke with your smartphone seven years ago there, now you can do it in the United States.

Everyone is a “Screenager” Multiscreen construction and implementation is one of the most important topics. Every single one of us is a “Acreenager”, we look at the screen of our mobiles 150 times a day, and we look at several screens at the same time. What do you do about multiscreen implementation, and how does that tie in with other areas? Important questions. Other trends are mobile money, mobile health, and mobile energy.

Cities as IT-incubators If you want to be creative, the local surroundings you live in are the first important factor. There are five things a city must have in order to become a major IT-incubator: people with software skills, large open spaces to work with, like empty fabrics or warehouses, low rents in these places, easy immigration for foreign IT-talents, and a strong electronic dance music scene and DJ culture. Electronic Dance Music is the pulse upon which incubation cities and innovation groups thrive... and get their musical and creative inspiration that helps them go on and create great software and coding. You need to have a community, and you need to get funding.. Do something which eases the daily life, but do it with a worldly view. The trend is to do something for free first. Believe me: if people like what you create, they will pay eventually. As they say: give the people a razor for free, but let them buy the blades.

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


Trends, Facts, Insights

Ralph Simon, CEO & Founder of Mobilium International “How many of you out there are Screenagers?” is a s­ entence Ralph Simon always poses to gatherings he speaks to around the world. When he explains just what “Screenagers” are and do, everyone in the room understands and “gets” the significance of this dynamic and fast-growing area of human social media interchange Now the CEO & Founder of Mobilium International and one of the creators of the mobile ringtone shares his knowledge.


W o r ld summit Y out H A wa r d Categories based on the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): Fight Poverty, Hunger and Disease! Create your Culture Education for All! Go Green! Power 2 Women! Pursue Truth!!/youthaward

participate !

4 ay 201 t M : n o s gu ati egistr ury: Mid-Autober R r o f l J Cal t: Oc ´ Even s r e n Win

WSA friends share their views about high-quality e-Content of tomorrow Self-education is the key. Manar Al Hashash, Secretary General of the Kuwait eAward

Promote cultural heritage What I noticed globally in the field of content development as well as in general is standardization. In the younger generation, everybody tends to dress the same, eat the same, and have the same habits. And this is quite sad, because if we lose the cultural differences, we lose everything. I think that something can be done against this trend by the means of locally relevant e-content which promotes local cultural heritage, ways of living and traditions.

The role of the smartphone The Kuwaitis are willing to give up everything before they will give up their smartphone! It’s amazing to see what the younger generation can do with a smartphone – and it is an opportunity to boost creativity.

Women in ICT We have more than 60 percent women in our graduation classes. But, after school a lot of

women decide to marry and have children early, and it is very difficult for them not to lose the connection when they try to come back to the ICT industry after a baby break. This industry is so fast moving; if you are gone for just a short time, there is always a new system, a new App to work with. And this is a problem which affects not only the women of Kuwait, but from everywhere. You will find societies all over the world where women are passive for one reason or another, and this has nothing to do with religion. In poorer countries, maybe they marry too soon, work too early in their lives and miss a proper education. If you don’t get education, you’ll lose your future.

Keep up with the business Self-education is the key in this situation. You have to keep up with the developments in the business. Empowering women means giving them access to knowledge and improve their wellbeing, and this is incredibly

easy with e-content. Take the example of a working mom who does not have any time to go back to school. She can gain knowledge with her smartphone, for example about some handcrafting. Now, if she uses her smartphone in order to also learn something about marketing, she can work on her products, put them online and sell them on the net while she is at home and takes care of her kids. By doing so, she will earn money which will provide her with a better lifestyle, and it will be easier for her to gain more knowledge and thereby expand her little business. Easy!

Be interactive Today, everything is about connecting and interactive content. You have to connect with others, and you have to be interactive. Everything that is not interactive will fail.

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


Trends, Facts, Insights

Manar Al Hashash speaks about the development of e-content in Kuwait, the boosting of the young gen­ erations creativity by smartphone and the sometimes ­difficult role of women in the digitalized world.

Participating UN Member States Nominations, Winners Category

Winners coming from

e-Government & Open Data Estonia

UN Member States

Germany Nigeria Saudi Arabia Sri Lanka China e-Health & Environment Ghana North America & Kuwait Oceania Portugal Switzerland e-Learning & Science Argentina Austria Egypt New Zealand Nigeria e-Entertainment & Games Finland Latin America & Iceland Carribean Italy Lithuania Norway e-Business & Commerce Estonia Ghana Mexico Winners/ UN Member States New Zealand South Africa Argentina 1 Austria 2 e-Culture & Tourism France Bangladesh 1 India Brazil 1 Serbia China 1 Egypt 2 Spain Estonia 2 Uganda Finland 2 Austria France 1 e-Media & Journalism Germany 1 Bangladesh Ghana 2 Brazil Iceland 1 Egypt India 1 Italy 1 Tunisia Kuwait 1 Finland e-Inclusion & Participation Lithuania 1 Romania Mexico 1 New Zealand 2 Saudi Arabia Nigeria 2 Slovakia Norway 1 United States Portugal 1 Romania 1 40 Winners out of Saudi Arabia 2 Serbia 1 Slovakia 1 South Africa 1 Spain 1 Sri Lanka 1 Switzerland 1 Tunisia 1 Uganda 1 United States 1 20 Participating UN Member States, Nominations, Winners


Participating UN Member States, Nominations, Winners


Asia Arab Countries & Middle East

Participating UN Member States



Regions Nominations Nominating UN Winners Member States Africa 54 13 6 Arab Countries and Middle East 80 14 6 Asia 70 14 4 Europe 173 34 18 Latin America and Carribean 55 12 3 North America and Oceania 29 5 3

461 91 40

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


e-Government & Open Data

Winners e - Government & Open Data

Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) and Integrated Border Management System (IBMS) Sri Lanka

GoSwift Estonia


Transparent Nigeria Nigeria

LobbyPlag Germany

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) and Integrated Border Management System (IBMS) | Sri Lanka Producer

W.A. Chulananda Perera, Controller General, Department of Immigration and Emigration


V. Manoharan, General Manager Head of Public Sector Informatics Holdings Ltd controller@immigration.


Jury Comment

The Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) and Integrated Border Management System (IBMS) is a web-based system providing 24/7 service, including speedy state of the art issuing of online visas or new passports. Produced by the Sri Lankan Department of Immigration and Emigration, the modular program manages the complete life cycle of border control, as well as of travel document issuance. As the only border management system in South Asia connected to the databases of Interpol, designed to track the online movement of internationally wanted persons using lost/stolen passports, IBS has increased the efficiency of visa authorities and streamlined the online application and issuance procedure. From a cumbersome process taking months, the Decentralized Travel Document module enables the issuing of passports through DI&E Branches in hours, island wide, thus facilitating those in rural areas seeking employment overseas. In addition to the many benefits, the data generated from these applications helps tourism entities to adapt the tourism strategy for visitors to Sri Lanka.

With the Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) and Integrated Border Management System (IBMS), the Department of Immigration and Emigration of Sri Lanka has further raised the level of safeguarding the borders of the country by implementing a state of the art solution to issue online visas and reducing the threat to national security.


winners_e-Government & Open Data

Producers Comment The ETA is an innovative approach to an existing problem. This innovation was required to facilitate short stay visa applications from every part of the world and for the authorities to have access to detailed passenger information. The system will enhance cross border mobility and thereby strengthen people to people contact as well as bilateral relationships with other governments.

GoSwift - online reservation system for border crossing Producer

GoSwift – elektrooniline piirijärjekorra haldamise süsteem | Estonia



Estonian Ministry of the Interior hannes.plinte@

e - Government & Open Data


Jury Comment

Crossing the Estonian border from Russia, an external EU border was once a time-consuming, unsure wrangle lasting days and resulting in bribery, illegal sale of spots in the queue, pollution, traffic safety issues and losses for freight carriers. Since implementation of the GoSwift project, shorter waiting times and the elimination of physical lineups have resulted in an end to the illegal sale of places in line, better security and less waste problems at the border. By allocating a specific time and date for the applicant to cross the border online, GoSwift has created minimum waiting, cleaner surroundings near border crossing points and considerably more movement of cars and trucks due to online efficiency. Using the GoSwift system, trucks and cars can now drive to the border just before the registered border crossing time. Drivers can wait at designated waiting areas where toilets, showers, dining areas, and free WIFI are available, proceeding as scheduled to cross the border easily and on time. As a Private Public Partnership project, the system saves Estonian transport companies four million Euros a year.

Once this system was implemented, waiting times became shorter, physical waiting lines ended to exist as well as illegal sale of places in the queue, garbage pollution, traffic safety issues and loss of profit for owners of the goods and carriers.

Producers Comment The GoSwift service is becoming an irreplaceable tool for road transport companies, border patrols, as well as customs. By now the system has evolved into an important component in the planning process in all countries that are using the service.

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


The Saudi National Portal - SAUDI Saudi Arabia



Faisal Ali AlMuteri


Jury Comment

The national e-Government portal Saudi is the central portal by which citizens, residents, businesses and visitors can access and utilize the e-Services offered by the Saudi Arabian government and government agencies. Saudi goes beyond classical national e-Services portals, featuring open data, e-Inclusion and e-Participation features accessed via Internet at any time and from anywhere. The e-Gov portal interface is visually appealing, while single-sign-on provides a reliable and convenient identification method. Users can browse the service catalogue and choose from among 1400 electronic services with different levels of sophistication – from informational to very complex transaction-based ones. In addition, Saudi is an important outlet for Saudi Arabian government news and events staged in various regions of the kingdom, also providing a directory of government agencies and links to Saudi regulations, laws, plans and initiatives. In line with the latest trends, Saudi is available through multiple channels, both desktop and mobile, complies with W3CAG standards, and is backed by a 24/7 call centre.

The service architecture is complex and well designed, like seen in the PKI and the e-Payment processor. The WSA jurors are happy to present this portal to the governments worldwide.


winners_e-Government & Open Data

Producers Comment This is the central Saudi Arabian government portal through which not only citizens, residents, businesses and visitors but also other government organizations can access e-Government services online. The users of this portal will also find updated information pertaining to e-Services and a directory of Government agencies and Saudi regulations and laws.

Transparent Nigeria

| Nigeria


Uchechi Iweala


Radoslav Georgiev uch@transparentnigeria. com

e - Government & Open Data

www.transparentnigeria. com


Jury Comment

Transparent Nigeria is a movement to hold the Nigerian government accountable for its actions. By publicizing the amount and use of Nigeria’s public funds, the Transparent Nigeria online database aims to change widespread corruption rampant in the country and to offer people an alternative to frustration. Using data from the Ministry of Finance, Transparent Nigeria addresses an audience of 150,000 and growing daily, bringing the generally known discrepancies to public awareness in a more structured way. Users may find out how public servants in federal and state governments are spending the public’s money; what infrastructural projects they have promised to build and how much these projects will cost; how many jobs are purported to be created. Transparent Nigeria also takes note of the compensation public servants receive and aims to hold government and business leaders to accountability, thus bringing about change towards a fairer and less corrupt country.

The jury noted and commends this initiative for helping the citizens of Nigeria and hopefully starting a change which will result in a country with less corruption and more equality for the people.

Producers Comment Being based on the web, we serve as a permanent and easily accessible record, unlike the transient publication of financial figures that may occur in daily newspapers. Transparent Nigeria brings more than just data and numbers. Our combination of news editorials allows our users to not only have access to information but also to understand from what lens they should view and interpret the data available.

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013



| Germany


Marco Maas


Sebastian Vollnhals marcomaas@gmail. com


Jury Comment

LobbyPlag is an example of successful e-governance, using a combination of open data and citizen initiative to track policymaking and lobbying in democratic governments, especially relevant in the context of European Union regulation proposals. A discovery and mapping tool to track lobbyists intervening with lawmakers, the platform uses a crowd sourced process, mapping change proposals made by lobbying groups to actual changes in the texts of upcoming legislation. At the same time, lawmakers are made aware of the consequences of changes. The site shows alert citizens how to use digital tools to hold elected policymakers to transparency and thereby to accountability. Site designers present materials in a visually appealing manner, juxtaposing lobby documents and policy texts in one screen and highlighting similar paragraphs for comparison. This project offers responsible citizen discovery via crowdsourcing as an antidote to the plague of special interest lobbying, by helping to avoid bad choices that might otherwise be permanently written into the law.

This site has already had a string of successes; for instance, a case of detected plagiarism led to the resignation of a minister of defence. LobbyPlag has received praise from international media, and the WSA jurors are pleased to add their stamp of approval and merit to this project.


winners_e-Government & Open Data

Producers Comment We think transparency in lawmaking is the best motivator for politicians and citizens alike to give their best - and we provide that transparency for this lawmaking process, and work on doing the same for other laws.

e-Health & Environment

Winners True-Kare Uepaa(!) Swiss Alpine Technology Switzerland

Mobile Technology for Community Health (MoTeCH) Ghana

Kuwait Official Environmental Portal Kuwait

I-MOVE to learn China

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


e - Health & Environment



| Portugal


Carlos Azevedo carlos.azevedo@


Jury Comment

True-Kare is an effective service to simplify the life of elderly people needing care, enabling a person or institution to provide remote care for another person. The service is based upon communication between two central interfaces: a self-care web portal accessed by the caregiver and a mobile phone designed for the care recipient built into an SOS Watch and a SOS Keychain. The service allows easy monitoring of key health indicators through a Blood Pressure/ Glucose Meter via a Bluetooth interface and provides support for daily activities, such as the taking of medication, as well as emergency assistance via GPS and geofencing. While telecare technologies are not uncommon in many European countries, most of these are based on commercial institutions with emergency call centres for elderly people at home or on GPS trackers. True-Kare offers distinctive advantages. All features are available both at home and outside. The device itself is both attractive and easy to use, enabling professional, as well as informal care. The service is integrated in the biggest telecare platforms in the EU and in France. True-Kare currently serves 800.000 elderly people in fourteen European Countries.

Today we live in a world where rising life expectancy and declining birth rates are leading to an aging population. This trend, initially seen in developed countries, is now evident in less economically ­developed countries as well. In fact it is said that in the entirety of recorded human history, the world has never seen as aged a population as that which currently exists globally. True-Kare is an effec-


winner_ e-Health & Environment

tive and efficient solution for providing care to this growing elderly population.

Producers Comment True-Kare is a true paradigm shift in the Telecare an d the Telehealth industry: the system uses attractive and discrete devices, provides full care everywhere (medication, health control, daily tasks, emergency), increases the quality standards to a new level, and enables a cooperative approach. It’s the new all in one solution to provide care.

Uepaa(!) Swiss Alpine Technology

| Switzerland


Mathias Haussmann


Franck Legendre Mathias.Haussmann@

e - Health & Environment


Jury Evaluation Report

Uepaa(!) is a mobile app that goes far beyond the boundaries of today’s network coverage, pioneering the next level of outdoor safety. Developed in close collaboration with REGA, Swisscom, Mammut and other partners, Uepaa(!) turns the smartphone of more than 25 million outdoor users into an alpine tracking, alerting and rescue device. Its key feature is based on a disruptive wireless phone to phone (mesh-) communication technology developed by ETH Zürich. Launched in summer 2013, the app has already proven its usage for outdoor sport-lovers, out-of-range hikers and travellers in remote locations and terrains, as well as for professionals needing to supply staff with a tracking and rescue capability, irrespective of sufficient or effective mobile coverage. The three key product values include: Accident detection, Comrade Aid and Remote Tracking. Uepaa(!) also allows your location to be automatically shared with other users within range, so that your position is relayed even in the remotest areas. By bringing individuals and groups, whether professionals or travellers in the field, their own 24/7 emergency line, Uepaa(!) sets the standard for future outdoor/alpine safety and rescue tracking.

The app is determining the future of outdoor and alpine safety and rescue tracking and has already won a number of awards for originality of technology and utility.

Producers Comment This event is an exciting opportunity for us to promote our revolutionary technology on a global stage, educating people about the new possibilities our integration of peer2peer technology into smartphones offers. Whilst the “mesh” technology is currently used mainly in alpine areas, it has the potential to be helpful in cases including (but not limited to) disaster relief, kidnapping, sexual abuse and building of infrastructure in remote areas. In any situation where time matters or any place where a network is not available, our technology will be used.

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


Mobile Technology for Community Health (MoTeCH) | Ghana


Ghana Health Service


Grameen Founda­tion - Ghana mabel.segbafah@


Jury Comment

The MoTeCH project uses mobile technology to improve maternal and child health in rural Ghana. The Mobile-Midwife application delivers vital health information and educational messages that are timed to the stages of pregnancy. Couples can access MoTeCH messages via SMS (text) or voice in the local dialect or in English. When a client misses a call, she can “flash” the system to request her messages at a convenient time. The Nurse Application simplifies patient registration and the collection of clinical information. The midwife enters client encounters on a simple mobile phone and electronically records the care given. This enables easy identification of both mothers and infants, and saves time in collating information for the generation of monthly reports, alerts and reminders. The Client Data Application enables rural health facility nurses to upload client data using “mforms” on their mobile phones. With over 30,000 women already benefitting, the messages continue through the first year of life to coordinate vaccination schedules and reinforce positive childcare practices.

Using the mobile in an easily understandable way, this application improves health, delivers important health information to the women in need in their local language and strengthens the general wellbeing of child and mother.


winner_ e-Health & Environment

Producers Comment Misconceptions and harmful practices exist in communities with very scarce resources to verify or debunk them, thus challenging full-scale provision and uptake of maternal and child health services. MoTeCH comes timely to the community health service delivery system by targeting pregnant and vulnerable women in poor rural households who have limited access or none at all to vital health information.


Mohammad AlAhmad

Kuwait Official Environmental Portal | Kuwait

Co-Producer Salah Mudhi AlMudhi

e - Health & Environment


Jury Evaluation Report is the environmental portal of the Kuwaiti Environment Public Authority (EPA). The web portal is a one-stop site for sharing reliable environmental information related to Kuwait, via two windows: the Environmental Explorer and the Knowledge Database. uses top of the line technology to present scientific information in a simple form for both Kuwaitis and non-Kuwaitis in Arabic and English. Contents include a wealth of information, such as geographic maps, GIS layers and data time series for various environmental parameters including: air and water quality, quality of marine water and sediments, biodiversity, wastes management, and many other parameters. has been designed for users of different ages at varying levels of sophistication, thus enhancing every user’s awareness of the environment. The portal invites visitors to participate by contributing to the knowledgebase through various online interactive tools and to become active in protecting the environment.

Environmental websites have sprouted up worldwide in the last years, but stands out in the use of knowledge crowdsourcing.

Producers Comment With the development and use of state of the art web-applications and GIS software and by sharing environmental information with the public in Kuwait in an understandable way, we raise the local ­people’s awareness for environmental issues.

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


I-MOVE to Learn

| China


Starwish Little Prince Studio


Heep Hong Society william@ hk/iMove/


Jury Comment

I-MOVE to Learn is a training game designed for children aged 4 to 12 with developmental disabilities causing motoric delay and coordination problems. Such children need intensive physiotherapy at special child care centres. Repetitive exercises are not only expensive, but are often resisted by young children as tedious and boring. I-MOVE to Learn tackles this problem in an innovative way using a game-based virtual reality multi-purpose motor training programme. With 5 minigames, each focusing on one of the five motor domains, ­I-MOVE to Learn motivates children to do exercises by playing interactive games. The Kinect for Windows sensor detects body movement. Players use their bodies as a control to move up to the next level. Colourful, attractive graphics and a point-scoring method keep the child engaged and motivated. I-MOVE to Learn is an aid for physiotherapists and can also be used by teachers and parents. Importantly, the training platform offers an assessment report for therapists, teachers and parents to track the child’s training progress.

Some children suffer from a delay in motor development and problems of motor clumsiness. They need intensive training and physical exercises which can be both expensive for the parents as they are boring for the child. I-Move to Learn has come up with a unique, playful solution to this problem.


winner_ e-Health & Environment

Producers Comment Based on research and interviews, the current training method for children with motor delay and coordination problems is boring. This project is aimed to provide an aid to physiotherapists and parents to enhance their children’s training. Besides the regular exercises in sport centers, children can use this game to increase their training time, no matter if they are at the school or at home. As the application is designed by a senior physiotherapist and a game development company, it can provide a standard training method to the teachers and parents, and children can have fun while doing the training.

e-Learning & Science

Winners Science Learning Hub New Zealand

e - Learning & Science

Ludwig Austria

Opon Imo – Tablet of Knowledge Nigeria

Aula365 Argentina

PresentationTube Egypt

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


Science Learning Hub

| New Zealand


The University of Waikato


Jury Comment

Science Learning Hub promotes student engagement in science by providing contemporary, contextualised multimedia resources for school teachers from grades 2–10. The website links science research organisations and science teachers, fulfilling an identified need in science education. Although originally designed for New Zealand, Science Learning Hub is useful elsewhere as an excellent scientific reference demonstrating the relevance of scientific research to everyday life. The portal presents New Zealand’s cutting-edge science sector, providing an engaging view of scientific research. Science Learning Hub includes many featured collections such as classroom-ready resources, multimedia collections, teaching strategies and starter ideas, plus shot-on-location videos, interactive content and subject matter-based timelines. The portal also demonstrates how the New Zealand science and innovation sector contributes to global science.

The smooth design and the richness and high quality of content, covering a wide range of scientific areas, are behind the success of this wonderful educative portal.


winner_ e-Learning & Science

Producers Comment What sets Science Learning Hub apart from other education sites is the relationship with the people leading New Zealand’s science research. The Hub explains and showcases New Zealand’s cutting-edge science sector, providing teachers and their students with a contemporary and engaging view of our science research, supporting identified needs in science education.


| Austria


Jochen Kranzer


Joerg Hofstaetter

e - Learning & Science


Jury Comment

Ludwig is a new type of learning game which not only conveys knowledge about renewable energy, but is also really fun! Aimed at children eleven years and up, the game seamlessly integrates learning content into more than eight hours of stimulating gameplay arching over four unique environments. The storyline involves the departure of humankind from Earth and life in space colonies. Ludwig, a research robot from a faraway civilisation and his spaceship are looking for forms of new energy. After an accidental crash damages Ludwig´s spaceship badly enough for him to lose control of it and crash land on planet Earth, it´s a race against time to get his spaceship going again. Solving the puzzles in the game, children effortlessly discover physical phenomena and the laws of physics related to combustion, water power, wind and solar energy. They also gain a detailed understanding of energy production and renewable energy sources. Ludwig was developed with physics teachers, pupils and educators, and comes along with a set of didactical materials for work in class. As a result of playing the game, children end up developing real interest and an impressive concept map of knowledge.

Ludwig is a serious game which has been designed to be fun to play. The learning content (based on the curriculum and developed together with physic didactics, teachers and students) is integrated into the gameplay. By playing the game, the child constantly stays engaged with the embedded content while solving the games puzzles and challenges.

Producers Comment Ludwig is a new type of learning game that conveys knowledge on physics and renewable energies in a uniquely fun and dynamic way.

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


Opon Imo – Tablet of Knowledge

| Nigeria


Ogbeni Rauf Adesoji Aregbesola, Governor of The State of Osun


Kabiru Aregbesola samuelo@


Jury Comment

As part of its strategic mandate to meet the educational needs of students, the government of Osun State in Nigeria commissioned a technology-based learning system. The Opon Imo software has been installed on a total of 150,000 android tablets distributed to all the pupils of senior secondary schools in the state. Opon Imo Technology Enhanced Learning Systems (OTELS) is a stand-alone system consisting of a compelling self-paced series of off-line courses, conducted in a highly interactive computer- based learning environment and synchronized to a library of relevant e-books and a testing section. The tablets are robust enough for the rugged weather and harsh conditions of remote areas in Nigeria. What makes the project and the use of tablets attractive is archival access to exam questions of the last ten years prepared for senior secondary students in all three grades. Making the search for physical text books obsolete, the tablet is enriched with multimedia content including video, images, text and referential material and test questions for practice.

Easy to use, durable even under harsh conditions, rich in multimedia content: this tablet could change the way Nigerian students do their daily learning.


winner_ e-Learning & Science

Producers Comment Opon Imo is a modified form of a Computer Programmed Instruction (CPI)-self produced content designed for the Nigerian secondary education system that includes 40.000 past exit exam questions for practice. The system contains 54 e-textbooks in various subject areas. It provides an e-learning environment that can travel with students outside of the classroom, and 17 video tutorials to choose from. Opon Imo was made available free of charge to senior secondary school students in the State of Osun, and it is the first standalone learning tablet in Africa.


| Argentina


Pablo Aristizabal, CEO and founder of Aula365

e - Learning & Education



Jury Comment

Aula365 is the biggest educational network in Ibero-America, with more than 3 million children, parents and teachers collaborating and learning. It offers multimedia and interactive support for school and home. With more than 4000 educational resources created by specialists in each subject, Aula365 is a tool that helps children of all grades with their homework. Aula365 offers the biggest library of educational content, produced specifically for each subject of the school curricula. Through a series of multimedia and interactive content, and with its own pedagogical model, Aula365 bring parents and children together in an innovative, fun teaching-learning process. It is a platform where children can apply critical and creative thinking, fostering cooperative intelligence in a safe environment.

Here is education for the future in a user-friendly design with secure content including movies and many other multimedia tools.

Producers Comment We try to make a transformation in the way we all learn and develop an environment where learning becomes a celebration of knowledge: with kids participating, watching videos in class and interacting. Learning in the digital age implies promoting the participation of children. We want to make a commitment with the learning system, and encourage every teacher in the world to participate in this new way of teaching.

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013



| Egypt


Dr. Alaa Sadik alaasadik@


Jury Comment

PresentationTube is an innovative free platform for the production and sharing of value added presentations for teachers, students, and business professionals. The platform offers a free video presentation recorder for Windows and an online network to help teachers and learners in Egypt produce, upload and share quality digital video content in a new and effective way. The recording application is easyto-use and allows the user to synchronize a variety of visual aids, including his/her audio and video footage, PowerPoint slides, handwritten texts, drawings, and web content into a single presentation video. The network integrates many interactive features, such as comments and slide-thumbnail, allowing learners to interact with the teacher and with each other, and to control both the time and progress of video presentation. Video presentations can be used in various on-campus and off-campus e-learning settings to provide more realistic support to learners and to increase engagement. Video content is accessible via the Internet using any operating system, standard browser, or mobile device. Implemented early in 2012, PresentationTube now has more than 10,000 visitors a day, 5,000 subscribers, and 500 video presentations on a variety of topics.

An outstanding product: this interactive, innovative platform is easy to use, multifunctional and serviceable in a lot of different situations.


winner_ e-Learning & Science

Producers Comment PresentationTube is the only network that integrates the power of classroom slides and online video streaming technology. It allows teachers to improve learning by providing new means for video presentations and interaction with the students in e-learning environments. It offers both the production tool and the community to produce and share digital video content.

e-Entertainment & Games

Winners interactive dance / INaxyz e - Entertainment & Games


Aqua Lingua: See what you hear Lithuania

Kinetic Stories Finland

Making View Norway

EVE Online Iceland

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


interactive dance / INaxyz

| Italy


dance company ariella vidach aiep Ariella Vidach Claudio Prati Federico Lupica Paolo Solcia

Mi Co-Producer

ST Micro足electronics Laura Vanzago Andrea Labombarda chi-siamo


Jury Comment

Making music through movement on an interactive digital platform, interactive dance / INaxyz heralds the creation of a new dance form where the power and grace of the human body translates into innovative musical composition. The simplicity of the electronic devices, equivalent to five sensors, opens up the possibility of creating solo, as well as highly interactive works, whether by professional or amateur choreographers. The product takes communication between dancers to a new level as they respond to each other through both sound and movement. The possibility of assigning different tones and levels of intensity to different dancers is the exciting dimension that introduces new levels of compositional control. It will be exciting to see how the various traditions of dance incorporate these new technologies into their repertoire and so extend their reach to new audiences. For the younger generation, interactive dance / INaxyz helps enchant kids with dance and build their skill levels beyond interactive video gaming dance applications.

interactive dance / INaxyz present a unique and completely new way of promoting dance skills in an amazingly interactive manner.


winner_ e-Entertainment & Games

Producers Comment interactive dance / INaxyz is a unique system that allows interactive dancing in a very simple and original way. It is a revolutionary tool that inverts the traditional relationship between dance and music: the music follows the choreography and not the opposite as regular. interactive dance / INaxyz creates sounds sourcing directly from the movement of the dancer(s) in real-time. It is a high performance tool since it tracks 5 accelerometers simultaneously in a very reliable way, with no bugs, very rare crashes and a lot of flexibility.

Aqua Lingua: See what you hear | Aqua Lingua: Matyk ką girdi Producer


Ruta Mickiene


Virginijus Mickus

e - Entertainment & Games


Jury Comment

The Aqua Lingua website makes it possible to create unique personal water pictures using the human voice or other sounds. Guided by the motto “See What You Hear”, Aqua Lingua makes words, music and other sounds visible. The water surface is stirred by individual audio inputs using a novel patented technology which converts durable sound into a single image. Audio waves are transformed into water waves and captured photographically. Amazing photos revealing the invisible beauty and harmony of sound are turned into artwork and sent to the client along with a certificate of authenticity. The picture contains a QR code that enables listeners to hear the original sound at any time. Every visualization is unique – as unique as the human voice, its timbre, intonation, sense and the meaning of words. Aqua Lingua provides an unusual opportunity to see what is invisible, to create an exceptional award, to generate a personal gift for a loved one or to capture a cherished moment.

This product is outstanding in its original way of connecting art, ­science and entertainment, and because it provides new forms of expressing our love and respect to the people around us – by giving them a part of ourselves.

Producers Comment The connection of science, art and entertainment provides a new form of expressing our love and respect to people around us. ­Whether it is official meetings, friends birthdays or family occasions, Aqua Lingua artworks remain a long lasting and meaningful phenomenon perpetuating important moments and dear memories.

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


Kinetic Stories

| Finland


Julius Tuomisto Delicode Ltd


Mari Huhtanen julius.tuomisto@ www.kineticstories. com/


Jury Comment

Today with the advent of countless screen-based games, many young children lose interest in conventional stories told in conventional ways. Kinetic Stories is a series of storybooks that combine traditional storytelling with the latest developments in motion tracking and speech recognition technology. Through this unique combination, a Kinetic Story allows any child – or playful adult – to literally step into the role of their favourite storybook character, becoming an active part of the storytelling experience. For a child, storytelling involves doing what comes most naturally – telling a story through their own movements and voice. While doing so, the child de­velops their mental and physical capabilities. A key aspect in the concept of K ­ inetic Stories is the continuation of the story beyond the digital realm in the printed book. Thus the printed book continues to play a role in the story telling, so that the child is also inspired to read in the traditional sense.

Kids love a good story - and actually, so do adults. A unique feature of Kinetic Stories is that interactive content can be updated and hidden content can be uncovered by showing certain pages of the printed book to the sensor device at key points in the story.


winner_ e-Entertainment & Games

Producers Comment Even though Kinetic Stories is foremost about entertainment, it is bound to offer elements that could be seen as supportive of the child’s physical and mental development. For example, the interaction could include singing, dancing, saying hello, jumping or even just sitting down. Similarly the child could be asked simple questions like ”Who is this?” or ”Which one of these is a hedgehog?”, to which the child could either answer by speech or by pointing out the right answer from the screen.

Making View – 360° video – Like being there!

| Norway


Making View AS

e - Entertainment & Games


Jury Comment

Since starting in a garage in 2005, Making View has grown to offer the market a unique combination of interactive services making it possible for customers to reach new and extensive audiences in innovative ways. With the Sky360Cam system, stunning vistas or superb real time experiences of Formula 1 racing can be shot at high speeds, creating quality interactive presentations with a more direct experience of impressive panoramic views that can easily reach massive online distribution. This interactive and responsive technology opens up new possibilities for countries to showcase unknown tourist sites, for teachers to make geography, biology, physics and so many other subjects exciting for their students and for advertisers to simply wow potential clients. With applications in virtually every sector of human endeavour, the interactive 360 degree possibilities are especially of interest to filmmakers for all kinds of formats, documentaries, commercial productions, and education videos. Making View is a full service company, doing everything from planning and building custom camera systems, to shooting, post production, viewer creation, hosting and much more.

The View360Cam system Making View combines all the experience of the Sky360Cam with in-depth knowledge of moving images, shooting high quality 360 videos in situations previously unreachable by similar systems due to its light weight and completely self-contained system. This best of breed technology allows filmmakers to enhance the user experience to a degree that was simply unimaginable up till now.

Producers Comment Our project has the attention of the whole world at the moment. We are positioned as the best in the industry, we provide Webby Award winning tech, and we work with top world brands.

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


EVE Online from CCP Games Reykjavik, Iceland



CCP Games


Jury Comment

EVE Online from CCP Games is a spectacular and captivating gaming experience where hundreds of thousands of players compete within the same virtual cosmic universe for riches, power, glory and adventure. In EVE Online, players can create and live out their most virtuous or sinister dreams, piloting star ships through a futuristic galaxy featuring a sophisticated, player-run economy and solar systems rife with treasures to be discovered. With professions ranging from commodities trader to mercenary, industrial entrepreneur to pirate, mining engineer to fleet commander and more, EVE Online players have access to a diverse array of tools and interfaces to forge their own exhilarating path. EVE Online players can also interact within EVE Online Gate, a Web-based portal for the EVE Online community to connect, organize and communicate outside the game itself.

EVE Online is a great player-driven virtual galaxy with astonishing graphics and sound effects. It is truly not just a game - it’ s a most ambitious work of science fiction and amazing gaming worlds. Like in real life, it takes time to learn. Fascination guaranteed for years.


winner_ e-Entertainment & Games

Producers Comment We live in the age of social networks empowered by the Internet, where individuals can engage wide audiences sustained by manyto-­many relationships between people. These interactions may be ­facilitated by technology, but the experiences carried by them are real. This is the premise that drives our Company’s vision for EVE Online. We build worlds and enable human interactions. We attract people who seek meaningful, compelling experiences: those that will persist in their own memory, and in the minds of those with whom the experience was shared in the game. We use persistent world technology to create new social networks and build them in a virtual context. EVE Online is changing the world by providing a mirror reality that empowers individuals by removing all barriers to ego, selfexpression, collaboration, and outreach.

e-Business & Commerce

Winners Springleap e - Business & Commerce

South Africa

TransferWise Estonia

Ponoko – Your Personal Factory New Zealand

Conekta Mexico

Infoline Ghana

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013



| South Africa


Eran Eyal


Eric Edelstein


Jury Comment

Springleap is an internet facility for crowdsourcing in design, opening new paths in the acquisition of design assets. It is a social marketing platform for brands and agencies wishing to source powerful designs and to engage brand fans in the design process. Companies request a new design and advertising campaigns. Given the structure of the Springleap process, creative solutions for any project are cheaper, faster and better than traditional means, while offering rewards to its global design community and a powerful social marketing mechanism. Springleap organises the process and sends out projects to thousands of creatives to solve any given task and offers consumer testing opportunities for campaigns. Global brands use Springleap’s unique social media marketing campaigns to empower creatives and to engage brand fans. Springleap has rewarded creatives with over $300,000 in the last year and placed them in magazines, on websites and TV across the world.

Springleap has discovered a niche market for companies requesting design products and designers. In its business model, companies pay for the organisation of the contests, but also for merchandising design products. Springleap has demonstrated its ability to produce in the massive social media market, opening up new means via internet, while possibly upsetting the existing structure of design acquisition, sales and merchandising.


winner_ e-Business & Commerce

Producers Comment Springleap focuses on the intersection where premium creative crowdsourcing meets brand fan engagement. Our unique technology allows us to take partners who are usually separated by the digital divide and combine their spaces together into one cohesive network with Springleap as the hub.


| Estonia


Taavet Hinrikus


Kristo Kaarmann

e - Business & Commerce


Jury Comment

TransferWise is a disruptive revolutionary solution allowing users to transfer money across different currencies without being charged exorbitant fees, as is currently the case with existing bank transfers. Using peer-to-peer technology that cuts out traditional banking altogether, TransferWise allows regular people to access the real, mid-market exchange rate, paying only a tiny, fully transparent service charge. The system is easy to use and simple, yet powerful. TransferWise has resolved the ‘trust’ issue by obtaining certification from the FSA. The use of local accounts makes it convenient for u ­ sers to deposit their local currencies. Customers can also send money ­directly from their debit card without having to visit their internet bank, making the transfer almost instant. The growing adoption of TransferWise impacts the way that banks make profits on international currency exchanges. TransferWise hopes to upend the entire sector, in the same way as Skype transformed the making of international phone calls.

TransferWise is a true demonstration of the Internet’s potential to empower individuals. The Jury believes that TransferWise will spark a digital revolution in the financial services industry.

Producers Comment In contrast to the banks, TransferWise wants international money transfer to be as cheap and transparent as possible. Rather than asking “how much can we charge?” we want to ask “how little can we charge and still be able to build a global sustainable business?”. The fees the business does charge are laid out clearly from the outset never hidden within an exchange rate. We hope this will fully transform the way in which people pursue international money transfers.

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


Ponoko - Your Personal Factory

| New Zealand


Derek Elley / Ponoko


Jury Comment

The Ponoko mission is to help product designers be successful, by making it ten times faster and cheaper to make and sell products online. Designers upload designs to their online Personal Factory and select curated materials to instantly verify, price and order prototypes and custom products. Products can then be placed in the marketplace for sale. With no minimum order size, no sales person to haggle with and no one to interfere, Personal Factory reduces costs and speeds the process of turning designs into products and into a business. ­Prior to the development of Ponoko – Your Personal Factory, designers had to almost beg manufacturers and retailers to support their market entry and growth efforts. Now, Ponoko – Your Personal Factory makes it easy for designers to both make and sell their product ideas by guaranteeing direct online access to both manufacturing, with no minimum order required, and to consumers, with no retailer. With a major change in the way new products are brought to market, Ponoko – Your Personal Factory has unleashed the world’s product design creativity and commerce. To date, Ponoko – Your Personal Factory designers have made and sold over 280,000 unique products.

The WSA jury found Ponoko – Your Personal Factory to be an original solution enabling designers and product makers to manufacture prototypes and new products in a highly accessible and pragmatic way.


winner_ e-Business & Commerce

Producers Comment Ponoko helps product designers become superstars. We make it easy for designers to both create and sell their pro­ ducts online, 10 times faster and cheaper than with the traditional ­methods. This invention is a major change in the way new products are brought to market, pushing the world’s product design creativity like never before.


| Mexico


Christina Randall Conekta

e - Business & Commerce


Jury Comment

Conekta is a platform that allows businesses in Mexico to process online payments using both online and offline methods. With Conekta’s technology, any business can start a transaction in minutes, revolutionizing the way payments are made in Latin America. Using tools which automate the payment process and are more efficient than currently used methods, Conekta provides accessible channels to the majority of the market in countries like Mexico, including offline channels that were previously disregarded by dominant payment systems such as Brantree or Paypal. The solution is also very simple: the store owner can integrate Conekta into his or her e-Commerce store with only 3 lines of code, the customer can print a bar code and go to one of 10,000 stores to pay. With Conekta, customers create the payment experience they need, handling the entire transaction process from security issues to recurring payments themselves. Conekta is designed for any kind of transaction, whether charging for a service, selling physical products, taking donations, making e-Commerce offers, or enabling marketplaces for third parties. The solution is accessible to any size of business and provides professional tools to customers regardless of the transaction volume.

Given the small number of e-Commerce transactions in Mexico, ­omnipresent fraud and the general problem of “trust”, the jury found this platform to be an excellent tool to overcome the e-Commerce gap. There are many e-payment processors and tools on the market, but Conekta addresses the problem for Mexicans in a very intelligent manner. The jury recommends this solution as a good example of a problem-solving, practical and convenient payment solution.

Producers Comment Conekta is building a new online payment system that provides ­ erchants and marketplaces with an easy way to start accepting m payments on a website. It is a full stack solution and is designed to be simple to integrate and frictionless in terms of getting started. Conekta works very transparent, is low priced and provides fraud detection as a core component.

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013



| Ghana


Edward Amartey-Tagoe

Co-Producer Anne Amuzu our-services.html


Jury Comment

Infoline is a mobile and Web service which connects consumers and businesses in emerging markets in Ghana. Despite low Internet penetration in Africa and low-end types of mobile phones available on the continent, Infoline provides mobile users the option to send messages to businesses and receive responses from businesses through a private channel, just as their counterparts in Internet-rich regions would send e-mails or use social media. The product also offers its users the convenience of obtaining relevant business information about products and services via SMS, similarly to how consumers in technologically advanced countries would use a search engines to search the Web. Through data analytics, the Infoline platform is able to generate reports that improve understanding of market trends, consumer preferences and hence quality of business decisions. The platform is also used by civil society in fighting corruption, thus indirectly enhancing the business environment as well.

By circumventing the limitations posed by lack of Internet access, Infoline provides a practical alternative in Africa for consumers who are in search of information and for businesses interested in interacting with their customers.


winner_ e-Business & Commerce

Producers Comment There are other tools in other parts of the world which connect 足businesses and consumers by leveraging SMS and mobile. But this our service which provides an analytical and graphical interphase for the businesses to understand the messages at a glance makes I足nfoline unique.

e-Culture & Tourism

Winners Portal for Southeast European Culture Serbia

e - Culture & Tourism

Gorilla Highlands Uganda India

Verkami, creative crowdfunding Spain


WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013

53 Portal for Southeast European Culture  Serbia


Vesna Milosavljevic

Co-Producer Miroljub Marjanovic


Jury Comment is a portal for south-eastern European culture, established in Belgrade in 2003 as a developmental and educational documentary presentation online platform for culture and art in Serbia and the region. Its aim is to inform, present and incite development of an open cultural and artistic scene, as well as to help cultural institutions, artists and artistic organizations to present their creative work, and to participate more actively on the regional, European and world scene. encourages the exchange of ideas, the development of critical standpoints and the overcoming of stereotypes. Besides daily news about events, cultural policies, open calls, debates and various projects, portal has an Events Calendar, Photo Galleries, Artists’ Gallery, Blog, as well as profile presentations of artists and cultural institutions, providing myriad opportunities for the creation and distribution of content on the most popular social n ­ etworks. also enables users to become interactive via comments, content-sharing, and individual blogs. The fact that is often republished by various print/electronic and online media across the region is the best indicator of its high quality.

The portal brings a refreshing change within the context of nationalistic Serbian narratives which have been instrumentalized by state-supported cultural and art institutions. widens the public space for other voices in culture and art, while boosting critical discussion, too. Bearing in mind the aspirations of countries in the region to join the European Union and the need to enter a common cultural space exemplifying European values of tolerance, participation, intercultural dialogue and inclusion, is an


winner_ e-Culture & Tourism

initiative of singular importance.

Producers Comment The portal is unique because of its comprehensiveness and its regional approach to culture and art. This is reflected not only in diversity of content, but also in a regional view on events and developments in the fields of culture and art.

Gorilla Highlands

| Uganda


Miha Logar Studio Edirisa

Co-Producer Ian Cantwell

e - Culture & Tourism

www.gorillahighlands. com


Jury Comment

Gorilla Highlands is an interactive electronic book about south-western Uganda developed by Studio Edirisa using Apple’s free iBooks Author software and offering more than mere tourist attractions. The landscape and people’s traditional knowledge and heritage are presented through text, videos, an extensive audio phrasebook in two local languages, interactive illustrations, photo galleries and maps. Unique in its comprehensiveness, the material collected has become an essential reference source for the Ugandan public. For the visitor, the book provides unparalleled and regularly updated travel information that opens up seldom visited places. The ebook is part of a Studio Edirisa initiative that aims at an economic and cultural transformation of south-western Uganda through cultural tourism, multimedia products, branding and promotion. Gorilla Highlands is the work of grassroots-level expert volunteers all around the world and a small dedicated local Ugandan team with limited resources. The publisher, Studio Edirisa, a multimedia social enterprise, believes that Ugandans have to appreciate their own culture and history for the country to truly prosper.

Stunning, colourful, localised, a visual feast, interactive, in-depth, are some of the ways to describe the Gorilla Highlands iPad magazine or dedicated book that lets the world know about the cultural and rich habitat of a region of Uganda. Gorilla Highlands is a perfect example of e-Content and creativity in the framework of WSIS, encouraging digital inclusion and connecting global audiences to local content.

Producers Comment Gorilla Highlands is about tourism-based economic development and cultural self-respect. It proudly celebrates what Ugandans often neglect or even despise: their roots and traditions. The project has collected a treasure trove of cultural and historical data and gives special attention to cultural/community tourism. It provides unparalleled information that is regularly updated and gives the tourism industry an opportunity to showcase their services free of charge. G ­ orilla Highlands is superior to other travel guide books due to its focus, detail and the knowledge that comes from Ugandans, Uganda-based expats and expert volunteers from around the world. The in-depth companion is the most comprehensive description ever ­written about the area. WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


| India


Himjyoti Talukdar


Auditya Ranjan Dutta


Jury Comment is a pioneer – the first online monthly bilingual magazine from Assam state in northeast India and extending its reach by being mobile-enabled. Assam is famous for tea and cultural diversity, but suffers from conflict and underdevelopment. showcases the cultural richness of Assam and includes local music, cinema, literature, wildlife and tourism, as well as e-novels. Young readers will appreciate the children’s section. There are participatory components as well, with sections such as Photographer of the Month. Some content is also translated into English for international readers and previous monthly editions of the magazine are archived. In keeping with the times, there are also links to videos and sound clips of Assamese songs. In less than three years, the site has drawn an estimated 250,000 readers monthly. promotes diverse use of the Internet as a medium for both historical content (e.g. chronologies), as well as participatory content (e.g. user-generated photographs). gives a digital home to the local Assamese language, while offering useful resources for visitors to the state from other parts of India and the world at large.

The Jurors regard as a model of cultural preservation and real enjoyment, including scholarly contributions and contemporary content – an example to be emulated by other cultural groups.


winner_ e-Culture & Tourism

Producers Comment is unique in the world of web in various ways, such as being the first online bilingual magazine from Assam and the first website to publish the Burhi Aair Sadhu (famous folktale from Lakshminath Bezbaruah) in an online version. Also, is the website with the biggest database of Assamese books, music & films, and also introduces an e-library concept for Assamese copyright free books.


Verkami, creative crowdfunding

| Spain


Jonàs Sala

e - Culture & Tourism


Jury Comment

Verkami is the leading crowdfunding platform in Spain and Europe for cultural and creative projects, a unique ecosystem where artists can get in touch with their public, build their audience and fund projects. In two and a half years since going on-line, more than 1300 projects have seen the light of day, with contributions from 160,000 cultural consumers amounting to more than € 6.2 million. Verkami has sustained a 70% success rate: three out of four projects raise the funds they are looking for, thanks to the combination of a powerful online tool and a unique approach curating each and every one of the projects submitted. This represents the highest rate of success for platforms of this kind in the world, as witnessed by the live stats available on the site. Verkami’s commitment and good practices have made Barcelona the world’s capital for cultural crowdfunding.

Already the most successful arts and culture crowd-funding platform in Spain, we believe that Verkami could be a very viable model around the world which could help to expand the creative industries and promote artistic expression.

Producers Comment Verkami is not only a very powerful tool to fund art and creativity, it is also an environment where the arts can flourish: We offer our advice to all artists so that they can successfully fund their works and at the same time build audiences around their creations.

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013



| France


Art Graphique Et Patrimoine


Conseil General De Seine Maritime com/fr/app/jumieges-3d/ id556799877?mt=8


Jury Comment

JUMIEGES 3D is a brand new way of visiting the Jumièges Abbey in Normandy, France. Today, the nicest ruin in France, as Victor Hugo once described it, is open to the public, but it is quite difficult to imagine its original greatness and the impressive size of a site where 1,000 monks resided, before its destruction during the French revolution. The app takes visitors back in time to show how beautiful Jumièges Abbey once was. The JUMIEGES 3D experience proposes a spectacular new way of visiting the ruins: by superimposing the Abbey as it was in five different periods of construction, thanks to augmented reality and the iPad, JUMIEGES 3D lets users meander through the ages. With mobile augmented reality, whether one is actually walking about at the site or visiting virtually thanks to a free app available on both mobiles and tablets, JUMIEGES 3D whisks the visitor into the glorious past of the Abbey from the 9th to the 18th Century, on four different points of interest. The third reconstitution is linked to more classical audio and video cultural content. This application has been downloaded thousands of time since 2012 and enjoys unprecedented success.

JUMIEGES 3D is a great application that allows people to see the J­ umièges Abbey in a way never seen before. It is an inspiration to all those who love to combine history with technology, seeing historic sites that are now in ruins in the days of their might and glory, and hearing stories that inspired the adventurers who built such monumental sites.


winner_ e-Culture & Tourism

Producers Comment JUMIEGES 3D is a pilot application that shows new cutting edge ­ resentations of architectural heritage to the public. It gives the p ­opportunity to see, in real time and in 3D, the Abbey as it was in 5 periods of time, superimposed on the real site. Cultural content ­associated helps the visitor understand the site and its history.

e-Media & Journalism

Winners WHATCHADO Austria

e - Media & Journalism

Rural Visual Journalism Network (RVJN) Bangladesh Observatory of parliament member’s actions Tunisia

Teckler Brazil Egypt

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013



| Austria


Ali Mahlodji


Kambis Kohansal-Vajargah


Jury Comment

WHATCHADO combines storytelling, a handbook and short films on real-life job descriptions developed by young people for young people. WHATCHADO was initiated by former classmates in Vienna, Austria, more than twenty long-time friends originating from thirteen different countries, who love to probe people about their lives. Motivated by the personal experience of great misery when stuck in a career that does not match one’s passions, WHATCHADO was created to deliver career information that matters. Many young people or career changers do not know where to begin when entering the work world for the first time or looking for new options. This is where WHATCHADO helps: in brief interviews, interested users get an insider view of the individual careers of various people from sales clerk to federal president. WHATCHADO not only explains what training you need to exercise the given job, but also what the disadvantages of such a profession may be. As an online multilingual job fair and a growing archive organized by business journalists in video format, WHATCHADO offers many advantages to companies as well. WHATCHADO was appointed European Youth Ambassador for life in 2013, giving users a real chance to find their calling.

This guide filled with life stories deals with the problems of the w­orking world in a unique way. WHATCHADO’s authentic format can be easily accessed online, making it especially attractive to young people


winner_ e-Media & Journalism

Producers Comment is the Internet is almost everywhere and social media has become the state-of-the-art communication, we believe that career orientation needs to adapt to Generation Y: it needs to be digital. Our solution is WHATCHADO, the internet video portal. At WHATCHADO, we offer useful information and insights to the job market through a standardized format of short films on real-life job descriptions. Our approach is visual and interactive, something that attracts younger people. The concept: seven standardized questions regardless of age, gender or position in combination with short video clips and a new match­ making tool.

Rural Visual Journalism Network (RVJN)

| Bangladesh


Drik Picture Library Limited

e - Media & Journalism issue/index/multimedia


Jury Comment

The Rural Visual Journalism Network, RVJN, is an innovative initiative from the Drik Picture Library Ltd. in Bangladesh which trains local correspondents to use Apple i-Pod touch technology in the production of multimedia stories from rural Bangladesh. The main goal of RVJN is to create a network of rural visual journalists who are professional photographers, NGO workers and citizen journalists trained and equipped to produce multimedia stories on governance, human rights and other related issues. The correspondents’ multimedia stories focus on addressing specific problems faced by media and rural citizens of Bangladesh. Women reporters have shown that they have a unique way of telling their stories to the world and RVJN nurtures this capacity. RVJN stories are unfiltered views on the issues that matter. To date, the programmer has trained over forty rural journalists from twenty-five districts, with over four hundred stories produced and over two hundred of these stories published on and Bangla rights ( websites.

This unusual venture promises to provide a new perspective on a number of topics which concern the people of rural Bangladesh with the help of up-to-date multimedia technology.

Producers Comment The use of the state of-the-art iPod Touch to create multimedia stories not only introduces new technology to rural communities but also provides an innovative way for socially active multimedia engagement in Bangladesh.

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


Observatory of parliament member’s actions MARSAD | Tunisia


Amira Yahyaoui Al-Bawsala amira.yahyaoui@


Jury Comment

Developed by a twenty-seven year old female NGO activist from Tunisia, MARSAD is the first of its kind – an observatory providing open data to inform citizens about how their representatives are performing in parliament. In an innovative and attractive manner, MARSAD reports on the presence of Tunisia’s members of parliament, their discussions, voting record, actions, resolutions, electronic media coverage and the feedback they receive from people. Drafts of legislation, budgets, laws and debates and parliamentary resolutions are made available free of charge via a powerful search engine (Web Radar), including high resolution dynamic graphics and charts. Thanks to MARSAD, citizens, political parties and special interest groups can easily access open data and evaluate the people’s representatives, as well as follow up with advocacy for voting trends or support, or enter into direct exchanges with MPs. MARSAD delivers high quality content using ICT to promote political journalism and serve democracy in Tunisia.

Given the fragile situation in Tunisia, where democracy is only tentatively beginning to emerge, MARSAD is a showcase of e-Media best practices for governance and the enabling of transparency.


winner_ e-Media & Journalism

Producers Comment We provide responsible political reporting and by that serve democracy and answer to citizens’ concerns.


| Brazil


Claudio Gandelman

Co-Producer Ana Araujo


e - Media & Journalism


Jury Comment

Teckler is about Web 3.0 and bridging the gap between independent bloggers and advertisers. Teckler is a new media portal that permits traditional media and independent bloggers alike to get exposure and to monetize their presence on the internet more efficiently. Teckler enables bloggers to earn revenue for the content they create in text, audio, photo and video. It is the first Internet company created by a Brazilian, launched simultaneously in 164 countries in thirteen languages. Teckler offers individuals a platform to migrate the content they produce and publish on their blogs into a massive new media channel. Teckler remunerates them with seventy per cent of the profits gained from advertisers, who invest a bigger and bigger chunk of their marketing budgets into the growing e-Content market. Thanks to a global partnership with PayPal, Teckler remunerates its content creators after thirty-five days of the “teckler´s” (user’s) first “teck” (posting).

In the current reality of social media and content overload, Teckler is a distinctive example of how Web 3.0 can personalize content for a better user experience.

Producers Comment Teckler is a new way to share knowledge, get recognition and earn money. We are present all over the world, working on the creation of the easiest method to make and consume content.

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


| Egypt


Samy Magdy, Senior web Editor


Hussein Hindawi, Technical Lead Mohamed.ElGohary@


Jury Comment is Egypt’s favourite horizontal portal, providing a wide array of content and services, with a special focus on political news coverage. is the Web’s one-stop address for Egyptians surfing the Internet by providing news, a video channel, content for women, Islamic advice services, sports content, classifieds ads and services for the SME market, while integrating all current social media tools that enable information sharing and sending of feedback. is a pioneer in tailoring services that enrich the lives of Egyptians, for example: it was the first to provide students with results of the Thanaweya Amma standardized secondary school test, to present the “Egypt Talks” interview series after the revolution, with experts’ advice on politics and society, and the first to carry the exclusive online stream of Obama’s historical speech at Cairo University. acts as a societal watchdog in Egypt.

Very well designed and encompassing highly rich content, photos, ­video and a dedicated channel for user-generated input, is an excellent example of a very popular and comprehensive portal and a best practice to be recommended to other countries.


winner_ e-Media & Journalism

Producers Comment Our portal is not limited to news. It rather can be described as the single most important hub for the Egyptian Internet user as it serves his daily needs by providing classifieds, games, space where users can convey their ideas and opinions, and many other services.

e-Inclusion & Empowerment

Winners Blindsquare e - Inclusion & Empowerment


TamHub Saudi Arabia


eContent for children with special needs Romania

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013



| Finland


Ilkka Pirttimmaa ilkka.pirttimaa@


Jury Comment

BlindSquare is an augmented reality GPS application for the blind and visually impaired. It builds on information about the surrounding environment obtained from the social media service Foursquare and also from Open Street Maps and transformed into an augmented reality GPS application for the blind. BlindSquare’s algorithms determine which information is most relevant and present it in voice form, using high quality speech synthesis. Apple iOS provides VoiceOver support, which enables blind people to use smart phones as long as they carry the phone in their hands all the time. However, with the use of a text-to-speech engine, BlindSquare enables speech access even if the phone is in a handbag or pocket. People with vision can also use Foursquare to assist others if needed. Most importantly, however, BlindSquare enables blind people to travel independently without help from others.

BlindSquare stands out in the use of GPS, speech technology, open data, as well as user-friendliness. The use of crowdsourced information opens new opportunities for applications in e-Inclusion and Empowerment.


winner_ e-Inclusion & Empowerment

Producers Comment Let our users comments speak for themselves: “I have been a long time user so this is not a toy for me, but a continuing new kind of freedom and independence. For the first time in 64 years, I can navigate and know where I am without help from others.” “I am at a water park, and your app told me where all of the attractions are located. Amazing! Keep up the good work.” “Just wanted to praise this wonderful tool. It has considerably increased my independence. “


| Saudi Arabia

Producer Abdullah Alyousef


Emad Daghreri

e - Inclusion & Empowerment


Jury Comment

TamHub is an initiative to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship in the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia, spurring young people to acquire knowledge in various scientific fields. The TamHub platform creates and manages online contests for social entrepreneurs to solve strategic challenges. Using the platform to reach entrepreneurs, assist them in developing an ecosystem of appropriate partners and involve them in contests, TamHub also provides participants with tips to clarify and master their ideas and projects. TamHub draws in the public to engage with entrepreneurs and to express their opinions about the most liked projects. Contests are defined by experts, financed by private sectors, supported by government honorary sponsorship, coached by business incubators, promoted by media figures and solved by social entrepreneurs. As a neutral facilitator, TamHub guides the interaction and collaboration between different stakeholders to create a synergetic value that benefits all of society.

The originality and effectiveness of the TamHub concept is evidenced by the number of followers, visitors and successful projects. It is worth noting that such competitions and portals are key motivators for building entrepreneurship among Arab youth and for promoting a knowledge economy in the entire Arab region.

Producers Comment TamHub is the first neutral Arabic platform that enables actions and interactions around strategic causes. It is the hub and reference of strategic opportunities for social entrepreneurs and facilitates the transformation of values and benefits within societies.

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


New Urban Mechanics of Boston & Philadelphia



Office of Mayor Thomas M. Menino, Boston


Office of Michael A. Nutter, Philadelphia chris.osgood@ http://


Jury Comment

New Urban Mechanics (NUM) is a multi-city civic innovation incubator and R&D network dedicated to improving the lives of city residents. NUM fulfils two key functions: 1. to serve as a front door for civic innovators, both inside and outside of government, who are trying to connect with local government to deliver innovative solutions to local challenges, and 2. to work as a risk aggregator by creating a safe place for government officials and their community collaborators to experiment. Each of the cities in the New Urban Mechanics Network develops a pipeline of projects that address issues relevant to their city. In Boston, the focus has been on civic engagement, while in 足Philadelphia, the focus has been on supporting civic entrepreneurs and sharing ideas. An outreach section appeals to activists interested in opening a new office in their own city.

The NUM movement takes citizen participation into the field of innovation and city services. It creates cutting-edge, peer-produced ventures bringing together diverse groups of people who improve the way cities work. This is an effective and sustainable example of civic innovation, reinventing public-private partnership for small scale projects and humane living.


winner_ e-Inclusion & Empowerment

Producers Comment New Urban Mechanics is one of the first sustainable approaches to innovation for local governments. It them and civic innovators to work together to take and manage risks in which the payoff is new, such as innovative programs, products and services for city residents. | Slovakia


Miroslav Drobný miroslav.drobny@

e - Inclusion & Empowerment


Jury Comment

Internet addiction and Internet abuse is a growing concern in many countries. The project (Sheeplive in English) was initiated by the civic association eSlovensko to create a prevention tool and to propagate safer Internet, mobile phone and new technologies usage. targets the most vulnerable, namely, children and young people. For younger children, is implemented with prevention in mind, for youth, wittily sets a mirror to inappropriate behaviour on the Internet, while adult audiences are given the opportunity to learn. The project has two parts: a cartoon series and an Internet portal. Audio commentary for the visually-impaired and sign language for hearing-impaired children strengthen e-­Inclusion, while both Web presence, and private and public TV programs reinforce key messages. The design is user-friendly and accessible on alternative display devices, building relationships via social media. An independent survey shows: “Almost every nine year-old in Slovakia (92%) knows the cartoon series“. A key effect: children can easily recognize messages from the stories and recall and use them in critical situations. is available in twenty-four languages.

The Jury believes is an extremely meaningful project, with high interactivity and social media components making it attractive to target audiences, above all, to children. The site has been visited by 5.5 million people, a demonstration of its wide acceptance and proof of its influence on the safe use of the Internet.

Producers Comment The project aims to provide all the essential information for children, teachers, parents, crime preventers and public in general about the risks the internet and new mobile technologies bring and advises them how to face and prevent them.

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


eContent for children with special needs Sprijinirea sistemului educaĹŁional special prin portal elearning dedicat | Romania


SIVECO Romania SA alexandru.popa@ http://scolispeciale. default.aspx


Jury Comment

The project eContent for children with special needs was initiated by the Ministry of National Education in Romania and designed to serve 14,000 students from 140 schools with special education needs. The integrated solution implemented by SIVECO is based on cuttingedge technologies and is adaptable, flexible and cost-effective, offering a broad range of multimedia interactive content and taking psychological, attitudinal, motivational and experiential needs into account. eContent for children with special needs is designed to help children with special needs to observe, discover, prove, verify and measure the results of different experiments and simulations, based on real life situations. The portal comprises a virtual laboratory allowing simulations, experiments, video-clips, animations, all meant to stimulate the children’s natural curiosity and to engage them in a pleasant learning experience, providing guidance and permanent feedback. Some ­children need to learn at their own pace can repeat presented materials any number of times. A core of 3,000 teachers has been trained to use this material. The outcome of the e-Learning project is 250 lessons, including 1,500 learning objects on topics such as speech, language, maths, science, geography and history.

The Jury commends the eContent for children with special needs for design metaphors such as digital avatars and the overall comprehensive e-Content Digital Library for Special Education compiled on the site. The project won a European Software Excellence Award in 2012 and the WSA jury is proud to add its stamp of endorsement.


winner_ e-Inclusion & Empowerment

Producers Comment Our project offers a web-based educational solution based on latest technology, easy software updates, easy integration with the local, regional and national network, and transparent educational processes. It motivates teachers and students, promotes the interactivity and attractiveness of the classes, improves the scholar results, increases the graduation rates and offers access to a wide range of information. As a result, children with special educational needs are empowered to find a role within the society, to have better job perspectives and to develop their skills and abilities in order to shape their future.

WSA Grand Jury 2013

The result of 3 long days of hard work: The evaluation and announcation of 40 World Summit Award Winners in 8 categories.


WSA Grand Jury 2013

The Grand Jury of the World Summit Award, situated in Tallinn/Estonia this year, had a hard task before them when they started to verify the contestants of the WSA 2013. 100 participating countries delivered 461 amazing e-content products out of which 40 winners were announced. This year’s winning products range from innovative learning games to systems which make border crossings much

easier, from easy-to-use and nice looking presentation tools to progressive e-Health solutions which help to make the lives of people in remote rural areas easier and safer. Indeed, the World Summit Award Grand Jury Event, where 17 ICT-professionals found the best of the best e-content products, proofed once again all the richness and diversity of the digitalized world of tomorrow.

WSA Grand Jury 2013


Estonia August 28-31, 2013

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


WSA Grand Jury Members


Prof. Peter A. Bruck Chairman World Summit Award Prof. Peter A. Bruck is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the World Summit Award and Honorary President of the International Center for New Media. He launched the World Summit Award (WSA), the World Summit Youth Award

(WSYA) and the World Summit Award Mobile (WSA-mobile). The WSA was set up as a follow-up to the UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and supports specifically the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) through the use of ICTs. Christian Rupp Spokesperson | Federal Platform Digital Austria, Federal Chancellery Austria Before his activities in the Austrian Federal Chancellery Mr. Rupp was nearly ten years long the eBusiness representative of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber. Beyond that he was Vice-Director Communication and Marketing, Director of the eCenter, Adviser for International Technology- and Know-How-Transfer in the Austrian Federal Chamber Organization.

Austria Witman Hung President | iProA



WSA Grand Jury 2013

Originated from Shanghai, Witman earned a BA (Honours) from the University of Bolton and a MBA from the University of Hull. He is the co-founder and Executive Vice President of Next Horizon Ltd., a company that provides back office process outsourcing to global companies. He is the Vice President of the Internet Professional Association and the Chairman of its e-inclusion committee. He is also a member of the Audit Committee of the Council of Lingnan University.



Mihkel Tikk Head of Department | Estonian Information System’s Authority

Dorothy Gordon DG | Ghana India Kofi Annan Center for Excellence in ICT

Osama Manzar Founder and CEO | Digital Empowerment Foundation

For the past 6 years Mihkel has been designing business processes and eservices in Estonian government. He is the Head of Estonian State Portal, which has been acknowledged by the European Commission as the best State Portal in Europe. Mihkel is also advising the United Kingdom Cabinet Office IT Reform Group on their new IT-strategy and renewal of eservices. He is also active in the area of cyber security, being one of the founders of the Estonian Cyber Defense League. Last but not least, Mihkel has a few years of experience working with technology startups.

D. Gordon is the first Director-General of Ghana’s first Advanced Information Technology Institute (AITI), the Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT. She is a specialist in international development with over 20 years experience working throughout Africa, the US, Europe and Asia in Executive and Consulting positions. Her work includes support to the drafting of key policy documents and providing systems design and implementation support to the launch of Ghana’s first Community Information Centers. She also supports training and research initiatives in India and Africa.

In 2003, O. Manzar launched India’s first award for best e-content practices in India and South Asia. He is the Chairman of the Manthan Award for Best e-Content for Development. He has been a part of the Professional Social Entrepreneurship Program by Social-Impact International. Osama has worked at Computerworld, Hindustan Times and started the software company 4Cplus. He is a physics graduate and post graduate in Journalism. Osama is member of the WSA Board of Directors.

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


WSA Grand Jury 2013


WSA Grand Jury Members




Anne Shongwe Founder and CEO | Afroes

Manar Alhashash Secretary General | Kuwait eAward

Nibal Idlebi Chief of ICT Applications Section | UN-ESCWA

Anne Githuku-Shongwe is a ­Social Entrepreneur and Innovator, a long-term Policy Development Professional and the Founder of Afroes, whose core business is creating niche digital education solutions for Corporates and Governments designed to revolutionize learning in the African market. Anne is an experienced Public Service Innovator and provides strategic advisory services focused on entrepreneurial and social innovation, strategy and development policy to Governments and high-value development agencies working across Africa.

Manar Al-Hashash is the Founder and General Manager of Dot Design, a software development company. In 2004, Ms Al-Hashash launched and managed a local e-Content contest, the Ghiras Electro Contest 2004, which was aimed at youths in Kuwait (14-22 yrs old). Ms Al-Hashash is in charge of and presents the weekly IT programme Compunet World on the Kuwait Satellite Channel in Arabic and an IT programme on KTV2 in English called Zero Ones. She also writes a weekly IT column for the Al-Watan newspaper.

FDr. Nibal Idlebi is the chief of the ICT Applications Section at ESCWA working on issues related to the ICT policies and strategies, enabling environment for the Information Society, the development of ICT applications, e-Services and Digital Arabic Content. Ms. Idlebi was Jury member of various e-Content and e-government Awards in the Arab region. Previous to her work with ESCWA, Dr. Idlebi was Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Communications and Technology (MCT) in Syria for two years, and ICT professor at the Higher Institute of Applied Science & Technology (HIAST) in Damascus for more than 8 years.

Anya Sverdlov Managing Director | ACTIS Wunderman

Anya Sverdlov is the Managing Director of Actis Wunderman, Russia’s top digital agency, member of the Wunderman network and part of the WPP family. Prior to joining the Actis team, Ms. Sverdlov’s professional experience included three years on



WSA Grand Jury 2013

Wall Street at Kemper Securities, Inc. and more than three years in strategy management consulting with A.T. Kearney (working in the US, Russia, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Sweden and Denmark).

Ieva Žilionienė Director | Information Society Development Committee under the Ministry of Transport and Communications Ms. Žilionienė graduated from ­Vilnius University and holds a Master Degree in Sociology with a focus on online communication. She gained working experience in different fields, such as editor for the e-magazine “Sociumas” and after that, as the Head of Information Infrastructure Planning Division at the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Lithuania. Since 2011, she has been working as a Deputy Director for the Information Society Development Committee under the Ministry of Transport and Communications.


MACEDONIA Marta Tomovska Deputy Minister | Ministry of Information Society and Administration

Jak Boumans Secretary General | EADiM

Marta A. Tomovska serves as a Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Information ­ Society and Administration of the Republic of Macedonia. She was elected by the Parliament and joined the Macedonian Government in August 2011, upon the invitation from the Prime Minister. She served 10 years as a CEO of the first Internet Service Provider in the country, Unet, as well as 4 years as a Sales and Marketing Executive in one of the leading local IT companies, Ultra. Mrs. Tomovska leaded the implementation of several significant projects for Macedonian ICT sector. Mrs. Tomovska is member of the Internet Society and Macedonian ICT ­Chamber.

Mr. Boumans has been an evaluator, reviewer and rapporteur with the EC. He is General Secretary of the European Academy of Digital Media (EADiM), a network organisation of EUROPRIX jurors and nominees with 125 members in 28 European countries. EADiM has recently founded the Instructors’ Network, a network for multimedia instructors in Europe with 90 members in 20 countries. He is author of several books and many articles for national and international trade magazines. Presently he is editor of the Content Market Monitor monthly newsletter (

Mustafa Khan Director | Center of excellence for Research and Development Yesser

Mr. Khan is an Advisor at the Saudi e-Government Program (Yesser) – Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. Previously, he was the Director of Information Technology at the E ­lectricity

& Co-Generation Regulatory Authority (ECRA), Associate Research Analyst at King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center (KFSH&RC) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.


WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


WSA Grand Jury 2013


WSA Grand Jury Members

SERBIA Jasna Matić Special Advisor for Competitveness and Knowledge Economy | Ministry of Finance and Economy Jasna Matić has held several prominent positions in Serbian national politics and is one of the Commissioners of the UN Broadband Commission for Digital development. Most recently Ms. Matić served as the Minister of Telecommunications and Information Society, 2008-2011 and as the State Secretary for Digital Agenda, 2011-2012, in the Government of Serbia.



Madanmohan Rao Chief Researcher | Mobile Monday

Chitranganie Mubarak Senior Programme Head | ICTA Sri Lanka

Madan has been Communications Director at the United Nations Inter Press Service bureau in New York, and Vice President at IndiaWorld Communications in Bombay. He is currently the Director of the InfoComm Observatory at the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore. Furthermore he has edited books such as: “The Asia Pacific Internet Handbook”, “The Knowledge Management Chronicles”, “AfricaDotEdu”, “Transforming e-Knowledge” and “Asia Unplugged”. His articles have appeared in, The Economic Times, Electronic Markets magazine, Economic and Political Weekly, and the Bangkok Post.

With over 20 years’ experience in formulating and implementing national programmes for export development and promotion, Chitranganie has spear-headed key export oriented initiatives besides coordinating donor-funded programmes of the EDB. She is presently Programme Head at the ICT Agency of Sri Lanka, the apex body respon­ sible for ICT policy and direction in Sri Lanka and the implementing organization for the e-Sri Lanka Initiative. Her main focus is the e-Society Programme which seeks to ensure that the dividends of ICT reach all sections of society.

Ralph Simon CEO & Founder | Mobilium International



WSA Grand Jury 2013

Ralph Simon is regarded as one of the founders of the modern mobile entertainment industry. Over the last decade he has been a global trailblazer and innovator, growing the global mobile entertainment & content industry, and playing a central role in its development, significance and presence world-wide. He has been dubbed the ‘father of the ring tone’, as he and his team created and developed the first commercial ring tones. He consults e.g. mobile operators, media & film companies, etc. on how to create and grow mobile revenues, impact and content on mobile devices and smart phones.

WSA Grand Jury 2013 WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013















































WSA Grand Jury 2013

WSA 2013 Online Jury Members 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

Mohamed Azizi Bagrat Yengibaryan Molly Reynolds Christian Rupp Nawaf Abdulrahman Tore Haugland George Sharkov Ashley Brookes Witman Hung Carlos Watson Boudouin Schombe Ahmed Yahia Poncelet Ileleji Rainer Babiel Dorothy Gordon

Program Director of Afghanistan Information Management Services (AIMS) | Afghanistan Director of Enterprise Incubator Foundation | Armenia Film Producer | Australia Federal Executive Secretary for e-Government, Austrian Federal Chancellery | Austria President Bahrain Internet Society | Bahrain CEO Ouvi | Brazil Director ESI Center Bulgaria | Bulgaria Senior Brand & Content Manager at HootSuite | Canada President Internet Professional Association | China Founder and President of ISOC Costa Rica Chapter International Foundation | Costa Rica Coordonnateur - Centre Africain d´Echange Culturel (CAFEC) | DR Congo Head of ICT Industry Capacity Building Sector | Egypt President of Information Technology Association of the Gambia | Gambia CEO of Babiel GmbH | Germany DG Advanced Information Technology Institute – | Ghana

Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT

Maria Zaghi Osama Manzar Ehssan Riazi Niall Austin Alfredo Ronchi Elena Chigibaeva Gabriel Deek Ieva Zilione

Operations Director of Ergocom | Guatemala

WSA 2013 Online Jury Members

1 2

Founder and Director, Digital Empowerment Foundation | India IT Consultant of Hamsafar eSolutions | Iran CEO of OmniMotion Entertainment and Techology Ireland | Ireland General Secretary of MEDICI Framework | Italy Department Manager Marketing - AgroLead | Kyrgysztan President Professional Computer Association (PCA) | Lebanon Deputy Director for the Information Society Development Committee | Lithuania

under the Ministry of Transport and Communications

Rudy Laddaga Lopez Ana Chirita Maggy Beukess Jak Boumans Jan Bieringa Emmanuel Amos Kristian Bruaroy Juan Urrazza Josephine Cacdac Anya Sverdlov Madanmohan Rao Andreu Vea Chitranganie Mubarak Noureldien Noureldien Adolf Dörig Faouzi Zaghbib Suleman Bakhsh Ralph Simon Darius Bagdziunas Kel Smith Silumesii Abel Maboshe

Founder uTours | Mexico Executive Director at National Association of Private ICT Companies | Moldova Head of Department - University of Namibia | Namibia Managing Director of Electronic Media Reporting | Netherlands Director of BMX Production | New Zealand Founder of Programos Software Limited | Nigeria Interactive Producer and Project Manager - TV 2 | Norway Senior Analyst of product development Nucleo S.A. | Paraguay Vice President for Academic Affairs in TRACE College in Los Banos | Philippines Managing Director, Actis Systems | Russian Federation Mobile Monday, Chief Researcher | Singapore (Who is Who in the Internet World) | Spain Senior Programme Head | ICTA Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka Dean, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology | Sudan Founder and Managing Partner of Doerig + Partner Ltd | Switzerland General Manager of R2i | Tunisia Senior ICT Analyst, Technology Development Affairs, TRA | UAE CEO & Founder: Mobilium International | UK Head of international operations | UK Chief Innovation Officer of Health Ed Group | USA Founder Pencil Case Studios | Zambia

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


eSwabhimani 2012/13

National Best e-Content Award – Sri Lanka

Category: e-Business & Commerce e-TENDERS, produced by: e-Tenders |

WESERVE, produced by: Channelcert Solutions |

JETWINGECO, produced by: Jetwing Eco Holidays and Four Corners Lanka (Pvt) Ltd |

Category: e-Culture & Heritage SRI LANKA ARCHAEOLOGY, produced by: Anuradha Piyadasa, Chandima Ambanwala |

HELA JANA GEE, produced by: Sri Nimal Padmakumara |

I LIKE JAFFNA, produced by: Yugawendra.K |

Category: e-Learning & Education CANDELA SCIENCE e-TEXTBOOK, produced by: Candela Learning Technologies (Pvt) Ltd |

LEARN ENGLISH WITH THE BRITISH COUNCIL, produced by: The British Council and zMessenger (Pvt) Ltd |

Category: e-Science and Technology Forensic Facial Reconstruction, produced by: Department of Forensic MedicineUniversity of Sri Jayewardenepura

Field Artillery Simulation System (FASS), produced by UCSC |

Lead Identification in drug designing, produced by: Upul Senanayake, Rahal Prebuddha & Rohan Ragel


WSA in Sri Lanka

Category: e-Government and Institutions ELECTRONIC TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION ONLINE VISA, produced by: Department Of Immigration & Emigration, Mobitel (Pvt) Ltd, Informatics International Ltd and ICTA |

INTEGRATED BORDER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (IBMS), produced by: Department of Immigration & Emigration, Informatics International Ltd |

Category: e-Health and Environment Treatment planning for supracondylar fracture in humerus, produced by: Faiz MMT Marikar

Category: e-Inclusion and Participation Trilingual Dilum Brail Converter, produced by: Jinasena Training and Rehabilitation Trust |

eSwabhimani 2012/13

Trilingual Speaking Dictionary, produced by Sala Enterprises |

Category: e-Entertainment and Games Chameleon, produced by iPhonik [Pvt] Ltd |

STAGEYOU.TV, produced by: Deepamala Abeysekera |

EAT ‘EM ALL, produced by: Photon Fission |

Category: m-Content BHASHA HELAKURU, produced by: Bhasha Lanka (Pvt) Ltd |

SLT Rainbox Pages Mobile Application, produced by: SLT Publications (Pvt) Ltd |

Learn more:

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


WSA in Sri lanka:

WSA Global Congress 2013 The World´s Best in e-Content and Creativity 2013 Young People using ICTs to take action on the MDGs Conference, Exhibition, Gala Colombo, Sri Lanka, Oct 23-26 2013


WSA in Sri Lanka

WSA in Sri Lanka GLOBAL CONFERENCE | Kingsbury Hotel Colombo Local Content with Global Relevance The WSA Global Congress is dedicated to innovation and the creative use of ICTs. The conference highlights that sustainable ­ ­development has to be driven by the creative use of quality content. Creativity is neither bound to being rich in terms of material goods, nor to infrastructure or existing networks. It is a “natural resource” of the human mind and it exists everywhere in the world. Bridging the digital divide is therefore also a matter of content. International and local speakers present the latest trends in e-Content and the WSA Winners 2013 showcase their awarded ­ ­solutions.

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


Keynote Speakers 2013 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Mohammed Ali AlQaed, CEO eGovernment Authority Bahrain, Bahrain Ogbeni Rauf Adesoji Aregbesola, Governor of the State of Osun | Nigeria Todd Ashton, President Ericsson Malaysia and Sri Lanka | Malaysia/Sri Lanka Mohan Belani, director e27 Startup Incubator Conferences | Singapore Ashutosh Chadha, Head – Corporate Affairs South Asia, INTEL South Asia Gregor Cholewa, CTO KnowledgeFox | Austria Reshan Dewapura, CEO ICTA | Sri Lanka Effat El Shooky, Technical Director, Women Business Development Center | Egypt Niki Ernst, TEDx Ambassador and CEO Planetsisa | Austria Dorothy Gordon, DG Ghana India Kofi Annan Center for Excellence in ICT | Ghana Witman Hung, President Internet Professional Association, Hong Kong | China Felix Lee, Institute of Digital Media Innovation, NUS | Singapore Osama Manzar, Founder & CEO Digital Empowerment Foundation | India Jasna Matic, Special Advisor for Competitveness & Knowledge Economy, Min. of Finance & Economy | Serbia Adam Montandon, Specialist Consultant for Creative Businesses | UK/Denmark Govindan Nair, President, Hemispheres Solutions LLC & Adjunct Prof., George Washington Univ. | USA/Australia Rita O’Sullivan, Country Director, Asian Development Bank | Sri Lanka Tiit Paananen, Entrepreneur, Investor and Former GM of Skype Estonia | Estonia Milind Pathak, Global Head of New Business, One97 | India Sheila Pimentel, President, Humanitare Institute | Brazil Elizabeth Quat, Legislative Council Member Hong Kong | China Madan Rao, Chief Researcher Mobile Monday | India Gary Schwartz, CEO Impact mobile | Canada Mano Sekaram, CEO & Co-Founder 99XTechnology | Sri Lanka George Sharkov, Director, ESI Center Eastern Europe | Bulgaria David Shelters, Financial Advisor, Author, Blogger | USA/Thailand Ralph Simon, CEO Mobilium International | UK Vishnu Swaminathan, India Director / Representative, Ashoka - Innovators for the Public | India Mihkel Tikk, Head of Department, Estonian Information System’s Authority | Estonia Badr Ward, CEO Ertica | Saudi Arabia Janine Warner, Creator Digital Family | USA Ruvan Weerasinghe, Senior Lecturer, University of Colombo, School of Computing | Sri Lanka Lalith Weeratunga, Secretary to His Excellency Mahinda Rajapaksa the President of Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka Hans Wijesuriya, Group CEO Dialog Axiata PLC | Sri Lanka Prof. P.W. Epasinghe, Chairman ICTA | Sri Lanka Imran Vilcassim, Country Manager Microsoft Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka Suren Pinto, Founder and CEO Wavenet Group | Sri Lanka Kanchana Thudugala, Programme Head – eServices, Re-engineering Gov. Programme ICTA | Sri Lanka

WSA Winners Exhibition_Conference


Opening Inauguration with H.E. President Mahinda Rajapaks at Presidential Secretariat Galadinner and Award Ceremony at Mount Lavinia Beach Interactive Workshops and Discussions Mobile Content Conference Visionary Keynotes, Interactive Discussions Casestudies from globally successful entrepreneurs


• • • • • •



GALA The gala celebration will be the highlight of the entire WSA and Youthaward year 2013. It is a unique ceremony to honor excellent e-Content and innovative applications from young social entrepreneurs. During the gala, the 40 winning teams from both awards from all over the world will receive their awards, handed over to them by high level international dignities. Moreover, the 8 World Summit Award Global Champions 2013 will be announced at the gala evening and will receive special recognition for their outstanding applications.

EXHIBITION The Winners Exhibition is a truly outstanding experience for everyone interested in ­e-Content and the creative use of ICTs. Explore and discover the industry’s latest trends and innovations, from e-Learning to ­e-Health and from e-Entertainment to e-Inclusion. Don´t miss to meet the Y ­ outhaward ­Winners 2013 at their booth to learn more about social entrepreneurship and activism from all over the world.


WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


WSA in Sri Lamka

Celebrating richness and diversity in e-Content and Social Entrepreneurship October 26th, Mount Lavinia Beach

WSA Eminent Experts Global Network


WSA Eminent Experts Global Network

169 C ount r ies

WSA Eminent Experts Global Network

Mr. Azizi


Company | PositionInCompany


Mohammad Afghanistan Information Management Services (AIMS) | Program Director Mr. Mezini Dritan DM Consulting Services | Senior ICT Consultant Mr. Saad-Laib Mohamed DIDACTICA, Higher School of Management and Information Technologies, Project Manager Mr. Font Joan Government of Andorra, Head of the Audiovisuals & Comunications Department Mr. Simon Nelson Networking Systems Solutions | EO Mr. Cassino Jorge Alberto SOLS TECHNOLOGIES |President Ms. Cavalli Olga Government of Argentina |Advisor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Yengibaryan Bagrat Enterprise Incubator Foundation | Director Ms. Molly Reynolds Australian Interactive Media Industry Association Victoria |President Ms. Cora Spear The Playroom |Digital Media Director Mr. Rupp Christian Federal Chancellery of Austria | Spokesperson Federal Platform Digital Austria Mr. Hajiyev Nariman UNDP “National E-Governance Network Initiative Project” |National Project Manager Ms. Balthazar Tricia CANTO| Service Development Manager Mr. Abdulrahman Nawaf Internet Society Bahrain | President Mr. Raihan Ananya D.Net- Development through Access to Network Resources | Executive Director Mr. Corbin James Mediahouse Ltd | Executive Vice President Mr. Enin Sergey NGO “Information Society” |Executive Director Mr. Vansnick Rudi Internet Society Belgium |President Ms. Balthazar Tricia CANTO | Service Development Manager Mr. Aplogan Hermann Afrique Emergence | Founder and President Mr. Pradhan Mani Digital Shangri-La | Managing Director Mr. Cuellar Wilson Viceministery of Telecomunications | Country Gateway Bolivia Coordinator Mr. Mulabegovic Zlatan Algebra BiH | Director Mr. Torquato Cid Mr. Haugland Tore OUVI HQ | CEO Ms. Diltlhogo Agang The Clicking Foundation | CoFounder Mr. Sharkov George ESI Center Bulgaria | Director Mr. Ouedraogo Sylvestre Yam Pukri | Executive Director Mr. Nkurunziza Jean Paul Burundi Youth Training Centre (BYTC) | General Secretary Ms. Chim Manavy Open Institute | Executive Director Mr. Nsoga John AfricaCom International Group | Chairman & CEO Ms. Serrano Ana CFC Media Lab | Director Mr. Stein Luis Virtual 21 SA | CEO Mr. Hung Alex Crossover International Co. Ltd. | CEO Mr. Roldan Piedrahita Alfredo Jose PARQUESOFT Colombia | Director network Colombia and L.A. PARQUESOFT Mr. Attoumani Karim Comores Telecom (ex-SNPT) | Directeur de l’Informatique et des Nouvelles Technologies Mr. Carlos Watson Gobierno Digital Mr. Tay Kudzo Coopération Conseil International | hargé de programme, CCI - LSDA Mr. Ladika Sebastian IPv6 Task Force Croatia | Coordinator Ms. Alonso Becerra Beatriz Elvira Information Technologies and Advanced Telematic Services (CITMATEL) Mr. Roushas George Open University of Cyprus | IT Manager Ms. Bérová Dana KPC-Group/Gartner CZ/SK/RO | Business Development Director Mr. Schombe Baudouin Centre Africain d´Echange Culturel (CAFEC) | Coordinator Ms. Plichta Sanne Danish Agency for Culture | Web-editor Mr. Pemberton Cedric NTRC National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission Dominica Mr. Valerio Arturo Cámara Dominicana de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (CámaraTic) | Director Mr. Kruger Ernesto Kruger | CEO Mr. Yahia Ahmed Information Technology Industry Development Agency- ITIDA | Industry Capacity Building Dep. Manager Mr. Ibarra Rafael Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas IT Director Ms. Ristal Katri Estonian e-Content Award | Organizer Mr. Lemma Dagmawi Ethiopian Information Technology Professional Association | President Mr. Thomson Ian Secretariat of the Pacifc Community | ICT Advisor Mr. Melakoski Cai Tampere University of Applied Sciences | Principal Lecturer, Head of Interactive Media programme Mr. Druelle Arnaud Cap Digital, Business Cluster For Digital Content and Services | Mobile Services

Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Antigua and Barbuda

Argentina Argentina Armenia Australia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Brazil Brazil Botswana Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Chile China Colombia Comoros Costa Rica Côte d’Ivoire Croatia CEO Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Democratic Rep. of the Congo Denmark Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


Expert Network

Title LastName

WSA Eminent Experts Global Network


Mr. Pensu Denis

Company | PositionInCompany


FING Fondation Internet Nouvelle Genereation | Coordinateur du réseau des Carrefours des Possibles France

Mr. Obame Thanguy

Ministry of Labor

Inspector of Labor


Mr. Ileleji

Poncelet O. Mr. Shubitidze George Mr. Felsenberg Alexander Ms. Gordon Dorothy Mr. Doxaras Yiannis Mr. Dimitrios Tsolis Mr. Langaigne Glendon Ms. Zaghi Maria Mr. Djimtangar Golmadingar Mr. Kissoon Vidyaratha Ms. Balthazar Tricia Ms. Isaula Maria Ms. Horváth Noémi Mr. Malmquist Johann Mr. Manzar Osama Ms. Dhanuwardoyo Shinta Mr. Esfehani Ehssan Mr. Abdul-Majeed Ghassan Mr. Casey Martin Ms. Hazan Susan Mr. Ronchi Alfredo Mr. McCain Cecil Mr. Shimada Kei Ms. Al-Rashid Haneen Mr. Kremenchutskiy Anatol Mr. Gakiria Andrew Mr. Paul Kukubo Mr. Thomson Ian Ms. Alhashash Manar

The Gambia YMCAs



ICT Business Council of Georgia



Babiel GmbH



Acting Program Manager, Engagement in Science and Technology, Scientific Culture Directorate Kuwait

Advanced Information Technology Institute – Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT | DG Ghana

Niobium Labs

Founder and CEO


High Performance Information Systems Laboratory, University of Patras | Assistant Professor


LIME | Head of Customer Solutions Delivery Department




Operations Director




Project Officer



Service Development Manager


Sustainable Development Networking Honduras (RDS-HN) | National Coordinator


Hungarian Association of Content Industry


EU Project Director

University of Iceland

Professor and Serial Entrepreneur


Digital Empowerment Foundation

Founder & Director


PT Bubu Kreasi Perdana



Vista Samaneh Asia


Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Baghdad University

Director of Computer Center


Arekibo Communications

Managing Director


Digital-Heritage, Israel



MEDICI Framework

General Secretary


Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining | Director, Post and Telecommunications Jamaica DENTSU INC. | Director, Business Development, Future Communication Dep., Communication Design Center Japan

Ministry of Information and Communications Technology | Director of e-Initiatives Unit


National Information Technologies


Chief constructor

e-Government Directive, Office of the President Policy Analyst


East Africa Exchange



Secretariat of the Pacifc Community (SPC)

ICT Advisor


Expert Network

Title LastName

Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences |

Ms. Chigibaeva Elena AgroLead



Mr. Dengkayaphichith Vorasone

Mahosot Consulting Company Ltd. / Jhai Foundation | General Manager / Country Coordinator Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Mr. Deek Gabriel

Professional Computer Association (PCA)



Ms. Bolila

Thato Lilyan Department of Science and Technology Research Officer Lesotho Mr. Massaley Abraham Press Union of Liberia ? Liberia Ms. Žilionienė Ieva Ministry of Transport and Communications | Deputy Director Information Society Development Committee Lithuania Mr. Ladid Latif IPv6 Forum President Luxembourg Mr. Andriamampianina Lala University of Antananarivo Professor Madagascar Mr. Lakudzala Derek BUMAS International Partner Malawi Ms. Choy Nancy Multimedia Development Corporation | Head, Enterprise Global Development/APICTA/Manager Malaysia Mr. Shunan Yusuf Maldicore Group Pvt Ltd Managing Director Maldives Ms. Simbara Mariko AGETIC, Institut of Information Technology and communication | Training manager Mali Mr. Bone Kenneth Seasus New Media Managing Director Malta Mr. Thomson Ian Secretariat of the Pacifc Community (SPC) ICT Advisor Marshall Islands Mr. Okba Kamal Mauritel CEO Mauritania Mr. Kissoondoyal Dave Internet Society of Mauritius President Mauritius Mr. Laddaga-Lopez Rudy iPod Tours Research and Development Mexico Mr. Thomson Ian Secretariat of the Pacifc Community | ICT Advisor Micronesia (Federated States of) Mr. Anton Jurovicki Montepass Co-Founder and CEO Montenegro Mr. Lamrani Yassir Casanet Directeur du Pole Medias Morocco Ms. Saifodine Zauria ICT Policy Implementation Technical Unit Head of ICT Training & Certification Mozambique Mr. Oo Thein Myanmar Computer Federation President Myanmar

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


WSA Eminent Experts Global Network

Title LastName


Company | PositionInCompany


Ms. Beukes-Amiss Catherine

University of Namibia | Head of Department


Mr. Thomson Ian

Secretariat of the Pacifc Community (SPC) |ICT Advisor


Mr. Sapkota Dhruba

Government of Nepal (Ministry of Information and communication) |News Reporter/Broadcast Journalist


Cisco Systems |Territory Manager


Mr. Panth


Mr. Oorschot Herman

Fullmoon Interactive Solutions |Partner & CEO


Ms. Bieringa Jan

BWX Productions |Director

New Zealand

Mr. Wilson Alfredo

Guegue Communications | Director


Mr. Iro Adamou

Haut Commissariat aux TIC/ Cabinet du Premier Ministre |Conseiller Technique


Mr. Amos Emmanuel

Programos Software Limited | Founder / CEO


Mr. Bruarøy Kristian

TV 2 AS | Interactive Producer and Project Manager


Ms. Al-Sabti Zawan

Research Council | Projects Director


Ms. Ara Jehan

Pakistan Software Houses Association for IT & ITES (P@SHA) | President


Mr. Thomson Ian

Secretariat of the Pacifc Community (SPC) | ICT Advisor

Palau Panama

Mr. Amaya Matias

Ingeniería Informática | President

Mr. Urrazza Juan

Fundacionparaguaya | Communications Manager


Mr. Toledo Rolando

Red Científica Peruana


Ms. Cacdac Josephine

TRACE College | Vice President for Academic Affairs


Mr. Muraszkiewicz Mieczyslaw

Warsaw University of Technology | Professor


Mr. Lebuda Jakub

Disruptive Conepts | Founder and Managing Partner


Mr. Carneiro Roberto

Eduweb | Chairman


Ms. Al Mansoori Reem

ictQATAR | e-Inclusion Acting Manager


Ms. Song

Korea Telecom | Chief Information Officer

Dem. People‘s Rep. of Korea

Jung-Hee Mr. Cho June-Suh Mr. Besliu Victor Mr. Jugureanu Radu Ms. Sverdlov Anya Mr. Gasana Jeff Mr. Wharton Wesley Ms. Balthazar Tricia Mr. Daniel Rudolph Mr. Capello Luciano Mr. Ward Badr Mr. Corenthin Alex Ms. Matic Jasna Mr. Johnson Algernon Brian Mr. Sim Wee Leng Mr. Burcik Vladimir Ms. Jerman Blazic Borka Mr. Thomson Ian Mr. Ibrahim Mohamed Ms. Rabana Rapelang Mr. Mtimde Lumko Mr. Vea Andreu Mr. Dewapura Reshan Mr. Abdulrahman Noureldien Ms. Balthazar Tricia Mr. Gustafsson Micael Ms. Teufel Stephanie Mr. Dörig Adolf Ms. Idlebi Nibal Ms. Mahinakhon Suleymanova Ms. Yathip Srikanya Mr. Jashari Bardhyl Mr. Kouami Olévié 92

College of Business Administration, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies | Asso. Professor Dem. People‘s Rep. of Korea Technical University of Moldova | Professor

Republic of Moldova

SIVECO Romania | Educational content project manager

Romania Russian Federation Rwanda

Actis Systems | Managing Director SMS Media | General Manager Ministry of Technology | Director, Technology

Saint Kitts and Nevis

CANTO | Service Development Manager

Saint Lucia

ICT4dev and Internet Governance | Independent Consultant

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Digital Design srl | Chairman

San Marino

Ertiqa | CEO

Saudi Arabia

ISOC Senegal | President


Ministry of Finance and Economy | Special Adviser for Competitiveness and Knowledge Economy Serbia

Sierra Leone

COMIUM (SL) | Internet Service Provider Technician Singapore infocomm Technology Federation | Industry Alliance Manager


Academy of Communication | Director


The Research Institute Valdoltra | J.Stefan Institute


Secretariat of the Pacifc Community (SPC) | ICT Advisor

Solomon Islands

Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications | Advisor to Minister of Posts & Telecommunications Somalia

South Africa

Yeigo Communications | CEO and Co-Founder Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) | Chief Executive Officer

South Africa

ISOC Spain | Board of Directors


Information & Communication Technology Agency (ICTA) | CEO

Sri Lanka

Faculty of Computer Science | Dean


CANTO | Service Development Manager


Cluster 55


iimt - international institute of management in technology | Director


Doerig+Partner AG | Managing Partner


UN-ESCWA | Chief of ICT Applications Section

Syrian Arab Republic

Sugdagroserv Consulting | Director


Government Pension Fund | Assistant Secretary General I Member Relations & Communication Group Thailand Metamorphosis | Director Institut of Information and Communication Technologies for Development

WSA Eminent Experts Global Network

T f Y R of

(INTIC4DEV) | President / CEO Togo


Title LastName


Mr. Thomson Ian Ms. Gaspard Taylor


Company | PositionInCompany


Secretariat of the Pacifc Community (SPC)


ICT Advisor

International Education and Resource Network Trinidad and Tobago | President

Trinidad and Tobago

Mr. Zaghbib Faouzi

R2i | General Manager


Mr. Gönenli Hakan

Xing AG | Country Manager Turkey


Ms. Ayan Pelin

Turkcell | Digital Marketing Senior Professional


Mr. Karryev Batyr

Center of Information Technologies „SIBIS“ | Main IT expert


Mr. Thomson Ian

Secretariat of the Pacifc Community (SPC) | ICT Advisor

Tuvalu Uganda

Mr. Stern Daniel

Mobile Monday Kampala | Director

Mr. Kukovsky Vladimir

Ukrainian INternet Association | Executive Director


Mr. Bakhsh Suleman

TRA - Telecommunication Regulatory Authority Senior ICT Analyst

United Arab Emirates

Mr. Jonathan Lyon

LBI | Global Director of Strategic Insight

United Kingdom

Mr. Mmasi Raphael

University of Dodoma, College of Informatics and Virtual Education | Senior Lecturer

United Rep. of Tanzania

Ms. Robinett Cathilea

e.Republic, Inc | Executive Vice President

United States of America

Mr. Smith Kel

HealthEd Grouo | Chief Innovation Officer

United States of America

Mr. Mordezki Marcel

Universidad ORT Uruguay | Executive Education Director


Mr. Navotny Vadim

UZSCINET | Project Manager


Mr. Temar Mathew

Vanuatu Government | Chief Technical Officer for IT Assist.


Mr. Cernik Peter

CAVEDATOS / ISOC / | Executive Vice President


Mr. Alsheikh Abubakr

Abubakr Hadramout University of Science and Technology | Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems Yemen Mr. Maboshe Silumesii PencilCase Studios | CEO Zambia Mr. Gudza Eliada World Links | Executive Director Zimbabwe

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


Expert Network

WSA Eminent Experts Global Network

Arab e-Content Award 2013 Winners

About Arab e-Content Award: The Arab e-Content Awards (AEA) are the special selection of the best of entries in the World Summit Award from the Arab speaking countries. The awards are based on the evaluation of these entries by the Grand Jury of the WSA and a special ranking done by the special Grand Jury Panel. The Arab e-Content Awards of 2013 were supported by the United Kingdom of 足Bahrain and its e-Government Authority as part of its efforts to encourage e-Content creativity in Bahrain and Arab countries within the international initiatives to bridge the digital divide among UN member states.

It is local content, offered in the mothertongues of the people and in an easily accessible way, that makes a real difference, that brings about change and development. Apps and websites addressing local demands in a way fitting the culture and language of the place are - and will be - the most successful in the market. Social Networks connect people worldwide, made possible by shared languages. They are the tool to connect across borders and oceans. However, Social Media can also root people with their local community and help them to stay in touch with

their family and friends, even when being away from home. The goals of the AEA are to strengthen cooperation among producers from Arab speaking countries that share in the same culture and address similar markets whilst also helping innovative electronic products from this language region to achieve global recognition through qualification for the WSA.

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


WSA Chairman Prof. Bruck and H.H. Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa Deputy Prime Minister Chairman of the Supreme Committee for Information and Communication Technology

Arab eContent Award Jury Members 2013: Manar Alhashash | Secretary General Kuwait e-Award | Kuwait Jak Boumans | Principal consultant content strategy, | Netherlands Nibal Idlebi | Chief of ICT Applications Section, UN-ESCWA | Syrian Arabic Republic

Mustafa Khan | Director of Center of Excellence for Research and Development, Yesser, Saudi Arabia

Madanmohan Rao | Chief Researcher Mobile Monday | India Christian Rupp | Spokesperson Federal Platform Digital Austria, Federal Chancellery of the Republic of Austria, Austria


Winner_ Arab e-Content Awards 2013

Arab e-Content Award Winners 2013

e-Government & Open Data

Arab e-Content Award 2013 Winners

Saudi e-Gov | Saudi Arabia Produced by: Yesser e-Government Program zakat house | KUWAIT Produced by: Mrs. Nadia Abdul Ghafour Eissa Hukoomi - Qatar E-government | QATAR Produced by: Supreme Council of Information and Communication, Mrs. Reem Rayyan Rayyan

e-Health & Environment Altibbi | JORDAN Produced by: Mr. Jalil Allabadi Dr. Bridge | EGYPT Produced by: Mr. Amir Barsoum Beatona Website- Kuwait Official Electronic Environmental Information Portal Kuwait | Produced by: Mr. Mohammad Dawood, Mr. Al Ahmad, Environment Public Authority

e-Learning & Science PresentationTube | EGYPT Produced by: Mr. Alaa Sadik/ PresentationTube baraem | QATAR Produced by: Mrs. Ala Qadan Qadan

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


e-Entertainment & Games Lamsa | Saudi Arabia Produced by: Mr. Tarek Ziad Hajjar, Lamsa Interactive Cinemoz | LEBANON Produced by: Mr. Karim Safieddine Jeem TV QATAR | Produced by: Mrs. Ala Qadan Qadan

e-Business & Commerce BeezTouch Suite | TUNISIA Produced by: Tahar Jarboui, Apptiv-IT Filoosy | BAHRAIN Produced by: Mr Alaa Hassan Al-Yousuf Sheel KUWAIT | Produced by: Naser Ali Al Sobah, Tawseel General Trading

e-Culture & Tourism Community Portal: Reefnet SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC Produced by: Mrs. Ruba Sharbaji, Ministy of Communication and Technology Mahdia Online | TUNISIA Produced by: Imed Hariz, Trident Solutions Egyptian Archives of Folk-life and Folk Traditions EGYPT | Produced by: Mr. Hitham Younis 98

Winner_ Arab e-Content Awards 2013

Arab e-Content Award Winners 2013

e-Media & Journalism

Arab e-Content Award 2013 Winners

Observatory of parliament members actions | TUNISIA Produced by: Ms. Amira | EGYPT Produced by: Mr. Karim Abd El Kader startupBahrain| BAHRAIN Produced by: Supreme Council of Information and Communication, Mrs. Reem Rayyan Rayyan

e-Inclusion & Empowerment TAMHUB | SAUDI ARABIA Produced by: Mr. Abdullah Alyousef All4Charity | TUNISIA Produced by: Mr. Badi Bouteraa SKeyes| LEBANON Produced by: Mr. Ayman Mhanna

WSA e-Content & Creativity _2013


2014 Excellence in m-Content

Towards A Mobile Knowledge Society

Abu Dhabi 2014 WSA-mobile

Winners‘ Conference, Expo & Gala

SELECTING GEMS FROM TRASH – THE WORLD‘S BEST MOBILE CONTENT The WSA-mobile is the only ICT event worldwide, which reaches the mobile community in over 160 countries. It promotes excellent mobile content and innovative applications, turning UN WSIS targets into action. Use the unique opportunity and feel the pulse of this thriving ­industry.

m-Business & Commerce

m-Government & Participation

m-Learning & Education

m-Entertainment & Lifestyle

m-Tourism & Culture

m-Media & News

WSA-mobile website

WSA-mobile facebook

m-Environment & Health

m-Inclusion & Empowerment

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